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The results of continuous (September 2010?CSeptember 2011) temperature monitoring in the 300-m-deep borehole on Kunashir Island are presented. There were several earthquakes, including the Tohoku one (March 3, 2012, M = 9.0), during the observation period, and they produced a significant coseismic response in the temperature field. The Tohoku earthquake was preceded by a constant decrease in temperature at the depth of 240 m with a mean rate of 0.02 K per month. The coseismic response was manifested in an abrupt (in à day) growth of temperature by 1.2 K. The relationships between the earthquake characteristics (magnitude, epicentral distance) and the amplitude of the coseismic temperature response in the borehole have been estimated. The deformation mechanism of the temperature response to earthquake preparation and implementation processes is suggested.  相似文献   

The mechanics of the ice cover of Lake Baikal has been studied through monitoring of its deformation and seismic effects and full-sizeuniaxial compression and shear tests in 2005–2007. We measured the shear strength of ice specimens and large in situ blocks (σ = 0.2?1.9 MPa) and investigated it as a function of air temperature and ice structure. Deformation was analyzed in terms of various natural controls, such as air temperature and pressure, wind, sub-ice currents, and local earthquakes. Precise strain measurements along ice cracks were used to explore the strain behavior of ice, including the cases of dynamic failure (ice shocks). Measurements by seismic station Baikal-12 were used to monitor diurnal background micro seismicity variations and to record an ice quake with its magnitude (M = 0.3–0.8; E = 104–105 J) comparable to a medium-size rock burst or a small earthquake. Ice quakes were studied in terms of their nucleation, dynamics, and after effects, as well as the strain and seismic responses of the ice, using sub-ice explosions in the latter case. The natural conditions of deformation in the elastoviscoplastic Baikal ice are similar to lithospheric processes and thus can be employed in tectonophysical modeling with scientific and practical implications for hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

Continuous photometric observations of the young active solar-type star Corot-Exo-2a using the “Corot” space telescope obtained over 142 days were used to analyze the star’s surface temperature inhomogeneities and to monitor their continuous evolution. This analysis was based on the iPH code, which reconstructs the distribution of temperature inhomogeneities on the surface of a star based on its light curve in a two-temperature approximation. We identified five time intervals in the positions of active areas, with corresponding flip-flop events, interpreted as activity periods. Their durations were between 55 and 15 days. The time scale for the active-longitude flip-flops of Corot-Exo-2a is a few tens of days, rather than years, as for other stars studied earlier. We detected motions of the active longitudes, possibly indicating differential rotation of the star. The phenomenon of flip-flops in the positions of active longitudes has a complex character. This is the first case apart fromthe Sun where we are able to follow the appearance and development of temperature inhomogeneities on a stellar surface in such detail. We determined typical timescales for variations of the activity parameter of the star in the ranges 17–20, 28–32, 33–38, and 51–55 days, which characterize changes of the brightness variation amplitude, the spotted surface area, positions of active areas, and brightness variations.  相似文献   

An on-site gas monitoring study has been conducted in the framework of an earthquake laboratory (The International NELSAM–DAFGAS projects) at the TauTona gold mine, South Africa. Five boreholes up to 60 m long were drilled at 3.54 km depth into the highly fractured Pretorius Fault Zone and instruments for chemical and seismic monitoring installed therein. Over the span of 4 years sensitive gas monitoring devices were continuously improved to enable the direct observation of geogas concentration variations in the DAFGAS borehole. The major gas concentrations are constant and air-like with about 78% N2, 21% O2, 1% Ar. The geogas components CO2, CH4, He and H2 show the most interesting trends and variations on the minute-by-minute basis and significantly correlate with seismic data, while the 222Rn activity remains constant. Time series and cross correlation analysis allow the identification of different gas components (geogas and tunnel air) and the identification of two processes influencing the borehole gas composition: (1) pumping-induced tunnel air breakthrough through networks of initially water-saturated fault fractures; and (2) seismicity induced permeability enhancement of fault fractures to above ∼5 × 10-10 m2. The current set-up of the gas monitoring system is sensitive enough to quantify the resulting geogas transport during periods of intense blasting activities (including recorded blasts with seismic moment ?1 × 109 Nm, located within 1000 m of the cubby) and, it is suggested, also during induced earthquakes, a final goal of the project.  相似文献   

