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近断层脉冲型地震动作用下隔震结构地震反应分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
隔震结构在远震场地减震效果良好,但是近断层地震动的明显的长周期速度和位移脉冲运动可能对隔震建筑等长周期结构的抗震性能和设计带来不利影响,需要深入探讨。本文首先讨论近断层地震动的长周期脉冲运动特征,然后以台湾集集地震8条典型近震记录和其它4条常用近震记录以及4条远震记录作为地震动输入,对两幢安装铅芯橡胶隔震支座的钢筋混凝土框架隔震结构进行非线性地震反应时程分析,通过比较探讨了算例计算结果,定量说明隔震结构的近震脉冲效应显著,是隔震设计不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   

近断层地震作用隔震结构研究现状综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了近年来国内外学者对速度脉冲、竖向地震动和上下盘效应等近断层地震动特性的研究成果,综述了近断层地震作用下隔震结构动力响应的研究现状。对当前近断层隔震结构地震响应研究和抗震设计中存在的问题进行了简要分析,指出考虑近断层的速度脉冲效应、竖向地震动特性和地面运动不一致性以及结构P-Δ效应等因素影响,将成为隔震结构动力反应分析和结构抗震设计新的研究方向。  相似文献   

研究了具有不同自振特性的建筑结构在近断层速度脉冲型及非速度脉冲型地震动作用下的结构层间变形分布,揭示了近断层速度脉冲对工程结构地震响应的特殊影响.从汶川M8.0地震近断层强震记录中选取两组典型速度脉冲型记录和非脉冲型记录,根据确定的目标地震动强度水平,利用时域叠加小波函数法对选择的强震记录进行调整,使之与目标地震动水平对应的加速度反应谱保持一致,以此作为结构地震反应分析的地震动输入.选取具有不同自振特征的3层、11层和20层典型钢筋混凝土框架结构,建立有限元分析模型,分别计算在速度脉冲型与非速度脉冲型记录作用下这些结构层间变形分布.研究表明,速度脉冲型记录与非速度脉冲型记录作用下结构层间变形有明显差异,且与结构自振特征有关.就低层结构的层间变形而言,非速度脉冲型记录的影响较速度脉冲型记录的影响大.随着结构自振周期的增加,高阶振型的影响更加明显.与非速度脉冲型记录相比,速度脉冲型记录的结构层间位移反应中值及离散程度较大.速度脉冲型记录更容易激发高层结构的高阶振型,产生较大的层间位移反应.非速度脉冲型记录对中低层结构层间变形影响较大.因此,在开展近断层结构地震影响评价时,应考虑近断层速度脉冲的影响.  相似文献   

陈波  谢俊举  温增平 《地震学报》2013,35(2):250-261
研究了具有不同自振特性的建筑结构在近断层速度脉冲型及非速度脉冲型地震动作用下的结构层间变形分布,揭示了近断层速度脉冲对工程结构地震响应的特殊影响. 从汶川MS8.0地震近断层强震记录中选取两组典型速度脉冲型记录和非脉冲型记录, 根据确定的目标地震动强度水平,利用时域叠加小波函数法对选择的强震记录进行调整, 使之与目标地震动水平对应的加速度反应谱保持一致, 以此作为结构地震反应分析的地震动输入. 选取具有不同自振特征的3层、11层和20层典型钢筋混凝土框架结构, 建立有限元分析模型, 分别计算在速度脉冲型与非速度脉冲型记录作用下这些结构层间变形分布. 研究表明,速度脉冲型记录与非速度脉冲型记录作用下结构层间变形有明显差异, 且与结构自振特征有关.就低层结构的层间变形而言, 非速度脉冲型记录的影响较速度脉冲型记录的影响大. 随着结构自振周期的增加, 高阶振型的影响更加明显. 与非速度脉冲型记录相比,速度脉冲型记录的结构层间位移反应中值及离散程度较大. 速度脉冲型记录更容易激发高层结构的高阶振型, 产生较大的层间位移反应. 非速度脉冲型记录对中低层结构层间变形影响较大.因此, 在开展近断层结构地震影响评价时, 应考虑近断层速度脉冲的影响.  相似文献   

为了研究近断层地震动速度脉冲及强竖向地震动对风机塔地震响应的影响,以某陆上风电场1.5 MW风机塔为研究对象开展了结构在水平向脉冲型地震动、水平向非脉冲型地震动、水平与竖向地震动组合3种地震输入工况的时程分析。通过3种工况下塔顶位移时程、加速度时程、塔底剪力、弯矩及轴力的对比分析发现:近断层速度脉冲对结构塔顶水平位移、塔顶水平加速度、塔底剪力与弯矩均影响显著;竖向地震动会加大结构的塔顶竖向加速度响应及塔底轴力响应;随着竖向与水平加速度峰值比增大,塔顶竖向加速度响应增大,最大轴力随着峰值比增大而增大,最小轴力随着峰值比增大而减小。此外,增量动力分析表明,采用自接触的有限元模型可以更真实地预测风机塔的失稳破坏机制。  相似文献   

