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A predictive model of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) biomass is coupled to a eutrophication model of Chesapeake Bay. Domain of the model includes the mainstem of the bay as well as tidal portions of major embayments and tributaries. Three SAV communities are modeled: ZOSTERA, RUPPIA, and FRESHWATER. The model successfully computes the spatial distribution and abundance of SAV for the period 1985–1994. Spatial distribution is primarily determined by computed light attenuation. Sensivitity analysis to reductions in nutrient and solids loads indicates nutrient controls will enhance abundance primarily in areas that presently support SAV. Restoration of SAV to areas in which it does not presently exist requires solids controls, alone or in combination with nutrient controls. For regions in which SAV populations exist at the refuge level or greater, improvements in SAV abundance are expected within 2 to 10 years of load reductions. For regions in which no refuge population exists, recovery time is unpredictable and will depend on propagule supply.  相似文献   

In large part driven by total maximum daily load (TMDL) mandates, the restoration community in the Chesapeake Bay region has been implementing novel best management practices (BMPs) and stream restoration designs in urban areas, such as regenerative stream/stormwater conveyance (RSC) structures and stream-wetland complexes (SWCs). However, the nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies of these novel designs are virtually unknown, and the possibility of increasing riverine flow in the Chesapeake Bay watershed associated with climate change this century necessitates an evaluation of their performance to develop and utilize those that optimize reductions in nutrient and sediment fluxes. We compare pre- and post-construction loads (total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total suspended solids (TSS)) from RSCs (i.e., upland BMPs) and a SWC (i.e., stream restoration) constructed at the outflow of a highly developed watershed in the Coastal Plain physiographic province of Maryland. The largest of the two RSCs performed best in relation to expected nutrient and sediment reductions because of superior water retention capability. By the length of river reach restored, the SWC attained from 79 to 88% of its N reduction TMDL goal, but only 19 to 23 and 2.7 to 3.1% for TP and TSS, respectively; by watershed area, % attainments of TMDL goals were much lower. Results indicate that SWCs have the potential to curtail N loading from developed catchments, but additional water quality benefits may be limited. Climate change projections indicate that there will be an increased frequency of larger-volume storms that will result in an increase in stormflow runoff from urban areas, and increased pollutant loads will likely curtail potential gains made by efforts to achieve TMDL goals. Given the large-scale implementation of BMPs currently underway to accommodate the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, the restoration community needs to adopt a concerted strategy of building climate resilience into many types of urban BMPs to help attain and maintain loads at TMDL levels in anticipation of a progressively wetter climate throughout this century.  相似文献   

Watershed land use can affect submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by elevating nutrient and sediment loading to estuaries. We analyzed the effects of watershed use and estuarine characteristics on the spatial variation of SAV abundance among 101 shallow subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay during 1984–2003. Areas of these subestuaries range from 0.1 to 101 km2, and their associated local watershed areas range from 6 to 1664 km2. Watershed land cover ranges from 6% to 81% forest, 1% to 64% cropland, 2% to 38% grassland, and 0.3% to 89% developed land. Landscape analyses were applied to develop a number of subestuary metrics (such as subestuary area, mouth width, elongation ratio, fractal dimension of shoreline, and the ratio of local watershed area to subestuary area) and watershed metrics (such as watershed area). Using mapped data from aerial SAV surveys, we calculated SAV coverage for each subestuary in each year during 1984–2003 as a proportion of potential SAV habitat (the area < 2 m deep). The variation in SAV abundance among subestuaries was strongly linked with subestuary and watershed characteristics. A regression tree model indicated that 60% of the variance in SAV abundance could be explained by subestuary fractal dimension, mean tidal range, local watershed dominant land cover, watershed to subestuary area ratio, and mean wave height. Similar explanatory powers were found in wet and dry years, but different independent variables were used. Repeated measures ANOVA with multiple-mean comparison showed that SAV abundance declined with the dominant watershed land cover in the order: forested, mixed-undisturbed, or mixed-developed > mixed-agricultural > agricultural > developed. Change-point analyses indicated strong threshold responses of SAV abundance to point source total nitrogen and phosphorus inputs, the ratio of local watershed area to subestuary area, and septic system density in the local watershed.  相似文献   

