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Purge and pump samples from screened wells reflect concentration averaging and contaminant redistribution by wellbore flow. These issues were assessed in a screened well at the Hanford Site by investigating the vertical profile of a technetium-99 plume in a conventional well under static and pumped conditions. Specific conductance and technetium-99 concentrations were well correlated, and this enabled measurement of specific conductance to be used as a surrogate for technetium-99 concentration. Time-series measurements were collected during purging from three specific conductance probes installed in the well at 1.2, 3.1, and 4.9 m below the static water level in a 7.7-m-deep screened well. The vertical contaminant profile adjacent to the well in the aquifer was calculated using the concentration profile in the well during pumping, the pumping flow rate, and a wellbore flow and mixing model. The plume was found to be stratified in the aquifer—the highest concentrations occurred adjacent to the upper part of the screened interval. The purge and pump sample concentrations were 41% to 58% of the calculated peak concentration in the aquifer. Plume stratification in the aquifer adjacent to the well screen became more pronounced as pumping continued. Extended pumping may have partially reversed the effect of contaminant redistribution in the aquifer by wellbore flow and allowed the stratification of the plume to be more observable. It was also found that the vertical profile of contamination in the well under static (i.e., nonpumping conditions) was not representative of the profile in the aquifer. Thus, passive or micropurge sampling techniques, which sample the wellbore water at different depths, would not yield results representative of the aquifer in this well.  相似文献   

Variations in concentrations of trichloroethylene and related compounds in ground water obtained from seven ground water samplers were used to compare the performance of three submersible pumps, a centrifugal pump, two peristaltic pumps, and a bailer. Two- and 4-inch diameter submersible pumps and a centrifugal pump produced samples whose trichloroethylene concentrations, on the average, did not differ significantly from each other. Ground water samples collected by using a peristaltic pump and silicone tubing had significantly lower trichloroethylene concentrations than samples from the submersible pumps. Concentrations of 1,2-dichloroethylene and trichloroethylene in ground water samples collected by using a bailer were indistinguishable from those in samples taken by a submersible pump when the concentrations were as much as 96 and 76 micrograms per liter, respectively, but were 15 and 12 percent lower when concentrations were as low as 29 and 23 micrograms per liter, respectively. Tests of different configurations of sampler placement in observation wells indicate that pump placement, rate of pumping, duration of pumping, and the uniformity of the vertical and lateral distribution of trichloroethylene in ground water near the well screen have a potentially significant influence on trichloroethylene concentrations in ground water samples and that these factors can have a greater effect than the type of sampler used.  相似文献   


A pumping test was conducted along the Mullica River in the Wharton Tract, New Jersey as part of a water-resources investigation. Impermeable bog iron caps parts of the flood plain and channel so that ground-water recharge moves directly into the river.

Observation wells on both sides of the river tapped water-bearing zones at 25 (shallow), 50 (medium), and 100 (deep) feet. A pumping well, screened in the medium zone, caused abrupt drawdowns which leveled off after a few minutes. Shape of the drawdown cone established early and changed little throughout the test. Piezometric surfaces were steepest on the southwest, indicating that most water came from there. Uninterrupted contour trends beneath the river show that here relatively little water entered the aquifer. Head differentials between the zones were greatest at the pumping well. Movement from the deep to medium zones was confined largely to the pumping-well vicinity. Pumping produced extensive reductions in the original areas of upward gradient between the medium and shallow zones; thus, areas of downward leakage became connected across the river. Piezometric head beneath the river was progressively lowered and caused the flood plain to dry; it became wet again when pumping stopped. The well field recovered to natural conditions in about 24 hours.

