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The North Anatolian Fault (NAF), which extends from Karl?ova in Eastern Turkey to the Gulf of Saros in the Northern Aegean Sea, is one of the longest active strike-slip faults in the world with a length of about 1500 km. Within the North Anatolian Shear Zone (NASZ) there are long splays off the main trunk of the NAF veering towards the interior parts of Anatolia. Although the whole shear zone is still seismically active, the major seismicity is concentrated along the main branch of the NAF. Splays of the NAF dissect the shear zone into different continental blocks. The largest splay of the NAF was selected to analyze the distribution of movements between the faults delimiting these blocks. Four years of GPS measurements and modeling results indicate that the differential motion between the Anatolian collage and the Eurasian plate along the central part of the NAF is partitioned between fault splays and varies between 18.7 ± 1.6 and 21.5 ± 2.1 mm/yr with the main branch taking ∼90% of the motion.  相似文献   

Fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the central Hellenic arc are analysed to determine the deformation and stress regimes in the Hellenic subduction zone in the vicinity of Crete. Fault mechanisms for earthquakes recorded by various networks or contained in global catalogues are collected. In addition, 34 fault plane solutions are determined for events recorded by our own local temporary network on central Crete in 2000–2001. The entire data set of 264 source mechanisms is examined for types of faulting and spatial clustering of mechanisms. Eight regions with significantly varying characteristic types of faulting are identified of which the upper (Aegean) plate includes four. Three regions contain interplate seismicity along the Hellenic arc from west to east and all events below are identified to occur within the subducting African lithosphere. We perform stress tensor inversion to each of the subsets in order to determine the stress field. Results indicate a uniform N-NNE direction of relative plate motion between the Ionian Sea and Rhodes resulting in orthogonal convergence in the western forearc and oblique (40–50) subduction in the eastern forearc. There, the plate boundary migrates towards the SE resulting in left-lateral strike-slip faulting that extends to onshore Eastern Crete. N110E trending normal faulting in the Aegean plate at this part is in accordance with this model. Along-arc extension is observed on Western Crete. Fault plane solutions for earthquakes within the dipping African lithosphere indicate that slab pull is the dominant force within the subduction process and responsible for the roll-back of the Hellenic subduction zone.  相似文献   

We have relocated the twenty-eight largest magnitude (4.3M s 7.3) historical (1922–1963) earthquakes of the southeastern Caribbean. We also present new focal mechanisms for seven of these events. The relocations are based on reported ISSP andS arrival times that we analyzed using generalized linear inversion techniques. The new focal mechanisms were constrained by first motionP polarities as reported by the ISS and as picked by us where records were available, and by the polarities and ratios ofSH andsSH, andSV andsSV arrivals that we determined from seismograms. The results of the relocations are commensurate with the distribution of seismicity observed in the recent era: hypocenters are shallow and intermediate in depth (0–200 km), and the events occur almost exclusively in areas known to be currently seismic. The frequent seismic activity in the vicinity of the Paria Peninsula, Venezuela, is clearly a persistent feature of the regional earthquake pattern; intermediate depth earthquakes indicative of subduction beneath the Caribbean plate occur here and along the Lesser Antilles arc. The Grenadines seismic gap is confirmed as an area of low seismic moment release throughout the historical era. Trinidad and the eastern Gulf of Paria were also largely quiescent.The new focal mechanisms, despite being a sparse data set, give significant insight into both subduction processes along the Lesser Antilles arc and into the shallow deformation of the Caribbean-South America plate boundary zone. The largest earthquake to have occurred in this region, the 19 March 1953 event (M m =7.01), is a Lesser Antilles slab deformation event, and another earthquake in this region of the Lesser Antilles is probably a rarely-observed interplate thrust event. Shallow deformation in the plate boundary zone is complex and, near the Paria Penninsula, involves mixed southeastward thrusting and dextral strike-slip on east-striking faults, and secondarily, normal faulting. Bending of the subducting Atlantic-South American plate also seems to generate seisms. The rather high ratio of intraplate deformation to interplate deformation observed along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone in the more recent era seems to have been operative in the historical era as well.  相似文献   

