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We investigate a special type of variability in response spectral amplification ratios computed from numerical “engineering” models for a soft soil site. The engineering models are defined by shallow soil layers over “engineering” bedrock with a shear-wave velocity over 600–700 m/s and the model is subjected to vertical propagating shear waves. The variability, perhaps unique in earthquake engineering, is a result of the “perfectly accurate” computational procedure. For example, an engineering soil site model, subjected to two rock site records or the two horizontal components of a rock site record, produces different response spectral amplification ratios. We use a large number of strong-motion records from “engineering” rock sites, with a reasonably balanced distribution with respect to magnitude and source distance, generated by subduction earthquakes in Japan, to investigate the nature of the variability. In order to avoid any approximation in removing the effect of soil nonlinear response, we use a simple model, a single horizontal soil layer over a bedrock, modelled as elastic. We then demonstrate that a similar type of variability observed in the one- or two-dimensional nonlinear soil models is caused by the nature of response spectral amplification ratios, not a direct result of soil nonlinear response. Examination of variability reveals that the average of response spectral amplification ratios systematically depends on both earthquake magnitude and source distance. We find that, at periods much longer than the site natural periods of the soil sites, the scatter of the amplification ratios decreases with increasing magnitude and source distance. These findings may have a potential impact in establishing design spectra for soft soil sites using strong-motion attenuation models or dynamic numerical modelling.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of site effects in the urban area of Tecoman in Colima, Mexico. A variety of instruments (both accelerometers and seismometers) were used to record earthquakes and ambient vibration throughout the city. Earthquake records were analysed using several techniques to estimate site effects: spectral ratios relative to a reference station, spectral ratios of the horizontal components relative to the vertical recorded at the same site, and a parametric inversion of Fourier spectra. Ambient noise records were used to estimate a local transfer function using horizontal to vertical spectral ratios. The results show that local amplification at Tecoman is significant. Dominant frequency varies between 0.5 and 0.7 Hz, suggesting a large thickness of the soft sedimentary deposits. We did not observe systematic variations throughout the city. Our more reliable estimates indicate that maximum amplification is comprised between a factor 6 and 8. Comparisons among different sensors and recorders show that all combinations between velocimeters, accelerometers, and recorders provide reliable results provided that the electronic noise is smaller than the noise being recorded. This is notably not the case for accelerometers at quiet sites and for frequencies smaller than 2 Hz. This explains why previous studies disagree as to the usefulness of accelerometers to record ambient noise for site effect studies. This factor is, however, a function of noise amplitude at each site.  相似文献   

The determination of seismic amplitude amplification is a fundamental contribution to seismic hazard assessment. While often only high-frequency amplitude variations (>1 Hz) are taken into account, we analyse broadband waveforms from 0.14 to 8.6 Hz using a temporary network of 32 stations in and around the earthquake-prone city of Bucharest. Spectral amplitudes are calculated with an adaptive multiple-taper approach. Across our network (aperture 25 km × 25 km), we find a systematic northwest/southeast-oriented structural influence on teleseismic P-wave amplitudes from 0.14 to 0.86 Hz that can be explained by constructive interference in the dipping Cenozoic sedimentary layers. For higher frequencies (1.4–8.75 Hz), more local site effects prevail and can be correlated partly among neighbouring stations. The transition between systematic and localised amplitude variations occurs at about 1 Hz.  相似文献   

The earthquake hazard has been evaluated for 10 km×10 km area around Kyeongju. The ground motion potentials were determined based on equivalent linear analysis by using the data obtained from in situ and laboratory tests. In situ tests include 16 boring investigations, 4 crosshole, 12 downhole, 26 spectral analysis of surface waves tests, and in the laboratory, resonant column tests were performed. The peak ground accelerations range between 0.141g and 0.299g on collapse level earthquake and between 0.050g and 0.120g on operation level earthquake, respectively, showing the high potential of amplification in the deep alluvial layer in Kyeongju area. Distribution maps of site amplification for the peak acceleration, amplification factors (Fa and Fv) and dominant site period of Kyeongju are constructed using geographic information system tools. The amplification factor based on the Korean seismic design guide underestimated the motion in short range and overestimated the motion in mid-period range in Kyeongju. The importance of site-specific analysis and the need for the improved site characterization method are introduced.  相似文献   

