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大口径闪烁仪及其在地表能量平衡监测中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了LAS仪器的测量原理及数据处理方法, 并利用中荷合作项目CEWBMS中获得的河南郑州LAS测站2000年的观测资料, 同时结合其它辅助资料, 对观测点附近地区的能量平衡状况进行了分析。分析结果表明, 由LAS测值得到的显热通量值, 以及结合净辐射资料间接得到的潜热通量值, 合理地反映出了当地能量平衡状况的季节变化, 显示出一年之中当地大部分的净辐射能用于潜热通量的释放。其数据结果所表征的当地下垫面干湿程度的变化与同期的降水及土壤相对湿度相比, 表现出了相当好的一致性, 这为拓展LAS在局地地表能量平衡监测中的应用提供了物理依据。  相似文献   

不同下垫面大孔径闪烁仪观测数据处理与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
大孔径闪烁仪是近年兴起的测量大尺度(500 m~10 km)地表通量的仪器。北京师范大学等单位分别于2002年、2004年在北京昌平小汤山开展了大孔径闪烁仪短期观测实验, 2006年6月又在北京密云建立了长期观测站。利用这些数据, 对大孔径闪烁仪观测数据进行处理与分析, 结果表明:闪烁仪光径高度和风速是影响观测显热通量的关键因子。当地表粗糙元的高度变化相对于光径高度不可忽略时, 零平面位移需要精确确定。波文比在湿润地表需要准确确定, 而气温、气压和动力学粗糙度则为不敏感因子。计算中所需的大气稳定度可用理查孙数判断, 也可借助日出日落时间或净辐射观测值确定。稳定条件下的普适函数目前无统一表达式, 可采用仪器说明书推荐的函数。通过几个站点闪烁仪观测显热通量与涡动相关仪测量值的比较表明:大孔径闪烁仪在均匀和非均匀地表都能得到合理的显热通量观测值。  相似文献   

To test the applicability of the scintillation method over a heterogeneous area an experiment was carried out in the summer of 1998 in Flevoland (The Netherlands). In the patchy area only four crops were grown namely sugar beet, potatoes, wheat and onions. From eddy covariance measurements it was found that the heterogeneity was mainly caused by differences in thermal properties. No variations in the aerodynamics roughness length were observed. Two large aperture scintillometers were installed at a height of 11.6 and 20.4 m. A good resemblance was found between the sensible heat fluxes derived from both LAS instruments and the area-averaged fluxes obtained from the in-situ eddy covariance measurements. The slight underestimation of the lower LAS could be assessed using a blending height model and an analytical footprint model. The results also indicated that when scintillometer measurements are made below the blending height the violation to Monin–Obukhov Similarity Theory is small and that reasonable fluxes can be obtained from path-averaged structure parameters.  相似文献   

The performance of a combined large aperture scintillometer (LAS) and a millimetre wave scintillometer (MWS) for estimating surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat over natural landscape is investigated, using data gathered during LITFASS-2003. For this purpose the LAS–MWS system was installed in a moderate heterogeneous landscape over a path length of 4.7 km with an effective beam height of 43 m. The derived surface fluxes have been compared with aggregated eddy-covariance (EC) measurements. The fluxes of sensible and latent heat from the LAS–MWS combination, as well as sensible heat fluxes of the single LAS, agreed fairly well with the EC-based fluxes, considering the uncertainties of the similarity stability functions and observed energy imbalance.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱区非均匀地表区域能量通量的卫星遥感参数化   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
卫星遥感在估算非均匀地表区域能量通量时有其独到的作用。文中介绍了利用Landsat TM资料估算非均匀地表区域地表能量通量和蒸发(蒸散)量的参数化方案、研究结果和存在的难点问题。并提出了解决问题的可能途径。  相似文献   

