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The net anthropogenic nitrogen input(NANI) is an important nutrient source that causes eutrophication in water bodies. Understanding the spatio-temporal variation of NANI is important for regional environment assessment and management.This paper calculated NANI in the upper Yangtze River basin(YRB), upstream of the Three Gorges Dam(TGD), from1990 to 2012, and analyzed its spatio-temporal characteristics. Over the past 23 years of the study, the average annual NANI increased from 3200 kg N km~(-2) to 4931 kg N km~(-2). The major components were fertilizer N application, atmospheric N deposition,and net food and feed N import. In the northwest high mountainous region with a sparse population, the main component was atmospheric N deposition. Fertilizer N application and net food and feed N import were concentrated in the Chengdu Plain because of the high population density and large areas of farmland. This research found that NANI increased with rapid urbanization and increasing population. The Pearson correlation results illustrated that the spatial distributions of NANI and its major components were affected by land cover/use, agricultural GDP and total population. Increasing NANI has been the major cause of the degrading stream water quality over the past 20 years and is becoming a major threat to the water quality of the TGD reservoir.  相似文献   

通过2019年4、7、10月对网围拆除后东太湖原网围养殖区和非养殖区鱼类资源的调查监测,构建"营养—运动"复合功能群,分析探讨鱼类功能群的时空分布特征及其与环境因子的关系.结果 表明:网围拆除后东太湖鱼类群落监测到39种,鲤科鱼类占比66.67%,与太湖相当(66%).采集到的鱼类可构建为4个营养功能群和5个运动功能群...  相似文献   

For a 4D seismic operation to be successful, it is important to know what kind of 4D signal we expect to observe, as well as its magnitude. Normally, in a 4D feasibility study, we use rock physics models to quantify the effect of fluid or pressure changes within the reservoir and calculate the corresponding effects to the seismogram. However, to find if the predicted changes are actually observable at a given field, a dedicated calibration procedure might give valuable insight. One such procedure for marine seismics is to gradually change the source strength by varying the firing pressure in order to detect the sensitivity threshold for a given subsurface reflection. This procedure would be practical and feasible if the change of the source signature changes linearly with the source pressure. However, non‐linear effects will lead to minor changes in the later arrivals of the source signature, the so‐called bubble. By investigating these introduced errors for a reasonable air‐gun array we conclude that the method is still feasible since we find it possible to control and diminish the impact of the introduced errors.  相似文献   

The characterisation of the seismic hazard input is a critical element of any seismic design code, not only in terms of the absolute levels of ground motion considered but also of the shape of the design spectrum. In the case of Europe, future revisions of the seismic design provisions, both at a national and a pan‐European level, may implement considerable modifications to the existing provisions in light of recent seismic hazard models, such as the 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model. Constraint of the shape of the long‐period design spectrum from seismic hazard estimates on such a scale has not been possible, however, owing to the limited spectral period range of existing ground motion models. Building upon recent developments in ground motion modelling, the 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model is adapted here with a new ground motion logic tree to provide a broadband Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for rock sites across a spectral period range from 0.05 seconds to 10.0 seconds. The resulting uniform hazard spectra (UHS) are compared against existing results for European and broadband Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis and against a proposed formulation of a generalised design spectrum in which controlling parameters can be optimised to best fit the uniform hazard spectra in order to demonstrate their variability on a European scale. Significant variations in the controlling parameters of the design spectrum are seen both across and within stable and active regions. These trends can help guide recalibrations of the code spectra in future revisions to seismic design codes, particularly for the longer‐period displacement spectrum.  相似文献   

Summary The method of computing the quasi-isotropic relative structure (QIRS) of a geodetic net which maximizes the relative accuracy between a priori determined points of the net, the configuration of the net being taken into account, is described. The iteration procedure is used to establish this structure.
nuam n aamu auumn mum naa uu¶rt;u mu, m nu¶rt;um au mum mmu ¶rt; ¶rt;au naau nm m uauu¶rt;u mu. nm umamu m¶rt; uu.

The seismic response of several sites in the Durban area of South Africa has been investigated using a refined version of the spectral ratio (H/V) generated by cultural seismic noise. Two samples of noise separated by an interval of several minutes for the vertical and the two orthogonal horizontal components were taken at each site. Though the two samples differed noticeably in the time as well as in the frequency domain, when the components are considered separately, the ratios of the horizontal to the vertical spectra were very similar for most of the pairs. This similitude was obvious not only in the frequencies of the peaks, but also in the range of amplifications involved. These observations have been used to introduce a refinement to the Nakamura Method. This refinement consists in using as a reference the H/V spectral ratio of a well-known, hard rock site. All the other soft sites of interest are then compared with this standard reference site. This comparison provides valuable information on the frequencies and amplification factors introduced by the critical soft sediments. This refined method will be referred here as the ‘Reference spectral noise ratio’.This method, is compared to a similar one devised to investigate the response of horizontal layers to longitudinal seismic waves, using the ratio of the spectra generated by long- period waves.  相似文献   

