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Based on relationships between Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes, lithotectonic complexes, and tectonic structures of the Gridino Zone in the Belomorian eclogite province of the Fennoscandian Shield, deformations have been divided into groups differing in age and the succession of tectonic events has been reconstructed. The formation of Neoarchean eclogite-bearing melange was related to disintegration of large eclogite sheets in the course of near-horizontal ductile flow accompanied by syntectonic granitoid magmatism, multiple migmatization, and granulite-to amphibolite-facies metamorphism. The exotic blocks, including eclogites, were incorporated into TTG gneisses as sheets and lenses up to a few hundreds of meters in thickness and oriented conformably with gneissic banding. As a result of ductile flow, the lithotectonic complexes were transported at the level of discrete brittle-ductile deformations expressed as strike-slip faults and associated folds. Under conditions of a relatively rigid medium, individual structural elements underwent rotation approximately through 90° in plan view. Under the extension regime in the Early Paleoproterozoic, several swarms of mafic dykes were injected into the already cold framework rocks, as is evident from dyke morphology. The dykes crosscut all predated structures, included turned blocks, and are therefore important reference points for subdivision of Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic processes. The Svecofennian postdyke tectonic activity was accompanied by local shearing and boudinage of metabasic rocks, development of quartz and pegmatite veins along tension cracks, disharmonic folding, and discrete retrograde metamorphism up to amphibolite-facies conditions. The postdyke deformations did not exert a substantial effect on the previously formed regional structure.  相似文献   

Archean processes of eclogitization in the Gridino metamorphic association (the Belomorian eclogite province) developed in mafic dykes, boudins, and acidic rocks of the Archean continental crusts. To determine the U-Pb age of the intrusion of the latest dykes, the geochronological samples were taken from the dyke of ferriferious metagabbro that cross-cuts the dyke of eclogitzed and granulitized olivine gabbronorite. The igneous zircons were dated by the SHRIMP II technique. The zircons showed a concordia age of 2846 ± 7 Ma, which is considered as the time of intrusion of a mafic melt. The younger low-thorium zircon rims of 2.78–2.81 Ga age around the igneous cores are typical formations that appeared under metamorphic conditions in equilibrium with a migmatite melt, and may characterize the time of formation of the granite leucosome under metamorphism, probably of eclogite facies.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):585-613
The Belomorian eclogite province was repeatedly affected by multiple deformation episodes and metamorphism under moderate to high pressure. Within the Gridino area, high pressure processes developed in a continental crust of tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) affinity that contains mafic pods and dykes, in which products of these processes are most clearly evident. New petrological, geochemical and geochronological data on mafic and felsic rocks, including PT-estimates, mineral chemistry, bulk rock chemistries, REE composition of the rocks and zircons and U–Pb and Lu–Hf geochronology presented in the paper make it possible to reproduce the magmatic and high-grade metamorphic evolution in the study area. In the framework of the extremely long-lasting geologic history recorded in the Belomorian province (3–1.7 Ga), new geochronological data enabled us to define the succession of events that includes mafic dyke emplacement between 2.87 and 2.82 Ga and eclogite facies metamorphism of the mafic dykes between ~ 2.82 and ~ 2.72 Ga (most probably in the time span of 2.79–2.73 Ga). The clockwise PT path of the Gridino association crosses the granulite- and amphibolite-facies PT fields during the time period of 2.72 Ga to 2.64 Ga. A special aspect of this work concerns the superposed subisobaric heating (thermal impact) with an increase in the temperature to granulite facies conditions at 2.4 Ga. Later amphibolite facies metamorphism occurred at 2.0–1.9 Ga. Our detailed geochronological and petrological studies reveal a complicated Mesoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic history that involved deep subduction of the continental crust and a succession of plume-related events.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):561-584
The aim of this paper is to review the main features of the Meso-Neoarchaean Belomorian eclogite province (BEP) in the northeastern Fennoscandian Shield, including regional and local geology, geochemistry, petrology and geochronology and to compare the Belomorian eclogites with Precambrian eclogites elsewhere. Two eclogite associations have been recognized within Belomorian TTG gneisses: (1) the subduction-type Salma association and (2) Gridino eclogitized mafic dykes. Protoliths of the Salma eclogites represent a sequence comprising gabbro, Fe–Ti gabbro and troctolites, formed at ~ 2.9 Ga in a slow-spreading ridge setting (like the Southwest Indian Ridge). The main subduction and eclogite-facies events occurred between ~ 2.87 and ~ 2.82 Ga. Injection of mafic magma into an active continental margin setting, recorded by the Gridino dyke swarm, is attributed to subduction of a mid-ocean ridge, commencing at 2.87 Ga. Crustal delamination of the active margin and subsequent involvement of the lower crust in subduction between 2.87 and 2.82 Ga ago caused high-pressure metamorphism of the Gridino dykes, culminating in eclogite-facies conditions between 2.82 and 2.78 Ga and accompanying amalgamation of the Karelia, Kola and Khetolamba blocks and formation of the Mesoarchaean Belomorian accretionary–collisional orogen. The clockwise PT paths of the Salma and Gridino associations cross the granulite-facies PT field. Detailed metamorphic studies indicate a complicated post-eclogite history with thermal events and fluid infiltration, related to plume activity at 2.72–2.70, ~ 2.4 and ~ 1.9 Ga. The eclogite assemblages were exhumed to mid-to-lower crustal depths at ~ 1.7 Ga, while erosion or younger tectonic events were responsible for final exhumation to the surface. Comparison of PTt paths and data for peak metamorphic parameters demonstrates the general similarity of the Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic eclogites worldwide and their association with anomalously “hot” environments. The occurrence of high-T conditions during eclogite-facies metamorphism can be attributed to either subduction of a mid-ocean ridge (Archaean, BEP) or to interaction with mantle plumes (Proterozoic).  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(18):2211-2226