The damping modification factor (DMF) has been extensively used in earthquake engineering to describe the variation of structural responses due to varied damping ratios. It is known that DMFs are dependent not only on structural dynamic properties but also on characteristics of ground motions. DMFs regulated in current seismic codes are generally developed based on far-fault ground motions and are inappropriately used in structural design where pulse-like near-fault ground motions are involved. In this paper, statistical investigation of the DMF is performed based on 50 carefully selected pulse-like near-fault ground motions. It is observed that DMFs for pulse-like ground motions exhibit significant dependence on the pulse period T p in a specific period range. If the period of the structure in response is close to the pulse period, the DMF attains the same level as that derived from far-fault ground motions; as the period of the structure is considerably larger or smaller than the pulse period T p , the response reduction effect by the increased damping ratio is generally small, except for large earthquakes with long pulse periods, which exhibit significant reduction of response for structures with periods smaller than T p . Based on the statistical results of DMFs, the empirical formulas for estimating DMFs for displacement, velocity and acceleration spectra are proposed, the effect of structural period, pulse period and damping ratio are considered in the formulas, and the formulas are designed to satisfy the specific reliability requirement in the period range of 0.1 < T/T p  < 1, which is of engineering interest.  相似文献   

隔震桥梁承受近断层地震之反应分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
台湾集集大地震造成台湾中部地区许多桥梁之倒塌及损坏.本文之主要目的为探讨对一隔震桥梁当其承受由集集大地震记录到的近断层记录时桥梁所具有的动态反应,及比较桥梁在有隔震及无隔震下行为之差异.本文于此选用一三跨连续主梁,混凝土桥柱之高速公路桥梁为分析之范例.桥梁之支承分别采用铰接型式及采用铅心橡胶支承之隔震支承垫两种形式进行分析模拟,并藉此比较隔震桥梁与无隔震桥梁之动态反应的差异性.输入地震记录采用集集地震记录到的近断层地震记录,分析案例包含采用三维动力分析方法去分析桥梁承受实测地震时之动态反应及针对影响隔震桥梁结构隔震效果之参数进行探讨.  相似文献   

Amplification of structural response of r.c. base-isolated structures is expected under near-fault ground motions, yet there is a lack of knowledge of their behavior in the case of fire. To investigate the nonlinear seismic response following a fire, an incremental dynamic analysis is carried out on five-storey r.c. base-isolated framed buildings with fire-protected High-Damping-Laminated-Rubber Bearings (HDLRBs), designed in line with the Italian seismic code. Horizontal components of near-fault ground motions characterized by forward-directivity or fling-step pulse-type are considered. The nonlinear seismic response of base-isolated structures in a no fire situation is compared with that in the event of fire, at 45 (i.e. R45) and 60 (i.e. R60) minutes of fire resistance, assuming both damaged (i.e. DS) and repaired (i.e. RS) stiffness conditions. Five fire scenarios are considered assuming the fire compartment confined to the area of the first level (i.e. F1), the first two (i.e. F1/2) and the upper (i.e. Fi, i=3–5) levels, with the parametric temperature–time fire curve evaluated in accordance with Eurocode 1. The nonlinear seismic analysis is performed by using a step-by-step procedure based on a two-parameter implicit integration scheme and an initial-stress-like iterative procedure. At each step of the analysis, plastic conditions are checked at the critical (end) sections of the girders and columns, where thermal mapping with reduced mechanical properties is evaluated with the 500 °C isotherm method proposed by Eurocode 2. A viscoelastic model with variable stiffness properties in the horizontal and vertical directions, depending on the axial force and lateral deformation, simulates the response of an HDLRB.  相似文献   

首先讨论了近断层脉冲型地震动的特点,并以台湾集集地震实际脉冲型近震记录为地震动输入,应用含潜在约束策略的序列二次规划算法,对安装铅芯橡胶隔震支座的钢筋混凝土框架隔震结构的隔震器参数和上部结构构件截面几何尺寸进行一体化优化设计,然后输入E l Centro(1940)、Taft(1952)地震波对优化后的隔震结构进行地震反应分析。计算结果表明,对考虑脉冲型近断层地震动作用的隔震结构进行参数优化设计后,该隔震结构能同时满足脉冲型和普通非脉冲型近震作用的结构设计需求。  相似文献   

