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韩彦奎 《地理教学》2014,(12):60-62
自主命题就是教师根据课程标准的要求,利用新材料,设置新情境,提出问题,编制答案,并给出评分细则的过程。当前教师自主命题的积极性不高,命题能力偏低.提高自主命题能力的措施主要是:1.认识自主命题的重要意义;2.了解有关命题理论:(1)编制试题的目的和要求;(2)命题的基本原则;(3)把握不同题型的特点和要求;3.加强学习研究;4.命题的基本流程:(1)搜集积累素材;(2)编制双向细目表;(3)选取素材、分析素材,提出问题;(4)确定答案。  相似文献   

正[1]陶本一.学科教育学[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2002.[2]袁孝亭.基于地理思想方法的地理课程与教学研究[J].课程·教材·教法,2010,(7):82-87.[3]俞立中.重建信息时代的中学地理教育——在《地理教学》创刊50周年纪念研讨会上的讲话[J].地理教学,2009,(11):2-5.[4]俞立中.对中学地理教育改革的几点思考[J].地理教学,2012,(5):4-7.[5]李家清,户清丽.我国课程论与教学论研究现状透视与未来瞻望——基于2010年全国课程论研讨会和教学论年会研究成果的分析[J].教育研究与实验,2011,(3):23-27.  相似文献   

我们认为旅游地理学已经成为地理学领域当中的一个重要分支学科。本文的目的是从下列五个方面阐述这一论点:(1) 回顾旅游地理学的历史发展过程,(2) 分析有关旅游地理学文献,(3) 研究发表于美国地理学家协会的论文,(4) 探讨某些应用旅游地理学的实例,(5) 评述旅游地理学的现状与其趋势。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲滨海小流域离子化学特征及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析中山大学滨海小流域水循环综合试验基地内雨水、河水和地下水离子组分的基础上,讨论了该小流域内水体离子化学组分的特征及来源。结果显示:①河水中TDS变化范围为28.97~44.64 mg/l,平均值为33.90 mg/l;在离子化学组成中,阳离子以Na++K+为主,阴离子以Cl-和HCO3-为主;雨水中TDS的变化范围为0.88~26.07 mg/l,平均值为8.42 mg/l,离子含量变化幅度较大;地下水TDS变化范围为39.49~113.16 mg/l,均值为58.11 mg/l,约为流域河水的2倍,雨水的7倍;②海盐沉降中Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、K+、SO42-的贡献率:雨季分别为6%、60%、47%、2%和15%,旱季分别为3%、41%、54%、2%、9%;③硅酸盐风化中,雨季:(Ca/Na)sil=0.31,(Mg/K)sil=0.21;旱季:(Ca/Na)sil=0.36,(Mg/K)sil=0.27;CO2消耗率为12.4 t/(km2.a);④河水中的NO3-和(SO42-)res主要来源于大气酸沉降,且具有旱季含量低、雨季含量高的特点;⑤R1潜水井受到一定程度的NO3-污染,NO3-的...  相似文献   

世界三大渔场一般指(1)日本沿海,(2)北美洲东岸纽芬兰岛沿海,(3)北海、挪威、冰岛沿海(见图)。图中表示了大陆外缘每1,000海里年捕捞量在100万吨以上的海域范围,它们也就是三大渔场的所在地。这三个渔场有如下三个共同的特征:  相似文献   

