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寺儿沟流域位于甘肃省兰州市西固区,历史上曾发生过大规模泥石流,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。文章基于野外调查和遥感解译,结合已有文献成果和室内测试,研究寺儿沟泥石流物源特征及影响因素,采用FLO-2D软件模拟分析泥石流的危险性。研究结果表明:寺儿沟以黏性泥石流为主,表现为低频活动,目前处于衰退期;寺儿沟流域内物源丰富,可分为坡面型物源、崩滑型物源、沟道型物源和人为型物源共4种,其中崩滑型、沟道型物源控制了泥石流的暴发规模;而一次性冲出量的大小主要取决于泥石流起动时崩滑体的发育程度,崩滑体越发育,一次性冲出量越大,泥石流规模越大;在临界降雨条件下,寺儿沟将会暴发泥石流,中—高危险区集中于流通区,严重威胁冲沟内构筑物如兰西高铁、环城高速等安全运营。当遭遇极端强降雨时,寺儿沟将暴发更大规模泥石流。因此,有必要进一步研究极端天气条件下泥石流的危险性,为区内泥石流的防灾减灾提供地质依据。  相似文献   

四川泸定县冷碛镇黑沟泥石流发育特征与危害初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
泸定冷碛镇黑沟流域内发育土层滑坡及土体蠕动变形体20处,为黑沟泥石流的主要松散物源;土层滑坡和土体蠕动变形体规模小,滑速慢,滑体结构松散,滑入溪沟易被洪流卷走,不会形成滑坡堰塞湖和溃决型泥石流。近60年来黑沟发生的最大一次泥石流,经计算泥石流流速为3.47m/s,峰值流量为122.79m^3/s,为大型泥石流,对沟谷两侧财产造成了巨大危害。  相似文献   

2022年9月5日四川省泸定县发生Ms6.8级地震,诱发大量次生地质灾害。为深入认识此次地震地质灾害发育分布规律及特征,分析地质灾害发展趋势及潜在风险,文章基于现场调查获取的一手资料,结合震区首轮地质灾害排查成果、遥感解译和区域地质背景综合研究,对地震地质灾害的特征、控灾条件及防灾减灾对策进行了研究。结果表明:截至2022年9月14日22时,地震重灾区泸定县和石棉县境内,地震共诱发有威胁对象的地质灾害隐患点565处(包括崩塌331处、滑坡234处),导致81处已有地质灾害隐患点加剧变形;地震诱发的地质灾害类型主要以中、小型群发性高位崩塌和滑坡为主,主要集中分布在震中附近地震烈度Ⅸ度区域,包括泸定县磨西镇、得妥乡、得妥乡—德威镇段大渡河两岸及石棉县草科乡、王岗坪乡;根据汶川地震经验,认为位于地震烈度Ⅸ度区内的湾东河等流域,在未来5 a内泥石流将处于活跃期,泥石流防治工程设计需考虑其高频率、黏性泥石流等特征;得妥乡—德威镇段大渡河两岸残留在坡面的崩滑体在降雨作用下易转化成坡面泥石流,建议在防治工程设计时要充分考虑2种灾害类型的转化形式。研究可为震区地震地质灾害防范及灾后重建规划提供科学参考...  相似文献   

2008年5月12日的汶川大地震引发了大规模同震山体滑坡,随后的强降雨又引发新的山体滑坡,滑坡形成的松散固体物质成为后续泥石流灾害的主要物质来源。为探究强震区泥石流流域崩滑体时空演变特征,文章以北川县魏家沟等8条泥石流流域为例,选取8期遥感影像(2008年震后、“9.24”泥石流发生后、2010年、2011年、2013年、2014年、2015年、2016年),分别解译崩滑体,统计其空间分布特征。此外,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)计算研究区内植被覆盖度(VFC)及植被覆盖度恢复率(VCRR)。结果表明:研究区内崩滑体发育面积在强降雨作用后达到峰值,随后呈稳定恢复状态,面积逐年减小。崩滑体在高程900~1 100 m范围、坡度30°~45°范围、坡向90°~135°范围、距沟道150 m范围内发育面积最大。流域内植被覆盖度在2008年“9.24”泥石流灾害后最低,随后呈稳定恢复。自震后到2010年的时期内,植被覆盖度恢复率中等以下区域较多,植被恢复程度较低。2011年之后,流域内大多区域处于植被覆盖度恢复率中等以上等级,植被恢复程度较高。到2016年,研究区植被覆盖度已恢复至较高水平。研究表明:除地层岩性、微地貌等因素影响外,植被对泥石流活动性具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

