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According to the current paradigm of modern climatology and oceanography, the global ocean thermohaline circulation works as the so-called “global ocean salinity conveyor belt” – a system of currents connecting different ocean basins and most notably – the northern North Atlantic and northern North Pacific Oceans – the most distant regions of the world ocean. It is shown here that a slight disparity in freshwater redistribution between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans can be sufficient for building up and maintaining a global conveyor-type ocean thermohaline circulation. On the other hand, relatively small changes in this disparity leading to change in sea surface salinity contrasts between and in the north-south within the northern parts of these two oceans can easily change the conveyor.  相似文献   

Recent discrepancies between geochemical and biological approaches for determining whether ocean ecosystems are net heterotrophic or net autotrophic have led to uncertainty in the net metabolic state of open ocean ecosystems. Geochemical approaches indicate that the oceans are net positive autotrophic, but direct observations based on short-term incubation techniques suggest that the ocean is in a state of net heterotrophy. One hypothesis for the apparent discrepancy is that net autotrophic production occurs in aperiodic “bursts,” which are superimposed on a more constant background state of net heterotrophy. Mixing events, which introduce new nutrients to the surface ocean, provide one mechanism for fueling such aperiodic bursts of net production. In conjunction with the Eddy Flux (E-Flux) program in the lee of the Hawaiian Islands during winter 2004–2005, we examined the relationship between photosynthesis and irradiance (P vs. E) in surface waters inside and outside of two cold-core, cyclonic eddies, and conducted five incubation experiments to examine the metabolic response of mixed-layer plankton communities to nutrient-rich deep-sea water additions. Our results showed that in the mixed layer, maximum rates of light-saturated photosynthesis, derived from photosynthesis–irradiance experiments were not significantly different inside vs. outside the eddies (p=0.35 and 0.44 for E-Flux I and E-Flux III, respectively). Addition of nutrients to mixed-layer water showed that (1) gross primary production (GPP) became decoupled from a more constant rate of respiration and (2) net system metabolism shifted from approximate balance, or slight net heterotrophy, to a demonstrably net autotrophic system. From these results, we determined that the threshold GPP for net autotrophic production for the mixed layer of the study region was 1.65 mmol O2 m−3 d−1, which is consistent with previous estimates for the oligotrophic open ocean.  相似文献   

