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The changing concepts and challenges that the process industry has to face in relation to environmental protection are discussed. The original requirements on industry to reduce emissions of contaminants through the installation of filters and waste water treatment facilities or through process modification and introduction of ‘clean production’ strategies were mainly based on economic and technical considerations rather than on an effort to avoid environmental impacts. The introduction of concepts such as ‘assimilative capacity of the environment’ and ‘critical load’ provided useful instruments for setting effect-related emission standards, resulting in acceptable environmental protection. However, the actual requirement for ‘sustainability’ has forced industry to focus not only on controlling emissions of contaminants and pollutants, but to take a global environmental approach, including the choice of raw materials and energy sources, recycling and re-utilization of wastes and to take responsibility for the fate of their products, during their whole lifecycle.  相似文献   

The Marine Strategy Directive requires European Union Member States to develop science-based marine strategies with the involvement of stakeholders, in order that Europe’s marine environment reaches ‘good environmental status’ by 2021. The scientific requirements of marine strategies are clearly defined within the Directive, however, the requirements related to stakeholder involvement are not. This paper presents a critical analysis of the provisions for stakeholder involvement with in the Marine Strategy Directive. In particular, the paper is focused upon the definition of stakeholder, the sequencing of involvement, and the form and purpose of involvement. The critique is set within an evaluative framework that considers policy-making to be a social process, rather than a purely scientific one. It is concluded that the Marine Strategy Directive lacks coherency with respect to stakeholder involvement which may perpetuate the traditional tension between marine science and policy. This in turn may compromise the ability of the Directive to protect Europe’s marine environment.  相似文献   

Based on benthic macroinvertebrate samples from 57 sites of streams in the European Central Highlands (Ecoregion 9; Illies (1978). Limnofauna Europaea, Stuttgart), the composition and the abundance of Simuliid species were analysed in relation to hydromorphological and land use parameters. Sampling sites were located at two stream types differing in catchment geology, stream morphology and channel width. Land use data were taken from the official German information system for cartography and topography (ATKIS) and the German River Habitat Survey. Land use categories suitable to describe the sampling sites were ‘agricultural land’, ‘urban’ and near-natural areas. Hydromorphological parameters of the sites were recorded using the AQEM site protocol (AQEM Consortium (2002). Manual for the application of the AQEM system. A comprehensive method to assess European streams using benthic macroinvertebrates, developed for the purpose of the Water Framework Directive. EVK1-CT1999-00027, Version 1.0. Available via the Internet from www.aqem.de). Relevant parameters controlling Simuliid distribution in streams were the mineral substrates and the biotic microhabitats. Blackfly larvae and pupae were sampled at each site for 15 min. Statistical analysis was performed by CANOCO® (Ter Braak & Smilauer (1997). CANOCO Version 4.5. Biometrics Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands) using redundancy analysis (RDA).

Our results show a stream type-specific composition of the Blackfly fauna. The analyses reveal sensitivity of the Simuliid species to morphological degradation, which is indicated by the shift in the longitudinal zonation of the Simuliid communities. Especially, Prosimulium hirtipes (Fries, 1824) and Simulium argyreatum Meigen, 1838 are typical representatives of headwater streams. While they seem to indicate undisturbed conditions of this stream type and react sensitively to the degradation of stream habitats, Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 and Simulium equinum (Linnaeus, 1758) are more tolerant to stream degradation.

On catchment scale, ‘% natural forest’ and ‘% agricultural land use’ illustrate the degree of degradation of the two selected stream types. ‘Average stream depth’ and ‘relation riffles/pools’ account for hydromorphological degradation reflected by Simuliid species on the smaller reach scale. The analysis of habitat quality revealed that ‘% woody debris’ represents an important parameter of morphological degradation reflected by the Blackfly community.  相似文献   

The following key issues in ecotoxicology, the integration of ecology and toxicology, are discussed: standardized tests and tests of specific hypotheses; future needs relative to ‘benchmarks’; exposure routes and reference comparisons; reproductive effects (e.g. for endocrine-disruptive chemicals) and non-standard data analyses; ‘acceptable’ variability; appropriate use of end-points (e.g. NOECs), biomarkers and bioindicators; external concentration effect vs internal dose response; setting testable hypotheses; integration and/or tiering with chemistry, physical and other variables; ‘validation’ vs proactivity. Ecotoxicology is proactive (e.g. directed testing, resulting in testable hypotheses) as opposed to reactive, the initial impetus for toxicology (determining the causes of observed effects). Ecotoxicology and policy must be integrated if the environment is to be protected.  相似文献   

