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Data of flood, drought, hailstorms, and low temperature events in Xinjiang from 1949 to 2012 were analyzed with the diffusion method to assess the risk of the most common types of disasters in Xinjiang. It was proved that the frequency and intensity of meteorological disasters of the study area showed an increasing trend associated with global warming. Among the four types of disasters, surpass probability of drought was the largest, followed by hailstorm, low temperature and flood in turn. Moreover, the wavelet method analysis revealed that greater oscillations had occurred since 2000, which may be associated with the occurrence of extreme climatic changes. The spatial distribution of frequencies reveals that the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains is a multiple disaster area, the southern slope of Tianshan is the area where more floods and hailstorms occur, and the west of Turpan-Hami Basin is the area wind is prevalent. The relationships between disaster-affected areas and corresponding meteorological and socio-economic indexes were also analyzed. It indicated that there were significant positive correlations between the areas affected and the most meteorological and socio-economic indicators except the grain acreage.  相似文献   

新疆洪旱灾害与大尺度气候强迫因子的联系   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
通过对新疆洪灾灾害历史资料和太阳黑子、ENSO事件年数据以及北大西洋涛动指数的分析,表明在太阳黑子极低值年或不活跃年,新疆易发生重大洪灾,而在太阳黑子低值年或相对不活跃年,新疆也易发生重大旱灾。近200a来,新疆重大洪旱灾害绝大部分都发生在太阳黑子的低谷时期。ENSO事件对新疆夏季降水的影响效应明显。因而该事件对新疆的洪旱灾害也产生了影响。对近50年来灾害统计资料分析显示,与拉尼娜年相比,在厄尔尼诺年新疆更易发生洪旱灾害。20世纪后半段新疆洪旱灾害指数与北大西洋涛动指数进行对比可以发现.夏季NAO指数与新疆洪水灾害之间存在大致上的反相关系。而冬季NAO指数与新疆干旱灾害之间存在比较明显的反相关系。  相似文献   

为了更准确的掌握乌鲁木齐地区夏季气象干旱的变化特征并研究其成因,以乌鲁木齐地区5个站点的历史降水资料为基础,统计得到其1961-2015年夏季累积降水在100~250 mm范围内变化,并通过计算Z指数来表征干旱变化特征,利用Mann-Kendall检验和Morlet小波分析归纳了乌鲁木齐夏季气象干旱在1980年代中期的突变特征以及1986年以来12 a左右的周期性变化特征。在此基础上结合NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、JRA海表温度(SST)等数据,通过对比典型旱/涝年的异常特征,对夏季气象干旱发生的成因进行了分析,发现低纬东风输送强时水汽可由80°~90°E向北越过青藏高原影响新疆地区,反之则包括乌鲁木齐在内的天山以北地区可降水量都偏少,并且指出赤道东太平洋SST异常所导致的赤道纬向垂直环流异常是导致这一差异的可能成因。此外还对乌鲁木齐夏季气象干旱与大气环流指数存在的关联进行了讨论。这些结果为乌鲁木齐降水机理研究以及气候预报提供了重要依据,并为人工影响天气和抗旱减灾工作提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

新疆北部的降水量线性变化趋势特征分析   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
应用新疆北疆地区以及天山山区26个气象站1961-2005年的月降水量资料,分析了新疆北部地区、天山山区、北疆沿天山经济带、北疆平原、北疆北部流域、北疆西部流域6个区域的年、暖季(5-10月)、冷季(11-4月)以及各月的降水量线性趋势特征。结果显示:6个区域及26个气象站的年降水量45a年来均呈线性增加趋势;暖季降水量6个区域均呈线性增加趋势,北疆区、天山山区最显著;冷季降水量6个区域全部呈明显的线性增加趋势;月降水线性趋势变化较显著的月份为1、2、7、11、12月,其它各月没有通过0.10显著性水平检验,12个月中增湿趋势站数明显占优势的月份可占80%左右,3、9月呈下降趋势的站数较多。增湿结果已给新疆带来风吹雪、雪崩、畜牧业雪灾、洪水、融雪性洪水、泥石流、滑坡等灾害。  相似文献   