仲学锋  王荣 《极地研究》1993,5(4):32-39
198 9/1 990年和 1 990 /1 991年南极夏季在普里兹湾及其邻近海域进行了拖网调查 ,对这一海域晶磷虾 (Euphausia crystallorophias)幼体和成体的数量分布、发育特点、成体的体长 -频数分布以及体长与体重的关系等进行了研究。晶磷虾的近岸性分布特点非常明显 ,幼体和成体均分布在 1 0 0 0米等深线以浅的水域。在陆架区晶磷虾是优势种 ,其幼体和成体的数量远远高于其他种类的磷虾。幼体密度在 70 - 44 3 6 5个 /1 0 0 0米 3之间 ,平均为 942 8个 /1 0 0 0米 3 ;成体及未成体密度在 1 0 - 2 0 3个 /1 0 0 0米 3 之间 ,平均为 5 7个 /1 0 0 0米 3 。1 990年 1月份幼体发育期组成为 N1 - C3 ,其中C1占优势 ,平均发育期指数在 4.1 2 - 5 .0 7之间 ;2 - 3月份发育期组成为 C1 - F3 ,F1 ,F2占优势 ,平均发育期指数在 6 .98- 7.81之间。1 991年 1月份幼体发育期组成为 N1 - C2 ,平均发育期指数为 2 .71 - 3 .6 3 ,MN占优势。未成体体长在 1 7毫米以下。成体体长在 1 7- 3 7毫米之间 ,主要分布在 2 2 - 3 1毫米体长段。大于 2 8- 3 0毫米的体长段里雌性成体的比例大于雄性成体。雌性成体的体重与体长的关系为 :Log W(毫克 ) =3 .0 1 L og L(毫米 ) - 2 .1 4,(n=2 83 ,r=0 .83 ) ;雄性成体的体重与体长的关系为 :L  相似文献   

投稿日期:201×-××-××基金项目:××××科学基金资助项目(项目编号:××××)作者简介:姓名(出生年—),性别(民族),籍贯,职称,学位,从事××××方面的研究,(电话)××××,(E-mail)××××.通讯作者:姓名(出生年—),性别(民族),籍贯,职称,学位,从事××××方面的研究,(电话)××××,(E-mail)××××.论文题名:题名要准确得体、简短精炼(一般不超过20个汉字)、便于检索、容易认读作者姓名:多作者之间用","隔开,不同工作单位的作者姓名右上角加注与工作单位序号相同的序号工作单位:(1.工作单位全称部门名称,省份城市名邮政编码;2.工作单位全称部门名称,省份城市名邮政编码)摘要:约200字不加诠释和评论的独立短文,即高度概括文章的具体内容(对什么进行哪几方面的调查,对哪些问题进行分析研究,取得哪几项主要研究结果,最后得到的结论是什么,提出哪几个建议等).关键词:选3~8个反映文稿主题内容特征的名词、术语;关键词之间用";"隔开,最后不加标点符号中图分类号:投稿时应写明英文题名:与中文题名相吻合的汉译英,题名中除冠词、定冠词、介词外的每个词首字母大写作者姓名汉语拼音:汉语拼音姓全大写,名首字母大写,双名间加"-",多作者间加",",不同单位的,用阿拉伯数字作上角标.  相似文献   

正投稿日期:201×-××-××基金项目:××××科学基金资助项目(项目编号:××××)作者简介:姓名(出生年—),性别(民族),籍贯,职称,学位,从事××××方面的研究,(电话)××××,(E-mail)××××。通讯作者:姓名(出生年—),性别(民族),籍贯,职称,学位,从事××××方面的研究,(电话)××××,(E-mail)××××。论文题名:题名要准确得体、简短精炼(一般不超过20个汉字)、便于检索、容易认读作者姓名:多作者之间用","隔开,不同工作单位的作者姓名右上角加注与工作单位序号相同的序号工作单位:(1.工作单位全称部门名称,省份城市名邮政编码;2.工作单位全称部门名称,省份城市名邮政编码)摘要:  相似文献   

I.Introducti0I1Hail1al1isthelargnsttropicalislal1dwitllabundal1t11aturalrcsourccssuitablef0rgrowtllgtrol,icalcropsand\\4t11ven'highp0tentia1pr0d,uctivity.Hotx'cY'cr,t11c1-ca1'cstillsomeproblemsf(l)Tl1ese1ectionoflandsuitableforfqrestisn0tstrictalldPreservativerateoftr0picalcr0psislow,(2)Mostoftropicalcr0psarecollccntratcdillthezoneofeastern"windgap"andnorthern"frigidplace"andtheirsecurityisnotstable,(3)Rubberareaaccountsforab0uttwo-thirdsoftl1etotalarea0ftropica1crops,henceproportiondis1ocat…  相似文献   

