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顺层岩质滑坡突发性强,破坏性大,是危害山区城镇安全的重要灾害类型之一。发育软弱夹层的顺向斜坡是顺层岩质滑坡的高发区,区域顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价应融入软弱夹层的控滑机制和空间分布不确定性分析。以万州区铁峰乡为研究区,在软弱夹层物质结构及空间分布详细调查的基础上,分析了原生沉积、构造变形和表生改造作用下区内页岩和泥岩两类软弱夹层发展为滑动面的演化机理,总结了顺层岩质滑坡的变形破坏机理。考虑软弱夹层空间分布的不确定性,提出了软弱夹层垂向分布和有效控滑深度范围内软弱夹层控滑贡献度的计算模型。提取了软弱夹层类型和控滑贡献度等表征顺层岩质滑坡控滑结构的关键指标,结合地形地貌、斜坡结构、水文地质及人类工程活动4类要素,构建了顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价指标体系。针对万州区铁峰乡河谷南侧的顺向坡区段,以斜坡为评价单元,采用层次分析法对研究区顺层岩质滑坡开展了易发性评价。结果显示研究区内侏罗系珍珠冲组泥化夹层和自流井组页岩层是顺层岩质滑坡的主要控滑层位,极高易发区和高易发区占比分别为9.7%和25.8%,岩质斜坡单元下伏软弱夹层分布情况和斜坡前缘开挖情况是影响滑坡灾害易发性的主要因素,建房和道路开挖等人类工程...  相似文献   

溃屈型破坏是顺层岩质边坡一种常见的破坏模式。以大奔流顺层岩质滑坡为例,分析了其溃屈型破坏的形成机制,绿泥石片岩层面发育程度和层面抗剪强度及岩石破碎程度是大奔流滑坡发生的主要地质因素,爆破震动荷载和地下水作用是发生溃屈型破坏的主要诱发因素。基于弹性板梁稳定理论和能量平衡原理,建立了顺层岩质滑坡溃屈型破坏力学模型;通过力学分析,提出了综合考虑滑坡自重、地下水与震动荷载作用的顺层岩质滑坡溃屈段长度条件方程。以大奔流滑坡为实例进行了验算,计算结果和现场破坏特征基本一致,表明了该方法的可行性,为研究顺层岩质滑坡溃屈型破坏的力学机制提供了依据。   相似文献   

动水驱动型滑坡状态识别能更有效地辅助分析滑坡形变规律, 实现滑坡状态的准确识别对深入展开动水驱动型滑坡状态研究具有重要意义。针对目前动水驱动型滑坡突变状态研究较少, 难以获得相关特征, 从而导致状态识别性能不佳的问题, 提出了一种应用于动水驱动型滑坡状态识别的生成对抗网络学习方法。本方法通过构建滑坡状态监测数据矩阵, 依据少量数据样本设计合理的生成器网络完成对滑坡状态的数据扩增并设计判别器网络实现扩增数据的筛选, 通过对抗生成网络实现对滑坡状态的分类, 达到滑坡状态识别的目的。以三峡库区白水河滑坡为研究对象, 将降雨、库水位、深部位移和地表位移等多源监测数据进行了规范化处理, 设计生成器网络和对抗器网络完成了对滑坡状态数据的扩增, 设计滑坡状态识别生成对抗网络完成了对滑坡状态的分类和识别。结果表明, 生成对抗网络对滑坡状态识别具有较高的准确率。研究结果证实本方法能够对目标区域内的动水驱动型滑坡状态进行准确识别和分类, 可直接应用于工程实际。   相似文献   

滑坡变形演化特征一直是滑坡灾害预测与防治领域急需解决的关键问题,但对于多层滑带滑坡的变形演化特征却少有研究。以物理模型试验为手段建立了三层滑带滑坡物理试验模型,完成了多层滑带滑坡变形演化全过程的模拟。基于PIV技术获取坡表位移数据,通过柔性测斜仪监测滑坡深部位移,同时布设土压力盒获取滑坡内部土压力的变化情况,实现了多层滑带滑坡演化过程多参量数据分析。试验结果表明,多层滑带滑坡破坏过程可分为初始、等速、加速和破坏4个阶段。不同破坏阶段滑坡的主要变形区域不同,下层滑体受到上层滑体牵引作用,在重力和推力作用下滑坡变形逐渐向浅层发展。变形过程中滑坡应力逐渐向滑带集中,滑坡推力沿埋深方向呈多级梯形分布。加速变形阶段滑带处应力迅速增大,滑坡体内产生多层应力集中带,滑带位置推力变化与滑坡位移显著相关。  相似文献   