To constrain the timing from the accretion to the subduction-related metamorphism of the protolith in the Sanbagawa eclogites, we performed zircon U–Pb datings and REE composition analyses on pelitic schist of the Seba eclogite-facies region in the Besshi area in central Shikoku, Japan. The detrital igneous cores of the zircons show ages from ca. 2000 to 100 Ma, and the metamorphic rims show ca. 90 Ma. These results show that the protolith was accreted at ca. 100–90 Ma, which is significantly younger than the previously reported accretion age of ca. 130 Ma of other eclogite-facies regions in this area. And, the metamorphic rim domains show HREE decrease without Eu anomalies, suggesting that they were formed at ca. 90 Ma eclogite-facies metamorphism. Our results combined with previous reports for the tectonics of the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks suggest that there are at least two eclogite-facies units with different accretion ages in the Besshi area; ca. 130 Ma unit (Besshi unit) and ca. 100–90 Ma unit (Asemi-gawa unit), which structurally contact with each other. It is likely that the older unit was subducted into a depth of over 50 km and stagnated until the younger unit was subducted to the same depth. Probably, both units were juxtaposed at a mantle depth and began to exhume to the surface at the same timing after ca. 90 Ma. The juxtaposition and exhumation process might have relation to multi-factors such as tectonic erosion along the subduction zone, shallowing subduction angle of the hotter slab, backflow in the mantle and fluid infiltration along exhumation route.  相似文献   

The repeated isotopic and geochemical study of zircons of the eclogite from Stolbikha Island (Gridino settlement area) allows one to interpret the U-Pb age value of about 2700 Ma by central parts of zircon grains as a magmatic event time, probably rejuvenated to a degree by intense manifestation of the eclogite metamorphism of about 1880 Ma age. The Svecofennian high-pressure metamorphism caused a partial recrystallization of zircons of magmatic origin and the appearance of their rims showing typical geochemical characteristics of eclogite zircons.  相似文献   

李兆丽  李天福 《中国地质》2011,38(4):909-946
He同位素是区分地壳、地幔物质,研究壳-幔相互作用最灵敏的示踪剂之一,但其在高压-超高压变质作用过程中的地球化学行为目前仍不清楚,因而制约其在榴辉岩研究中的应用。中国作为高压-超高压榴辉岩带分布的重要地区,榴辉岩产出得天独厚,大洋、大陆两种俯冲成因榴辉岩均有分布。本文在归纳榴辉岩相高压-超高压变质岩研究进展的基础上,分析了He同位素示踪在榴辉岩研究中的应用现状。  相似文献   