The Evaporation at Grid/Pixel Scale (EVA_GRIPS) project was realised in order to determine the area-averaged evaporation over a heterogeneous land surface at the scale of a grid box of a regional numerical weather prediction or climate model, and at the scale of a pixel of a satellite image. EVA_GRIPS combined surface-based and airborne measurements, satellite data analysis, and numerical modelling activities. A mesoscale field experiment, LITFASS-2003, was carried out in the heterogeneous landscape around the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg (MOL) of the German Meteorological Service in May and June, 2003. The experiment was embedded in the comprehensive, operational measurement program of the MOL. Experimental determination of surface fluxes on a variety of spatial scales was achieved by employing micrometeorological flux stations, scintillometers, a combination of ground-based remote sensing instruments, and the Helipod, a turbulence probe carried by a helicopter. Surface energy fluxes were also derived from satellite data. Modelling work included the use of different Soil–Vegetation–Atmosphere Transfer schemes, a large-eddy simulation model and three mesoscale atmospheric models. The paper gives an overview on the background of EVA_GRIPS, and on the measurements and meteorological conditions during LITFASS-2003. A few general results are discussed.  相似文献   

Interaction between wind and temperature fields in the planetary boundary layerfor a spatially heterogeneous surface heat flux has been investigated using large-eddysimulation. It is shown that a substantial difference exists in the wind and temperaturefields, depending on whether the directions of the background wind and the surfaceheat flux variation are parallel or perpendicular.When they are parallel to each other, two-dimensional plumes induced by theheterogeneous surface heat flux are easily destroyed by the background wind,and the velocity field is strongly modified by convective eddies compared tothe case when they are perpendicular to each other. This leads to a substantialdifference in the profiles of turbulent kinetic energy and its flux.It also results in a difference between the two cases in the bulk properties of theplanetary boundary layer, such as the entrainment at the top of the planetary boundarylayer and the drag at the bottom, which have important implications for boundary-layermodelling. The difference between the two cases exists even when the background windspeed is as large as 15.0 m s-1. Meanwhile, the contrast between two cases is weakened by the Coriolis force.  相似文献   

黑河绿洲区不均匀下垫面大气边界层结构的大涡模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
姜金华  胡非  角媛梅 《高原气象》2005,24(6):857-864
采用RAMS模式中大涡模拟的方法,加入高分辨率的植被和土壤资料,模拟了黑河(张掖地区)不均匀下垫面条件下大气边界层演变过程。分析了模拟的地表通量、边界层的平均结构和湍流二阶量,并用黑河试验的观测资料检验了模式的模拟性能。结果表明,模拟的平均结构较好地展现了不均匀下垫面条件下边界层内从稳定层结到混合层发展,夹卷层形成,底层逆温层出现,混合层过渡到残留层等的演变过程,呈现出了从初始的稳定边界层发展到对流边界层,最后又形成夜问稳定边界层的日变化规律。湍流二阶量的分析显示,在非均匀下垫面条件下边界层内湍流二阶量的垂直分布与边界层的发展相对应,白天湍流二阶量出现两个峰值,分别位于近地层和混合层顶。与观测资料和现有研究的对比表明,RAMS中陆面模块(LEAF)地表参数不能较好地反映黑河地区的植被特征,模拟的白天地表感热和潜热通量偏小,气温白天偏低、夜间偏高,相对湿度也有偏差。  相似文献   

基于不同陆面参数化方案的高温天气数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于3种不同的陆面过程方案(SLAB、NOAH和RUC方案)利用WRF模式对2009年7月发生在江苏沿江及苏南地区包括沪宁高速公路在内的一次高温天气过程进行了对比模拟和分析.结果表明:①WRF模式中耦合陆面参数化方案后的试验结果更接近实况,且模拟的高温天气过程对不同陆面方案的选择较为敏感;②SLAB、NOAH、RUC ...  相似文献   

珠峰地区地表状况十分复杂,既有冰川(雪山)、高寒草垫,又有裸露山地及荒漠戈壁.如何确定这样复杂下垫面上的地气间的区域能量通量,一直是困扰国内外科学家的难题.本文提出了一个利用卫星遥感资料结合地面观测求取珠峰地区区域地表特征参数(地表反射率与地表温度)、植被参数(NDVI、植被覆盖度、修正的土壤调整植被指数MSAVI及叶面指数LAI)和地表能量通量(净辐射通量、土壤热通量、感热通量及潜热通量)的参数化方案,并讨论了此方案的优缺点.  相似文献   

