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In order to investigate the parameters controlling the heterotrophic protists (nano-microzooplankton) on the continental shelf of the southern Bay of Biscay, plankton communities and their physico-chemical environment were studied 4 times in February, April, June and September–October 2004 at three stations in the euphotic zone in the Bay of Biscay. The abundance and carbon biomass of heterotrophic protists (ciliates, heterotrophic dinoflagellates and nanoflagellates) as well as all the others groups of plankton (picoplankton, nanophytoplankton, diatoms, autotrophic dinoflagellates, metazoan microzooplankton and mesozooplankton), the environmental parameters and the primary and bacteria production were evaluated at each sampling period. Microzooplankton grazing experiments were undertaken at the same time. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates accounted for the main major component of nano- and microzooplankton communities in term of biomass. The total carbon biomass of heterotrophic protists was highest in spring and lowest at the end of summer. The development of heterotrophic protists started after a winter microphytoplankton bloom (principally large diatoms), the biomass was lower in June and was low in September (through inappropriate prey). The carbon requirement of microzooplankton ranged from 50 to more than 100% of daily primary, bacterial and nanoflagellate production. The heterotrophic protist community was predominantly constrained by bottom-up control in spring and at the end of summer via food availability and quality.  相似文献   

Living benthic foraminiferal faunas of six stations from the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay have been investigated during three successive seasons (spring, summer and autumn 2002). For the three investigated stations, bottom water oxygen concentration, oxygen penetration into the sediment and sediment organic carbon contents are all relatively similar. Therefore, we think that the density and the composition of the foraminiferal faunas is mainly controlled by the quantity and quality of organic input resulting from a succession of phytoplankton bloom events, occurring from late February to early September. The earliest blooms are positioned at the shelf break, late spring and early summer blooms occur off Brittany, whereas in late summer and early autumn, only coastal blooms appear, often in the vicinity of river outlets. In spring, the benthic foraminiferal faunas of central (B, C and D) and outer (E) continental shelf stations are characterised by strong dominance in the first area and strong presence in the second area of Nonionella iridea. In fact, station E does not serve as a major depocenter for the remains of phytoplankton blooms. If station E is not considered, the densities of this taxon show a clear gradient from the shelf-break, where the species dominates the assemblages, to the coast, where it attains very low densities. We explain this gradient as a response to the presence, in early spring, of an important phytoplankton bloom, mainly composed of coccolithophorids, over the shelf break. This observation is supported by the maximum particles flux values at stations close to the shelf break (18.5 g m− 2 h− 1) and lower values in a station closer to the coast (6.8 g m− 2 h− 1). In summer, the faunal density is maximum at station A, relatively close to more varied phytoplancton blooms that occur off Brittany until early June. We suggest that the dominant species, Nonion fabum, Cassidulina carinata and Bolivina ex. gr. dilatata respond to phytodetritus input from these blooms. In autumn, the rich faunas of inner shelf station G are dominated by N. fabum, B. ex. gr. dilatata, Hyalinea balthica and Nonionella turgida. These taxa seem to be correlated with the presence of coastal blooms phenomena, in front of river outlets. They may be favoured by an organic input with a significant contribution of terrestrial, rather low quality organic matter.  相似文献   

Numerous oceanographic cruises (with hydrology, water sampling, drift current measurements) carried out since 1980 on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay, together with available NOAA/AVHRR infra-red images, form the basis of a proposed explanation for the processes responsible for the distribution of suspended sediments on the shelf. The seasonal hydrographic structure of continental shelf waters is of paramount importance in sediment distribution. In summer, there is an horizontal stratification of water masses, and suspended sediment distribution is closely related to the thermo-haline structure. A fresher water mass with less suspended material lies on a thicker and more turbid homogeneous layer. During winter, when sediment discharge from the rivers often reaches its annual maximum, an oceanic thermo-haline wedge occurs on the shelf at around −100 m. As a result, winter turbidity values on the outer continental shelf are low (comparable to summer values), and a permanent nepheloı̈d layer is never observed. The wedge, which lasts for several months, may act as a filter, preventing transport to the slope. High turbidities on the external shelf and the continental slope are only measured in spring, when the thermo-haline wedge disappears. It seems possible that during winter time, suspended materials brought by rivers are deposited in the “Grande Vasière” (the “large mud patch”). It is postulated that the position of this mud patch is linked to the long-term stable location of the thermo-haline front that separates oceanic waters from the colder and less salty coastal waters.  相似文献   

