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华银铝厂厂区边界层温度层结特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用华银铝厂探空实测资料对厂址区域边界层内的温度层结特征进行了分析。结果表明,厂址区域内污染物的扩散能力很强,600m高度以下11、14、17时三个时次没有逆温出现,且白天的垂直气温递减率很大,湍流交换强烈,有利于污染物的扩散;夜间一般都有贴地逆温出现,且强度较大,但其厚度较小。  相似文献   

冷雾的边界层温湿层结特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
宋润田  孙俊廉 《气象》2000,26(1):43-45
以1981~1996年58次冷雾(成雾时T≤0℃)为样本,利用高空和部分低空探测资料,对其边界层的温湿湿度层结分层特征进行了统计分析。所得结果不论对人工消除过冷雾的研究还是对提高预报水准都是有益的。  相似文献   

烟雾层的长波辐射效应以及对边界层温度层结的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文利用一个简化的长波辐射方案,计算了兰州城市烟雾层大气的辐射效应.计算表明:烟雾层气溶胶增加了到达地面的大气逆辐射和气层的冷却率,平均污染状况时,增加量分别为15.2%和0.073℃/h.与烟雾层对太阳辐射吸收加热率相比,冷却率量值较小,但对全天边界层能量平衡所起作用不可忽略.对比分析了兰州和郊区夜晚的平均温度廓线演变情况,可以看出烟雾层长波辐射效应增加了低层大气中上部的冷却.  相似文献   

本文主要利用第一次“中美热带西太平洋海气相互作用联合调查”所获得的海洋水文、气象及大气探测资料,分析了热带西太平洋暖水区边界层大气层结特征,指出热带西太平洋边界层大气具有多层结构和多层送温现象,边界层内各层厚度及气温、位温、混合比随高度的变化趋势如下:超绝热层位于地面以上50m左右,气温、位温、混合比迅速减小,系绝热不稳定层;第一层为混合层,平均厚度为351m,位温、混合比变化不明显;混合层上又是逆温层大多为30—100m厚,位温迅速增大,混合比迅速减小,系绝对稳定层;700—1000m为浅对流云活跃层,  相似文献   

江西省冻雨垂直温度层结分析及预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1960-2013年江西省89个气象观测站常规观测资料,采用统计分析和插值处理方法,对江西106次冻雨过程垂直温度层结进行分析,并建立冻雨预报思路。结果表明:江西省冻雨发生通常伴随1000-850 hPa剧烈降温和700 hPa增温,925-700 hPa存在明显逆温。融化层是冻雨发生的必要条件,87.7 %样本融化层位于700 hPa,9.4 %样本融化层位于850 hPa;一般以1000 hPa温度<1.0 ℃、925 hPa和850 hPa温度<-2.0 ℃和700 hPa温度≥0.0 ℃作为江西冻雨预报的温度阈值标准,同时也应注意融化层位于850 hPa的情况。地面气温越低,越有利于冻雨形成,冻雨发生时最低气温为0.0 ℃以下,平均气温为1.0 ℃以下。冷暖空气持续在27°-28 °N交汇,且鄱阳湖以南至抚河流域平均气温<1.0 ℃和最低气温<0.0 ℃出现比其他地区多,造成该区域冻雨发生频次比其他地区明显偏多。另外,通过大气逆温层结、地面气温与冻雨的对应关系,建立基于模式资料和常规观测资料的自动诊断方法。  相似文献   

南阳边界层逆温特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2009-2010年L波段雷达的高空探测资料,对南阳站边界层出现逆温的频率、强度、厚度和起始高度进行了统计分析.结果表明:南阳边界层逆温出现频率年均217天;辐射逆温居多;有明显的季节变化,冬季逆温层出现最多,春、秋季次之,夏季最少.另外,南阳上空出现的逆温中接地逆温比较多,19时比07时出现次数多.通过对2009...  相似文献   

济南低空逆温层特征分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用2002—2003年济南逐日高空观测资料,统计分析低层逆温结构分布特征及其对空气污染的影响,指出:辐射逆温出现频率高、厚度大、强度高,限制了大气污染物的稀释和扩散,是济南市冬季污染物浓度高,空气污染严重的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