研究抗滑桩的受力特征是进行抗滑桩设计工作的关键。我国三峡库区部分堆积层滑坡发育多层滑带,而目前抗滑桩的设计方法仅针对单层滑坡,因此,对多层滑带堆积层滑坡—抗滑桩受力特征的研究具有重要意义。基于三峡库区堆积层滑坡工程地质特征,开展了多层滑带堆积层滑坡物理试验模型,在滑坡的后缘施加推力来模拟滑坡演化过程,同时监测滑坡—抗滑桩体系的多场信息。试验结果表明,在多层滑带堆积层滑坡的演化过程中,桩身受力表现出了很好的规律性。根据坡表位移的变化趋势,将滑坡演化分为4个阶段,在此基础上对桩身受力进行分析。滑坡推力分布图式中出现了4个极大值,土体抗力分布图式中出现唯一最大值,该试验结果为抗滑桩的设计提供了一定的理论支持。   相似文献   

Whereas loess-mudstone landslides are widely distributed and frequently occurred at the loess Plateau, this type of landslides is hard to detect due to its particularity, and easily generates serious losses. To clarify the shear characteristics and formation mechanism of loess-mudstone landslides, field investigations, ring shear tests and numerical simulation analyses were performed on the loess specimens collected from the Dingjiagou landslide in Yan'an city, China. The test results showed that both the peak strength and residual strength of slip zone soils have a decreasing tendency with moisture content, while the increasing of normal stress caused an increase in the shear strength. These phenomena indicate that the rise in the moisture content induced by precipitation or the decreasing of normal stress due to excavation activities would result in the weakening of slip zone soils. Numerical simulations of the evolution process of slope failure using the finite element method were conducted based on the Mohr–Coulomb criterion. It was found that the heavy precipitation played a more important role in the slope instability compared with the excavation. In addition, the field investigation showed that loess soils with well-developed cracks and underlying mudstone soils provide material base for the formation of loess-mudstone landslides. Finally, the formation mechanism of this type of landslides was divided into three stages, namely, the local deformation stage, the penetration stage, the creeping-sliding stage. This study may provide a basis for understanding the sliding process of loess-mudstone landslides, as well as guidelines for the prevention and mitigation of loess-mudstone landslides.  相似文献   

When transparent soil technology is used to study the displacement of a slope, the internal deformation of the slope can be visualized. We studied the sliding mechanism of the soil-rock slope by using transparent soil technology and considering the influence of the rock mass Barton joint roughness coefficient, angle of the soil mass, angle of the rock mass and soil thickness factors on slope stability. We obtained the deformation characteristics of the soil and rock slope with particle image velocimetry and the laser speckle technique. The test analysis shows that the slope sliding can be divided into three parts: displacements at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the slope; the decrease in the rock mass Barton joint roughness coefficient, and the increase in soil thickness, angles of the rock mass and soil mass lead to larger sliding displacements. Furthermore, we analyzed the different angles between the rock mass and soil thickness. The test result shows that the displacement of slope increases with larger angle of the rock mass. Conclusively, all these results can help to explain the soil-rock interfacial sliding mechanism.  相似文献   

A field monitoring system was established in an active river bank landslide in the Three Gorges area, China, and a consecutive monitoring for about 5 years were conducted to understand the displacement characteristics of flexible piles and the surrounding soil. It was found that piles deformed elastically under reservoir operation, and the soil in front of piles was gradually separated from piles. The movement of the pile heads exceeded that of the soil between and behind piles. This phenomenon was further studied by a large-scale physical model test to gain insights into the pile-soil interaction. The displacement relationship between pile heads and the surrounding soil is in good agreement with the field data. The physical model test shows that the deformation process of pile-reinforced landslides can be divided into two stages: firstly, when the piles head movement exceeds soil movement, the soil arching is mainly affected by the deflection of the piles, the arches between and behind piles bent upwards;but when the soil movement exceeds piles head movement, the arches near the upslope and downslope bent downwards and upwards, respectively. Furthermore, the different deformation of two adjacent piles and the pile stiffness influenced the arch’s shape and formation;the flexible piles exhibit great coordinated deformation with the landslide, and caused the soil arch on the downslope.  相似文献   

组合式抗滑桩是加固大型滑坡的有效防护措施,但上硬下软等复合地层中h型抗滑桩的加固机理仍有待深入研究。基于一套自主研发的上硬下软地层滑坡-h型抗滑桩物理模型试验装置,综合应力应变监测、激光测距仪、高速相机与粒子图像测速(PIV)技术研究了上硬下软地层滑坡中h型桩的位移、内力响应规律与滑体变形破坏特征,揭示了上硬下软地层条件下h型桩与滑坡相互作用机理。研究结果表明,在坡顶荷载逐渐增加的条件下,h型桩加固的上硬下软地层滑坡的演化阶段可划分为蠕变阶段、匀速变形阶段、加速变形阶段和破坏阶段4个阶段。受连系梁影响,前排桩与后排桩桩顶位移较小,应变最大值出现在靠近滑面深度处;后排桩弯矩呈“S”型分布,前排桩弯矩呈三角形分布,负弯矩最大值位于连系梁下方20 cm处。随着硬岩体积分数(φB)增加,桩顶位移逐渐减小,前、后排桩最大弯矩值也逐渐减小,但硬岩体积分数超过60%后最大弯矩值变化幅度较小。当φB=20%和40%时,后排桩土压力总体呈抛物线形式;当φB=60%和80%时,土压力总体呈反“S”型,且滑面附近出现第二个土压力峰值;前排桩土...  相似文献   