Many simplifications are used in modeling surface runoff over a uniform slope. A very common simplification is to determine the infiltration rate independent of the overland flow depth and to combine it afterward with the kinematic-wave equation to determine the overland flow depth. Another simplication is to replace the spatially variable infiltration rates along the slope i(x, t) due to the water depth variations h(x,t) with an infiltration rate that is determined at a certain location along the slope. The aim of this study is to evaluate the errors induced by these simplications on predicted infiltration rates, overland flow depths, and total runoff volume. The error analysis is accomplished by comparing a simplified model with a model where the interaction between the overland flow depth and infiltration rate is counted. In this model, the infiltration rate is assumed to vary along the slope with the overland flow depth, even for homogeneous soil profiles. The kinematic-wave equation with interactive infiltration rate, calculated along the slopy by Richard's equation, are then solved by a finite difference scheme for a 100-m-long uniform slope. In the first error analysis, we study the effect of combining an ‘exact’ and ‘approximate’ one-dimensional infiltration rate with the kinematic-wave equation for three different soil surface roughness coefficients. The terms ‘exact’ and ‘approximate’ stand for the solution of Richard's equation with and without using the overland flow depth in the boundary condition, respectively. The simulations showed that higher infiltration rates and lower overland flow depths are obtained during the rising stage of the hydrograph when overland flow depth is used in the upper boundary condition of the one-dimensional Richard's equation. During the recession period, the simplified model predicts lower infiltration rates and higher overland flow depths. The absolute relative errors between the ‘exact’ and ‘approximate’ solutions are positively correlated to the overland flow depths which increase with the soil surface roughness coefficient. For this error analysis, the relative errors in surface runoff volume per unit slope width throughout the storm are much smaller than the relative errors in momentary overland flow depths and discharges due to the alternate signs of the deviations along the rising and falling stages. In the second error analysis, when the spatially variable infiltration rate along the slope i(x, t) is replaced in the kinematic-wave equation by i(t), calculated at the slope outlet, the overland flow depth is underestimated during the rising stage of the hydrograph and overestimated during the falling stage. The deviations during the rising stage are much smaller than the deviations during the falling stage, but they are of a longer duration. This occurs because the solution with i(x, t) recognizes that part of the slope becomes dry after rainfall stops, while overland flow still exists with i(t) determined at the slope outlet. As obtained for the first error analysis, the relative errors in surface runoff volume per unit slope width are also much smaller than the relative errors in momentary overland flow depths and discharges. The relation between the errors in overland flow depth and discharge to different mathematical simplifications enables to evaluate whether certain simplifications are justified or more computational efforts should be used.  相似文献   

An analysis of the factors influencing infiltration and runoff was carried out using data obtained under simulated rainfall conditions on 87 plots in arid and semi-arid areas of West Africa, arranged in a hierarchical sequence. One of the key factors to emerge from this typological classification is the type of surface crust. Together with faunal activity, vegetation cover and surface roughness, this parameter permits the inclusion of a ‘unit surface’ factor in the classification system. Each unit surface is characterized in terms of genetic, morphological and hydrological properties.

At a higher level, the combination of these unit surfaces allows a ‘soil surface features unit’ to be defined, based on an original mapping method. The samples, once defined in this system, were found to correspond to homogeneous criteria both in terms of evolution dynamics and hydrological behaviour. Furthermore, such cartography could be successfully extrapolated through remote sensing image analysis, making possible a classification of the runoff capability of small watersheds based on objective and standardized criteria.  相似文献   

This paper traces the major developments in the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and related environmental policy and examines their impact on the use of crop nutrients. The objectives of the CAP were set out in the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and have not been explicitly revised. The Community has, however, progressed from being a significant importer to a major exporter of food. Various changes in the policy measures/reforms, have been implemented, each to control the continuing increase in farm output. The latest of these in May 1992 reduced commodity prices towards world market levels, introduced 15% set aise for arable land, as well as agreeing a number of agri-environmental measures. Further changes are anticipated following the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and as new trade agreements are reached with the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. Inevitably, existing farm systems will be subject to careful reappraisal. The Community's environmental objectives were added to the Treaty in 1987 with the passing of the European Single Act. The interaction between agriculture and the environment has been a prominent concern. The Directive 91/676, which seeks to protect water against pollution caused by nitrate from agricultural sources, is the first Directive to have a major direct impact on farm practive. The Fifth Environmental Action Plan for 1993–2000 ‘Towards Sustainability’ selects agriculture as one of five industries for specific attention. The plan seeks an extensification of agriculture and a reduction in the use of chemicals. Changes in the amount of plant nutrients from both farmyard manure and mineral fertilizers used in agriculture are quantified. Methods of determining the efficiency with which they are utilized are assessed. New advisory techniques which will improve the efficiency of nutrient use on the farm are considered, as are the implications for the future demand for nutrients from mineral fertilizers. This paper is the view of the European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association.  相似文献   

