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We examine the possibility that the observed cosmic-ray protons are of primary extragalactic origin. The present \(\bar p\) data are consistent with a primary extragalactic component having \(\bar p\) /p?3.2±0.7 x 10-4 independent of energy. Following the suggestion that most extragalactic cosmic rays are from active galaxies, we propose that most of the observed \(\bar p\) 's are alos from the same sites. This would imply the possibility of destroying the corresponding \(\bar \alpha \) 'sat the source, thus leading to a flux ratio \(\bar \alpha \) /α< \(\bar p\) /p. We further predict an estimate for \(\bar \alpha \) α~10-5, within the range of future cosmic-ray detectors. the cosmological implications of this proposal are discussed.  相似文献   

In the now classical Lindblad-Lin density-wave theory, the linearization of the collisionless Boltzmann equation is made by assuming the potential functionU expressed in the formU=U 0 + \(\tilde U\) +... WhereU 0 is the background axisymmetric potential and \(\tilde U<< U_0 \) . Then the corresponding density distribution is \(\rho = \rho _0 + \tilde \rho (\tilde \rho<< \rho _0 )\) and the linearized equation connecting \(\tilde U\) and the component \(\tilde f\) of the distribution function is given by $$\frac{{\partial \tilde f}}{{\partial t}} + \upsilon \frac{{\partial \tilde f}}{{\partial x}} - \frac{{\partial U_0 }}{{\partial x}} \cdot \frac{{\partial \tilde f}}{{\partial \upsilon }} = \frac{{\partial \tilde U}}{{\partial x}}\frac{{\partial f_0 }}{{\partial \upsilon }}.$$ One looks for spiral self-consistent solutions which also satisfy Poisson's equation $$\nabla ^2 \tilde U = 4\pi G\tilde \rho = 4\pi G\int {\tilde f d\upsilon .} $$ Lin and Shu (1964) have shown that such solutions exist in special cases. In the present work, we adopt anopposite proceeding. Poisson's equation contains two unknown quantities \(\tilde U\) and \(\tilde \rho \) . It could be completelysolved if a second independent equation connecting \(\tilde U\) and \(\tilde \rho \) was known. Such an equation is hopelesslyobtained by direct observational means; the only way is to postulate it in a mathematical form. In a previouswork, Louise (1981) has shown that Poisson's equation accounted for distances of planets in the solar system(following to the Titius-Bode's law revised by Balsano and Hughes (1979)) if the following relation wasassumed $$\rho ^2 = k\frac{{\tilde U}}{{r^2 }} (k = cte).$$ We now postulate again this relation in order to solve Poisson's equation. Then, $$\nabla ^2 \tilde U - \frac{{\alpha ^2 }}{{r^2 }}\tilde U = 0, (\alpha ^2 = 4\pi Gk).$$ The solution is found in a classical way to be of the form $$\tilde U = cte J_v (pr)e^{ - pz} e^{jn\theta } $$ wheren = integer,p =cte andJ v (pr) = Bessel function with indexv (v 2 =n 2 + α2). By use of the Hankel function instead ofJ v (pr) for large values ofr, the spiral structure is found to be given by $$\tilde U = cte e^{ - pz} e^{j[\Phi _v (r) + n\theta ]} , \Phi _v (r) = pr - \pi /2(v + \tfrac{1}{2}).$$ For small values ofr, \(\tilde U\) = 0: the center of a galaxy is not affected by the density wave which is onlyresponsible of the spiral structure. For various values ofp,n andv, other forms of galaxies can be taken into account: Ring, barred and spiral-barred shapes etc. In order to generalize previous calculations, we further postulateρ 0 =kU 0/r 2, leading to Poisson'sequation which accounts for the disc population $$\nabla ^2 U_0 - \frac{{\alpha ^2 }}{{r^2 }}U_0 = 0.$$ AsU 0 is assumed axisymmetrical, the obvious solution is of the form $$U_0 = \frac{{cte}}{{r^v }}e^{ - pz} , \rho _0 = \frac{{cte}}{{r^{2 + v} }}e^{ - pz} .$$ Finally, Poisson's equation is completely solvable under the assumptionρ =k(U/r 2. The general solution,valid for both disc and spiral arm populations, becomes $$U = cte e^{ - pz} \left\{ {r^{ - v} + } \right.\left. {cte e^{j[\Phi _v (r) + n\theta ]} } \right\},$$ The density distribution along the O z axis is supported by Burstein's (1979) observations.  相似文献   

