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强震中下软上硬坡体同震崩塌发育, 为了揭示这类坡体地震动的响应特征, 在珙县五同村安置了强震监测仪, 对斜坡表面和不同岩性的地震动响应进行监测, 并记录到不同方位、不同震中距的2次地震。研究表明: ①地震动响应规律有极强的方向性和距离性。2次地震相距监测站台的方向和距离不同, 使Ms 4.0级地震的峰值加速度和阿里亚斯强度反而比Ms 3.2级地震小。②0~30 Hz的地震波在低地山岭的高陡临空面附近有放大效应。1#监测点的主频小于3#与5#监测点, 3#监测点的主频最高。5#点的幅值范围为0.018~0.055 m/s-2, 3#点幅值范围为0.036~0.087 m/s-2, 3#点相较于5#点, 其三向最高幅值同比放大了1.58~2.0倍。③泥质砂岩的主频为4.8~8.4 Hz, 灰岩的主频为5.5~21.4 Hz, 不同的岩层共振频率不同, 灰岩对地震波的选频放大效应强于泥质砂岩。④地震波在不同高程的山岭斜坡部位具有选择放大作用, 在一定范围内高程越大地形放大效应越明显。   相似文献   

在宜宾市珙县五同村布设斜坡地震动监测仪器,采集兴文县3.1级、珙县4.5级及长宁县4.6级地震数据。对监测剖面上1#、2#监测点采集到的珙县余震地震动响应数据进行滤波和校正处理,对比分析震级、高程、方位等因素对斜坡造成的地震响应后认为:1)当地震波的半波长与山体某些特定部位之间的距离接近时,斜坡地形与地震波的波峰产生耦合作用,地形放大效应显著,达到参考点的2.765倍,此处山体更容易产生较大幅度的摇晃,造成山体地质灾害;2)分析珙县4.5级与长宁县4.6级地震得出,当地震波沿特殊部位(如山脊等)传播时,地震加速度及阿里亚斯强度更加显著;3)分析地震加速度变化得出,在地震荷载作用下,随着震级的增大,斜坡的加速度响应也会增大;4)随着高程和震级的变化,监测点的地震加速度和阿里亚斯强度随之变化,高程和震级对斜坡的地震动响应具有放大效应;5)在高程和微地貌的耦合作用下,斜坡地震加速度也具有明显的放大效应。  相似文献   

斜坡浅表层是各类地震地质灾害发育的潜在破坏位置,坡面形态和坡体结构往往造成斜坡动力响应及破坏的复杂化。为探究不稳定斜坡浅表潜在滑动层动力响应特征与失稳过程,以芦山Ms6.1级地震触发的新华村滑坡为例,基于现场调查采用离散元方法建立了二维计算模型,分析了该斜坡潜在滑动层及坡面形态的动力响应特征并对其失稳过程进行了模拟。结果表明:(1)斜坡浅表潜在滑动层具有强烈动力放大效应;(2)微地貌对于潜在不稳定斜坡坡面的放大效应具有明显的影响,浅表潜在滑动层水平向及竖直向加速度在凸出部位的放大效应显著,凹陷部位相较于凸出部位放大效应较低;(3)研究揭示新华村滑坡在微地貌的作用下凸起地形呈现先于凹陷地形遭受破坏,其失稳过程分为震动放大局部震裂-凸出地形破坏-凹陷地形破坏-完全破坏整体下滑-重力堆积5个阶段。该研究结果有助于提升防灾人员对地震诱发潜在不稳定斜坡失稳的认识,为防灾减灾提供理论和数据支撑。  相似文献   

