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Petrographic investigations of serial ply samples from five high- to medium-volatile bituminous coal seams from Australia (4) and Canada (1) reveal substantial in-seam variations in the reflectance and monochromatic microfluorescence intensities of the maceral subgroup telovitrinite. The variations consist of one case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression, and four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The single case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression is due to the oxidation of the vitrinite nuclei at the sequence boundary between the Bayswater and Upper Wynn seams in New South Wales. The four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement result from the syn- and epigenetic absorption by the vitrinite nuclei of hydrogen donated by, presumably, anaerobic bacteria-generated lipids. Two of the coals are marine-influenced: the Liskeard Seam from the Bowen Basin by combined syngenetic and epigenetic effects, and the Greta Seam from the Sydney Basin mainly by epigenetic contact with sea water. For both coals, the results are strong vitrinite reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The remaining two coals, the Bulli Seam from the Sydney Basin and a coal seam from the Gates Formation in British Columbia, show moderate epigenetic effects on the optical properties of telovitrinite by fresh-water. In the Bulli Seam which was studied in two adjacent localities, the reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement of telovitrinite are stronger under sandstone roof than under shale roof. In some cases, the epigenetic effects are superimposed on syngenetic telovitrinite reflectance and fluorescence variations resulting from the cogeneration and mixing of different telovitrinite precursors, for example, autochthonous roots and hypautochthonous or allochthonous shoots. A measure of the degree of dispersal and mixing is the coefficient of variation of telovitrinite reflectance and/or fluorescence. This coefficient correlates well with detrital minerals and dispersed macerals, e.g., inertodetrinite and, to a lesser extent, sporinite. Some comments are made on slitted so-called pseudovitrinite which is regarded as a telovitrinite that was subjected to very weak post-coalification desiccation and possibly oxidation without losing much of its thermoplastic properties.  相似文献   

Organic petrology based petrographic indices (Tissue Preservation Index and Gelification Index) is a widely utilized tool in the study of depositional palaeoenvironment of coal. Evaluation of these petrographic indices suggests that, at present, utilize only vitrinite/huminite and inertinite macerals to interpret depositional environment of coal. Liptinite group macerals have important depositional environment implications, but liptinite macerals have not been taken into account in earlier petrographic indices (TPI and GI) formulations. This article examines the limitation of TPI and GI, and proposes improved TPI and GI indices, including the liptinite and inertinite macerals having depositional environment significance.  相似文献   

The terraced gravel deposits of the Baglung-Behadi region in the Kali Gandaki valley, central West Nepal, reveal geomorphic features related to neotectonism. The accumulation of thick fluvioglacial gravel deposits in lake-like basins along the then existing river course took place due to the uplift of the southern Mahabharat Range and the relative subsidence of the Midland. The deposits consist of unsorted fragments of variable size, showing considerable uniformity laterally over large areas from north to south, and with abundant angular to sub-rounded boulders of Dhaulagiri limestone and gneisses of the Main Central Crystallines. Terrace flats arranged in three successive levels on either side of Kali Gandaki show that the region has undergone at least three periods of uplift.  相似文献   

Minor tin, tungsten, tantalum and beryllium mineralization occurs near Mount Isa in pegmatites along the eastern rim of the Queen Elizabeth pluton, a multi-phase pluton in the Proterozoic Sybella Granite batholith of northwest Queensland. The Queen Elizabeth pluton and adjacent metamorphic rocks were explored by Mount Isa Mines Limited during 1980–1983 to assess the tin potential of the area.An orientation study was carried out over an existing tin deposit, using stream-sediment, soil and rock-chip sampling, magnetometer and scintillometer surveys and percussion drilling. This defined the geophysical and geochemical features of the deposit, and indicated that monazite and cassiterite had related distributions and could be used as heavy-mineral tracers. Broader exploration used stream-sediment and rock-chip sampling, and airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometry surveys.The eastern rim of the Queen Elizabeth pluton was found to be enriched in thorium and tin, and an area of approximately 2000 × 400 m with anomalously high tin values in bedrock was delineated in a part of the pluton not previously known to be mineralized. An economic assessment led to relinquishment of the area at that stage. Although no new areas of economic mineralization were found, the study indicated that in this region the thorium gamma-ray response can be used in regional airborne surveys to define areas of prime interest for tin exploration, and that monazite in stream sediments can be used as a heavy-mineral tracer for pegmatitic tin mineralization.  相似文献   

