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确定降雨阈值对于管控降雨型滑坡灾害风险具有重要意义。以浙江衢州市98处降雨型滑坡为例进行降雨阈值研究。在统计分析1970—2019年梅汛期间诱发滑坡降雨特征的基础上,首先对比分析I-D、E-D和E-I曲线建立的降雨阈值模型,然后基于I-D阈值建立以当日降雨量R0和5 d有效降雨量R5为预警指标的滑坡气象预警双指标模型,最后采用历史降雨和滑坡数据检验模型的合理性和可靠性。结果表明:(1)I-D模型对于降雨型滑坡的预测能力优于E-D和E-I模型;(2)按双指标模型反演衢州市历史50 a滑坡气象预警情况,红色、橙色和黄色预警的年均预警次数为1.5,3.2,9.3次,具有较高的合理性;20处验证滑坡点被双指标模型准确预警,其中15处为红色和橙色预警,此外模型成功预警了2014年全部8处降雨型滑坡;(3)用于检验模型预测能力的7处滞后性滑坡全部成功预警,其中3处橙色预警、3处黄色预警和1处蓝色预警。本研究提出的预警模型有助于衢州市滑坡气象预警发布,为政府部门开展风险评价和管理提供新思路与方法。  相似文献   

如果滑坡发生时间信息不完备则会导致滑坡与降雨时序关系错误,以至于降雨阈值模型精度偏低。以重庆市万州区1995-2015年所发生的降雨型滑坡为研究对象,将区内严重缺失历史滑坡时间信息的恒合乡作为验证区,提出了一种基于长短时记忆网络(LSTM)融合时域卷积网络(TCN)的模型方法。该方法通过模拟降雨型滑坡发生时间与降雨量间的非线性关系,重建降雨型滑坡事件在某日发生的时间概率。将重建时间信息后的滑坡事件进行了验证与筛选,应用于累积有效降雨量-降雨历时曲线的合理划分,构建了滑坡气象预警模型。结果表明,本方法所预测滑坡时间概率平均值达到90.33%,高于人工神经网络(ANN)(71.17%)、LSTM(72.75%)和TCN(86.91%)的概率。利用预测概率高于90%的滑坡,将验证区18个时间信息扩充至201个。基于扩充时间信息后的滑坡数据所构建的气象预警模型比仅利用历史滑坡事件具有更合理的预警分级,在严重警告级别上有效预警率提升了42.86%。结果说明该方法可弥补野外调查中灾害数据时间信息不足的问题,为降雨型滑坡气象预警工作提供数据支撑,由此提高气象预警准确率。  相似文献   

黄冈市是湖北省汛期地质灾害频发区之一, 地质灾害类型以滑坡为主, 其中75%为降雨型滑坡。通过统计分析黄冈市近10年滑坡与降雨的相关关系, 在考虑黄冈市地质灾害易发性分区基础上, 研究黄冈市降雨型滑坡的降雨阈值, 利用逻辑回归模型建立滑坡发生的概率预测模型, 再针对不同等级易发区提出对应的气象预警判据。最后以历史降雨及其滑坡事件检验预警判据的合理性与可信度。结果表明, 所建立的气象预警判据在时间尺度上由以往依托气象部门的中长期预警精细到了24 h的短临预警, 在空间尺度上确定了不同等级易发区的降雨型滑坡气象预警判据。预警准确率大幅提升, 显著提高了黄冈市降雨型滑坡气象预警精度, 可为临灾转移提供精细化的技术指导, 有效降低降雨型滑坡灾害带来的生命财产损失。   相似文献   

以湖南省澧源镇为例,利用证据权模型和灰色关联度模型分别计算了坡度、地层岩性、斜坡形态、土地利用类型、人类工程活动5个因子二级状态证据权值和一级因子权重;综合2种模型确定全区滑坡易发性指数后,完成基于斜坡单元的全区滑坡易发性区划;根据研究区岩土体类型(碎屑岩类、碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩类、碳酸盐岩类和松散岩土体类)分组研究不同滑坡发生概率下的有效降雨阈值曲线(I-D曲线)。研究降雨时间为3日、有效强度为22.4 mm/d的降雨工况下各岩土体类型滑坡发生的时间概率。综合时间概率和易发性结果得到澧源镇基于有效降雨阈值的滑坡灾害危险性区划图。研究结果表明:澧源镇滑坡灾害高和极高易发区占研究区总面积的25%,主要沿澧河分布;极高危险区和高危险区占研究区总面积的14%,主要分布在澧河北侧。   相似文献   

