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刘阿成  张杰  唐建忠 《海洋学报》2020,42(11):49-61
本文采用高分辨率单道浅地震剖面资料研究闽江口外海域的全新统沉积作用。研究区的全新统底面为MIS 2期侵蚀面,局部为古河道,深度一般在现海面下约30~60 m,最深约65 m;近岸浅,外海深,局部受古河道的下切影响呈条带状负地形。全新统由早全新世晚期以来的海相沉积层(U1)和早全新世河流湖沼相沉积层(U2)组成,前者包括滨浅海平行地震相和河口滨岸前积地震相,根据其反射波向陆上超和向海下超底界面,结合沉积物厚度分布特征,可以判断主要的沉积物来源和运移趋势。全新统沉积层厚度一般为10~20 m,最厚约38 m,位于古河道区,但是在马祖列岛和白犬列岛之间海区缺失。海相全新统沉积层的厚度为数米至20 m,最厚约25 m,位于研究区东南部(海坛岛东侧)。自全新世海侵以来,沉积物主要来源于3部分:台湾海峡来沙为研究区南部海区提供了沉积物;闽江悬沙扩散沉积物覆盖研究区北部海区,主要沿NE方向至外海,在河口向南呈舌状,现代沉积中心位于河口北部,厚度大于15 m;浙闽沿岸流来沙对研究区东北部海区的沉积物有影响。沉积环境划分为台湾海峡源沉积区、闽江源沉积区、东北部混合沉积区和马祖−白犬沉积缺失区,平均沉积速率分别约为0.8 mm/a、1.0 mm/a、1.1 mm/a和0 mm/a。马祖−白犬沉积缺失区主要因为沉积物受沿岛环流的控制。  相似文献   

南海深水区末次冰期和冰后期沉积物堆积速率的特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄维  汪品先 《海洋学报》2007,29(5):69-73
通过统计南海100 m以下深水区的136个沉积柱状样的分析数据,对南海末次冰期以来的堆积速率进行了统计.计算出MIS(marine isotope stage)1期的年均沉积量为152.3 Mt/a,2期的为215.2 Mt/a,主要为陆源物质的贡献.无论在末次冰期还是在冰后期,堆积速率均在南海西南部最高,其次是在东北部,在其他地区较低.由于侧向搬运和顺坡搬运频繁,虽然整体上末次冰期的堆积速率高于冰后期的,但在沉积物高速堆积地区附近有相反的变化趋势.  相似文献   

Geopulse甚高分辨率浅地震剖面记录和水深测量结果显示,在舟山群岛册子水道北部东侧发育有一条现代潮流脊,宽度约1~1.2km,研究部分长度超过2km(沙脊两端超出研究海域),脊顶水深50~60m,外翼高20~25m,水深65~85m,内翼高约10m,水深50~70m;脊内层理发育,以向海倾斜为主,表明潮流脊是由岸向海方向堆积发育的。根据地震剖面记录特征和沉积环境,推断潮流脊以细砂和粉砂为主组成,来源于册子水道轴部晚更新世陆相地层的侵蚀物质;由落潮流向东南搬运,再由涨潮流向西北搬运,在潮流脊上沉积而成。潮流脊的发育可能与外钓山岛和舟山本岛在研究海域向西突出有关,造成册子水道显著缩窄、流速加大、底质变粗。  相似文献   

厦门杏林湾现代沉积速率及其影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
堆积在湖泊、港湾的沉积物保留了沉积物来源及人类活动影响的信息,通过对沉积物和区域自然、社会经济环境的研究可以了解自然过程及人类活动对环境变化的影响,作出环境变化的预测[1],为区域生态、环境保护和改善以及区域经济建设决策提供科学依据.铅-210具有特定的核性质(衰变类型、半衰期、衰变能量等)和地球化学行为[2],是百年时间尺度沉积物纪年的良好示踪剂[3~4],已被广泛应用于湖泊、海湾及河口等工业革命以来沉积过程的研究,并反映出较好的计年结果[5~13].本文利用铅-210对厦门杏林湾现代沉积速率进行了研究,并对比了不同时期的地形图,同时结合区域历史沿革来探讨其影响因素.  相似文献   

