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The Tibetan Plateau is one of the most complicated geographical units worldwide in terms of its tectonic and environmental background.Although a hotspot for continental weathering and carbon cycling studies,accurate determination of the weathering carbon budget is challenging in this area,especially sink and source flux quantification and the controlling mechanisms.Compared with other major rivers on the plateau,the Nujiang River is characterized by less human disturbance and maintains a relativ...  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of a newly discovered pollucite-lepidolite-albite granite(PLAG) in the Himalayan leucogranite belt, which marks the first occurrence of pollucite, a major cesium silicate mineral, in the Himalayan orogenic belt(China). The rock appears at the northern part of the Gyirong pluton, coexisting with the tourmaline-bearing two-mica granite(TMG). Primary rare-metal minerals include lepidolite(Li), spodumene(Li), pollucite(Cs), cassiterite(Sn), and microlite(Ta).Micas, mainly...  相似文献   

The springtime persistent rainfall(SPR) is the major rainy period before the onset of summer monsoon in East Asia,which profoundly affects the regional and even global hydrological cycle. Despite the great importance of the mechanical and thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau(TP) large-scale orography on the formation of SPR, the impact of small-scale orography over the TP remains poorly understood. Here we show that upward-propagating orographic gravity waves(OGWs), which occur as the subtropi...  相似文献   

Searching for life is one of the most important targets of Mars exploration missions. It has been considered that the Martian subsurface, away from the extreme surface environment, is a potentially habitable region for microbial growth.However, the distribution pattern of potential microbial habitats in the Martian subsurface has yet to be evaluated. Here, we investigate the subsurface habitats to depths of 20–60 cm from various landscapes, including slopes, gullies, channels, playas,and alluvia...  相似文献   

Plant root-derived carbon(C)inputs(Iroot)are the primary source of C in mineral bulk soil.However,a fraction of Irootmay lose quickly(Iloss,e.g.,via rhizosphere microbial respiration,leaching and fauna feeding)without contributing to long-term bulk soil C storage,yet this loss has never been quantified,particularly on a global scale.In this study we integrated three observational global data sets including soil radiocarbon content,allocation of photo syntheticall...  相似文献   

Lunar breccias provide crucial insights into the lithological diversity, shock processing and evolution of the lunar crust. Here, we report a unique regolith breccia(CE5C0000YJYX070GP, hereafter CE5C) returned from the Chang’E-5(CE-5)mission. CE5C is one of the largest CE-5 breccias with a wide variety of lithologies, dominated by basaltic and mineral fragments as well as impact-melted clasts(including mid-Ti glasses, high-Al glasses, and crystal-bearing impact melt clasts). A comprehensive stud...  相似文献   

Mica exhibits a relatively high Rb/Sr ratio and possesses a closure temperature for the Rb-Sr isotope system that is higher than the ore-forming temperature range of low-to medium-temperature deposits.Consequently,utilizing the laser ablation(LA) technique for in situ Rb-Sr dating in mica constitutes a significant methodology for resolving the mineralization chronology of low-to medium-temperature hydrothermal ore deposits.In this study,we employed a combination of a triple quadrupole inductivel...  相似文献   

Prehistoric projectile weapons are crucial for understanding the hunting behavior, survival strategies, and subsistence patterns of prehistoric humans. Arrowheads were the primary prehistoric projectile weapon, and here we review the spatiotemporal distribution and changes in the morphology, quantity, and materials composition of arrowheads in the northern regions of China from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic periods to the Bronze Age, together with the factors that influenced these changes. Th...  相似文献   

Sandstone-type uranium deposits(STUDs) are the most important global source of uranium. However, it is unclear why STUDs have a non-random distribution in time and space. It is generally thought that STUDs are formed by the circulation of groundwater in sandstone rocks. The groundwater is typically oxidized and sourced from local precipitation, which suggests the regional climate may have a role in the formation of STUDs. The groundwater circulation is mainly affected by basin evolution, which m...  相似文献   

The rock mechanical properties and elastic anisotropy of terrestrial shale oil reservoirs are affected by various factors,such as lithology, structure, pores, fractures, and fluids. The experimental study of dynamic and static elastic properties can provide important mechanism analysis for the prediction of geological and engineering “sweet spots” in shale reservoirs. There are a large number of studies on the measurement of static mechanical properties of shale, but the experiments on dynamic c...  相似文献   