This paper describes seismic velocity tomography applied to the investigation and assessment of karst collapse hazards to facilitate accurate characterization of geological conditions of karst sinkhole formation. In the survey areas of Xiamao, Guangzhou, China, and Huangchi, Foshan, China, seismic velocity tomography was used to explore the structures of rock and soil associated with karst collapse. The results show that sand intercalated with clay or clay intercalated with soft soil dominates the cover of these two areas. The overburden is 20–33 m thick and underlain by Carboniferous limestone. In the limestone, there are well-developed karst caves and cracks as well as highly fluctuating bedrock surfaces. The seismic velocities are less than 2500 m/s in the cover, 2500–4500 m/s in the karst fracture zones and caves of Xiamao, and 1500–2000 m/s in the Huangchi collapse area. The karst fracture zones, relief of bedrock surfaces, and variations of soil thicknesses revealed by seismic velocity tomography are well constrained and in agreement with those in the drilling borehole profiles. This paper demonstrates that seismic velocity tomography can delineate anomalies of rock and soil with the advantages of speed, intuitive images, and high resolution.  相似文献   

Delhi, the capital of India, has experienced mild seismic shaking during several earthquakes in the past. The large variations of depth to bedrock and ground water table coupled with different soil types at different locations of Delhi necessitate a seismic microzonation study. Dynamic soil properties such as shear wave velocity, modulus reduction and damping characteristics of local soils are the basic and essential input parameters for conducting even a preliminary ground response analysis which is an essential input in microzonation studies. Shear wave velocity is not measured routinely due to its high cost and lack of the required expertise. Several researchers in the past developed correlations between shear wave velocity (V s ) and routinely measured N values. In the present study, shear wave velocity profiles measured in the field at more than 80 borehole locations to a depth of about 20 to 32m using Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) are presented and correlations between shear wave velocity and N values are also presented for use by engineers and designers. Results of strain and stress controlled cyclic triaxial tests on remoulded samples of sand-silt mixtures in the high strain range are used for generating the modulus reduction and damping curves and are compared with the well-known curves in the literature. The results presented in this article can be used for microzonation studies as well as site specific ground response analyses at Delhi.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of inversion apparent resistivity data to determine accurately the true resistivity distribution over 2D structures has been investigated using a common inversion scheme based on smoothness-constrained nonlinear least-squares optimization with enhancing horizontal resolution (EHR) technique by numerical simulation. The theoretical model generates in RES2DMOD software at specific distance and depth using Wenner, Wenner–Schlumberger, and pole–dipole arrays were inverted. The inversion model was compared with the original 2D model in RES2DINV software. The study model includes horizontal layering, vertical resolution, and horizontal two layers with different resistivity. Also, the response to variations in data density of these arrays was investigated. The study shows the best array suitable to be used in the survey was chosen for real data acquisition at the actual site. Subsequently, the results from borehole were used to verify the results of 2D resistivity imaging method with and without EHR technique. Saturated zone (0–40 Ω-m) was found scattered at the depth of 10–20 m. The borehole is located at 63 m at 2D resistivity imaging survey which shows at depth 10–20 m is sandy silt. Highly weathered sandstone was found at 6 m depth with resistivity value of 800 Ω-m and SPT N value of 20. The bedrock was found at 27 m depth with resistivity value of 3,000 Ω-m and SPT N value of 50. The application of 2D resistivity imaging with EHR technique indicate the ability of the proposed approach in terms of density, depth, and resistivity value of anomalous and layer in a computationally and numerically efficient manner and to exhibit good performance in the data inversion.  相似文献   