1. (1) The nature of sediment—sea interactions depends on the time scale considered. At a time scale commensurate with human life, one can define a water—sediment interface, and the main exchanges are solutes exchanges through this interface by concentration diffusion. This condition will be termed as “Short time-scale equilibrium interaction”.
On the other hand, at a geological time scale, there is a continuous accretion to the “sediment” of suspended particulate matter, bottom-current borne materials and sometimes precipitates of previously dissolved salts; to this sediment build-up corresponds a flux of water of reverse sense, from the sediment to the water column, due to the compaction of muds and oozes which reduce their porosity (their water content) under their own load. The concept of interface is then of limited utility, since physically it is constantly changing, and since the material balance of the exchanges does not depend on its characteristics at a first order of approximation. This condition will be termed “long time-scale geological interaction”.
These situations are extreme ones. In areas of present important detrital sedimentation, even for short time spans it is doubtful if the definition of an interface has some utility: we are in a situation close to “geological time scale”. On the contrary, in abyssal zones remote from continents, the rate of sedimentation is so low that even for eons an interface separating two environments in physico-chemical equilibrium exists.
2. (2) If there were no internal sources of dissolved species in the sediment, the only concentration changes to occur would be due to the decrease in porosity (in water content) following gravitational compaction of sediments. But this phenomenon is the same as sedimentation, thus transfer of matter would be unappreciable within short time spans. The fact that this transfer can be measured at human time scale shows therefore that dissolved species are actually produced in the sediment. Some of these can originate from possible inorganic chemical reactions, but all the organic molecules, and an important part of the inorganic (such as phosphates, nitrates, NH4+, S2-) require processing of organic matter for their production. Whether or not this reworking is of biological origin remains controversial. On the whole, the quantities of matter thus transferred are very minute compared to the quantities present in oceanic waters. They cannot be considered in general as a significant input. But they may be important locally (nearshore restricted water bodies, or manganese nodules formation).
3. (3) At geological time scale, sedimentation, which adds solid material to the preexisting sediment, results also in the compaction of this sediment. At every depth in the sediment there exists an equilibrium value of the porosity, i.e. the fluids content, of the sediment; it tends to this value by expelling the corresponding quantity of fluids, with a rate determined by its permeability. This input may be important, but it is mainly water, and water formerly oceanic: therefore it is not a true input, but simply a delayed return. The transfer of other fluids (mainly oil and gas) is unsignificant generally speaking. Once more, it may be locally important (submarine seepages).
4. (4) On the whole, the processes of water—sediment interaction appear not to add any new matter into the oceanic pool, but rather to regulate the restitution by the sediment to the water of substances which were already present in ocean, in particulate or dissolved form, either free or combined. One can trace out two main processes, which differ in their rates and yields:
4.1. (a) the short time scale diffusion—high rate low yield restitution of organics and inorganics in dissolved state:
4.2. (b) the long time scale compaction: low rate high yield restitution of entrapped fluids, essentially water (devoid of dissolved species).
Not only do these processes not bring any new matter to the ocean, but even the absolute quantities involved are modest compared either to the quantities present in the ocean or to the quantities generated by the photosynthetic primary production or brought by the rivers.In contrast to the insignificance of the water—sediment interaction in the oceanic material balance, this same interaction is one of the main sources for the material sedimented and especially the organic one, and therefore it is a fundamental key for all the subsequent sedimentary history.The significant inputs at the limit “bottom”-water come from the regions of deep tectonic activity, volcanism, creation of new oceanic crust etc… There tremendous amounts of substances can be brought into solution, changing at least locally the concentration equilibrium values of seawater. They are of course inorganic ions, but they can have important biological consequences. The buffering capacity of the world ocean is so high that only cosmic events can influence its composition.  相似文献   

No explicit “integrated coastal and ocean management” policy or program has been formally instituted to manage coastal and marine issues in México. Nevertheless two existing environmental policy tools: ecological zoning programs and coastal and marine protected areas, which have incorporated interagency and multi-stakeholder participation within their design, are currently being used in lieu of such strategy. Coastal and marine protected areas in México are the result of independent initiatives taken over the last 75 years and as a group cannot be characterized as the result of a systematic approach. Nevertheless México's 55 coastal and marine protected areas currently with a valid legal decree, occupy 11,791,824 ha which represents 69% of Mexico's total protected area surface. Only 46% of these include marine ecosystems with a total of 3,577,527 ha with the remaining 8,216,194 ha consisting of coastal ecosystems. (See In press update.)  相似文献   

A new method which produces energy from the ocean by utilizing the density difference of water, by means of a “chimney effect”, is proposed. Density difference of water in the ocean occurs in two ways, namely differences of consistency and water temperature. For instance, fresh river and melting floes and icebergs are pointed out as some origins of the former, while thermal effects of volcanoes and hot springs may account for the latter. Furthermore, sunlight power transmitted into the sea through glass fibre power lines can be an artificial source in the latter case.This paper concentrates on regions near estuaries where low density river water can be piped into the high density ocean. An analysis estimates that the proposed method extracts energy of several thousands or more kW in the above case.  相似文献   