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides many important ecosystem functions, but SAV has been significantly reduced in many estuaries. We used spatial–statistical models to identify estuarine shoreline characteristics that explain variations in SAV abundance among subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay and mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays. We summarized digital spatial data on shoreline construction, shoreline land use, physical characteristics, watershed land cover, and salinity for each subestuary. We related SAV abundance to shoreline characteristics and other stressors using univariate regression and multivariate models. The strongest univariate predictors of SAV abundance were percent shoreline forest, percent shoreline marsh, the percentage of shoreline that is 5–10 m tall, percent riprap, the percentage of subestuary area <2 m deep, percent herbaceous wetland, and percent shrubland. Shoreline marsh, bulkhead, and shoreline forest had different effects on SAV in different salinity zones. Percent riprap shoreline was the most important variable in a regression tree analysis of all the subestuaries, and percent deciduous forest in the watershed was the most important variable in a separate regression tree analysis on the mesohaline subestuaries. Subestuaries with <5.4 % riprap followed a significantly different temporal trajectory than those with >5.4 % riprap. SAV abundance has increased steadily since 1984 in subestuaries with <5.4 % riprap, but has not increased since 1996–1997 in subestuaries with >5.4 % riprap. Some shoreline characteristics interact with larger-scale factors like land cover and salinity zone to affect the distribution of SAV, while the effects of other shoreline characteristics are consistent among subestuaries with different salinities or local watershed land covers. Many shoreline characteristics can be controlled by management decisions, and our results help identify factors that managers should consider in efforts to increase SAV abundance.  相似文献   

An historical summary of the distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Chesapeake Bay is presented. Evidence suggests that SAV has generally been common throughout the bay over the last several hundred years with several fluctuations in abundance. The decline ofZostera marina (eelgrass) in the 1930’s and the rapid expansion ofMyriophyllum spicatum (watermilfoil) in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s were two significant events involving a single species. Since 1965, however, there has been a significant reduction of all species in most sections of the bay. Declines were first observed in the Patuxent, Potomac and sections of other rivers in the Maryland portion of the Bay between 1965 and 1970. Dramatic reductions were observed over the entire length of the bay from 1970 to 1975. Particularly severe losses were observed at the head of the bay around Susquehanna Flats as well as in numerous rivers along Maryland’s eastern and western shores. Changes in the lower, Virginia portion of the bay occurred primarily in the western tributaries. Greatest losses of vegetation occurred in the years following Tropical Storm Agnes in 1972. Since 1975 little regrowth has been observed in the Chesapeake Bay. Other areas along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. during the same period have experienced no similar widespread decline. It thus appears that the factors affecting the recent changes in distribution and abundance of submerged vegetation in the bay are regional in nature. Causes for this decline may be related to changes in water quality, primarily increased eutrophication and turbidity.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that effects of cultural eutrophication can be reversed through natural resource restoration via addition of an oyster module to a predictive eutrophication model. We explored the potential effects of native oyster restoration on dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll, light attenuation, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in eutrophic Chesapeake Bay. A tenfold increase in existing oyster biomass is projected to reduce system-wide summer surface chlorophyll by approximately 1 mg m−3, increase summer-average deep-water DO by 0.25 g m−3, add 2100 kg C (20%) to summer SAV biomass, and remove 30,000 kg d−1 nitrogen through enhanced denitrification. The influence of osyter restoration on deep extensive pelagic waters is limited. Oyster restoration is recommended as a supplement to nutrient load reduction, not as a substitute.  相似文献   

