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Analysis of the data obtained during transits of low-orbit extrasolar planets across the stellar disk yields different estimates of their atmospheric loss rates. Experimental data point to the probable existence of several distinct subtypes of extrasolar giant planets, including “hot Jupiters” of low density (HD 209458b), with massive cores composed of heavy elements (HD 149026b), and others. We show that the expected hot-Jupiter mass losses due to atmospheric escape on a cosmogonic time scale do not exceed a few percent, while the losses through Jeans dissipation are negligible. We also argue that low-orbit giant planets should have a strong magnetic field that interacts with circumstellar plasma with the planet’s supersonic orbital velocity. The magnetic field properties can be used to search for extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the physical properties and characteristic features of extrasolar planets and planetary systems, those, for which the passage of low-orbit giant planets across the stellar disk (transits) are observed. The paper is mostly a review. The peculiarities of the search for transits are briefly considered. The main attention in this paper is given to the difference in the physical properties of low-orbit giant planets. A comparison of the data obtained during the transits of “hot Jupiters” points to the probable existence of several distinct subtypes of low-orbit extrasolar planets. “Hot Jupiters” of low density (HD 209458b), “hot Jupiters” with massive cores composed of heavy elements (HD 149026b), and “very hot Jupiters” (HD 189733b) are bodies that probably fall into different categories of exoplanets. Dissipation of the atmospheres of low-orbit giant planets estimated from the experimental data is compared with the calculated Jeans atmospheric losses. For “hot Jupiters”, the expected Jeans mass losses due to atmospheric escape on a cosmogonic time scale hardly exceed a few percent. Low-orbit giant planets should have a strong magnetic field. Since the orbital velocity of “hot Jupiters” is close to the magnetosonic velocity (or can even exceed it), the moving planet should actively interact with the “stellar wind” plasma. The possession of a magnetic field by extrasolar planets and the effects of their interaction with plasma can be used to search for extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that extrasolar Earth-like planets in close-in habitable zones around M-stars are weakly protected against galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), leading to a strongly increased particle flux to the top of the planetary atmosphere. Two main effects were held responsible for the weak shielding of such an exoplanet: (a) For a close-in planet, the planetary magnetic moment is strongly reduced by tidal locking. Therefore, such a close-in extrasolar planet is not protected by an extended magnetosphere. (b) The small orbital distance of the planet exposes it to a much denser stellar wind than that prevailing at larger orbital distances. This dense stellar wind leads to additional compression of the magnetosphere, which can further reduce the shielding efficiency against GCRs. In this work, we analyse and compare the effect of (a) and (b), showing that the stellar wind variation with orbital distance has little influence on the cosmic ray shielding. Instead, the weak shielding of M star planets can be attributed to their small magnetic moment. We further analyse how the planetary mass and composition influence the planetary magnetic moment, and thus modify the cosmic ray shielding efficiency. We show that more massive planets are not necessarily better protected against galactic cosmic rays, but that the planetary bulk composition can play an important role.  相似文献   

The experimental data obtained in transit observations of the extrasolar planet HD 209458b and their comparison with theoretical inferences have led to the conclusions that HD 209458b (and other similar hot jupiters) is of a (mainly) hydrogen nature and that these objects probably possess strong magnetic fields. The results of the studies of HD 209458b and prospects for searches for the transits of other extrasolar planets are considered in detail.  相似文献   

To be able to simulate the interaction of extrasolar planets with the stellar wind, a number of planetary parameters are required. Some of these (like planetary mass and radius) can be obtained directly from observational data. Other properties are not known very precisely. For example, up to now, there is no observation providing information on the strength of planetary magnetic moments. However, there is good reason to expect only very small magnetic moments for planets in very close orbits around their stars (like HD 209458 b and OGLE-TR-56 b). Thus, as a first step towards a more complete treatment, it seems reasonable to treat the interaction of the stellar wind with an unmagnetized planet. Calculations were performed for a nonconducting as well as for a weakly conducting planet. The interaction with the stellar wind and the resulting induced magnetosphere was simulated using a three dimensional hybrid code as well as in the drift-kinetic approximation. The effect of a interplanetary magnetic field oriented perpendicular to the incoming stellar wind was included. In the case of a weakly conducting body an asymmetrical Mach cone is formed, whereas for a nonconducting body no Mach cone is observed. These investigations will serve as the first step in the search for particular effects occurring at extrasolar planets, which could possibly lead to observable effects, e.g. radio emission. The results are also relevant for plasma structures near weakly conducting, unmagnetized bodies like the Earth's moon.  相似文献   

