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利用垂直形变资料分析龙岗火山的活动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了龙岗火山区及其附近20多年来5条水准路线所反映的垂直形变背景场情况,发现相对于长春基准点,长白山区东部和北部地区主要表现为大面积下沉运动,而龙岗火山区则表现为相对上升运动;然后分析了龙岗火山区主要隆起区垂直形变场变化以及剪切和张裂变形率变化,所得结果均反映了长抚线发生了较明显的活动;最后运用改进的Mogi模型,采用L曲线法反演了主要隆起区可能的压力源参数.结果表明,龙岗火山区岩浆的位置在42.1°N,126.5°E附近,与深地震测深研究结果近似.相对于长白山天池火山,压力源等效半径变化较大,达到183 m左右,源的深度在30 km左右,相对较深.  相似文献   

岩浆活动的不同阶段引起地表变化不同。地表形变受压力源大小、形状、深度及岩浆运移速率等影响;另外火山类型不同,地形不同,形变特征也不同。地表形变幅度范围很大,为1×10-7—1米量级。火山区形变监测可以了解火山活动状态,有助于进行喷发危险性的预测预报。形变监测从20世纪60年代的传统技术逐渐过渡到20世纪90年代发展起来的GNSS和InSAR等大地测量新技术,火山区形变时空监测能力得到提高,同时缩短了预测时间。我国火山形变监测开始较晚,现已在长白山天池、腾冲以及海南等主要火山区开展监测。传统的连续测量以地倾斜观测为主;新技术主要以流动GNSS监测为主,连续观测站少,InSAR技术研究时间密度不够;目前形变监测还不能实现很好的时空覆盖。  相似文献   

联合1998~2004年的五期水准测量资料以及2002~2004年的GPS观测成果,分析了腾冲火山区岩浆的活动特征。垂直形变资料显示,火山区南部发生较明显下降,这可能是由岩浆和水的流失及放气等原因引起;水平形变资料显示,以固东—腾冲断裂(F2)的西支为界,断层两盘分别向东、西两个方向运动,断层活动表现出明显的拉张特征;综合分析表明,岩浆可能沿断层从南部向北部运移,并在断层内重新聚集形成岩墙;垂直形变的多个极值区以及水平位移的不规则性表明,火山区岩浆体不很规则或有多个岩浆囊体存在;从形变量大小分析,岩浆的活动量远小于中等程度火山喷发的质量,表明火山近期喷发的危险性较小。  相似文献   

中国是全球晚新生代火山发育国家之一,也是西环太平洋活动大陆边缘火山活动带重要组成部分.在我国东北地区发育着数座晚新生代喷发过的活火山(如五大连池老黑山、火烧山火山、金龙顶子火山等)或具备喷发能力的休眠火山(如云南腾冲火山、长白山天池火山等)( Hickey,1982;Davies et al,1992;刘若新,1992...  相似文献   

Tephra fallout is an important type of hazard caused by explosive volcanic eruption,and numerical simulation has become a fast and effective approach to assess the dispersion and deposition of tephra fallout.According to the improved 2D diffusion model of Suzuki( 1983),we edited a tephra diffusion program that can run in the Windows system.Based on previous data,we simulated the diffusion scope of the Jinlongdingzi volcanic eruption,which is the latest eruption in the Longgang volcanic cluster.The simulated results are in good agreement with the results from measurement in situ,indicating that the model is reliable and the parameters used in the model are suitable.By using wind profiles of ten years,7,021 simulations under different wind profiles were carried out,and then probabilistic hazard maps of tephra fallout were constructed for tephra thickness thresholds,1cm and 0.5cm.This study can provide an important scientific basis for volcanic hazard analysis,risk mitigation plans and countermeasures in the Longgang volcanic area.  相似文献   

龙岗金龙顶子火山空降碎屑物数值模拟及概率性灾害评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空降碎屑物为爆炸式火山喷发产生的一种重要的灾害类型,数值模拟已成为一个快速有效地确定火山灰扩散和沉积范围的方法。本文根据改进的Suzuki(1983)二维扩散模型,编写了基于Windows环境下的火山灰扩散程序。通过对前人资料的分析,模拟了龙岗火山群中最新火山喷发——金龙顶子火山喷发产生的空降碎屑物扩散范围,与实测结果具有很好的一致性,证实了模型的可靠性和参数的合理性。根据该区10年的风参数,模拟了7021次不同风参数时金龙顶子火山灰的扩散范围,以此制作了火山灰沉积厚度超过1cm和0.5cm时的概率性空降碎屑灾害区划图。本文的研究可为龙岗火山区火山危险性分析和灾害预警与对策提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