降雨诱发型滑坡灾害导致了人居环境的破坏并带来巨大的经济损失,尤其是在经济高度发达的粤港澳大湾区城市群。因此,急需有关降雨诱发型滑坡灾害分布的影响因素以及未来气候变化情景下潜在分布的研究。本文从气候变化角度出发,基于最大熵(MaxEnt)模型,结合气候、地形、地表覆盖等数据,揭示不同影响因素对当前气候环境下广东省滑坡空间分布的作用,进而阐述了未来气候情景下滑坡的潜在分布。结果表明:① 影响滑坡灾害空间分布的主要因子为最湿季度降雨量、7月降雨量、海拔和4月降雨量;② 当最湿季度降雨量处于593~742 mm、7月降雨量处于139~223 mm、海拔处于81~397 m和4月降雨量处于154~186 mm之间时,滑坡灾害较易发生;③ 受到气候变化的影响,当前密集分布于粤东地区的滑坡灾害高风险区的潜在分布范围和危害性总体呈现扩大趋势。本研究的结果可以为国土空间规划及城市群灾害预防提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Shallow slope failures induced by rainfall infiltration occur frequently, and the relevant triggering mechanisms have been widely studied.Rainfall-induced landslides are widely recognized to be caused by increases in soil weight, seepage force and pore water pressure or decreases in soil mechanical properties. However, even when all these factors are considered, some landslides still cannot be explained well. The increased pore water pressure in a slope reduces the effective stress of the soil and may trigger slope failure. Similarly, the pore gas pressure in a slope also reduces the effective stress of the soil but has been neglected in previous studies. As the viscosity of air is nearly negligible when compared with that of water, the pore gas pressure spreads faster, and its influence is wider, which is harmful for the stability of the slope. In this paper, the effects of pore gas pressure are considered in a shallow slope stability analysis, and a self-designed experiment is conducted to validate the force transfer mechanism.Numerical simulation results show that the pore gas pressure in the slope increases sharply at different locations under heavy rainfall conditions and that the pore gas pressure causes a rapid decrease in the slope safety factor. Laboratory experimental results show that the pore gas pressure throughout the whole unsaturated zone has the same value, which indicates that the gas pressure could spread quickly to the whole sample.  相似文献   

Changing rainfall and its impact on landslides in Sri Lanka   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introduction Landslides, floods and droughts are the most destructive type of natural disasters that often occur in Sri Lanka causing severe negative effects on livelihood of the people and the national economy. Landslides and floods with their rapid onsetting feature are the natural hazards that cause significant number of deaths, severe damages of properties and infrastructure, disruption of livelihood, disruption of services. Essential relief works, setback to livelihood and need of repair…  相似文献   

我国是世界上滑坡灾害最严重的国家之一, 重大滑坡灾害严重威胁人民生命财产安全和国家重大战略实施。滑坡精准预测预报是防灾减灾的前提, 也是亟待突破的世界性科学难题。以重大滑坡预测预报为目标, 聚焦滑坡演化过程与物理力学机制核心科学问题, 凝炼了滑坡启滑关联机制、滑坡启滑物理力学机制、滑坡过程预测预报理论3个关键科学问题, 提出了如下研究思路: 以系统论、控制论和信息论为指导, 依托大型野外试验场, 采用现场原型试验与多场关联监测、大型物理模型试验、多场耦合模拟等技术手段, 以滑坡孕育过程为基础, 提出了重大滑坡的启滑分类; 揭示锁固解锁型、静态液化型和动水驱动型滑坡启滑物理力学机制, 建立相应的启滑判据; 构建重大滑坡数值预报模式与实时预报平台, 创立基于物理力学过程的滑坡预测预报理论。通过实施, 可奠定上述3类滑坡预测预报的地质、力学与物理基础, 引领重大滑坡预测预报研究, 保障国家重大战略的顺利实施, 契合国家防灾减灾重大需求。   相似文献   

1 Introduction Thestormsurgeisoneofthemostimportantphe nomenathatendangerthecoastalengineeringfacili ties .Everyyearthereareabout 1 2tropicalcyclonesmakinglandfallatthemainlandofChinafromMaytoOctober (MuandTu ,2 0 0 0 ) .Whentheastronomictideishigh ,the…  相似文献   

Among the triggering factors of post-earthquake bedrock landslides,rainfall plays an important role.However,with slope variation,the mechanism of its effects on the failure of rock landslides is not clear.Here,from the viewpoint of fracture mechanics,and based on post-earthquake conditions,the mechanisms of crack propagation,water infiltration and development of the sliding surface were investigated.Then,according to the upper boundary theorem,the effects of water infiltrated into fractures on the stability of rock slopes were analyzed quantitatively.Finally,an example is presented to verify the theory.The results show that the propagation and coalescence of cracks and the lubrication of incipient sliding surfaces are the main causes of the failure of post-earthquake rock landslides in response to rainfall.  相似文献   