We summarize results from deep spectroscopic observations of the HD 209458 planetary system, carried out with the Hubble Space Telescope—Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. Orbitally resolved observations are used to show that hot gas emission lines, arising only in the stellar atmosphere, are not variable, while lower ionizations species found in the upper atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HD 209458b absorb stellar photons during transit. For both C II and Si III, we find mean transit attenuation of ~8%. The firm detection of silicon is in direct conflict with previous low-resolution studies, which we attribute to long-term variability in the system. We also use these observations to search for auroral emission from the planet, detecting a statistically significant emission feature at 1582 Å that is consistent with H2 photoexcited by stellar O I photons.  相似文献   

Dissociation and ionization of hydrogen molecules and ionization of hydrogen atoms due to extreme UV radiation from the parent star are accompanied by the formation of a concurrent photoelectron flux with excess kinetic energy. These dissociation and ionization processes are the main source of atomic and molecular ions in the thermospheres of extrasolar planets, such as the “hot Jupiter” HD 209458b. The ionization processes are the most important part of contemporary aeronomic models of planetary atmospheres in the Solar System and extrasolar systems (Johnson et al., 2008; Yelle et al., 2008). We estimate the contribution of the dissociation and ionization processes due to the stellar UV radiation and the concurrent photoelectron flux to the formation of extended ionospheres around extrasolar giant planets. As opposed to models of other researchers, we calculated the ionization rates due to the concurrent photo-electron flux for the first time. It is established that, in contrast to a widely used parametrization of the photoelectron contribution (Cecchi-Pestellini et al., 2006; 2009), the rate of secondary ionization due to the photoelectrons depends appreciably on the altitude, approaching the photoionization rate in the lower layers of the thermosphere. The calculated ionization rate in the thermosphere of the extrasolar giant planet (EGP) orbiting close to its parent star is a necessary link when modeling an aeronomic model and estimating the rate of the EGP atmospheric loss.  相似文献   

To date, two planetary systems have been discovered with close-in, terrestrial-mass planets     . Many more such discoveries are anticipated in the coming years with radial velocity and transit searches. Here we investigate the different mechanisms that could form 'hot Earths' and their observable predictions. Models include: (1) in situ accretion; (2) formation at larger orbital distance followed by inward 'type 1' migration; (3) formation from material being 'shepherded' inward by a migrating gas giant planet; (4) formation from material being shepherded by moving secular resonances during dispersal of the protoplanetary disc; (5) tidal circularization of eccentric terrestrial planets with close-in perihelion distances and (6) photoevaporative mass-loss of a close-in giant planet. Models 1–4 have been validated in previous work. We show that tidal circularization can form hot Earths, but only for relatively massive planets     with very close-in perihelion distances (≲0.025 au), and even then the net inward movement in orbital distance is at most only 0.1–0.15 au. For planets of less than     , photoevaporation can remove the planet's envelope and leave behind the solid core on a Gyr time-scale, but only for planets inside 0.025–0.05 au. Using two quantities that are observable by current and upcoming missions, we show that these models each produce unique signatures, and can be observationally distinguished. These observables are the planetary system architecture (detectable with radial velocities, transits and transit timing) and the bulk composition of transiting close-in terrestrial planets (measured by transits via the planet's radius).  相似文献   

We investigate the efficiency of the atmospheric mass loss due to hydrodynamic blow-off over the lifetime of the exoplanet HD209458b by studying numerically its hydrogen wind for host star X-ray and EUV (XUV) fluxes between 1 and 100 times that of the present Sun. We apply a time-dependent numerical algorithm which is able to solve the system of hydrodynamic equations straight through the transonic point of the flow including Roche lobe effects. The mass loss rates are calculated as functions of the absorbed energy in the thermosphere. Depending on the heating efficiency for a hydrogen-rich thermosphere the maximum temperature obtained in our study at 1.5Rpl by neglecting IR cooling is about 5000-10,000 K for heating efficiencies of 10% and 60%, respectively. We find that the upper atmosphere of HD209458b experiences hydrodynamic blow-off even at such low temperatures if one does not neglect gravitational effects caused by the proximity of the planet to its Roche lobe boundary. Depending on the heating efficiency, we find from the solution of the hydrodynamic equations of mass, momentum, and energy balance that energy-limited mass loss rate estimations overestimate the realistic mass loss rate at present time for HD209458b by several times. Using the maximum heating efficiency for hydrogen-rich atmospheres of 60% we find that HD209458b may experience an atmospheric mass loss rate at present time of about . The mass loss rate evolves to higher values for higher XUV fluxes expected during the early period of the planet's host star evolution, reaching values of several times . The integrated mass loss is found to be between 1.8% and 4.4% of the present mass of HD209458b. We found that the influence of the stellar tidal forces on atmospheric loss (the Roche lobe effect) is not significant at 0.045 AU. For a similar exoplanet, but at closer orbital distances , the combined effect of the Roche lobe and the high XUV radiation result in much higher thermal loss rates of about and even more for early stages. This leads to a total loss over 4 Gyr of 27.5% of the planetary mass.  相似文献   