成都地区大气边界层逆温特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对污染气象条件对大气环境影响的问题,利用2010—2012年成都地区探空资料的温度数据,系统研究了成都地区逆温的结构及分布特征。结果表明:2010—2012年成都地区整体以贴地逆温出现频率最高、厚度最大及强度最强,其次为低悬逆温和高悬逆温。不同类型逆温出现的频率、厚度及强度也存在一定的季节差异,贴地逆温春季出现频率最高,厚度最大,其他各季差异不显著;冬季逆温最强,夏季最弱。3类逆温的日变化明显,08时逆温出现的频率和厚度普遍大于20时,且08时逆温强度大于20时。分析成都地区大气边界层逆温层特征,对了解成都地区污染物扩散规律具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文在地转动量[1]近似下,采用与Agee[2]公式相近的分段常数来描述湍流粘性系数K及其一阶导数(湍流摩擦力所包含的两项和均得到考虑),求得了层结大气中的边界层风场分布和边界层顶垂直速度的解析表达式。计算结果表明;不稳定层结的K比稳定层结的大,且Ekman抽吸作用强;在边界层低层,不稳定层结的全风速比稳定层结的大,而在中层以上则相反。还有,摩擦力中的一阶导数项和二阶导数项量级相同,以往忽略一阶导数项的做法会导致在边界层低层,不稳定层结的全风速反而较小,这与事实不符。因而考虑一阶导数项将进一步完善边界层动力学的理论和应用。  相似文献   

利用温度层结做冰雹单站预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰雹是一种中小尺度受地域条件影响的强雷暴天气,其冰水转化过程对大气的温度层结有一定的要求,通过对冰雹天气大气温度层结的研究,寻找其特征,预报冰雹的发生。利用延安市的气象探空资料,结合洛川县的降雹实况,得到洛川冰雹预报方法和指标。在冰雹预报试验中没有出现冰雹漏报,空报率在10%左右,其中只有〈2%的情况没有出现强对流云。  相似文献   

Detailed measurements of profiles of mean and turbulent variablesthrough the nocturnal stable boundary layer over a valley arepresented. Two nights of data are analysed in detail, one with only aweakly stable boundary layer and one with a strongly stable boundarylayer. The weakly stratified night shows high levels of turbulence inwhich the flow remains attached to the valley and the boundary layeracts as a single coherent layer. On the strongly stratified night, twoflow regimes are identified: attached flow, as on the weaklystratified night, and decoupled flow in which the air in the valleybecomes so dynamically stable that there is no turbulent interactionwith the mean flow aloft. Because the valley is sloping, the decoupledlower stagnant air then forms a drainage current. We find that theFroude number evaluated at the hill height, FH = U(H)/N(H) H,diagnoses the flow regime: when FH = 2, the flow remainsattached and when FH 2 the flow in the valley becomesdecoupled from the flow aloft. The dynamics of the flow regimes areshown to be understandable in terms of the gradient Richardson number,which indicates the turbulent mixing. We show that the gradientRichardson number is a key parameter in diagnosing each flow regime.  相似文献   

Turbulent flow data of wind velocity and temperature in the unstably stratifiedatmospheric boundary layer, derived from steel tower observations in the field and wind-tunnel experiments were used to study the relationship between the plumes and the small-scale eddies in the inertial subrange. Flow visualisation experiments in the wind tunnel were also conducted to observe the structure of the flow in the plumes, and time series data were analysed by using wavelet transforms. The results show that variances of velocity and temperature due to the small-scale eddies are large in the plumes and small outside of the plumes, and that the momentum and heat fluxes due to the small-scale eddies follow the same tendency as found in the variances. The ratios of the variances caused by the small-scale eddies in the plumes to the whole of the variances caused by the small-scale eddies in and out the plumes increase with non-dimensional height -z/L in which L is the local Obukhov length. Similar ratios of the fluxes caused by the small-scale eddies also show the same tendency. These ratios can be expressed as functions of -z/L for results based on field observationand the wind tunnel experiments. This relation hardly changes even if the wavelet function is changed. The flow visualisation experiments show that the plumes have a complicated structure in which mushroom type flows are stacked on top of each other. This characteristic structure seems to increase the energy of the small-scale eddies in the plumes.  相似文献   

A laboratory convection tank has been established following thepioneering work of Willis and Deardorff, but with many improvements and enhancements thattake advantage of modern technology. The main emphasis in the current design was toprovide the ability to conduct a virtually unlimited number of realizations under essentiallyidentical conditions in order to obtain reliable statistics on the dispersion of plumes and puffsreleased within the simulated atmospheric convective boundary layer. Described herein is the tankitself and its auxiliary systems, including a laser-induced-fluorescence and video-imaging system for makingnon-intrusive, full-field measurements of concentrations, and the interfacing of varioussubsystems with a master controller that automates essentially all operation and measurement functions.The current system provides unprecedented resolution, control, and data volumes. Exampleresults are presented from two types of releases: continuous plumes and instantaneous puffs.These data sets clearly show penetration of the highly buoyant plumes and puffs into theinversion above the convective boundary layer, gravity spreading within the inversion, andrapid diffusion within the mixed layer. They also show extreme `spottiness' in the instantaneousconcentration cross-sections.  相似文献   