The resolution of the sea-ice component of a coarse-resolution global ocean general circulation model (GCM) has been enhanced to about 22 km in the Southern Ocean. The ocean GCM is designed for long-term integrations suitable for investigations of the deep-ocean equilibrium response to changes in southern hemisphere high-latitude processes. The space and time scales of the high-resolution sea-ice component are commensurate with those of the resolution of satellite passive-microwave sea-ice data. This provides the opportunity for a rigorous evaluation of simulated sea-ice characteristics. It is found that the satellite-derived continuous high ice concentration of the interior winter ice pack can only be captured when vertical oceanic mixing is modified in a way that less local, intermittent convection occurs. Furthermore, the width and the variability of the coastal polynyas around the Antarctic continent and its ice shelves are best captured when some form of ice-shelf melting is accounted for. The width of the wintertime ice edge is reasonably reproduced, while its variability remains underestimated, closely following the coarse-grid pattern of the ocean model due to its high dependence on ocean temperature. Additional variability besides daily winds, e.g. in form of idealized tidal currents, improves the temporal and spatial ice-edge variability, while leads in the interior ice pack become more abundant, more in line with the fine-scale satellite-derived texture. The coast- or ice-shelf line is described on the fine grid based on satellite passive-microwave data. This method requires parts of a coarse coastal ocean grid cell to be covered by an inert layer of “fast ice” or “ice shelf”. Reasonable long-term global deep-ocean properties can only be achieved when these areas are not inert, i.e. are exposed to heat flux and ice growth, or when the vertical mixing parameterization allows for excessive open-ocean convection. The model area exposed to cold high-latitude atmospheric conditions thus being most decisive for a realistic representation of the long-term deep-ocean properties, suggests that high-latitude coastlines are definitely in need of being represented at high resolution, including ice sheets and their effects on the heat and freshwater flux for the ocean.  相似文献   

Realistic representation of sea ice in ocean models involves the use of a non-linear free-surface, a real freshwater flux and observance of requisite conservation laws. We show here that these properties can be achieved in practice through use of a rescaled vertical coordinate “z*” in z-coordinate models that allows one to follow undulations in the free-surface under sea ice loading. In particular, the adoption of “z*” avoids the difficult issue of vanishing levels under thick ice.Details of the implementation within MITgcm are provided. A high resolution global ocean sea ice simulation illustrates the robustness of the z* formulation and reveals a source of oceanic variability associated with sea ice dynamics and ice-loading effects. The use of the z* coordinate allows one to achieve perfect conservation of fresh water, heat and salt, as shown in extended integration of coupled ocean sea ice atmospheric model.  相似文献   

Layered ocean models can exhibit spurious thermobaric instability if the compressibility of sea water is not treated accurately enough. We find that previous solutions to this problem are inadequate for simulations of a changing climate. We propose a new discretization of the pressure gradient acceleration using the finite volume method. In this method, the pressure gradient acceleration is exhibited as the difference of the integral “contact” pressure acting on the edges of a finite volume. This integral “contact” pressure can be calculated analytically by choosing a tractable equation of state. The result is a discretization that has zero truncation error for an isothermal and isohaline layer and does not exhibit the spurious thermobaric instability.  相似文献   

Details are presented of a methodology that utilizes acoustic travel time information in an ocean circulation model. Recent developments of this model-oriented tomography are discussed, representing some significant improvements over earlier formulations. More accurate means of determining the arrival times of specific ray paths are detailed, along with a means of estimating possible errors in the calculated travel times. The assimilation of the observed arrival time information into an ocean model is achieved using a Kalman gain, and more advanced expressions for calculating the Kalman gain are presented. A formulation to account for errors in the stated positions of a source and receiver is also presented. It is shown that the methodology performs fairly well in reproducing observed travel time anomalies. However, the model-predicted anomalies along a specific ray path may not always track the observed anomalies for that path when assimilating multiple ray path data. Results indicate that additional work is required to determine a means of handling observed arrival time data without having prior knowledge of the magnitude of errors in the observations. Results from simulation experiments provide estimates of: (1) potential errors when the travel times for ray paths are only sampled at discreet intervals as opposed to continuously and (2) to what degree acoustic data can be expected to “correct” model-predicted fields.  相似文献   

In this paper, a beam without contact with water is called the “dry” beam and the one in contact with water is called the “wet” beam. For a partially (or completely) immersed uniform beam carrying an eccentric tip mass possessing rotary inertia, the conventional analytical (closed-form) solution is achieved by considering the inertial forces and moments of the tip mass and rotary inertia as the boundary conditions at the tip end of the beam. However, it has been found that the approximate solution for the last problem may be achieved by two techniques: Method 1 and Method 2. In Method 1, the basic concept is the same as the conventional analytical method; but in Method 2, the tip end of the beam is considered as a free end, while the inertial forces and moments induced by the tip mass and rotary inertia are considered as the external loads applied at the tip end of the beam. The main differences between the formulation of Method 1 and that of Method 2 are: In Method 1, the “normal” shapes of the “dry” beam are functions of the frequency-dependent boundary conditions but the external loads at the tip end are equal to zero; On the contrary, in Method 2, the “normal” mode shapes of the “dry” beam are determined based on the zero boundary conditions at the tip end of the beam but the external loads at the tip end due to the inertial effects of the tip mass and rotary inertia must be taken into consideration for the free vibration analysis of the “wet” beam. Numerical results reveal that the approximate solution obtained from Method 2 are very close to that from Method 1 if the tip mass moment of inertia is negligible. Besides, the two approximate solutions are also very close to the associated analytical (closed-form) solution or the finite element solution. In general, it is hoped that there exist several methods for tackling the same problem so that one may have more choices to incorporate with the specified cases. It is believed that the two approximate methods presented in this paper will be significant from this point of view.  相似文献   