Observational evidence proved that even when a borehole is in “fully” stabilized conditions, temperature data may exhibit certain unrest resembling irregular oscillations in the order of hundredths or (in the extreme case) even tenths of degree. Temperature was monitored in complicated hydrogeological conditions in the Yaxcopoil-1 hole (Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico). Two experiments are reported: (a) 20-day monitoring when a logger was located in the center of the high temperature gradient anomaly produced by the cold wave slowly propagating downwards and (b) simultaneous three-loggers 18-day monitoring with loggers located above, in and below the anomaly. All observed temperature–time series displayed intermittent oscillations of temperature with sharp gradients and large fluctuations over all observed time scales. While the “upper” and “lower” records revealed quasi-periodic temperature variations, the “central” record shows fast temperature oscillations with strong up-and-down reversals, all with amplitudes up to a few tenths of degree. The observed temperature–time series were processed by recurrence and recurrence interval quantification as well as by spectral analyses. It is shown that fluid in a borehole, subject to thermal gradient, is stable, as far as the gradient remains below a certain critical value. At higher Rayleigh numbers, the periodic character of oscillations typical for “quiescent” regime is superseded by stochastic features. This “oscillatory” convection occurs due to instability of the horizontal boundary layers. In the specific case of the Yaxcopoil hole, the time series above and below the cold wave (characterized by relatively lower temperature gradients between 20 and 50 mK/m) contain a clear low frequency component produced by tidal forcing. This component dominates over the high frequency domain (periods from 10–15 to 1 min), which exhibit a scaling behavior. This pattern conspicuously changes in the center part of the cold wave, where the local temperature gradient exceeds 200 mK/m and where tidal forcing composes only ~3% of the signal.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the seismic site classification of Bahrah area, Wadi Fatima, to characterize the local site conditions. The dynamic behavior of sediments was studied by the application of surface wave inversion. The multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) shallow geophysical technique was utilized for site classification. MASW survey was carried out at 66 sites along with 13 seismic refraction profiles at suitable localities. MASW and seismic refraction profiles were processed and compared with the available borehole data. The integration of MASW techniques with seismic refraction and borehole data progressively enhanced the subsurface visualization and reliability of the shear wave velocity estimation in the subsurface in the study area. The subsurface shear-wave velocity model was achieved by the solution of an inverse problem-based dispersion of surface waves and propagation in a vertically heterogeneous medium. The 2D genetic algorithm was employed for the inversion of dispersion curves to obtain velocity and thickness of subsurface layers. The depth to engineering bedrock and velocity of shear waves in the first 30 m was deciphered and mapped. The depth of bedrock in study area varies from 4 to 30 m, and V S 30 ranges from 320 to 800 m/s. The most of study area falls in B and C class categories in addition to few sites of D class according to the NEHRP guidelines.  相似文献   

In multi-layered hydrostratigraphic systems, aquitard breaches caused by faulting or paleo-erosion can allow substantial quantities of water of differing quality to be exchanged between aquifers. Seismic reflection technology was used to map the extent and orientation of an aquitard breach connecting a shallow alluvial aquifer to the deeper semi-confined Memphis aquifer in southwestern Tennessee, USA. Geophysical well logs indicate the presence of the aquitard at borehole locations that define the beginning and end points on two seismic survey lines, which intersect at a borehole where the aquitard is absent. A SE–NW-oriented paleochannel, 350 m wide and approximately 35–40 m deep, is interpreted from the seismic reflection surveys. The paleochannel cuts through the aquitard and into the upper part of the Memphis aquifer, thus creating a hydraulic connection between the shallow unconfined and deeper, semi-confined aquifers. The results indicate the potential of the shear-wave seismic reflection methods to resolve shallow breaches through fine-grained aquitards given availability of sufficient well control.  相似文献   

The Nojima Fault Zone Probe was designed to study the properties and healing processes of the Nojima fault, which is the surface fault rupture of the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (M7.2) of 1995 (1995 Kobe earthquake). In this project, water injection experiments were conducted in a borehole of 1800 m depth at the Nojima fault. We set up electrodes around the borehole and observed self-potential variations to investigate the magnitude of electrokinetic and hydraulic parameters around the Nojima fault zone. In the 1997 experiment, self-potential variations were in the range of a few to about 20 mV across 320–450 m electrode dipoles with hydraulic pressure variations from 3.5 to 4 MPa. In the 2000 experiment, self-potential variations were in the range of a few to about 85 mV across 160–260 m electrode dipoles with the hydraulic pressure variations from 3 to 4.5 MPa. In the 2003 experiment, self-potential variations were in the range of a few to about 30 mV across 20–80 m electrode dipoles with hydraulic pressure of 4 MPa. These observed self-potential variations were explained well with an electrokinetic effect due to the underground flow of the injected water. From the observed results, we estimated that the ratio of hydraulic parameters (permeability, porosity, and tortuosity) to electrokinetic parameters (zeta potential and dielectric constant) decreased approximately 40% during eight years after the earthquake. This result suggests that the healing process around the fault zone progress.  相似文献   