Sean N. Raymond  Thomas Quinn 《Icarus》2005,177(1):256-263
‘Hot jupiters,’ giant planets with orbits very close to their parent stars, are thought to form farther away and migrate inward via interactions with a massive gas disk. If a giant planet forms and migrates quickly, the planetesimal population has time to re-generate in the lifetime of the disk and terrestrial planets may form [P.J. Armitage, A reduced efficiency of terrestrial planet formation following giant planet migration, Astrophys. J. 582 (2003) L47-L50]. We present results of simulations of terrestrial planet formation in the presence of hot/warm jupiters, broadly defined as having orbital radii ?0.5 AU. We show that terrestrial planets similar to those in the Solar System can form around stars with hot/warm jupiters, and can have water contents equal to or higher than the Earth's. For small orbital radii of hot jupiters (e.g., 0.15, 0.25 AU) potentially habitable planets can form, but for semi-major axes of 0.5 AU or greater their formation is suppressed. We show that the presence of an outer giant planet such as Jupiter does not enhance the water content of the terrestrial planets, but rather decreases their formation and water delivery timescales. We speculate that asteroid belts may exist interior to the terrestrial planets in systems with close-in giant planets.  相似文献   

Since 20 years, a large population of close-in planets orbiting various classes of low-mass stars (from M-type to A-type stars) has been discovered. In such systems, the dissipation of the kinetic energy of tidal flows in the host star may modify its rotational evolution and shape the orbital architecture of the surrounding planetary system. In this context, recent observational and theoretical works demonstrated that the amplitude of this dissipation can vary over several orders of magnitude as a function of stellar mass, age and rotation. In addition, stellar spin-up occurring during the Pre-Main-Sequence (PMS) phase because of the contraction of stars and their spin-down because of the torque applied by magnetized stellar winds strongly impact angular momentum exchanges within star–planet systems. Therefore, it is now necessary to take into account the structural and rotational evolution of stars when studying the orbital evolution of close-in planets. At the same time, the presence of planets may modify the rotational dynamics of the host stars and as a consequence their evolution, magnetic activity and mixing. In this work, we present the first study of the dynamics of close-in planets of various masses orbiting low-mass stars (from \(0.6~M_\odot \) to \(1.2~M_\odot \)) where we compute the simultaneous evolution of the star’s structure, rotation and tidal dissipation in its external convective envelope. We demonstrate that tidal friction due to the stellar dynamical tide, i.e. tidal inertial waves excited in the convection zone, can be larger by several orders of magnitude than the one of the equilibrium tide currently used in Celestial Mechanics, especially during the PMS phase. Moreover, because of this stronger tidal friction in the star, the orbital migration of the planet is now more pronounced and depends more on the stellar mass, rotation and age. This would very weakly affect the planets in the habitable zone because they are located at orbital distances such that stellar tide-induced migration happens on very long timescales. We also demonstrate that the rotational evolution of host stars is only weakly affected by the presence of planets except for massive companions.  相似文献   

