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The analyses of pile driving using solid, axisymmetric finite elements reported in Reference 1 are extended to different soil conditions and hammer characteristics. Correlation with ‘pile analyser’ procedures is made.  相似文献   

多支盘水泥土桩的非线性有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用Ansys分析了多支盘水泥土桩复合地基中的桩体应力、桩间土应力和位移,总结了多支盘水泥土桩的承载特性:设置多支盘,承载力增加约40%,桩侧受力约占90%,第一个支盘受力最大,承载力随盘数、盘径、盘距、桩体弹性模量等产生变化。并分析了多支盘桩的弹性模量、盘数、盘径对复合地基变形的影响。  相似文献   

黄茂松  李森  俞剑 《岩土力学》2016,37(8):2399-2403
基于将塑性上限分析等效为弹性迭代计算的总量虚拟加载上限分析理论,在商业化有限元软件ABAQUS中实现了弹性有限元虚拟加载上限方法(弹性有限元T-EMSD)。应用弹性有限元T-EMSD法分析了不排水黏土中的二维水平受荷桩,其获得的荷载-位移曲线与弹塑性有限元分析结果一致,其极限承载力与塑性解相近。在极限位移加载量下弹性有限元T-EMSD法对应的上限机构从弹性始速度场开始随迭代逐渐演化,迭代收敛后的速度场和解析塑性破坏机构相似。与其他基于可变强度概念(MSD)的方法相比,弹性有限元T-EMSD法对水平受荷桩桩身的分析具有更高的精度。弹性有限元T-EMSD法最大的优势在于可在计算中自然地获得塑性机构,因而可被用于研究一些塑性机构难以构造的复杂问题,并对弹塑性数值方法进行验证。  相似文献   

用有限单元法分析超长单桩的荷载传递   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
曾友金  章为民 《岩土力学》2002,23(6):803-806
用描述桩侧摩阻力与桩-土相对位移关系的指数函数,推导出桩-土接触面本构模型,并设置了Goodman接触面单元来分析桩土相互作用。针对超长桩钢筋混凝土受应力大的特点,用混凝土的弹性非线性模型来分析受轴向荷载下钢筋混凝土的应力应变关系。编制的有限元程序能解决层状土及层状土导致沿桩身不同位置处桩-土相互作用不同特性,并针对工程实例桩变截面的特点,采用合理的计算手段使得按等截面桩计算分析结果与按实际变截面桩计算分析结果相同。用此程序对一工程实例进行了计算分析,计算结果与静载试验实测值较符合。  相似文献   

桩基础双折减系数有限元强度折减法极限分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董天文  郑颖人 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):3148-3154
现行桩基础安全系数是对桩-土系统安全的总体性评价,尚不能明确桩侧剪移摩阻力、桩端阻力的发挥程度,模糊了基桩的力学特性。为此,基于不同的端阻力、桩侧阻力的发生机制以及占总承载力的比例不同,建立了桩端、桩侧地基两种安全储备系数( 、 ),通过强度折减法非线性有限元极限分析实现了客观评价桩端、桩侧阻力的安全性问题。建议了桩端安全储备系数-位移曲线( - 曲线)和桩侧安全储备系数-位移曲线( - 曲线)的拐点、桩端安全储备系数-桩端阻力曲线( - )和桩侧安全储备系数-桩侧阻力曲线( - 曲线)的拐点V型尖点的前一折减系数分别为当前桩顶荷载条件下基桩的桩端阻力安全储备系数 和桩侧阻力安全储备系数 。分析表明,地基材料的强度参数(c、 )接近于实际情况时,双折减系数强度折减法计算结果接近于静载荷试验、荷载增量法和单折减系数法的计算结果,且 - 曲线拐点、 - 曲线拐点、 - 曲线V型尖点、 - 曲线V型尖点等物理意义较明确,计算的桩-土系统安全储备系数F接近于单一折减系数法确定的安全储备系数,双安全储备系数 、 具有一定实用性。  相似文献   