A method of solving the Stokes equation for a spherical mantle model by expansion in spherical harmonics was developed by Hager and O’Connell [1979]. However, this method is applicable only if the viscosity depends solely on depth. In this case, the Stokes equation reduces to a system of independent equations for each harmonic. Given lateral variations in viscosity, the Stokes equation contains terms in the form of products of harmonics, which invalidates all advantages of harmonic expansion. Zhang and Christensen [1993] developed a perturbation method for the case when terms containing products of lateral viscosity variations are small. These terms are first calculated from the preceding iteration and are then expanded in a series of harmonic functions. As a result, equations for harmonics remain independent. An evident advantage of the spectral method is the simplicity of the technique of incorporating the self-gravitation and compressibility effects. Moreover, this method partially eliminates difficulties related to the singularities at poles. As yet, it has not been applied in practice, possibly because the equations presented in [Zhang and Christensen, 1993] contain misprints that have not been elucidated in the literature. In the present work, a system of equations is derived for the spectral-iterative method of solving the Stokes equation and the errata present in formulas of Zhang and Christensen [1993] and significantly affecting results of calculations are analyzed.  相似文献   

Summary The procedure of computing the optimum plan, satisfying the conditions of the criterion generated by a convex linear combination of two convex functional optimality criteria is discussed. A numerical example of computing the optimum plan of a geodetic positional net combining criteria of L-optimality and D-optimality is given.
m¶rt; uu nmua naa, n u umu, ¶rt;a n n u uauu ¶rt; n ua umu nmuamu. u nu ama nmua naa¶rt;u na mu nu uauu umu L-nmuamu u D-nmuamu.

地球自转速度的年变化   总被引:1,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用宋贯一等(2006)发表的“极移的成因及其移动特征”一文中的自转轴受迫摆动资料,从理论上推断出地球自转速度年变化的特征.结果证明,理论计算出的地球自转速度年变化曲线形态特征与观测曲线形态特征十分吻合.从而得出,太阳辐射光压在南、北半球的不平衡分布是引起地球自转速度年变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of solar spectral radiation using the multifilter rotating shadow band radiometer (MFRSR-7) are performed at the Actinometric Station of the National Observatory of Athens (ASNOA). The present study utilizes 4 days of continuous observations, from local sunrise to sunset, in order to investigate the daily variation of the radiation components (diffuse and global) as well as their ratio (diffuse-to-global irradiance ratio, DGR) under different atmospheric conditions. DGR has received a great scientific interest, as well as the respective diffuse-to-direct-beam ratio especially for investigating solar irradiance modifications under different atmospheric conditions, aerosol load and optical properties. Apart from this, the present study shows that the DGR can also constitute a powerful tool for cloud screening, i.e. for removing perturbed data due to cloud contamination from automated sun scanning radiometers. The relationship between DGR at a specific wavelength with the respective ratio for the whole MFRSR band (300–1100 nm) is found to exhibit a curvature; this curvature is strongly modified when perturbed irradiance data (possibly caused by clouds) occur. Even though the perturbed data can also be easily identified from the diurnal irradiance variation, the present study is the first to show the effect of perturbed solar spectral data on the DGR.  相似文献   

重力位场谱分析方法研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈石  张健 《地球物理学进展》2006,21(4):1113-1119
利用Fourier变换将空间域位场数据变换到频率域进行谱分析是重力位场数据处理中的一种重要方法.这种方法在位场的延拓及转换、场分离、物性界面的正反演和位场的曲化平处理等方面已得到广泛的应用.本文详细介绍了位场谱分析的基本理论和方法,总结了国内外最近几十年来在这方面取得的主要成果,并提出了未来值得深入研究的方向.  相似文献   

正弦窗谱分析和Slepian窗谱分析是两种常用的多窗谱分析方法.本文利用两种窗函数分别对含噪声的衰减模型进行谱分析对比,并根据谱比法估算了Q值.研究结果表明:正弦窗函数谱分析应用的效果优于Slepian窗谱分析应用的效果,而且多正弦窗谱估计更接近真实的谱.对于深部地层,噪声的影响更加严重,利用多正弦窗谱估计估算的Q值更接近理论的Q值.  相似文献   

auau¶rt;u mu uam nua u mau a¶rt; ¶rt;a a au. a¶rt;a n¶rt;amm mau u mau, m mumu mu, a¶rt;a u aua n mana, nuam a man uu ¶rt;unuu aua ¶rt;uam (ma mum). u m umam mamumuu ma u a nma u u n¶rt;¶rt;u man. am ma au n¶rt; na ma¶rt;am n auau.  相似文献   