正投稿日期:201×-××-××基金项目:××××科学基金资助项目(项目编号:××××)作者简介:姓名(出生年—),性别(民族),籍贯,职称,学位,从事××××方面的研究,(电话)××××,(E-mail)××××。通讯作者:姓名(出生年—),性别(民族),籍贯,职称,学位,从事××××方面的研究,(电话)××××,(E-mail)××××。论文题名:题名要准确得体、简短精炼(一般不超过20个汉字)、便于检索、容易认读作者姓名:多作者之间用","隔开,不同工作单位的作者姓名右上角加注与工作单位序号相同的序号工作单位:(1.工作单位全称部门名称,省份城市名邮政编码;2.工作单位全称部门名称,省份城市名邮政编码)  相似文献   

Country roads are an important social, economic and ecological component of agricultural landscapes in many parts of New South Wales. Using the Lockhart Shire Council area as a case study, this paper describes how present-day rural road networks are a historical vestige of past land-use decisions; a collection of Travelling Stock Routes, pastoral boundaries of early squatters, rail reserves, county and parish boundaries, and an ad hoc collection of mostly 1 chain (20.12 m) roads surveyed during the late 1800s. Road reserves were allocated across the landscape at the discretion of early surveyors, so new land titles could access vital water resources. Nineteenth-century surveyors faced many difficulties in surveying the extent of NSW, sometimes resulting in misalignments which today give ‘character’ to many country roads. Road reserves were often surveyed 2 or 3 chains wide to allow for predicted usage and provide materials for road construction. In the 1870s, Travelling Stock Routes of varying widths from 1 to 80 chains wide (one mile) were gazetted, which often form an integral part of many country road networks. In this way, present-day conservation values of many road reserves is a direct legacy of land policies, administrators and surveyors on the landscape today.  相似文献   

A major obstacle of the interdisciplinary communications for decision-making is that each participant prefers the solution from their own area because current collaboration systems cannot effectively mediate among many alternatives. If a visual collaboration system could display multiple alternatives in a single visual presentation, users would be able to compare alternatives with only a few variables, where all other parameters are fixed, at least from a visual perspective. In this study, we developed a visualization tool to support a microscale air quality (MSAQ) management group, the members of which often need to compare the effects of many alternative control methods. The main achievements of this study are: (1) three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the MSAQ using a 3D city model and (2) development of a geospatial spreadsheet (GS) to facilitate visual comparisons, thereby improving decision-making by making it easy to compare differences based on realistic visual display items. A questionnaire-based survey showed that use of the GS could generate a shared perspective and provide a spatiotemporal context for the participants, thereby making it easy to compare, mediate and reach decisions when confronted with many alternatives.  相似文献   


The Pareto-lognormal frequency distribution, which can result from multifractal cascade modeling, previously was shown to be useful to describe the worldwide size-frequency distributions of metals including copper, zinc, gold and silver in ore deposits. In this paper, it is shown that the model also can be used for the size-frequency distributions of these metals in Canada which covers 6.6% of the continental crust. Like their worldwide equivalents, these Canadian deposits show two significant departures from the Pareto-lognormal model: (1) there are too many small deposits, and (2) there are too few deposits in the transition zone between the central lognormal and the upper tail Pareto describing the size-frequency distribution of the largest deposits. Probable causes of these departures are: (1) historically, relatively many small ore deposits were mined before bulk mining methods became available in the twentieth century, and (2) economically, giant and supergiant deposits are preferred for mining and these have strongest geophysical and geochemical anomalies. It is shown that there probably exist many large deposits that have not been discovered or mined. Although overall the samples of the size-frequency distributions are very large, frequencies uncertainties associated with the largest deposits are relatively small and it remains difficult to estimate more precisely how many undiscovered mineral deposits there are in the upper tails of the size-frequency distributions of the metals considered.