The Bay of Biscay (North-East Atlantic) has long been subjected to intense direct and indirect human activities that lead to the excessive degradation and sometimes overexploitation of natural resources. Fisheries management is gradually moving away from single-species assessments to more holistic, multi-species approaches that better respond to the reality of ecosystem processes. Quantitative modelling methods such as Ecopath with Ecosim can be useful tools for planning, implementing and evaluating ecosystem-based fisheries management strategies. The aim of this study was therefore to model the energy fluxes within the food web of this highly pressured ecosystem and to extract practical information required in the diagnosis of ecosystem state/health. A well-described model comprising 30 living and two non-living compartments was successfully constructed with data of local origin, for the Bay of Biscay continental shelf. The same level of aggregation was applied to primary producers, mid-trophic-levels and top-predators boxes. The model was even more general as it encompassed the entire continuum of marine habitats, from benthic to pelagic domains. Output values for most ecosystem attributes indicated a relatively mature and stable ecosystem, with a large proportion of its energy flow originating from detritus. Ecological network analysis also provided evidence that bottom-up processes play a significant role in the population dynamics of upper-trophic-levels and in the global structuring of this marine ecosystem. Finally, a novel metric based on ecosystem production depicted an ecosystem not far from being overexploited. This finding being not entirely consistent over indicators, further analyses based on dynamic simulations are required.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):271-278
Nutrient fluxes to the Bay of Biscay from the Cantabrian basin have been quantified for the first time. Data between 1981 and 1995 of the main 16 Cantabrian rivers from the COCA monitoring programme have been used. Values of water flow and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphate and silicate concentrations have been taken. Equations are proposed to quantify the fluvial nutrient contributions to the Cantabrian Sea. The annual average of continental outputs to the Bay of Biscay from the Cantabrian basin is 16.1 × 109 m3 of freshwater, 1.0 × 109 mol of N in DIN, 0.062 × 109 mol of phosphate and 1.2 × 109 mol of silicate. In comparison with the French rivers, those of the Cantabrian have small fluxes and their outflow is very disperse, not forming large coastal plumes. From April to September, when the primary production is relatively important, the DIN contribution to the Cantabrian coastal reservoir is 10%. Coastal fertilisation due to continental waters could be considered as negligible and only influences areas very close to river mouths, except for the Nalón River. Its flux represents 33 % of nitrate, 39 % of phosphate and 15 % of silicate of the total continental inputs of nutrients to the Cantabrian Sea.  相似文献   

Under present-day conditions, rivers are the main source of fine sediments dispersed to the Bay of Biscay. They deliver about 2.5×106 t yr−1 of continental fine sediments, 60% of which is derived from the Gironde estuary. Of this flux, 65% is believed stored on the shelf. Two kinds of mud fields can be found in the Bay of Biscay: coastal mud and shelf mud belts. The total mass of fine sediments stored during the past 2000 years is 3.2×109 t. Consequently, about 0.9×106 t yr−1 could reach the shelf edge and eventually the open sea. From this amount of displaced material and the deposition surface areas, an evaluation of sediment fluxes across the margin during the late Holocene period is discussed. This evaluation is compared with results obtained from ECOsystéme du canyon du cap-FERret (ECOFER) data from sediment traps and surficial box cores.  相似文献   

夏季外海水入侵对大亚湾浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨熙  谭烨辉 《海洋科学》2019,43(7):96-105
夏季大亚湾存在由粤东沿岸上升流所引起的外海水入侵现象,且入侵强度存在年际差异,作者利用大亚湾2004~2017年历年夏季航次调查数据,将弱入侵年份与强入侵年份进行对比分析,以探讨外海水入侵对大亚湾浮游植物群落结构的影响。结果显示,当外海水入侵由弱变强时,湾内水体理化特征发现显著变化,水体由高温低盐转变为低温高盐,N、P等营养盐含量出现下降。海水理化性质的改变导致了浮游植物群落结构的变化,硅藻、甲藻种类数以及浮游植物Shannon-wiener指数均出现升高;浮游植物总丰度和硅藻丰度下降,甲藻丰度变化不明显;常见浮游植物种类伪菱形藻属(Pseudo-nitzschiasp.)、角毛藻属(Chaetocerossp.)和叉角藻(Ceratiumfurca)丰度出现下降,而中肋骨条藻(Skeletonemacostatum)和菱形海线藻(Thalassionemanitzschioides)丰度出现升高;优势种由单一硅藻种类向硅藻和甲藻共为优势转变。此外,外海水入侵还会通过改变海水理化因子的空间分布以及湾内上层水体流向来影响浮游植物群落结构的空间分布。  相似文献   

