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GIS线目标间空间关系的集成表达方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓敏  李志林  祁华斌 《测绘学报》2007,36(4):421-427
GIS中的线目标可以表达现实中一类广泛存在的空间实体,如地铁线、管线、道路以及河流等。以线目标为研究对象,基于分解与组合的思想,提出一种线/线目标空间关系的集成表达方法。在整体上,将空间关系分解为拓扑、方向和距离关系3种,并以拓扑关系描述作为方向和距离信息的载体,通过纳入局部的方向关系和距离关系,来集成表达两个线目标间的各种类型空间关系信息。其中在线目标间拓扑关系、方向关系和距离关系描述时,分别将它们分解为一组局部关系(或基本关系),并通过对拓扑关系建立一定的排列顺序来进行描述。最后,通过一个简单例子说明本文提出的方法与Clementini和Di Felice(1998)的不同。以及本文方法对表达各种空间关系信息的可行性。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on analysing the irrigation water supply and demand of different crops under three main canals for kharif and rabi seasons in Dehradun region of Uttaranchal state. Crop acreage maps of rabi and kharif seasons have been prepared using LANDSAT TM 5 digital data by applying different image processing and classification techniques. Crop water and irrigation water requirements of different crops have been computed using CROPWAT computer program. Canal discharges have been compared with the irrigation water planning and management and found to be more than the irrigation water requirements in many months, that shows the need of revising the irrigation water management.  相似文献   

地理信息系统已经成为商品走进人们的生活,它所具有的社会公共功能正引起人们越来越多的关注。  相似文献   

Creative, productive human activity is often associated with a melding of rational-analytical thinking and intuitive-holistic thought. In this paper the common sense basis of map design and production is related to the integration of these two distinct but complementary ways of processing information. A variety of internal (physiological/psychological) and external (data, materials, tools, working conditions, map audience) circumstances that influence cartographic education are viewed within the framework of these two cognitive styles. This balanced approach to cartographic education is less frustrating and potentially more effective for students than much contemporary course work with its strong rational-analytical emphasis.  相似文献   

图书馆是公共文化服务的重要资源,其空间分布对城市科技文化服务能力具有重要影响.对公共图书馆的资源配置、空间分布现状进行研究,以期能为相关部门提供决策支持.以北京市主城区为例,采用高斯两步移动搜寻法,从供需角度定量分析了研究区内基于自驾和公共交通出行方式下的公共图书馆空间可达性.出行时间通过调用准确度更高的百度地图API...  相似文献   

基于空间和非空间视角,构建相关指标体系,对潜能模型和两步移动搜索法进行了改进;并以海口市为例,建立了交通网络数据集,计算分析了可达性。结果表明,海口市区海甸岛西部、秀英区西部、龙华区南部以及琼山区东南部等地区的医疗资源相对短缺。对比分析改进后的潜能模型和两步移动搜索法发现,后者不受行政区划边界限制,能体现医疗设施与居民点之间的相互作用力,但不能考虑阈值以外地区的居民就医可达性;前者比较综合地考虑了距离衰减规律和供需两方面因素,更符合实际情况。  相似文献   

地理可达性是研究评价各种服务设施布局及其服务域的重要指标之一,空间距离、交通便捷性、出行成本等是可达性测度的重要因子。由于医疗设施等公共设施通常以服务的公平性和覆盖性为目标,因此可定义居民点到最邻近医院的距离为地理可达性的测度。在此基础上,作者提出了基于GIS与Voronoi多边形的地理可达性计算方法。这一方法不仅将地理可达性分析中的空间点对之间的距离计算简化为空间查询,方便了GIS应用,而且计算的Voronoi多边形在本质上就是最邻近意义上医院的服务域,即服务域内各居民点到该医院的距离就是最邻近距离。此外结合人口分布等属性数据,还可深入分析各医院的服务承载力,本方法为医疗设施等公共服务设施的规划决策提供了重要的工具。  相似文献   

矢量与栅格集成的三维数据模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以矿山地质为背景,深入分析三维空间信息系统所涉及到的空间对象以及它们之间的联系,提出了几种新的空间对象类型。探讨用矢量与栅格混合的数据结构,以及面向对象的数据模型来表达各类三维空间对象,以此作为设计和建立三维地理信息系统的基础。  相似文献   

The groundwater occurrence and movement within the flow systems are governed by many natural factors like topography, geology, geomorphology, lineament structures, soil, drainage network and land use land cover (LULC). Due to complex natural geological/hydro-geological regime a systematic planning is needed for groundwater exploitation. It is even more important to characterize the aquifer system and delineate groundwater potential zones in different geological terrain. The study employed integration of weighted index overlay analysis (WIOA) and geographical information system (GIS) techniques to assess the groundwater potential zones in Krishna river basin, India and the validation of the result with existing groundwater levels. Different thematic layers such as geology, geomorphology, soil, slope, LULC, drainage density, lineament density and annual rainfall distribution were integrated with WIOA using spatial analyst tools in Arc-GIS 10.1. These thematic layers were prepared using Geological survey of India maps, European Digital Archive of Soil Maps, Bhuvan (Indian-Geo platform of ISRO, NRSC) and 30 m global land cover data. Drainage, watershed delineation and slope were prepared from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model of 30 m resolution data. WIOA is being carried out for deriving the normalized score for the suitability classification. Weight factor is assigned for every thematic layer and their individual feature classes considering their significant importance in groundwater occurrence. The final map of the study area is categorized into five classes very good, good, moderate, poor and very poor groundwater potential zones. The result describes the groundwater potential zones at regional scale which are in good agreement with observed ground water condition at field level. Thus, the results derived can be very much useful in planning and management of groundwater resources in a regional scale.  相似文献   