为探究农业洪水灾害发生机理和降低洪水灾害对农业生产的不利影响,以宝鸡市为例,利用辖区内2014年降水数据与2015年社会经济统计资料,依据自然灾害脆弱性理论,从易损性和适应性2个因子着手,选取了年降水量等12个分指标,构建了宝鸡市农业洪水灾害脆弱性评价指标体系,运用均方差赋权法确定权重,利用ArcGIS 10.2技术以县域尺度视角对研究区农业洪水灾害脆弱性进行了综合评价与区划。结果表明:(1) 高易损性区主要集中在岐山县、金台区等年降水量较高且耕地比重较大的区县。(2) 高适应性区主要包括渭滨区、金台区等经济发达地区。(3) 高脆弱性区为太白县、千阳县;较高脆弱性区为陇县、麟游县、岐山县、扶风县;中等脆弱性区为陈仓区、凤翔县;低脆弱性区为金台区、渭滨区、眉县、凤县。整体来看,宝鸡市农业水灾高脆弱区集中分布在辖区东北部,宝鸡市政府及有关部门应加强水灾风险研究,根据各区县的地理环境特征和经济发展水平来因地制宜调整土地利用结构和农业种植结构,重视防洪工程建设,降低农业水灾脆弱性以减轻农业洪水灾损。  相似文献   

新疆天山和北疆地区是我国三大稳定积雪区之一,积雪反照率的变化显著地影响其地表吸收的太阳辐射能量。2018年1~3月,在新疆天山和北疆地区进行了积雪反照率观测,发现研究区的积雪反照率存在明显的时空差异。时间上,由于受到气温变化的影响,研究区的积雪反照率整体呈现下降的趋势,而且不同时期的下降幅度有差异,1月末~3月初反照率的降低相比1月初~1月末反照率降低更加明显。空间上,由于受到污化物的影响,各区域(阿勒泰地区、塔城地区、天山北坡和伊犁河谷)的积雪反照率之间存在差异,其中天山地区(天山北坡和伊犁河谷)的积雪反照率低于北疆地区(阿勒泰地区和塔城地区),天山北坡的反照率最低;在积雪稳定期及消融期,污化物对积雪反照率的影响最为明显。  相似文献   

南疆近60年来洪灾时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对南疆洪灾时空变化特征进行深入分析。结果表明:①南疆洪灾,在20世纪50~70年代发生频次较低,自1980年开始显著上升。洪灾年内主要集中在3~9月,其中7月频次最多为7.8次。春季发生融雪型洪灾,夏季以暴雨洪灾和暴雨融雪型洪灾为主。②阿克苏和喀什是南疆洪灾频次最多,暴雨洪灾持续时间最长的地区,巴州是暴雨洪灾频次及持续时间增长速度最快的地区。③阿克苏和喀什属于重洪灾区、巴州属于中洪灾区、克州与和田属于轻洪灾区。④洪灾损失随着工农业生产总值的增长而增加,而且增长速度比经济增长速度快,建议加大防洪投入力度,建设控制性水利工程。  相似文献   

天山北坡“96.7”洪水致灾原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年7月中,下旬,天山北坡发生了特大洪水,其洪峰之高,洪量之大为历史上所罕见,形成了建国以来新疆从未有过的特大洪灾,本文综合实地考察结果,在对洪水特点分析基础上,结合对本次洪水致灾过程的研究,详尽分析了天山北坡“96.7”洪水致灾原因。  相似文献   

基于Copula 函数的新疆极端降水概率时空变化特征   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
依据新疆地区53 个雨量站1957-2009 年日降水资料,根据研究需要,定义了8 个极端降水指标。运用K-S 法确定降水指标最适概率分布函数,确定十年一遇极端降水量值;在此基础上,采用Copula 非参数估计方法,通过Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) 法确定两降水指标联合分布函数,系统分析极端降水单变量极值及降水极值二维联合概率分布特征,研究新疆地区降水极值概率变化的空间演变特征。研究结果表明:(1) 北疆比南疆湿润,北疆发生极端强降水的概率大,而南疆发生极端弱降水的概率较大,另外,相比较而言,山区要比平原降水多;(2) 极端强、弱降水同年发生的概率分布特征复杂,从降水天数来看,一年内同时发生长历时强降水与弱降水事件的概率山区较平原大;从极端降水总量来看,同时发生强降水与弱降水事件的概率在平原区较山区为大;从极端降水强度来看,同时发生强度较大的强降水与弱降水事件的概率在天山南坡较其他地区为大;(3) 洪旱发生概率与地形有关,天山是洪旱发生的分界线,山区发生洪旱灾害的概率比平原小。  相似文献   

