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This paper is devoted to spectroscopic studies of three bright Cepheids (BG Cru, R Cru, and T Cru) and continues the series of our works aimed at determining the atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of southern-hemisphere Cepheids. We have studied 12 high-resolution spectra taken with the 1.9-m telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory and the 8-m VLT telescope of the European Southern Observatory in Chile. The atmospheric parameters and chemical composition have been determined for these stars. The averaged atmospheric parameters are: T eff = 6253 ± 30 K, log g = 2.15, V t = 4.30 km s?1 for BG Cru; T eff = 5812 ± 22 K, log g = 1.65, V t = 3.80 km s?1 for R Cru; and T eff = 5588 ± 21 K, log g = 1.70, V t = 4.30 km s?1 for T Cru. All these Cepheids exhibit a nearly solar metallicity ([Fe/H] = +0.04 dex for BG Cru, +0.06 dex for R Cru, and +0.08 dex for T Cru); the carbon, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum abundances suggest that the objects have already passed the first dredge-up. The abundances of other elements are nearly solar. An anomalous behavior of the absorption lines of metals (neutral atoms and ions) in the atmosphere of the small-amplitude Cepheid BG Cru is pointed out. The main components in these lines split up into additional blue and red analogs that are smaller in depth and equivalent width and vary with pulsation phase. Such splitting of the absorption lines of metals (with the hydrogen lines being invariable) is known for the classical Cepheid X Sgr. The calculated nonlinear pulsation model of BG Cru with the parameters L = 2000 L , T eff = 6180 K, and M = 4.3M shows that this small-amplitude Cepheid pulsates in the first overtone and is close to the blue boundary of the Cepheid instability strip. According to the model, the extent of the Cepheid’s atmosphere is relatively small. Therefore, no spectroscopic manifestations of shock waves through variability are possible in this Cepheid and the observed blue and red components in metal absorption lines can be explained solely by the presence of an extended circumstellar envelope around BG Cru.  相似文献   

We present the results obtained by analyzing 20 spectra of six bright Cepheids taken with the 1.9-m telescope at the South African Astronomical Observatory. The chemical composition and atmospheric parameters have been determined for XX Sgr, AP Sgr, RV Sco, RY Sco, V482 Sco, and V636 Sco.  相似文献   

This paper is the next one in the series of our works aimed at determining the atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of southern-hemisphere Cepheids. We present the results of our study for six bright Cepheids: V Cen, V737 Cen, BB Sgr, W Sgr, X Sgr, and Y Sgr. We have analyzed 14 high-resolution spectra taken with the 1.9-m telescope at the South African Astronomical Observatory. In addition to determining the chemical composition and atmospheric parameters, we point out and discuss several features in the spectra of individual Cepheids. In particular,we have detected emission in the cores of the Hβ and Hα lines forWSgr near its maximum light, while X Sgr shows the splitting of metal absorption lines into individual components without any change of the hydrogen lines. These peculiarities can be explained by different manifestations of shock waves in the Cepheid atmospheres and by the presence of circumstellar envelopes around X Sgr and W Sgr. The chemical composition has been estimated for V737 Cen, BB Sgr, and X Sgr for the first time. On the whole, our abundance estimates for α-elements, iron-peak elements, and r- and s-process elements are close to the solar ones for all objects, carbon is underabundant, the oxygen abundance is nearly solar, the “odd” elements, Na and Al, are overabundant (except X Sgr), magnesium is underabundant for V Cen and X Sgr and overabundant for the remaining objects. Such a chemical composition is typical of yellow supergiants after the first dredge-up. Keywords: Cepheids, spectra, atmospheric parameters, chemical composition.  相似文献   

We present the second part of the results of our work to investigate the atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of southern-hemisphere Cepheids obtained by analyzing 24 spectra for eight bright Cepheids and three semiregular bright supergiants taken with the 1.9-m telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory. The chemical composition and atmospheric parameters have been determined for S Cru, AP Pup, AX Cir, S TrA, T Cru, R Mus, S Mus, U Car, V382 Car, HD 75276, and R Pup.  相似文献   

Using the recently developed CORS method, applied to the photometric data of Walravenet al. (1964), we have determined improved radii for the three classical cepheids V381 Cen, V500 Sco, and SV Vel. These new determinations are in good agreement with theoretical computations for the center of the instability strip (Cogan, 1978). Some peculiar parameters are also computed, from the analysis of photometric data.  相似文献   