Soil moisture (SM) plays an important role in land surface and atmospheric interactions. It modifies energy balance at the surface and the rate of water cycling between the land and atmosphere. In this paper we provide a sensitivity assessment of SM and ET for heterogeneous soil physical properties and for three land uses including irrigated maize, rainfed maize, and grass at a climatological time-scale by using a water balance model. Not surprisingly, the study finds increased soil water content in the root zone throughout the year under irrigated farming. Soil water depletes to its lowest level under rainfed maize cultivation. We find a ‘land use’ effect as high as 36 percent of annual total evapotranspiration, under irrigated maize compared to rainfed maize and grass, respectively. Sensitivity analyses consisting of comparative simulations using the model show that soil characteristics, like water holding capacity, influence SM in the root zone and affect seasonal total ET estimates at the climatological time-scale. This ‘soils’ effect is smaller than the ‘land use’ effect associated with irrigation but, it is a source of consistent bias for both SM and ET estimates. The ‘climate’ effect basically masks the ‘soils’ effect under wet conditions. These results lead us to conclude that appropriate representation of land use, soils, and climate are necessary to accurately represent the water and energy balance in real landscapes.  相似文献   

The concept of reinforced earth has not become popular in the case of foundations for buildings. Presumably, the practical difficulties in application and the exorbitant cost have outweighed the beneficial aspects of ‘Reinforced Earth’ in such applications. Block foundations which are usually provided for machines to take care of the dynamic loads are small and compact and the improvement of the base with reinforcements should not be a difficult or impractical proposition. In this investigation, the feasibility of improving the dynamic properties of soil b ase by applying high modulus materials, such as steel wires and low modulus materials as geotextiles, and a combination of both have been studied in a standard forced vertical block resonance test. The feasibility and the supremacy of the ‘Reinforced Earth’ with the reinforced bases of (i) mild steel frame stiffened with high tensile wires (ii) sand coated geotextiles with the inclusion of a thin layer of frictional sand and (iii) sand coated geotextiles stiffened with welded mesh, have been brought out.  相似文献   

We apply a geospeedometer previously developed in this lab to investigate cooling rate profiles of rhyolitic samples initially held at 720–750°C and quenched in water, liquid nitrogen, and air. For quench of mm-size samples in liquid nitrogen and in air, the cooling rate is uniform and is controlled by heat transfer in the quench medium instead of heat conduction in the sample. The heat transfer coefficient in ‘static’ air decreases with increasing sample size. For quench of mm-size samples in water, heat transfer in water is rapid and the cooling rate is largely controlled by heat conduction in the sample. Our experimental results are roughly consistent with previous calculations for cooling in air and in water (although constant heat transfer coefficients were used in these calculations), but cooling rate in liquid nitrogen is only 1.8–2.3 times that in ‘static’ air, and slower by a factor of 2 than calculated by previous authors. Cooling rate in compressed airflow is about the same as that in liquid nitrogen. The experimental results are applied to interpret cooling rates of pyroclasts in ash beds of the most recent eruptions of the Mono Craters. Cooling rates of pyroclasts are inversely correlated with sample size and slower than those in air. The results indicate that the hydrous species concentrations of the pyroclasts were frozen in the eruption column, rather than inside ash beds or in flight in ambient air. From the cooling rates, we infer eruption column temperature in a region where and at a time when hydrous species concentrations in a pyroclast were locked in. The temperature ranges from 260 to 570°C for the most recent eruptions of Mono Craters. These are the first estimates of temperatures in volcanic eruption columns. The ability to estimate cooling rates and eruption column temperatures from eruptive products will provide constraints to dynamic models for the eruption columns.  相似文献   

Urban Svensson   《Journal of Hydrology》2001,250(1-4):187-205
A method to represent fracture networks in a continuum model is evaluated by an application to the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL). The basic approach of the method is to first generate a fracture network, based on data from field measurements and then represent the network as grid cell conductivities, using a staggered grid arrangement. It is argued that the resulting conductivity fields capture the correlation and anisotropy structures, as well as the mean conductivity, of the rock in a realistic way. The main objective is to evaluate if the suggested method can be used in an application to a real site. The objective is formulated in three questions: ‘Can the method utilize available field data?’, ‘Can the generated fields be calibrated and conditioned?’ and ‘Are realistic distributions of pressure, flow and density obtained?’. From the application to the Äspö HRL, it is concluded that the hydraulic conductivity fields, generated by the suggested method, can utilize field data and be calibrated. It is also demonstrated that realistic distributions of pressure, flow and density can be simulated.  相似文献   