舍伯吐地区位于松辽盆地西南部,笔者通过沉积体系分析认为,该区第三系中新统大安组以低水位体系域的辫状河相沉积为主,上新统泰康组以水进和高水位体系域的曲流河相沉积为主,目前已发现的铀矿化主要产于泰康组水进体系域的曲流河边滩亚相中。综合分析认为,有利的成矿部位应为低水位体系域的大安组辫状河河道心滩亚相。  相似文献   

The sandy deposits produced by tsunamis and liquefaction share many sedimentary features, and distinctions between the two are important in seismically active coastal zones. Both types of deposits are present in the wetlands bordering Puget Sound, where one or more earthquakes about 1100 years ago caused both tsunami flooding and sediment venting. This co‐occurrence allows an examination of the resulting deposits and a comparison with tsunami and liquefaction features of modern events. Vented sediments occur at four of five wetland field localities and tsunami deposits at two. In comparison with tsunami deposits, vented sediments in this study and from other studies tend to be thicker (although they can be thin). Vented sediments also have more variable thickness at both outcrop and map scale, are associated with injected dykes and contain clasts derived from underlying deposits. Further, vented sediments tend to contain a greater variety of sedimentary structures, and these structures vary laterally over metres. Tsunami deposits compared with vented sediments are commonly thinner, fine and thin landward more consistently, have more uniform thickness on outcrop and map scales, and have the potential of containing coarser clasts, up to boulders. For both tsunami deposits and vented sediments, the availability and grain size of source material condition the characteristics of the deposit. In the cases presented in this paper, both foraminifera and diatom assemblages within tsunami deposits and vented sediments consisted of brackish and marine species, and no distinction between processes could be made based on microfossils. In summary, this study indicates a need for more careful analysis and mapping of coastal sediments associated with earthquakes to avoid misidentification of processes and misevaluation of hazards.  相似文献   

Mercury has long been regarded as a potential pathfinder for base and precious metals, and for mercury deposits per se. The earliest work was done in Russia (e.g. Saukov, 1946; Ozerova, 1962) and was followed up in North America, the UK and Australia. However, results were generally unsatisfactory. While the earlier data related to high-mercury systems, the methodology was adapted for sulphide deposits in general when it was recognized that these also carried mercury as a trace component. However, few case history studies have been published which demonstrate the usefulness of mercury in exploration geochemistry, especially in comparison to the more commonly analyzed target and indicator elements copper, lead, zinc, silver, gold and arsenic (Hawkes, 1982).  相似文献   

Two thermal parameters, initial volatilization temperature (IVT) and average volatilization rate (AVR), have been determined by thermogravimetric analysis in argon for 38 coal samples ranging in rank from lignite to low-volatile bituminous. Both IVT and AVR are correlated with percent volatile matter and vitrinite reflectance.The IVT values increase gradually from about 250 to 445°C with increasing rank; however, a change in slope is observed in the region of high-volatile bituminous coals (from about 340°C to about 380°C) when IVT's are plotted against percent volatile matter or percent fixed carbon. The changes in slope near 340°C and near 380°C occur at “coalification jumps” recognized on the basis of changes in the optical and chemical character of the macerals. In general, AVR values decrease gradually with increasing rank for the lignite and sub-bituminous coals and for the medium- and low-volatile bituminous coals; however, a sharp increase in AVR occurs in high-volatile bituminous coals. The change in slope of the IVT curves and sharp increase in the AVR values for high-volatile bituminous coals reflect the development of new, higher vapor pressure organic compounds produced during this stage of the coalification process.A plot of AVR vs IVT reveals three regions which correspond to: (1) lignite and sub-bituminous coals; (2) high-volatile bituminous coals; and (3) medium- to low-volatile bituminous coals.  相似文献   

Organic‐rich deposits, uncovered during overburden removal from mantled gypsum karst at Knocknacran opencast gypsum mine, Co. Monaghan, are the best candidate to date for a last interglacial record in Ireland. The two till and organic‐rich deposits (preserved at different quarry elevations) were emplaced on to a Tertiary dolerite surface during high‐energy flood events and subsequently folded and faulted by movement towards sinkholes in underlying gypsum. Uranium–thorium disequilibrium dating suggests that the organic‐rich deposits in the upper section were hydrologically isolated at ca. 41 ka and those in the lower section at ca. 86 ka. Interpretation of the pollen content, although tentative because of the depositional and post‐depositional history of the material, suggests that the organic material originated in a warm stage possibly warmer than the post‐Eemian interstadials. The unusual setting of preservation may indicate that in situ, last interglacial deposits have generally been removed by erosion in Ireland. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analyses on 27 sediment cores taken from the bottom of the Szczecin Lagoon allowed environmental reconstruction of the postglacial main stages of basin development, based on detailed sedimentological, geochemical, diatomological and malacological studies of selected key cores. Studies revealed that during the Late Glacial and Holocene this area developed in several stages. In the Late Glacial the whole study area constituted a low alluvial plain. At the turn from Younger Dryas to Holocene the alluvial plain was cut through by the Odra river to a level of 10–11 m below sea level (b.s.l.). Along with the first phases of the Holocene marine transgression at the southern Baltic Sea's coasts the accumulation of the limnic-swampy deposits began in this lower part of the Odra valley. At ca. 6–6.5 ka BP the transgression proceeded and Littorina Sea waters flooded the area. At that time the Szczecin Lagoon constituted a marine embayment in which series of sands, partly rich in malacofauna, was deposited. The development of the Swina barrier resulted in the isolation of the embayment from the direct inflow of Baltic Sea waters.  相似文献   