The Northern Aegean Earthquake (Mw=6.9ML=6.5) took place on May 24, 2014 between the islands of Gokceada, Turkey and Samothraki, Greece. The tremors were felt as far as in Istanbul, about 300 km on the East – Northeast (ENE) side of the epicenter. Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) of Bogazici University, Turkey operate three downhole arrays in Istanbul, namely Atakoy (ATK), Fatih (FTH) and Zeytinburnu (ZYT) arrays. In this study, waveforms and site response observed at the KOERI operated seismic downhole arrays during the May 2014 Northern Aegean Earthquake (NAE2014) are analyzed in detail and presented. Evaluation of the acceleration records have shown low amplitude but long period and long duration motions at Istanbul. Furthermore, the analyses of the recordings suggest that Vs30 alone may not be a sufficient parameter for the characterization of site amplification.  相似文献   

The methods used for a building seismic hazard evaluation are presented with the associated results. The goals of the study are (1) to check the soil nature and the existence or not of a possible site effect around the installation and (2) to characterize the dynamic behavior of the building using ambient vibration records.

The results of the soil study with the Nakamura method are very difficult to interpret because they are not stable in space and time. The spectral ratios method has been used with regional earthquake records. The results of the application of this method allowed us to conclude that the installation was free of site effect.

The ambient vibration measurements on the building brought the conclusion to determine the first and second modes of the structure. These results have been used to calibrate numerical model. The modal shapes in plan (high roof) and in elevation (main column) have been evaluated. The damping of the building has been computed using ambient vibration records.  相似文献   

湖南中强地震活动地区Ⅱ类场地放大效应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用工程场地地震安全性评价工作中大量实际钻孔和土工实验资料,建立了实际工程场地模型,在50年超越概率为63%、10%、2%共3种地震动输入下,采用SHAKE91和ELSSRA两种等效线性化方法,研究了湖南省Ⅱ类场地土层的放大效应.计算结果表明:湖南省50年超越概率10%的场地效应放大因子为1.30,若使用<中国地震动参数区划图(GB18306-2001)>认定的1.25系数,将低估湖南中强地震活动地区的场地放大效应.湖南省50年超越概率63%、10%、2%这3个设定水准的场地效应放大因子满足1.10:1.00:0.95的关系.这些结果有益于为湖南省提供更为合理的抗震设防标准.  相似文献   

Under seismic excitation, liquefied clean medium to dense cohesionless soils may regain a high level of shear resistance at large shear strain excursions. This pattern of response, known as a form of cyclic mobility, has been documented by a large body of laboratory sample tests and centrifuge experiments. A plasticity-based constitutive model is developed with emphasis on simulating the cyclic mobility response mechanism and associated pattern of shear strain accumulation. This constitutive model is incorporated into a two-phase (solid–fluid), fully coupled finite element code. Calibration of the constitutive model is described, based on a unique set of laboratory triaxial tests (monotonic and cyclic) and dynamic centrifuge experiments. In this experimental series, Nevada sand at a relative density of about 40% is employed. The calibration effort focused on reproducing the salient characteristics of dynamic site response as dictated by the cyclic mobility mechanism. Finally, using the calibrated model, a numerical simulation is conducted to highlight the effect of excitation frequency content on post-liquefaction ground deformations.  相似文献   

汶川地震烈度分布与震源过程相关性的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
汶川地震造成了靠近发震断层附近地区的工程结构的严重破坏,由此导致了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。汶川地震后,虽然目前还没有得到完整的强震记录,但是作为震害宏观描述的地震烈度,在一定程度上反应了汶川地震近断层地震动与震源过程之间的相关性,如近断层地震动的方向性效应和上盘效应。本文对此做了一些定性的分析,认为高烈度区的分布与震源机制和破裂过程存在一定的相关性,并且在近断层地区很可能存在着较为显著的方向性效应和上盘效应。更详细的研究还需要在得到足够的强震记录后才能进行。  相似文献   

