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大量穿越山地丘陵区的高压输电线路杆塔基础常位于滑坡灾害高易发斜坡地段,施加适当防护措施提高其稳定性,是保障输电线路持续安全运行的关键。为研究不同防护措施对杆塔基础滑坡的防护效果,以湖北省巴东县燕子滑坡为地质原型,设计制作物理试验模型,分别开展了极端降雨条件下滑坡在无防护、施加抗滑桩与格构护坡时的物理模型试验,从试验角度揭示了滑坡变形破坏特征与不同防护措施的防护效果。试验结果表明:在2种极端降雨工况(50,100 mm/h)下,无防护的滑坡体历经了坡表冲刷、裂缝扩展、局部垮塌变形与整体滑动的演化过程;抗滑桩措施对滑坡整体的防护效果显著,滑坡整体处于稳定状态,杆塔基础变形较小,杆塔倾斜率满足规范,但坡表会出现冲刷垮塌现象;格构护坡措施能有效减少坡面冲刷和坡脚垮塌风险,但在持续强降雨条件下对杆塔基础的整体稳固作用稍弱。物理模型试验结果与滑坡历史变形和实际治理效果吻合,试验结论可为类似杆塔基础滑坡的破坏机理研究与防护工程设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

降雨过程中降雨强度的变化会影响土体渗透率及饱和过程, 从而改变土体的力学性质, 影响泥石流起动模式及破坏规模。为探究不同降雨模式对震后泥石流起动机制的影响, 自制了小比例模型槽, 结合可控雨型的降雨模拟系统, 进行了人工降雨诱发泥石流的室内模型试验; 基于不同降雨模式下泥石流的起动过程分析, 对坡体内部含水率和孔隙水压力的变化规律进行了研究。研究结果表明: 递增型降雨模式下泥石流发生突然, 呈整体滑坡转化为泥石流起动模式, 坡体破坏规模最大; 递减型降雨模式下表现为后退式溃散失稳起动模式; 均匀型降雨模式下则表现为溯源侵蚀起动模式; 中峰型降雨模式下以局部滑坡转化为泥石流起动模式; Ⅴ型降雨模式下则由坡面侵蚀加剧转化为泥石流启动模式, 破坏规模最小。研究结果可以为九寨沟地区泥石流的预报预警提供参考。   相似文献   

【目的】研究均匀流多管束干涉流动下圆柱受迫振动的水动力特性。【方法】基于SSTκ-ω模型,在亚临界雷诺数下(Re=1×105)对多管束共振强迫的涡激振动问题进行二维数值模拟,比较与分析三种典型附属管排布方式对主管路流体动力学特征的影响。【结果与结论】采用模型3下的附属管排布方式可在较大范围的振幅比下(Ay/D=0.1~0.8)有效改善主管路水动力特性:1)有效降低主管路上平均升力系数的幅值;2)抑制在单管路系统中出现的脉动升力系数突变衰减。同时,由于多管束对流动产生干涉效应,主管路上表现的尾迹涡度随着振动幅度的增大而呈现出不同的模式。此外,功率谱密度分析发现,多管束系统相较于单圆柱系统,在频率比为1时,模型2与模型3的共振“锁定”状态得到改善。  相似文献   

随着我国公路建设不断向山区深入, 在地质构造复杂区公路边坡遇到断层破碎带的情况日渐增多, 亟需开展阻滑能力强的抗滑桩结构加固边坡研究。传统的人工挖孔桩施工模式存在高风险、低效率等缺点, 而组合式圆截面抗滑桩具有施工效率高、安全便捷等特点, 为此, 探究其对含断层破碎带边坡的加固效果具有现实意义。采用自主设计的边坡物理试验系统, 设计了5种不同破碎带厚度与组合式圆截面抗滑桩组合的物理模型, 采用坡顶逐级加载的方式模拟加载, 监测桩身应变、桩顶位移和桩后土压力, 采用高速相机捕捉滑体变形破坏图像, 并使用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术对图像进行处理。研究结果表明: 组合式圆截面抗滑桩通过限制桩后滑体水平位移, 并将滑体限制在前、后排桩间来达到加固边坡的效果; 滑体演化分为变形压密、加速变形和破坏滑移3个阶段; 前、后排桩桩后土压力比值介于1/3~1/2之间; 随断层破碎带厚度增加, 滑体水平滑移速率增大, 组合式圆截面抗滑桩的桩顶位移增大, 桩身最大正弯矩减小。模型试验与数值模拟计算的弯矩及桩顶位移较为吻合, 研究成果可为边坡工程组合式圆截面抗滑桩设计提供一定借鉴与参考。   相似文献   