星云湖作为人类农业生产活动影响下环境问题突出的代表性高原湖泊,其水体健康与生态平衡对于区域可持续发展至关重要。因此,量化解析星云湖流域人类活动净氮磷输入时空来源变化及影响因素对于流域管理和湖泊恢复具有重要意义。基于社会经济统计数据,采用人类活动净氮输入(NANI)、人类活动净磷输入(NAPI)模型量化星云湖流域NANI、NAPI强度。结果表明,1989-2020年研究区NANI、NAPI均值分别为(14614±2196)和(3135±452)kg/(km2·a),时间上呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势,且峰值出现在2015年,分别达到18076和3889 kg/(km2·a);空间分布上,除东部NANI、NAPI较低外,其余区域均较高;化肥和食物/饲料输入分别是NANI和NAPI的最大来源,占比分别为58.2%~63.8%和30.5%~59.5%。此外,基于模型选择和变量重要性分析发现,经济作物产量和畜禽密度是影响NANI、NAPI变化的最主要因素。因此,星云湖流域氮磷管控应从调整种植结构和模式等控源措施入手,加快经济模式转型。本研究结果可为星云湖流域建立有效的氮磷综合管理措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

由于台站周围环境噪声干扰的增强,台站人员无法识别被背景噪声淹没的初至P波。我们利用DIMAS分析软件包中的谱分析方法,寻找初至P波的卓越周期,改善台站人员识别地震波的能力。  相似文献   

The link between the stress sensitivity of shaley sandstones and their porosity and clay content is investigated. This is achieved by firstly fitting a compliance‐based stress‐sensitivity law to laboratory measurements of ultrasonic velocity taken from four sets of reservoir sandstones, extracted from a variety of depositional settings. Correlations are then sought between the independent parameters of this law and the porosity or clay fraction of the rocks, which are then subsequently interpreted in terms of framework or pore‐space‐related microstructural clay models. The general conclusion drawn from the results is that both of the parameters defining the stress‐sensitivity law (the asymptotic modulus and the stress‐dependent excess compliance) clearly vary with porosity. However, only the asymptotic modulus shows a convincing trend with clay and there is little observed variation of the stress‐dependent compliance with clay. There is therefore a resultant variation of stress sensitivity with clay, but it is controlled only by the asymptotic modulus. The analysis also concludes that all four data sets fall into a framework‐related category of clay model.  相似文献   

月球表面主要矿物反射光谱特性研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
分析了矿物在可见光及近红外区光谱生成的机理,介绍了月球表面最为主要的四种矿物——辉石、斜长石、橄榄石、钛铁矿,并分析了它们各自光谱特征及生成原因,讨论了造成同种矿物光谱差异的原因,给出了它们各自的标志性特征。  相似文献   

北京地区地磁场Sq强度的季节变化和长期变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴迎燕 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3552-3559

本文利用北京地区的北京台(BJI)和北京十三陵台(BMT)的地磁场XYZ分量时均值数据,研究了1960年至2013年期间该地区地磁场Sq强度的季节变化和长期变化.结果表明:(1)BJI台和BMT台的地磁场Sq不仅变幅相近,而且具有一致的地方时变化、季节变化、太阳活动周变化和长期变化.(2)BJI台和BMT台Sq强度的逐月变化,其中ASqX)主要表现为春秋增强而冬夏减弱的季节变化.ASqY)呈现出夏季增强的半年变化.ASqZ)变化较为复杂.虽然在5月和9月出现减小,但是总体来看,其变化曲线也具有夏季增强的半年变化特征.同时,Sq强度与太阳活动F107指数之间存在明显的正相关关系,具有一致的11年太阳活动周变化和长期变化,反映出了Sq与太阳活动之间的密切关系.(3)BJI台和BMT台Sq强度差值dASq表明,在大多数年份,两个台站的Sq强度之差一般不超过±2 nT,同时没有明显的季节或年周期变化特征.在2000年和2001年太阳活动高年,dASq出现显著增强,最大可达12.3 nT.反映出了北京地区Sq场强度梯度的剧烈扰动与太阳活动之间的密切关系,意味着在太阳活动高年,Sq电离层发电机电流的局部结构可能发生了明显的改变.


Global and regional geomagnetic field models give the components of the geomagnetic field as functions of position and epoch; most utilise a polynomial or Fourier series to map the input variables to the geomagnetic field values. The only temporal variation generally catered for in these models is the long term secular variation. However, there is an increasing need amongst certain users for models able to provide shorter term temporal variations, such as the geomagnetic daily variation. In this study, for the first time, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are utilised to develop a geomagnetic daily variation model. The model developed is for the southern African region; however, the method used could be applied to any other region or even globally. Besides local time and latitude, input variables considered in the daily variation model are season, sunspot number, and degree of geomagnetic activity. The ANN modelling of the geomagnetic daily variation is found to give results very similar to those obtained by the synthesis of harmonic coefficients which have been computed by the more traditional harmonic analysis of the daily variation.  相似文献   

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