We developed a synthesis using diverse monitoring and modeling data for Mattawoman Creek, Maryland, USA to examine responses of this tidal freshwater tributary of the Potomac River estuary to a sharp reduction in point-source nutrient loading rate. Oligotrophication of these systems is not well understood; questions concerning recovery pathways, threshold responses, and lag times remain to be clarified and eventually generalized for application to other systems. Prior to load reductions Mattawoman Creek was eutrophic with poor water clarity (Secchi depth <0.5 m), no submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), and large algal stocks (50–100 μg L?1 chlorophyll-a). A substantial modification to a wastewater treatment plant reduced annual average nitrogen (N) loads from 30 to 12 g N m?2 year?1 and phosphorus (P) loads from 3.7 to 1.6 g P m?2 year?1. Load reductions for both N and P were initiated in 1991 and completed by 1995. There was no trend in diffuse N and P loads between 1985 and 2010. Following nutrient load reduction, NO2?+?NO3 and chlorophyll-a decreased and Secchi depth and SAV coverage and density increased with initial response lag times of one, four, three, one, and one year, respectively. A preliminary N budget was developed and indicated the following: diffuse sources currently dominate N inputs, estimates of long-term burial and denitrification were not large enough to balance the budget, sediment recycling of NH4 was the single largest term in the budget, SAV uptake of N from sediments and water provided a modest seasonal-scale N sink, and the creek system acted as an N sink for imported Potomac River nitrogen. Finally, using a comparative approach utilizing data from other shallow, low-salinity Chesapeake Bay ecosystems, strong relationships were found between N loading and algal biomass and between algal biomass and water clarity, two key water quality variables used as indices of restoration in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed using aboveground field biomass measurements of Chesapeake Bay submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV), yearly species identification surveys, annual photographic mapping at 1∶24,000 scale, and geographic information system (GIS) analyses to determine the SAV community type, biomass, and area of each mapped SAV bed in the bay and its tidal tributaries for the period of 1985 through 1996. Using species identifications provided through over 10,000 SAV ground survey observations, the 17 most abundant SAV species found in the bay were clustered into four species associations: ZOSTERA, RUPPIA, POTAMOGETON, and FRESHWATER MIXED. Monthly aboveground biomass values were then assigned to each bed or bed section based upon monthly biomass models developed for each community. High salinity communities (ZOSTERA) were found to dominate total bay SAV aboveground biomass during winter, spring, and summer. Lower salinity communities (RUPPIA, POTAMOGETON, and FRESHWATER MIXED) dominated in the fall. In 1996, total bay SAV standing stock was nearly 22,800 metric tons at annual maximum biomass in July encompassing an area of approximately 25,670 hectares. Minimum biomass in December and January of that year was less than 5,000 metric tons. SAV annual maximum biomass increased baywide from lows of less than 15,000 metric tons in 1985 and 1986 to nearly 25,000 metric tons during the 1991 to 1993 period, while area increased from approximately 20,000 to nearly 30,000 hectares during that same period. Year-to-year comparisons of maximum annual community abundance from 1985 to 1996 indicated that regrowth of SAV in the Chesapeake Bay from 1985–1993 occurred principally in the ZOSTERA community, with 85% of the baywide increase in biomass and 71% of the increase in are a occurring in that community. Maximum biomass of FRESHWATER MIXED SAV beds also increased from a low of 3,200 metric tons in 1985 to a high of 6,650 metric tons in 1993, while maximum biomass of both RUPPIA and POTAMOGETON beds fluctuated between 2,450 and 4,600 metric tons and 60 and 600 metric tons, respectively, during that same period with net declines of 7% and 43%, respectively, between 1985 and 1996. During the July period of annual, baywide, maximum SAV biomass, SAV beds in the Chesapeake Bay typically averaged approximately 0.86 metric tons of aboveground dry mass per hectare of bed area.  相似文献   