Under enhanced greenhouse conditions, climate models suggest an increase in rainfall intensities in the northern Hemisphere. Major flood events in the UK during autumn 2000 and central Europe in August 2002, have focussed attention on the dramatic impacts these changes may have on many sectors of society. In the companion paper [Fowler et al., J. Hydrol. (2004) this issue], we suggested that the HadRM3H model may be used with some confidence to estimate extreme rainfall distributions, showing good predictive skill in estimating statistical properties of extreme rainfall during the baseline period, 1961–1990. In this study, we use results from the future integration of HadRM3H (following the IPCC SRES scenario A2 for 2070–2100) to assess possible changes in extreme rainfall across the UK using two methods: regional frequency analysis and individual grid box analysis. Results indicate that for short duration events (1–2 days), event magnitude at a given return period will increase by 10% across the UK. For longer duration events (5–10 days), event magnitudes at given return periods show large increases in Scotland (up to +30%), with greater relative change at higher return periods (25–50 years). In the rest of the UK, there are small increases in the magnitude of more frequent events (up to +10%) but reductions at higher return periods (up to −20%). These results provide information to alter design storm depths to examine climate change impacts on various structures. The uncertainty bounds of the estimated changes and a ‘scaling’ methodology are additionally detailed. This allows the estimation of changes for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s, and gives some confidence in the use of these estimates in impact studies.  相似文献   

L.J. Bren   《Journal of Hydrology》1993,150(2-4):277-299
In the last two decades, the effects of forest management on streams, riparian zones, and floodplains have become of much interest. In general, there is agreement that such areas should be maintained in a state approximating naturalness, although it is recognised that definition of this state is usually difficult or impossible. A diversity of management effects has been recognised and, in some cases quantified. For upland catchments, issues particularly relate to direct disturbance of the zone, changes in the flow of woody debris into the stream, or disturbance to the environment by effects generated upstream or downstream. For many areas, a particularly important commercial aspect is the definition of a ‘stream’, as this can impose many expensive and severe restrictions on management of the land. For large rivers, a common issue is the effect of river management on flooding forests. In each case, the issues are complex, information is difficult to collect, and there are fundamental difficulties in going from anecdotal observation to data. Currently, most information appears to be at a relatively local level, and there is a very inadequate knowledge base to give a more holistic overview, although the concept of ‘cumulative effects’, with the effects accumulated over both space and time, has much potential value. There are many opportunities for work in this field.  相似文献   

The priorities for the protection of the seas have been discussed extensively. Many consider that the problem of marine pollution can only be solved on the basis of joint international actions. This is particularly true for the various countries bordering on the North Sea. To implement such ‘Joint Actions’, a new understanding of safety, namely ‘global maritime safety’ should be discussed with all those involved.  相似文献   

A study on the dynamic characteristics of rigid foundations with special geometries such as square or circular with concentric internal holes, is presented. The foundations are resting on a homogeneous, linear elastic halfspace and are subjected to external forces or seismic wave excitation. Both ‘relaxed’ and ‘non-relaxed’ boundary conditions at the interface between the foundation and the halfspace are considered, and several parametric studies are conducted to assess the influence of either type of boundary conditions upon each of the possible modes of vibration. Results for massive and massless foundations are presented in time and frequency domains for impulsive and harmonic excitations, respectively. A time domain boundary element method (BEM) developed by the authors for the solution of a class of 3-D soil-structure interaction (SSI) problems is used for all the analyses reported in this work. The accuracy and efficiency of the method and the BEM models developed in this work are assessed on the basis of comparison studies with published results.  相似文献   

Morton's complementary relationship areal evapotranspiration (CRAE) model was originally designed to provide regional estimates of monthly evapotranspiration. Often, however, hydrologists and others require estimates of evapotranspiration for field-sized land units under a specific land use, for shorter intervals of time. This paper examines CRAE with respect to the algorithms used to describe different terms and its applicability to reduced spatial and temporal scales.

Daily estimates by CRAE of atmospheric radiation fluxes during the summer months are compared with monitored values. It is shown that errors in estimation of the extra-terrestrial flux, the transmittancy of clouds to short-wave radiation, the surface albedo and the net long-wave flux result in standard deviations of the difference between ‘modelled’ and ‘measured’ net all-wave radiation for 1-, 5- and 10-day periods of 2.58, 1.8 and 1.50 MJm−2 day−1 respectively.