Numerical analyses of earthquake effects on the deformation, stability, and load transfer of a slope covered by deposits are traditionally based on the assumption that the slope is a continuum. It would be problematic, however, to extend these approaches to the simulation of the slide, collapse and disintegration of the deposits under seismic loading. Contrary to this, a discrete element method (DEM) provides a means to consider large displacement and rotation of the non-continuum. To take the advantages of both methods of continuum and non-continuum analyses, seismic responses of a slope covered by deposits are studied by coupling a two-dimensional (2-D) finite difference method and a 2-D DEM, with the bedrock being modelled by the finite difference grids and the deposits being represented by disks. A smooth transition across the boundaries of the continuous/discontinuous domains is obtained by imposing the compatibility condition and equilibrium condition along their interfaces. In the course of computation, the same time-step value is chosen for both continuous and discontinuous domains. The free-field boundaries are adopted for lateral grids of bedrock domain to eliminate the radiation damping effect. When the static equilibrium under gravity load is obtained, dynamic calculation begins under excitation of the seismic wave input from the continuum model bottom. In this way, responses to the earthquake of a slope covered by deposits are analyzed dynamically. Combined with field monitoring data, deformation and stability of the slope are discussed. The effects of the relevant parameters of spectrum characteristic, duration, and peak acceleration of seismic waves are further investigated and explained from the simulations.  相似文献   

Rock slope with horizontal-layered fractured structure(HLFS) has high stability in its natural state. However, a strong earthquake can induce rock fissure expansion, ultimately leading to slope failure. In this study, the dynamic response, failure mode, and spectral characteristics of rock slope with HLFS under strong earthquake conditions were investigated based on the large-scale shaking table model test. On this basis, multiple sets of numerical calculation models were further established by ...  相似文献   

The action of the wind field and the influence of topography can cause divergence or convergence of surface current. The existence of the divergence-convergence effect is proved and the dynamical significance of the divergent or convergent state and its link with many marine phenomena are pointed out. Divergence fields of surface current in the Bohai Sea in winter and summer are obtained by numerical modelling describing the divergence-convergence character of seasonally wind-driven current. The relation between the effect and seasonal marine phenomena is discussed. Study on the divergence-convergence effect of surface current (DCESC)can be an indirect method for testing the calculated results.  相似文献   

1引言1986年11月台湾地区连续发生7级以上地震,1987年8月江西寻乌发生5.5级震群活动后,福建及其沿海地区的中强地震活动明显加强。受台湾地区地震和我国东南地区地震活动影响,1992年2月18日南日岛发生5.2级地震,11月26日龙岩—连城发生...  相似文献   

Global warming may result in increased polar amplification, but future temperature changes under different climate change scenarios have not been systematically investigated over Antarctica. An index of Antarctic amplification(AnA) is defined, and the annual and seasonal variations of Antarctic mean temperature are examined from projections of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6(CMIP6) under scenarios SSP119, SSP126, SSP245,SSP370 and SSP585. AnA occurs under all scenarios,and is s...  相似文献   

以岩质边坡中常见的平面滑动为研究对象,研究其最优锚固方向角的计算方法。将锚索自由段单位长度能提供的最大抗滑增量作为目标控制变量,将坡面和滑动面特征参数与锚索设计参数作为优化控制自变量,通过坐标系转换得到的线性方程组对锚索的预拉力进行分解,并根据锚索支护时的三维模型建立了锚索自由段长度的优化公式,进而推导了用于锚固方向角三维优化的新计算方程。在该方程的基础上借助MATLAB软件中的fmincon函数对锚索加固方向不受限制时的锚固方向角进行了优化。最后通过锚固方向角敏感性分析与工程实例分析相结合,证明了推荐的最优锚固方向角计算方法的有效性与先进性。新方法有效地解决了边坡坡面与滑动面走向存在夹角时最优锚固方向角的求解问题,可进一步提高锚索的锚固效益,降低边坡的支护费用。   相似文献   

The stability of rock slope is often controlled by the existing discontinuous surfaces, such as discrete fractures, which are ubiquitously distributing in a geological medium. In contrast with the traditional approaches used in soil slope with a continuous assumption, the simulation methods of jointed rock slope are different from that of in soil slope. This paper presents a study on jointed rock slope stability using the proposed discontinuous approach, which considers the effects of discrete fractures. Comparing with traditional methods to model fractures in an implicit way, the presented approach provides a method to simulate fractures in an explicit way, where grids between rock matrix and fractures are independent. To complete geometric components generation and mesh partition for the model, the corresponding algorithms were devised. To evaluate the stability state of rock slope quantitatively, the strength reduction method was integrated into our analysis framework. A benchmark example was used to verify the validation of the approach. A jointed rock slope, which contains natural fractures, was selected as a case study and was simulated regarding the workflow of our framework. It was set up in the light of the geological condition of the site. Slope stability was evaluated under different loading conditions with various fracture patterns. Numerical results show that fractures have significant contributions to slope stability, and different fracture patterns would lead to different shapes of the slip surface. The devised method has the ability to calculate a non-circular slip surface, which is different from a circular slip surface obtained by classical methods.  相似文献   