Lack of hydraulic continuity between the river and aquifer results from bog iron deposits. Their removal will improve the continuity, and it appears feasible to induce river recharge to nearby pumping wells.  相似文献   

A transient axisymmetric saturated-unsaturated numerical flow model was coupled with a particle tracking model to investigate the movement of contaminants when a shallow unconfined aquifer is pumped at a constant rate. The particle tracking model keeps track of locations and masses of solutes in the aquifer, and the time of capture by the well. At the end of each time-step the flow model solves the Richard's equation for the hydraulic head distribution from which elemental velocities are calculated. Solutes are then displaced for a period equivalent to the time-step using both the magnitude and direction of the elemental velocities. Numerical experiments were performed to investigate effluent concentrations in wells with screens of different length and in different positions relative to zones of stratified contamination. At early times of pumping the effluent concentrations were similar to the concentrations adjacent to the well screen, but at late times, the concentrations approached the vertically averaged concentration in the aquifer. Time to attain the vertically averaged concentration was determined by the well geometry, initial location of the contaminant plume in relation to the well screen, and hydraulic properties of the aquifer. The results are consistent with the hydraulics of flow to a pumping well and of particular importance, they demonstrate that short-term pump tests could give erroneous design concentrations for pump-and-treat systems. The model provides a means of quantifying arrival times and mixing ratios. It could therefore provide a useful means of designing production wells in aquifers with stratified contamination and more efficient recovery systems for aquifer remediation.  相似文献   

In a recent field study, the performance of four production wells was evaluated. The intake of a vertical turbine test pump was set below the top of the screened interval of the wells due to anticipated drawdown. Water level sounding tubes were welded to the well casing at various depths in each well. Drawdown data collected at various depths were used to evaluate the vertical head distribution in the wells under various pumping stresses. A direct relationship was observed between the head loss and the location of the pump intake in the production wells. A vertical head profile developed, suggesting that the location of the pump intake controlled the location of water production from the aquifer. The head loss in the wells observed during pumping was directly proportional to well discharge and annulus size between the well casing and the vertical turbine pump shaft. The pressure differences that developed in the wells created increased drawdown in water level sounding tubes installed deep in the wells compared to the total drawdown observed in the production wells. Certain implications should be considered based on the evaluation of the data obtained from this study. Because water management decisions are made using well test data, the quality of the data is crucial. In instances where well performance is evaluated using water level data collected from water level sounding tubes that are located close to a pump intake (in this case deep in the well), it should be recognized that well performance could be underestimated.  相似文献   

Hydrogeologic and ground water quality data obtained from a gas-driven multilevel sampler system and a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) monitoring well nest with the same aquifer communication intervals are compared. All monitoring points are in close proximity to each other. The study was conducted at an eight-acre uncontrolled hazardous waste site. The site is located in an alluvial valley composed of approximately 40 feet of alluvium overlying shale bedrock. The ground water at the site is contaminated with various organic constituents. A ground water monitoring network consisting of 26 conventional monitoring wells, nine observation well points, and six multilevel gas-driven samplers was established to characterize the hydrogeologic regime and define the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination in the vicinity of the abandoned chemical plant. As part of this study, a multilevel monitoring system was installed adjacent to a well nest. The communication zones of the multilevel samplers were placed at the same elevation as the sand packs of the well nest. The multilevel sampler system and well nest are located in a contaminated area directly downgradient of the site. A comparison of the vertical head distribution and ground water quality was performed between the well nest and the multilevel sampling system. The gas-driven multilevel sampling system consists of three gas-driven samplers that monitor separate intervals in the unconsolidated materials. The well nest, composed of two PVC monitoring wells in separate boreholes, has the same communication interval as the other two gas-driven samplers. Hydraulic head information for each multilevel sampler was obtained using capillary tubing. This was compared with heads obtained from the well nest utilizing an electric water level indicator. Chemical analyses from the PVC and multilevel sampler wells were performed and compared with one another. The analyses included organic acids, base neutrals, pesticides, PCBs, metals, volatile organics, TOX, TOC, CN, pH and specific conductance.  相似文献   

