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岩溶地下水是泰安市城区重要供水水源,近年来随着气候环境变化和人为活动的影响,岩溶地下水水化学特征日趋复杂,但其水化学特征及成因尚不明晰。为识别研究区地下水水化学特征、成因机制,本文采用数理统计方法、离子比值、水化学图解等方法,研究了该区岩溶地下水的水文地球化学特征。结果表明:研究区内岩溶地下水水化学类型主要为HCO3Ca型、HCO3·SO4Ca 型、HCO3·SO4·ClCa型。地下水水化学成分主要受水岩相互作用控制,以溶滤作用为主,地下水中的Ca2+、Na+、HCO-3、SO2-4主要来源于方解石、白云石的碳酸盐岩及石膏、盐岩等蒸发岩的溶解,且存在逆向的阳离子交替吸附作用,导致Ca2+含量增加,Na+含量减少,人为活动影响导致地下水中Cl-、NO-3浓度增加。研究成果为研究区内岩溶地下水的合理开发与保护提供了依据。 相似文献
通过对平顶山矿区地下水、地表水及大气降水中的氢氧重同位素组成和变化规律分析,结合区域环境水文地质条件及岩溶地下水的一般化学特征,论述岩溶地下水的形成时间、径流途径及径流速度。最后确定岩溶地下水的污染源、污染途径,推断岩溶地下水污染发展的速度。 相似文献
本文以丰富的实际资料,论证了地下水的卤素元素(F、Cl、Br、I)的形成、含量及其分布规律与含水介质成分、上覆岩土性质、地下水退流条件、氧化还原环境、地下水矿化度之间的关系。根据江汉平原东部区和鄱阳湖区地下水中Br、I元素的调查研究结果及它们形成的控制因素与分布规律,结合长江三角洲南部区水文地球化学环境条件分析对比,指出该区是一个形成Br、I矿泉水的有利地区。 相似文献
为有效管理和保护永城市浅层地下水资源,维系水资源可续利用,必须查明其污染物的分布特征和来源。在对永城市浅层地下水采样分析的基础上,结合分析城市发展带来产业布局改变及土地利用类型分布对其造成的影响,研究其主要污染组分的来源及分布特征。结果表明:城市第二产业(工矿业)发展,GDP的增长与浅层地下水中ρ(SO2-4)、ρ(NO-3)上升存在相关性,城市工业及人口密集区与污染严重区位置趋于一致。浅层地下水污染的最主要来源是SO2-4含量的上升,除了直接导致水质变差外,还会间接改变水文地球化学作用的强度,造成原本难溶的碳酸盐和硅酸盐的溶解量增大,使得ρ(TDS)进一步上升而改变水质。其次,NO-3、COD也是浅层地下水主要的污染来源,其部分来源工业废水,部分来源于农业上农药和化肥的过量使用。 相似文献
为查明大汶河流域中上游地区岩溶地下水水化学特征和离子来源,基于2018年枯、丰两期采集的岩溶地下水样品水化学数据,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper图、Gibbs图以及离子比值等方法,对大汶河流域中上游地区岩溶地下水水化学特征及其控制因素进行了分析。结果表明,大汶河流域中上游地区枯、丰水期岩溶地下水的pH均值分别为7.6和7.5,整体表现为弱碱性。岩溶地下水中Ca2+为占优势的阳离子,HCO-3和SO2-4为主要阴离子。枯、丰期岩溶地下水中ρ(TDS)均值分别为645.4,648.4 mg/L。按照TDS划分,大汶河流域中上游地区岩溶地下水均属于淡水或微咸水;枯、丰水期岩溶地下水水化学类型均以HCO3·SO4-Ca为主。岩石风化作用是控制区内岩溶地下水水化学特征的主要控制因素,碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩矿物的溶解是地下水主要离子的重要来源。同时,大汶河流域中上游地区岩溶地下水还受到了比较明显的人为输入影响,地下水中NO- 相似文献
我国南方岩溶地区是全球三大岩溶集中分布区之一,由于岩溶地区独特的含水层结构,其地下水极易受到地表污染。为了探明岩溶地下水中抗生素污染空间分布的主控因素,厘清抗生素浓度与水化学参数的相关关系,进而识别岩溶地区水环境中抗生素污染的指示因子,以西南典型岩溶地下河系统为研究对象,利用超高效液相色谱串联质谱联用仪(UPLC-MS/MS)分析了35种抗生素浓度。结果表明:研究区共检出了30种抗生素,包括3种四环素类(<检出限(MDL)~421 ng/L)、5种大环内酯类(28.3~884 ng/L)、9种磺胺类(2.50~30 ng/L)和13种喹诺酮类(19.5~1 807 ng/L)。其中,大环内酯类和喹诺酮类抗生素是研究区检出的主要抗生素,其空间分布特征主要受污染源和稀释作用控制。研究区水化学类型包括HCO3-Ca·Mg型和HCO3-Ca·Na·Mg型,抗生素浓度在不同的水化学类型中存在显著差异,HCO3-Ca·Na·Mg型水样中抗生素浓度显著高于HCO3-Ca·Mg型(2~10倍)(Mann-Wh... 相似文献
文章在前人对氮循环等研究的基础上,结合笔者野外调查,阐述了岩溶洞穴中火硝的分布特征,探讨了氮、钾的来源及其形成的化学机理,分析了火硝保存的环境和地质因素. 相似文献
【目的】研究电厂排水口附近海域周年浮游桡足类群落对脱硫海水受纳海域环境因子的群落响应。【方法】2016年4、7、9、12月分别对湛江自备电厂附近海域的浮游桡足类群落结构及相关环境因子进行了调查。【结果与结论】共鉴定出浮游桡足类41属83种和11类幼体,其中四季种类数为春季27种,夏季31种,秋季47种,冬季43种,分别占浮游动物种类数的18.2%、20.9%、31.9%、29%。种类最多的是大眼剑水蚤属达8种,其次为长腹剑水蚤属7种,唇角水蚤属5种,隆哲水蚤属和歪水蚤属各4种。其中优势种共有8种,无四季优势种,3季都为优势种的有钳形歪水蚤Tortanusforcipatus和太平洋纺锤水蚤Acartiapacifica。浮游桡足类丰度呈现秋季夏季春季冬季的规律,大致符合涨潮丰度增加,落潮丰度减小,远岸丰度低于近岸的规律。Sperman相关性表明,浮游桡足类丰度与夏季pH和温度呈现显著负相关关系,与夏季盐度呈现极显著正相关关系,且温盐是解释夏季浮游桡足类丰度差异的最佳组合。从4个断面分析结果可知,秋季浮游桡足类分布受断面影响显著,秋季断面pH值差异显著。 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONSustainability as present understand comes fromword protection strategy commission, which firstly putforward some wide excepted environmental sustainability principles and three important identifications forlife support system: soil, air and water. Then, in thereport of Our Common Future (WCED, 1987), theconcept of sustainable development is put to an outstanding level. Sustainable groundwater resources development is then a great issue in the recent years andthe future (… 相似文献
长江中游平原区面临着一系列严重的地质环境问题,其中地下水铵氮和磷的问题十分突出,但目前对于二者共存规律的认识还十分薄弱。以长江中游沿岸故道区为典型研究区,对采集的地下水样品进行了水文地球化学分析,并综合运用因子分析和随机森林模型探讨了铵氮和磷的赋存规律。结果表明:地下水整体处于还原环境中,NH4-N的质量浓度为0.03~71.0 mg/L(均值9.92 mg/L),P的质量浓度为0.02~3.38 mg/L(均值0.51 mg/L)。地下水中高浓度的铵氮与磷均主要为天然成因,但铵氮与磷的迁移富集过程存在差异:铵氮的迁移富集与含氮有机质矿化过程密切相关;磷的迁移富集与铁氧化物或氢氧化物的还原性溶解密切相关,而含磷有机质矿化是磷富集的次要过程。Eh很低的地下水环境易产生高浓度铵氮的地下水,相对中等的还原环境会产生高浓度的磷但通常不会伴生高浓度的铵氮;当地下水中S2-,DOC,I均处于相对较高的浓度水平时会伴生大量的铵氮,而磷的浓度在很大程度上受控于Fe2+浓度;当DOC,I和Fe2+浓度都高时,通常会出... 相似文献