A shallow earthquake ofM S=6.2 occurred in the southern part of the Peloponnesus, 12 km north of the port of the city of Kalamata, which caused considerable damage. The fault plane solution of the main shock, geological data and field observations, as well as the distribution of foci of aftershocks, indicate that the seismic fault is a listric normal one trending NNE-SSW and dipping to WNW. The surface ruptures caused by the earthquake coincide with the trace of a neotectonic fault, which is located 2–3 km east of the city of Kalamata and which is related to the formation of Messiniakos gulf during the Pliocene-Quaternary tectonics. Field observations indicate that the earthquake is due to the reactivation of the same fault.A three-days aftershock study in the area, with portable seismographs, recorded many aftershocks of which 39 withM S1.7 were very well located. The distribution of aftershocks forms two clusters, one near the epicenter of the main shock in the northern part of the seismogenic volume, and the other near the epicenter of the largest aftershock (M S=5.4) in the southern part of this volume. The central part of the area lacks aftershocks, which probably indicates that this is the part of the fault which slipped smoothly during the earthquake.  相似文献   

The seismicity of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinities before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake is studied.Based on the digital seismic waveform data observed from regional seismic networks and mobile stations, the focal mechanism solutions are determined.Our analysis results show that the seismicities of Longmenshan fault zone before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were in stable state.No obvious phenomena of seismic activity intensifying appeared.According to focal mechanism solutions of ...  相似文献   

Analysis of stope convergence measurements in a burst-prone lead-zinc-silver mine is being used by the U.S. Bureau of Mines to study rock burst processes. Three convergence gages were installed in a 3-m wide stope of the Galena Mine with an inter-gage distance of approximately 8 m. The two-month period immediately after installation, during which the subsequent cut of the pillar was made, is the subject of the analysis described in this paper. Microseismicity rates and locations (local magnitude –5 and above) were also recorded during this period. Coseismic convergence steps within the 10-minute sample interval are observed at various times on all three gages. The convergences of the three gages do not track one another, indicating the blocky nature of deformation in this stope at a 10 meter or smaller size scale. The behavior of the three gages is different with respect to coseismic and interseismic convergence during the study period. For one of the gages, 82% of total closure occurs coseismically. The other two gages show much smaller percentages of coseismic convergence (30% and 35%), and proportionately higher percentages of interseismic steady creep. This heterogeneous convergence behavior may be indicative of the relative stability of the faults in the vicinity of each gage. An examination of stability models shows that the mine-geometry-related spatial variation in normal stress, acting on an existing set of faults, may explain the observed behavior.  相似文献   

首都圈地区中等地震前小震活动异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来首都圈地区以中等地震活动为主,本文用反映地震频率、能量、平均震级的基本参量如频率、缺震、断层总面积、地震活动度等研究该区中等地震前的活动性异常特征,发现这些异常对1999-2001年首都圈地区的中等地震有较好的对应关系,当同时出现三项低值异常后,有震预后准确率较高。这些方法对首都圈地区中等地震的短期预报有重要作用,2001年12月28日滦县M14.2级地震就是用该方法在震前做了较成功的预测。由于参量指标与地震间的映震效果具有一定的阶段性和区域性,需要用发展变化的眼光,时刻跟踪并不断调整改进所使用的参量指标,才能更好地捕获地震信息。  相似文献   

