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硫代砷酸盐作为富硫地下水中砷的重要赋存形态,在其迁移转化过程中起着十分重要的作用,但现有硫代砷酸盐的标准合成方法流程复杂、操作繁琐,限制了对地下水中硫代砷酸盐赋存规律的研究。为此,首先改进了硫代砷酸盐标准物质的合成方法,采用操作简便的水热法合成了硫代砷化合物标准物质,建立了基于HPLC-ICPMS的硫代砷化合物分析方法,该方法检出限为0.01 μg/L;探讨了不同保存条件对硫代砷化合物稳定性的影响,发现干冰速冻-20℃是地下水硫代砷酸盐样品的最佳保存条件。应用上述方法对大同盆地地下水中的硫代砷酸盐进行了取样分析,结果表明40%的水样中均检出硫代砷酸盐,最高质量浓度可达209.90 μg/L;弱碱性还原条件有利于硫代砷酸盐的赋存,且硫化物质量浓度对硫代砷酸盐的生成有重要控制作用。对地下水中硫代砷酸盐的深入研究有助于揭示富硫地下水中砷的迁移转化规律,丰富和完善高砷地下水成因理论。 相似文献
长江三角洲典型地区土壤-水稻系统中Cd的分布及其迁移制约因素 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了弄清楚长江三角洲土壤-水稻系统中Cd污染和迁移制约因素,采集了典型地区的水稻土壤、秸秆、籽实等样品共66组,测试了这些样品中重金属元素和常量元素的含量、土壤pH值和总有机碳含量等参数指标,并对这些参数进行相关性分析,评估水稻土壤与籽实中的Cd污染,探讨Cd空间分布,讨论土壤中pH值和有机质以及其他金属元素对Cd在水... 相似文献
根据X-射线荧光光谱仪检测土壤中硫的实践经验,发现了该检测方法中大气对土壤样品的检测结果有一定的影响。通过对所采集的太原河东11个样品的检测,以及对标准试样GSS-7、GSS-6系列样品的对比,证明了样品在空气中放置时间,即大气对检测结果的偏差。最后笔者采取即刻检测方法,对太原河东样和标准试样进行了测定,充分证明了检测土壤样品在大气中放置时间对检测结果的影响程度,应该引起土壤检测工作者的足够重视。 相似文献
为研究章丘区宁家埠镇土壤中硒元素在土壤—玉米中的迁移富集特征,采集耕地中表层土壤样品160件,玉米根系土及对应的根、茎、叶及籽实配套样品20组,进行硒及重金属元素含量测试。结果表明:研究区土壤呈中偏碱性,以富硒及足硒土壤为主,Se含量0.08~0.52mg/kg,土壤硒全量与有效态含量受土壤有机质及pH的影响,玉米根、茎、叶富集Cd、Cu的能力强,籽实富集Se的能力较强;籽实中Se含量与根系土中Se含量呈显著正相关关系,籽实中Se与重金属元素(除Hg外)含量呈弱相互拮抗关系,能够抑制籽实对重金属元素的吸收。研究区所有玉米籽实样品均达到富硒玉米标准,符合绿色食品及安全食品标准。本研究成果可为该镇富硒土地资源开发及富硒玉米基地建设提供依据。 相似文献
草地覆盖度变化对生态系统防风固沙服务的影响分析——以内蒙古典型草原区为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
锡林郭勒盟为我国北方典型草原区,草地的退化与恢复影响生态系统的防风固沙服务功能。为了便于制定区域生态恢复的防治措施,实现草地生态系统的可持续发展与防治土壤风蚀危害,本文基于气象、遥感数据,运用RWEQ(Revised Wind Erosion Equation)模型,结合锡林郭勒盟的草地覆盖度变化对20世纪90年代以来的防风固沙服务功能的时空变化趋势进行了定量评估,并分析了草地覆盖度变化对防风固沙服务功能的影响。研究表明:锡林郭勒盟土壤风蚀以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,主要集中在植被盖度较高、降水相对较多,风场强度相对较低的东部、中部和南部地区;中度以上区域主要集中在西部的荒漠草原区与浑善达克沙地区,且侵蚀面积随侵蚀强度的增加而递减;防风固沙服务功能量的分布趋势与土壤风蚀模数的分布趋势基本一致;防风固沙服务功能保有率的分布特征与植被盖度的分布特征基本一致,表现为由西北到东南逐渐增加的趋势;在气候暖干化背景下,受京津风沙源治理工程实施的影响,以微度和轻度侵蚀为主的草地覆盖度减小区转为以微度和轻度为主的覆盖度增加区,轻度和中度以上侵蚀为主的草地覆盖度减小区转为基本持衡区;草地覆盖度的降低与增加对土壤风蚀的加剧和抑制作用明显,大部分地区的防风固沙服务功能保有率的下降(提升)与风蚀季节草地覆盖度的减小与提升呈显著正相关(r0.6,p0.05)。 相似文献
以黄河下游流域山东省聊城市冠县地区为典型研究区,开展1∶5万土地质量地球化学调查评价工作。共采集表层(0~20cm)土壤样品5222件,计算土壤硒地球化学参数,系统分析了土壤硒含量的空间分布特征,初步探讨了硒元素影响因素及土壤-作物系统硒元素迁移特征。结果表明:冠县地区表层土壤硒含量变幅为0.08~0.31mg/kg,平均含量0.195mg/kg,属于足硒状态,占整个调查研究区的77.91%。不同土壤类型和地质单元硒含量有一定差异,在土壤剖面中硒含量随深度增加含量逐渐降低,总体呈现表聚性。研究区农作物不同部位硒含量富集能力不同,小麦籽实硒含量平均值为0.007mg/kg,呈低硒特征,建议通过农业土壤改良、科技创新,提高农作物中硒的含量。 相似文献
以滇东北地区某拟建公路沿线的地质灾害为例 ,分析研究该地区地质灾害的影响因素、影响机制、分布规律以及对公路工程的影响。区内地质灾害的发育受地层岩性、岩体结构、地质构造、地震、水文条件、气候条件、人类活动等因素的控制和影响。地质灾害类型主要有崩滑塌、滑坡、泥石流、岩溶塌陷等 ,另外还存在软土、膨胀土及可液化的砂土等特殊岩土灾害。不同类型的灾害对公路工程的影响和破坏机制不同 相似文献
以徐州奎河为例,通过对土样与水样化分结果的分析,研究了污染河流对其沿岸土壤及地下水化学环境的影响,指出了今后研究应注意的几个问题。 相似文献
Environmental, biological, socio-cultural and economic status variation existing in the Central Himalaya have led to the evolution
of diverse and unique traditional agroecosystems, crop species and livestock, which facilitate the traditional mountain farming
societies to sustain themselves. Indigenous agroecosystems are highly site specific and differ from place to place, as they
have evolved along divergent lines. For maintenance of traditional agrodiversity management the farmers of the Central Himalaya
have evolved various types of crop rotations in consonance with the varied environmental conditions and agronomic requirements.
In irrigated flat lands two crops are harvested in a year with negligible fallow period but in rainfed conditions if a cropping
sequence is presumed to be starting after winter fallow phase then four major cropping seasons can be identified namely first
kharif season (first crop season), first rabi season (second crop season), second kharif season (third crop season) and second
rabi season (fourth crop season). Highest crop diversity is present in kharif season in comparison to rabi season. Traditionally