Several authors (Basano and Hughes, 1979; ter Haar and Cameron, 1963, Dermott, 1968; Prentice, 1976) give the revised Titius-Bode law in the form $$r_n = r_o C^n ,$$ wherer n stands for the distance of thenth planet from the Sun;r o andC are constant. They pointed out, in addition, that regular satellites systems around major planets obey also that law. It is now generally thought that the Kant-laplace primeval nebula accounts for the origin and evolution of the solar system (Reeves, 1976). Furthermore, it is shown (Prentice, 1976) that rings, which obey the Titius-Bode law, are formed through successive contractions of the solar nebula. Among difficulties encountered by Prentice's theory, the formation of regular satellites similar to the planatery system is the most important one. Indeed, the starting point of the planetary system is a rotating flattened circular solar nebula, whereas a gaseous ring must be the starting point of satellites systems. As far as the Titius-Bode law is concerned, we have the feeling that orbits of planets around the Sun and of satellites around their primaries do not depend on starting conditions. That law must be inherent to gravitation, in the same manner that electron orbits depend only on the atomic law instead of the starting conditions under which an electron is captured. If it is correct, then one may expect to formulate similarity between the T-B law and the Bohr law in the early quantum theory. Such a similarity is found (Louise, 1982) by using a postulate similar to the Bohr-Sommerfeld one — i.e., $$\int_{r_o }^{r_n } {U(r) dr = nk,}$$ whereU(r)=GM /r is the potential created by the Sun,k is a constant, andn a positive integer. This similarity suggests the existence of an unknown were process in the solar system. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the possibility of such a process. The first approach is to study a steady wave encountered in special membrane, showing node rings similar to the Prentice's rings (1976) which obey the T-B law. In the second part, we try to apply the now classical Lindblad-Lin density wave theory of spiral galaxies to the solar nebula case. This theory was developed since 1940 (Lindblad, 1974) in order to account for the persistence of spiral structure of galaxies (Lin and Shu, 1964; Lin, 1966; Linet al., 1969; Contopoulos, 1973). Its basic assumption concerns the potential functionU expressed in the form $$U = U_0 + \tilde U,$$ whereU o stands for the background axisymmetric potential due to the disc population, and ?«U o is responsible of spiral density wave. Then, the corresponding mass-density distribution is \(\rho = \rho _o + \tilde \rho\) , with \(\tilde \rho \ll \rho _o\) . Both quantities ? and \(\tilde \rho\) must satisfy the Poisson's equation $$\nabla ^2 \tilde U + 4\pi G\tilde \rho = 0.$$ It is shown by direct observations that most spiral arms fit well with a logarithmic spiral curve (Danver, 1942; Considère, 1980; Mulliard mand Marcelin, 1981). From the physical point of view, they are represented by maxima of ? (or \(\tilde \rho\) ) which is of the form $$\tilde U = cte cos (q log_e r - m\theta ),$$ wherem is an integer (number of arms),q=cte, andr and θ are polar coordinates. The distancer is expressed in an arbitrary unit (r=d/do). In the case of an axisymmetric solar nebula (m=0), successive maxima of \(\tilde U\) are rings showing similar T-B law $$d = d_o C^n ,$$ withC=e 2 π/q constant, andn is a positive integer. It is noted, in addition, that the steady wave equation within the special membrane quoted above and the new expression of the Poisson's equation derived from (5) are quite similar and expressed in the form $$\nabla ^2 \tilde U + cte\tilde U/r^2 = 0.$$ This suggests that both spiral structure of galaxies and Prentice's rings system result from a wave process which is investigated in the last section. From Equation (2) it is possible to derive the wavelength of the assumed wave ‘χ’, by using a procedure similar to the one by L. De Broglie (1923). The velocity of the wave ‘χ’ process is discussed in two cases. Both cases lead to a similar Planck's relation (E=hv).  相似文献   