Fractured shales of the Brunswick Formation provide a major aquifer in the most industrialized region of New Jersey. Numerous cases of ground water contamination have been documented in this formation. However, effectiveness of monitoring and remediation efforts is often hampered by the use of inappropriate concepts regarding ground water flow controls in this complex aquifer system. One such concept presumes that near-vertical fractures parallel to the strike of beds provide principal passages for the flow and produce an anisotropic response to pumping stress. Field evidence presented in this paper confirms that the Brunswick Formation hosts a gently dipping, multiunit, leaky aquifer system that consists of thin water-bearing units and thick intervening aquitards. The water-bearing units are associated with major bedding partings and/or intensely fractured seams. Layered heterogeneity of such a dipping multiunit aquifer system produces an anisotropic flow pattern with preferential flow along the strike of beds. Within the weathered zone, the permeability of the water-bearing units can be greatly reduced. The commonly used hydrogeologic model of the Brunswick as a one-aquifer system, sometimes with vaguely defined "shallow" and "deep" zones, often leads to the development of inadvertent cross-flows within monitoring wells. If undetected, cross-flows may promote contaminant spread into deeper units and impair the quality of hydrogeologic data. Hydrogeologic characterization of the Brunswick shales at any given site should be aimed primarily at identification of the major water-bearing and aquitard units. Recommended techniques for this characterization include fluid logging and other in-well tests.  相似文献   

Reverse water‐level fluctuations (RWFs), a phenomenon in which water levels rise briefly in response to pumping, were detected in monitoring wells in a fractured siliciclastic aquifer system near a deep public supply well. The magnitude and timing of RWFs provide important information that can help interpret aquifer hydraulics near pumping wells. A RWF in a well is normally attributed to poroelastic coupling between the solid and fluid components in an aquifer system. In addition to revealing classical pumping‐induced poroelastic RWFs, data from pressure transducers located at varying depths and distances from the public supply well suggest that the RWFs propagate rapidly through fractures to influence wells hundreds of meters from the pumping well. The rate and cycling frequency of pumping is an important factor in the magnitude of RWFs. The pattern of RWF propagation can be used to better define fracture connectivity in an aquifer system. Rapid, cyclic head changes due to RWFs may also serve as a mechanism for contaminant transport.  相似文献   

Kim K 《Ground water》2003,41(6):780-789
Ground water samples collected from a multilevel sampler shortly after its construction showed significantly higher alkalinity and concentrations of calcium and magnesium than those from nearby wells installed 10 years earlier. The sampler was drilled using a conventional hollow-stem power auger in a sandy, silicate aquifer lying beneath an isthmus between two lakes in northern Wisconsin. Ground water in the study area is of low ionic strength and its chemistry is dominated by silicate mineral weathering. Periodic sampling over two years following installation of the sampler showed that the higher solute concentrations had subsequently decreased. Oxygen isotope signature and other solute species, such as sulfate and chloride, were comparable to those of older wells and did not show any notable trends over time. Independent variation of other chemical species that cannot be derived from aquifer minerals, and the similarly high concentrations in older wells shortly after their installation, suggest that rapid dissolution of fresh mineral surfaces and hyperfine particles generated during drilling has induced the enhanced concentrations. This observation is consistent with the field equivalent of laboratory mineral dissolution experiments that show initially increased dissolution rates that decay over time. Well installations for geochemical sampling in dominantly silicate material may require longer times to reach an equilibrium state than has been previously thought.  相似文献   

Traditional methods of analyzing pumping tests in single wells fail when the well loss is very high due to a low transmissivity skin. Because of the restricted rate at which water can enter a high loss well from the aquifer, well casing storage becomes a significant factor. Additionally, if a slug of water enters the well from the pump column immediately after the pump is switched off, it has a long‐lasting significant effect on the recovering water level in the well because it cannot be absorbed rapidly by the aquifer. A theoretical model is derived here that simulates the water level in a well in these circumstances. In the model, the continuously changing rate of water inflow from the aquifer to the well is approximated by a step function with a finite difference time step. It is demonstrated by a real example that the model can be applied easily to analyze pumping tests, including tests with a varying pumping rate. The analysis confirms suspected high well loss, calculates the unknown rate of backflow, and determines the aquifer's transmissivity.  相似文献   