the fields are left fallow after harvest of the second kharif season crop. Important characteristics of agrodiversity management
are the use of bullocks for draught power, human energy as labour, crop residues as animal feed and animal waste mixed with
forest litter as organic input to restore soil fertility levels. Women provide most of the human labour except for ploughing
and threshing grain. The present study deals with assessment of traditional agrodiversity management such as (i) crop diversity,
(ii) realized yield under the traditional practices and (iii) assess the differences of realized yields under sole and mixed
cropping systems. It indicated that crop rotation is an important feature of the Central Himalayan village ecosystem which
helps to continue the diversity of species grown, as are the distribution of crops in the growing period and the management
of soil fertility. The cropping diversity existing and the sequences practiced by the traditional farmers seems to have achieved
high degree of specialization and thus even when the yield/biomass variations are about 60%, the farmers continue to practice
these sequences as they need to maintain diversity and synergistic relationships of crops in addition to manage the food and
labour requirements for crop husbandry. Crop yields are generally higher in irrigated systems than rainfed systems and in
sole cropping as compared with mixed cropping. However, gross biological and economic yields are higher in mixed cropping
than sole cropping systems. 相似文献
为解决勘探开发领域知识提取和共享问题,以井位部署业务为例,将过程本体思想引入勘探开发领域,形成勘探开发领域过程本体及其框架;借鉴过程本体在其他领域的构建方法,利用勘探开发领域的业务模型形成的统一标准的数据资源,提出勘探开发领域的业务过程本体的构建方法。该结果对勘探开发领域知识库和勘探开发决策支持系统建设有一定的借鉴作用。 相似文献
在吉林省黑土区系统的野外调查和土壤及玉米籽实样品采集、测试的基础上,采用地球化学分析方法及SPSS技术,研究了Cd元素的土壤地球化学特征,及其在土壤和作物籽实中的含量特征和相关性,用以揭示Cd元素在土壤-作物系统中的转化累积特征及影响因素,为粮食安全服务。研究表明:吉林省黑土区Cd元素全量高于吉林省及全国土壤背景值,但不存在污染,籽实中Cd含量低于国家安全标准。土壤中Cd元素有效态转化程度较高,受其全量控制,同时Zn、 Cu及P元素有效量对Cd转化的作用明显,偏酸性土壤更利于Cd元素的转化。玉米籽实对Cd吸收程度较低,主要取决于其自身的生物特性, Zn元素缺乏可能导致玉米籽实对Cd元素吸收增加。 相似文献
Influences of labor migration on rural household land transfer: A case study of Sichuan Province,China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer has been hotly debated in academic circles, which focuses on whether part-time employment leads to land transfer. Using survey data on rural households in the Sichuan Province, and applying the theoretical framework of new economics of labor migration, this study explores the influences of labor migration on the direction and scale of land transfer from the perspective of rural household structure. The results indicate that: 1) the quantity of laborers has significant influence on the direction and scale of land transfer. The larger the on-farm labor variable (Labor), the lesser the possibility that land will be rented-out and the amount of land rented out will also be smaller. In addition, there is a greater probability that land will be rented-in and the amount of land rented-in will be greater. 2) The greater the ratio of off-farm laborers to rural household laborers (Off-farm) the greater the possibility that land will be rented-out. In addition the higher the ratio of on-farm laborers to the total household laborers (On-farm), the larger the possibility that land will be rented-in. Meanwhile, if the household has individuals at the age of 64 or older (Old) who are engaged in agriculture, there is a smaller possibility that land will be rented-out. 3) the ratio of part-time laborers to rural household laborers (Pluriactivity) have significant inverse U-shaped influences on the rent-in of land as well as the amount of land rented-in. The inflection points are 33.27% and 14.10%, respectively. Such findings confirm the significance of this study in better understanding the influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer. 相似文献