The assumption in CRAE that the vapour transfer coefficient is independent of wind speed may lead to appreciable error in computing evapotranspiration. A procedure for incorporating a wind correction factor is described and the improvement in estimating regional evaporation is illustrated.

Comparisons of evapotranspiration estimates by CRAE and measurements obtained from soil moisture and precipitation observations in the semi-arid, cold-climate Prairie region of western Canada demonstrate that the assumptions that the soil heat flux and storage terms are negligible, lead to large overestimation by the model during periods of soil thaw.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts occur at all stages of oil and gas production. They are the result of prospecting activities, of the physical impact due to the installation of rigs, of the operational discharges when production starts and of accidental spills. The input of oil to the North Sea due to the offshore industry has been estimated at 29% of the total input of oil. The operational discharges consist of production water and drilling cuttings. An overview of statistics collected over the last 10 years shows that although the amount of oil discharged via production water is increasing as platforms are getting older, cuttings still account for 75% of the oil entering the sea as a result of normal operations. Spills represent a relatively small source of oil. The effects on the marine environment of discharges of production water and of discarded oily cuttings have been extensively studied, by national authorities as well as by the industry. Although it has not always been possible to reach consensus about the significance of the observed effects, a number of ‘agreed facts’ have led to establishment of regulations in the framework of the Paris Commission. The ‘decisions’ and ‘recommendations’ adopted by the Commission are regularly reviewed in the light of new developments.  相似文献   

The results from two whole-catchment manipulation experiments in Norway are used to evaluate MAGIC (Model of Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments), a model of ecosystem biogeochemical response to acid deposition. MAGIC is an aggregated catchment-scale model of acidification that has been widely used in assessment activities in Europe and North America. The experiments involved artificial decrease (Reversing Acidification In Norway, RAIN) and increases (Humid Lake Acidification Experiment, HUMEX) in acidic deposition. Runoff from both sites is influenced by moderate levels of organic acids. At each site the model was calibrated to the control catchment and then applied to the manipulated catchments with only minor adjustments. The major responses in runoff chemistry to the manipulations were closely simulated by the model. Differences between simulated and observed volume-weighted annual average concentrations of all major ions were less than ±6 μequiv 1−1 for the entire 4–8 year period of prediction. Trends in response to the manipulations were correctly simulated. Most of the residual error resulted from an inability of the model to reproduce the year-to-year variability (noise) around the trends. Although such model evaluations cannot ‘prove’ the correctness of the model structure, good fits to experimental data increase confidence in model applications for assessment and management purposes. Evaluations of this sort can also identify aspects of the model that need further development. For MAGIC, these are primarily a need for improvement in the calibration of aluminium solubility and a better process basis for nitrogen dynamics.  相似文献   

Intertidal harpacticoid copepods are commonly used in eco-toxicity tests worldwide. They predominately live in mid-high shore rock pools and often experience a wide range of temperature and salinity fluctuation. Most eco-toxicity tests are conducted at fixed temperature and salinity and thus the influence of these environmental factors on chemical toxicity is largely unknown. This study investigated the combined effect of temperature and salinity on the acute toxicity of the copepod Tigriopus japonicus against two common biocides, copper (Cu) and tributyltin (TBT) using a 2 × 3 × 4 factorial design (i.e. two temperatures: 25 and 35 °C; three salinities: 15.0‰, 34.5‰ and 45.0‰; three levels of the biocide plus a control). Copper sulphate and tributyltin chloride were used as the test chemicals while distilled water and acetone were utilised as solvents for Cu and TBT respectively. 96h-LC50s of Cu and TBT were 1024 and 0.149 μg l−1 respectively (at 25 °C; 34.5‰) and, based on these results, nominal biocide concentrations of LC0 (i.e. control), LC30, LC50 and LC70 were employed. Analysis of Covariance using ‘concentration’ as the covariate and both ‘temperature’ and ‘salinity’ as fixed factors, showed a significant interaction between temperature and salinity effects for Cu, mortality increasing with temperature but decreasing with elevated salinity. A similar result was revealed for TBT. Both temperature and salinity are, therefore, important factors affecting the results of acute eco-toxicity tests using these marine copepods. We recommend that such eco-toxicity tests should be conducted at a range of environmentally realistic temperature/salinity regimes, as this will enhance the sensitivity of the test and improve the safety margin in line with the precautionary principle.  相似文献   

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