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水库滑坡约束条件影响其运动过程的几何形态,是滑坡涌浪预测的重要参数之一。为了探究约束条件对滑坡涌浪特征(波高、波幅与周期)的影响,采用正交试验设计法开展了54组滑坡涌浪室内模型试验,并基于统计学理论对约束散体和半约束散体的涌浪特征进行了分析。结果表明:涌浪波周期基本不受滑体约束条件的影响;而半约束散体模型的波高和波幅小于约束散体的波高和波幅,半约束散体的初始涌浪波高约为约束散体的0.95倍,半约束散体模型的最大波峰波幅约为约束散体模型的0.9倍。因此,在开展滑坡涌浪快速预测时,虽然滑体入水形态与破坏前形态差异巨大,但基于滑坡初始几何形态参数对其初始涌浪波高和最大涌浪波幅的预测结果是偏安全的。研究结论可以为更准确地预测水库滑坡涌浪提供理论依据。  相似文献   

将地学信息图谱理论运用在浙江省滑坡灾害风险区划中,结合已有的滑坡灾害风险研究,选取DEM、坡度、坡向、断裂、土石工程地质分组、土地利用类型等空间环境因子和不同时间段的降水量等作为评价子系统,实现从不同角度对浙江省滑坡灾害进行综合评价,并得出浙江省滑坡灾害风险区划图谱。一方面,地学信息图谱的运用使得滑坡灾害形成的动因和过程更加易于理解,另一方面,同时显示滑坡灾害的时间和空间差异的滑坡灾害风险区划图谱能够为浙江省的滑坡灾害防治提供更科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

为了弥补滑坡灾害危险性区划研究中影响因子和等级划分的不确定性,结合前人研究成果,依据斜坡几何形态、岩性、地质构造、河流侵蚀、土地利用类型、人类工程活动、降水条件等影响因子与研究区实际已发生的滑坡灾害数之间的关系,编制重庆市万州区滑坡灾害危险性评价标准,并基于GIS技术和信息量模型法,计算滑坡评价因子的信息量,就万州区滑坡危险性进行区划,最后基于乡镇行政区对该区滑坡危险性区划进行细化。结果表明:建设用地、坡高为90~200 m的地形、1 024~1 060 mm的年降雨量以及侏罗系中统上沙溪庙组岩层等因素对万州区滑坡发生影响较大;根据滑坡灾害危险性评价标准,万州区滑坡灾害被划分为高、中、低、极低等4个危险区;应用信息量模型法得到的万州区滑坡危险性区划与实际情况比较吻合;高危险区和中危险区面积分别为564.4 km2和848.6 km2,分别占万州区总面积的16.3%和24.5%,主要分布于长江干流及支流两岸的居民相对集中区以及公路干线地段;高危险和中危险乡镇主要分布在万州区经济较为发达的长江干流两岸,尤其是左岸的黄柏乡、太龙镇、天城镇、李河镇等以及万州主城区。  相似文献   

On a global scale,from 2005 to 2019,there were 275 high-magnitude,low-frequency disasters that involved 14,172 fatalities and four million affected people.Similar patterns have taken place during longer periods of time in recent decades.This paper aims to analyse the contribution of the international landslide research community to disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management in reference to the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)in a literature review.The first section notes the relevance of disaster risk research contributions for the implementation of initiatives and strategies concerning disaster risk management.The second section highlights background information and current applications of drones in the field of hazards and risk.The methodology,which included a systematic peer review of journals in the ISI Web of Science and SCOPUS,was presented in the third section,where the results include analyses of the considered data.This study concludes that most current scholarly efforts remain rooted in hazards and post-disaster evaluation and response.Future landslide disaster risk research should be transdisciplinary in order to strengthen participation of the various relevant stakeholders in contributing to integrated disaster risk management at local,subnational,national,regional and global levels.  相似文献   

三峡水库运行过程中库岸滑坡的变形演化往往滞后于库水位的变化, 表现出时间滞后效应, 而且随渗透系数和库水位波动速率的不同, 滞后效应亦不同。以三峡库区白家包滑坡为例, 通过现场调查、监测数据分析以及数值模拟的方法, 研究了滑坡在不同渗透系数k和不同库水位下降速率v条件下的变形滞后时间变化规律。研究表明: 滑体渗透系数一定时, 库水位下降速率越大, 地下水滞后越明显; 库水位下降速率一定时, 滑体渗透系数越大, 地下水下降越快。当滑体渗透系数一定时, 库水位下降速率越大, 滑坡的变形滞后时间越短; 滑体渗透系数k=0.85 m/d时不同库水位下降速率作用下滑坡的变形滞后时间为3.74~9 d, 当0.47<v/k<1.18时, 0.24<相对变形滞后时间<1;当1.18<v/k<2.38时, 0<相对变形滞后时间<0.24。当库水位下降速率一定时, 滑体渗透系数越大, 滑坡变形滞后时间越短, 不同库水位下降速率下滑坡变形滞后时间随渗透系数的变化规律大致相同; 库水位下降速率v=1.8 m/d时不同滑体渗透系数下滑坡的变形滞后时间为1.7~8 d, 当0.52<v/k<0.84时, 0<相对变形滞后时间<0.16;当0.84<v/k<2.12时, 0.16<相对变形滞后时间<0.43;当2.12<v/k<9时, 0.43<相对变形滞后时间<1。研究成果对水库滑坡预测预警具有较强的应用价值。   相似文献   

