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数字城市和防震减灾信息管理系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
防震减灾信息管理系统的主要目的是对城市面临的地震及其次生灾害进行分类、评价和减灾效果研究。数字城市从全局性的角度集成城市各个方面的要素,是对城市整体的统一数字化认识。防震减灾信息管理系统的建设是数字城市的一个重要组成部分。数字城市建设的基础是空间数据的应用。基础数据的有效更新成为防震减灾信息系统存亡的关键。数字城市目前是以电子政务作为主流发展方向,防震减灾辅助决策优化和实用化并与电子政务的结合为新一代防震减灾信息系统建设提出了新目标。防震减灾信息系统与数字城市的有力结合,可以提高地震应急反应能力,有效减轻地震灾害的损失。这种结合的困难和问题表现在:数据标准化、数据的可用度、合适的支撑系统和与电子政务的结合等方面  相似文献   

面向用户的地震地质灾害信息系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
工程选址、防震减灾规划与经济发展规划等均需要地震地质灾害基础数据,但地震地质灾害种类多、信息量大,如何进行有效管理,并实现共享,是当前亟待解决的问题。本文基于GIS技术,以ArcGIS为系统平台,建立了面向用户的地震地质灾害信息系统。首先,基于地震地质灾害的特点及对应的分析评价方法,构建了地震地质灾害信息系统平台的总体架构;对构建地震地质灾害系统存在的数据标准化等关键性问题进行了讨论,并给出了解决方案;最后以唐山地震为例,建立了示范性地震地质灾害GIS系统。  相似文献   

为进一步加强新时代滁州市震灾防御基础业务体系建设,提升防震减灾公共服务能力,实现数字赋能防震减灾智慧化管理,滁州市地震局启动智慧防震减灾服务平台建设。本文简要介绍滁州市智慧防震减灾服务平台建设的主要内容、总体框架、相关创新点及系统功能等内容,阐述通过融合集成地震行业数据,借助各行业数据信息,应用大数据、数字孪生等先进技术,进行可视化表达和辅助决策分析,科学、系统、合理地构建一个集专业数据检索、辅助决策、公众服务为一体的市级综合性智慧化防震减灾服务平台。实现地理信息+地震地上地下全空间数字化管理,实现对防震减灾事业发展的数字化赋能,提高地震数据的综合治理和场景创新应用,显著增强地震灾害风险防治能力。  相似文献   

安徽省中等城市地震应急信息管理系统研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中等城市地震应急系统建设是地市级地震部门防震减灾工作的重要组成部分,本文通过对安徽省6个中等城市防震减灾应急信息系统建设的经验总结,介绍了系统设计与实现的思路,对重点技术和功能进行了论述。  相似文献   

地震信息微博自动发布系统的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震信息微博自动发布系统根据原有的地震速报系统,以新浪微博为平台,实现"南粤防震减灾"新浪微博对国内地震信息在微博平台的快速、自动发布。介绍了系统的设计模式、实现的关键技术和在地震行业中的应用,以及系统尚需改进之处。  相似文献   

市县防震减灾信息服务系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市防震减灾信息服务系统是面向城市建设、社会管理和灾害应对辅助决策等的多元服务系统,是GIS在震害防御和应急救援体系的综合应用。目前,我国一级城市都建立了比较完善的地震监测预报、地震灾害预防和地震紧急救援三大工作体系,但急剧扩张的市县二三级城市的防震减灾特殊需求却缺少足够重视,其城市震防与公共服务职能也相对滞后。因此,文中阐述了建立市县防震减灾系统的重要意义,分析设计了基于服务器端.Net平台开发的WebGIS应用系统,以实例介绍系统开发过程中的关键问题,最终实现功能完善的市县防震减灾服务系统并通过测试达到预期效果。应用实例表明,该市县防震减灾信息服务系统能满足社会需要和行业需求。  相似文献   