The Santa Clara River delivers nutrient rich runoff to the eastern Santa Barbara Channel during brief (1–3 day) episodic events. Using both river and oceanographic measurements, we evaluate river loading and dispersal of dissolved macronutrients (silicate, inorganic N and P) and comment on the biological implications of these nutrient contributions. Both river and ocean observations suggest that river nutrient concentrations are inversely related to river flow rates. Land use is suggested to influence these concentrations, since runoff from a subwatershed with substantial agriculture and urban areas had much higher nitrate than runoff from a wooded subwatershed. During runoff events, river nutrients were observed to conservatively mix into the buoyant, surface plume immediately seaward of the Santa Clara River mouth. Dispersal of these river nutrients extended 10s of km into the channel. Growth of phytoplankton and nutrient uptake was low during our observations (1–3 days following runoff), presumably due to the very low light levels resulting from high turbidity. However, nutrient quality of runoff (Si:N:P = 16:5:1) was found to be significantly different than upwelling inputs (13:10:1), which may influence different algal responses once sediments settle. Evaluation of total river nitrate loads suggests that most of the annual river nutrient fluxes to the ocean occur during the brief winter flooding events. Wet winters (such as El Niño) contribute nutrients at rates approximately an order-of-magnitude greater than “average” winters. Although total river nitrate delivery is considerably less than that supplied by upwelling, the timing and location of these types of events are very different, with river discharge (upwelling) occurring predominantly in the winter (summer) and in the eastern (western) channel.  相似文献   

During the past 100 years, sea-level appears to have risen by 10–15cm, probably due to the combined effects of thermal expansion of ocean-surface waters and net melting of glaciers and ice caps, associated with a small increase in global temperatures. This trend will almost certainly continue and accelerate if steadily increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere cause warming of the magnitude widely predicted by climate modellers. Rising air temperatures will cause increased melting from glaciers and ice caps, and rising sea-water temperatures will cause thermal expansion of the oceans. Moreover, warmer ocean waters could melt and weaken the many floating ice shelves that surround Antarctica, permitting increased ice discharge from glaciers that flow into them. All of these factors would cause sea-level to rise, and this paper presents and estimate of the total sea-level rise that could occur during the next century.If, as predicted by many climate models, global temperatures increase by an average of about 3°C, there is a good probability that sea-level will rise approximately 1m by the year 2100. Ultimately, such a rise would become very apparent to coastal populations, but initial change would be slow. Consequently, it is important to devise and “early warning system” for prompt detection of changes that will precede a detectable rise in sea level. These include: surface temperatures on land, oceans and ice sheets; sea-ice distribution; extent of summer melting on the polar ice sheets; areal extent and surface elevations of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. All of these parameters can be measured from space by satellites that are operating now or are planned for launch during the next few years  相似文献   