Palynological and petrological studies have been undertaken on the Gondwana coal and associated lithologies encountered in borehole EBM-2 of East Bokaro coalfield of Damodar Basin, India. The palynological investigation resulted in the recognition of Assemblage–III (Densipollenites, 27.9 m–214.30 m), Assemblage–II (Striatopodocarpites + Faunipollenites, 225.00 m–297.60 m) and Assemblage–I (Faunipollenites + Scheuringipollenites, 307.00m–433.00 m). Lithofacies study was also done for better understanding of the preservation and abundance/paucity of the spores and pollen in different lithologies as the current borehole has significant thickness of mudstones, shales and siltstone. Palynofacies study and Petrographical studies of coal samples encountered in the borehole were used to determine the depositional environment of the coal precursor peat swamp. Palynological data has revealed the presence of younger Raniganj palynoflora between 27.00-214.30 m depth that is lithologically defined as Barren Measures Formation. This spore pollen study has proved that these sediments were deposited during late early Permian to late Permian period. Further the maceral analysis of organic sediments as well as the Thermal Alteration Index (TAI) has revealed that the coaly shale at 336.5 m depth has hydrocarbon generation potential.  相似文献   

Landslides induced by typhoon Morakot during its passage across Taiwan on 7–9 Aug 2009 claimed more than 700 lives and caused heavy economic loss. Unlike earthquake monitoring, precise locations of landslides could not be determined in near-real time because their seismic phases are difficult to identify. Here, we show that large, damaging landslide events are characterized seismically by a distinct waveform pattern of frequent intermixes of P and S waves over a time window of several tens of seconds. The predominant frequency band during these time windows ranges from 0.5 to 5?Hz. The high-frequency content is clearly deficient relative to that of local earthquakes by about one to two orders. We also demonstrate that large landslide events can be located and monitored with algorithms specifically designed for real-time seismic applications. This near-real-time monitoring capability would be particularly useful for emergency responders and government organizations to coordinate effective relief-and-rescue operations.  相似文献   

The Miano borehole, 1047 m deep, is located close to the river Parma in the Northern Apennines, Italy. A measuring station has been installed to observe the discharge of fluids continuously since November 2004. The upwelling fluid of this artesian well is a mixture of thermal water and CH4 as main components. In non-seismogenic areas, a relatively constant fluid emission would be expected, perhaps overlaid with long term variations from that kind of deep reservoir over time. However, the continuous record of the fluid emission, in particular the water discharge, the gas flow rate and the water temperature, show periods of stable values interrupted by anomalous periods of fluctuations in the recorded parameters. The anomalous variations of these parameters are of low amplitude in comparison to the total values but significant in their long-term trend. Meteorological effects due to rain and barometric pressure were not detected in recorded data probably due to reservoir depth and relatively high reservoir overpressure. Influences due to the ambient temperature after the discharge were evaluated by statistical analysis. Our results suggest that recorded changes in fluid emission parameters can be interpreted as a mixing process of different fluid components at depth by variations in pore pressure as a result of seismogenic stress variation. Local seismicity was analyzed in comparison to the fluid physico-chemical data. The analysis supports the idea that an influence on fluid transport conditions due to geodynamic processes exists. Water temperature data show frequent anomalies probably connected with possible precursory phenomena of local seismic events.  相似文献   

As part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), the 1.5-km-deep borehole Yaxcopoil-1, located in the Chixculub meteor impact structure in Mexico, has undergone further study after drilling operations ceased. Temperature logs were repeated ten times at intervals 0.3–0.8, 15, 24 and 34 months after borehole shut-in. The logs bear a distinct signature of transient heat transfer by groundwater flow manifested by a gradual distortion of the linear temperature profile when a cold wave of 0.8–1.6°C amplitude was detected propagating downward from 145 to 312 m at a rate of 4–6 m/month. To understand the nature of this moving anomaly, a 20-day monitoring of the cold wave was carried out at a depth of 307 m that showed further cooling of 0.6°C during the first 16 days of the passage followed by temperature stabilisation. As an explanation of this unusual phenomenon, a theory is proposed, whereby the drilling mud has accumulated within the overlying and cooler highly porous and permeable karstic rocks during the drilling and migrates downward. The observed migration rate suggests a permeability higher than 10?11 m2. This indicates a high vulnerability to contamination of the only freshwater aquifer in the Yucatan region.  相似文献   

