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文章根据抚顺矿区地下水环境背景值、水质长期监测数据,分析了矿区地下水水质演变规律。针对1991年、2004年水质实际状况,对该区地下水污染程度进行分级,并综合评价了地下水水质。研究了地下水质污染机理、污染因子变化规律、水化学类型变化规律,并提出地下水污染治理措施。  相似文献   

列述了中国在陆地传统矿产资源、海域矿产资源、天然气、煤层气、地热等能源资源方面的相当大的开发潜力。提出了中国矿业可持续发展必须解决的若干岩石力学难题。指出了煤矿开采引发的环境问题:如采煤对土地资源的损害、对村庄的损害、对水资源的影响,以及煤炭开发和利用对大气环境生态平衡的影响。并提出了对矿区环境控制的岩石力学对策,即推行减沉开采技术;矿井水资源的保护和再利用;清洁开采技术。  相似文献   

On the basis of a key model of the appearance of hematite and goethite in some Chinese and European loess successions, paleosols generally contain higher proportions of hematite formed by pedogenic processes during warm and humid interglacials, while loess contains sedimentary goethite deposited during colder, glacial periods. Rock magnetic measurements were conducted on samples from Paks (Hungary) loess, revealing an anomalous case. Sediments were found to contain higher amounts of hematite and/or goethite, while the well‐developed paleosols were found to be lacking in hematite but had significant amounts of magnetite and maghemite. This observation demonstrates that the character of pedogenic magnetic mineral alteration and neoformation differs from the hematite/goethite model; the model is therefore not applicable to the Paks succession, possibly due to differences in the regional paleoclimate and pedogenic environment. The results indicate the existence of a further model, in which hematite formation is not significant in the course of pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Dendrochronological analysis was applied to subfossil remains of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) buried in a South Swedish peat deposit. In combination with peat stratigraphy, this approach was explored for its potential to provide information on the local hydrological and depositional history at the site, forming the basis for a regional palaeohydrological analysis. A 726‐year ring‐width chronology was developed and assigned an absolute age of 7233–6508 cal a BP (5284–4559 BC) through cross‐dating with German bog‐pine chronologies, whereas two short additional records of older ages were radiocarbon dated. Registration of growth positions of individual trees allowed assessment of the spatial dynamics of the pine population in response to hydrological changes and peatland ontogeny. Annually resolved growth variability patterns in the pine population reveal several establishment and degeneration phases, probably reflecting fluctuations in bog‐surface wetness. A major establishment phase at 7200–6900 cal a BP reflects the onset of a period of lowered groundwater level, also indicated by increased peat humification, and a development consistent with regional temperature and lake level reconstructions revealed from other proxies. This study demonstrates that subfossil bog‐pine populations may provide annually to decadally resolved reconstructions of local groundwater variability, which are highly relevant in a long‐term palaeoclimatic context. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Utrillas coal facies are located in the Maestrazgo basin in NE Spain. This mining district of Teruel contains sub-bituminous deposits from the Middle Albian (Lower Cretaceous 105 Ma) in areas near a delta estuary with abundant sulphur. The high sulphur content is due to an influx of sulphate caused by the geological recycling of Triassic gypsum from the catchment area into the delta estuary. In some outcrops, the weathered coal reveals leonardite deposits. The depositional environment of the basin originated coals, some of which are currently mined. The organic matter of the coals has been the object of scattered reports. Studies have focused on bulk pyrolysis parameters and microscopic observation in Utrillas samples, as well as the inorganic and insoluble organic fraction.We analysed the organic soluble extract of the Utrillas coals using GC–MS in order to characterize their aliphatic, aromatic and organosulphur compounds. The biomarker distribution allowed us to recognize different inputs, assess their depositional palaeoenvironment and finally determine their degree of maturity. In particular, homologous series of hopanes related to eubacteria were present. Biomarkers characteristic of higher plant inputs were also widely distributed (e.g. phyllocladane or C29 steranes). The presence of linear alkylbenzenes allowed us to recognize the palaeodepositional reducing environments where they were deposited. Specifically, thienylhopanes were associated with sulphur-reducing environments. Finally, the abundance of unsaturated biomarkers such as diacholestenes indicated low-maturity coals. Various aromatic ratios such as the methylphenanthrene index also suggested diagenesis in the initial stage.  相似文献   