武当群变质岩年龄   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
出露于湖北省西北部武当群的形成年龄长期争论。本文报道了采自湖北省十堰市北、武当山太子坡和房县土城的武当群变质火山岩样品的Sm-Nd、Rb-Sr年龄测定结果。原划武当群可能由两部分变质火山岩组成。一部分变质火山原岩形成于1927Ma左右,火山岩物质来自类似MORB地幔源区,岩石形成过程中未见明显地壳物质污染,是真正武当群;另一部分变质火山岩形成于1175-871Ma间,和耀岭河群、郧西群变质火山岩原岩形成年龄类似,岩石同位素组成也有亲缘性。在复杂地质作用地层时代研究中,如果从少量Nd同位素研究入手可能会收到好的效果。  相似文献   

罗能辉  颜铁增  蒋振频 《铀矿地质》2007,23(5):268-274,297
文章论述了安徽歙县浅变质岩系微古植物化石的产出特点(计有27属40种)和它的时代意义,分析研究了西村组和昌溪组的优势属,分别为Leiominuscula,Leiofusa,Asperatopsophos-phaera,Germinosphaera,Melanocyillum和Germinosphaera,Leiominuscula,Leiopsophosphaera,Triangumorpha,Leiofusa等各5属。通过对比论证,提出西村组、昌溪组形成的地质时代应为中元古代蓟县纪。  相似文献   

A comprehensive (mineralogical, geochronological, and geochemical) study of zircons from an eclogitized gabbronorite dike was carried out in order to identify reliable indicators (mineralogical and geochronological) of the genesis of zircons in their various populations and, correspondingly, the age of certain geological events (magmatic crystallization of the gabbroids, their eclogitization, and overprinted retrograde metamorphism). The three populations of zircons separated from two rock samples comprised xenogenic, magmatic (“gabbroic”), and metamorphic zircons, with the latter found exclusively in the sample of retrograded eclogitized gabbroids. The zircons of group I are xenogenic and have a Meso- to Neoarchean age. Mineral inclusions in them (quartz, apatite, biotite, and chlorite) are atypical of gabbroids, and the geochemistry of these zircons is very diverse. The zircons of group II contain mineral inclusions of ortho- and clinopyroxene and are distinguished for their very high U, Th, Pb, and REE concentrations and Th/U ratios. These zircons were formed during the late magmatic crystallization of the gabbroids at temperatures of 1150–1160°C, and their U-Pb age of 2389 ± 25 Ma corresponds to this process. The eclogite mineral assemblages crystallized shortly after the magmatic process, as follows from the fact that the marginal portions of the prismatic zircons contain clinopyroxene inclusions with elevated contents of the jadeite end member. The zircons of group III contain rare amphibole and biotite inclusions and have low Ti, Y, and REE concentrations, low Th/U ratios, high Hf concentrations, contain more HREE than LREE, and have an U-Pb age of 1911 ± 9.5 Ma, which corresponds to the age of the overprinted amphibolite-facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Sedimentary rocks cover-73% of the Earth's surface and metamorphic rocks account for approximately91% of the crust by volume. Understanding the average behavior and variability of heat production for these rock types are vitally important for developing accurate models of lithospheric temperature. We analyze the heat production of ~204,000 whole rock geochemical data to quantify how heat production of these rocks varies with respect to chemistry and their evolution during metamorphism. The heat production of metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks are similar to their respective protoliths. Igneous and metaigneous samples increase in heat production with increasing SiO_2 and K_2 O, but decrease with increasing FeO, MgO and CaO. Sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks increase in heat production with increasing Al_2 O_3, FeO, TiO_2, and K_2 O but decrease with increasing CaO. For both igneous and sedimentary rocks, the heat production variations are largely correlated with processes that affect K_2 O concentration and covary with other major oxides as a consequence. Among sedimentary rocks,aluminous shales are the highest heat producing(2.9 μW~(-3)) whereas more common iron shales are lower heat producing(1.7 μW m~(-3)). Pure quartzites and carbonates are the lowest heat producing sedimentary rocks. Globally, there is little definitive evidence for a decrease in heat production with increasing metamorphic grade. However, there remains the need for high resolution studies of heat production variations within individual protoliths that vary in metamorphic grade. These results improve estimates of heat production and natural variability of rocks that will allow for more accurate temperature models of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