大孔径闪烁仪测量戈壁地区感热通量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2008年6月11~30日在金塔开展的"绿洲系统非均匀下垫面能量水分交换和边界层过程观测与理论研究"期间第一阶段戈壁下垫面大孔径闪烁仪(LAS)的观测资料,用混合对流方法和自由对流方法分别计算了戈壁感热通量。结果表明,对于利用LAS资料计算地表感热通量的方法中,混合对流方法相对于自由对流方法更加适用,且混合对流方法中Andreas给出的参数相对于DeBruin的参数更加适用于戈壁下垫面。此外,LAS测得的感热通量相对涡动相关方法的值较大,提高了地表能量闭合度。  相似文献   

针对陆面模式Noah-MP对兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)2009年8月地表热通量模拟值偏差大的问题,通过分析相关物理过程和模拟试验来探究偏差的来源,并确定合适的参数化方案:采用Chen97方案计算感热输送系数可以改善感热通量的模拟;采用Jarvis气孔阻抗方案能增大植被蒸腾,改进模式对潜热通量的模拟效果,同时也使热通量在感热和潜热间的分配比例合理;采用LP92方案可减小土壤蒸发阻抗并有利于土壤蒸发,使得模式对潜热通量的模拟效果变好。不同参数化方案的组合试验表明:同时采用2组或3组新的参数化方案组合可以进一步减小模拟的地表感热和潜热通量的均方根误差,但是土壤湿度和温度的模拟效果并没有同步改善。  相似文献   

介绍了目前利用Landsat TM和NOAA/AVHRR遥感资料进行非均匀地表区域地表能量通量和蒸发(蒸散)量研究的进展和存在的难点问题,并提出了解决问题的可能途径。  相似文献   

对临海沙漠地区非均匀地表区域地表能量通量和蒸发(蒸散)的研究,是一个十分重要但又是一个难点问题。本文提出了1个基于卫星遥感和地面观测的参数化方案,并把其应用于沙特阿拉伯吉达地区,利用1个景的陆地资源卫星Landsat-7E^TM^ 资料进行了分析研究,得到了一些有关临海沙漠地区非均匀地表区域地表特征参数、植被参数和地表能量通量的新概念。最后讨论了所提出的参数化方案的适用范围和需改进之处。  相似文献   

In this study, the high-accuracy multisource integrated Chinese land cover (MICLCover) dataset was used in version 4 of the Community Land Model (CLM4) to assess how the new land cover information affected land surface simulation over China. Compared to the default land cover dataset in CLM4, the MICL data indicated lower values for bare soil (14.6% reduction), nee- dleleaf tree (3.6%), and broadleaf tree (1.9%); higher values for shrub cover (1.8% increase), grassland (9.9%), cropland (5.0%), glaciers (0.5%), lakes (1.6%), and wetland (1.1%); and unchanged for urban areas. Two comparative CLM4 simulations were conducted for the 33-yr period from 1972 to 2004, one using the MICL dataset and the other using the default dataset. The results revealed that the MICL data produced a 0.3% lower mean annual surface albedo over China than the original data. The largest contributor to the reduced value was semiarid regions (2.1% reduction). The MICL-data albedo value agreed more closely with observations (MODIS broad- band black-sky albedo products) over arid and semiarid regions than for the original data to some extent. The simulated average sensible heat flux over China increased by only 0.1 W m 2 owing to the reduced values in arid and semiarid regions, as opposed to increases in humid and semihumid regions, while an increased latent heat flux of I W m-2 was reflected in almost identical changes over the whole region. In addition, the mean annual runoff simulated by CLM4 using MICL data decreased by 6.8 mm yr-1, primarily due to large simulated decreases in humid regions.  相似文献   

干旱及半干旱地区地表能量通量的卫星遥感参数化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对干旱及半干旱地区非均匀地表区域地表能量通量的研究是一个十分重要但又是一个难点问题。作者提出了一个基于卫星遥感和地面观测的参数化方案,并把其用于中国西北地区“我国重大气候和天气灾害形成和预测理论的研究”(国家重点基础研究发展规划项目G1998040900,1999-2003)的“敦煌试验”区和“黑河试验”(HEIFE,1989-1994)区,并利用4个景(“敦煌试验区”:2000年6月3日-初夏、2000年8月22日-夏末和2001年1月29日-冬天:“黑河试验”区:1991年7月9日-夏季)的陆地资源卫星Landsat5 TM和Landsat-7 TM资料进行了分析研究,得到了有关干旱及半干旱地区非均匀地表区域地表特征参数、植被参数和地表能量通量的分布图像。最后还讨论了参数化方案的适用范围和需改进之处。  相似文献   