广东省地震局官方微信"南粤防震减灾",是基于微信开发的地震行业APP服务系统。以广东省地震局官方微信"南粤防震减灾"为例,介绍了基于微信的地震行业APP服务系统在国内的研究现状、特点和优势,广东省地震局官方微信"南粤防震减灾"的设计和实现,以及此系统尚需改进之处。  相似文献   

我国高分辨率遥感技术在地震研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文概述了我国高分辨率遥感技术在地震监测预报、灾害预防和应急救援防震减灾三大业务体系中的应用现状,重点介绍了“高分遥感地震监测与应急应用示范”项目的进展.该项目针对防震减灾业务体系发展的应用需求,在整合地震行业现有技术和资源的基础上,突破了高分辨率对地观测系统卫星遥感数据在地震构造调查、地震监测和地震应急救援等方面应用的关键技术,制定行业应用规范,建设高分遥感地震业务应用示范系统,并开展应用示范.该项目的成功实施,使得我国高分辨率遥感技术在地震中的应用从以往分散的科学研究提升到一个业务化应用的状态,从而能更加有效地服务于防震减灾工作.   相似文献   

城市建筑物震害预测信息系统是基于GIS平台开发的信息系统.文中主要讨论了系统的结构设计、数据库设计、系统基本的图形显示和图形编辑等GIS功能, 以及地震危险性分析功能、地震结构易损性分析功能、建筑物震害损失分析功能等专业功能及实现.此系统能够为城市防震减灾工作的开展提供科学依据,能够满足防震减灾工作的需要.  相似文献   

公共服务是政府的重要职能,而向社会提供防震减灾公共服务也是地震部门的核心职责。广东省地震局探索向社会提供地震安全公共服务已有近十年的时间,取得了一定的社会效益,但是防震减灾公共服务供给的水平与社会需求之间存在着较大的差距。存在哪些瓶颈性的问题导致了公共服务供给与需求之间的差距,如何提升防震减灾公共服务的供给水平,不断满足社会日益增长的防震减灾公共服务需求,是要研究的问题。  相似文献   

地震核查技术是《全面禁止核试验条约》规定的主要针对地下核爆炸监测的国际监测技术手段. 为了提高对低震级事件的检测、定位与识别能力,开发了禁核试核查地震信息系统. 该系统以ArcGIS为基础,充分发挥GIS的强大的空间数据分析、拓扑分析和数据可视化处理能力,为地震数据的分析处理建立灵活方便的图形化研究环境. 利用ArcSDE Geodatabase数据模型与大型关系数据库管理系统ORACLE相结合,并通过基于COM的ArcObjects组件开发技术扩展ORACLE的管理功能,真正实现了空间、非空间等多源数据的一体化无缝集成,并保留了ORACLE的海量数据管理、事务处理、记录锁定、并发控制、 数据仓库等功能. 本文主要论述禁核试核查地震信息系统的总体设计与相关技术.   相似文献   

COSMIC数据验证AMSU平流层低层观测的初步分析结果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
何文英  陈洪滨 《地球物理学报》2009,52(12):2951-2957
基于Global Positioning System (GPS)掩星数据在平流层具有较高准确性、稳定性的优势,本文尝试用新一代GPS掩星观测——the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC)资料验证不同卫星平台上先进的微波探测仪(AMSU)的平流层观测结果.通过COSMIC大气温度廓线与AMSU辐射传输模式结合,得到模拟亮温,然后与AMSU平流层观测进行匹配比较.分析表明GPS掩星数据能够作为一个相对独立的参量检验NOAA15、16、18卫星平台内部的偏差.通过一年数据的比较验证,初步显示不同卫星平台的AMSU观测亮温在平流层低层都偏低,并且NOAA18平台的亮温偏低程度明显大于NOAA15、16.AMSU亮温偏差在极地冬季较为显著,尤其南极地区NOAA18的偏差幅度达到1.8 K.结合24小时内AMSU观测亮温偏差变化及其样本分布特征,可以看到明显的太阳辐射差异可能是导致AMSU观测亮温在极地偏差显著的主要原因.  相似文献   