干河沟为一老泥石流沟,曾于1996年8月暴发较大规模泥石流冲毁沟口红灯桥及木材厂。"5.12"地震后流域内新增大量松散物源,以崩滑体为主,主要集中于3~#沟,物源丰富,动储量约26×10~4m^3。该沟泥石流一次冲出固体物质量较大,大于2万m^2,规模大型。结合该沟泥石流的发育特征,提出了相关的防治措施及建议。  相似文献   

田杨杨  姜亮  郭江 《江苏地质》2023,47(2):196-202
为了揭示雅鲁藏布江色东普沟2018年10月17日冰崩—堵江—溃决灾害链的动力演化过程,基于Massflow数值模拟仿真平台,使用Fortran编程语言,根据研究区域地质条件特征对程序进行二次开发以优化Voellmy模型,模拟冰崩—泥石流动力过程;将模拟泥石流得到的堰塞坝体嵌入地形中,运用ArcGIS计算堰塞湖范围及体积,通过Manning模型模拟堰塞湖溃决洪水动力过程。采用分段模拟法再现冰崩—泥石流—堵江—堰塞湖—溃坝的完整动力过程,对泥石流运动过程中的流速、流深,坝体高度,溃决洪水的流深、流速等参数进行定量化研究,为色东普流域的防灾减灾工作提供有效支撑。为了揭示雅鲁藏布江色东普沟2018年10月17日冰崩-堵江-溃决灾害链的动力演化过程,采用Massflow数值模拟仿真平台,以Fortran语言为编程手段,根据研究区域地质条件特征对程序进行二次开发优化Voellmy模型,模拟冰崩-泥石流动力过程;将模拟泥石流所得到的堰塞坝体嵌入地形中,采用ArcGIS计算堰塞湖范围及体积,通过曼宁模型模拟堰塞湖溃决洪水动力过程。采用分段模拟法再现冰崩-泥石流-堵江-堰塞湖-溃坝的完整动力过程,对泥石流运动过程中的流速、流深,坝体高度,溃决洪水的流深、流速等参数进行定量化研究,为色东普流域的防灾减工作提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

高建国 《城市地质》2000,12(1):29-30
泥石流灾害是一种毁灭性灾害 ,丰富的松散物质、陡峭的地形坡度和一定强度的降雨是形成山区泥石流的必要条件。泥石流大致有暴雨型泥石流、冰川型泥石流、地震泥石流和人为泥石流等类型。地震泥石流在我国受到重视是在 70年代。 70年代我国进入地震活跃期 ,泥石流也相当活跃。1 970年 1月 5日云南通海地震发生在干旱季节 ,地震震中的曲江镇山体开裂 ,崩滑体 30余个 ,公路交通中断 6天 ,当年雨季泥石流暴发频繁。1 973年 2月 6日四川泸霍发生 7.9级地震 ,震区内产生了 2条构造地震裂缝带和大量地裂缝、崩滑体 1 37个。地震发生在冰冻季节 ,但…  相似文献   

映秀—北川断裂带沿线崩滑体分布规律浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“5.12”汶川大地震诱发的大规模次生地质灾害主要以崩滑体的形式表现。选取地震发生的映秀—北川断裂带沿线的崩滑体进行分析。根据地震影响的强弱、崩滑体分布的规模、大小及地形等因子,把映秀—北川断裂带沿线分为3个区域,分析崩滑体分布的微观规律。在震中,崩滑体的分布与地震释放能量大小正相关;在距震中稍远的地区,崩滑体的分布主要受岩石能干性及地形的控制。崩滑体的分布与地震影响强弱、岩性及地形相关的这一规律,对于防止类似次生地质灾害的发生、次生地质灾害的转化以及灾后重建等都有重要的参考价值。   相似文献   