浙北平原区水稻微量试验Mo、Zn、B肥效果最为显著。早稻施Mo肥(0.3%浓度)增产20.0%,Zn肥(0.5%浓度)增产18.5%,B肥(0.5%浓度)增产12.3%;晚稻Mo肥(0.3%浓度)增产21.6%,B肥增产15.0%。由此证实了利用区域地球化学基础资料进行农业地球化学开发应用可以获得较好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

用η模式对1995年8月24日四川盆地西部的突发性暴雨,进行了数值模拟和南风减速的数值试验。由模拟和试验比较分析得出以下几点认识:1.对流层低层的云南、贵州到四川南部南风气流的加大,对四川盆地西部的暴雨区,特别是大暴雨区的扩大和强度的增强起着重要作用。2.由南风气流的加强造成暴雨加强的动、热力机制主要是,使暴雨区及其附近区域上空,对流层的中、低层流场的辐合、上升运动加强;对流层的低层形成水汽通量的辐合区。3.对流层低层南风气流的加强,可影响对流层中层的暖湿程度减弱,从而加强了对流层低-中层内的对流性不稳定  相似文献   

干热岩地热开发中的钻井、储层压裂及热交换等环节均涉及高温岩石冷却的问题,为揭示其中岩石损伤演化规律,基于巴西劈裂试验和声发射技术,研究了不同高温及冷却方式对花岗岩抗拉性质的影响。结果表明:①25~600℃下花岗岩抗拉强度随温度升高而下降,遇水冷却使抗拉强度进-步下降并使其开始大幅下降的温度阈值提前到200,500℃后抗拉强度对遇水冷却更敏感。②荷载达到峰值,声发射累计振铃计数突增,岩样内形成断裂区;受遇水冷却影响,岩样的振铃计数峰值和能量峰值有所下降,间接反映岩石内裂纹更发育,200~300℃时降幅均较大,300℃时和500℃后花岗岩对热处理方式较敏感。③花岗岩破裂面随温度升高由平整向粗糙曲折变化,由脆性向延性转变,遇水冷却促进岩石破裂并促使脆性向延性转变的温度区间提前。研究结果为地热开采中高温岩石的稳定性评价提供理论参考。   相似文献   

锚索抗滑桩是滑坡的主要支护结构之一。目前, 软硬相间地层条件下锚索抗滑桩的受力与变形特征尚缺乏系统研究。以软硬相间地层为地质背景, 基于自主研发的柔性测斜仪和自动加载系统, 构建了锚索抗滑桩加固滑坡物理模型试验系统, 开展了锚索抗滑桩加固滑坡的物理模型试验, 揭示了推力不断增加过程中抗滑桩、锚索和滑体的变形与受力特征, 对比研究了布锚方式对桩-锚受力与变形的影响规律, 通过数值模拟的方法分析了软硬相间地层对锚索抗滑桩的影响机理, 并以双锚点抗滑桩为例进行了理论分析。研究结果表明: ①在滑坡-锚索抗滑桩体系中, 桩身各点位移和滑体深部位移均随桩身深度的增加而减小, 滑体后部位移速率大于中部, 且滑体位移速率大于桩身位移速率; ②单锚点抗滑桩的桩-锚推力分担比经历了4个阶段的变化, 趋于稳定时桩-锚推力分担比约为9∶1, 锚索拉力作用下桩身弯矩呈"S"型分布, 正负弯矩非对称; ③锚固角度越大, 锚索拉力的增速越大, 不同锚固角度对桩身内力值的影响主要体现在受荷段; ④多锚点抗滑桩结构的锚索分担更多的推力, 与单锚点抗滑桩相比, 双锚点与三锚点抗滑桩的最大桩身弯矩分别减小了22.41%和40.55%;⑤与均质地层相比, 软硬相间地层中软、硬岩交界面处基岩应力发生突变, 不同软岩厚度比和桩底是否嵌入硬岩, 均对锚索拉力和桩-岩之间的相互作用有不同程度的影响; 其次, 双锚点抗滑桩内力的理论值与试验结果较为接近。本研究成果可为软硬相间地层中锚索抗滑桩加固滑坡工程的优化设计提供依据。   相似文献   