Introduction Seismic monitoring is one of the most important approaches for ground-based nuclear explo-sion monitoring (CTBTO, 1998). The trend in this research field is to improve the monitoring ca-pability for low magnitude seismic events in regional scales. Seismic monitoring mainly includes detection, location, identification and characterization of seismic events. The correctness and accuracy of all of them depend on the quality of seismic re-cords and the degrees of uncertainties of ge…  相似文献   

A new two-way nesting technique is presented for a multiple nested-grid ocean modeling system. The new technique uses the smoothed semi-prognostic (SSP) method to exchange information between the different subcomponents of the nested-grid system. Four versions of the new nesting technique are described, together with conventional one-way nesting. The performance of the different nesting techniques is compared, using two independent nested-grid modeling systems, one for the Scotian Shelf of the northwest Atlantic Ocean and the other for the Meso-American Barrier Reef System of the northwestern Caribbean Sea. Nesting using the semi-prognostic method is shown to effectively prevent unrealistic drift of the inner model, while use of the SSP method avoids unnecessary damping of small scales on the inner model grid. Comparison of the annual-mean flow field with the near-surface currents determined by Fratantoni (in J Geophys Res 106:2977–2996, 2001) from observed trajectories of near-surface drifters demonstrates the overall superiority of the nesting technique based on the SSP method.  相似文献   

The era of ‘big data’ promises to provide new hydrologic insights, and open web-based platforms are being developed and adopted by the hydrologic science community to harness these datasets and data services. This shift accompanies advances in hydrology education and the growth of web-based hydrology learning modules, but their capacity to utilize emerging open platforms and data services to enhance student learning through data-driven activities remains largely untapped. Given that generic equations may not easily translate into local or regional solutions, teaching students to explore how well models or equations work in particular settings or to answer specific problems using real data is essential. This article introduces an open web-based module developed to advance data-driven hydrologic process learning, targeting upper level undergraduate and early graduate students in hydrology and engineering. The module was developed and deployed on the HydroLearn open educational platform, which provides a formal pedagogical structure for developing effective problem-based learning activities. We found that data-driven learning activities utilizing collaborative open web platforms like CUAHSI HydroShare and JupyterHub to store and run computational notebooks allowed students to access and work with datasets for systems of personal interest and promoted critical evaluation of results and assumptions. Initial student feedback was generally positive, but also highlighted challenges including trouble-shooting and future-proofing difficulties and some resistance to programming and new software. Opportunities to further enhance hydrology learning include better articulating the benefits of coding and open web platforms upfront, incorporating additional user-support tools, and focusing methods and questions on implementing and adapting notebooks to explore fundamental processes rather than tools and syntax. The profound shift in the field of hydrology toward big data, open data services and reproducible research practices requires hydrology instructors to rethink traditional content delivery and focus instruction on harnessing these datasets and practices in the preparation of future hydrologists and engineers.  相似文献   

A step-by-step integration method is proposed to compute within the framework of the conventional mode superposition technique the response of bilinear hysteretic structures subjected to earthquake ground motions. The method is computationally efficient because only a few modes are needed to obtain an accurate estimate of such a response, and because it does not require the use of excessively small time steps to avoid problems of accuracy or stability. It is developed on the basis that the non-linear terms in the equations of motion for non-linear systems may be considered as additional external forces, and the fact that by doing so such equations of motion can be interpreted as the equations of motion of an equivalent linear system, excited by a modified ground motion. These linear equations are then subjected to a conventional modal decomposition and transformed, as with linear systems, into a set of independent differential equations, each representing the system's response in one of its modes of vibration. To increase the efficiency of the method and account properly for the participation of higher modes, these independent equations are solved using the Nigam-Jennings technique in conjunction with the so-called mode acceleration method. The accuracy and efficiency of the method is verified by means of a comparative study with solutions obtained with a conventional direct integration method. In this comparative study, including only a few modes, the proposed method accurately predicts the seismic response of three two-dimensional frame structures, but requiring only, on an average, about 47 per cent less computer time than when the direct integration method is used.  相似文献   

