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Obtaining a continuous sedimentary record of Cenozoic East Asian paleoclimate change is key to understand the origin, evolution and driving mechanism of the East Asian monsoon and climate change. Based on the continuous Cenozoic fluvial and lacustrine sedimentary sequence in the Weihe Basin, central China, we carried out research on the content and crystal parameters of clay minerals. The paleoclimate change since the middle Eocene was reconstructed accordingly. The results show that smectite and illite are the dominant clay minerals in fluvial-lacustrine sediments of Weihe Basin. The crystallinity of illite,the chemical index of illite, the ratio of smectite to illite and chlorite decrease gradually, which indicates that chemical weathering in the Weihe River watershed stepwise weakened since the middle Eocene, under the background of a semi-arid and semi-humid climate. The formation of palygorskite may be affected by a weak diagenesis. In this case, the content of smectite and the illite crystallinity caused by the weathering in the corresponding period may be actually higher than that of the current,which indicates that the climate in the Weihe Basin region was relatively warm and humid from the middle Eocene to Pliocene.With the decrease of Cenozoic global temperature and the continuous accumulation of sediments, the intensity of chemical weathering in the Weihe Basin gradually weakened, and the East Asian monsoon climate gradually evolved until becoming dry in the Quaternary. Evidence from clay minerals also indicates that the aridification in the Weihe Basin from the late Eocene to the Oligocene may be a response to the global cooling event at the Eocene-Oligocene transition.  相似文献   

We analyze the long-term evolution of seasonal temperature disturbances in a 2.5×2.5° area of the US North Pacific. Late Fall and early Winter display significant correlation of temperature disturbances and are investigated in detail. The long-term evolution of the Fall temperature disturbances from 1945 to 2008 closely follows that of solar activity. The robustness of these results is successfully controlled in a 2.5×2.5° area immediately north of the studied region. The modulation of temperature disturbances is very large (~30%) compared to the corresponding changes in solar irradiance, and has significant variability, even at small geographical scale. The physical mechanism of solar forcing of temperature disturbances remains to be understood, but a relation with cloudiness and influence of the Madden–Julian oscillation in the North Pacific is suggested.  相似文献   

Carbonates in loess-red clay sequences consist mainly of calcite and dolomite. The EDTA analysis of carbonates in different size fractions and magnetic susceptibility reveal that calcite is a sensitive index of summer monsoon. The chemical analysis of carbonates and calcite from an 8.1 Ma loess-red clay sequence at Chaona on the Chinese central Loess Plateau shows that the evolution of the Asian summer monsoon experienced four stages, namely 8.1―5.5 Ma, 5.5―2.8 Ma, 2.8―1.5 Ma and 1.5―0 Ma, with increasing intensification and fluctuation, suggesting a possible combining impacts of uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and global changes on the Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

基于一个海-气耦合模式FOAM(the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model)在轨道强迫下对过去6 ka气候变化的瞬变模拟结果,本文分析了中全新世以来东亚地区夏季气温对日射变化的响应特征.研究发现,东亚地区夏季气温对日射响应具有时空不一致性:相对于现代,6 kaB.P.时北半球夏季日射偏强,东亚地区地面气温却未普遍偏高,而是约以35°N为界,北方显著偏暖,南方气温变化不明显甚至有微弱冷却.自6 ka B.P.至今,东亚40°N以北的中、高纬陆地夏季气温大致呈线性降低趋势,以南的低纬陆地夏季气温则呈量级较小的“U”型变化,即气温在约3 kaB.P.附近达最低值,前3 ka为降温趋势,后3 ka为升温趋势.这与一些地质记录反映的气温变化相一致.中全新世以来东亚夏季气温演变的时空不一致性,可能源自因海陆热力惯性不同所引起的气温对日射响应的差异.热容量较小的东亚高纬大陆夏季气温主要响应7月份日射;而热容量较大的海洋对日射的响应通常会滞后约2个月,其夏季气温主要响应5月份日射.受海洋影响,南方陆地夏季气温对日射响应呈现出与海洋相似的特点.在岁差周期上,5、6、7月份日射间的相位差相对于较长轨道时间尺度较不明显,但在相对较短的近6千年时期内,它们相继出现波谷而呈显著趋势差异,从而导致了中全新世以来东亚夏季气温变化的时空差异.正如有学者所指出的,夏季气温变化对应的可能并非同季节日射强迫,考察轨道强迫的气候响应时,如何选择日射标尺至关重要,否则可能混淆“因果”.  相似文献   