杨红强 《地下水》2014,(2):161-163
栾川县泥石流多为暴雨型泥石流。以栾川县柿树沟泥石流为例,浅析沟道拖拽一溃决型泥石流形成机理。沟道拖拽一溃决型泥石流是指地表径流在土体表面形成盖流层后,层底水流会对土体产生一定的拖拽力,致使土体局部或整体突然液化而转化形成的泥石流。通过柿树沟典型断面启动条件和松散堆积体受力量化分析,还原出柿树沟底松散物质在拖拽力作用下,游离母体发生溃决,转化形成泥石流过程。确定判别沟道拖拽一渍决型泥石流沟主要依据。为防灾减灾提供基础依据。  相似文献   

四川汶川地震-滑坡-泥石流灾害链形成演化过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张永双  成余粮  姚鑫  王军  吴树仁  王猛 《地质通报》2013,32(12):1900-1910
2008年“5·12”汶川Ms 8.0级地震之后,地震灾区表现出显著的强震地质灾害后效应。地震造成山体分水岭及山脊部位产生大量的崩塌和滑坡,崩滑体大多散落在山体的中上部,在强降雨作用下大量松散堆积物沿陡峻的沟道汇聚、加速,形成破坏性极大的高位泥石流,从而构成典型的地震-滑坡-泥石流灾害链。在回顾汶川地震灾区同震地质灾害的基础上,调查分析了震后汛期地质灾害的主要类型及其6种表现形式,将地震-滑坡-泥石流灾害链形成、演化过程划分为4个阶段:孕育阶段、地震同震滑坡阶段、震后滑坡-泥石流发育阶段、高位泥石流的动态演化阶段,提出高位泥石流的判识指标,并探讨其分布特征、动态变化趋势及其防治对策。  相似文献   

黄央沟位于"5.12"汶川地震的极重灾区四川省都江堰市龙池镇,地震使沟内山体发生大规模的滑坡和崩塌,其为泥石流的形成提供了丰富的松散固体物质。地震后黄央沟泥石流十分活跃,2010年8月13日、8月18日和2013年7月9日均暴发了泥石流,造成了严重的经济损失。笔者通过对黄央沟泥石流灾害现场进行实地调查,详细分析了黄央沟泥石流的形成条件和发育特征,并对已有防治工程效果进行了分析和探讨。针对防治工程存在的问题和黄央沟泥石流的特点,建议在沟道下游和堆积区修建排导沟,使泥石流顺畅排入龙溪河;采取工程和生物措施来稳定沟道内的崩滑堆积体和不稳定斜坡,减少泥石流物源;沟口公路采用高架桥跨越方式通过泥石流堆积扇。该研究结果可为强震区泥石流灾害的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

The 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake triggered a large number of extensive landslides. It also affected geologic properties of the mountains such that large-scale landslides followed the earthquake, resulting in the formation of a disaster chain. On 10 July 2013, a catastrophic landslide–debris flow suddenly occurred in the Dujiangyan area of Sichuan Province in southeast China. This caused the deaths of 166 people and the burying or damage of 11 buildings along the runout path. The landslide involved the failure of ≈1.47 million m3, and the displaced material from the source area was ≈0.3 million m3. This landslide displayed shear failure at a high level under the effects of a rainstorm, which impacted and scraped an accumulated layer underneath and a heavily weathered rock layer during the release of potential and kinetic energies. The landslide body entrained a large volume of surface residual diluvial soil, and then moved downstream along a gully to produce a debris flow disaster. This was determined to be a typical landslide–debris flow disaster type. The runout of displaced material had a horizontal extent of 1200 m and a vertical extent of 400 m. This was equivalent to the angle of reach (fahrböschung angle) of 19° and covered an area of 0.2 km2. The background and motion of the landslide are described in this study. On the basis of the above analysis, dynamic simulation software (DAN3D) and rheological models were used to simulate the runout behavior of the displaced landslide materials in order to provide information for the hazard zonation of similar types of potential landslide–debris flows in southeast China following the Wenchuan earthquake. The simulation results of the Sanxicun landslide revealed that the frictional model had the best performance for the source area, while the Voellmy model was most suitable for the scraping and accumulation areas. The simulations estimated that the motion could last for ≈70 s, with a maximum speed of 47.7 m/s.  相似文献   