In the last two centuries, several Pb–Zn mines were active in the Rio Mannu basin near Narcao (SW Sardinia, Italy), but are now abandoned. These abandoned mines pose a serious risk to the population and required an assessment of the hazard sources and the contaminant pathways in the area. The characterization plan of the Rio Mannu basin was carried out according to Italian protocols. Specifically, samples of soil, stream sediment, fine-grained ore-processing waste (from washery and flotation processes), surface water and groundwater have been analyzed in order to assess the levels of contamination in each mine area and the risks in the plains surrounding the site. Several potential chemical contaminants were considered both in solid materials and water samples. The Rosas mine was recognized as the most contaminated area in the basin, due to the presence of a large tailing pond, some fine-grained waste piles and two mine adits with concentrations of the toxic elements As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn exceeding Italian regulatory standards. The dispersion of contaminants occurs downstream from the small stream draining the area. In case of heavy rain the runoff into the streamlet transports the contaminated material far into the plain. The results of this study show that the characterization plan is a relatively cheap tool for establishing mitigation actions, prior to the realization of a complete, and usually expensive, remediation project at abandoned mine sites. Urgent recommended actions in the Rio Mannu basin include the treatment of the adit water prior to its discharge into the Rio Barisonis; the construction of drainage barriers on waste piles to reduce runoff and solid transport into the Rio Barisonis; the consolidation of the earthen dam containing the tailing pond of Rosas to avoid the deepening of erosion furrows that may threaten its stability.  相似文献   

Geostatistical calculations were carried out on two completely exhausted open-pit bauxite mines in the Iharkut bauxite district, Hungary. Fictitious regular drilling grids were laid on the maps, and horizontal variograms were calculated for drilling grids evaluating the bauxite surface, footwall surface, and bauxite thickness. Point kriging was carried out for all three parameters. Bauxite reserves were calculated using block kriging for bauxite thickness. The total estimation variance of the reserves has been established. Results were compared with real reserves obtained from the mine maps.  相似文献   

Geoffrey D. Gooch 《Geoforum》1995,26(4):429-443
For most people, both in the West and the former Soviet empire, the mass media is an important source of information about the environment, but little has been known about the ways in which environmental issues are treated in the mass media in the former communist states of East Europe. In this paper, articles dealing with environmental issues in the Estonian and Latvian press during 1992 and 1993 were analysed, and the type of problems dealt with in the articles, the sources of information used and the locations of the places referred to were examined. The results of this study show that a majority of the articles in the Estonian and Latvian press were concerned with environmental issues that were concentrated in a few places within these countries, and that when international issues were treated, these were localized to nearby European countries. Despite the existence of problems with air pollution, especially in the north-east of Estonia, these were seldom mentioned in the press. The main sources of information used in the articles were the authorities.  相似文献   

掌握区域地下水质量及污染状况,对于地下水污染防治、地下水资源保护与管理具有重要作用,尤其是对西部内陆干旱区地下水资源尤为重要。本研究针对陕西铜川市地下水进行了系统采样,通过分析常规指标、无机毒理指标、微量有机指标,利用“层级阶梯评价方法”进行了地下水质量与污染评价。水质评价表明,2011年铜川市浅层水水质相对较差,可作为饮用水源或经适当处理后可做饮用水源的样品占样品总数的60%,不宜作为生活饮用水源的样品占40%。浅层水质量受天然背景和人类活动的共同影响,主要影响指标为总硬度、 NO 3 -、TDS、Mg2+ SO 4 2 -;深层水水质相对较好,所有采样点均可作为饮用水源。深层水主要受天然背景影响,主要影响指标为Fe。污染评价表明,浅层水污染等级为1级、2级、3级、4级的样品分别占样品总数的44%、16%、32%、8%,污染主要分布在金锁关以南至川口以北的漆水河河谷地带;而深层水污染等级全部为1级,尚未受到人类污染影响。相比其他评价方法,层级阶梯评价法在区分天然背景和污染对地下水水质影响方面具有明显优势,结合区域背景分析和现场调查认识,能够成为科学掌握地下水水质及污染状况的有效手段。  相似文献   

One hundred years ago, the discovery of fresh‐looking, red, hairy skin and huge piles of dung of an extinct animal caused a media storm. The remains were found jumbled with human bones and tools on the floor of a cave near the southern tip of South America. Were the huge, cumbersome, hamster‐like creatures known as ground sloths still roaming the remote forests?  相似文献   