Although clay is composed of disconnected anisotropic clay platelets, many rock physics models treat the clay platelets in shale as interconnected. However, the clay matrix in shales can be modelled as anisotropic clay platelets embedded within a soft isotropic interplatelet region, allowing the influence of disconnected clay platelets on the elastic properties of the clay matrix to be analysed. In this model, properties of the interplatelet region are governed by its effective bulk and shear moduli, whereas the effective properties of the clay platelets are governed by their volume fraction, aspect ratio and elastic stiffness tensor. Together, these parameters implicitly account for variations in clay and fluid properties, as well as fluid saturation. Elastic stiffnesses of clay platelets are obtained from the literature, including both experimental measurements and first-principles calculations of the full anisotropic (monoclinic or triclinic) elastic stiffness tensors of layered silicates. These published elastic stiffness tensors are used to compile a database of equivalent transverse isotropic elastic stiffness tensors, and other physical properties, for eight common varieties of layered silicates. Clay matrix anisotropy is then investigated by examining the influence of these different elastic stiffnesses, and of varying model parameters, upon the effective transverse isotropic elastic stiffness tensor of the clay matrix. The relationship between the different clay minerals and their associated anisotropy parameters is studied, and their impact on the resulting anisotropy of the clay matrix is analysed.  相似文献   

Using correlation and EOF analyses on sea level pressure from 57-year NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data, the Arabian Peninsula-North Pacific Oscillation (APNPO) is identified. The APNPO reflects the co-variability between the North Pacific high and South Asian summer monsoon low. This teleconnec- tion pattern is closely related to the Asian summer monsoon. On interannual timescale, it co-varies with both the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and South Asian summer monsoon (SASM); on decadal timescale, it co-varies with the EASM: both exhibit two abrupt climate changes in the middle 1960s and the late 1970s respectively. The possible physical process for the connections between the APNPO and Asian summer monsoon is then explored by analyzing the APNPO-related atmospheric circulations. The results show that with a strong APNPO, the Somali Jet, SASM flow, EASM flow, and South Asian high are all enhanced, and an anomalous anticyclone is produced at the upper level over northeast China via a zonal wave train. Meanwhile, the moisture transportation to the Asian monsoon regions is also strengthened in a strong APNPO year, leading to a strong moisture convergence over India and northern China. All these changes of circulations and moisture conditions finally result in an anoma- lous Asian summer monsoon and monsoon rainfall over India and northern China. In addition, the APNPO has a good persistence from spring to summer. The spring APNPO is also significantly corre- lated with Asian summer monsoon variability. The spring APNPO might therefore provide valuable in- formation for the prediction of Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

Down-core variation in planktonic foraminifera (PF) at Site 1143 (ODP 184) has disclosed the evolution of upper water-column structure over the last 12 Ma in the southern South China Sea. In the early Late Miocene (∽10.6–7.8 Ma), there existed a lower percentage of total deep-dwelling species, reflecting a water thermocline deeper than that in the Middle Miocene, which resulted from the closure of Indonesian seaway and relevant intensification of the equatorial warm current. After the increase in deep-dwelling PF and the rising of thermocline during the late Late Miocene (7.6–6.4 Ma), the total deep-dwelling species decreased gradually from late Late Miocene (6.4 Ma) to the Pliocene, implying the deepening of water thermocline. The evolution of thermocline depth in the southern South China Sea reflected by the PF at Site 1143 might be a good indicator of the change of west Pacific “warm pool”.  相似文献   