More than 240 items of historical records containing climatic information were retrieved from official historical books, local chronicles, annals and regional meteorological disaster yearbooks. By using moisture index and flood/drought (F/D) index obtained from the above information, the historical climate change, namely wet-dry conditions in borderland of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (BSGN, mainly included Ningxialu, Hezhoulu, Gongchanglu, Fengyuanlu and Yan’anlu in the Yuan Dynasty) was studied. The results showed that the climate of the region was generally dry and the ratio between drought and flood disasters was 85/38 during the period of 1208–1369. According to the frequencies of drought-flood disasters, the whole period could be divided into three phases. (1) 1208–1240: drought dominated the phase with occasional flood disasters. (2) 1240–1320: long-time drought disasters and extreme drought events happened frequently. (3) 1320–1369: drought disasters were less severe when flood and drought disasters happened alternately. Besides, the reconstructed wet-dry change curve revealed obvious transition and periodicity in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The transitions occurred in 1230 and 1325. The wet-dry change revealed 10- and 23-year quasi-periods which were consistent with solar cycles, indicating that solar activity had affected the wet-dry conditions of the study region in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The reconstructed results were consistent with two other study results reconstructed from natural evidences, and were similar to another study results from historical documents. All the above results showed that the climate in BSGN was characterized by long-time dry condition with frequent severe drought disasters during 1258 to 1308. Thus, these aspects of climatic changes might have profound impacts on local vegetation and socio-economic system.  相似文献   

近50年来新疆天山山区水循环要素的变化特征与趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天山山区由于其特殊的地理位置与高海拔,成为新疆地表径流的主要产流区域。近几十年来,全球平均气温的持续上升对该区域气温、降水、径流等水循环要素产生重要的影响。根据天山南北坡有关水文气象台站的观测资料,系统地分析了该区域1960年代以来各水循环要素的变化特征与趋势。结果表明,受全球变暖的影响,1980年以来整个天山地区气温和降水均呈明显的上升趋势,其中10 a气温的升幅更为显著;对于降水而言,天山南坡降水增幅大于北坡,而南坡的西段是近10 a降水增幅最大的区域。受气温上升与降水增加的影响,天山地区出山径流总体上呈增加的趋势,其中,近10 a天山南坡中西段河流出山径流量增幅最为显著,平均增幅在30%以上。  相似文献   

新疆地处干旱和半干旱气候区,明确其生态系统的碳汇大小及其对气候变化的响应对研究中国干旱区植被碳汇及其对陆地碳平衡的贡献具有重要意义。基于最新地面气象观测数据,利用大气植被相互作用模型AVIM2(Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model 2),在0.05°×0.05°经纬度空间网格上估算分析了1961-2015年新疆净生态系统生产力(NEP)的时空分布特征及其对气候变化的响应。研究结果表明:近55 a新疆NEP平均值为14.4 gC·m-2,没有明显变化趋势。空间上看,约40%地区的NEP呈下降趋势,主要分布在天山两麓的城市人口聚集区;而60%地区NEP呈上升走势,其主要分布在新疆昆仑山脉、天山山区和人烟稀少的荒漠地区。新疆NEP对降水量变化更为敏感,气温的变化对NEP的影响并不显著。虽然新疆平均碳汇随着年降水量的变化而在源与汇之间波动,但是从多年平均来看,新疆仍然为碳汇区。  相似文献   

According to the results of The Second Comprehensive Scientific Expedition on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the balance of solid and liquid water on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is disturbed, and a large amount of solid water, such as glaciers and perpetual snow, is transformed into liquid water, which aggravates the risk of flood disasters in the Plateau. Based on the historical flood disaster records of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this paper analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the flood disasters in the Plateau, and estimated the critical rainfall for the flood disasters combined with precipitation data from the meteorological stations in each basin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results show that most of the flood disaster events in the Plateau are caused by precipitation, and the average annual occurrence of flood disasters is more than 30 cases and their frequency is on the rise. The high frequency areas of flood disasters in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are mainly in the Hehuang Valley and the Hengduan Mountains area; the secondary high frequency areas are located in the valley area of South Tibet and the peripheral area of the Hehuang valley. Finally, we found that the highest critical rainfall value of flood disasters in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is in the southern area of the plateau, followed by the eastern and southeastern parts of the plateau, and the lowest values are in the central, western and northern parts of the Plateau.  相似文献   