Olav Eklund  Alexey Shebanov 《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):229-247
The Åva ring complex is one of four Paleoproterozoic postcollisional shoshonitic ring complexes in southwestern Finland. It is composed of ring dykes of K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granite, mingled in places with a shoshonitic monzonite, and lamprophyre dykes crosscutting all the rocks in a radial pattern. A survey was undertaken to trace the magma chamber beneath the ring complex to date it and measure some intensive parameters to clarify the crystallisation conditions at depth before the granite was emplaced in the upper crust. Mineral separates were extracted from the core zones of K-feldspar megacrysts in the granite, heavy mineral fractions (including zircons) from these separates were used for P-T assessment and age determinations, and the results were compared to data obtained from bulk rock samples. It appears that magma differentiation took place in a midcrustal magma chamber (at 4 to 7 kbar) possibly 30 Ma before the emplacement of the ring complex in the upper crust (deep assemblage 1790 Ma, shallow assemblage 1760 Ma). Relatively high activity of the alkalies and a low oxygen fugacity characterised the midcrustal chamber. The juvenile Svecofennian crust was invaded by shoshonitic magmas from an enriched lithospheric mantle over a long period of time. Some of these magmas were stored and differentiated in the middle crust before transportation to the upper crust. The results also show that coarse-grained granites may provide evidence for several magmatic evolutionary episodes, e.g., differentiation and crystallisation in different environments prior to final emplacement.  相似文献   

The oxidation of sulfide minerals generates acidic waters containing high levels of SO4 and Fe. The study area has active Pb?CZn?CCu mining. It is thought that the surface/subsurface/underground sulfide minerals in the region generally contribute to the acidification of groundwater. Low pH values are also responsible for dissolved metals (Al, Fe, Mn, SO4, Pb, Zn) in the groundwater and river. Furthermore, current mining wastes have affected concentrations of trace elements in the water. High Fe and Mn concentrations are generally found in the spring which has acidic and low Eh values, while Al, Fe and Mn concentrations in the acidic waters show notable increases with the maximum values reaching 8,829, 19,084 and 1,708?ppb, respectively. These values exceed the Turkish drinking water standard of 200, 200 and 50?ppb, respectively.  相似文献   

An intensive scheelite exploration program was carried out in Precambrian crystalline and sedimentary rocks intruded by granites of Precambrian and Caledonian ages in East Greenland (70–74°30′N). Previous heavy-mineral panning (2100 samples within an area of 100,000 km2) formed the basis for selection of scheelite-anomalous subregions (1550 km2)In the subregions, pan-concentrate samples were taken from first- and second-order rivers and from mid and side moraines of active glaciers. All samples were studied in the field under UV light, and scheelite grains were counted. A consideration of the distribution of scheelite in the samples together with the river and glacial drainage systems, led to definition of the potential source areas of the scheelite within localities of 2–5 km2.Within the localities, panning of scree fines (samples every 100–200 m along talus slopes) and UV-light traverses at night led to the finding of outcropping or sub-outcropping scheelite mineralisation. Scheelite was observed associated with granite-carbonate contact zones, quartz vein stockworks, and fault zones in limestones, at nine localities within the 300-km-long zone of investigation.The heavy-mineral panning method with the counting of scheelite grains in the field and the subsequent definition of potential scheelite-bearing areas has the advantage that it is possible to execute a program from the subregional to the outcropping mineralisation stage in one field season. The investigation in this case was performed by five geologists during the 1979 2.5-month field season.  相似文献   

Research has established that many socially deprived, low income and ethnic minority communities are exposed to disproportionately high levels of outdoor air pollution. Whilst there is a burgeoning literature documenting these environmental disparities, most previous studies have taken place in North America and few researchers have examined local scale variations across an entire country. Further, there has been little work systematically evaluating disparities in the local exposure to air pollution from different sources. In this New Zealand research we use mean annual estimates of outdoor particulate air pollution for different sources for neighbourhoods across urban New Zealand to evaluate whether air pollution varies between local areas of differing socioeconomic circumstances. We find that outdoor pollution levels are higher in socially deprived areas (using a neighbourhood measure of disadvantage) and neighbourhoods with a high proportion of low income households. However, although ethnicity was also related to mean total pollution, levels were elevated in areas where the proportion European was higher and other ethnic groups (including Māori) were lower. We also find that the disparities in pollution levels are specific to the pollution source. The results are discussed in the context of the policy framework in New Zealand, including the tensions fashioned by the Resource Management Act 1991, which have effectively ‘desocialised’ environmental concerns. We argue that the regulatory framework is fixated on ‘environmental bottom lines’ rather than social concerns that are integral to the environmental justice framework. Some priorities for future research into environmental justice in New Zealand are also considered.  相似文献   