High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 450 ka during late Quaternary from Core MD05-2901 off Middle Vietnam in the western South China Sea are re-ported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. Variations in Illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, while changes in smectite content present a higher frequency cyclicity. The provenance analysis indicates a mixture of individual clay minerals from various sources surrounding the South China Sea. Smectite derived mainly from the Sunda shelf and its major source area of the Indonesian islands. Illite and chlorite originated mainly from the Mekong and Red rivers. Kaolinite was provided mainly by the Pearl River. Spectral analysis of the kaolin-ite/(illite chlorite) ratio displays a strong eccentricity period of 100 ka, implying the ice sheet-forced win-ter monsoon evolution; whereas higher frequency changes in the smectite content show an ice sheet-forced obliquity period of 41 ka, and precession periods of 23 and 19 ka and a semi-precession period of 13 ka as well, implying the tropical-forced summer monsoon evolution. The winter monsoon evolution is generally in coherence with the glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with intensified winter monsoon winds during glacials and weakened winter monsoon winds during interglacials; whereas the summer monsoon evolution provides an almost linear response to the summer insolation of low latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, with strengthened summer monsoon during higher insolation and weakened summer monsoon during lower insolation. The result suggests that the high-latitude ice sheet and low-latitude tropical factor could drive the late Quaternary evolution of East Asian winter and summer monsoons, respectively, implying their diplex and self-contained forcing mechanism.  相似文献   

Interdecadal variations in the Northern Hemisphere and the North Pacific have been documented in many studies[1 4]. The connection between the subtropical North Pacific and the tropics is regarded as the most important process triggering and maintaining t…  相似文献   


超慢速扩张的Mohns洋中脊共轭两侧的地球物理场与地壳结构具有显著的非对称性.利用我国第五次北极科学考察采集的水深、重力与磁力数据,结合历史资料,我们计算了14条垂直Mohns洋中脊剖面的扩张速率、剩余水深、剩余地幔布格重力异常(RMBA)、地壳厚度和非均衡地形.对洋中脊共轭两侧以上计算结果的进一步对比发现,Mohns洋中脊两侧整体(下文均指同一地质时刻各剖面的平均值)的非对称性呈现明显的两段性:20~10.5 Ma,相比Mohns洋中脊东侧,西侧的扩张速率更慢、地壳更厚、非均衡地形更低; 10.5~0 Ma,扩张速率、地壳厚度和非均衡地形的非对称的极性与20~10.5 Ma期间完全相反.后一阶段,整体扩张速率在西侧更快、剩余水深更浅,但是对应更薄的地壳和更高的非均衡地形.我们推断前者为冰岛沿Kolbeinsey洋中脊的作用增厚了Mohns洋中脊西侧地壳并使得洋中脊向西侧跳动,而后一阶段反映了岩浆供给减少后西侧集中的构造活动导致的更多的拉伸与隆升.沿各剖面上,10.5~0 Ma期间构造活动集中的洋中脊西侧均具有薄地壳和高非均衡地形,但构造拉伸的增加并不总是对应增快的扩张速率.岩浆在浅部更多地向东侧的分配以及洋中脊向西侧的跳动可能使得东西两侧具有相近的扩张速率.


吉兰泰盐湖沉积物孢粉记录的季风边缘区全新世气候演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全新世气候具有不稳定性,且存在着区域差异,在季风边缘区尤为显著.因此,本研究选取季风边缘区吉兰泰盐湖沉积物的孢粉记录并结合AMS14C测年结果,对该地区全新世的古植被演化及古气候变化历史进行了重建.结果表明,在全新世阶段,该地区植被类型未发生变化,以干旱的荒漠植被为主.早全新世(10.5 8.5 cal ka BP),以蒿属孢粉为主,伴随出现少量藜科、禾本科及麻黄属孢粉,蒿藜比(A/C比值)相对稳定(4.11左右),指示全新世早期气候逐步转湿的过程,在8.5 cal ka BP,蒿属孢粉数量下降且被藜科孢粉取代,指示一次明显气候干旱事件;中全新世(8.5 3.5 cal ka BP),蒿属孢粉含量增加及藜科孢粉含量降低,A/C比值在7.1 cal ka BP左右达到峰值,指示该地区中全新世气候最为湿润;晚全新世(3.5 cal ka BP至今),藜科孢粉含量增加且超过早全新世,A/C比值低至3.66,区域呈现明显的干旱化趋势.此外,结合吉兰泰盐湖沉积物矿物组成结果,发现中全新世湖泊沉积物中,钙芒硝大量出现,一定程度上指示降水量增多所带来的淡水注入,与孢粉指标指示该阶段湿润的结果一致.通过区域对比,发现吉兰泰地区在全新世时期的气候演化模式与东亚季风区具有较好的一致性,表明该地区受到东亚夏季风的影响较大,尤其是在中全新世,东亚夏季风增强,带来较多的降水,气候湿润.  相似文献   