Catalogs of bright galaxies in the central regions of 11 clusters in the Ursa Major supercluster are presented. Absolute and relative coordinates and total B and R magnitudes are given for each galaxy. Plates taken with the 2-m Tautenburg Observatory telescope and CCD images obtained with the 6-m and 1-m SAO telescopes are used. The luminosity functions (LFs) for galaxies in the cluster nuclei (3 Mpc×3 Mpc) and the composite LF for the supercluster are constructed. The composite LF is well fitted by a Schechter function with $M_B^ * = - 20\mathop .\limits^m 91$ , α=?1.02 and with $M_R^ * = - 22\mathop .\limits^m 39$ , α=?1.06. A comparison with the LFs of field galaxies and of various samples of clusters and superclusters shows that the Ursa Major supercluster have LF parameters characteristic of the field and, thus, differ from those of the Corona Borealis supercluster, which is apparently at a later stage of dynamical evolution.  相似文献   

By a rescalation of the scalar field ? of the Jordan-Brans and Dicke cosmology, the general solutions of the Friedmannian ‘vacuum’ Universe are obtained. Only the flat space solution was previously known. Each solution is caracterized by the sign of the second time derivative of the rescaled field ψ≡?R 3 (R being the scale factor of the Robertson-Walker line-element): \(\ddot \psi\) = 0 (flat space), \(\ddot \psi\) < 0 (closed space), and \(\ddot \psi\) > 0 (open space), so that the solutions are mutually exclusive. Of these, the open space one is damped-oscillatory andR attains its absolute minimum, equal to zero, in only one of the two ‘extreme’ cycles. Otherwise,R min remains positive. If the ?-field is dominant near the singularity, these solutions may have physical significance. Also obtained, by the method mentioned above, is the general flat space solution for a ‘dust’ Universe and from it a closed space ‘dust’ solution. Both were found before by different authors, each one using a different method and, therefore, seemed up to now unrelated.  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBVRI observations of the eclipsing variable V 1016 Ori have been obtained with the AZT-11 telescope at Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and with the Zeiss-600 telescope at Mount Maidanak Observatory. Light curves are constructed from the new observations and from published and archival data. We use a total of 340, 348, 386, 185, and 62 magnitude estimates in the bands from U to I, respectively. An analysis of these data has yielded the following results. The photometric elements were refined; their new values are $Min I = JDH 2441966.820 + 65\mathop .\limits^d 4331E$ . The UBVRI magnitudes outside eclipse were found to be $5\mathop .\limits^m 95$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 77$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 75$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 68$ , and $6\mathop .\limits^m 16$ , respectively. No phase effect was detected. We obtained two light-curve solutions: (1) assuming that the giant star was in front of the small one during eclipse, we determined the stellar radii, r s=0.0141 and r g=0.0228 (in fractions of the semimajor axis of the orbit); and (2) assuming that the small star was in front of the giant one, we derived r g=0.0186 and r s=0.0180 for the V band. The brightness of the primary star in the bands from U to I is L 1=0.96, 0.92, 0.90, 0.89, and 0.88, the orbital inclination is $i = 87^\circ .1$ , and the maximum eclipse phase is α0= 0.66. In both cases, we accepted the U hypothesis, assumed the orbit to be elliptical, and took into account the flux from the star Θ1 Ori E that fell within the photometer aperture. The first solution leads to a discrepancy between the primary radius determined by solving the light curve and the radial-velocity curve and its value estimated from the luminosity and temperature. This discrepancy is eliminated in the second solution, and it turns out that, by all parameters, the primary corresponds to a normal zero-age main-sequence star.  相似文献   

Using Levi Civita's regularization, we put the two body problem with variable mass (x=?Mxr ?3) into a form which can be solved analytically on computer. Two particular cases are discussed: 1. \(\dot M\) =C te ; 2. \(\dot M\) ÷M α (α unspecified).  相似文献   