Microearthquake recordings of local events have been used to quantify the site effects in the vicinity of Bursa City, northwest Turkey. Since the city is located near the southwest branch of the western extension of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) zone, the importance of the seismic hazard in the region becomes progressively more important. The accelerograms of 69 earthquakes that were recorded on different geologic units, massive limestone, slope deposit and Quaternary sediment were analyzed to estimate the response of the recording sites. Site amplification functions were obtained by using three different approaches (standard spectral ratio, SSR; horizontal to vertical, H/V ratio and generalized inversion method, GIM) and the differences between the methods were also evaluated. We found large discrepancies between the SSR and H/V ratio methods, specifically; the former yields almost three times higher amplitudes than those obtained in the latter approach. Station located within the Bursa Quaternary basin (SCKR) is characterized by the largest estimates of the amplification amplitudes (8.0, 4.5 and 4.0 for SSR, H/V ratio and GIM, respectively) in all the three methods. On the other hand, stations located on deep limestone geological unit (SIGD and SKAY) show the least amplification level, ranging between 1.0 and 1.6. Three methods are able to identify resonant frequencies of the sites, although the absolute amplitudes of the amplification function are obtained different from each method.  相似文献   

我国现行抗震设计规范中场地评定方法的比较和评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国抗震设计规范中采用的场地评定方法主要有两种:一是建筑抗震设计规范(GBJ11-89)采用的场地分类的方法,一是构筑物抗震设计规范(GB50191-93)和电力设施抗震设计规范采用的场地指数法。前者是把场地影响按照场地分类指标划分成若干场地类别,因此,确定的地震荷载是不连续的,跳跃变化的。后者是一种以模糊推论的综合评判方法导出的场地指数为指标进行连续评定的新方法,在这种方法里,场地性质的差  相似文献   

We discuss the inversion of stress drops from seismic observations on the basis of crack or stress-drop models of earthquake mechanism. Since a formal inverse problem cannot be posed at present we discuss implications of solutions to direct problems. We first discuss the static approximations used to obtain stress drop from seismic moment and source dimensions. We show that the geometrical effects are quite significant if only one source dimension has been retrieved from seismic observations. The effect of variable stress drop is discussed and we show that the inverted stress drop is not a simple average of the actual stress drops on the fault. We discuss the energy release during faulting and show that the apparent stress has a complicated relation to the stress drop on the fault. We also show that the static stress drops obtained by seismologists are a lower bound to the actual dynamic stress drops on the fault. This may in part explain disagreements with laboratory results. Finally, we discuss the inversion of source dimensions from the far-field radiation. We analyse two extreme, simple dynamical source models, a circular fault and a rectangular fault and show that geometry has a much more pronounced effect on radiation than is usually acknowledged.  相似文献   

对福建省地震局现场应急通信指挥车集成改装项目的实施进行了总结和探讨,论述了原有地震现场应急通信指挥系统的特点.在总结其他省局改造经验的基础上针对原有系统进行集成改造的实施原则.对系统集成改装后各工作子系统的主要性能进行了详细阐述。在项目实施完成并经过一段时间运用和维护后.对车载系统今后的升级改造进行了思考和总结。  相似文献   

分析了2005年11月26日九江-瑞昌地震震害与当地工程场地条件间的关系,结果表明:当地工程地质条件复杂,水平向变化大,软土发育,存在溶洞,是此次地震灾害严重的一个重要原因。灾后重建应开展地震小区划工作,为抗震设防提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced hazards are profoundly affected by site effects related to the amplification of ground motions, which are strongly influenced by local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated geographic information system (GIS)-based system for geotechnical data, called the geotechnical information system (GTIS), was developed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake ground motions in the Seoul metropolitan area. In particular, to reliably predict spatial geotechnical information, a procedural methodology for building the GTIS within a GIS framework was developed and applied to the Seoul area in Korea. To build the GTIS, pre-existing geotechnical data were collected in and around the study area, and then a walk-over site survey was conducted to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. In addition, the representative shear wave velocities for geotechnical layers were derived by statistically analyzing many seismic test data in Korea. The GTIS was used in a practical application to estimate site effects in the study area; seismic zoning maps of geotechnical earthquake parameters, such as the depth to bedrock and the site period, were created and presented as a regional synthetic strategy for earthquake risk assessment. Furthermore, seismic zonation of site classification was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site and administrative sub-unit in the study area. The methodology and results of the case study of seismic zonations in the Seoul area verified that the GIS-based GTIS can be very useful for the regional estimation of seismic risk and also to support decisions regarding seismic hazard mitigation, particularly in the metropolitan area.  相似文献   