Gold deposits occur in greenstone belts world wide, and contribute to anomalously high gold production from Archaean terranes. As in other cratons, Archaean gold mineralization of Western Australia represents a complex array of deposit styles. Despite this, most deposits are clearly epigenetic, and large deposits have a number of features in common, including their strong structural controls, distinctive wallrock alteration (Fe-sulphide, K-mica±albite, Ca---Mg---Fe carbonates), consistent metal associations (Au---Ag---As---Sb---W---B; low base metals), commonly Fe-rich host rocks, great depth extension and lack of appreciable vertical zonation. These shared characteristics, combined with their ubiquitous occurrence, indicate that Archaean gold deposits had a common origin related to the tectonic evolution of greenstone belts.Auriferous hydrothermal systems were broadly synchronous with regional metamorphism and emplacement of synkinematic granitoids and felsic (porphyry) intrusions. Although these gold systems involved low-salinity, lowdensity, reduced, near-neutral H2O---CO2 fluids carrying gold as reduced sulphur complexes, the origin of the fluids is equivocal. Most timing evidence and stable isotope data cannot distinguish metamorphic from magmatic (granitoid or felsic porphyry) orggins, but the lack of consistent spatial relationships between specific, volumetrically significant intrusive phases and large gold deposits in a number of cratons strongly favours metamorphic derivation of fluids.The metamorphic-replacement model for gold mineralization involves devolatilization of the lower portions of the greenstone pile, with high geothermal gradients inhibiting significant melting. CO2 possibly formed by the decarbonation of early alteration, related to mantle degassing along crustal-scale, synbasinal fault zones. Auriferous fluids were channelled along greenstone-scale faults, in part developed during reactivation of crustal-scale faults in a strike-slip regime. Gold deposition occurred largely under greenschist facies conditions (about 300–400°C, 1–2 kb) in response to decreasing gold solubility with declining temperature. However, a major control on gold deposition was fluid/wallrock interaction. Many large deposits formed by sulphidation of Fe-rich host rocks, with synchronous deposition of Fe-sulphides and gold. However, the variable nature of gold-depositing reactions, including lowering of fO2 and pH, allowed a multitude of small, and some large, deposits to form wherever that fluid circulation occurred. In consequence, several of the relatively small deposits currently worked from open pit are hosted by ultramafic and felsic rocks. There are few constraints on the source of components (Au, S, K, CO2) added to gold deposits, but even giant deposits such as the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie could have formed from a realistic greenstone source volume (ca. 8×8×5 km). Convective circulation of fluids could have contributed to the generation of high fluid-rock ratios.On the regional scale, the markedly heterogeneous distribution of large gold deposits, gold productivity and host rocks to deposits can be accommodated by the metamorphic-replacement model. The most favourable conditions for development of auriferous hydrothermal systems operated in younger (ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga) rift-phase greenstones where greatest extension and crustal thinning produced high geothermal gradients, crustal-scale synbasinal faults, and rapid extrusion and burial of volcanics, including abundant komatiites. Iron-rich tholeiitic basalts and dolerites were preferred host rocks for large gold deposits. The least favourable conditions existed in older (ca. 3.5-3.4 Ga) platformphase greenstones, where gentle sagging on submerged continental crust produced eruption of mainly mafic volcanics with few komatiites, commonly in very shallow-water environments. This allowed intense synvolcanic alteration of both gold source rocks and potential host rocks. The generally smaller gold deposits formed mainly in ultramafic or greywacke hosts. Younger (ca. 3.0 Ga) platform-phase greenstones appear intermediate in nature but, unlike other greenstones, have significant epigenetic gold deposits in originally oxide-facies BIF, which were deposited on relatively deep-water platforms. Similar controls appear to exist on a world scale, with gold mineralization peaking at ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga in response to development of major rift zones in thickened, relatively mature continental crust. Interestingly, the giant Witwatersrand goldfield formed at about the same time.  相似文献   