The nonlinear dynamic response of reinforced concrete (r.c.) framed buildings subjected to near-fault ground motions is studied to check the effectiveness of current code provisions with reference to study cases. Three-, six- and twelve-storey r.c. plane frames, representative of symmetric framed buildings, are designed according to the European seismic code (EC8), assuming medium and high ductility classes and stratigraphic profiles A (rock) and D (soft soil) in a high-risk seismic region. The nonlinear seismic analysis is performed using a step-by-step procedure; a bilinear model idealizes the behaviour of the r.c. frame members. Artificially generated motions (matching EC8 response spectra for subsoil classes A and D) and horizontal motions (recorded on rock- and soft soil-site at near-fault areas) are considered. The results indicate that near-fault ground motions may require a special consideration in the code, in particular when designing r.c. framed structures placed on a soft soil-site; particular attention should be paid to the design of the frame members of the lower storeys.  相似文献   

近断层地震动作用下输电塔-导线体系反应分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
首先在考虑了导线的几何非线性基础上,建立了输电塔-导线体系的简化空间有限元分析模型.其次对体系按纵向和侧向分别进行了自振特性分析.最后在近断层地震动、人造波和El Centro波作用下,利用非线性时程分析法研究了体系的地震反应特性.文中给出的输电塔的计算结果表明:(1)导线明显增加了输电塔的纵向基本自振周期,而对侧向振动周期几乎没有影响;(2)近断层地震动和其它地震动作用相比,输电塔的反应相差不大;(3)近断层地震动显著增大了导线的位移反应,尤其是侧向;(4)导线对体系纵向地震反应影响较大,对侧向地震反应影响较小.  相似文献   

近断层地震动作用下钢筋混凝土桥墩的抗震性能   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对满足规范延性要求的12根典型钢筋混凝土桥墩试件的线性和非线性地震反应分析,指出在近断层地震动作用下满足延性需求与延性能力比小于1.0的桥墩仍可能发生严重破坏和倒塌,若考虑桥墩的地震损伤性能,允许的延性需求与延性能力比不宜超过0.6-0.8。讨论了桥墩延性抗震设计中强度折减系数Rμ和设计基底剪力系数BSC取值问题。  相似文献   

近断层地震动中长周期、短持时和高能量的加速度脉冲将对高层摩擦摆基础隔震结构的减震性能产生不利影响,考虑土-结构相互作用(SSI效应)后的隔震结构将产生动力耦合效应,可能进一步放大隔震结构地震响应。为此,通过一幢框架-核心筒高层摩擦摆基础隔震结构的非线性地震响应分析,考察近断层脉冲型地震动作用下框架-核心筒摩擦摆基础隔震结构的层间位移角、楼层加速度和隔震层变形等响应规律,揭示隔震体系的损伤机理。基于集总参数SR (sway-rocking)模型,分析不同场地类别与不同地震动类型对隔震体系动力响应影响规律。结果表明:高层摩擦摆基础隔震结构在近断层脉冲型地震动作用下的减震效果相比普通地震动减震效果变差,楼层剪力、层间位移角和隔震层变形等超越普通地震动作用下的1.5倍;对于Ⅲ和Ⅳ类场地类别,考虑SSI效应使隔震结构的地震响应进一步放大,弹塑性层间位移角随着土质变软增大尤为明显。  相似文献   

In displacement-based seismic design, inelastic displacement ratio spectra (IDRS) are particularly useful for estimating the maximum lateral inelastic displacement demand of a nonlinear SDOF system from the maximum elastic displacement demand of its counterpart linear elastic SDOF system. In this study, the characteristics of IDRS for near-fault pulse-type ground motions are investigated based on a great number of earthquake ground motions. The in? uence of site conditions, ratio of peak ground velocity (PGV) to peak ground acceleration (PGA), the PGV, and the maximum incremental velocity (MIV) on IDRS are also evaluated. The results indicate that the effect of near-fault ground motions on IDRS are signifi cant only at periods between 0.2 s - 1.5 s, where the amplifi cation can approach 20%. The PGV/PGA ratio has the most signifi cant in? uence on IDRS among the parameters considered. It is also found that site conditions only slightly affect the IDRS.  相似文献   

On the basis of the pseudo-excitation method (PEM), a random vibration methodology is formulated for the seismic analysis of multi-supported structures subjected to spatially varying ground motions. The ground motion spatial variability consists of the wave passage, incoherence and site–response effects. Advantages of this method are that less computation effort is required and that the cross-correlations both between normal modes and between excitations are automatically included. Random seismic responses of a realistic long-span bridge due to the wave passage, incoherence and site–response effects are extensively investigated. It is shown that all these effects have significant influence on the seismic response of the structure.  相似文献   