In recent decades, data-driven landslide susceptibility models(Dd LSM), which are based on statistical or machine learning approaches, have become popular to estimate the relative spatial probability of landslide occurrence. The available literature is composed of a wealth of published studies and that has identified a large variety of challenges and innovations in this field. This review presents a comprehensive up-to-date overview focusing on the topic of Dd LSM. This research begins with an i...  相似文献   

以供应链成本为研究对象,在回顾供应链概念发展演变的基础上,给出了供应链的定义,探讨了供应链成本的构成,论述了供应链成本管理的目标,提出了加强供应链成本管理的主要措施.  相似文献   

地质灾害数据是一种多源异构数据,是典型的大数据。关系型数据库是目前地质灾害数据的主流管理方法。在地质灾害数据中,非结构化数据占有很大的比例。由于关系模型难以有效地管理非结构化数据,因而关系型数据库对地质灾害数据的管理效果并不理想。这种弱点,在大数据时代将会被进一步放大,并对地质数据挖掘和大数据分析造成一定的影响。针对大数据时代地质灾害数据的管理模式,从泛结构化地质数据管理、应用模型和分布式异构系统的集成等方面进行了探讨。认为地质灾害数据的有效管理应该把文件系统、关系型数据库和NoSQL结合起来,并提出了一种基于双C模型和中间件结合的泛结构化地质数据管理与应用模式。这种模式已应用在多个工程中,取得了良好的效果。   相似文献   

The stability of slopes is always of great concern in the field of rock engineering. The geometry and orientation of pre-existing discontinuities show a larger impact on the behavior of slopes that is often used to describe the measurement of the steepness, incline, gradient, or grade of a straight line. One of the structurally controlled modes of failure in jointed rock slopes is plane failure. There are numerous analytical methods for the rock slope stability including limit equilibrium, stress analysis and stereographic methods. The limiting equilibrium methods for slopes under various conditions against plane failure have been previously proposed by several investigators. However, these methods do not involve water pressure on sliding surfaces assessments due to water velocity and have not yet been validated by case study results. This paper has tried to explore the effects of forces due to water pressure on discontinuity surfaces in plane failure through applying the improved equations. It has studied the effect of water flow velocity on sliding surfaces in safety factor, as well. New equations for considering water velocity (fluid dynamics) are presented. To check the validity of the suggested equations, safety factor for a case study has been determined. Results show that velocity of water flow had significant effect on the amount of safety factor. Also, the suggested equations have higher validity rate compared to the current equations.  相似文献   

The design of remediation works for the mitigation and prevention of the associated risk is needed where these geological hazards affect anthropized areas. Remedial measures for landslides commonly include slope reshaping, plumbing, drainage, retaining structures and internal slope reinforcement, while debris flow control works consist in open or closed control structures. The effectiveness of the remedial works implemented must be assessed by evaluating the reduction of the risk over time. The ...  相似文献   

文昌A凹陷珠海组储层区域成岩作用特征及定量评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用砂岩铸体薄片、扫描电镜、图像分析、孔隙定量分析等资料,研究珠海组深部储层砂岩成岩作用,确定成岩作用横、纵向分布规律;计算成岩参数压实损失的孔隙度和压实率、胶结量、视溶蚀率和溶蚀量,分别对压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用进行定量评价,确定区域成岩作用强度.结果表明:珠海组总体为中等—强压实.其中,凹陷西缘为弱胶结、中等溶蚀;凹陷中心以中等胶结、中等溶蚀为主;南断裂东段下降盘为中等—强溶蚀,珠海组一段和二段为中等—强胶结,珠海组三段为弱—中等胶结;南断裂中段下降盘珠海组一段和二段为中等胶结,珠海组三段为弱胶结,珠海组一段为中等近强溶蚀.  相似文献   

Web Service基本特征及其在构造供应链管理系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对Web Service理论和技术的基本特征进行了探讨,并应用该技术的跨平台互操作性和结合XML的数据通信的开放性为大型集团公司构造供应链管理系统,从而证实Web Service为企业间进行信息数据交换提供了强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

A method to retrieve ocean wave spectra from SAR images, named Parameterized First-guess Spectrum Method (PFSM), was proposed after interpretation of the theory to ocean wave imaging and analysis of the drawbacks of the retrieving model generally used. In this method, with additional information and satellite parameters, the separating wave-number is first calculated to determine the maximum wave-number beyond which the linear relation can be used. The separating wave-number can be calculated using the additional information on wind velocity and parameters of SAR satellite. And then the SAR spectrum can be divided into SAR spectrum of wind wave and of swell according to the result of separating wave-number. The portion of SAR spectrum generated by wind wave, is used to search for the most suitable parameters of ocean wind wave spectrum, including propagation direction of ocean wave, phase speed of dominating wave and the angle spreading coefficient. The swell spectrum is acquired by directly inversing the linear relation of ocean wave spectrum to SAR spectrum given the portion of SAR spectrum generated by swell. We used the proposed method to retrieve the ocean wave spectrum from ERS-SAR data from the South China Sea and compared the result with altimeter data. The agreement indicates that the PFSM is reliable.  相似文献   

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