对我国西南地区思茅地体中部巍山和五印地区白垩纪地层进行了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得了两个地区的高温剩磁分量并通过了褶皱检验.巍山剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=64.3°,Is=48.5°,k=54.6,α95=4.7°;五印剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=15.4°,Is=44.8°,k=212.0,α95=4.6°.通过思茅地体磁偏角变化与兰坪—思茅褶皱带构造线迹变化的相关性分析,确定思茅地体内部差异性旋转变形受控于思茅地体弧形构造带的形成和演化.通过青藏高原东南缘走滑断裂带活动年代分析,确定兰坪—思茅褶皱带蜂腰构造部位形成于两期构造事件,早期构造变形与东喜马拉雅构造结北北东向挤压缩进有关,后期构造变形与川滇微地块发生顺时针旋转时南向挤出运动有关.以华南板块稳定区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出巍山和五印相对于华南板块分别发生了10.5°±6.0°和3.8°±4.9°的南向运移量.通过选取思茅地体内部构造形态较稳定的巍山和普洱地区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出五印相对于巍山和普洱分别发生了3.4°±5.0°和3.1°±5.4°的北向纬向运移,表明五印和和巍山之间自印亚碰撞以来经历了较大规模的北向地壳缩短变形作用.  相似文献   

对我国西南地区思茅地体中部巍山和五印地区白垩纪地层进行了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得了两个地区的高温剩磁分量并通过了褶皱检验.巍山剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=64.3°,Is=48.5°,k=54.6,α95=4.7°;五印剖面特征剩磁方向为Ds=15.4°,Is=44.8°,k=212.0,α95=4.6°.通过思茅地体磁偏角变化与兰坪-思茅褶皱带构造线迹变化的相关性分析,确定思茅地体内部差异性旋转变形受控于思茅地体弧形构造带的形成和演化.通过青藏高原东南缘走滑断裂带活动年代分析,确定兰坪-思茅褶皱带蜂腰构造部位形成于两期构造事件,早期构造变形与东喜马拉雅构造结北北东向挤压缩进有关,后期构造变形与川滇微地块发生顺时针旋转时南向挤出运动有关.以华南板块稳定区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出巍山和五印相对于华南板块分别发生了10.5°±6.0°和3.8°±4.9°的南向运移量.通过选取思茅地体内部构造形态较稳定的巍山和普洱地区白垩纪古地磁极为参考极,计算得出五印相对于巍山和普洱分别发生了3.4°±5.0°和3.1°±5.4°的北向纬向运移,表明五印和和巍山之间自印亚碰撞以来经历了较大规模的北向地壳缩短变形作用.  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of vegetation activity on various land cover classes in the Spanish Pyrenees was analyzed. Two time series of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were used, corresponding to March (early spring) and August (the end of summer). The series were generated from Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ images for the period 1984–2007. An increase in the NDVI in March was found for vegetated areas, and the opposite trend was found in both March and August for degraded areas (badlands and erosion risk areas). The rise in minimum temperature and the time variation of the cloud cover during the study period appears to be the most important factors explaining increased NDVI in the vegetated areas. In degraded areas, no climatic or topographic variable was associated with the negative NDVI trend, which may be related to erosion processes taking place in these regions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismicity of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinities before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake is studied. Based on the digital seismic waveform data observed from regional seismic networks and mobile stations, the focal mechanism solutions are determined. Our analysis results show that the seismicities of Longmenshan fault zone before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were in stable state. No obvious phenomena of seismic activity intensifying appeared. According to focal mechanism solutions of some small earthquakes before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the direction of principal compressive stress P-axis is WNW-ESE. The two hypocenter fault planes are NE-striking and NW-striking. The plane of NE direction is among N50°?70°E, the dip angles of fault planes are 60°?70° and it is very steep. The faultings of most earthquakes are dominantly characterized by dip-slip reverse and small part of faultings present strike-slip. The azimuths of principal compressive stress, the strikes of source fault planes and the dislocation types calculated from some small earthquakes before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake are in accordance with that of the main shock. The average stress field of micro-rupture along the Longmenshan fault zone before the great earthquake is also consistent with that calculated from main shock. Zipingpu dam is located in the east side 20 km from the initial rupture area of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The activity increment of small earthquakes in the Zipingpu dam is in the period of water discharging. The source parameter results of the small earthquakes which occurred near the initial rupture area of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake indicate that the focal depths are 5 to 14 km and the source parameters are identical with that of earthquake.  相似文献   