On the basis of the measurement of ^210Pbcx and ^137Cs activities in the sediment cores taken from the intertidal zone on the west coast of the Bohai Gulf, the average sedimentation rates of modern sediments are calculated. The results indicate that in the sandy area of the intertidal zone (from Daogouzi to the Duliujian River), the sedimentation rate from 1955 to 1963 is 3.43~4.06 cm/a, and is within the range of 0.65~1.59 cm/a since 1963. The average sedimentation rate in the muddy area (around Qikou) is approximately 1.81 cm/a.The results above suggest that the sandy area of the intertidal zone has experienced rapid sedimentation from the 1950s to the 1960s,and the sedimentation slows down after the 1960s, and the sedimentation rates increase from north to south spatially. The rapid sedimentation from the 1950s to the 1960s in the sandy area is due to the fact that North China has plentiful precipitation during this period and the intertidal zone is supplied with abundant matter sources for sedimentation. After the 1960s, the weakened sedimentation may be a result of the reduction of sand transported to the intertidal zone, which is a consequence of diminished rainfall in North China and intensive human activities in the Haihe basin.  相似文献   

长江口崇明东滩不同植被带沉积速率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2007年丰水期、枯水期在崇明东滩芦苇带、藨草带和光滩采集的6根沉积物柱状样,研究了沉积物的粒度特征和过剩的210Pb和228Th及7Be活度的垂向分布特征,探讨了由陆地向海洋不同植被间的沉积物粒度变化规律。依据恒定比活度沉积速率模型,估算了不同时间尺度的崇明东滩芦苇带、藨草带和光滩的表观沉积速率。结果表明:3种核素示踪的崇明东滩的表观沉积速率都随潮滩植被的不同从陆到海方向逐渐降低,同时依过剩的210Pb和228Th,7Be的次序而增大。由过剩的210Pb和228Th计算的夏季沉积速率比冬季的稍高,而由7Be计算的夏季表观沉积速率则明显高于冬季的。结合沉积物粒度的时空分布和这些核素的大气通量,对利用这些核素测定潮滩沉积速率的影响因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸潮间带现代沉积速率研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用渤海湾西岸潮间带柱状沉积物的210Pbex和137Cs活度测定结果,计算了潮间带现代沉积物的平均沉积速率,结果表明,渤海湾西岸潮间带砂质区(道沟子至独流减河)1955~1963年的沉积速率为3.43~4.06cm/a,1963年以来的平均沉积速率为0.65~1.59cm/a;泥质区(歧口附近)的平均沉积速率约为1.81cm/a.上述结果说明潮间带砂质区在20世纪50~60年代发生快速沉积作用,60年代之后沉积作用变缓.这可能是由于华北地区在该时段具有丰沛的降水和入海水沙,为潮间带沉积物提供了丰富的物源.60年代以后沉积作用变缓可能是自然和人类活动引起的入海水量减少和由此导致的物源减少的结果.  相似文献   