The “separation formula”, a new method for computing the adiabatic inter-hemispheric meridional transport, is applied to the Pacific Ocean. The method involves an integration of the wind stress along a “horseshoe” path. It begins at the separation point of the East Australian Current, continues eastward across the ocean, progresses northward along the continental boundary, and then turns back westward across the ocean to the separation point of the Kuroshio. Since the Pacific is closed on the northern side, such an integration gives the wind-driven Indonesian throughflow.The analytical formulas show that, in order for the adiabatic wind-driven throughflow to exist, it is necessary that there be an asymmetry in the winds associated with the two zonal cross-sections connecting the (northern and southern) separation points in the west to the continents in the east. It turns out that these asymmetries in the Pacific are relatively small and, consequently, do not allow for a significant (i.e. more than one Sverdrup) Indonesian transport. Specifically, in the Pacific, this wind-driven transport is directed to the south, implying a very small net Indian-to-Pacific transport rather than a Pacific-to-Indian transport. The adiabatic model fails, therefore, to explain the observed Pacific-to-Indian throughflow of 5-6 Sv.When an upwelling is added to the model (to simulate diabatic processes), then one obtains the result that all the water upwelled in the Pacific must exit the Pacific via the Indonesian seas, i.e. the wind field is effectively blocking the oceanic region between Australia and South America, forcing the upwelled water into the Indian Ocean. This model suggests, therefore, that the observed Pacific-to-Indian throughflow is a measure of the upwelling in the Pacific.  相似文献   

A new method, based on fitting Fourier series to time-series (TS) data from sediment traps, was developed to estimate the settling velocities (SVs) of sinking particles in the open ocean. This new method was applied to data from MedFlux, as well as from the US JGOFS NABE, EqPac, and ASPS studies. Fluxes of mass and of four chemical tracers, as well as the molar ratios of the latter, were plotted on logarithmic scales; Fourier series were then fit to these data. In each case we determined the most likely settling velocity using a likelihood-based nonlinear fitting algorithm. Variation among estimates using single tracers was significantly less than variation using tracer ratios; we therefore concluded that estimates based on single tracers are to be preferred to estimates based on tracer ratios. Our results also showed no obvious differences among SVs estimated using different single tracers. The best estimate of settling velocity using single-tracer fluxes with good temporal resolution (i.e. for sites with cup rotation times 8.5 days) is 205 m/d, with standard deviation 74 m/d. For MedFlux data alone (which have a resolution of 4–6 days), the estimate is 220±65 m/d. This latter value is within 10% of the estimate of average settling velocity (242±31 m/d) made using MedFlux IRS traps in “settling velocity” mode.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the behavior of the thermohaline circulation, as simulated by the Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3), for several centuries following CO2 stabilization for the SRES B1 and A1B scenarios and for an “overshoot” scenario in which CO2 levels temporarily reach the same level as in the A1B scenario before declining to an ultimate stabilization level that is identical to the B1 case. While we find no evidence for irreversible changes of the thermohaline circulation in the overshoot experiment, the interplay of the different timescales of the temperature response of the surface and interior ocean does lead to a number of differences in the long-term response of the ocean between it and the B1 stabilization scenario where the same GHG levels are approached by different paths. The stronger initial warming and its slow penetration into the deeper ocean, followed by a transient surface cooling in the overshoot scenario leads to lower static stability, deeper mixing, and a more rapid recovery of the thermohaline circulation than in the B1 stabilization scenario. While the overshoot scenario recovers surface conditions (e.g. SST, sea ice extent) very similar to the B1 scenario shortly after reaching the same GHG levels, the additional accumulation of heat in the interior ocean during the period of higher forcing causes the global mean ocean temperature and steric sea level to remain higher than in the B1 stabilization scenario for at least another several centuries.  相似文献   