李双双  延军平  杨蓉  胡娜娜 《中国沙漠》2013,33(5):1552-1559
利用宁夏20个气象站1961—2010年实测气象资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall非参数检验、标准化降水指数等数理分析方法,对宁夏近50年旱涝灾害时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明:①1961—2010年宁夏气候暖干化趋势明显,增温速率为0.38 ℃/10a,远高于全国和西北地区;②1961—2010年宁夏降水量波动减少且具有整体性,雨量带明显南移,干旱、半干旱区域逐年扩大。③1961—2010年宁夏旱涝灾害交替发生,干旱化趋势明显。④在旱灾方面,宁夏南部山区旱灾频率相对较低,从南向北旱灾频率逐渐上升。北部灌溉区以轻微干旱为主,严重干旱和极端干旱主要发生在中部干旱区。⑤在涝灾方面,宁夏南部山区涝灾相对较少,依然呈现由南向北涝灾频率逐渐上升的空间格局。中等以上涝灾南部山区相对较多,严重湿润和极端湿润主要发生在北部引黄灌溉区。  相似文献   

近40a甘肃省气象灾害对社会经济的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用甘肃省近40 a的气温、降水、各种气象灾害和各种灾情、经济指标资料,分析了甘肃气候对全球气候变暖的响应、气象灾害对社会经济和农业的影响。得出全省平均气温为增温趋势;降水河西(以黄河为界)为增加趋势,河东减少趋势;干旱20世纪90年代在增加,而沙尘暴、冰雹、暴雨90年代在减少;极端气候事件增加;气象灾害对农业的影响明显,气象灾害受灾总面积与粮食单产呈明显的负相关,尤以干旱灾害对全省粮食产量的影响更为显著;洪灾造成的直接经济损失增加。  相似文献   

基于树木年轮宽度重建塔里木盆地西北缘水汽压变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用新疆阿合奇县以南黑尔塔格山区的天山云杉树木年轮宽度资料,基于树轮宽度指数与阿合奇气象要素的相关分析发现该树木径向生长主要受水分条件限制。选择相关系数较高且生理意义明确的时段和要素,建立了树轮宽度标准年表与阿合奇上年8月至当年6月的平均水汽压的线性转换方程(R2=66.4%,Radj2=65.1%,p<0.001)。器测资料线性趋势分析表明,近56年来阿合奇的降水和水汽压呈一致的上升趋势。阿合奇1656-2012年的水汽压序列经历了4个偏干阶段(1666-1689年、1722-1749年、1820-1880年、1909-1988年)和4个偏湿阶段(1688-1721年、1750-1819年、1881-1908年、1989-002年)。在95%的置信水平上,重建序列存在显著的56.8 a、13.4 a、10.7 a、6.9 a、5.4 a、4.3 a、3.8 a和2.6 a的周期,其56.8 a的低频周期和6.9 a的周期对应天山山区的树轮重建序列中记录的周期特征。滑动T检验发现了显著性水平达到 0.001的6个突变年份(1720年、1827年、1910年、1751年、1874年、1988年)。重建序列中1988年水汽压增加的突变和1989年以来的偏湿阶段与中国西北(特别是天山山区和南疆西部)20世纪80年代以来增湿过程对应。阿合奇的水汽压重建序列与天山山区和阿克苏的降水记录的干湿阶段一致,但与同位新疆南部天山山区中部巴仑台的干湿阶段并不对应。  相似文献   