The morphotectonic framework of the Central Apennines is given by faulted blocks bounded by normal faults, mostly trending NW–SE, NNW–SSE and NE–SW, which cut previous compressive structures. Such a structural setting is consistent with the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes which often occur in this area. In this paper, three lithologically different normal fault-generated mountain fronts are analysed in order to assess the relations between their geomorphic features and active tectonics. They border the Norcia depression (Sibillini Mts, Umbria), the Amatrice–Campotosto plateau (Laga Mts, Lazio) and the Fucino basin (Marsica Mts, Abruzzi). The Norcia depression is bounded by a N20°W trending normal fault to the east and by a parallel antithetic fault to the west. The main fault has a 1000 m throw and gives rise to a wide fault escarpment, characterized by: (1) sharp slope breaks due to low angle gravity faults; (2) important paleolandslides; and (3) several fault scarplets on the piedmont belt affecting Quaternary deposits. The Amatrice–Campotosto plateau is delimited by the western slope of Mt Gorzano which runs along a N20°W trending normal fault having a 1500m throw. Minor parallel faults dislocate Quaternary landforms. Large-scale massmovements also occur here. The Fucino basin was struck by the 1915 Avezzano earthquake (I=XI MCS) which produced extensive surface faulting along two parallel NW trending normal fault escarpments on the eastern border of the basin. There is paleoseismic evidence including buried gravity graben in Late Glacial gravels and tectonic dip-slip striations on Holocene calcitic crusts covering bedrock normal fault planes. These data suggest that active extensional tectonics plays a major role in the slope morphogenesis of the Central Apennines and they indicate the importance of geomorphic analysis in seismic zonation of this area.  相似文献   

万永革 《地球物理学报》2015,58(9):3144-3156
地壳应力场是地球动力学研究和地震孕育环境研究的重要基础资料.求解应力场的一种重要方法是根据断层擦痕资料反演,然而擦痕往往难以观测,但断层滑动性质也与应力场有紧密的关系,这部分资料十分丰富.本研究按照应力张量在断层面上的剪应力方向与擦痕滑动方向及断层滑动性质一致为准则提出了联合采用擦痕数据和定性断层滑动数据求解应力场的网格搜索法,并给出了反演参数的一定置信度下的置信区间.采用假定的走滑型、挤压型和拉张型应力张量产生由7个擦痕数据和80个定性断层滑动数据组成的三组数据集.采用这些人工合成数据求解应力张量的实验结果表明,该方法可以更为准确地反演应力张量参数,定性断层滑动资料的参与使得应力张量的主应力方向更加接近假定的主应力方向,并且,应力张量参数的不确定性大大减小.将该方法应用于乌鲁木齐附近的定量擦痕和定性断层滑动性质数据,得到该地区较为精确的应力张量.结果表明,乌鲁木齐主压应力方向为近南北向、主张应力方向近垂直向,应力形因子为0.03. 该地区占主导地位的近东西向的逆冲断层是近南北向挤压和近垂直向拉张形成的.较低的应力形因子表明乌鲁木齐地区在南北向挤压并辅以博罗科努山和博格达山的东、西向挤压的应力状态下处于隆升状态.  相似文献   