Recently it has been observed that a strong quantitative relationship exists between asymptotic fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) to the deep ocean and asymptotic fluxes of “ballast” minerals (opal; calcium carbonate; dust). It has further been suggested that this relationship might provide a mechanistic basis for improved representations of remineralization in ocean carbon models. Since the depth scale of remineralization z* is the ratio k/v of a remineralization rate k and a settling velocity (SV) v, a mechanistic understanding of settling velocities will be crucial in developing such models.Historically, there have been two approaches to estimating the speed with which POC is transported to the deep ocean. First, settling speeds of single particles have been observed directly in both field and laboratory settings; estimates of fecal pellet sinking velocities tend to be higher and more variable than those of aggregates. Second, estimates have been made of the velocity at which temporal patterns in flux propagate between pairs of sediment traps separated in depth (the “benchmark approach”); recent studies have shown these results to be variable and to depend on mineral ballasting. Here we present SV estimates using a relatively new technology: indented rotating sphere (IRS) sediment traps run in settling velocity (SV) mode. In this approach, particles are separated into SV classes during settling to collection cups. In MedFlux, SV data were collected concurrently with time-series (TS) data; the latter were used to construct benchmark estimates for comparison to the SV estimates. From the SV data, the range of modal settling velocities (sinking velocities having the largest time-averaged mass flux densities on a logarithmic scale of SV) in the fast-sinking fraction was estimated to be 287–503 m/d; the average of these modal values is 353 m/d, with standard deviation 76 m/d. In contrast, mean settling velocities of the fast-sinking fraction depend on the range of settling velocity classes included in the estimate. If only SV classes settling at >50 m/d are included, the range of SVs at MedFlux was 214–298 m/d, with average mean value 242 m/d and standard deviation 31 m/d. These mean-velocity results are in excellent agreement with benchmark estimates of signal propagation velocities at Medflux (220±65 m/d); they are also well within the range of other recent benchmark studies. The agreement between the benchmark estimates and mean settling velocity estimates at MedFlux, but not with modal velocities, argues that the benchmark method estimates mean settling velocities.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional σ-coordinate ocean model with realistic forcing is used to derive and compare flushing time, residence time and water age distributions in Bass Strait, a broad shallow shelf sea in south-eastern Australia which exhibits seasonal variation in water mass properties and circulation. Results illustrate flushing out of most old water occurs each winter–spring period and the circulation in summer increases age of remnant older water in the Strait. A correlation between water age and salinity is found in winter which is the result of advective “erosion” of the interior water mass. The presence of an area in the south-eastern part of the interior with low flushing is suggested to result from a number of physical factors including the presence of quasi-stationary eddies which entrain age, leading to relatively older water residing there.  相似文献   

Inter-annual to inter-decadal changes of hydrographic structure and circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic are studied using a coarse resolution ocean circulation model. The study covers 1949 through 2001, inclusive. A “time-mean state nudging” method is applied to assimilate the observed hydrographic climatology into the model. The method significantly reduces model biases in the long-term mean distribution of temperature and salinity, which commonly exist in coarse-resolution ocean models. By reducing the time-mean biases we also significantly improve the model’s representation of inter-annual to inter-decadal variations. In the central Labrador Sea, the model broadly reproduces the heat and salt variations of the Labrador Sea Water (LSW) as revealed by hydrographic observations. Model sensitivity experiments confirm that the low-frequency hydrographic changes in the central Labrador Sea are closely related to changes in the intensity and depth of deep convection. Changes in surface heat flux associated with the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index play a major role in driving the changes in T–S and sea surface height (SSH). Changes in wind stress play a secondary role in driving these changes but are important in driving the changes in the depth-integrated circulation. The total changes in both SSH and depth-integrated circulation are almost a linear combination of the separate influences of variable buoyancy and momentum fluxes.  相似文献   

Two physical parameters are introduced into the basic ocean equations to generalize numerical ocean models for various vertical coordinate systems and their hybrid features. The two parameters are formulated by combining three techniques: the arbitrary vertical coordinate system of Kasahara [Kasahara, A., 1974. Various vertical coordinate systems used for numerical weather prediction. Mon. Weather Rev. 102, 509–522], the Jacobian pressure gradient formulation of Song [Song, Y.T., 1998. A general pressure gradient formation for ocean models. Part I: Scheme design and diagnostic analysis. Mon. Weather Rev. 126 (12), 3213–3230], and a newly introduced parametric function that permits both Boussinesq (volume-conserving) and non-Boussinesq (mass-conserving) conditions. Based on this new formulation, a generalized modeling approach is proposed. Several representative oceanographic problems with different scales and characteristics––coastal canyon, seamount topography, non-Boussinesq Pacific Ocean with nested eastern Tropics, and a global ocean model––have been used to demonstrate the model’s capabilities for multiscale applications. The inclusion of non-Boussinesq physics in the topography-following ocean model does not incur computational expense, but more faithfully represents satellite-observed ocean-bottom-pressure data. Such a generalized modeling approach is expected to benefit oceanographers in solving multiscale ocean-related problems by using various coordinate systems on the same numerical platform.  相似文献   

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