Land surface temperature(LST) is the skin temperature of the earth surface. LST depends on the amount of sunlight received by any geographical area. Apart from sun light, LST is also affected by the land cover, which leads to change in land surface temperature. Impact of land cover change(LCC) on LST has been assessed using Landsat TM5, Landsat 8 TIRS/OLI and Digital Elevation Model(ASTER) for Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. In the present study, Spiti valley was divided into three altitudinal zones to check the pattern of changing land cover along different altitudes and LST was calculated for all the four land cover categories extracted from remote sensing data for the years of 1990 and 2015. Matrix table was used as a technique to evaluate the land cover change between two different years. Matrix table shows that as a whole, about 2,151,647 ha(30%) area of Spiti valley experienced change in land cover in the last 25 years. The result also shows vegetation and water bodies increased by 107,560.2 ha(605.87%) and 45 ha(0.98%), respectively. Snow cover and barren land decreased by 19,016.5 ha(23.92%) and 88,589(14.14%), during the study period. A significant increase has been noticed in vegetation amongst all land cover types. Minimum, maximum and mean LST for three altitudinal zones have been calculated. The mean LST recorded was 11℃ in 1990 but it rose by 2℃ and reached to 13℃ in 2015. Changes in LST were obtained for each land cover categories. The mean temperature of different land cover types was calculated by averaging value of all pixels of a given land cover types. The mean LST of vegetation, barren land, snow cover and water body increased by 6℃, 9℃, 1℃, and 7℃, respectively. Further, relationships between LST, Normalized Difference Snow Index(NDSI), and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) were established using Linear Regression. 相似文献
GIS-based analysis for hotspot identification of tradeoff between ecosystem services: A case study in Yanhe Basin,China 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Although the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services have been studied for a long time, few studies have specifically focused on the quantification of tradeoffs between ecosystem services and tradeoff hotspots. Based on previous studies of ecosystem service assessment, we proposed a feasible method to analyze the tradeoffs between ecosystem services, including determination of their relationship, quantification of tradeoffs, and identification of tradeoff hotspots. Potential influencing factors were then further analyzed. The Yanhe Basin in the Loess Plateau was selected as an example to demonstrate the application process. Firstly, the amounts of net primary production(NPP) and water yield(WY) in 2000 and 2008 were estimated by using biophysical models. Secondly, correlation analysis was used to indicate the tradeoffs between NPP and WY. Thirdly, tradeoff index(TI_(NPP/WY)) was established to quantify the extent of tradeoffs between NPP and WY, and the average value of TI_(NPP/WY) is 24.4 g/(mm·m~2) for the Yanhe Basin between 2000 and 2008. Finally, the tradeoff hotspots were identified. The results indicated that the area of lowest tradeoff index concentrated in the middle part of the Yanhe Basin and marginal areas of the southern basin. Map overlapping was used for preliminary analysis to seek potential influencing factors, and the results showed that shrub was the best suited for growing in the Yanhe Basin, but also was a potential influencing factor for formulation of the tradeoff hotspots. The concept of tradeoff index could also be used to quantify the degree of synergy between different ecosystem services. The method to identify the tradeoff hotspots could help us to narrow the scope of study area for further research on the relationship among ecosystem services and concentrate on the potential factors for formation of tradeoff between ecosystem services, enhance the capacity to maintain the sustainability of ecosystem. 相似文献