王丽  郑刚 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3533-3538
桩基会由于隧道或基坑开挖、打桩顺序不当等原因而倾斜。实际工程中经常遇到桩局部倾斜的情况,例如上段桩发生弯曲与倾斜,下段桩则仍然保持竖直。在已经完成的整体倾斜桩现场试验及有限元分析基础上,建立了桩身局部倾斜的有限元模型,对局部倾斜桩的承载力进行有限元分析。分析结果表明:算例条件下相同竖向荷载作用时,垂直度在5 %以内的局部倾斜桩的桩顶沉降均小于竖直桩的桩顶沉降;垂直度超过5 %时局部倾斜桩的桩顶沉降大于竖直桩的桩顶沉降。相同竖向荷载作用下垂直度为7 %以内局部倾斜桩的桩顶沉降均小于相同垂直度整体倾斜桩的桩顶沉降,超过7 %后局部倾斜桩的桩顶沉降大于整体倾斜桩的桩顶沉降。对于局部倾斜桩,由上段倾斜桩传递到垂直度转折点处的轴力将对下段竖直桩产生水平向推力。当垂直度转折点深度在反弯点以下时,水平向推力将导致下段竖直桩产生更大的反向挠曲变形和弯矩,使竖向荷载作用下桩顶水平位移增加,使桩更易于因为水平弯曲变形过大而破坏。  相似文献   

赵明华  陈耀浩  杨超炜  肖尧 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):3020-3028
根据陡坡段桥梁基桩承载特性,提出了一种可考虑桩土非线性作用的基桩内力与位移分析有限杆单元方法。首先,基于单元划分结果,结合桩侧摩阻力和坡体侧向推力的分布规律,得到了相应的等效结点荷载向量表示方法;其次,在线弹性地基反力法的基础上,引入p-y曲线开展了桩周土抗力非线性分析,并结合桩身P-?效应(P为桩顶轴向荷载,?为桩顶水平位移)计算方法给出了单元刚度矩阵修正方法,进而提出了适用于基桩内力位移非线性分析的有限杆单元法并编制了MATLAB计算程序;最后,结合某工程实例,将计算结果与工程实测值及已有理论值进行对比。结果表明:考虑桩土非线性作用的计算方法是合理的;当桩身具有自由段时,P-?效应对基桩内力位移的影响较大,在实际工程设计中不可忽视。  相似文献   

In this paper a typical soil–structure interaction problem is considered, the case of a vertical pile installed in sand and submitted to an axial compression loading. Results from two full scale pile tests are analysed and the tests are reproduced by numerical simulations via finite elements method (FEM). The choice of the mechanical parameters for the soil and the sand–pile interface and the modelling approach are first described. A new numerical strategy is outlined to account for pile installation effects due to jacking and driving via FEM. The proposed approach is based on the application of existing empirical correlations available for the quantification of residual radial and shear stresses along the pile shaft as well as residual pressures around the pile base after the installation. This approach is proposed as an alternative to more complex methods based on the numerical modelling of the pile penetration problem. The role of the constitutive modelling of the interface is also discussed. Finally, comparative analyses of pile loading tests using FEM are provided and the comparisons between numerical and experimental results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

赵明华  汪优  黄靓 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):184-188
将桩身视为空间受力的梁单元,利用更新的拉格朗日坐标体系考虑梁单元的几何非线性;并采用弧长控制法求解有限元非线性方程组,进行基桩屈曲的几何非线性有限元分析。利用Matlab语言编制了相应的计算程序,将某现场木桩压屈试验实测屈曲临界荷载与理论分析比较,吻合良好。大量计算分析表明,桩周土地基系数、基桩埋入比、桩身材料和基桩长细比是影响基桩屈曲荷载大小的重要因素,在设计和施工中都应重视和考虑。  相似文献   

自平衡桩基测试由于不受场地限制,在桥梁桩基检测和水上试桩领域得到较为广泛应用,但由于自身承受荷载机理、桩土相互作用与传统桩基静载测试不同,目前其实际应用仍然存在一些问题,因此需要在自平衡加载方式下建立合理数值模型来为进一步理论分析奠定模型基础。在考虑桩体非线性接触面基础上,研究了决定非线性接触性质的摩擦系数计算原则及相关模型参数取值,基于ANSYS接触面单元建立了自平衡桩基有限元模型,以武汉工程为依托,与实测结果进行对比,结果表明基于接触面单元建立的自平衡桩基模型具有更高的精确度,能够很好反映真实荷载作用下上下段桩位移曲线图。  相似文献   