Macrobenthos, sediments, and environmental conditions were sampled in the mesohaline region of western Chesapeake Bay (1971–1984) and the Potomac River (1980–1984). The survey data were used to quantify variation in macrobenthos and the physicochemical environment due to seasonal dynamics, spatial pattern (regional and local), and annual as well as long-term trends. Field experiments were conducted to test hypotheses suggested by the analysis of the survey data. Long-term and regional changes in the physiochemical environment, particularly salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration, had major influences on regional and long-term abundance patterns of macrobenthos. Two major species groups were identified along the mesohaline salinity gradient: those characteristic of high and low mesohaline salinities. Salinity increased and dissolved oxygen concentration below the pycnocline declined over the 14 yr. Estuarine endemic and euryhaline marine species concomitantly decreased in abundance. Opportunist species responded to increasing salinity and declining oxygen levels with increases in abundance. Predation on macrobenthos by fish and crabs affected the amplitude of annual recruitment pulses. Food availability apparently determined the magnitude of summer macrobenthic mortality. Spring was a critical period for the establishment of distributional patterns. The macrobenthos of the upper Chesapeake Bay was relatively stable over the study period mainly due to the stability and predictability of physicochemical processes controlling recruitment patterns.  相似文献   

The decline of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay has been associated with increasing anthropogenic inputs, and restoration of the bay remains a major goal of the present multi-state “Bay Cleanup” effort. In order to determine SAV response to water quality, we quantified the water column parameters associated with success of transplants and natural regrowth over a three-year period along an estuarine gradient in the Choptank River, a major tributary on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. The improvement in water quality due to low precipitation and low nonpoint source loadings during 1985–1988 provided a natural experiment in which SAV was able to persist upstream where it had not been for almost a decade. Mean water quality parameters were examined during the growing season (May–October) at 14 sites spanning the estuarine gradient and arrayed to show correspondence with the occurrence of SAV. Regrowth of SAV in the Choptank is associated with mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen <10 μM; mean dissolved phosphate <0.35 μM; mean suspended sediment <20 mg l?1; mean chlorophylla in the water column <15 μg l?1; and mean light attenuation coefficient (Kd) <2 m?1. These values correspond well with those derived in other parts of the Chesapeake, particularly in the lower bay, and may provide managers with values that can be used as target concentrations for nutrient reduction strategies where SAV is an issue.  相似文献   

Conserving and restoring submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are key management goals for estuaries worldwide because SAV integrates many aspects of water quality and provides a wide range of ecosystem services. Management strategies are typically focused on aggregated abundance of several SAV species, because species cannot be easily distinguished in remotely sensed data. Human land use and shoreline alteration have been shown to negatively impact SAV abundance, but the effects have varied with study, spatial scale, and location. The differences in reported effects may be partly due to the focus on abundance, which overlooks within-community and among-community dynamics that generate total SAV abundance. We analyzed long-term SAV aerial survey data (1984–2009) and ground observations of community composition (1984–2012) in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay to integrate variations in abundance with differences in community composition. We identified five communities (mixed freshwater, milfoil-Zannichellia, mixed mesohaline, Zannichellia, and Ruppia-Zostera). Temporal variations in SAV abundance were more strongly related to community identity than to terrestrial stressors, and responses to stressors differed among communities and among species. In one fifth of the subestuaries, the community identity changed during the study, and the probability of such a change was positively related to the prevalence of riprapped shoreline in the subestuary. Mixed freshwater communities had the highest rates of recovery, and this may have been driven by Hydrilla verticillata, which was the single best predictor of SAV recovery rate. Additional species-specific and community-specific research will likely yield better understanding of the factors affecting community identity and SAV abundance, more accurate predictive models, and more effective management strategies.  相似文献   