以朝阳沟油田长10区块为例,研究低渗透油田超前注水对脱气半径、原油黏度、无因次采液/采油指数、含水率、原油产量的影响;同时数值模拟超前注水对波及系数和采收率的影响.结果表明:超前注水减小脱气半径,有利于提高开发效果;超前注水使无因次采液/采油指数略有增加,含水率高于60%以后,无因次采液指数逐渐上升,最高达到1.3;超...  相似文献   

为探究环境中抗生素输入方式对反硝化过程的影响,选择盐酸洛美沙星(LOM)为代表抗生素,以纳米乳化油为碳源,开展了LOM浓度(200 ng·L-1和2 mg·L-1)与输入方式(一次输入和两次输入)不同组合条件下的反硝化模拟实验。结果表明:相同输入方式下,高浓度体系对NO-3-N还原的抑制率比低浓度体系高;相同浓度不同输入方式下,一次输入体系比两次输入体系对NO-3-N还原的抑制效果更强,半衰期更长,最大还原速率更小;此外,高浓度条件下受输入方式的影响更明显,表现为高浓度体系对NO-3-N还原的相对抑制率比低浓度体系高约25.9%。微生物数量、活性和丰富度分析结果显示:低浓度条件下微生物对LOM的响应受输入方式影响不显著,高浓度条件下一次输入体系比两次输入体系影响大;然而,微生物群落结构和抗性基因(ARGs)的变化与输入方式没有明显关系,这与群落结构及抗性基因响应具有滞后性有关。上述研究表明,在浓度较高的条件下,水...  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring the void space gas effect of earthquake-triggered slope instability and providing a new method for studying the formation mechanism of earthquake-triggered landslides. We analysed the basic characteristics, kinematic characteristics, initiation mechanisms and physical mechanical parameters of the Daguangbao landslide, generalized a landslide prototype, and established a geological model and performed simulation tests. Based on the seismic wave propagation theory of rock-soil mass, rock fracture mechanics and the effective stress principle, we found that the void space gas effect is due to the occurrence of excess void space gas pressure when the dynamic response of seismic loads impacts the void space gas in weak intercalated layers of the slope. The excess void space gas pressure generated by the vibration(earthquake) damages the rock mass around the void space with a certain regularity. The model test results show that the effective shear strength of the rock mass can be reduced by 4.4% to 21.6% due to the void space gas effect.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area (K75+840-K76+340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area ( K75 + 840-K76 + 340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes.  相似文献   

Degradation of slopes due to shallow landslide and the subsequent erosional processes are a big challenge on the application of soil bioengineering techniques; that is the use of plants as main structural components of a slope protection and conservation system. An optimal application of soil bioengineering techniques should include not only the technical factor of plants as structural components but also the ecology of species and the plant adaptations to disturbances, which is crucial if a longterm successful slope restoration system is intended. Ferns are a dominant understory vegetation species in the forest of Japan, but its characteristics and influences on the recovery of shallow landslide scars have not been fully studied yet. This study aims to find out the ecological characteristics of fern species through the calculation of ecological indicators and the quantification of the morphological features of specimens growing on disturbed and non-disturbed forest slopes in Japan. Gleichenia japonica was found as the vegetation species with biggest ecological indicators on both slopes. The analysis of morphological characteristics of the specimens growing on both sites showed that the development of the specimens is focused in below-ground characteristics. The pull-out force of Gleichenia japonica root system as an indicator of ecological adaptation to a constraint environment and morphological characteristics quality is influenced by height and root length according to the principal component analysis. The eco-morphological characteristics of species can be used as an indicator of an optimal element in soil bioengineering establishment for slope conservation proposes. The long and fibrous root system could be placed on forest roads, steep or small slopes where space limitation is an issue for the establishment of bigger species and if the slope conditions allow it, it can control soil losses due to rainfall and provide stability.  相似文献   