针对城市公路交通网络建设问题,本文以黑龙江省为研究区,地级市为研究单元,采用加权平均旅行时间作为指标进行空间插值,对黑龙江省市域交通可达性进行分析。结果表明:黑龙江省的交通可达性以哈尔滨市、大庆市、绥化市为中心呈同心圆状向外逐渐降低,其中,哈尔滨市与大庆市的加权平均旅行时间下降幅度较大,大兴安岭地区的加权平均旅行时间最大。不同市域的经济发展与人口总数也影响着市域的交通可达性,在注重经济发展的同时,也应注意交通网络的合理拓建。  相似文献   

基于GIS的邯郸市医疗服务设施可达性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网络POI收集和地图截取手段获取邯郸市主城区范围内的居民点、医疗服务设施、路网数据,结合GIS的网络分析技术和改进的潜能模型对城市医疗服务设施可达性进行综合分析。结果表明,邯郸市的医疗设施资源分布主要集中在城市中心区、南部和东北部片区,在西南和北部城区医疗设施资源较少,且3种医疗设施可达性的分布差异较大。本文的结果对于医疗设施布局和规划具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

ERP是一种企业级的资源计划优化系统,ERP能够帮企业获得收益,降低成本,提高竞争力.把ERP企业资源优化思想应用到城市地理信息系统的设计中,目的是在设计的整个过程中资源得到有效的利用,减少浪费,使整个成本大大降低。ERP模式同城市数字信息系统设计系统的完整有机的整合,是现代系统设计,进行信息化建设的必由之路,是管理技术与计算机技术再结合的过程,是数字城市设计的新思路。  相似文献   

Population data used in GIS analyses is generally assumed to be homogeneous and planar (i.e. census tracts, townships or prefectures) due to the public unavailability of building population data. However, information on building population is required for micro-spatial analysis for improved disaster management and emergency preparedness, public facility management for urban planning, consumer and retail market analysis, environment and public health programs and other demographic studies. This article discusses a GIS approach using the Areametric and Volumetric methods for estimating building population based on census tracts and building footprint datasets. The estimated results were evaluated using actual building population data by visual, statistical and spatial means, and validated for use in micro-spatial analysis. We have also implemented a standalone GIS tool (known as 'PopShape GIS') for generating new building footprint with population attribute information based on user-defined criteria.  相似文献   


Upper Lake is the lifeline of Bhopal City, India for drinking and other water needs. In recent years, environmentalists have expressed their serious concern on deteriorating water quality of this lake. Conventional field sampling methods for monitoring lake water quality lack spatial information about the pollution in the lake. It is desirable to have spatial information about the lake for better management and control. In the present paper the remote sensing data from IRS-1C LISS III have been integrated into a GIS environment to analyse and create a pollution zone map of the Upper Lake.

Spectral reflectance analysis was carried out to find the suitability of wavelengths for determining chlorophyll‐a concentration (chl‐a), suspended solid concentration (SSC) and secchi depth (SD). Empirical models relating spectral reflectance and chl‐a, SSC and SD were developed using least square regression analysis. These models were found valid on unused samples. Chl‐a, SSC and SD distribution maps were generated using proposed models and were incorporated as datalayers in the GIS for further analysis of pollution zones. The spatial information of pollution offered by the pollution zone map could delineate regions of lake having high pollution load. The methodology employed in this work can be used for regular monitoring of the pollution in surface water bodies and serve the data needs for better management of the water quality.  相似文献   

基于GIS的公交可达性指数算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借助于GIS空间分析方法,以福州市金山新区为例,对公交可达性的问题进行了探讨。研究过程中建立了研究区范围内包括交通网络信息的地理空间数据库,并通过综合考虑相关影响因子,提出了一种公交可达性指数的计算方法,并进行实地价。这一算法可为选址分析等各类问题提供相对定量化的公交可达性信息。  相似文献   

针对空间数据库的特点,提出了一种改进的基于实例的层次式模式匹配方法,并解决了实体对应关系的自动建立、要素类相似性计算、属性相似性计算等问题。最后,通过实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

数码城市GIS中建筑物室外与室内三维一体化表示与漫游   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
介绍了数码城市中室外与室内场景的数据管理及可视化等关键技术,对室外与室内场景进行了综合比较,讨论了室内外场景一体化的表示思想。  相似文献   

依托ArcGIS平台,以神农架松柏镇为例,利用网络分析方法,结合当地道路网络属性,确定合适的通行速度和阻力,构建网络数据集,探究小城镇就医可达性。结合当地居民用地分布特点,计算一定抗阻范围内覆盖的居民地面积与医疗用地可达比,为小城镇偏远地区居民提供抵达全镇唯一的综合医院的耗时最短路径。根据可达性分析结果,综合评价小城镇医疗用地的布局,为医疗用地的合理布局和规划提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

已有研究中,医疗服务水平指标值通常仅以医院卫技人员数或病床床位数概括,未考虑医院的整体服务能力。鉴于此,以深圳市龙岗区为研究对象,以社区为单元,对引力模型加以改进,综合考虑卫技人员与病床床位数,以确定医院的服务水平。结果表明,在对引力模型进行改进后,原本可达性较高的横岗、龙岗、龙城街道可达性有所降低,说明这些地区的医疗服务水平还有待提高;横岗街道南部社区医疗设施可达性最差,在今后的医疗资源改进中应优先考虑。  相似文献   

GIS的应用与发展的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从网络GIS应用、移动GIS应用、虚拟GIS应用、GIS与RS集成的应用、GIS与GPS集成的应用等5个方面论述了当前GIS的应用,并对当前GIS软件的发展方向提出了一些看法  相似文献   

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