Erika Nagy 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):221-230
In late nineteenth century Hungarian cities there were strong contrasts between the inner ‘urban’ core and the rural periphery in terms of housing conditions, accessibility and lifestyle. Rural-urban fringe zones in the Great Plain were quite distinctive because the Turkish period was followed by an outflow of population which resulted in scattered settlement around the urban centres. The fringe could be regarded simply as a zone of transition, but the differences between urban centres and their immediate surroundings were gradually reduced through the industrialisation of the larger towns in the communist period. A study of Szeged examines the expansion of the fringe zone and its gradual urbanisation through the growth of housing as people have moved out from the centre to live among the rural population which increasingly turned from agriculture to commuting. Villages on either side of Szeged's administrative boundary accommodated more migrants from the city during the 1980s and experienced a gradual positive change in the quality of life as people escaped from the decaying residential blocs in the centre. During the years since 1989 there has been further migration, coupled with a growth of small businesses and a big improvement in services (shopping, running water, sewage and telecommunications). Further change may be expected in line with the forces of counterurbanisation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The paper reports on the general state of the natural resources of Hungary. About half of the country's mineral resources used in energy production has to be imported. Agricultural production has a rather favourable natural environment, though the undergoing privatisation of land with the lack of investable capital caused a recent setback. The forested area is only 18% of the total territory. The surface waters are rather polluted with 95% arriving from abroad. About one fifth of the surface waters and almost half of the rich reserves of subsurface waters are being utilized. The spatial distribution of the locations of the country's natural reserves is not even. In recent years environmental protection is being paid special attention. The most important issues are avoiding further air pollution and the protection of the country's surface and subsurface waters by the construction of water treating stations and canalization.  相似文献   

Surface water samples from the Drake mining area show elevated metal concentrations, notably cadmium, iron and zinc. A detailed study of a sphalerite /quartz vein from Strauss Pit and chalcopyrite and pyrite from the Adeline mine and Strauss Pit indicate that micro-scale analyses of ores are necessary for environmental management of mine sites. Analyses show that Cd is elevated, up to 2.1 % by weight, and is associated with sphalerite, replacing Zn, or to a lesser extent replacing Pb within small galena grains. High concentrations of Cu are also associated with the Strauss Pit ore as small chalcopyrite grains along the margins of the sphalerite vein, within the central quartz zone of the vein system, and as replacement rims on sphalerite grains. Chalcopyrite from the Adeline mine area, is by comparison, metal poor, but still contains elevated heavy metal concentrations. Whereas, pyrite and chalcopyrite, from Strauss Pit have variable heavy metal concentrations, with chalcopyrite from within sphalerite veins having higher Cd and Zn concentrations than chalcopyrite distal to the veins. Cadmium and other heavy metals within the ores are mobilised during sulphide weathering and enter the drainage network; precipitation of secondary oxidation minerals act as temporary stores for many heavy metals. The complexity of the mineral and heavy metal associations at Strauss Pit suggest that a detailed knowledge of these associations and distributions within ore bodies, and associated waste rocks, are needed by environmental managers of mine sites because the presence of havy metals may greatly affect the decision making process, and management strategies employed. Received; 14 July 1999 · Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

The content of heavy metals and arsenic in sediments of karst streams in southern Missouri was investigated for its potential use as an indicator of pollution. A three-step sequential extraction procedure was utilized for this purpose. The amount of trace elements bound to each extraction phase gives insight of its availability and geochemical dependence. These results were complemented with analyses of correlation and spatial variability. Although sediments collected in this study remained below EPAs critical value guidelines, concentration in the mobile phases and higher normalized Mn values successfully identified sites with concentrations higher than background levels. Correlation among elements was poor in most cases; among the trace metals only Cu and Zn correlated while Pb correlated with Ca, Al, Mn and Fe. Spatial variability analysis confirmed that natural variation among adjacent sediment samples is a common occurrence. The urban spring Ward Branch showed the highest levels of Cr, Zn, Pb and As.  相似文献   

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