The discovery in 1995 of the first extrasolar giant planet 51 Peg b initiated the physics of extrasolar planetary systems. By May 2004, the total number of the detected planets orbiting other stars was 122, including 24 hot jupiters, which have a semimajor axis of the orbit of less than 0.15 AU. Due to the high activity of researchers who work with the radial-velocity method, the probable candidates, say, in the 75-parsec radius, are quickly exhausted. The OGLE-type objects, even if their number increases, may only slightly contribute to the physics of extrasolar planets (or exoplanets), because even to determine the type of the companion (a giant planet, brown dwarf, or star of small mass) is extremely problematic for such weak objects. A search for Earth-like planets is still far beyond the technical capabilities: the Keplerian velocity of the Sun induced by the Earth is only 0.09 m/s, which requires to improve the results obtained by a factor of 20–30. Particularly important results were obtained in the observations of transits of the object HD 209458b, which became the only object of this type namely due to transits. The hope of finding another short-period object with similar transits is becoming less and less. The important role of the star metallicity in the formation of planetary systems predicted during the first years after the discovery of exoplanets has gained recognition and been developed successfully. Metallicity has become an indicator of the possible presence of planetary systems and, probably, even determines the type of planets. This review also considers the statistical data on the orbital and mass characteristics of exoplanets.  相似文献   

We perform a linear analysis to investigate the dynamical response of a non-synchronized hot Jupiter to stellar irradiation. In this work, we consider the diurnal Fourier harmonic of the stellar irradiation acting at the top of a radiative layer of a hot Jupiter with no clouds and winds. In the absence of the Coriolis force, the diurnal thermal forcing can excite internal waves propagating into the planet's interior when the thermal forcing period is longer than the sound crossing time of the planet's surface. When the Coriolis effect is taken into consideration, the latitude-dependent stellar heating can excite weak internal waves (g modes) and/or strong baroclinic Rossby waves (buoyant r modes) depending on the asynchrony of the planet. When the planet spins faster than its orbital motion (i.e. retrograde thermal forcing), these waves carry negative angular momentum and are damped by radiative loss as they propagate downwards from the upper layer of the radiative zone. As a result, angular momentum is transferred from the lower layer of the radiative zone to the upper layer and generates a vertical shear. We estimate the resulting internal torques for different rotation periods based on the parameters of HD 209458b.  相似文献   

We present a search for the near-infrared spectroscopic signature of the close orbiting extrasolar giant planet HD 75289b. We obtained ∼230 spectra in the wavelength range 2.18–2.19 μm using the Phoenix spectrograph at Gemini South. By considering the direct spectrum, derived from irradiated model atmospheres, we search for the absorption profile signature present in the combined star and planet light. Since the planetary spectrum is separated from the stellar spectrum at most phases, we apply a phase-dependent orbital model and tomographic techniques to search for absorption signatures.
Because the absorption signature lies buried in the noise of a single exposure we apply a multiline deconvolution to the spectral lines available in order to boost the effective signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the data. The wavelength coverage of 80 Å is expected to contain ∼100 planetary lines, enabling a mean line with S/N of 800 to be achieved after deconvolution. We are nevertheless unable to detect the presence of the planet in the data and carry out further simulations to show that broader wavelength coverage should enable a planet like HD 75289b to be detected with 99.9 per cent confidence. We investigate the sensitivity of our method and estimate detection tolerances for mismatches between observed and model planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   

Estimates are made of the accuracy with which the brightness distributions across the disks of stars can be reconstructed through analysis of data from high precision space-based photometry of classical eclipsing systems and observations of the transit of planets across stellar disks. The ill-posed reconstruction problem was solved on a compact set of monotonically nonincreasing, upwardly convex, non-negative functions. One of the difficulties with this method in the case of stars with thin photospheres is the poor convergence of the solution at the point where the brightness distribution has a discontinuity at the edge of the star's disk. Nevertheless, the use of this method for analysis of high precision observational data is justified, since it can be used to obtain an estimate of the limb darkening that is independent of any model assumptions. The reconstructed brightness distribution for the star HD 209458, for which the transit of a planet over its disk was observed with the HST space telescope, is in good agreement with the results of a nonlinear model fit. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 595–606 (November 2008).  相似文献   



The planets magnetic field has been explained based on the dynamo theory, which presents as many difficulties in mathematical terms as well as in predictions. It proves to be extremely difficult to calculate the dipolar magnetic moment of the extrasolar planets using the dynamo theory.


The aim is to find an empirical relationship (justifying using first principles) between the planetary magnetic moment, the mass of the planet, its rotation period and the electrical conductivity of its most conductive layer. Then this is applied to Hot Jupiters.


Using all the magnetic planetary bodies of the solar system and tracing a graph of the dipolar magnetic moment versus body mass parameter, the rotation period and electrical conductivity of the internal conductive layer is obtained. An empirical, functional relation was constructed, which was adjusted to a power law curve in order to fit the data. Once this empirical relation has been defined, it is theoretically justified and applied to the calculation of the dipolar magnetic moment of the extra solar planets known as Hot Jupiters.