The central part of the Apulia region, in southern Italy, has been generally considered practically free from significant level of seismicity, but historical documentation, geological indicators and recent instrumental observations suggest that the activity of local minor tectonic structures could have been masked (and partly also induced) by that of major seismogenic structures located in the neighbouring regions. A revision of the central Apulia seismicity characteristics was conducted considering its space and time distribution, energy release rate and focal mechanisms, in view of possible hazard implications. To better constrain the seismicity rates inferable from the set of available historical data, special attention was paid to the declustering of a catalogue of low energy events (magnitude < 3.5) instrumentally detected in about 20 years: a new declustering procedure, useful for cases like to the one at hand, was purposely devised taking into account the peculiarity of local seismicity characteristics and the limitations of the available database. The results obtained by combining instrumental and historical data show that this area is affected by a rather sporadic seismicity, likely associated to a general tensional regime and possibly stimulated by the interaction with Apenninic and northern Apulia seismogenic activity. Even though less energetic, the local seismicity contributes to increase the moderately damaging shaking probability due to the activity of seismic sources located in the near areas, so to justify the adoption of at least a minimum level of caution in relation to the local definition of seismic protection measures.  相似文献   

Introduction The deep faults in the crust have direct relation to the occurrence of earthquakes and the dis-tribution of active seismic zones, so the researches on the geometric form and physical parametersof deep crustal faults are always an important problem in seismology. The researches are not onlysignificant to knowledge the deep tectonic background of strong earthquake and seismogenicmechanism, but also play a very important role in earthquake hazard estimation and earthquakeprevent…  相似文献   

The deep seismic reflection data on profile HY2 are reprocessed by the method of simultaneous inversion of velocity distribution and interface position. By the travel-time inversion with the data of the diving wave Pg and fault plane reflection wave, we determine the geometric form and velocity of Haiyuan fault zone interior and surrounding rock down to 10 km depth. The measured data show that the amplitudes have strong attenuation in the range of stake number 37–39 km, suggesting the fault zone has considerable width in the crustal interior. The results of this paper indicate that to the north of the fault zone the crystalline basement interface upheaves gradually from southwest to northeast and becomes shallow gradually towards northeast, and that to the south of the fault zone, within the basin between Xihua and Nanhua mountains, the folded basement becomes shallow gradually towards southwest. The obliquity of the fault zone is about 70° above the 3 km depth, about 60° in the range of the 3–10 km depths. From the results of this paper and other various citations, we believe that Haiyuan fault zone is in steep state from the Earth’s surface to the depth of 10 km. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (201001) and State Key Basic Research Development and Programming Project (95-13-02-02). Contribution No. RCEG200308, Exploration Geophysical Center, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

The eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau is one of the most active zones of tectonic deformation and seismicity in China. To monitor strain buildup and benefit seismic risk assessment, we constructed 14 survey-mode global position system(GPS) stations throughout the northwest of Longmenshan fault. A new GPS field over 1999–2011 is derived from measurements of the newly built and pre-existing stations in this region. Sequentially,two strain rate fields, one preceding and the other following the 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, are obtained using the Gausian weighting approach. Strain field over1999–2007 shows distinct strain partitioning prior to the2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, with compression spreading over around Longmenshan area. Strain field derived from the two measurements in 2009 and 2011 shows that the area around Longmenshan continues to be under striking compression, as the pattern preceding the Wenchuan earthquake, implying a causative factor of the sequent of 2013 MW6.7 Lushan earthquake. Our GPSderived dilatation shows that both the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes occurred within the domain of pronounced contraction. The GPS velocities demonstrate that the Longriba fault underwent slight motion with the faultnormal and-parallel rates at 1.0 ± 2.5 mm and 0.3 ± 2.2 mm/a; the Longmenshan fault displayed slow activity, with a fault-normal rate at 0.8 ± 2.5 mm/a, and a fault-parallel rate at 1.8 ± 1.7 mm/a. Longriba fault is on a par with Longmenshan fault in strain partitioning to accommodate the southeastward motion of eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Integrated analysis of principal strain tensors, mean principal stress, and fast directions of mantle anisotropy shows that west of Sichuan is characterized as mechanically strong crust-mantle coupling.  相似文献   