Northern, high latitude soils have stored vast amounts of organic carbon (OC) in permafrost and peats for many millennia, however, climate change may mobilize and release this particulate OC (POC) to arctic rivers. Deltaic and floodplain lakes that receive fluvial sediments, primarily during the spring freshet, may provide records of such changes in riverine POC. Here, we examine properties of OC in a sediment core from a lake in the lower floodplain of the Ob’ River, west Siberia, to determine how the properties of OC deposited in this lake varied over many decades and to evaluate use of this sedimentary OC as a recorder of riverine POC load and properties. The core predates the most recent, dramatic changes in arctic climate and hence may serve as a benchmark against which to contrast future variations in fluvial POC discharge. Elemental, stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopic analyses, along with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and molecular-level information (lignin phenol composition), indicate two major sources of OC to most of the sediments in this lake: plant-derived OC and algal-derived OC. However, a mixing model indicates that the nature and 14C content of these two sources change with depth in the sediment, resulting in three distinct layers: surface horizons, a “high-OC” layer and “mixing” horizons found above and below the high-OC layer. The plant-derived component is significantly aged throughout the core (14C ages of 1300-3900 years) and appears to derive from primarily local, tundra sources, whereas the algal component is modern. Our analysis suggests that the usual mode of OC deposition, as exemplified by the “mixing” and surface horizons, involved mixing of varying amounts of new algal production (35-65%) with aged permafrost- or peat-derived OC. This deposition was interrupted by an event, such as the collapse of a riverbank, which laid down the compositionally distinct “high-OC” layer in which plant-derived OC mixes with aged mineral-soil-derived OC without clear input from algae. The relative amounts of the plant and algal components in the lake sediments appear to be controlled primarily by local hydrological conditions rather than by river-wide processes, suggesting that comparison of sediment records from multiple lakes within a floodplain will be important to assess changes in POC export by arctic rivers. However, the flux and nature of the higher plant-derived OC may carry important information on the sources and dynamics of OC stored within the drainage basin.  相似文献   

More than 130 Mt of Pennsylvanian coal is produced annually from two coal fields in Kentucky. The Western Kentucky Coal Field occurs in part of the Illinois Basin, an intercratonic basin, and the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field occurs in the Central Appalachian Basin, a foreland basin. The basins are only separated by 140 km, but mined western Kentucky coal beds exhibit significantly higher sulfur values than eastern Kentucky coals. Higher-sulfur coal beds in western Kentucky have generally been inferred to be caused by more marine influences than for eastern Kentucky coals.Comparison of strata in the two coal fields shows that more strata and more coal beds accumulated in the Eastern than Western Kentucky Coal Field in the Early and Middle Pennsylvanian, inferred to represent greater generation of tectonic accommodation in the foreland basin. Eastern Kentucky coal beds exhibit a greater tendency toward splitting and occurring in zones than time-equivalent western Kentucky coal beds, which is also inferred to represent foreland accommodation influences, overprinted by autogenic sedimentation effects. Western Kentucky coal beds exhibit higher sulfur values than their eastern counterparts, but western Kentucky coals occurring in Langsettian through Bolsovian strata can be low in sulfur content. Eastern Kentucky coal beds may increase in sulfur content beneath marine zones, but generally are still lower in sulfur than mined Western Kentucky coal beds, indicating that controls other than purely marine influences must have influenced coal quality.The bulk of production in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field is from Duckmantian and Bolsovian coal beds, whereas production in the Western Kentucky Coal Field is from Westphalian D coals. Langsettian through Bolsovian paleoclimates in eastern Kentucky were favorable for peat doming, so numerous low-sulfur coals accumulated. These coals tend to occur in zones and are prone to lateral splitting because of foreland tectonic and sedimentation influences. In contrast, Westphalian D coal beds of western Kentucky accumulated during low differential tectonic accommodation, and therefore tend to be widespread and uniform in characteristics, but exhibit higher sulfur values because they accumulated in seasonally drier paleoclimates that were unfavorable for peat doming. Hence, basin analyses indicate that many differences between the mined coals of Kentucky's two coal fields are related to temporal changes in paleoclimate and tectonic accommodation, rather than solely being a function of marine influences.  相似文献   