Sedimentological and geochemical investigations of 45 box cores collected in various morphological settings of the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay) are presented to document accurately present-day sedimentary processes on the eastern Atlantic continental slope. The magnitude and variations through time and space of the canyon's channelling or sinking effect on fine-grained particles behaviour in comparison with sediment flux across the continental margin was particularly considered and discussed:1. All the parameters (grain-size, carbonate and water content, major and trace elements), measured both in surface sediment and downcore, demonstrate that the characteristics at the sediment interface vary with water depth and with the morphological setting.2. Surface sediment is generally coarser-grained, more terrigenous and deposited at higher rate in the canyon than outside. The terrigenous particle supply must be preferentially directed and trapped within the canyon's depression due to present-day dynamic conditions.3. The downcore gradients reflected in grain-size variations yield information on settling processes. The coarse-grained population has the characteristics of a winnowed sediment similar to those on the outer shelf, while the fine-grained population has grain-size spectra very similar to the present-day fine-grained suspensions.4. The carbonate particles are partly derived from direct pelagic production (distinct grain-size distribution) and, like terrigenous grains, are partly reworked (similar downslope decrease in the coarse grained fraction). The relatively low CaCO3 content observed in the canyon, and its downward increase up to values observed at shallower depths, may result from a channelling of terrigenous suspensions within the canyon.5. At the present high sea-level stand, the canyon should become a trap for sediments without much gravity remobilisation, as indicated by a lack of sedimentary structures in box cores. However, a simple increase in sediment trapping can hardly account for the downcore gradients observed in the box cores. These trends, which are observed on other continental margins (Monaco et al., 1993, Journées spécialisées de la Soc. Géol. France: Géosciences Marines, 16–17 December 1994, Abstract p. 83.), indicate a probable increase in terrigenous supplies and/or in settling energy.  相似文献   

A study of cores from the Celtic Margin shows that high terrigenous accumulation rates occurred at the end of isotopic stage 3 and during isotopic stage 2. These high rates prevailed during rapid changes from relatively warm conditions (Älesund interstadial) to maximum glacial condition. The input of terrigenous material may have culminated with the blockage of the North Sea by an ice sheet and the diversion of NW European flumes toward the Celtic Margin. The uppermost sediments are in a state of overconsolidation as the consequence of erosional processes following the episod of high sediment supply.  相似文献   

In order to examine seasonal variation in a coastal current and the dynamics of the current, we carried out a mooring current measurement near the coast on the eastern shelf of Hidaka Bay from December 2002 to July 2003. There seemed to be two current regimes during the observed period; one a southeastward current from December to March, and the other a northwestward current after April. Arrested topographic wave dynamics was used to understand along-shore steady momentum balance at the mooring site. It was found that the friction term was negligible during the former regime, that is, the wind stress term roughly counterbalanced the pressure gradient term. On the other hand, the contribution of each term to the momentum balance was sensitive to the resistance coefficient value during the latter regime. A numerical study showed that wind forcing alone could not reproduce the observed current velocity and momentum balance during the former regime. One possible interpretation of the observed results is superposition of the arrested topographic waves forced by the along-shore wind stress and downstream extension of the Coastal Oyashio. Numerical experiments using combined forcing of the wind stress and an inflow associated with the Coastal Oyashio supported the expected dynamics.  相似文献   

Long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas), Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra), Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), Sowerby's beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens), northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) and pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) make up the large community of deep-diving odontocetes occurring off the Bay of Biscay, northeast Atlantic. The ecology of these toothed cetaceans is poorly documented worldwide. The present study described their prey preferences from stomach content analysis and showed resource partitioning within the assemblage. The majority of the species appeared to be mostly teutophageous. Fish was an important food source only for the Sowerby's beaked whale and, to a lesser extent, for the long-finned pilot whale. In terms of foraging habitats inferred from prey composition, either pelagic oceanic or demersal neritic habitats were exploited by toothed whales in the Bay of Biscay, with only the long-finned pilot whale foraging in the two habitats. Finally, with more than 14,000 identified cephalopods from 39 species, the present study highlighted also the poorly known deep-sea cephalopod community off the Bay of Biscay using top predators as biological samplers.  相似文献   