More than 240 items of historical records containing climatic information were retrieved from official historical books, local chronicles, annals and regional meteorological disaster yearbooks. By using moisture index and flood/drought (F/D) index obtained from the above information, the historical climate change, namely wet-dry conditions in borderland of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (BSGN, mainly included Ningxialu, Hezhoulu, Gongchanglu, Fengyuanlu and Yan’anlu in the Yuan Dynasty) was studied. The results showed that the climate of the region was generally dry and the ratio between drought and flood disasters was 85/38 during the period of 1208–1369. According to the frequencies of drought-flood disasters, the whole period could be divided into three phases. (1) 1208–1240: drought dominated the phase with occasional flood disasters. (2) 1240–1320: long-time drought disasters and extreme drought events happened frequently. (3) 1320–1369: drought disasters were less severe when flood and drought disasters happened alternately. Besides, the reconstructed wet-dry change curve revealed obvious transition and periodicity in the Mongol–Yuan Period. The transitions occurred in 1230 and 1325. The wet-dry change revealed 10- and 23-year quasi-periods which were consistent with solar cycles, indicating that solar activity had affected the wet-dry conditions of the study region in the Mongol–Yuan Period. The reconstructed results were consistent with two other study results reconstructed from natural evidences, and were similar to another study results from historical documents. All the above results showed that the climate in BSGN was characterized by long-time dry condition with frequent severe drought disasters during 1258 to 1308. Thus, these aspects of climatic changes might have profound impacts on local vegetation and socio-economic system.  相似文献   

天山山区与南、北疆近40a来的年温度变化特征比较研究   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:14  
分析天山山区近40 a来年温度变化的基本特征,并与南疆、北疆进行比较,其结果是:(1)天山山区年平均温度在冷暖变化阶段上与北疆的相似性强于南疆。(2)新疆三大区域年平均温度的最主要空间分布特征均是同步变化,但同步性的程度北疆较好,南疆及天山山区较差;而空间分布的反向变化性,南疆及天山山区较好,北疆较差。(3)三大区域年平均温度的年代际变化趋势是不同的,但均以20世纪90年代为最暖。(4)近40 a的显著线性增温趋势以年平均最低温度及年平均温度表现得空间范围最广,年平均最高温度最差;年平均温度的长期增温率以北疆最大,天山山区和南疆较小;年平均最低温度的10 a增温率变化在0.34~0.37℃之间。(5)三大区域最佳升温趋势出现的时段比较一致,增温率以北疆为最大,天山山区和南疆相同。(6)北疆与南疆年平均温度分别在1960年和1978年发生了由低向高的突变。  相似文献   

Energy consumption has an inevitable connection with economic level and climate. Based on selected data covering annual total energy consumption and its composition and that of all kinds of energy in 1953-1999, the annual residential energy consumption and the coal and electricity consumption in 1980-1999 in China, the acreage of crops under cultivation suffered from drought and flood annually and gross domestic product (GDP) in 1953-1999 in the whole country, and mean daily temperature data from 29 provincial meteorological stations in the whole country from 1970 to 1999, this paper divides energy consumption into socio-economic energy consumption and climatic energy consumption in the way of multinomial. It also goes further into the relations and their changes between the climate energy consumption and climate factor and between the socio-economic energy consumption and the economic level in China with the method of statistical analysis. At present, there are obvious transitions in the changing relationships of the energy consumption to economy and climate, which comprises the transition of economic system from resource-intensive industry to technology-intensive industry and the transition of climatic driving factors of the energy consumption from driven by the disasters of drought and flood to driven by temperature.  相似文献   

千河流域近540 a来旱涝灾害变化规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨凌  查小春 《干旱区地理》2012,35(1):133-138
 通过收集整理千河流域1470-2009年旱涝灾害资料,结合滑动平均、累积距平,以及小波变换处理等方法,分析了千河流域近540 a来旱涝灾害变化规律。研究结果表明:千河流域旱涝灾害交替频繁,具有明显阶段性与周期性规律。通过11 a滑动平均和累积距平分析,可以将千河流域历史旱涝灾害分为3个阶段,在此基础上,又可分为7个明显的偏旱或偏涝时期。另外,由小波分析得出,千河流域近540 a来的旱涝灾害具有明显的周期变化,并且与太阳活动周期有着密切的联系。而且千河流域历史旱涝灾害的发生与我国西北地区,尤其是关中地区旱涝灾害发生规律具有明显的相关性。这对了解千河流域旱涝灾害发生规律和制订防灾减灾措施等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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