A micro-seismic field experiment has been carried out in the Marmara Searegion. The analysis of the events before and after the August 17, 1999Izmit (Turkey) earthquake has been completed. 1446 events have beenwell located out of a total of 3165 recorded within the period from July15 to November 2, 1999. 67% of the aftershocks with magnitudegreater than 4 have occurred within the first 6 days after the main-shock. Earthquakes of the Izmit sequence are distributed in the first 15 km of theearth crust, but major events are located in between 5 km and 15 kmdepth. The seismicity pattern defines a rupture plane extending for about150 km in an E-W direction. The rupture is extremely linear butsegmented, and its complexity increases towards the western endmanifesting bifurcation. A stress analysis has been carried out both at thewestern end and all along the aftershock zone. 96 selected aftershocks,registered between August 21 and October 22, were chosen in order tocompute their focal mechanisms and obtain information about the stressregime after the Izmit earthquake. Strike-slip and normal faultingmechanisms are dominant. The numerous strike-slip mechanisms arecompatible with a dextral motion on an EW oriented vertical fault plane. The best stress tensor solution shows a regime in extension with awell-defined 3 axis oriented approximately N35°.  相似文献   

长宁地区复杂地震活动的力学成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

长宁地区地震活动复杂,发生在长宁背斜轴部的长宁MS6.0地震及其后续中强余震的震源机制与相距仅十几公里的南部向斜区内的中强震具有显著差异;这种差异仅仅是由于发震断层构造不同所造成的,还是孕育地震的应力场本身也存在局部变化?为了回答这一问题,本文在通过双差层析成像反演修正小震定位和波速结构的基础上,利用小震综合震源机制解方法获取了长宁地区地壳应力场的精细结构,并据此分析了其与中强震震源机制解的力学一致性.研究发现,长宁地区地壳应力场的最大主应力轴在整个区域内基本都处于近水平状态,其方位虽由北向南发生了一定角度的顺时针旋转,但也基本保持为近东西向;相比之下,应力类型在长宁背斜轴部和南部向斜区之间存在显著差异——前者为逆冲型,而后者为走滑型.同时,这两个局部区域的应力场与对应区域内的中强震震源机制解的吻合度较高,但与非对应区域内的中强震震源机制解的吻合度较低,甚至在力学上是相抵触的,表明区域应力场的局部改变是长宁地区复杂地震活动的必要力学基础.通过岩石力学估算,本文认为岩石泊松比的横向差异很可能是造成这种应力场局部改变的主要成因.此外,本文还对长宁MS6.0地震序列的发震构造进行了探讨,认为长宁背斜轴部在6~9 km深度内存在基底断层,而正是这种基底断层在区域应力场作用下发生错动导致了长宁MS6.0地震序列的发生.


The M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake in 2005 was a mid-strong one, stronger than expected to occur in the region. This paper discusses the neo-tectonic settings of this earthquake, and it is thought that the earthquake region is located in the transitional belt, a potential area inducing weak to moderately strong earthquakes, between two large different tectonic units. The results of the reconnaissance work and on-the-spot investigation after earthquake indicate that the occurrence of the M5.7 Jiujiang earth- quake is closely related with the NE-trending fault on the western margin of Ruichang Basin. From its controlling to the landforms and Quaternary depositions, geological profiles, ESR dating, etc., the ac- tivity of the Dingjiashan-Langjunshan fault bounding the basin is discussed. It suggests that this fault displays an active one in Middle Pleistocene by the outcrop. Based on the activity of the fault, and the direction and location of the ground fissures, the isoseismal lines and the nodal plane of the focal mechanism solution, it is inferred that the Dingjiashan-Langjunshan fault is the seismogenic tectonics of the M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake, and the intersection point between this fault and the active NW ones is the possible origin of location of this earthquake. Our study shows that this earthquake is not an event exceeding expectation, and that the active and invisible characteristics of the causative fault are typical in the eastern area of China.  相似文献   

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