The detection of microbiological contamination in drinking water from groundwater wells is often made with a limited number of samples that are collected using traditional geochemical sampling protocols. The objective of this study is to examine the variability of fecal indicator bacteria, as observed using discrete samples, due to pumping. Two wells were instrumented as multilevel piezometers in a bedrock aquifer, and bacterial enumeration was conducted on a total of 166 samples (for total coliform, fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, and fecal streptococci) using standard membrane filtration methods. Five tests were conducted using pumping rates ranging from 0.3 to 17 L/min in a variety of purging scenarios, which included constant and variable (incremental increase and decrease) flow. The results clearly show a rapid and reproducible, 1 to 2 log‐unit decrease in fecal indicator bacteria at the onset of pumping to stabilized, low‐level concentrations prior to the removal of three to five well volumes. The pumping rate was not found to be correlated with the magnitude of observed bacterial counts. Based on the results, we suggest sampling protocols for fecal indicator bacteria that include multiple collections during the course of pumping, including early‐time samples, and consider other techniques such as microscopic enumeration when assessing the source of bacteria from the well‐aquifer system.  相似文献   

This paper deals with water pumping cost minimization, in a confined infinite aquifer, proposing an alternate pulsed pumping schedule. The transient flow analysis is conducted for two wells with equal pumping rates. Specifically, two pumping schedules are analytically compared. In the first case, well users pump simultaneously, and in the second one they cooperate so that they pump alternately. This paper proves that the proposed alternate pumping schedule works as a stabilizer, reducing the high hydraulic drawdowns values, regardless of the aquifer characteristics. Moreover, pumping alternately is better in terms of pumping cost, compared to simultaneous pumping, though benefit become negligible as distance between wells becomes large. Two simplified equations are proposed, one to find the difference of the hydraulic drawdowns between the two pumping schedules and the other one to find the economic benefit of each well from cooperation. The equations are finally applied to a number of cases and their results are compared to the results obtained from an algorithm created to calculate the hydraulic drawdowns and the pumping cost, using the Theis equation. The results can be very useful in irrigation scheduling, as they can be applied to systems of well users/farmers, to reduce pumping cost.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds delected in ground water from wells at Test Area North (TAN) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) prompted RCRA facility investigations in 1989 and 1990 and a CERCLA-driven RI/FS in 1992. In order to address ground water treatment feasibility, one of the main objectives, of the 1992 remedial investigation was to determine the vertical extent of ground water contamination, where the principle contaminant, of concern is trichloroethylene (TCE). It was hypothesized that a sedimentary interbed at depth in the fractured basalt aquifer could be inhibiting vertical migration of contaminants to lower aquifers. Due to the high cost of drilling and installation of ground water monitoring wells at this facility (greater than $100,000 per well), a real time method was proposed for obtaining and analyzing ground water samples during drilling to allow accurate placement of well screens in zones of predicted VOC contamination. This method utilized an inflatable pump packer pressure transducer system interfaced with a datalogger and PC at land surface. This arrangement allowed for real lime monitoring of hydraulic head above and below the packer to detect leakage around the packer during pumping and enabled collection of head data during pumping for estimating hydrologic properties. Analytical results were obtained in about an hour from an on-site mobile laboratory equipped with a gas chromalograplvmass spectrometer (GC/MS). With the hydrologic and analytical results in hand, a decision was made to either complete the well or continue drilling to the next test zone. In almost every case, analytical results of ground water samples taken from the newly installed wells closely replicated the water quality of ground water samples obtained through the pump packer system.  相似文献   