李小犁  张立飞  魏春景  张贵宾 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3263-3277
金红石Zr温度计在研究高级变质岩的热演化过程中可以发挥重要的作用。而电子探针显微分析技术得益于其较小的分析束斑(直径1~2μm)和适中的轰击能量,通过合理的实验条件设定和仪器参数设置,是对薄片中金红石Zr含量进行原位分析的理想实验手段。本文中,我们对俄罗斯白海地区的太古代榴辉岩-退变榴辉岩中的金红石Zr含量进行了电子探针原位分析,并进行了金红石Zr温度计计算。结果表明,其中石榴子石包裹体类型(产状1)金红石的Zr含量比较稳定,主要集中在400×10~(-6)~500×10~(-6)范围,个别金红石颗粒中的Zr含量可以达到1000×10~(-6);而基质后成合晶中(产状2)金红石的Zr含量的波动范围则相对更广一些(200×10~(-6)~1000×10~(-6)),这可能与后期退变过程中的Zr重置和/或扩散有关。总体上,不同产状金红石的Zr温度计计算结果都给出了两个主要的温度区间:T1=700~750℃和T2=800~850℃。结合前人对白海榴辉岩变质温压条件的研究以及金红石Zr体系封闭温度的控制,我们认为金红石Zr温度计的计算结果区间T1更有可能代表的是榴辉岩的退变冷却温度,而温度区间T2则反映的是榴辉岩在抬升过程中受到高温麻粒岩相变质作用阶段的温度峰期条件。  相似文献   

New data on the isotopic age of zircons from metamorphic and igneous rocks are given for the Berezitovoe and Kirovskoe deposits located in the eastern margin of the Selenga-Stanovoi orogenic belt. The zircons were studied with the LA-ICP-MS method in the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwestern University, Sian, Shansi province, People’s Republic of China. The results allowed us to reveal three age epochs in formation of the eastern part of the Selenga-Stanovoi orogenic belt (1.87 Ga; 380–330 Ma; 138–125 Ma), which have significant importance for understanding of the geological structure of the south-eastern framework of the North Asian craton.  相似文献   

俄罗斯白海活动带Uzkaya Salma地区榴辉岩中发现的绿纤石形成于榴辉岩化早期亚绿片岩相阶段。该绿纤石多以包体形式存在于退变榴辉岩的变斑晶石榴石矿物中,并与榍石、金红石、单斜辉石、绿泥石、绿帘石、石英等矿物伴生,极少量单颗粒绿纤石包裹在基质单斜辉石(透辉石)矿物中,呈浑圆状。绿纤石成分上属于铝绿纤石和铁绿纤石,其中以铝绿纤石为主。在详细的岩相学研究基础上,通过相平衡计算,结合矿物温压计计算结果,发现含绿纤石榴辉岩共经历了4阶段的变质演化:Ⅰ早期进变质阶段,以石榴石中的绿纤石+绿泥石+绿帘石+石英等矿物包裹体为特征,依据实验岩石学研究的矿物组合绿纤石+绿泥石+石英和铁绿纤石+绿帘石稳定域,估算该变质阶段温压条件t=160~320℃,p=0.2~0.8 GPa;Ⅱ峰期榴辉岩相阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+Di-Pl后成合晶推测的绿辉石+金红石±角闪石+石英,石榴石核部镁等值线和绿辉石硬玉分子等值线限定其峰期温压条件为t=725~740℃,p=1.4~1.5 GPa;Ⅲ高压麻粒岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+透辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英,石榴石-单斜辉石温度计和后成合晶中斜长石钙等值线限定该阶段的温压条件t=725~750℃,p=1.1~1.3 GPa;Ⅳ晚期角闪岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合角闪石+斜长石±黑云母+石英,相平衡计算和角闪石-斜长石温度计限定温压条件为t=670~700℃,p=0.7~0.9 GPa。综上,确定了俄罗斯白海活动带Uzkaya Salma地区含绿纤石榴辉岩具有顺时针的p-T演化轨迹,峰期对应的地温梯度为15℃/km,俯冲进变质阶段经历了绿纤石-绿帘石相变质,由峰期榴辉岩相到退变质高压麻粒岩相具近等温降压的特征。研究表明,板块的"冷"俯冲作用在地球演化早期太古宙时期就可能出现了。  相似文献   

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