The sequence-stratigraphic investigation by Very High-Resolution (VHR) seismic profiles allowed recognition of the detailed architecture of the late Pleistocene and Holocene succession of the Venice area. In this way deposits previously known by the analyses of scattered cores, mainly taken along the lagoon margin and the littoral strips, have been correlated at regional scale including the near offshore sector and the result has pointed out the lateral variability of the stratal architecture. Late Pleistocene deposits consist of an aggrading floodplain and fluvial channel fills accumulated during decreasing eustatic sea level, and they are coeval with offlapping forced regressive marine wedges in the Central Adriatic basin. The Holocene sequence is composed of three main seismic units separated by major stratal surfaces. Unit 1 (up to 9 m thick) is formed by channelized deposits separated by areas showing sub-horizontal and hummocky reflectors, and is bounded at the base by a surface that records prolonged conditions of subaerial exposure and at the top by a flatter surface resulting from erosion by marine processes. Deposits of Unit 1 are interpreted as estuarine and distributary channel fills, and back-barrier strata. Unit 2 is well distinguishable from Unit 1 only in the offshore area and at the barrier island bounding the Venice Lagoon, and is composed of a prograding marine wedge (up to 10 m thick) that interacts laterally with ebb tidal deltas. Unit 3 consists of a tidal channel complex and inlet deposits, which testify the evolution of the lagoon area. Tidal channels are entrenched in the lagoon mud flat (coeval with Units 1–2) and cut the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary in several places.Following current sequence-stratigraphic concepts, the Holocene sequence is composed of a paralic transgressive systems tract (TST) (Unit 1) overlying a sequence boundary (the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary) and overlain by a marine highstand systems tract (HST) (Unit 2) in seaward locations and by highstand lagoonal deposits landwards. TST and HST are separated by a downlap surface that is amalgamated with a wave ravinement surface in several places. Unit 3 is coeval with the upper part of Unit 2, and its development has been favoured by human interventions, which led to a transgression limited to the lagoon area.Local factors during the deposition, i.e. subsidence, sediment supply, physiography, and current/wave regimes, led to a significant lateral variability in the architecture of the Holocene sequence, as evidenced by the extreme thickness variation of the TST along both depositional strike and dip. The HST, instead, shows less pronounced strike variations in the stratal architecture. Also, present data clearly evidence that the human impact has a great relevance in influencing the late Holocene sedimentation.  相似文献   

唐荣  冯秀丽  冯利  肖晓  刘爽 《海洋学报》2021,43(8):54-65
通过对南海台西南盆地南部海域TS6岩芯沉积物样品稀土元素地球化学特征和黏土矿物组合进行分析,探讨了研究区近19 ka (末次冰消期)以来沉积物物质来源、输运机制及物源变化特征。物源综合分析结果显示,台湾河流是研究区沉积物的主要源区,其中台湾西部河流较东部河流贡献更大,珠江也为研究区输送了部分沉积物。由于各源区物质主要黏土矿物种类及含量存在较大差异,推测研究区沉积物黏土矿物中的伊利石和绿泥石主要由台湾河流提供,高岭石主要由珠江提供,含量较少的蒙脱石由东南部的吕宋岛提供。末次冰消期以来,研究区陆源物质输入量受控于海平面变化而逐渐减少,黏土矿物组合反映的物源变化主要受控于气候和洋流变化,还可能叠加了多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

The grain size distribution of bulk sediment samples was decomposed in a core to reconstruct paleoceanographic evolution over the past 60 ka in the northern Norwegian Sea. The results show that sediments consisted of 3–4 grain populations derived from the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and Barents Ice Sheet (BIS). The grain size data suggest three palaeoceanographic evolution stages: (1) an environment affected by BIS and NAC and changed with the interstadial/stadial transition in phase with the Greenland ice-core record at 60–31 ka BP, during which discharge of icebergs and the content of the coarsest population containing ice-rafted debris (IRD) in the sediments increased significantly during stadial, while the fine silt population containing volcanic glasses increased with the enhancement of NAC during the interstadial; (2) an extreme environment controlled by BIS at 31–13 ka BP. BIS reached to its maximum at about 31 ka BP and the turbid plumes that formed at the leading edge of BIS contributed to a significant increase in the clayey population in sediments. Icebergs drained into the northern Norwegian Sea with periodical calving of the BIS at 31–19 ka BP. Subsequently, the ablation of the BIS discharged massive floods with clayey sediments and icebergs into the Norwegian Sea at 19–13 ka BP, resulting in a constant increase in clay and IRD in sediments; and (3) a marine environment similar to the present one under the strong influence of NAC following the complete melting of the BIS after 13 ka BP, NAC is the dominant transport agent and no IRD occurred in sediments. The fine silt populations containing volcanic glasses transported by NAC significantly increased.  相似文献   