Almost all data calculated is interpolated, bestowing confidence in terms of their validity. The value for the dipolar magnetic moment, obtained for the exoplanet Osiris (HD209458b), helps understand the way in which the atmosphere of a planet with an intense magnetic field can be eroded by stellar wind. The relationship observed also helps understand why Venus and Mars do not present any magnetic field.  相似文献   

Precise brightness measurements of HD 46375 have been acquired with an automatic telescope to search for transits of its short-period, sub-Saturn extrasolar planet. Transits of the companion do not occur, indicating that the inclination of the orbit i is less than 83 degrees and sini is less than 0.992. This upper limit on sini still preserves the possibility that the mass of the planet is less than Saturn's. Analysis of the photometry for HD 46375 reveals no photometric variability larger than 0.0001+/-0.0002 mag at the orbital period of the planet. This effectively eliminates starspots and stellar pulsations as the cause of the radial velocity variations used to infer the planet's existence.  相似文献   

Exoplanet observations have been performed on the automated Pulkovo Observatory telescopes. We have obtained 33 transit light curves for 16 known exoplanets and six transit observations for three exoplanet candidates discovered by the Kepler telescope. Based on our observations, we have reliably confirmed the existence of an exoplanet with an extremely large radius, R pl = 1.83 ± 0.16R Jup, in the system KOI 256 and detected a strong deviation of its orbital revolution from the theoretically predicted one. During the transit of the exoplanet WASP-12b across the stellar disk, we detected bursts that could be caused by the planet transit across spots on the star or by the presence of a satellite around this exoplanet. We detected possible periodic variations in the duration of the exoplanet transit across the stellar disk with time for HAT-P-12b that could be caused by variations in orbital inclination. The transit duration and depth, the central transit time, and the radius and orbital inclination of the planet have been estimated. The equilibrium temperature and albedo have been estimated for several exoplanets.  相似文献   

Most transiting planets orbit very close to their parent star, causing strong tidal forces between the two bodies. Tidal interaction can modify the dynamics of the system through orbital alignment, circularization, synchronization and orbital decay by exchange of angular moment. Evidence for tidal circularization in close-in giant planet is well known. Here, we review the evidence for excess rotation of the parent stars due to the pull of tidal forces towards spin-orbit synchronization. We find suggestive empirical evidence for such a process in the present sample of transiting planetary systems. The corresponding angular momentum exchange would imply that some planets have spiralled towards their star by substantial amounts since the dissipation of the protoplanetary disc. We suggest that this could quantitatively account for the observed mass–period relation of close-in gas giants. We discuss how this scenario can be further tested and point out some consequences for theoretical studies of tidal interactions and for the detection and confirmation of transiting planets from radial velocity and photometric surveys.  相似文献   

The ionization and dissociation of molecular hydrogen by the ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the parent star lead to the formation of hydrogen atoms with an excess of kinetic energy and, thus, are an important source of suprathermal hydrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere of exoplanet HD 209458b. Contemporary aeronomical models did not investigate these processes because they assumed the fast local thermalization of the hot atoms of hydrogen by elastic collisions. However, the kinetics and transfer of these atoms were not calculated in detail, because they require the solving of the Boltzmann equation for a nonthermal atom population. This work estimates the effect of the UV radiation of the parent star and the accompanying photocleacton flux on the production of the suprathermal fraction of atomic hydrogen in the H2 → H transition region. We also consider the formation of the escaping flux of Hatoms created by this effect in the upper atmosphere of HD 209458b. We calculate the production rate and energy spectrum of the hydrogen atoms with excess kinetic energy during the dissociation of H2. Using the numerical stochastic model created by Shematovich (2004) for a hot planetary corona, we investigate the molecular-scale kinetics and transfer of suprathermal hydrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere and the emergent flux of atoms evaporating from the atmosphere. The latter is estimated as 3.4 × 1012 cm−2 s−1 for a moderate stellar activity level of UV radiation, which leads to a planetary atmosphere evaporation rate of 3.4 × 109 g s−1 due to the process of the dissociation of H2. This estimate is close to the observational value of ∼1010 g s−1 for the rate of atmospheric loss of HD 209458b.  相似文献   

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