Rapid debris flows are among the most destructive natural hazards in steep mountainous terrains. Prediction of their path and impact hinges on knowledge of initiation location and the size and constitution of the released mass. To better link mass release initiation with debris flow paths and runout lengths, we propose to capitalize on a newly developed model for rainfall-induced landslide initiation (“Catchment-scale Hydro-mechanical Landslide Triggering” CHLT model, von Ruette et al. 2013) and couple it with simple estimates of debris flow runout distances and pathways. Landslide locations and volumes provided by the CHLT model are used as inputs to simulate debris flow runout distances with two empirical- and two physically-based models. The debris flow runout models were calibrated using two landslide inventories in the Swiss Alps obtained following a large rainfall event in 2005. We first fitted and tested the models for the “Prättigau” inventory, where detailed information on runout path was available, and then applied the models to landslides inventoried from a different catchment (“Napf”). The predicted debris flow runout distances (emanating from CHLT simulated landslide positions) were well in the range of observed values for the physically-based approaches. The empirical approaches tend to overestimate runout distances relative to observations. These preliminary results demonstrate the added value of linking shallow landslide triggering models with predictions of debris flow runout pathways for a range of soil states and triggering events, thus providing a more complete hazard assessment picture for debris flow exposure at the catchment scale.  相似文献   

4·20芦山地震不仅造成了特大地震灾害,同时还诱发大量的次生山地灾害,主要类型包括崩塌、滑坡、滚石、落石、堰塞湖和泥石流等。这些次生灾害不仅造成重大人员伤亡,还阻塞救援道路,延缓了救援进度。地震诱发的大量崩塌、滑坡为泥石流活动提供丰富物源,将促进泥石流活跃,在后期暴雨作用下产生严重的泥石流灾害。通过初步分析,提出了地震区山地灾害应急减灾对策,包括应急排查、监测预警、临时安置场所危险性评估、省道210线应急防护;并提出了地震区恢复重建中的减灾对策,包括提高山区城镇的防护能力,加强村寨聚落防灾能力,加强山地灾害监测预警,道路恢复重建中的减灾措施以及加强对流域漂木防治。  相似文献   

2010年玉树7.1级地震诱发滑坡特征及其地震地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010年玉树7.1级地震造成了一系列次生地质灾害。笔者在玉树灾区地震地质灾害调查基础上,结合Quickbird高分辨率遥感影像数据和航片影像数据,以目视解译为主,共提取了542处地震滑坡,并首次发现了11处古地震滑坡。调查研究结果显示,玉树地震滑坡主要包括崩塌、狭义的滑坡和土溜等三种类型。其中地震崩塌占到了90%以上,按其物质成分可进一步划分为碎屑型崩塌、碎屑流型崩塌和岩崩等三类。地震滑坡的空间展布特征显示,该区80%以上的地震滑坡集中分布在以玉树活动断层为轴的长约95km、两侧宽2km的廊带区内,并与发震断层距离和宏观震中有很好的相关性,其高密度区与同震地表破裂的空间分段性也有很好的对应关系,体现出典型的走滑型发震断层的控灾特点。同时,还进一步分析了山体坡度、坡体形态、临空面高度和地层岩石与岩体完整度等因素对地震滑坡总体分布的影响。对古地震滑坡的初步研究发现,古地震滑坡的规模、期次和分布特征间接地反映出玉树断裂带在全新世期间曾发生过多次震级强度明显大于本次玉树7.1级地震的古地震事件,这为更深入探索玉树断裂带古地震事件提供了另一种重要的研究途径。此外,地震滑坡分布与地表破裂和极震区破坏程度之间的密切空间关系指示,地震滑坡也可以成为快速圈定宏观震中以及开展极震区地震烈度评价等方面的重要指标。  相似文献   

[研究目的]川西巴塘断裂带地质背景复杂,研究地质灾害发育特征,有利于揭示活动断裂带的地质灾害效应.[研究方法]本文在巴塘断裂带地质灾害成灾背景分析和野外调查研究的基础上,剖析了区域地质灾害分布规律与典型滑坡发育特征,探讨了巴塘断裂带的地质灾害效应.[研究结果]研究认为:(1)巴塘断裂带附近碎裂岩体结构为地质灾害孕育提供...  相似文献   