台湾海峡地震定点形变的异常分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合定点形变前兆异常的常用判定标准,用多种数学方法处理了厦门台与漳州台1991~1995年水平摆地倾斜资料,发现在9,16海峡地震之前,两个台站的资料都表现出不同程度的年变规律畸变、γ因子异常、一阶差分法异常、滤波法异常等多种地形变前兆指标异常。  相似文献   

罗伟  罗灼礼 《中国地震》1995,11(4):351-360
本文根据水平构造应力作用,推导了弧形构造的理论垂直形变场、水平位移场和应力场,进而对全球性的岛弧构造带在构造运动、地震活动和震源机制等方面的特征给出了新的解释;提出岛弧等弧形构造主要是在弧形构造位移场、应力场作用下逐渐形成的,而大洋板块的俯冲作用是次要的。  相似文献   

In this work,the vertical deformation,horizontal displacement,and stress fields of arcuate tectonics are theoretically derived from the horizontal tectonic stress; then the characteristics of tectonic movement,seismicity,and focal mechanism of arcuate tectonics of the entire world are explained.It is pointed out that the island arc and other arcuate tectonics are gradually developed under the displacement and stress fields of the arcuate tectonics and that the under-thrusting action of the ocean plate is secondary.The distance formulas between the volcanic arc and the trench are suggested and also that theoretical results are consistent with actual data.  相似文献   

文章对山西河津4.8级地震前后临汾地震台各形变资料异常变化特征及同震响应的差异性进行分析,结果表明,震前各仪器观测资料均存在明显的异常,由于仪器频率响应范围的差异性,各仪器对同一地震的响应也存在显著不同。  相似文献   

Mechanically, many volcanoes may be regarded as elastic inclusions, either softer (with a lower Young's modulus) or stiffer (with a higher Young's modulus) than the host-rock matrix. For example, many central volcanoes (stratovolcanoes, composite volcanoes) are composed of rocks that are softer than the crustal segments that host them. This is particularly clear in Iceland where central volcanoes are mostly made of soft rocks such as rhyolite, pyroclastics, hyaloclastites, and sediments whereas the host rock is primarily stiff basaltic lava flows. Most active central volcanoes also contain fluid magma chambers, and many have collapse calderas. Fluid magma chambers are best modelled as cavities (in three dimensions) or holes (in two dimensions), entire calderas as holes, and the ring faults themselves, which commonly include soft materials such as breccias, as soft inclusions. Many hyaloclastite (basaltic breccias) mountains partly buried in the basaltic lava pile also function as soft inclusions. Modelling volcanoes as soft inclusions or holes, we present three main numerical results. The first, using the hole model, shows the mechanical interaction between all the active central volcanoes in Iceland and, in particular, those forming the two main clusters at the north and south end of the East Volcanic Zone (EVZ). The strong indication of mechanical interaction through shared dykes and faults in the northern cluster of the EVZ is supported by observations. The second model, using a soft inclusion, shows that the Torfajökull central volcano, which contains the largest active caldera in Iceland, suppresses the spreading-generated tensile stress in its surroundings. We propose that this partly explains why the proper rift zone northeast of Torfajökull has not managed to propagate through the volcano. Apparently, Torfajökull tends to slow down the rate of southwest propagation of the rift-zone part of the EVZ. The third model, again using a soft inclusion, indicates how the lateral propagation of a segment of the 1783 Laki fissure became arrested in the slopes of the hyaloclastite mountain Laki.  相似文献   

穿越东沙隆起和潮汕坳陷的OBS广角地震剖面   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了探明南海中北部陆缘深部地壳结构,使用2D射线追踪正演和反演方法,拟合了一条南海中北部陆缘的OBS广角地震剖面(OBS2006-3).该剖面穿越东沙隆起和潮汕坳陷,长319 km,NNW-SSE走向,共投放海底地震仪14台.速度结构模型表明:潮汕坳陷存在巨厚的中生代沉积,最大厚度达到8 km,速度从顶部的4.4 km/s向下增加到底部的5.3 km/s.莫霍面埋藏深度由陆向海方向减小,其埋深从东沙隆起下方的24~25 km减小到南部隆起带的17 km.东沙隆起下方的上地壳中存在一向上突起的高速异常,速度达到6.9 km/s,可能与地幔物质上涌和岩浆活动有关.在整个剖面的下地壳底部存在厚3~12 km,速度为7.1~7.4 km/s的高速层.根据各个时期岩浆活动特征,推测下地壳高速层是由海底扩张停止之后的岩浆底侵作用形成的.  相似文献   