The linear and non-linear responses of surface soil layers have been predicted through the simultaneous simulation test against the observed ground motions at the six sites in Kobe City during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. The total stress analysis method and the effective stress analysis method have been applied for the rough and detailed verification of the predicted non-linear dynamic behavior at the PIS and RKI sites including the liquefaction phenomenon. The shear strain distribution along depth, the ratio of excess pore water pressure to initial effective stress, the liquefaction strength parameters to initial effective stress, and the stress–strain curve during the earthquake at the PIS site have been investigated when the predicted ground motion could simulate successfully the observed acceleration time histories and response spectra in the non-linear range.  相似文献   

通过研究中国大陆1910年以来8级以上特大地震和国外几组典型特大地震对震源邻近区域的影响,发现特大地震往往发生在断裂带上,一组或一次特大地震可能使发震断裂部分破裂,而未破裂断裂的构造应力可能增大,又成为大震的空段,该空段短时间内可能会发生大震(起到增震作用);反之,发震断裂完全破裂或没有大震空段,震源邻近区域构造应力可能减小,短时间可能不会发生大震(起到减震作用)。依据这一结果,可对特大地震发生后震源邻近区域的后续大震作短、中期预测。  相似文献   

This study proposes a recording-based approach to characterize and quantify earthquake-induced site nonlinearity, exemplified as soil nonlinearity and/or liquefaction. Alternative to Fourier spectral analysis (FSA), the paper introduces time–frequency analysis of earthquake ground motion recordings with the aid of so-called Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT), and offers justification for the HHT in addressing the nonlinear features shown in the recordings. With the use of the 2001 Nisqually earthquake recordings, this study shows that the proposed approach is effective in characterizing site nonlinearity and quantifying the influences in seismic ground responses. Major results from this study are listed below.
1. HHT-based site amplification is defined as the ratio of marginal Hilbert amplitude spectra, similar to the Fourier-based one that is the ratio of Fourier amplitude spectra. The HHT-based site amplification can be used in effectively quantifying site nonlinearity in terms of frequency downshift in the low-frequency range and amplification-reduction factor in intermediate-frequency range in comparison with the Fourier-based one.
2. Instantaneous damping, and Hilbert and marginal Hilbert damping spectra are defined in ways similar to instantaneous frequency, and Hilbert and marginal Hilbert amplitude spectra, respectively. Consequently, the HHT-based site damping is found as the difference of marginal Hilbert damping spectra, which can be used as an alternative, complementary index to measure the influences of site nonlinearity in seismic ground responses.
Keywords: Site nonlinearity; Site amplification; Site damping; Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT); Liquefaction; 2001 Nisqually earthquake  相似文献   

At present, dense strong motion observation networks have been established in Japan. One of the important findings based on these networks is that strong ground motions are quite site-dependent. Characteristics of observed ground motions at nearby stations can exhibit a significant variation, even when the stations are within several hundreds of meters. These observations raise one important question; if characteristics of strong ground motions exhibit large variations even for smaller regions, we should be concerned about the application of observed or predicted ground motions for the assessment of structures. In particular, if ground-motion parameters such as PGA, PGV, Spectral Intensity, etc., exhibit large variations for smaller regions, their use for the seismic design and practice will be subject to restriction. In other words, the evaluation of variation of these parameters is an important issue. From such a point of view, the authors investigated the variation of observed ground motions within a very small distance in this study. First of all, fifteen couples of adjacent strong motion stations in Japan, where the distance is within 100 m, were listed up based on our field reconnaissance. Then, microtremor measurements were carried out at each of the station pairs. Next, variation of recorded earthquake ground motions for the station pairs was examined based on various ground motion parameters and response spectra. Moreover, we investigated the key factor which is affecting the variation of observed ground motions.  相似文献   

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