Due to the unpredictable nature of intense storms and logistical constraints of sampling during storms, little is known about their immediate and long-term impacts on water quality in adjacent aquatic ecosystems. By combining targeted experiments with routine monitoring, we evaluated immediate impacts of two successive storm events on water quality and phytoplankton community response in the tidal James River and compared these findings to a non-storm year. The James River is a subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay and sampling was conducted before, during, and after Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm (TS) Lee in 2011 and during the same time period (late summer/early fall) in 2012 when there were no storms. We collected and compiled data on nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations, phytoplankton abundance, nitrogen uptake, primary productivity rates, and surface salinity, temperature, and turbidity in the meso- and polyhaline segments of the James River. Hurricane Irene introduced significant amounts of freshwater over the entire James River and Chesapeake Bay watersheds, while rainfall from TS Lee fell primarily on the tidal fresh region of the James River and headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay. Dinoflagellates dominated the algal community in the meso- and polyhaline segments prior to the storms in 2011, and a mixed diatom community emerged after the storms. In the mesohaline river segment, cyanobacteria abundance increased after TS Lee when salinities were depressed, likely due to washout from the oligohaline and tidal fresh regions of the river. In 2012, dinoflagellates dominated the community in both segments of the river during late summer but diatoms were also abundant and their biomass fluctuated throughout the summer and fall. Cyanobacteria were not present in either segment. Overall, we observed that the high-intensity rainfall from Hurricane Irene combined with high flushing in the headwaters as a result of TS Lee likely reduced primary productivity and altered community composition in the mesohaline segment but not the more estuarine-influenced polyhaline segment. Understanding the influence of high freshwater flow with a short residence time associated with storms is key to the planning and management of estuarine restoration as such disturbances are projected to increase as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

Submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) have been a prominent feature on the Susquehanna Flats, the shallow, subaqueous delta of the Susquehanna River, Maryland. SAV were absent from the Flats between 1972 and 2000, but have since recovered. While it is well established that SAV can improve water quality by promoting sediment and nutrient retention, it is not well understood how SAV on the Flats modulate sediment input from the Susquehanna River into the Upper Chesapeake Bay over different timescales. This study evaluates sedimentation on the Flats over seasonal to decadal timescales, using naturally occurring radioisotopes (7Be, 210Pb) within the context of SAV biomass and Flats geomorphology. Results indicate that sedimentation on the Flats is both spatially and temporally variable. Although this variability cannot be explained by relationships with grain size and SAV biomass, river discharge, sediment supply, and geometry over the SAV bed likely control sedimentation in this system. Decadal-scale sedimentation is influenced by both flood events and changes in SAV biomass abundance. Average annual sediment accumulation was higher when SAV were present than when SAV were absent. SAV bed area was strongly correlated with average annual accumulation rate. These results suggest that a positive feedback between SAV abundance and accumulation rate exists; however, sediment supply and transport pathways are also important factors.  相似文献   

The exotic freshwater clam speciesCorbicula fluminea (Asiatic clam) was first reported in the tidal freshwater Potomac estuary near Washington, D.C., in 1977, and was found in benthic surveys, conducted in 1978, 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1992. In 1981 a tripling of water clarity was reported in the region of the clam beds, followed in 1983 by reapperance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) absent for 50 yr. Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) has been surveyed and mapped over the entire Potomac estuary region in almost every year from 1976 to 1993 by aerial photography, as part of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay program. Fish surveys in 1986 found populations increased up to 7× in beds of SAV. Starting in 1984, the Washington, D.C. Christmas Bird Census reported significant increases in several aquatic bird populations both nonmigratory and migratory. An extensive benthic survey in September 1986 estimated a spring-summer population of 8.7×106 kg Asiatic clams (wet weight including shell) in the 5-km region of the Potomac below Washington, D.C. This population was calculated as having the capacity to filter one-third to all of the water in this region of the estuary daily, depending on river flow. The 1986 clam population was smaller than that of 1984 and the 1992 population was 25% of that in 1986. Since 1986, SAV acreage has been decreasing in this area of the Potomac. Aquatic bird populations have declined. Yearly nuisance algae (Microcystis) blooms, which had been absent since 1983, reappeared in 1993. This paper presents evidence to support the theory the invasive Asiatic clam population in the 10 km below Washington, D.C., was responsible for SAV resurgence through filtration affecting turbidity. It suggests the clam populations triggered system-level changes in biota, including increase and decrease in local Potomac estuary populations (SAV, bird, fish, algae) over 10 yr, from 1983 to 1993. Major changes in the Asiatic clam population took place approximately 2 yr before parallel changes in SAV acreage were observed.  相似文献   