顶进力是顶管工程设计和施工中最重要的参数之一, 顶进力计算的精确性将直接影响顶管的工程的成败。随着顶管施工工艺越来越多的应用于岩石地层, 但鲜有关于岩石地层中顶管顶进力的计算模型。为了更加准确地计算岩石地层中的迎面阻力, 假设掌子面稳定, 通过分析岩石顶管机刀盘滚刀破岩机理、受力模型和影响规律, 在此基础上推导出岩石地层顶管迎面阻力计算公式。结果表明: 岩石顶管中, 岩石抗压强度和抗剪强度以及顶管机滚刀切入深度直接决定了迎面阻力的大小, 实测迎面阻力除个别点在计算值上下限以外, 其余与公式预测值相一致, 证明其具有适用性。   相似文献   

由于具有类似的工程地质和水文地质条件, 在高度相关的降雨作用下, 同一个区域中的降雨诱发浅层斜坡失稳灾害常成群出现。在区域尺度预测浅层斜坡失稳灾害对滑坡灾害的防灾减灾工作具有重要的意义。为此, 提出了一种基于力学原理的降雨诱发浅层斜坡失稳灾害预测新模型RARIL。该模型采用修正Green-Ampt模型进行降雨入渗分析, 采用无限体边坡模型进行安全系数计算, 利用可靠度原理考虑区域斜坡稳定性分析中的参数不确定性。该模型具有可考虑降雨诱发浅层斜坡的失稳力学机理、可考虑区域内斜坡土体参数不确定性, 以及计算效率高、易于在GIS平台上实现等优点。案例分析表明, RARIL模型较为准确地预测了2010年8月12日11∶00至2010年8月14日9∶00期间强降雨在四川省汶川县映秀镇附近的303省道K0-K20段沿线区域引发的滑坡灾害, 研究结果证明RARIL模型在预测降雨诱发区域斜坡失稳灾害方面有很好的应用前景。   相似文献   

The buckling failure of stratified rock slopes intersected by a set of steep discontinuities that are approximately parallel to the slope surface is frequently encountered while constructing railways and roadways in mountainous areas. In this study, an analytical approach based on the energy equilibrium principle is presented to solve the flexural buckling stability of stratified rock slopes within the framework of multilayer beam theory. The generalized HoekBrown failure criterion is introduced to reflect the influences of slope size(scale effects) on the buckling stability. Subsequently, numerical and physical modellings from previous literatures are employed to validate the proposed approach. Furthermore, a practical case of Bawang Mountain landslide is also used for the comparative analysis. The study shows that the present analytical approach is capable to provide a more reasonable assessment for the buckling failure of stratified rock slopes, compared with several existing analytical approaches. Finally, a detailed parametric study is implemented, and the results indicate that the effects of rock strength, rock deformation modulus, geological strength index, layer thickness and disturbance degree of rock mass on the buckling failure of stratified rock slopes are more significant than that of rock type and slope angle.  相似文献   

Unlike the limit equilibrium method (LEM), with which only the global safety factor of the landslide can be calculated, a local safety factor (LSF) method is proposed to evaluate the stability of different sections of a landslide in this paper. Based on three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation results, the local safety factor is defined as the ratio of the shear strength of the soil at an element on the slip zone to the shear stress parallel to the sliding direction at that element. The global safety factor of the landslide is defined as the weighted average of all local safety factors based on the area of the slip surface. Some example analyses show that the results computed by the LSF method agree well with those calculated by the General Limit Equilibrium (GLE) method in two-dimensional (2D) models and the distribution of the LSF in the 3D slip zone is consistent with that indicated by the observed deformation pattern of an actual landslide in China.  相似文献   

Rainfall is an important factor to trigger the debris flow.Numerical simulation on the responses of slopes and the initiation of debris flow under rainfall was processed by using the software FLAC2D based on the soil parameters in Weijia Gully,Beichuan County,Sichuan Province,China.The effects of the slope angle,rainfall intensity,soil parameters on the developments of the stress and pore pressure and deformation of the slope were studied.It indicates that large displacements of the slope are mainly located near the slope toe.With the increase of the rainfall intensity the stability of the slope decreases and so the debris-flow is easy to occur.  相似文献   

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