CCD multi-band light curves of the neglected eclipsing binaries V405 Cep, V948 Her, KR Mon and UZ Sge were obtained and analysed using the Wilson–Devinney code. New geometric and absolute parameters were derived and used to determine their current evolutionary state. V405 Cep, V948 Her and KR Mon are detached systems with their components in almost the same evolutionary stage. UZ Sge is a classical Algol system with a tertiary companion around it. Moreover, since the systems V405 Cep, V948 Her and UZ Sge contain an early type component, their light curves were examined for possible pulsation behaviour.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to trace back the possible progenitor systems of the Algol-type binaries TU Mon, SX Cas, and DM Per. The present characteristics are compared to the result of the evolution of 9M 0+5.4M 0. The position of the hot components in the HRD is discussed with regard to the theoretical models.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

Photometric results of three δ Scuti stars, AD Ari,IP Vir and YZ Boo from new observations obtained at the Xinglong Station of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO) during 2000 and 2001 are reported. We present here the preliminary analyses. Detailed studies of these stars based on additional data will be published separately.  相似文献   

Eclipsing binary stars with a pulsating component are powerful tools that allow us to probe the stellar interior structure and the evolutionary statuses with a good accuracy. Therefore, in this study,spectroscopic and photometric examinations of an eclipsing binary system V948 Her are presented. The primary component of the system is classified to be a candidate δ Scuti variable in the literature. The fundamental stellar, atmospheric and orbital parameters, and the surface abundance of the star were determined and the pulsation behaviour was investigated in this study. The orbital parameters were derived by the analysis of radial velocity and Super WASP light curves. The spectral classification was found to be F2V. The initial atmospheric parameters of the primary component were derived by analysis of the spectral energy distribution and hydrogen lines. The final atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances of the primary component were obtained by using the method of spectrum synthesis. As a result, the final atmospheric parameters were determined as T_(eff)= 7100±200 K, log g= 4.3±0.1 cgs and ξ = 2.2 ± 0.2 km s~(-1). The surface abundance was found to be similar to solar. The fundamental stellar parameters of both components were also obtained to be M = 1.722 ± 0.123, 0.762 ± 0.020 M⊙, R =1.655 ± 0.034, 0.689 ± 0.016 R⊙for primary and secondary components, respectively. The pulsation characteristic of the primary component was examined using Super WASP data and the pulsation period was found to be ~0.038 d. The position of the primary pulsating component was also obtained inside the instability strip of δ Sct stars. The primary component of V948 Her was defined to be a δ Sct variable.  相似文献   

Analyzing available photometry from the Super WASP and other databases, we performed the very first light curve analysis of eight eclipsing binary systems V537 And, GS Boo, AM CrB, V1298 Her, EL Lyn, FW Per, RU Tri, and WW Tri. All of these systems were found to be detached ones of Algol-type, having the orbital periods of the order of days. 722 new times of minima for these binaries were derived and presented, trying to identify the period variations caused by the third bodies in these systems.  相似文献   

We have obtained spectroscopic observations in coronal emission lines by choosing two lines simultaneously, one [Fe x] 6374 Å and the other [Fe xi] 7892 Å or [Fe xiii] 10747 Å or [Fe xiv] 5303 Å. We found that in 95 per cent of the coronal loops observed in 6374 Å, the FWHM of the emission line increases with height above the limb irrespective of the size, shape and orientation of the loop and that in case of 5303 Å line decreases with height in about 89 per cent of the coronal loops. The FWHM of 7892 Å and 10747 Å emission lines show intermediate behavior. The increase in the FWHM of 6374 Å line with height is the steepest among these four lines. We have also studied the intensity ratio and ratio of FWHM of these lines with respect to those of 6374 Å as a function height above the limb. We found that the intensity ratio of 7892 Å and 10747 Å lines with respect to 6374 Å line increases with height and that of 5303 Å to 6374 Å decreases with height above the limb. This implies that temperature in coronal loops will appear to increase with height in the intensity ratio plots of 7892 Å and 6374 Å; and 10747 Å and 6374 Å whereas it will appear to decrease with height in intensity ratio of 5303 Å to 6374 Å lineversus height plot. These findings are up to a height of about 200 arcsec above the limb. The varying ratios with height indicate that relatively hotter and colder plasma in coronal loops interact with each other. Therefore, the observed increase in FWHM with height above the limb of coronal emission lines associated with plasma at about 1 MK may not be due to increase in non-thermal motions caused by coronal waves but due to interaction with the relatively hotter plasma. These findings also do not support the existing coronal loop models, which predict an increase in temperature of the loop with height above the limb.  相似文献   