Lincolns municipal wellfield consists of 44 wells developed in an alluvial aquifer adjacent to the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska Induced recharge from the river is the primary source of water for the wellfield. Wafer samples were collected on a periodic basis from the Platte River arid two transects of monitoring wells. These samples were analyzed for the herbicide atrazine, which was used as a tracer of induced recharge in this stream-aquifer system. Atrazine concentrations in the river and aquifer were much less than 1.0 ppb during late fall and winter, but increased to as high as 18.9 ppb during spring and summer, associated with runoff from upgradient agricultural lands. There was approximately a 21-day lag time from the first detection of increasing atrazine concentration in the river to the first detection in monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river. This lag time was relatively constant throughout the year and from one year to the next, even with major fluctuations of river stage and wellfield production. This consistency of lag time indicated that the travel times from the river to the first set of monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river were fairly constant.
Paths of preferential flow were identified in the aquifer at a depth of 25 to 35 feet below land surface. This aquifer zone appeared to play a significant role in movement of water from beneath the river into the wellfield.
Aquifer dispersivity was calculated using a method described by Hoehn and Santschi (1987). Macrodispersivity (AL) was shown to increase linearly over the scale of the wellfield. Calculated values of AL were within limits of other reported values for this type of aquifer material and agreed well with values reported by Hoehn and Santschi (1987); These findings will be extremely beneficial for planning and management of the municipal wellfield.  相似文献   

The combination of flowmeter and depth-dependent water-quality data was used to evaluate the quantity and source of high-chloride water yielded from different depths to eight production wells in the Pleasant Valley area of southern California. The wells were screened from 117 to 437 m below land surface, and in most cases, flow from the aquifer into the wells was not uniformly distributed throughout the well screen. Wells having as little as 6 m of screen in the overlying upper aquifer system yielded as much as 50% of their water from the upper system during drought periods, while the deeper parts of the well screens yielded 15% or less of the total yield of the wells. Mixing of water within wells during pumping degraded higher-quality water with poorer-quality water from deeper depths, and in some cases with poorer-quality water from the overlying upper aquifer system. Changes in the mixture of water within a well, resulting from changes in the distribution of flow into the well, changed the quality of water from the surface discharge of wells over time. The combination of flowmeter and depth-dependent water quality data yielded information about sources of high-chloride water to wells that was not available on the basis of samples collected from nearby observation wells. Changing well design to eliminate small quantities of poor-quality water from deeper parts of the well may improve the quality of water from some wells without greatly reducing well yield.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to analyse a drawdown pattern around a pumping well in an unconfined sandy gravelly aquifer constructed in a laboratory tank by means of both experimental and numerical modelling of groundwater flow. The physical model consisted of recharge, aquifer and discharge zones. Permeability and specific yield of the aquifer material were determined by Dupuit approximation under steady‐state flow and stepwise gravitational drainage of groundwater, respectively. The drawdown of water table in pumping and neighbouring observation wells was monitored to investigate the effect of no‐flow boundary on the drawdown pattern during pumping for three different boundary conditions: (i) no recharge and no discharge with four no‐flow boundaries (Case 1); (ii) no recharge and reservoir with three no‐flow boundaries (Case 2); (iii) recharge and discharge with two no‐flow boundaries (Case 3). Based on the aquifer parameters, numerical modelling was also performed to compare the simulated drawdown with that observed. Results showed that a large difference existed between the simulated drawdown and that observed in wells for all cases. The reason for the difference could be explained by the formation of a curvilinear type water table between wells rather than a linear one due to a delayed response of water table in the capillary fringe. This phenomenon was also investigated from a mass balance study on the pumping volume. The curvilinear type of water table was further evidenced by measurement of water contents at several positions in the aquifer between wells using time domain reflectometry (TDR). This indicates that the existing groundwater flow model applicable to an unconfined aquifer lacks the capacity to describe a slow response of water table in the aquifer and care should be taken in the interpretation of water table formation in the aquifer during pumping. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