A one-particle three-dimensional stochastic Lagrangian model fortransport of particles in a horizontally-homogeneous atmosphericsurface layer with arbitrary one-point probability density functionof Eulerian velocity fluctuations is suggested. A uniquely definedLagrangian stochastic model in the class of well-mixed models isconstructed from physically plausible assumptions. These assumptionsare: (i) in the neutrally stratified horizontally homogeneous surface layer, the vertical motion is mainly controlled by eddies whose size is of order of the current height; and (ii), the streamwise drift term is independent of the crosswind velocity. Numerical simulations for neutral stratification have shown a good agreement of our model with the well-known Thomson's model, with Flesch and Wilson's model, and with experimental measurements as well. However there is a discrepancy of these results with the results obtained by Reynolds' model.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部及下游地区冬季边界层的观测分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007年12月的加密探空资料, 对高原东部及其下游地区的边界层结构和高原东部边界层变化对下游大气的影响进行了分析。结果表明, 冬季青藏高原东部夜间近地面逆温层可以发展到平均500 m的高度, 白天混合层可以发展到平均2000 m的高度。白天混合层内水汽和风速混合十分均匀, 在混合层发展成熟时存在十分深厚的逆湿层。冬季青藏高原下游的四川盆地, 边界层内温度日较差小, 夜间逆温层把大量地表水汽截留在近地层, 日出前近地层水汽容易达到饱和。白天, 混合层在中午发展成熟, 平均高度只有300 m。四川盆地对流层下部存在非常强的逆温层, 该逆温层是青藏高原抬升地表加热和冬季盛行西风气流形成的, 逆温层变化是青藏高原东部边界层温度日变化和局地西风变化的共同结果。逆温层显著改变大气动量、 热量和水汽的垂直分布。与对流层下部逆温相联系的中层云对辐射的影响是造成四川盆地温度日较差和混合层高度变化的原因。  相似文献   

Local Similarity Relationships In The Urban Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
To investigate turbulent structures in an urban boundary layer (UBL) with many tallbuildings, a number of non-dimensional variable groups based on turbulent observationsfrom a 325-m meteorological tower in the urban area of Beijing, China, are analyzedin the framework of local similarity. The extension of surface-layer similarity to localsimilarity in the stable and unstable boundary layer is also discussed. According to localsimilarity, dimensionless quantities of variables: e.g., velocity and temperature standarddeviations i/u*l (i=u,v,w) andT/T*l,correlation coefficients of uw and wT covariance, gradients of wind and temperaturem and h, and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) andtemperature variance and N can be represented as a functiononly of a local stability parameter z/, where is the local Obukhovlength and z is the height above ground. The average dissipation rates of TKE andtemperature variance are computed by using the u spectrum, and the uw and wTcospectra in the inertial subrange. The functions above were found to be in a goodagreement with observational behaviour of turbulence under unstable conditions, butthere were obvious differences in the stable air.  相似文献   

Concentrations of radon 222Rn andair pollutants, meteorological parametersnear the surface and vertical profiles of meteorological elements were measured atUchio (Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan) 12 km north from the coast ofthe Inland Sea of Japan. In the nighttime, the 222Rn concentration increased in the case of weak winds, but did not increase as much in the case of moderate or strong winds, as had been expected. In the daytime, the 222Rn concentrationheld at a slightly higher than average level for the period from sunrise to about 1100 JST. It is considered that this phenomenon is due to a period of morning calm, that is, a transition period from land breeze to sea breeze.NO, which is sensitive to traffic volume,brought information concerning advection.Oxidant concentrations,which reflect the availability of sunlight,acted in the reverse manner to 222Rnconcentrations. Thus, a set of 222Rn and air pollutants could provide useful information regarding the local conditions of the atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   

根据介休市气象局1954年-2006年的气温资料,分析了介休市近53年来的温度变化。结果表明:近53年来介休市气温呈上升趋势,上升速度显著高于全国水平,上世纪90年代中期以来这种趋势尤为明显;以20世纪90年代中期为界,近53年来介休市气候分冷、暖两个阶段,前为冷期,后为暖期。  相似文献   

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