文章对桩前土体需要开挖情形下的随机有限杆单元法给出了新的详细的计算公式。由于滑坡和稳定体常为碎石土和风化的软岩,不适宜用静力触探研究相关范围(土性的自相关性),因此本文用旁压试验m值对相关范围进行研究和计算。根据所作的大量抗滑桩并参照已有的研究成果(如Meyerhof的研究成果),建议抗滑桩的可靠度与工程结构的可靠度取值同(即一级结构[β]=3.7、二级结构[β]=3.2、三级结构[β]=2.7)。这样处理,钢筋混凝土结构的许多成果均可移植到钢筋混凝土抗滑桩中。侧向地基系数Ch(p=b1mxy=b1Chy)为与土性及埋深有关的量,本文给出了用旁压试验推求m值的两种计算公式。  相似文献   

An efficient analytical approach using the finite element (FE) method, is proposed to calculate the bending moment and deflection response of a single pile under the combined influence of lateral and axial compressive loading during an earthquake, in both saturated and dry homogenous soil, and in a typical layered soil. Applying a pseudo-static method, seismic loads are calculated using the maximum horizontal acceleration (MHA) obtained from a seismic ground response analysis and a lateral load coefficient (a) for both liquefying and non-liquefying soils. It is observed that for a pile having l/d ratio 40 and embedded in dry dense sand, the normalized moment and displacement increase when the input motion becomes more severe, as expected. Further increasing of a from 0.1 to 0.3 leads to increase in the normalized moment and displacement from 0.033 to 0.042, and 0.009 to 0.035, respectively. The validity of the proposed FE based solution for estimating seismic response of pile is also assessed through dynamic centrifuge test results.  相似文献   

岩质滑坡稳定性有限元分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘红帅  薄景山  耿冬青  吴兆营 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1786-1790
目前国内外大多数规范中推荐或者强制性规定滑坡稳定性分析采用极限平衡法。由于极限平衡法本身的局限性,存在诸多不合理之处,如何对其进行改进使之更加合理已成为岩土工程中的重要课题之一。针对岩质滑坡存在明显的软弱滑动带的特点,提出了有限元计算过程中不同滑动带的处理方法,结合工程中常用的不平衡推力传递法,给出了滑坡稳定性的有限元分析方法,将其应用于芡草沱滑坡,并与基于刚体极限平衡原理的不平衡推力传递法的计算结果进行了比较,表明其计算方法可靠,可直接应用于实际工程。  相似文献   

考虑固结的透水管桩沉桩全过程有限元模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周小鹏  梅国雄 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):676-682
运用透水管桩技术加快沉桩后桩周土体内超静孔隙水释放,进而消除沉桩施工中超静孔压的不利影响。基于有限元数值计算法,利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立透水管桩模型,实现透水管桩贯入过程以及桩周土体固结过程模拟。对比CEM圆柱孔扩张理论验证数值计算结果;阐述透水管桩贯入过程中位移场以及超静孔压场变化规律;对比分析静压桩和透水管桩桩周土体固结性状,结果表明透水管桩能加速超静孔压消散,短期内实现桩基承载力的快速提升。  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents an analysis of ventilation shock losses using the two-dimensional finite element method. It outlines the finite element formulation, in which the ventilation air flow is assumed to be a steady-state, viscous, incompressible and fully developed turbulent flow. In addition, the modified version of Van Driest model is assumed for the effective kinematic viscosity.The shock losses were estimated for the case simulating the airway configuration for (a) split, (b) junction and (c) gradual contraction. The results are compared and discussed with the shock loss data available in the ventilation literature. To estimate the shock losses, the flow solution in terms of pressure was first obtained for each airway configuration using the finite element method. The solution was then compared with that of a straight airway for estimating the difference in the head losses.  相似文献   