Based on coral proxies we reconstructed the western Pacific warm pool sea surface temperature (SST) since 1644 AD. High-frequency reconstructions are based on eight high-pass filtered coral series and raw reconstructions are derived from eight unfiltered coral series, respectively. Validation and comparison with other SST/temperature series show that the reconstructed warm pool SST is highly reliable. The leading periods of warm pool SST are ~2.1, ~2.3, ~2.9, ~3.6, ~3.8, and 80.7-year during the last ~360 y...  相似文献   

Mineralogical and hydrogen isotopic studies have been made on clay minerals occurring in the Ohnuma geothermal area, northeastern Japan. Here, clay minerals such as smectite, kaolinite, dickite, sericite, and chlorite were formed by hydrothermal alteration of Miocene rocks. A chemical equilibrium can be assumed to be attained from the fact that the amount of expandable layer in the interstratified chlorite/smectite decreases and the polytype of sericite changes from 1M to 2M1 with increasing depth and temperature. The hydrogen isotopic composition (D/H) of the clay minerals is lighter than that of the geothermal and local meteoric waters by about 20–40‰. The hydrogen isotopic fractionation factors αmineral-water are as follows: 0.972–0.985 for kaolinite and dickite, 0.973–0.977 for sericite, and 0.954–0.987 for chlorite. In the temperature range from 100 to 250°C, the hydrogen isotopic fractionation factors between these minerals and water are not sensitive to the temperature. αchlorite-water depends on the kind of octahedrally coordinated cations which lie close to the hydroxyl groups; it becomes large with an increase of Mg content of chlorite.  相似文献   

Eolian flux in the Chinese Loess Plateau was reconstructed by measuring the dry bulk density and CaCO3 content of the late Cenozoic loess-paleosol-red clay sequences in the Lingtai profile. Comparison of eolian flux variation between the Lingtai profile and the ODP sites 885/886 in the North Pacific shows a significant wet-dry variability in addition to a gradual drying trend in the dust source regions in interior Asia. Especially, the increase of eolian fluxes from both continental and pelagic eolian sediments indicates a sharp drying of the dust source regions between 3.6 and 2.6 MaBP, which might be attributed to the tectonic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, which cut down the moisture input to the interior Asia. The average value and variability of eolian flux are higher after 2.6 MaBP than before, which may be related to the Quaternary climatic fluctuations on the glacial-interglacial timescale after the commencement of major Northern Hemisphere Glaciations. The eolian fluxes of the Lingtai profile and Core V21-146 in northwest Pacific show a synchronous variation on the 104-105 a timescale, indicating that the flux variations from both continental and marine records are closely correlated to the Quaternary climatic fluctuation forced by the ice volume changes on a global scale.  相似文献   

Clay fractions in the non-calcareous surface sediments from the eastern Pacific were analyzed for clay minerals, REE and 143Nd/144Nd. Montmorillonite/illite ratio (M/I ratio), total REE contents ((REE), LREE/HREE ratio and cerium anomaly (бCe) may effectively indicate the genesis of clay minerals. Clay fractions with M/I ratio >1, бCe (0.85, (REE (400 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (4, and REE patterns similar to those of pelagic sediments are terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions and contain more autogenetic montmorillonite. Clay fractions with M/I ratio <1, бCe=0.86 to 1.5, ΣREE=200 to 350 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (6 and REE distribution patterns similar to that of China loess are identified as terrigenous clay fraction. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios or (э)Nd values of clay fractions inherit the features of terrigenous sources of clay minerals. Clay fractions are divided into 4 types according to (э)Nd values. Terrigenous clay minerals of type I with the (э)Nd values of -8 to -6 originate mainly from North American fluvial deposits. Those of type II with the (э)Nd values of -9 to -7 are mainly from the East Asia and North American fluvial deposits. Those of type III with (э)Nd values of -6 to -3 could come from the central and eastern Pacific volcanic islands. Those of type IV with (э)Nd values of -13 to -12 may be from East Asia eolian. The terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions show patchy distributions, indicating that there are volcanic or hot-spot activities in the eastern Pacific plate, while the terrigenous clay fractions cover a large part of the study area, proving that the terrigenous clay minerals are dominant in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