Accelerograms recorded near active faults have some important characteristics that make them different from those recorded in far-fault regions. High-frequency components in acceleration records and long-period velocity pulses are among notable specifications of such ground motions. In this paper, a moving average filtering with appropriate cut-off frequency has been used to decompose the near-fault ground motions into two components having different frequency contents: first, Pulse-Type Record (PTR) that possesses long-period pulses; second, the relatively high-frequency BackGround Record (BGR), which does not include large velocity pulses. Comparing the results with those extracted through wavelet analysis shows that moving average filter is an appropriate and efficient tool for near-fault records decomposition. The method is applied to decompose a suite of 91 selected near-fault records and the elastic response of structures is examined through their response to the decomposed parts. The results emphasizes that in contrast with ordinary far-fault earthquake records, response spectra of near-fault ground motions typically have two distinct local peaks, which are representatives of the high- and low-frequency components, i.e., BGR and PTR, respectively. Moreover, a threshold period is identified below which the response of structures is dominated by BGR while PTR controls the response of structures with periods longer than this period.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the inertial soil–structure interaction (SSI) effects on linear and bilinear structures supported on foundation that is able to translate and rock when subject to near-fault ground motions. Through rigorous dimensional analysis, the peak structural responses (e.g. structural drift and total acceleration) of the soil–foundation–structure interacting (SFSI) systems are characterized by a set of dimensionless Π-parameters, which can decisively describe the interactive behavior of SFSI systems. By comparing the normalized structural responses of various structure–foundation systems with their fixed-base counterparts, the study reveals that SSI effects highly depend on the structure-to-pulse frequency ratio, Πω, the foundation-to-structure stiffness ratio, Πk, damping coefficient of foundation impedance, Πc, the foundation rocking, and the development of nonlinearity in structures. For linear structures, the SSI effects are insignificant when the structure-to-pulse frequency ratio (Πω) is smaller than 1.5 and can amplify the structural responses when Πω is higher than 1.5. Foundation rocking can shift and enlarge the response amplification zone of SSI. For nonlinear structures, SSI tends to reduce the structural responses for Πω<3 while can increase the ductility demands for Πω≥3. The bilinear structures may experience more significant SSI effects than linear structures in certain frequency ranges. The numerical simulations on ten real building cases exhibiting significant rocking and a detailed case study on a nine-story frame structure demonstrate the applicability of dimensional analysis results to predict the SSI effects on realistic building structures. The study demonstrates that the dimensional analysis provides a concise and systematic way of evaluating SSI effects.  相似文献   

This study aims to reveal the multi-scaling behavior and quantify the irregularity of near-fault earthquake ground motions from a new perspective of multifractal theory. Based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, the multifractal characteristic parameters of acceleration time series for typical near-fault ground motions are calculated, and their correlations with two period parameters (i.e., mean period Tm and characteristic period Tc) and box-counting fractal dimensions are analyzed. Numerical results of strong nonlinear dependence of generalized Hurst exponents h(q) upon the fluctuation orders q indicate that near-fault ground motions present the multifractal properties and long-range correlation obviously. Furthermore, the scaling exponent h(2) of near-fault records has a strong correlation with their periods Tm and Tc, and strongly negative correlation with their box dimension. Moreover, h(2) can be regarded as a measure of frequency content and irregularity degree of strong earthquake ground motions. Finally, it is pointed out that the long-range correlation of small and large fluctuation is the major source of multifractality of near-fault ground motions.  相似文献   

Failure of one-story precast structures consisting of cantilever columns connected by simply supported beams was widely reported throughout the epicentral regions of the last devastating earthquakes in Turkey. As a single degree of freedom system, precast columns are designed by using the elastic spectrum given in the seismic code and by considering a seismic load reduction factor which takes into account the inelastic behavior of the columns under seismic loads. Although the existing seismic codes consider near-fault shaking effects in the development of elastic response spectra, they do not currently consider the increased inelastic demands that may occur during near-fault ground motion. The current study consists of nonlinear time history analyses of various hypothetical columns having geometric and mass properties which are being used in Turkish precast industry and the evaluation of damage indexes (DI) in terms of peak ground velocity (PGV) and peak ground acceleration (PGA) of the used strong ground motions. It is achieved that near-fault earthquakes create more damages on the columns. This might be one of the main reasons for the collapse of several one-storey precast buildings which were well designed according to the seismic codes in the district of existing faults. The obtained PGV versus DI charts prove that if one increase the sectional dimensions and/or longitudinal reinforcement ratio of the column, the possible damage from near-fault shaking effects could be reduced.  相似文献   




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