No samples from the Moon’s far side have been returned to Earth. Thus, lunar meteorite study can deepen the understanding of the Moon’s far side(if we can identify which lunar meteorites came from the Moon’s far side). The Northwest Africa(NWA) 15528 meteorite is a lunar feldspathic regolith breccia meteorite and we speculated it might originate from the Feldspathic Highlands Terrane(FHT) on the far side of the Moon. Here, we report detailed petrography, major and trace elements, and noble gas(H...  相似文献   

Seismic data coverage in ocean regions is sparse, and it is highly challenging to build long-term continuous seismic networks in the oceans due to the restrictions related to the shortage of instruments and great costs. The lack of data coverage limits effective seismic imaging of deep mantle structures beneath the oceans, which cover 70% of the Earth’s surface. The newly developed Mobile Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Drivers(MERMAID) can drift with ocean currents at a speci...  相似文献   

The oxidative weathering of petrogenic organic carbon(OCpetro) is an important source of carbon dioxide(CO2) into the atmosphere on geological timescales and significantly influences the carbon cycle and global climate change. However, at present, a robust proxy to assess OCpetrooxidation is lacking. Riverine rhenium(Re) has emerged as a potential proxy to trace OCpetrooxidation, but little is known about Re sources and its relationship with OCpet...  相似文献   

Carbonate rock chemical weathering carbon sinks reduce the rate of increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration and global warming. However, uncertainty still exists in the estimation results of carbonate rock chemical weathering carbon sink fluxes(CCSF), and the contributions of climate change and ecological restoration to the CCSF are not clear. To this end, we compiled published site data on ion concentrations in different watersheds in China and used a classical thermodynamic dis...  相似文献   

The Neogene is an important period for studying the onset of subduction, with numerous subduction zones forming in the western Pacific, including the Ryukyu, Manila, Philippine, North Sulawesi, Halmahera, New Britain, Solomon, and New Hebrides subduction zones. However, studies on these subduction zones are relatively independent, so it is important to conduct systematic comparative studies. In this paper, we review the initiation models of Neogene subduction in the western Pacific, with the thr...  相似文献   

The fluid-saturated porous layered(FSPL) media widely exist in the Earth’s subsurface and their overall mechanical properties, microscopic pore structure and wave propagation characteristics are highly relevant to the in-situ stress. However, the effect of in-situ stress on wave propagation in FSPL media cannot be well explained with the existing theories. To fill this gap, we propose the dynamic equations for FSPL media under the effect of in-situ stress based on the theories of poroacoustoelas...  相似文献   

The rock fragment (RF) has been widely observed in the soil solum or on the soil surface.It regulates soil hydrological processes (SHPs) and thus has great impacts on soil and water conservation.However,responses of SHPs to RF characteristics (position,content,coverage area,mulching thickness,and size) remain unclear.Based on the dataset extracted from 168 published studies,effects of RF characteristics on SHPs (soil loss rate,evaporation rate,surface runoff rate,infiltration rate,soil water con...  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter(DOM) in the ocean is one of the largest carbon pools on Earth. Microbial metabolism is an important process that shapes the marine DOM pool. Current studies on the interactions between microorganisms and DOM focus mainly on oxic environments. Few studies have addressed the molecular characteristics of DOM in microbial-mediated transformation under anoxic/hypoxic conditions. As a result of deteriorating water quality due to eutrophication and global warming, anoxia occurs...  相似文献   

The Jiamusi and Songnen blocks converged in the easternmost segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt as a result of the subduction and subsequent closure of the Mudanjiang oceanic plate during the Permian–Jurassic. The Mudanjiang suture zone was later directly affected by subductions of the Paleo-Pacific plate and Pacific plate and is therefore an ideal place to study the subduction polarity and later transformation of a paleo-suture zone. Using three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric d...  相似文献   

The X-discontinuity is characterized by 2–8% wave impedance contrasts and indistinguishable seismological Clapeyron slopes. Its origin is not yet entirely understood and attributed to a variety of plausible causes, among which the coesite-stishovite transition is a popular mechanism due to its large impedance contrasts. However, the sole coesite-stishovite transition is insufficient to explain indistinguishable seismological Clapeyron slopes of the X-discontinuity. The orthopyroxene(OPX) to high...  相似文献   

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