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From the observed light curves of six eclipsing binaries with solar-type activity and from the analysis of their period variations some problems in the interpretation of the observations came out: Are these binaries similar to classical RS CVn stars? Is the stellar surface spot coverage the unique interpretation of the observed light curves? Are these systems really linked with W UMa's? In a further study some models will be tempted to try to solve these problems.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution spectroscopy of a sample of 24 solar-type stars in the young (15–40 Myr), open cluster NGC 2547. We use our spectra to confirm cluster membership in 23 of these stars, to determine projected equatorial velocities and chromospheric activity, and to search for the presence of accretion discs. We find examples of both fast ( v e sin  i >50 km s−1) and slow ( v e sin  i <10 km s−1) rotators, but no evidence for active accretion in any of the sample. The distribution of projected rotation velocities is indistinguishable from the slightly older IC 2391 and IC 2602 clusters, implying similar initial angular momentum distributions and circumstellar disc lifetimes. The presence of very slow rotators indicates either that long (10–40 Myr) disc lifetimes or internal differential rotation are needed, or that NGC 2547 (and IC 2391/2602) were born with more slowly rotating stars than are presently seen in even younger clusters and associations. The solar-type stars in NGC 2547 follow a similar rotation–activity relationship to that seen in older clusters. X-ray activity increases until a saturation level is reached for v e sin  i >15–20 km s−1. We are unable to explain why this saturation level, of log( L x L bol)≃−3.3, is a factor of 2 lower than in other clusters, but rule out anomalously slow rotation rates or uncertainties in X-ray flux calculations.  相似文献   

Twenty-five-year records of relative Caii H and K emission fluxes of lower Main-Sequence stars have been measured at Mount Wilson Observatory and reveal surface activity in most of the older G- and K-type dwarf stars that is similar to the aperiodical activity cycle of the contemporary Sun (i.e., the cyclic and the occasional episode of reduced activity in the past few centuries). We find an inverse relationship between the amplitude of the activity cycle and the length of the cycle for the ensemble of those solar-type stars. We also find a similar relationship using the 250-year sunspot record (Cycles 1 to 21). The similarity between the two inverse relationships for the solar-type stars observed for 25 years and the Sun for a longer interval of time may suggest one common underlying physical mechanism that is responsible for the variations in surface activity ranging from decades to centuries.Also at Center for Excellence in Information Systems at Tennessee State University.  相似文献   

We present new CCD photometry of the solar-type contact binary IU Cnc, which was observed from November 2017 to March 2018 with three small telescopes in China. BV light curves imply that IU Cnc is a W-type contact binary with total eclipses. The photometric solution indicates that the mass ratio and fill-out factor are q = 4.104 ± 0.004 and f = 30.2%± 0.3%, respectively. From all available light minimum times, the orbital period may increase at a rate of dP/dt =+6.93(4)× 10^-7 d yr^-1, which may result from mass transfer from the secondary component to the primary one. With mass transferring,IU Cnc may evolve from a contact configuration into a semi-detached configuration.  相似文献   

The age decay of two indicators of the stellar magnetic activity (λ 2800 Mgii emission flux and λ 10830 Hei equivalent width) have been studied for field solar-type stars. The Li abundance has been used, in most of the cases, as a stellar age indicator. A calibrated decay law for Mgii has been determined and compared with a similar one, recently published, for the Caii K emission. The greater scatter in the Hei results is atributed to the different rotation rates.  相似文献   