The stability of submarine geological structures has a crucial influence on the construction of offshore engineering projects and the exploitation of seabed resources. Marine geologists should possess a detailed understanding of common submarine geological hazards. Current marine seismic exploration methods are based on the most effective detection technologies. Therefore, current research focuses on improving the resolution and precision of shallow stratum structure detection methods. In this article, the feasibility of shallow seismic structure imaging is assessed by building a complex model, and differences between the seismic interferometry imaging method and the traditional imaging method are discussed. The imaging effect of the model is better for shallow layers than for deep layers because coherent noise produced by this method can result in an unsatisfactory imaging effect for deep layers. The seismic interference method has certain advantages for geological structural imaging of shallow submarine strata, which indicates continuous horizontal events, a high resolution, a clear fault, and an obvious structure boundary. The effects of the actual data applied to the Shenhu area can fully illustrate the advantages of the method. Thus, this method has the potential to provide new insights for shallow submarine strata imaging in the area. 相似文献
西藏搭格架水热区位于拉萨-冈底斯地块南缘,毗邻印度河-雅鲁藏布江缝合带中段,区内出露酸性泉、中性泉和弱碱性泉,为不同类型地热水中REE分布特征及其地球化学成因研究提供了理想场所。通过在搭格架采集不同类型热泉样品,开展了样品REE浓度测试、配分模式分析和赋存形态计算,旨在揭示高温地热环境中REE地球化学行为的指示意义。研究结果表明,搭格架热泉中REE的地球化学行为呈非保守性,其ΣREE浓度受热泉环境中富Fe, Al矿物(或无定形态固体)而非硫酸盐矿物的吸附过程的影响;热泉REE配分模式和形态分布则主要受热储内氧化-还原条件及流体-岩石相互作用的控制,是其地质成因和总体水化学特征的反映。虽然搭格架热泉中宏量组分水化学特征指示热储围岩应主要为长英质岩石,但中、碱性热泉呈现的Ce负异常意味着热储中也可能存在碳酸盐岩。本研究为高温热泉稀土元素地球化学研究提供了典型范例。 相似文献
César DUCRUET 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2012,22(1):97-108
The growth of peripheral ports to dominant hubs has been well documented in North America and Europe,and has led to the elaboration of several theoretical models.However,although changes in containerization growth have been taking place in the South and East Asia in recent years,particularly in China,only a few studies have fo-cused on this region.The Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta(PRD) has a typical port system with hub and peripheral ports,and provides an excellent case for studying the Peripheral Challenge.This paper introduces the theoretical evidence of the Hayuth model and analyzes the evolution of the container port system in the PRD with five phases:1) phase I:preconditions for change and phase II:initial container port development in the 1970s and early 1980s;2) phase III:diffusion,consolidation,and port concentration in the middle and late 1980s;3) phase IV:the load center in the 1990s;and(4) phase V:the Peripheral Challenge since the late 1990s.The results illustrate that the Shenzhen port presents mounting challenges to the Hong Kong port,descending from a transshipment hub of China to a regional load center of Southeast China.Furthermore,this paper explores five points that have led to the evolution of the port system in the PRD:1) competition in the regional port systems;2) different interested parties;3) shift of investment strategies of in-ternational terminal operators;4) integration of shipping networks and reorganization of carriers;and 5) cost-based competition. 相似文献