近年来,植被护坡作为一种生态友好型支护方式越来越多地被应用到斜坡支护工程中,故如何科学地种植植被以充分发挥其护坡效果具有重要的研究意义。为此,以乔木为研究对象,结合3D打印技术制备乔木根系模型,通过自行设计的滑坡模型试验系统,开展了系统物理模型试验,对3种根系排布方式与3种根系间距下乔木的护坡效果进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在乔木根系支护下,抗滑力峰值增大,达到峰值的时间延长,峰后抗滑力衰减程度降低。(2)对抗滑力的改善效果方面,反拱型排布>正拱型排布>直线型排布>无根系支护。根系间距S=1.5D(D为根系间最大水平距离,D=7 cm)与S=2.0D对抗滑力的改善效果接近,S=2.5D时抗滑力峰值最大。(3)就根系排布方式而言,反拱型排布对坡体位移的改善效果最为明显,正拱型排布与直线型排布对位移的改善效果接近;就根系间距而言,S=2.5D对坡体位移的改善效果最为明显,S=1.5D与S=2.0D对坡体位移的改善效果接近。(4)直线型排布下坡体滑动范围增大,正拱型排布与反拱型排布则能有效限制坡体变形。根系间距对坡体变形场的影响不大。综上可知,在乔木护坡工程中可通过控制乔木...  相似文献   

A non-hydrostatic, Boussinesq, and three-dimensional large eddy simulation(LES) model was used to study the impact of the Earth's rotation on turbulence and the redistribution of energy in turbulence kinetic energy(TKE) budget. A set of numerical simulations was conducted,(1) with and without rotation,(2) at different latitudes(10°N, 30°N, 45°N, 60°N, and 80°N),(3) with wave breaking and with Langmuir circulation, and(4) under different wind speeds(5, 10, 20, and 30 m/s). The results show that eddy viscosity decreases when rotation is included, indicating that rotation weakens the turbulence strength. The TKE budget become tight with rotation and the effects of rotation grow with latitude. However, rotation become less important under Langmuir circulation since the transport term is strong in the vertical direction. Finally, simulations were conducted based on field data from the Boundary Layer and Air-Sea Transfer Low Wind(CBLAST-Low) experiment. The results, although more complex, are consistent with the results obtained from earlier simulations using ideal numerical conditions.  相似文献   

The presence of random fissures has a great impact on rock slope stability. To investigate the failure modes and stability of rock slopes containing different types of pre-existing fissures, the fracture mark ξ was introduced to improve the kernel function in the traditional smoothed particle dynamics(SPH) method, and a novel numerical method, the improved kernel of smoothed particle hydrodynamics(IKSPH), was proposed to realise the microscopic damage characteristics of particles. The ‘random fissure generating method' has been proposed for random fissure generation, and the gravity increase method has been embedded into the IKSPH program, thereby realising the stability analysis of rock slopes considering crack propagation processes. A typical steep rock slope is taken as a numerical simulation example considering the random distributions of preexisting fissures, and its failure modes as well as the stability under different conditions were simulated. The results show that the failure processes of the rock slope contain propagations of microcracks and then macrocrack penetrations. When the fissure length is short, shallow collapse failure modes can be observed; when the fissure length is long, the deep layer slide occurs, and the slope stability decreases with an increase in fissure length. The micro and macrocrack surfaces are basically consistent with pre-existing fissure angles, and the safety factor is the least at a fissure angle of 30°. The greater the fissure density, the greater the number of macrocracks, and the stability decreases with an increase in the number of pre-existing fissures. The research results can provide some references for disaster protection and understanding the failure laws of rock slopes. Meanwhile, combining the geological survey results with the numerical simulations and developing a high-performance IKSPH program will be a future research direction.  相似文献   

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