Landslides induced by prolonged rainfalls are frequent mass movements along the northeastern portion of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico, causing significant damage to infrastructure. In this work, we have studied the connection between rainfall and landslides in the Santa Rosa Canyon, a catchment located in the northeastern Mexico. A landslide database triggered by major storms and hurricanes that have hit the region over the past 30 years was analyzed. A total of 92 rainfall events in the Santa Rosa Canyon were studied to determine the amount of precipitation needed to trigger shallow landslides. For each event the duration(D, in hours) and the cumulated rainfall event(E, in mm) were determined by using historical rainfall data from weather stations located near the study area. We have proposed an ED threshold for rainfall-induced landslides with durations 0.5 D 120 hours to address the conditions that trigger these events in the study area. On analyzing the obtained threshold, it has been established that almost 60 mm of a daily rainfall accumulation is required to trigger shallow landslides in the study area. This estimation is consistent with other calculations made for areas close to the Santa Rosa Canyon. Finally, we validated the predictive capability of the threshold with a different set of rainfall data that did not result in landslides performing a straightforward receiver operating characteristic analysis. A good approach was obtained, especially for rainfall events with daily measurements. Results could be used as input information in the design of a landslide early warning system for the northeastern Mexico, and replicated for other landslide prone areas in the region.  相似文献   

由于具有类似的工程地质和水文地质条件, 在高度相关的降雨作用下, 同一个区域中的降雨诱发浅层斜坡失稳灾害常成群出现。在区域尺度预测浅层斜坡失稳灾害对滑坡灾害的防灾减灾工作具有重要的意义。为此, 提出了一种基于力学原理的降雨诱发浅层斜坡失稳灾害预测新模型RARIL。该模型采用修正Green-Ampt模型进行降雨入渗分析, 采用无限体边坡模型进行安全系数计算, 利用可靠度原理考虑区域斜坡稳定性分析中的参数不确定性。该模型具有可考虑降雨诱发浅层斜坡的失稳力学机理、可考虑区域内斜坡土体参数不确定性, 以及计算效率高、易于在GIS平台上实现等优点。案例分析表明, RARIL模型较为准确地预测了2010年8月12日11∶00至2010年8月14日9∶00期间强降雨在四川省汶川县映秀镇附近的303省道K0-K20段沿线区域引发的滑坡灾害, 研究结果证明RARIL模型在预测降雨诱发区域斜坡失稳灾害方面有很好的应用前景。   相似文献   

At present,most researches on the critical rainfall threshold of debris flow initiation use a linear model obtained through regression.With relatively weak fault tolerance,this method not only ignores nonlinear effects but also is susceptible to singular noise samples,which makes it difficult to characterize the true quantization relationship of the rainfall threshold.Besides,the early warning threshold determined by statistical parameters is susceptible to negative samples(samples where no debris flow has occurred),which leads to uncertainty in the reliability of the early warning results by the regression curve.To overcome the above limitations,this study develops a data-driven multiobjective evolutionary optimization method that combines an artificial neural network(ANN) and a multiobjective evolutionary optimization implemented by particle swarm optimization(PSO).Firstly,the Pareto optimality method is used to represent the nonlinear and conflicting critical thresholds for the rainfall intensity I and the rainfall duration D.An ANN is used to construct a dual-target(dual-task) predictive surrogate model,and then a PSO-based multiobjective evolutionary optimization algorithm is applied to train the ANN and stochastically search the trained ANN for obtaining the Pareto front of the I-D surrogate prediction model,which is intended to overcome the limitations of the existing linear regression-based threshold methods.Finally,a double early warning curve model that can effectively control the false alarm rate and negative alarm rate of hazard warnings are proposed based on the decision space and target space maps.This study provides theoretical guidance for the early warning and forecasting of debris flows and has strong applicability.  相似文献   

Critical rainfall assessment is a very important tool for hazard management of torrents and debris flows in mountainous areas. The Wenchuan Earthquake 2008 caused huge casualties and property damages in the earthquake-stricken area, which also generated large quantities of loose solid materials and increased occurrence probabilities of debris flows. There is an urgent need to quantify the critical rainfall distribution in the area so that better hazard management could be planned and if real time rainfall forecast is available, torrent and debris flow early-warning could be issued in advance. This study is based on 49-year observations (1954-2003) of up to 678 torrent and debris flow events. Detailed contour maps of 1 hour and 24 hour critical rainfalls have been generated (Due to the data limitation, there was insufficient 10 minute critical rainfall to make its contour map). Generally, the contour maps from 1 hour and 24 hours have similar patterns. Three zones with low, medium and high critical rainfalls have been identified. The characteristics of the critical rainfall zones are linked with the local vegetation cover and land forms. Further studies and observations are needed to validate the finding and improve the contour maps.  相似文献   

Slope units is an effective mapping unit for rainfall landslides prediction at regional scale. At present, slope units extracted by hydrology and morphological method report very different morphological feature and boundaries. In order to investigate the effect of morphological difference on the prediction performance, this paper presents a general landslide probability analysis model for slope units. Monte Carlo method was used to describe the spatial uncertainties of soil mechanical parameters...  相似文献   

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