AGalerkin finite-element model coupled with a particle tracking routine was developed to analyze the flow and transport dynamics near a high-capacity irrigation well. The model was used to compute the head distribution around the pumping well, to determine the area of influence, and to define ground water flowlines during short-term pumping periods typical of those used to collect water quality samples from high-capacity wells. In addition to hypothetical example results, the model was used to qualitatively analyze data obtained from pump-and-sample experiments conducted in an unconfined alluvial aquifer within the Platte River valley of south-central Nebraska where nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) contamination is prevalent.
Simulation results of both the hypothetical and field cases suggest that short-term pumping events, impact a limited volume of aquifer. The area of influence and flowlines are affected by aquifer anisotropy, pumping rate, and well construction characteristics). Ground water above or below the screened intervals does not enter a partially penetrating well in anisotropic aquifers. In aquifers where NO3-N concentration varies vertically and horizontally, waler quality samples from an irrigation, or other high-capacity, well provide only limited information about ground water contamination. A numerical model is thus recommended for calculating the area of influence and determining flowlines around high-capacity wells so that information derived from water quality samples collected at the wellhead can be better interpreted.  相似文献   

Halford KJ  Yobbi D 《Ground water》2006,44(2):284-291
A new method was developed for characterizing geohydrologic columns that extended >600 m deep at sites with as many as six discrete aquifers. This method was applied at 12 sites within the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Sites typically were equipped with multiple production wells, one for each aquifer and one or more observation wells per aquifer. The average hydraulic properties of the aquifers and confining units within radii of 30 to >300 m were characterized at each site. Aquifers were pumped individually and water levels were monitored in stressed and adjacent aquifers during each pumping event. Drawdowns at a site were interpreted using a radial numerical model that extended from land surface to the base of the geohydrologic column and simulated all pumping events. Conceptually, the radial model moves between stress periods and recenters on the production well during each test. Hydraulic conductivity was assumed homogeneous and isotropic within each aquifer and confining unit. Hydraulic property estimates for all of the aquifers and confining units were consistent and reasonable because results from multiple aquifers and pumping events were analyzed simultaneously.  相似文献   

Groundwater microbial community samples are traditionally collected using pumping techniques optimized for groundwater chemistry assessment, although the impact of groundwater pumping parameters on apparent bacterial community structures (BCSs) is not really known. We therefore studied the impact of pumping lift, flow regime, and tubing material on BCS, which were analyzed by terminal‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP). Ruzicka dissimilarity coefficients were calculated between T‐RFLP profiles to assess disparities between BCS. Variations in pumping lift, flow regime, and tubing material did not affect the apparent BCS in experiments using a homogenous water system under laboratory conditions showing that the conditions within the tube had no detectable effect on BCS. However, pumping groundwater from aquifer monitoring wells at different flow rates in the field revealed a significant impact on the apparent BCS. Water samples collected from fine sediment were the most affected by the pumping flow rate.  相似文献   

Characterization of a multilayer aquifer using open well dilution tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
West LJ  Odling NE 《Ground water》2007,45(1):74-84
An approach to characterization of multilayer aquifer systems using open well borehole dilution is described. The approach involves measuring observation well flow velocities while a nearby extraction well is pumped by introducing a saline tracer into observation wells and collecting dilution vs. depth profiles. Inspection of tracer profile evolution allows discrete permeable layers within the aquifer to be identified. Dilution profiles for well sections between permeable layers are then converted into vertical borehole flow velocities and their evolution, using an analytic solution to the advection-dispersion equation applied to borehole flow. The dilution approach is potentially able to measure much smaller flow velocities that would be detectable using flowmeters. Vertical flow velocity data from the observation wells are then matched to those generated using a hydraulic model of the aquifer system, "shorted" by the observation wells, to yield the hydraulic properties of the constituent layers. Observation well flow monitoring of pumping tests represents a cost-effective alternative or preliminary approach to pump testing each layer of a multilayer aquifer system separately using straddle packers or screened wells and requires no prior knowledge of permeable layer depths and thicknesses. The modification described here, of using tracer dilution rather than flowmeter logging to obtain well flow velocities, allows the approach to be extended to greater well separations, thus characterizing a larger volume of the aquifer. An example of the application of this approach to a multilayer Chalk Aquifer in Yorkshire, Northeast England, is presented.  相似文献   

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