Two very high-frequency radars (VHFRs), operating in the southern Channel Isles region (English Channel) in February–March 2003, provided a continuous 27-day long dataset of surface currents at 2 km resolution over an area extending approximately 20 km offshore. The tidal range in the region of study is one of the highest in the world and the coastal circulation is completely dominated by tides. The radar data resolve two modes which account for 97% of the variability of the surface current velocities, with the major contribution of the first mode. This mode accounts for oscillating tidal currents whereas the second mode represents motions emerging from the interaction of tidal currents with capes and islands (eddy in the vicinity of the Point of Grouin and jet south of Chausey). A fortnightly modulation of the modal amplitudes causes the exceptional (more than 600%) variability of currents which is well captured by the VHFR observations. The radar data revealed that tidal circulation in the region is flood-dominated with a strong asymmetry of current velocity curve. Wind events and fortnightly variability affect the course of tidal cycle by modifying the magnitude and duration of ebb and flood. In addition to expected features of coastal circulation (tidally dominated flow, eddies) and high wind-current coupling, the residual currents revealed a strong cross-shore structure in the mean and a significant variability which has the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

1Introduction Since the last glacial maximum, the Holocenehas been marked by a rapid rise in sea level. After6 000 a BP, the present-day level was reached andthe rate of sea-level rise (SLR) decreased rapidly(Morzadec -Kerfourn, 1974; Kidson, 1986 ).These…  相似文献   

The origin of acoustically transparent fan deposits overlying glacial till and ice-proximal sediments on the southern margin of the Norwegian Channel has been studied using high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles and multibeam bathymetry. The first deposits overlying glacigenic sediments are a series of stacked, acoustically transparent submarine fans. The lack of glaciomarine sediments below and between individual fans indicates that deposition was rapid and immediately followed the break up of the Late Weichselian ice cover. The fans are overlain by stratified glaciomarine sediments and Holocene mud. Because of the uniformity of this drape, the upper surface of the fan deposits is mimicked at the present seafloor, and the bathymetric images clearly show the spatial relationship of the fans to bedrock ridges and the presence of braided channel-levee systems on the surface of the youngest fans. The acoustically transparent character of the fan deposits indicates that they comprise silt and clay, and their lobate form and lack of internal stratification indicates that they were deposited by debris flows. The channel-levee morphology indicates deposition from more watery hyperconcentrated fluid flows. The fan sediments were either derived from 1) erosion of Mid Weichselian lake deposits in southern Skagerrak or 2) from Late glacial ice-margin lake deposits, ponded against the Norwegian Channel ice stream, which collapsed catastrophically when the lateral support was removed as the ice disintegrated. Fans composed almost exclusively of fine-grained sediment need not, therefore, rule out an origin in a deglacial setting relatively close to the former margins of glaciers and ice sheets.  相似文献   

利用多道α能谱仪,对2005年8~9月在海南岛近海采集的7个沉积岩芯进行了210Pb的沉积速率测定,探讨了海南岛近海陆架上现代沉积速率的区域性分布特征,结果表明:位于港湾内的B1168站位由于沉积物供应充足,有最高的沉积速率,达2.9 cm/a;位于河口海湾附近且受沿岸流影响的B289站位,有很高的沉积速率,可达1.6 cm/a,沉积环境较稳定;位于西南海底沙脊区北缘且靠近昌化江河口的B97、B135、B10站位也有较高沉积速率,分别达到1.0、0.89和0.47 cm/a,在表层都出现了210Pb放射性活度倒置的现象,表明所处区域有较强混合作用;处于西南外陆架的C4站位受北部湾环流影响,沉积速率为0.6 cm/a;位于东部外陆架的B377站位处于上升流区,沉积速率较低,为0.21 cm/a.可见,海南岛近海陆架上的现代沉积速率存在着明显的区域分布:在物质来源丰富的沿岸流作用区和河口区附近,现代沉积速率很高;在陆架环流沉积作用区,现代沉积速率也较高;在水深较大的外陆架上,由于沉积物供应相对匮乏,沉积速率一般较低;在近岸潮流沙脊区,由于水动力很强,无法形成现代细粒沉积.同时,在陆架上,沉积速率有随着水深的增加而降低的趋势.由此可见,海南岛近海海域的沉积速率与该区的物质供应、水动力条件和海底地形等因素有密切关系.  相似文献   