周厚德  介玉新 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):300-304
在岩土工程的数值计算中,除了将岩土材料本身划分为实体单元外,设置在岩土体中,与岩土材料相互作用的其他材料也常常划分为实体单元,比如桩基、堤坝防渗墙和面板等。由于对桩基、防渗墙等往往需要利用内力和弯矩进行设计,这就提出了如何利用有限元得到的应力和位移信息计算结构弯矩的问题。通过对一悬臂梁的计算分析就这一问题进行探讨,发现用应力计算弯矩为提高精度需要划分较多单元。用位移计算可以减少单元划分的工作量,但计算易出现振荡,结果不可靠。同时,对剪切闭锁现象等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Unsaturated soils are three‐phase porous media consisting of a solid skeleton, pore liquid, and pore gas. The coupled mathematical equations representing the dynamics of unsaturated soils can be derived based on the theory of mixtures. Solution of these fully coupled governing equations for unsaturated soils requires tremendous computational resources because three individual phases and interactions between them have to be taken into account. The fully coupled equations governing the dynamics of unsaturated soils are first presented and then two finite element formulations of the governing equations are presented and implemented within a finite element framework. The finite element implementation of all the terms in the governing equations results in the complete formulation and is solved for the first time in this paper. A computationally efficient reduced formulation is obtained by neglecting the relative accelerations and velocities of liquid and gas in the governing equations to investigate the effects of fluid flow in the overall behavior. These two formulations are used to simulate the behavior of an unsaturated silty soil embankment subjected to base shaking and compared with the results from another commonly used partially reduced formulation that neglects the relative accelerations, but takes into account the relative velocities. The stress–strain response of the solid skeleton is modeled as both elastic and elastoplastic in all three analyses. In the elastic analyses no permanent deformations are predicted and the displacements of the partially reduced formulation are in between those of the reduced and complete formulations. The frequency of vibration of the complete formulation in the elastic analysis is closer to the predominant frequency of the base motion and smaller than the frequencies of vibration of the other two analyses. Proper consideration of damping due to fluid flows in the complete formulation is the likely reason for this difference. Permanent deformations are predicted by all three formulations for the elastoplastic analyses. The complete formulation, however, predicts reductions in pore fluid pressures following strong shaking resulting in somewhat smaller displacements than the reduced formulation. The results from complete and reduced formulations are otherwise comparable for elastoplastic analyses. For the elastoplastic analysis, the partially reduced formulation leads to stiffer response than the other two formulations. The likely reason for this stiffer response in the elastoplastic analysis is the interpolation scheme (linear displacement and linear pore fluid pressures) used in the finite element implementation of the partially reduced formulation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用有限元极限平衡法分析边坡的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用有限元分析为基础的极限平衡法计算了边坡安全系数,并将结果与摩尔-库仑屈服准则、外接圆D-P屈服准则强度折减法得到的结果、以及Spencer(极限平衡)法的结果进行了比较,结果表明,有限元极限平衡法计算的边坡安全系数与摩尔-库仑屈服准则强度折减法和Spencer法的结果很一致,而D-P准则强度折减法得到的结果偏差较大。叙述了存在已知滑动面和不存在滑动面时有限元极限平衡法的计算方法。用大型通用有限元软件,如ANSYS等,可方便地进行这种方法的边坡安全系数的计算,并有足够的精度。  相似文献   

现行的抗滑桩滑坡推力以及抗滑桩内力计算方法本质上属于定值方法,由于该方法未考虑边坡岩土体材料参数的变异性等不确定性因素,存在着抗滑桩支护不足或过度支护等问题,因此提出基于有限元强度折减法(SRFEM)的抗滑桩滑坡推力及抗滑桩内力可靠性分析方法。将极限分析法、有限元方法和可靠性分析法三者耦合,用2结点梁单元模拟抗滑桩受力状态,采用拉丁超立方抽样法(LHS)进行可靠度计算,分析求解边坡抗滑桩可靠性问题,并将该过程在数值计算程序中得以实现。对抗滑桩滑坡推力以及抗滑桩内力进行概率统计,得出函数分布关系,并根据已给定的失效概率控制值,反算出滑坡推力以及抗滑桩内力设计值。结合典型算例分析结果表明该法显著区别于一般方法,能较全面地反映出边坡整体现状特征和岩土体材料强度参数的变异性,相对更加合理,且更符合工程实际。  相似文献   

Piles may be subjected to lateral soil pressures as a result of lateral soil movements from nearby construction‐related activities such as embankment construction or excavation operations. Three‐dimensional finite element analyses have been carried out to investigate the response of a single pile when subjected to lateral soil movements. The pile and the soil were modelled using 20‐node quadrilateral brick elements with reduced integration. For compatibility between the soil–pile interface elements, 27‐node quadrilateral brick elements with reduced integration were used to model the soil around the pile adjacent to the soil–pile interface. A Mohr–Coulomb elastic–plastic constitutive model with large‐strain mode was assumed for the soil. The analyses indicate that the behaviour of the pile was significantly influenced by the pile flexibility, the magnitude of soil movement, the pile head boundary conditions, the shape of the soil movement profile and the thickness of the moving soil mass. Reasonable agreement is found between some existing published solutions and those developed herein. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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