Decreases in seagrass abundance reported from numerous locations around the world suggest that seagrass are facing a global crisis. Declining water quality has been identified as the leading cause for most losses. Increased public awareness is leading to expanded efforts for conservation and restoration. Here, we report on abundance patterns and environmental issues facing eelgrass (Zostera marina), the dominant seagrass species in the Chesapeake Bay region in the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA, and describe efforts to promote its protection and restoration. Eelgrass beds in Chesapeake Bay and Chincoteague Bay, which had started to recover from earlier diebacks, have shown a downward trend in the last 5–10 years, while eelgrass beds in the Virginia coastal bays have substantially increased in abundance during this same time period. Declining water quality appears to be the primary reason for the decreased abundance, but a recent baywide dieback in 2005 was associated with higher than usual summer water temperatures along with poor water clarity. The success of eelgrass in the Virginia coastal bays has been attributed, in part, to slightly cooler water due to their proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. A number of policies and regulations have been adopted in this region since 1983 aimed at protecting and restoring both habitat and water quality. Eelgrass abundance is now one of the criteria for assessing attainment of water clarity goals in this region. Numerous transplant projects have been aimed at restoring eelgrass but most have not succeeded beyond 1 to 2 years. A notable exception is the large-scale restoration effort in the Virginia coastal bays, where seeds distributed beginning in 2001 has initiated an expanding recovery process. Our research on eelgrass abundance patterns in the Chesapeake Bay region and the processes contributing to these patterns have provided a scientific background for management strategies for the protection and restoration of eelgrass and insights into the causes of success and failure of restoration efforts that may have applications to other seagrass systems.  相似文献   

A Phytoplankton Index of Biotic Integrity (P-IBI) was developed from data collected during 18 yr 91985–2002) of the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), orthophosphate (PO4), and Secchi depth were used to characterize phytoplankton habitat conditions. Low DIN and PO4 concentrations and high Secchi depths characterized least-impaire conditions. Thirty-eight phytoplankton metrics were tested for their ability to discriminate between impaired and least-impaired habitat conditions. Twelve discriminatory metrics were chosen, and different combinations of these twelve metrics were scored and used to create phytoplankton community indexes for spring and summer in the four salinity regimes in Chesapeake Bay. The scoring criteria for each metric were based on the distribution of the metric’s values in least-impaired conditions relative to the distribution in impaired conditions. An independent data set and jackknife validation procedure were used to examine P-IBI performance. The P-IBI correctly classified 70.0–84.4% of the impaired and least-impaired samples, grouped by season and salinity, in the calibration data set. The P-IBI is a management tool to assess phytoplankton community status relative to estuarine nutrient and light conditions.  相似文献   

We developed an algorithm for calculating habitat suitability for seagrasses and related submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) at coastal sites where monitoring data are available for five water quality variables that govern light availability at the leaf surface. We developed independent estimates of the minimum light required for SAV survival both as a percentage of surface light passing though the water column to the depth of SAV growth (PLW min) and as a percentage of light reaching reaching leaves through the epiphyte layer (PLL min). Value were computed by applying, as inputs to this algorithm, statistically dervived values for water quality variables that correspond to thresholds for SAV presence in Chesapeake Bay. These estimates ofPLW min andPLL min compared well with the values established from a literature review. Calcultations account for tidal range, and total light attenuation is partitioned into water column and epiphyte contributions. Water column attenuation is further partitioned into effects of chlorophylla (chla), total suspended solids (TSS) and other substances. We used this algorithm to predict potential SAV presence throughout the Bay where calculated light available at plant leaves exceededPLL min. Predictions closely matched results of aerial photographic monitoring surveys of SAV distribution. Correspondence between predictions and observations was particularly strong in the mesohaline and polythaline regions, which contain 75–80% of all potential SAV sites in this estuary. The method also allows for independent assessment of effects of physical and chemical factors other than light in limiting SAV growth and survival. Although this algorithm was developed with data from Chesapeake Bay, its general structure allows it to be calibrated and used as a quantitative tool for applying water quality data to define suitability of specific sites as habitats for SAV survival in diverse coastal environments worldwide.  相似文献   