Dike failure caused by overtopping is likely to result in major casualties and property losses. Aiming at this fact, a series of physical model experiments were conducted on stable thickness of masonry block on the inner slope of the dike. According to the erosion of block embankment with different thicknesses, the relation between the stable thickness of masonry block pitching of the inner slope and the average overtopping discharge is discussed. New equations subject to irregular waves are presented for average overtopping discharge, based upon the analysis of mean overtopping discharge and comparison of present overtopping discharge formulas at domestic and abroad. Finally, a calculation equation of the stable thickness of the dry masonry block stone of inner slope subject to irregular waves is given. In conclusion, the formula matches well with the experiment result, which is capable of functioning as an important reference for structure designs of the dike in China.  相似文献   

In the context of global climate change, the impact of group-occurring ocean dynamic disasters on China's offshore areas is becoming more and more intense. The study of the effect of existing ocean dynamic disasters on offshore hazard-bearing bodies mostly focuses on the effect of single disaster-causing factors, and it is still insufficient to study storm surge and dynamic wave coupling reinforcement effects as well as the process of the dynamic response of such hazard-bearing bodies as seawalls. This study firstly realized the synchronous process of water level and wave through continuous tide generation and wave generation by the wave maker and tide generating device, so as to realize the dynamic coupling simulation of storm surge and wave in the laboratory. Then the physical model test of the typical seawall section was carried out under the dynamic coupling of storm surge and wave as well as at a conventional fixed water level respectively. In the process of test wave overtopping discharge and the damage process of the levee crown and backwall of seawalls were observed and compared, and their damage mechanism was also studied.  相似文献   

Using plants is a kind of environmentally-friendly coastal protection to attenuate wave energy. In this paper, a set of experiments were conducted to investigate the wave attenuation performance using flexible grasses on a submerged slope, and the wave attenuation coefficient for these experiments was calculated for different still water depths, slope and grass configurations. It was found that the slope plays a significant role in wave attenuation. The wave attenuation coefficient increases with increasing relative row number and relative density. For a small relative row number, the two configurations from the slope top to its toe and from the slope toe to its top performed equally to a large extent. For a medium relative row number, the configuration from the slope toe to its top performed more poorly than that from the slope top to its toe; however, it performed better than that from the slope top to its toe for a high relative row number. With a single row of grasses close to the slope top from the slope toe, the wave attenuation coefficient shows double peaks. With increasing grass rows or still water depth, the grass location corresponding to the maximum wave attenuation coefficient is close to the slope top. The dimensional analysis and the least square method were used to derive an empirical equation of the wave attenuation coefficient considering the effect of relative density, the slope, the relative row number and the relative location of the middle row, and the equation was validated to experimental data.  相似文献   

现有的落石运动轨迹研究均将斜坡视为半无限均匀的坡面,而实际的工况下,坡面由不均一材料组成。根据落石不同的运动模式,将坡面简化为多层岩土体材料的结构形式,在滚动阶段,基于Hertz接触理论得到落石在不同坡面条件下运动特征,并给出坡面分层条件下落石切向摩擦系数的计算公式,在碰撞阶段,基于能量守恒定理,采用准静态接触力学理论得到法向恢复系数公式,理论推导得到任意层厚岩土体材料坡面条件下落石法向和切向恢复系数的解析解,然后求解得到碰撞后落石运动参数,并根据碰撞后落石的速度及回弹量关系,给出碰撞后落石运动模式转换的判别条件,最后结合运动学定理,得到3种运动模式任意分层坡面条件落石的运动轨迹,将理论公式应用于某山区落石运动轨迹预测,验证了理论公式的适用性和有效性。   相似文献   

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