长江三角洲典型地区土壤-水稻系统中Cd的分布及其迁移制约因素 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了弄清楚长江三角洲土壤-水稻系统中Cd污染和迁移制约因素,采集了典型地区的水稻土壤、秸秆、籽实等样品共66组,测试了这些样品中重金属元素和常量元素的含量、土壤pH值和总有机碳含量等参数指标,并对这些参数进行相关性分析,评估水稻土壤与籽实中的Cd污染,探讨Cd空间分布,讨论土壤中pH值和有机质以及其他金属元素对Cd在水... 相似文献
YIN Pingping ZHENG Wen WANG Yan LIU Ruhai HE Xin SUN Haolin LI Dou 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2023,(5):1341-1352
Complex hydrocultural conditions in the estuary affect the migration and transformation of mercury. Using two voyages in July and October 2018, Dissolved Gaseous Mercury(DGM) and Reactive Mercury(RHg) were determined to explore the source, transformation and influence of DGM content in the adjacent waters of Yangtze River Estuary in summer and autumn. The results showed the contents of DGM and RHg in summer were higher than those in autumn, and both of them were higher than those in open sea. In... 相似文献
The dust deposits in the Yangtze River Basin(YRB) have been widely distributed along the Yangtze River valley. Previous studies mainly concentrated in its provenance of each loess site,however, the differences in provenance of loess among different sites in this area have rarely been studied. Here, the geochemical characteristics of the20 μm fraction in the loess in separate Jiujiang,Xuancheng and Nanjing sites were analyzed. The result shows that the loess in Jiujiang and Nanjing sites, near Yangtze River riverway, share similar geochemical characteristics that may commonly derived from the detrital materials of Yangtze River.However, both sites have significantly different elemental compositions compared with Xuancheng site, which is ~60 km away from the Yangtze River riverway. These sites share different geochemical characteristics with Eastern Qinling Mountains and Xifeng section on the Chinese Loess Plateau, North China. Combining the distribution of the aeolian sand hills and the loess in this area published by previous studies, we suggest that the exposed river valley floodplain caused by weak summer monsoon provided abundant materials to form local dust cells controlled by strong winter monsoon during the glacial periods. Therefore, those local loess deposits should be identified as the "valley-sourced loess".These reveal the inherent connection between the monsoon system and the loess deposits in Yangtze River Basin. 相似文献
In the modern times ,the population growth,development of industrial and agricultural production and the petroleum exploitation,brought about the unceasing expansion of artificial oasis and abrupt increase of water demand .The artificial hydraulic irrigation engineering took the place of the natural river systerm,the reservoirs took the placeof natural lakds,which in turn enhanced the space-time redistribution of surface water based on the natural evolution,and so did groundwater.The groundwater recharge reduced 26.2% in 46 years from 1950 to 1995 in the southern piedmont fold plain of Tarim Basin due to mean yearly population increase rate of 27.7‰ and associated with the water use rate increasing from 24.6% to 58.4%.At the same time the artificial water system seepage give primary play to groundwater recharge,which is up to 57.6% whilst that of the natural system reduce to 33.7%.As a result,groundwater level drop 3-5m widespread except some irrigation area and surrounding of plain reservoir.Sping water discharge also reduce about 37.6% and discharge some continuously move away to the north with the value of 0.5-1.2km in the past 40 years. 相似文献