The planar problem of three bodies is described by means of Murnaghan's symmetric variables (the sidesa j of the triangle and an ignorable angle), which directly allow for the elimination of the nodes. Then Lemaitre's regularized variables \(\alpha _j = \sqrt {(\alpha ^2 - \alpha _j )}\) , where \(\alpha ^2 = \tfrac{1}{2}(a_1 + a_2 + a_3 )\) , as well as their canonically conjugated momenta are introduced. By finally applying McGehee's scaling transformation \(\alpha _j = r^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2}} \tilde \alpha _j\) , wherer 2 is the moment of inertia a system of 7 differential equations (with 2 first integrals) for the 5-dimensional triple collision manifold \(T\) is obtained. Moreover, the zero angular momentum solutions form a 4-dimensional invariant submanifold \(N \subset T\) represented by 6 differential equations with polynomial right-hand sides. The manifold \(N\) is of the topological typeS 2×S 2 with 12 points removed, and it contains all 5 restpoint (each one in 8 copies). The flow on \(T\) is gradient-like with a Lyapounov function stationary in the 40 restpoints. These variables are well suited for numerical studies of planar triple collision.  相似文献   

This short article supplements a recent paper by Dr R. Broucke on velocity-related series expansions in the two-body problem. The derivations of the Fourier and Legendre expansions of the functionsF(v), \(\sqrt {F(\upsilon )} \) and \(\sqrt {{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {F(\upsilon )}}} \right. \kern-0em} {F(\upsilon )}}} \) are given, where $$F(\upsilon ) = (1 - e^2 )/(1 + 2e\cos \upsilon + e^2 ), e< 1$$ In the two-body problem,v is identified with the true anomaly,e the eccentricity andF(v) equals (an/V)2. Some interesting relations involving Legendre polynomials are also noted.  相似文献   

Published photoelectric measurements over a wide wavelength range (0.36–18 µm) are used to study the continuum spectrum of the star Θ1 Ori C. The model that assumes the following three radiation sources is consistent with observations: (1) a zero-age main-sequence O7 star (object 1) of mass M 1=20M , radius R 1=7.4R , effective temperature T 2=37 000 K, and absolute bolometric magnitude $M\mathop {bol}\limits^1 = - 7\mathop .\limits^m 7$ ; (2) object 2 with M 2=15M , R 2=16.2R , T 2=4000 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^2 = - 5\mathop .\limits^m 1$ ; and (3) object 3 with R 310 700 R , T 3=190 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^3 = - 0\mathop .\limits^m 6$ . The visual absorption toward the system is $A_V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 95$ and obeys a normal law. The nature of objects 2 and 3 has not been elucidated. It can only be assumed that object 2 is a companion of the primary star, its spectral type is K7, and it is in the stage of gravitational contraction. Object 3 can be a cocoon star and a member of the system, but can also be a dust envelope surrounding the system as a whole.  相似文献   

Since supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to be the primary sources of Galactic cosmic rays (CRs), their distribution in galaxies is an important basis for modelling and understanding the distribution of the CRs and their γ-ray spectrum. We analysed the radial surface density of X-ray and radio selected SNRs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and M 33. Both in X-rays and in radio, the surface densities of the SNRs are in excellent agreement in both galaxies, showing an exponential decay in radius. The results were compared to the SNR distribution in the spiral galaxies M 31 and NGC 6946 as well. The radial scale length of the distribution is $\frac{1} {4} $ ? $\frac{1} {3} $ of the radius of the galaxies, fully consistent with values derived for the Milky Way, the LMC, and M 33. Therefore, not only the radio SNRs, but also the X-ray detected SNR sample can be interpreted to be representative for the CR sources within a galaxy.  相似文献   

The McGehee's study of the triple collision of the 3-body problem is here applied for the stability of an equilibrium. Let us consider the homogeneous Lagrangian: $$L = \frac{{\dot x^2 + \dot y^2 }}{2} + U(x,y)$$ whereU is polynomial, with degreek. We establish a necessary and sufficient condition onU for the stability of \(\omega (x = y = \dot x = \dot y = 0)\) .  相似文献   

It is shown that the fractional increase in binding energy of a galaxy in a fast collision with another galaxy of the same size can be well represented by the formula $$\xi _2 = 3({G \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {G {M_2 \bar R}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {M_2 \bar R}}) ({{M_1 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{M_1 } {V_p }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {V_p }})^2 e^{ - p/\bar R} = \xi _1 ({{M_1 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{M_1 } {M_2 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {M_2 }})^3 ,$$ whereM 1,M 2 are the masses of the perturber and the perturbed galaxy, respectively,V p is the relative velocity of the perturber at minimum separationp, and \(\bar R\) is the dynamical radius of either galaxy.  相似文献   