Variously shaped discrete bodies with reflectance higher than the associated vitrinite occur in Permian coals in India, Australia and Africa and the Carboniferous coals of the United States, Canada and Europe. These bodies have been variously named by different authors. In the present paper they are described as ‘resino-inertinites’ as suggested by Lyons et al. (1982).Based on available information and our observations on Carboniferous and Permian coals, it is presumed that resino-inertinites were formed mainly from the resinous (resinite) and to some extent from the phlobaphinitic or corpocollinitic substances. Various morphological patterns developed on resino-inertinites have been interpreted to be governed by the chemical composition of their precursors and the degree of oxidation or fusinization during coalification. Influences of other vvariables viz., paleoenvironmental, paleodepositional, tectonic set up etc. on resino-inertinites are not clearly recognizable probably because all the previous effects were masked by subsequent fusinization.Different morphological features of resino-inertinites associated with early diagenetic and secondary mineralization have caused much confusion in their proper identification and classification. In order to resolve this problem, an attempt has been made to ascertain the source of resins in Indian Permian coals and their subsequent mode of transformation into resino-inertinites during coalification.Further, by critically evaluating morphological features of resino-inertinites and keeping the chemical nature of their precursors in view, a classification scheme has been proposed categorizing them into 3 types. The classification proposed may prove as a useful means for coal-seam correlation.  相似文献   

In the Phanerozoic, there are three major geological boundaries: Precambrian/Cambrian.Permian/Triassic and Cretaceous/Tertiary. Studies of these boundaries in China and over the world stronglysuggest that they have the following similar features: mass extinctions of many taxa, positive anomalies ofplatinum-group metals, and abrupt changes of stable isotopes (δ~(13)C). It is quite probable that these were theconsequences of some rare catastrophic events of extraterrestrial origin. Hence, the three above-mentionedmass extinction events may be regarded as key indicators for the division of the geological history of thePhanerozoic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Evidence of conspicuous repeated seasonal to annual deposition of glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sequences within a structurally complex interlobate esker segment in SW Finland is presented. The time‐transgressive, overlapping depositional sequences consist of deposits from two successive melt seasons, including three vertically stacked lithofacies associations: (1) massive to stratified coarse gravels = summer deposits; (2) trough and ripple cross‐stratified fine‐grained deposits = autumn to winter deposits; and (3) sandy stratified beds = spring deposits. The depositional environment of each lithofacies association involves a transition from subglacial or submarginal tunnel to a subaqueous re‐entrant environment, which then passes to a proglacial glaciolacustrine environment. The study also presents evidence of headward extension of subglacial tunnel deposits, related to the rapid shifting of a tunnel expansion point during the increasing spring discharge, which occupied the old tunnel exit: this mode of annual deposition has not been reported previously in esker studies. The good preservation of the rhythmic lithofacies associations is suggested as resulting from interlobate depositional conditions associated with rapidly decaying icestreams. Therefore, the depositional model may provide a key to recognizing time‐transgressive interlobate eskers that form an important geomorphological and sedimentological record of meltwater activity during the last deglaciation of the Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets. The identification of time‐transgressive interlobate eskers and associated palaeo‐icestream behaviour is an essential step forward for more accurate models of ice sheet behaviour and palaeoclimatic reconstructions.  相似文献   

构造地貌-认识高原历史的钥匙   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
简要评述了构造地貌的研究,并以青藏高原西北缘克里雅河流域地貌演化说明了构造变形与青藏高原的形成历史.以西域砾岩顶部的玄武岩作为区域构造地貌的标志,获得的高质量Ar-Ar年龄的加权平均值为1.09Ma±O.13Ma.该年龄不仅代表了西域砾岩沉积结束的时间,并制约了区域风沙堆积时代的下限,是一个重要的气候环境变化的转折点.更重要的是.该年龄标志了克里雅河演化的开始,即目前可观察的克里雅河的历史不过1.1Ma.另外获得的系统、丰富、翔实的沉积学、构造地质学、低温热年代数据和克里雅河流域地貌的测量结果还揭示了上新世晚期以来区域强烈的变形与构造地貌的演化.获得的重要结论还包括:能够分析恢复的前克里雅河的历史不超过西域砾岩沉积期,能够推测的青藏高原西北缘河流体系演化的最老历史不超过上新世阿图什组沉积期.在中新世乌恰组沉积时,基本观察不到青藏高原现今地貌体系产生的沉积作用的记录,而是更老的前青藏高原构造地貌格架对沉积体系产生的影响.青藏高原的主体可能在中更新世早期前后才抬升进入冰冻圈.现今的克里雅河地貌主要是在区域构造抬升中由冰川融水侵蚀形成的.克里雅河源头可能残留了青藏高原演化的关键记录.  相似文献   

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