Since 1982, eighteen telemetric stations in Greece have continuously been recording variations in the telluric field. Transient changes of the telluric field, called seismic electric signals, SES, have been observed simultaneously at some stations from several hours to several days before an earthquake. The lead-time, Δt, of the SES, which is the time difference between the occurrence of the earthquake and the SES, varies between 6 h and 4 days.Four large earthquakes (M = 5.3–6.4) which occurred in 1983 in the Cephalonia region in Greece, showed clear SES with lead-times falling into two groups (I and II) of several hours and a few days respectively.For the four events, we studied P-wave spectra of the UME Swedish seismological station, at a teleseismic distance of 26°. Both short- and long-period instruments were employed. Brune's model (1970) was used to calculate source dimensions and relative values of other source dynamic parameters.Two groups of high and low stress-drop were found. Events with lead-times of group I show high stress-drop, while events with lead-times of group II show low stress-drop. The relative values of stress-drop differ by a factor of 4 between the two groups (high and low) while within each group they exhibit only a small scatter.The largest relative seismic moment, M0, is found for the largest event. The three other events with comparable magnitudes have similar seismic moments. The same relation was found for the radiated energy, Es.  相似文献   

Niger is a landlocked African country and the only source of surface water is the Niger River which flows in the western part of Niger and only few villages near to the river gets benefited from it, leaving most of the areas dependent on groundwater solely. The groundwater resources in Niger are mainly used for drinking, livestock and domestic needs. It can be observed that the water exploitation is minimal there due to several factors like undeveloped areas, less population, limited wells, rain-fed irrigation, etc. The delineation of potential aquifer zones is an important aspect for groundwater prospecting. Hence, the direct current (DC) resistivity soundings method also known as vertical electrical sounding (VES) is one of the most applied geophysical techniques for groundwater prospecting that was used in the capital city, Niamey of Niger. Twelve VES surveys, each of AB spacing 400 m were carried out in lateritic and granitic rock formations with a view to study the layer response and to delineate the potential zones. Potential aquifer zones were at shallow depth ranging from 10 to 25 m for the drilled borehole depth of 80–85 m in every village. Analysis of the result showed a good correlation between the acquired data and the lithologs.  相似文献   

We report results of bottom temperature monitoring of 2003–2004 in the deepwater South Baikal basin (Lake Baikal) near active gas-fluid methane vents at lake depths of 1020 and 1350 m. Sediments and water temperatures were measured using an autonomous temperature recorder designed at the Institute of Geophysics (Novosibirsk). Experiments implied short-duration recording and pioneering continuous 350 day-long monitoring near the Staryi vent. Measurements within a 1 m thick layer above and below the bottom showed notable variations in water (up to 0.07 °C) and sediment temperatures and in geothermal gradient. The long temperature records include a relatively steady period (mid-June 2003-early February 2004) with smooth temperature variations (especially in sediments) and two transient unsteady periods. The steady season is the best time for heat flow studies in the South Baikal basin. The 0.04–0.05 °C drop in bottom water temperature during the unsteady periods may result from intrusion of cold surface water. A positive temperature anomaly of ∼0.04 °C recorded in April 2003 may be caused, among other reasons, by active gas venting.  相似文献   

陈宁 《中国煤炭地质》2010,(12):58-61,65
以悠远矿区ZK303孔为研究对象,运用回归分析法对该孔的钻探进尺和井身质量数据进行了分析,认为该孔的极限完孔日期应在59d内,全井段的最大弯曲出现在780m;1 200m以上拟采用孕镶金刚石梯齿性钻头,以下采用PDC锯齿型钻头。依据扩散双电层理论,采用提高泥浆中Na+浓度来抑制水敏地层的水化分散,并结合适当次数的冲孔再钻进,这样既保证了井壁的稳定,又可大大提高钻速,从而获得良好的钻探效果和经济效益。此结果可为矿区其它钻孔的施工提供参考。  相似文献   

The best method to evaluate the seismic site response is by means of borehole vertical arrays that use earthquake records from different depths. In this paper we introduce the implementation of a single borehole sensor system (synchronized to a sensor on the surface) that is fixed at variable depths within a single well. This system is used for recording small amplitude earthquake signals at variable stiffness conditions in depth to compute empirical borehole transfer functions. The computed average empirical borehole transfer functions allow the estimation of an S-wave velocity model that is constrained using the frequency peak observed in the H/V ratio curve.Pairs of surface and borehole earthquake records were obtained with the borehole sensor placed at − 10, −20, −50, and − 100 m depth in a test site in Managua, Nicaragua. The average velocity of the final model down to − 100 m appeared to be in good agreement with the average velocity computed via cross-correlation using the surface and borehole signals. Likewise, an inverted MASW profile and H/V ratio at the same site agree with the S-wave velocity model obtained.  相似文献   

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