Plasma of electric arc discharges between composite Cu–W, Cu–Mo and Cu–Cr electrodes in argon flow and their spectra were studied by optical emission spectroscopy. Since values of oscillator strengths for W I, Mo I and Cr I presented in various sources are significantly different, selection of spectroscopic data for these elements (particularly oscillator strength) was expected to be useful for plasma diagnostics. The Boltzmann plot method was used as a tool for the selection of appropriate spectral lines and their spectroscopic data. The main result of the paper is W I, Mo I and Cr I spectral lines and spectroscopic data recommended for diagnostics of plasma with such metal impurities.  相似文献   

İ. Bulut 《New Astronomy》2009,14(7):604-606
The apsidal motion analysis of the eccentric eclipsing binaries: V397 Cep, V493 Car and BW Aqr have been presented. The method described by Lacy (1992) [Lacy, C.H S., 1992. AJ 104, 2213] has been used for the apsidal motion analysis. The apsidal motion periods have been found to be 174.2 ± 1.4, 277.3 ± 21.3 and 7195 ± 174 years for V397 Cep, V493 Car and BW Aqr, respectively.  相似文献   

The Cassini Huygens mission provides a unique opportunity to combine ground-based and spacecraft investigations to increase our understanding of chemical and dynamical processes in Titan’s atmosphere. Spectroscopic measurements from both vantage points enable retrieving global wind structure, temperature structure, and atmospheric composition. An updated analysis of Titan data obtained with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer (IRHS) and Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition (HIPWAC) prior to and during the Cassini Huygens mission is compared to retrievals from measurements with the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS). IRHS/HIPWAC results include the first direct stratospheric wind measurements on Titan, constraints on stratospheric temperature, and the study of atmospheric molecular composition. These results are compared to CIRS retrievals of wind and temperature profile from thermal mapping data and ethane abundance at 10-15° South latitude, near the equatorial region. IRHS/HIPWAC wind results are combined with other direct techniques, stellar occultation measurements, and CIRS results to explore seasonal variability over nearly one Titan year and to provide an empirical altitude profile of stratospheric winds, varying from ∼50 to 210 m/s prograde. The advantage of fully resolved line spectra in species abundance measurements is illustrated by comparing the possible effect on retrieved ethane abundance by blended spectral features of other molecular constituents, e.g., acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), allene (C3H4), and propane (C3H8), which overlap the ν9 band of ethane, and are not resolved at lower spectral resolution. IR heterodyne spectral resolution can discriminate weak spectral features that overlap the ν9 band of ethane, enabling ethane lines alone to be used to retrieve abundance. Titan’s stratospheric mean ethane mole fraction (8.6±3 ppmv) retrieved from IRHS/HIPWAC emission line profiles (resolving power λλ∼106) is compared to past values obtained from lower resolution spectra and from CIRS measurements (resolving power λλ∼2×103) and more compatible recent analysis. Results illustrate how high spectral resolution ground-based studies complement the spectral and spatial coverage and resolution of moderate spectral resolution space-borne spectrometers.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the coordination of astrometric observations and orbital studies of minor planets, particularly with regard to the role played in the past by the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut. The current situation is surveyed and thoughts are presented on future requirements.Presented at Frickefest, a colloquium held in Austin, Texas, on March 27, 1985, in honor of Walter Fricke on the occasion of his retirement as director of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg.  相似文献   