20世纪90年代以来,全球软件产业迅速发展,成为众多国家和地区信息服务业的核心内容.软件服务外包在全球范围内兴起,软件产业全球生产网络日益复杂.软件产业不断成为政府以及学者们研究的新热点,经济地理学视角的软件产业研究也不断涌现,但研究对象主要以发达国家以及印度、巴西等少数新兴软件国家为主,对中国软件产业的经济地理学研究...  相似文献   

新疆幅员广阔,深居内陆,自然复杂,人文多样,是中国旅游资源特丰区。通过组织跨部门,多学科的专家按照《中国旅游资源普查规范》(试行稿)实地考察,对新疆旅游资源的丰度、类型、功能、地域结构给出了新评价,确认它是中国旅游业发展的重要资源后备基地。从新疆地处欧亚大陆腹心,毗邻八国的特殊区位,以及世界旅游重心东移,中国旅游资源开发向内陆推进的多维多元化出发,提出了树立超前意识以市场为导向,深层次,高品位,多元化开发新疆旅游资源的新方略。即确立发展大旅游业的战略观念构建“引爆工程”、“转动效应”的特种旅游、专题旅游和常规旅游项目,完善旅游管理体制,发展以航空运输为主体的综合运输网络,强化旅游软硬件设施,建设能满足不同层次需求、富有特色功能、具有国际意义的国家级旅游地域新网络系统。  相似文献   

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs have taken a variety of forms that depend on many mediating factors, such as national and local politics, land tenure, regional collective action, the capacity of intermediaries, and socio-ecological context. This diversity has produced unsurprisingly mixed experiences, with many falling short of achieving the twin goals of environmental and social benefits and some causing adverse consequences. This study examines one rare PES case that has contributed both to forest conservation and to community livelihoods. In this study, community forest owners from four indigenous communities in the Mexican cloud forest evaluate their participation in ten years of a public PES program to support watershed stewardship. We argue that attention to indigenous sovereignty and self-determination in program implementation contributed to widely appreciated socio-environmental benefits. Though many PES programs are implemented in indigenous communities, scholarly debates have rarely dealt directly with these issues.  相似文献   

Collected sets of papers synthesizing data derived from the PIRLA project (Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification) will appear in coming issues of the Journal of Paleolimnology. This paper is designed to highlight these forthcoming papers, review the development and objectives of PIRLA, and acknowledge the many who have supported PIRLA in so many crucial ways.This is the first of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D.F. Charles and D.R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that:

(1) High school and college teachers and their students are most likely to achieve success in the field when they are armed with a conceptual framework, a plan for discovering the framework and a body of instructional theory.

(2) There are distinct differences between field teaching or training and field experience.

(3) During a time when many students are dissatisfied with classroom instruction, field experience can revitalize geography teaching in colleges and high schools.

(4) Field experience can create concrete images which are likely to be meaningful for many years.  相似文献   

甘肃丹霞地貌旅游形象建设研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
形象建设是区域旅游开发研究的重点内容之一,丹霞地貌作为独特的造景地貌资源,由于开发程度较低,旅游形象建设尤显重要。文章以中国发现丹霞地貌最多的地区之一———甘肃省为例,通过分析其地方性、旅游意境流和可替代性产品背景,在尺度空间理论的基础上,应用比附、领先、空隙和逆向等多种方法对甘肃丹霞地貌旅游形象定位,提出"丝绸之路,丹霞画廊"为甘肃省整体丹霞地貌旅游形象,同时对20多个景观综合体也设计相应的主题口号,并就旅游形象的传播策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

A generalized database of global palaeomagnetic data from 3719 lava flows and thin dykes of age 0–5 Ma has been constructed for use with a relational database management system. The database includes all data whose virtual geomagnetic poles (VGP) lie within 45 of the spin axis and can be used for studies of palaeosecular variation and for geomagnetic field modelling. Because many of these data were collected and processed more than 15–20 years ago, each result has been characterized according to the demagnetization procedures carried out. Analysis of these data in terms of the latitude variation of the angular dispersion of VGPs (palaeosecular variation from lavas) strongly suggests that careful data selection is required and that many of the older studies may need to be redone using more modern methods. Differences between the angular dispersions for separate normal- and reverse-polarity data sets confirm that many older studies have not been adequately cleaned magnetically. Therefore, the use of the database for geomagnetic field modelling should be carried out with some caution. Using a VGP cut-off angle that varies with latitude, the best data set consists of 2636 results that show a smooth increase of VGP angular dispersion with latitude. Model G for palaeosecular variation, which is based on modelling of the antisymmetric (dipole) and symmetric (quadrupole) dynamo families, provides a good fit to these results.  相似文献   

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