Long-slit grating spectrometers in scanning mode and Fabry–Perot interferometers as tunable filters are commonly used to perform integral wide-field spectroscopy on extended astrophysical objects as HII regions and nearby galaxies. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate, by comparison, through a thorough review of the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer (IFTS) properties, that this instrument represents another interesting solution. After a brief recall of the performances, regarding FOV and spectral resolution, of the grating spectrometer, without and with integral field units (IFU), and of the imaging Fabry–Perot, it is demonstrated that for an IFTS the product of the maximum resolution R by the entrance beam étendue U is equal to $2.6\,N\times S_I$ with $N\,\times \,N$ the number of pixels of the detector array and S $_I$ the area of the interferometer beamsplitter. As a consequence, the IFTS offers the most flexible choice of field size and spectral resolution, up to high values for both parameters. It also presents on a wide field an important multichannel advantage in comparison to integral field grating spectrometers, even with multiple IFUs. To complete, the few astronomical IFTSs, built behind ground-based telescopes and in space, for the visible range up to the sub-millimetric domain, are presented. Through two wide-field IFTS projects, one in the visible, the other one in the mid-infrared, the question is addressed of the practical FOV and resolution limits, set by the optical design of the instrument, which can be achieved. Within the 0.3 to $\sim $ 2.5 $\upmu$ m domain, a Michelson interferometer with wide-field diopric collimators provides the easiest solution. This design is illustrated by a $11^{\prime}\times 11^{\prime}$ -field IFTS in the 0.35–0.90 $\upmu$ m range around an off-axis interferometer, called SITELLE, proposed for the 3.6-m CFH Telescope. At longer wavelengths, an all-mirror optics is required, as studied for a spaceborne IFTS, H2EX, for the 8–29 $\upmu$ m range, a $20^{\prime} \times 20^{\prime}$ field, and a high resolution of $\simeq 3\times 10^4$ at 10 $\upmu$ m. To comply with these characteristics, the interferometer is designed with cat’s eye retroreflectors. In the same domain and up to the far infrared, if the instrument aims only at a low spectral resolution (few thousands) and a smaller field (few arcmins $^2$ ), roof-top or corner cube mirrors, as for the IFTS SPIRE on the Herschel space telescope, are usable. At last, perspectives are opened, behind an ELT in the visible and the near infrared with the SITELLE optical combination, in the 2–5 $\upmu$ m on the Antarctic plateau or in space up to longer wavelengths, with the H2EX design, to provide the missing capability of global high spectral resolution studies of extended sources, from comets to distant galaxy clusters.  相似文献   

We determine equilibrium configuration of Emden-Chandrasekhar axisymmetric, solid-body rotating polytropes, defined as EC polytropes, for polytropic indices ranging from 0 (homogeneous bodies) to 5 (Roche-type bodies). To this aim, we improve Chandrasekhar's method to determine equilibrium configurations on two respects: namely, (a) no distinction exists between undistorted and distorted terms in the expression of the potential, and (b) the comparison between the expressions of gravitational potential and its first derivatives inside and outside the body has to be made on the boundary of a sphere of radius ΞE, which does not necessarily coincide with the undistorted Emden's sphere of radius \(\bar \xi _0 \geqslant \Xi _{\text{E}} \) . We also allow different values of \(\bar \xi _0 \) for different physical parameters, and choose a special set which best fits more refined results (involving more complicated and more expensive computer codes) by James (1964). We find an increasing agreement with increasing values of polytropic indexn and vice-versa, while a large discrepancy arises for 0≤n<1, which makes the approximations used here too much rough tobe accepted in this range. A real slight non-monotonic trend is exhibited by axial rations and masses related to rotational equilibrium configurations — i.e., when gravity at the equator is balanced by centrifugal force-with extremum points for 4.8<n<4.85 in both cases. The same holds for masses related to spherical configurations, as already pointed out by Seidov and Kuzakhmedov (1978). Finally, it is shown that isotrophic, one-component models of this paper might provide the required correlation between the ratio of a typical rotation velocity to a typical peculiar velocity and the ellipticity, for about \(\tfrac{3}{4}\) of elliptical systems for which observations are available.  相似文献   