The formation, evolution and properties of noctilucent clouds are studied using a timedependent one-dimensional model of ice particles at mesospheric altitudes. The model treats ice crystals, meteoric dust, water vapor and air ionization as fully interactive cloud elements. For ice particles, the microphysical processes of nucleation, condensation, coagulation and sedimentation are included; the crystal habits of ice are also accounted for. Meteoric dust is analyzed in the manner of Hunten et al. (1980). The simulated particle sizes range from 10 Å to 2.6μm. The chemistry of water vapor and the charge balance of the mesosphere are also analyzed in detail.Based on model calculations, including numerous sensitivity tests, several conclusions are reached. Extremely cold mesopause temperatures (<140K) are necessary to form noctilucent clouds; such temperatures only exist at high latitudes in summer. A water vapor concentration of 4–5 ppmv is sufficient to form a visible cloud. However, a subvisible cloud can exist in the presence of only 1 ppmv of H2O. Ample cloud condensation nuclei are always present in the mesosphere; at very low temperatures, either meteoric dust or hydrated ions can act as cloud nuclei. To be effective, meteoric dust particles must be larger than 10–15 Å in radius. When dust is present, water vapor supersaturations may be held to such low values that ion nucleation is not possible. Ion nucleation can occur, however, in the absence of dust or at extremely low temperatures (<130K). While dust nucleation leads to a small number (<10cm?3) of large ice particles (>0.05 μm radius) and cloud optical depths (at 550 nm) ~10?4, ion nucleation generally leads to a large number (~103cm?3) of smaller particles and optical depths ~10?5). However, because calculated nucleation rates in noctilucent clouds are highly uncertain, the predominant nucleus for the clouds (i.e., dust or ions) cannot be unambiguously established. Noctilucent clouds require several hours-up to a day-to materialize. Once formed, they may persist for several days, depending on local meteorological conditions. However, the clouds can disappear suddenly if the air warms by 10–20 K. The environmental conditions which exist at the high-latitude summer mesopause, together with the microphysics of small ice crystals, dictate that particle sizes will be ? 0.1 μm radius. The ice crystals are probably cubic in structure. It is demonstrated that particles of this size and shape can explain the manifestations of noctilucent clouds. Denser clouds are favored by higher water vapor concentrations, more rapid vertical diffusion and persistent upward convection (which can occur at the summer pole). Noctilucent clouds may also condense in the cold “troughs” of gravity wave trains. Such clouds are bright when the particles remain in the troughs for several hours or more; otherwise they are weak or subvisible.Model simulations are compared with a wide variety of noctilucent cloud data. It is shown that the present physical model is consistent with most of the measurements, as well as many previous theoretical results. Ambient noctilucent clouds are found to have a negligible influence on the climate of Earth. Anthropogenic perturbations of the clouds that are forecast for the next few decades are also shown to have insignificant climatological implications.  相似文献   

Abstract The 9 km diameter Red Wing Creek structure, North Dakota, is located within the oil-rich Williston Basin at 47°36′N and 103°33′W. Earlier geophysical studies indicated that this subsurface structure has a central uplift, surrounded by an annular crater moat, and a raised rim. Breccias were encountered during drilling between ~2000 and 2800 m depth in the central uplift area, and the presence of shatter cone fragments in drill core samples was suggested to indicate an impact origin of the Red Wing Creek structure. We studied the petrographic and geochemical characteristics of samples of well cuttings from two boreholes at the center of the structure: the True Oil 22–27 Burlington Northern and True Oil 11–27 Burlington Northern wells. We found planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz with up to three sets of different crystallographic orientations in sandstone- and siltstone-dominated samples from the True Oil 11–27 borehole. U-stage measurements of the crystallographic orientations of the PDFs showed the occurrence of the shock-characteristic (0001), and orientations, with a dominance of (0001) and orientations. The relative frequencies of the orientations indicate a shock pressure of at least 12–20 GPa. These results provide unambiguous evidence for shock metamorphism at Red Wing Creek and confirm that the structure was formed by impact.  相似文献   

This study presents an investigation of the orbital period variations of five Algol type binaries, UX Leo, RW Mon, EQ Ori, XZ UMa and AX Vul based on all available minima times. The OC diagrams of all systems exhibit a periodic variation superimposed on a downward parabolic segment. The mass loss due to magnetic braking effect in the cooler components is assumed to account for the parabolic variation with a downward shape, while it is suggested that the light-time effect (LITE) due to an unseen component around the eclipsing binaries explains the tilted sinusoidal changes in their OC diagrams. The orbital period decrease rates for the systems are estimated as approximately between about 0.7 and 2.5 s per century. It is clearly seen that mass loss effect is more dominant than the expected mass transfer for classical Algols in this study. The minimum mass of the probable third bodies around the eclipsing pairs was calculated to be ?0.5 M except for UX Leo, in which it was estimated to be approximately 0.9 M. In order to search for third lights in the light curves of five systems, the V-light curves of the systems were analyzed and their physical and photometric parameters were determined. For UX Leo, a significant third light contribution was determined. We found a very small third light that can be tested using multi-color light curves, for RW Mon, EQ Ori and XZ UMa, while a third light for AX Vul could not be exposed.  相似文献   

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