A large aperture scintillometer (LAS) andradio wave scintillometer (RWS)were installed over a heterogeneous areato test the applicability of the scintillation method.The heterogeneity in the area, whichconsisted of many plots, was mainly caused bydifferences in thermal properties ofthe crops; the variations in theaerodynamic roughness lengthwere small. The water vapour fluxesderived from the combined LAS-RWSsystem, also known as the two-wavelengthmethod, agreed fairly well with the aggregatedwater vapour fluxes derived from in-situeddy covariance measurements. The water vapourfluxes derived from a stand-alone LASare also presented. It was found that a single LASand an estimate of the area averagedavailable energy (using a simple parameterisationscheme) can provide also reasonablearea-averaged water vapour fluxes.  相似文献   

Soil heat flux is important for surface energy balance (SEB), and inaccurate estimation of soil heat flux often leads to surface energy imbalance. In this paper, by using observations of surface radiation fluxes and soil temperature gradients at a semi-arid grassland in Xilingguole, Inner Mongolia, China from June to September 2008, the characters of the SEB for the semi-arid grassland were analyzed. Firstly, monthly averaged diurnal variations of SEB components were revealed. A 30-min forward phase displacement of soil heat flux (G) observed by a fluxplate at the depth of 5-cm below the soil surface was conducted and its effect on the SEB was studied. Secondly, the surface soil heat flux (Gs) was computed by using harmonic analysis and the effect of the soil heat storage between the surface and the fluxplate on the SEB was examined. The results show that with the 30-min forward phase displacement of observed G, the slope of the ordinary linear regression (OLR) of turbulent fluxes (H+LE) against available energy (Rn–G) increased from 0.835 to 0.842, i.e., the closure ratio of SEB increased by 0.7%, yet energy imclosure of 15.8% still existed in the SEB. When Gs, instead of G was used in the SEB equation, the slope of corresponding OLR of (H+LE) against (Rn–Gs) reached 0.979, thereby the imclosure ratio of SEB was reduced to only 2.1%.  相似文献   

WEI N  LI Ying 《大气科学进展》2013,30(2):367-381
On 12 August 2004,Typhoon Rananim(0414) moved inland over China and stagnated over the Poyang Lake area,resulting in torrential rainfall and severe geologic hazards.The Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting(ARW-WRF) model and its different land surface models(LSMs) were employed to study the impacts of land surface process on the inland behavior of Typhoon Rananim.Results show that simulations,coupled with LSMs or not,have no significant differences in predicting typhoon track,intensity,and largescale circulation.However,the simulations of mesoscale structure,rainfall rate,and rainfall distribution of typhoon are more reasonable with LSMs than without LSMs.Although differences are slight among LSMs,NOAH is better than the others.Based on outputs using the NOAH scheme,the interaction between land surface and typhoon was explored in this study.Notably,typhoon rainfall and cloud cover can cool land surface,but rainfall expands the underlying saturated wetland area,which exacerbates the asymmetric distribution of surface heat fluxes.Accordingly,an energy frontal zone may form in the lower troposphere that enhances ascending motion and local convection,resulting in heavier rainfall.Moreover,the expanded underlying saturated wetlands provide plentiful moisture and unstable energy for the maintenance of Typhoon Rananim and increased rainfall in return.  相似文献   

一次沙尘暴过程锋生函数和地表热通量的数值诊断   总被引:7,自引:12,他引:7  
孙军  姚秀萍 《高原气象》2002,21(5):488-494
沙尘暴是我国西北地区春季常发生的一种灾害性天气现象。本文利用国家气象中心改进的PSU/NCAR的非静力中尺度模式MM5,对1995年5月16日我国西北地区发生的一次沙尘暴天气个例进行了锋生函数和地表热通量的诊断分析。结果表明,沙尘暴过程是冷锋在移至我国西北地区时产生的一种强烈锋生过程;地表感热通量明显大于地表潜热通量;有无地面热通量对比试验表明,热力因子在沙尘暴产生过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

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