A fisheries research cruise conducted in 2000 offered a first opportunity to take simultaneous measurements of the activities of three enzymes in mesozooplankton samples collected at a regional scale over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay in the NE Atlantic, with the aim of characterizing main aspects of the functioning of the biotic environment of small pelagic fish populations. The activity of the digestive endopeptidase trypsin was selected to characterize the assimilation rate of proteins, whereas pyruvate kinase (PK) was chosen as an indicator of carbohydrate assimilation and aspartate transcarbamylase (ATC) provided an overall assessment of mesozooplankton productivity. The Bay of Biscay region is subject to various strong physical driving forces that directly affect the primary structure of the pelagic food web. On our cruise, the phytoplankton biomass distribution reflected these different physical influences: diatoms dominated the nutrient-enriched coastal water; picoplankton dominated the northern-central part where nutrients were depleted; and nanoplankton were abundant at the shelf break where internal waves provided an input of nutrients. These and other results (on bacteria, particulate organic carbon distribution, among others) illustrate the differences that exist in the microbial food webs of different sectors of the bay. The living matter produced was characterized by the quality and quantity of the smallest prey items that were available to higher trophic levels. Variations in mesozooplankton enzyme activities may agree well not only with classically expected results, but also present unexpected special features: high ATC specific activities were measured around the mouth of the Gironde, in the nutrient-rich desalted water of the plume, but surprisingly not in front of the Loire river. PK specific activities reflected preponderantly the balance between phytoplankton cells sizes and the related bacterial abundance resulting from nutrient limitation (mainly P), that induces varying carbohydrates production potential. Trypsin specific activities were moderately variable, except in a restricted area where a highly abundant protein content characterized the particulate matter and in the plume of water flowing out of the Gironde. It is concluded that the presented approach of the metabolism of mesozooplankton communities may provide novel views on crucial processes occurring at the mesoscale, which fits in generally well with the scales of ecological factors mostly influential on small pelagic fish populations.  相似文献   

Pockmark-like seabed features located on the Landes Plateau, Bay of Biscay, are depressions up to 1 km across and 50 m deep according to multibeam echo sounder data. Seismic (airgun and TOPAS) profiles show that each feature comprises a stack of identical features which extend down to 300 ms (twt). Three types of depressions, elongate, irregular and circular, appear as non-truncating V-shaped features in the Plio-Quaternary sediments. These features are located above the Parentis Basin where deep faults, basement ridges and diapiric bodies extend upwards across the sedimentary cover, providing ideal migration pathways for any buoyant fluids. Initial inspection suggests that these are classic pockmarks; however, the absence of reflection truncation and the absence of indications of shallow gas beneath the features indicate that they were not formed by the removal of sediment. These are “pockforms” but not “pockmarks”. This paper presents an explanation for the formation of these features, involving collapse and subsidence, sedimentary erosion, and only in some cases the erosion of seabed sediments by probable escaping fluids. These origins are mainly conducted through tectonic fluid dynamics which acted in the area up to the Late Miocene. It might be expected that these features would have been infilled by subsequent sedimentation, but their shape has been preserved because sedimentation in the area mainly comprised muds deposited from low-energy transportation (diluted gravity flows) and settling from hemipelagic suspension.  相似文献   

A study of the mineralogy of red clay sequences overlying basalt in the Bay of Biscay revealed two successive units: unit one (lower unit) indicates that clay minerals are the result of subaerial weathering of acid or basic continental rocks, occurring in the Galice province (northwest Spain); and unit two (upper unit) consists of fine-grained particles which suggest distinct volcanic activity. Clay materials from the first unit (Paleocene) are deposited in shallow environments, whereas the second unit materials (lower Eocene) Occur in deeper environments followed by neoformation of clay Minerals and concentration of chemical elements (cobalt, nickel, lead, zinc, and barium).  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIt has long been recognized that a diurnal thermal cycle occurs in the upper layer of the ocean(Stommel et al., 1969; Price and Weller, 1986). Interest in the subject has revived in recentyears due to the importance of resolving the diurnal cycle for correctly coupling the ocean and atmosphere (Lukas, 1991 ). While the study of the diurnal cycle is of intrinsic scientific interest, italso offers the benefit to remote sensing scientists of identifying the bias caused by the di…  相似文献   

P. Lesueur  J. P. Tastet 《Marine Geology》1994,120(3-4):267-290
Seventy cores from the Aquitaine continental shelf were examined using radiographic and grain-size techniques in order to describe the sedimentary structures of the muddy deposits, and to evaluate their depositional processes. Four lithofacies are identified in this fine-grained deposit: (a) homogeneous silty sand, (b) interbedded homogeneous mud and sand, (c) silty-clayey mud, and (d) mottled mud. They show a logical pattern in relationship to the water depth and the distance from the coast.

Primary structures are present particularly in the landward and central portion of the mud fields, where the sediment is organized into sequences with a sharp-based erosional contact, overlain by a fining-up succession (centimetre to decimetre scale). The beginning of each of these is characteristic of a high-energy storm event, which is common on this shelf. The settling of suspended fine sediment corresponds to the flood estuarine discharge during quiet periods. Primary sedimentary structures decrease in the distal area where the muddy sediment is frequently reworked by infauna. Finally, primary structures and their preservation depend on the relative magnitudes of surface waves, storms, infaunal mixing and fluvial sediment deposition rates (i.e. floods).  相似文献   

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