Circular to elliptical mounds in the Canary Channel with reliefs of 75 to 375 m and diameters of 4 to 8 km partially surrounded by moats with reliefs of 25 to 75 m, were formed by piercement of the seafloor by Mesozoic evaporites. Several long gullies, < 1km wide, with abrupt terminations and pockmarks associated with these mounds were probably eroded by dense brine and hydrocarbon seeps. The salt brines that eroded the gullies were formed where salt diapirs intersect the seafloor, or in the subsurface by circulating ground water heated by igneous activity along the Canary Ridge. If the brines originated in the subsurface they reached the seafloor along faults. Displacement of the surficial sediments by sliding and creep is probably the result of the expulsion of hydrocarbons and/or vertical motion of the Mesozoic evaporites. Microtopographic features along or near the east flank of the Canary Ridge are the creation of uplift of the ridge, hydrothermal activity, mass wasting processes and turbidity currents.  相似文献   

长江口泥质区18#柱样的现代沉积速率及其环境 指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对长江口泥质区18#柱样进行137Cs和210Pb同位素测年分析,得到了柱样站点的现代沉积速率。结果表明,近50多年来沉积速率较大,且呈现阶段性差异:由137Cs时标计年法得到柱样1954—1964年的沉积速率为5.9 cm/yr,1964—2006年减小为 3.36 cm/yr;沉积柱样的210Pb剖面呈两段分布,由此得到沉积速率120~225 cm为5.47 cm/yr,对应于18~100 cm减小为4.58 cm/yr。对比分析两种方法得出沉积速率开始减小的时间为1968—1972年,并且采样点区域表层可能出现侵蚀现象,为研究长江口泥质区环境演变提供了依据。  相似文献   

Ría de Vigo is a river valley flooded by the sea, with a bay (San Simón Bay) at its innermost part. The accumulation of Holocene sediment in San Simón Bay has been studied by the integration of 1) large scale high resolution seismic data, and 2) detailed geochemical analysis of a gravity core. In San Simón Bay the majority of the seismic records are obscured by acoustic turbidity which represents gassy sediments, but on records from Rande Strait it is possible to distinguish two Quaternary seismic sequences; an Upper Pleistocene sequence (SQ1) and a Holocene sequence (SQ2). Only SQ2 is recognized in San Simón Bay where it is comprised of two seismic units; the upper unit represents the HST sediment, i.e. the period of highest sea level. A gravity core taken within the gassy zone at 10 m water depth provided 3.55 m of fine-grained sediments (muds) from the youngest seismic unit (4 m thick). Geochemical analysis show high values (4 to 10%) of TOC. Sediment and porewater analyses indicate a distinct sulphate–methane transition zone (SMTZ) between 60 and 80 cm where sulphate is depleted (to <1.7 mM) and methane increases (to >0.4 mM). The top of the acoustic turbidity (the gas front) at 80 cm corresponds to the lower limit of the SMTZ. The methane cannot have been derived from the underlying metamorphic and granitic rocks, but was probably derived by microbial degradation of the organic matter in the Holocene sediments. We estimate that the sediments of the Bay contain approximately 1.8 × 106 m3 of organic carbon and 275 ton of methane.  相似文献   

胶州湾铅-210比活度的分布模式及百年尺度的沉积速率   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2006年6月在胶州湾采集柱状岩心并对岩心沉积物中铅-210比活度进行测试分析,结果表明,铅-210沿岩心的垂向分布具有两段、三段模式和异常的多段、倒置模式等。基于铅-210的CIC(constant initial concentration)计年模式和铯-137时标,并且结合历史海底地形对比,计算出近百年来胶州湾海域的现代沉积速率为1.49~24.96 mm/a,沉积通量为0.17~2.62 g/(cm2.a)。除沧口水道末端个别区域外,胶州湾多数区域(包含水道)的沉积速率较低,量级为100mm/a,湾内水道主要呈现出微淤甚至侵蚀,表明近百年来胶州湾沉积环境相对稳定,在可作为航道资源的湾内水道并未出现显著淤积。  相似文献   

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