A detailed oxygen and carbon isotope record has been obtained from benthic Foraminifera in core V19-30 from the Carnegie Ridge on the south side of the Panama Basin. Expressing these records and the oxygen and carbon isotope records previously published for Atlantic core M-12392 on a common timescale, it is apparent that the oxygen isotope records are very similar but that the carbon isotope records are quite different. By obtaining the carbon isotope gradient between the two sites as a function of time we show that the production of North Atlantic Deep Water has varied over a wide range during the late Pleistocene, and that the pattern of variation is not simply related to the well known oxygen isotope record. Although the two oxygen isotope records are very similar, changes in the interoceanic gradient are detectable and support the hypothesis that in the glacial mode the North Atlantic was colder, and less oxygenated, than it is today.Shackleton's [1] 1977 interpretation whereby the carbon isotope record from the Atlantic core reflects changes in the terrestrial biomass, is an over-simplification. However, the record from the Pacific core V19-30 probably can be explained in these terms since it probably approximates the carbon isotope record of global mean oceanic dissolved CO2.  相似文献   

储层的渗透率是描述流体在岩石中渗透性的固有属性,在实验室测量的样品液体渗透率往往小于克式校正法修正后的Klinkenberg渗透率.本研究分别以氮气和盐水为介质,分别测量了 30块不含黏土矿物的枫丹白露砂岩试块与30块含黏土矿物的Y砂岩试块的渗透率,用以研究不同流体与黏土矿物对渗透率的影响以及气体测量渗透率时滑脱因子b...  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of mesoscale eddies in the western tropical Pacific(6°S–20°N, 120°E–150°E)is investigated using a high-resolution ocean model simulation. Eddy detection and eddy tracking algorithms are applied to simulated horizontal velocity vectors, and the anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies identified are composited to obtain their three-dimensional structures. The mean lifetime of all long-lived eddies is about 52 days, and their mean diameter is 147 km. Two typical characteristics of mesoscale eddies are revealed and possible dynamic explanations are analyzed. One typical characteristic is that surface eddies are generally separated from subthermocline eddies along the bifurcation latitude(~13°N) of the North Equatorial Current in the western tropical Pacific, which may be associated with different eddy energy sources and vertical eddy energy fluxes in subtropical and tropical gyres. Surface eddies have maximum swirl velocities of 8–9 cm s~(-1) and can extend to about 1500 m depth. Subthermocline eddies occur below 200 m, with their cores at about 400–600 m depth, and their maximum swirl velocities can reach 10 cm s~(-1). The other typical characteristic is that the meridional velocity component of the eddy is much larger than the zonal component. This characteristic might be due to more zonal eddy pairs(two eddies at the same latitude),which is also supported by the zonal wavelength(about 200 km) in the high-frequency meridional velocity component of the horizontal velocity.  相似文献   

Petrographic examination of amygdules and veins associated with moderately altered pillow basalts dredged from the Peru Trench has revealed that a consistent pattern of mineral crystallization has occurred. This sequence is: (1) green, weakly pleochroic clay (R.I. > 1.56); (2) dark yellowish brown, non-pleochroic clay (R.I. > 1.56); (3) light yellowish brown to colorless, fibrous, weakly pleochroic clay (R.I. < 1.56); and (4) calcite or celadonite. Chemical and X-ray diffraction analyses suggest that all clay mineral amygdule and vein fillings are dominated by intimate mixtures of an Fe-rich saponite and nontronite with very small admixtures of serpentine and illite. It is argued that sequential mineral fillings of fractures and vesicles may provide significant information about the chemistry of circulating interstitial fluids. For the pillow basalts studied the first-formed clays were enriched in nontronite, thereby suggesting Fe-rich fluids. These in turn were followed by saponite-rich clays and calcite. The change from Fe-and Mg-rich fluids to dominantly Ca-rich fluids is thought to correspond to a change from mafic mineral alteration to plagioclase alteration in the pillow basalts. An increase in the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio of clays toward the centers of vesicles may indicate a change toward a more oxidizing environment of alteration.  相似文献   

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