Fish assemblage structure in the hypoxic zone in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and its adjacent waters were analyzed based on data from bottom trawl surveys conducted on the R/V Beidou in June, August and October 2006. Four fish assemblages were identified in each survey using two-way indicator species analysis (TWIA). High fish biomass was found in the northern part, central part and coastal waters of the survey area; in contrast, high fish diversity was found in the southern part of the survey area and the Changjiang estuary outer waters. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain high fishery production when high fish diversity is evenly distributed in the fish community. Fish became smaller and fish size spectra tended to be narrower because of fish species variations and differences in growth characteristics. Fish diversity increased, the age to maturity was reduced and some migrant species were not collected in the surveys. Fish with low economic value, small size, simple age structure and low tropic level were predominant in fish assemblages in the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent waters. The lowest hypoxic value decreased in the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent waters. 相似文献
The palynolpgical study on the Quaternary sediments of 42 cores in the region of the Yangtze River Delta and the sections of 4 relics had been done since 1960. Palynological assemblages from the region of the Yangtze River Delta, showing obviously .common characteristics but with slight differences because of the vast areas covered, can be divided into five spores and pollen zones and three subzones in ascendant order:I.Quercus alienc-Pinus-Cupressaceae-Chenopodiaceae spores and pollen zone reflecting the cool, then cold and dry climate--Preboreal.II.Quercus dentata-Quefcus acutissima-Pinus-Castanea-Artemisia spores and pollen zone reflecting the temperate and cool, but a little dry climate--Boreal.III.Quercus glauca-Caslanopsis-Myrica-Caslanea spores and pollen zone reflecting the hot and moist climate--Atlantic.IV.Quercus acutissima-Pinus-Castanea-Quercus glauca- Chenopodiaceae spores and pollen zone reflecting the warm, and a little dry climate--Subboreal.V.Quercus acutissima-Costarica-Quercus glauca 相似文献
A study on quality of aquatic environment in Tumen River Area 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
ASTUDYONQUALITYOFAQUATICENVIRONMENTINTUMENRIVERAREA①ZhuYanming(朱颜明)ChangchunInstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,... 相似文献
内河港口是内河航运纽带的重要节点,评估内河港口的区位优势度对长江经济带港口基础设施建设等具有重要意义。以2021年长江沿岸内河港口为研究对象,采用多源数据,结合长江内河港口辐射范围内的3个指标并对原模型进行改进,结合AHP-EWM模型计算长江经济带长江沿岸28个港口的区位优势度,研究结果显示:① 除重庆和武汉以外,江苏省以外的其他省份港口辐射范围内交通网络密度都比较低;从交通干线影响度来看,分布比较均衡且数值较为相近;而城市经济影响力的空间分布较为无序;② 根据区位优势度的高低以及空间分布得出长江经济带货运港口空间格局为“三中心,一组团”的空间格局;③ 将内河港口按长江岸线所属省份进行划分后发现:江西省3个港口区位优势度差异最小,但其优势度也整体偏低;安徽省与江西省类似;江苏省整体优势度较高且差异小,湖北省的优势度差异最大,表明存在基础设施建设不均衡等问题且亟需改善。研究成果可对长江经济带内各个港口范围内基础设施建设、道路交通规划、港口选址等方面提供指导性意见帮助打通铁路、高等级公路进港“最后一公里”。 相似文献