李勇  段毅 《震灾防御技术》2018,13(1):245-253
针对数字化地震台网JOPENS软件系统的技术特点及功能需求,在对当前各种主流云计算平台进行比较的基础上,基于较为合适的阿里云计算平台,提出了在云环境下部署JOPENS系统的应用方案。测试结果表明JOPENS系统部署在云环境下能够提升测震台网中心运行的稳定性及可扩展性,并节约运行维护成本。该研究对于当前三网融合新形势下云南省地震台网的建设及运行工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The precise time step integration method proposed for linear time-invariant homogeneous dynamic systems can provide precise numerical results that approach an exact solution at the integration points. However, difficulty arises when the algorithm is used for non-homogeneous dynamic systems, due to the inverse matrix calculation and the simulation accuracy of the applied loading. By combining the Gaussian quadrature method and state space theory with the calculation technique of matrix exponential function in the precise time step integration method, a new modified precise time step integration method (e.g., an algorithm with an arbitrary order of accuracy) is proposed. In the new method, no inverse matrix calculation or simulation of the applied loading is needed, and the computing efficiency is improved. In particular, the proposed method is independent of the quality of the matrix H. If the matrix H is singular or nearly singular, the advantage of the method is remarkable. The numerical stability of the proposed algorithm is discussed and a numerical example is given to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Cambrian integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cambrian Period is the first period of the Phanerozoic Eon and witnessed the explosive appearance of the metazoans, representing the beginning of the modern earth-life system characterized by animals in contrary to the Precambrian earth-life system dominated by microbial life. However, understanding Cambrian earth-life system evolution is hampered by regional and global stratigraphic correlations due to an incomplete chronostratigraphy and consequent absence of a highresolution timescale. Here we briefly review the historical narrative of the present international chronostratigraphic framework of the Cambrian System and summarize recent advances and problems of the undefined Cambrian stage GSSPs, in particular we challenge the global correlation of the GSSP for the Cambrian base, in addition to Cambrian chemostratigraphy and geochronology. Based on the recent advances of the international Cambrian chronostratigraphy, revisions to the Cambrian chronostratigraphy of China, which are largely based on the stratigraphic record of South China, are suggested, and the Xiaotanian Stage is newly proposed for the Cambrian Stage 2 of China. We further summarize the integrative stratigraphy of South China, North China and Tarim platforms respectively with an emphasis on the facies variations of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary successions and problems for identification of the Cambrian base in the different facies and areas of China. Moreover, we discuss stratigraphic complications that are introduced by poorly fossiliferous dolomite successions in the upper Cambrian System which are widespread in South China, North China and Tarim platforms.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional model for approximate inelastic analysis of buildings is presented herein. The model is based on a single macro‐element per building storey. The inelastic properties of the model are characterized by the so‐called ultimate storey shear and torque (USST) surfaces. Different algorithms for the construction of these surfaces, as well as their applications in building modelling, are presented and discussed. Two alternative procedures are developed to integrate the force‐deformation constitutive relationship of the macro‐elements. The first one follows the exact trajectory of the load path of the structure on the USST, and the second uses linear programming without ever forming the USST surface. The accuracy of the model and integration procedure is evaluated by means of the earthquake response of single‐storey systems. The model and integration procedure developed is finally used to compute the inelastic response of a seven‐storey R/C building. The results of this investigation show that the model proposed, although approximate, can be effective in estimating the inelastic deformation demand of a building. It also enables the engineer to capture and interpret important features of the three‐dimensional inelastic response of a structure even before performing any inelastic dynamic analysis. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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