Degraded water quality due to water column availability of nitrogen and phosphorus to algal species has been identified as the primary cause of the decline of submersed aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and its subestuaries. Determining the relative impacts of various nutrient delivery pathways on estuarine water quality is critical for developing effective strategies for reducing anthropogenic nutrient inputs to estuarine waters. This study investigated temporal and spatial patterns of nutrient inputs along an 80-km transect in the Choptank River, a coastal plain tributary and subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, from 1986 through 1991. The study period encompassed a wide range in freshwater discharge conditions that resulted in major changes in estuarine water quality. Watershed nitrogen loads to the Choptank River estuary are dominated by diffuse-source inputs, and are highly correlated to freshwater discharge volume. in years of below-average freshwater discharge, reduced nitrogen availability results in improved water quality throughout most of the Choptank River. Diffuse-source inputs are highly enriched in nitrogen relative to phosphorus, but point-source inputs of phosphorus from sewage treatment plants in the upper estuary reduce this imbalance, particularly during summer periods of low freshwater discharge. Diffuse-source nitrogen inputs result primarily from the discharge of groundwater contaminated by nitrate. Contamination is attributable to agricultural practices in the drainage basin where agricultural land use predominates. Groundwater discharge provides base flow to perennial streams in the upper regions of the watershed and seeps directly into tidal waters. Diffuse-source phosphorus inputs are highly episodic, occurring primarily via overland flow during storm events. Major reductions in diffuse-source nitrogen inputs under current landuse conditions will require modification of agricultural practices in the drainage basin to reduce entry rates of nitrate into shallow groundwater. Rates of subsurface nitrate delivery to tidal waters are generally lower from poorly-drained versus well-drained regions of the watershed, suggesting greater potential reductions of diffuse-source nitrogen loads per unit effort in the well-drained region of the watershed. Reductions in diffuse-source phosphorus loads will require long-term management of phosphorus levels in upper soil horizons. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00021  相似文献   

With increased shoreline hardening and development, it is important to understand the ecological processes occurring in these and adjacent coastal habitats. A common species found associated with these hard-substrate habitats in Chesapeake Bay is the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. Caging experiments were conducted from June to August 2010 to examine the effects of shrimp on the recruitment and development of hard-substrate communities. Experiments were conducted at two low-salinity sites within Chesapeake Bay and one high-salinity site in an adjacent coastal bay in Virginia. The addition of grass shrimp reduced recruitment of polychaetes and scyphistomae of the sea nettle, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, and increased recruitment of encrusting bryozoans and the oyster, Crassostrea virginica. After 12?weeks, sea nettles at one low-salinity site, dominated predator-exclusion treatments. At the high-salinity site, oysters dominated when shrimp were present. Although it is unclear whether the results of short-term caging studies can be applied across larger temporal and spatial scales, the significant effects of grass shrimp on two important Chesapeake Bay species suggests that increases in hard-substrate habitat could have broader impacts within this and other systems.  相似文献   

A previously observed shift in the relationship between Chesapeake Bay hypoxia and nitrogen loading has pressing implications on the efficacy of nutrient management. Detailed temporal analyses of long-term hypoxia, nitrogen loads, and stratification were conducted to reveal different within-summer trends and understand more clearly the relative role of physical conditions. Evaluation of a 60-year record of hypoxic volumes demonstrated significant increases in early summer hypoxia, but a slight decrease in late summer hypoxia. The early summer hypoxia trend is related to an increase in Bay stratification strength during June from 1985 to 2009, while the late summer hypoxia trend matches the recently decreasing nitrogen loads. Additional results show how the duration of summertime hypoxia is significantly related to nitrogen loading, and how large-scale climatic forces may be responsible for the early summer increases. Thus, despite intra-summer differences in primary controls on hypoxia, continuing nutrient reduction remains critically important for achieving improvements in Bay water quality.  相似文献   

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