We study the radio galaxy RC J0105+0501 by using observations with RATAN-600, VLA, and 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. The radio source has a structure resembling the FRII type and the spectral index α=1.23; it is identified with a faint galaxy of $22\mathop .\limits^m 8$ in R c . The optical object is $1\mathop .\limits^m 5$ brighter in V than it is in B and has an extended structure, which we interpret as intense Lyα line emission with redshift z≈3.5 and a continuum depression in the adjacent short-wavelength region. Based on BVR c I c photometry, we also estimated the age of the stellar population of the radio galaxy.  相似文献   

We analyzed the luminosity-temperature-mass of gas (L X ?T?M g ) relations for a sample of 21 Chandra galaxy clusters. We used the standard approach (β?model) to evaluate these relations for our sample that differs from other catalogues since it considers galaxy clusters at higher redshifts (0.4<z<1.4). We assumed power-law relations in the form $L_{X} \sim(1 +z)^{A_{L_{X}T}} T^{\beta_{L_{X}T}}$ , $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}T}} T^{\beta_{M_{g}T}}$ , and $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}L_{X}}} L^{\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}}}$ . We obtained the following fitting parameters with 68 % confidence level: $A_{L_{X}T} = 1.50 \pm0.23$ , $\beta_{L_{X}T} = 2.55 \pm0.07$ ; $A_{M_{g}T} = -0.58 \pm0.13$ and $\beta_{M_{g}T} = 1.77 \pm0.16$ ; $A_{M_{g}L_{X}} \approx-1.86 \pm0.34$ and $\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}} = 0.73 \pm0.15$ , respectively. We found that the evolution of the M g ?T relation is small, while the M g ?L X relation is strong for the cosmological parameters Ω m =0.27 and Ω Λ =0.73. In overall, the clusters at high-z have stronger dependencies between L X ?T?M g correlations, than those for clusters at low-z. For most of galaxy clusters (first of all, from MACS and RCS surveys) these results are obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

Using a new approach, we have obtained a formula for calculating the rotation period and radius of planets. In the ordinary gravitomagnetism the gravitational spin (S) orbit (L) coupling, $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto L^{2}$ , while our model predicts that $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto\frac{m}{M}L^{2}$ , where M and m are the central and orbiting masses, respectively. Hence, planets during their evolution exchange L and S until they reach a final stability at which MSmL, or $S\propto\frac{m^{2}}{v}$ , where v is the orbital velocity of the planet. Rotational properties of our planetary system and exoplanets are in agreement with our predictions. The radius (R) and rotational period (D) of tidally locked planet at a distance a from its star, are related by, $D^{2}\propto\sqrt{\frac{M}{m^{3}}}R^{3}$ and that $R\propto\sqrt{\frac {m}{M}}a$ .  相似文献   

A linear analysis of the asymmetries in Stokes profiles of magnetic lines is performed. The asymmetries in the linear and circular polarization profiles are characterized by suitable quantities, \(\delta \tilde Q\) and \(\delta \tilde V\) , strictly related to observed profiles. The response functions of \(\delta \tilde Q\) and \(\delta \tilde V\) to velocity fields are introduced and computed for various configurations of the magnetic field vector in a Milne-Eddington atmosphere. Some conclusions are drawn as to the importance of the asymmetries in Stokes profiles for recovering the velocity gradients from observations.  相似文献   

The disk positions for galaxies of various morphological and nuclear-activity types (normal galaxies, QSO, Sy, E/S0, low-surface-brightness galaxies, etc.) on the μ0-h (central surface brightness-exponential disk scale) plane are considered. The stellar disks are shown to form a single sequence on this plane $(SB_0 = 10^{ - 0.4\mu _0 } \propto h^{ - 1} )$ over a wide range of surface brightnesses (μ0(I)≈12–25) and sizes (h≈10–100 kpc). The existence of this observed sequence can probably be explained by a combination of three factors: a disk-stability requirement, a limited total disk luminosity, and observational selection. The model by Mo et al. (1998) for disk formation in the CDM hierarchical-clustering scenario is shown to satisfactorily reproduce the salient features of the galaxy disk distribution on the μ0-h plane.  相似文献   

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