New multi-color photometry of the solar-type contact binary OO Aql was obtained in 2012 and2013, using the 60 cm telescope at Xinglong Station of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From two sets of light curves LC_1 and LC_2, photometric models were performed by using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. The overcontact factor of the binary system was determined to be f = 37.0(±0.5)%. The intrinsic variability of this binary occurs in light maxima and minima, which could result from a possible third component and magnetic activity of the late type components. Based on all available light minimum times, the orbital period may change in a complicated mode,i.e., sudden period jumps or continuous period variations. The period of OO Aql may possibly undergo a secular period decrease with a rate of d P /dt =-3.63(±0.30) × 10~(-8)d yr~(-1), superimposed by two possible cyclic variations in the O- C curve. The long-term period decrease may be interpreted as conserved mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one. The 21.5-yr oscillation may be attributed to cyclic magnetic activity, and the 69.3-yr one may result from the light-time effect of an unseen tertiary body.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel technique, called the double wavelet analysis (DWA), for the determination of stellar rotation periods from time serial data. This first paper aims narrowly at the discussion, introduction and application of the DWA technique to records of surface magnetism in solar-type (relatively old) lower main sequence stars that are obtained by the Mount Wilson Observatory (MWO) HK Project. The technique takes a series of careful steps that seek to optimize wavelet parameters and normalization schemes, ultimately allowing fine-tuned, arguably more accurate, estimates of rotation-modulated signals (with, e.g., periods of days to months) in records that contain longer periodicities such as stellar magnetic activity cycles (with, e.g., period of years). The apparent rotation periods estimated from the DWA technique are generally consistent with results from both “first-pass” (i.e., ordinary) global wavelet spectrum and earlier classical periodogram analyses. But there are surprises as well. For example, the rotation period of the ancient subdwarf Goombridge 1830 (HD 103095), previously identified as ≈31 days, suggests under the DWA technique a significantly slower period of 60 days. DWA spectra also generally reveal a shift in the cycle period toward high frequencies (hence shorter periods) compared to the first-pass wavelet spectrum. For solar-type stars analyzed here, the character of the DWA spectrum and slope of the first-pass global wavelet spectrum produce a classification scheme that allows a star's record to be placed into one of three categories.  相似文献   

M. Semel  J. Li 《Solar physics》1996,164(1-2):417-428
In this work, a multi-line spectropolarimetric detection using an Echelle spectrograph is described. The polarization of Zeeman effect is detected by the use of more than 200 lines observed in the solar type star, HR1099. Using the statistics analysis in a sample of 200 lines, we found on the average a polarization signal of about 3 × 10–4.  相似文献   

This issue presents proceedings of the "Stars and Interstellar Medium" section of the AllRussian Astronomical Conference VAK-2017. Sixteen papers(selected from about 70 talks) cover different problems related to stars, pulsars, interstellar gas and dust, and star formation. The preface briefly reviews these papers.  相似文献   

本文给出由Wackerling早型发射线星星表与IRAS点源表交叉认证得到的V-[25]≥8的早型发射线星星表。对它们空间分布的研究表明:这些星属于极端星族Ⅰ,从而为进一步研究主序前和主序后中等和大质量恒星的演化提供较为完备的观测对象。  相似文献   

The question whether the solar chemical composition is typical for solar-type stars is analysed by comparing the Sun with different stellar samples, including a sample of stars with very similar parameters, solar twins. Although typical in terms of overall metallicity for stars of solar age and galactic orbit, the solar atmosphere is found to have abundances, as compared with solar twins, that indicate that its gas has once been affected by dust formation and dust separation. It is concluded that this may be related to the formation of the solar planetary system and its special properties.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionItisgenerallyacceptedthattherearemainlyfourkindsofstarsontheAGBphase:theMiravariables,theOH/IRstars,thecarbonstarsandtheintrinsicS -typestarswithTc (Iben&Renzini1 983,Jorissen&Mayor 1 992 ) .Incarbon -richstars,〔C/O〕 >1 ,ingeneral,SiCparti clesareformedw…  相似文献   

We make models of the formation of massive stars by an accretion which is growing with the mass already accreted. These models are supported by several observations. They have implications for the IMF and the maximum stellar mass. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

I present in this review the recent results obtained with ISO concerning gas phase molecules in evolved stars. The near, medium and far-infrared spectrum of C-rich and O-rich stars can provide a very important information on the molecular content of these objects. Detailed models for the envelopes of AGB stars are also presented. I also report the detection of triatomic carbon in the far-infrared and I analyze the contribution of the ro-vibrational lines of the low energy bending modes of polyatomic molecules in the far-infrared spectrum of C-rich evolved stars. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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