主要对山西临汾中心地震台倾斜水平摆与垂直摆的各项观测指标、质量做了综合评价,发现由于两仪器的工作原理及摆系结构的不同,对地震的响应能力也有所不同,且在受同-区域应力场作用时,有着较好的同步性。  相似文献   

王敏  沈正康 《中国地震》2020,36(4):660-683
中国大陆的构造变形主要与印度和欧亚两大板块的碰撞有关。印度板块的北向推挤直接导致了世界上最宽旷、最活跃和最复杂的现今构造变形。GPS观测技术问世前,构造变形的定量化研究主要依赖活断层的形貌勘察和区域强震的震源机制解,其结果准确度不足且时空界限模糊。1988年中国地震局在滇西地震实验场首次开展GPS形变监测实验,后又经历国家“攀登项目”、“首都圈GPS地形变监测网”等诸多项目实践,直到“九五”重大科学工程“中国地壳运动观测网络”成功建成,中国大陆现今变形图像才逐步完整和清晰。特别是近年基于“中国构造环境监测网络”2000多站点及近30年累积的其他数据,一个覆盖中国大陆且衔接边邻、框架统一、毫米/亚毫米精度的速度场构建完成。这一基础图像对揭示中国大陆活动构造的运动学和动力学特征、深入研究青藏高原及其周边地区构造形成与演化提供了强有力的观测约束,也为地震危险性的定量化分析奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

2002年7月开始,山西省地形变观测项目陆续出现了5项异常,其中2项异常(定襄台地倾斜、临汾台地倾斜)到2003年2月已经结束,分析认为,这些异常与2002年9月3日太原5.0级地震有关,其余3项异常仍在发展,调查了周围环境及干扰因素,认为异常较为可信,需密切跟踪监视。  相似文献   

采用水平摆倾斜仪在夏县中心地震台山洞进行了近4个月的试记,经分析得出同一构造块体上地下水位变化易引起形变记录产生畸变,而不同构造块体上地下水变化对形变记录影响甚微的结论。为夏县中心地震台洞体的掘深,实施“十五”项目做了前期准备工作,也为有关部门开展此方面工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文采取S变换时频分析方法, 对弱震区(河南及邻近地区)形变及重力数据进行时频谱计算。 对扰动事件、 地震响应、 可能的构造运动信息、 以及固体潮瞬时频率特征参数进行对比分析, 结果表明: 重力的干扰成分主要集中在0.3~0.5 Hz、 0.001~0.1 Hz频段, 其中部分振动干扰呈条带分布; 0.1~0.18 Hz频段可能包含有构造运动的信息; 0.1~0.18 Hz信号的能量变化、 固体潮瞬时频率特征参数可作为应力场变化的表征, 特别是作为形变及重力远场变化的表征, 具有较好的前兆意义。  相似文献   

系统总结了山西形变台网对近年来5级以上地震的映震能力,分析了形变异常特征。认为,大部分地震均发生在异常转折或异常结束时段,异常持续时间一般为半年至1 a,震中距大多为200 km~300 km,并出现明显的丛集活动。  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of horizontal and vertical particulate matter (PM) fluxes during wind erosion has been done, based on measurements of PM smaller than 10, 2.5, and 1.0 μm, at windward and leeward positions on a measuring field. The three fractions of PM measurement are differently influenced by the increasing wind and shear velocities of the wind. The measured concentrations of the coarser fractions of the fine dust, PM10, and PM2.5, increase with wind and shear velocity, whereas the PM1.0 concentrations show no clear correlation to the shear velocity. The share of PM2.5 on PM10 depends on the measurement height and wind speed and varies between 4 and 12 m/s at the 1 m height ranging from 25% to 7% (average 10%), and at the 4 m height from 39% to 23% (average 30%). Although general relationships between wind speed, PM concentration, and horizontal and vertical fluxes could be found, the contribution of the measuring field was very low, as balances of incoming and outgoing fluxes show. Consequently, the measured PM concentrations are determined from a variety of sources, such as traffic on unpaved roads, cattle drives, tillage operations, and wind erosion, and thus, represent all components of land use and landscape structure in the near and far surroundings of the measuring field. The current results may reflect factors from the landscape scale rather than the influence of field-related variables. The measuring devices used to monitor PM concentrations showed differences of up to 20%, which led to considerable deviations when determining total balances. Differences up to 67% between the calculated fluxes prove the necessity of a previous calibration of the devices used.  相似文献   

对2008年四川汶川8.0级、2010年山西河津4.8级、2009年原平4.2级和青海6.4级地震前,山西形变台网在水管倾斜仪、伸缩仪和体应变观测资料中出现的异常变化进行分析,以进一步总结震前形变数字资料中的地震前兆信息。  相似文献   

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