四川省8·13特大泥石流灾害特点、成因与启示   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
许强 《工程地质学报》2010,18(5):596-608
2010年8月12~14日,四川省部分地区普降大到暴雨,在5.12汶川地震极重灾区的绵竹市清平乡、汶川县映秀镇和都江堰龙池镇诱发了极为严重的泥石流灾害。本次泥石流灾害表明:地震区和非地震区、震前和震后的泥石流在发育分布规律、启动条件、暴发规模、活动形式及其成灾方式和危害性等方面都具有显著的差别。通过对8.13清平乡泥石流、映秀红椿沟泥石流以及龙池泥石流的基本分析,表明8.13泥石流具有群发性、突发性、破坏性、灾害链效应等特点,同时还具有沿发震断裂呈带状分布、物源主要来自于汶川地震触发的崩滑堆积物、活动形式主要表现为"拉槽"侵蚀等显著特征。震区异常丰富的松散固体物源和极端气候所造成的局地短时强降雨是泥石流暴发的根本原因。针对汶川地震区泥石流暴发的新特点,应进一步加强对震区泥石流的防治,尤其是针对具有重大泥石流隐患的沟谷,一方面应提高设防标准,强化工程治理和专业监测预警,另一方面更应引入风险管理和控制的理念,注重"防""治"结合;"软""硬"结合;工程措施与非工程措施结合;"治理"与"管理"结合,调动全社会力量,共同防范地质灾害。  相似文献   

Landslide hazards triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China   总被引:35,自引:16,他引:19  
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (M s = 8.0; epicenter located at 31.0° N, 103.4° E), with a focal depth of 19.0 km was triggered by the reactivation of the Longmenshan fault in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China on 12 May 2008. This earthquake directly caused more than 15,000 geohazards in the form of landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows which resulted in about 20,000 deaths. It also caused more than 10,000 potential geohazard sites, especially for rockfalls, reflecting the susceptibility of high and steep slopes in mountainous areas affected by the earthquake. Landslide occurrence on mountain ridges and peaks indicated that seismic shaking was amplified by mountainous topography. Thirty-three of the high-risk landslide lakes with landslide dam heights greater than 10 m were classified into four levels: extremely high risk, high risk, medium risk, and low risk. The levels were created by comprehensively analyzing the capacity of landslide lakes, the height of landslide dams, and the composition and structure of materials that blocked rivers. In the epicenter area which was 300 km long and 10 km wide along the main seismic fault, there were lots of landslides triggered by the earthquake, and these landslides have a common characteristic of a discontinuous but flat sliding surface. The failure surfaces can be classified into the following three types based on their overall shape: concave, convex, and terraced. Field evidences illustrated that the vertical component of ground shaking had a significant effect on both building collapse and landslide generation. The ground motion records show that the vertical acceleration is greater than the horizontal, and the acceleration must be larger than 1.0 g in some parts along the main seismic fault. Two landslides are discussed as high speed and long runout cases. One is the Chengxi landslide in Beichuan County, and the other is the Donghekou landslide in Qingchuan County. In each case, the runout process and its impact on people and property were analyzed. The Chengxi landslide killed 1,600 people and destroyed numerous houses. The Donghekou landslide is a complex landslide–debris flow with a long runout. The debris flow scoured the bank of the Qingjiang River for a length of 2,400 m and subsequently formed a landslide dam. This landslide buried seven villages and killed more than 400 people.  相似文献   

Chong Xu  Xiwei Xu 《Natural Hazards》2014,72(2):871-893
The April 14, 2010 Yushu, China, earthquake (Mw 6.9) triggered a great number of landslides. At least 2,036 co-seismic landslides, with a total coverage area of 1.194 km2, were delineated by visual interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite images taken following the earthquake, and verified by field inspection. Based on the mapping results, a statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of these landslides is performed using the landslide area percentage (LAP), defined as the percentage of the area affected by the landslides, and landslide number density (LND), defined as the number of landslides per square kilometer. The purpose is to clarify how the landslides correlate the control factors, which are the elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, slope position, distance from drainages, lithology, distance from the surface rupture, and peak ground acceleration (PGA). The results show that both LAP and LND have strongly positive correlations with slope angle and negative correlations with distance from the surface rupture and distance from drainages. The highest LAP and LPD values are in places of elevations from 3,800 to 4,000 m. The slopes producing landslides are mostly facing toward NE, E, and SE. The geological units of Q4 al-pl, N, and T3 kn 1 have the highest concentrations of co-seismic landslides. No apparent correlations are present between LAP and LND values and PGA. On both sides of the surface rupture, the landslide distributions are almost similar except a few exceptions, likely associated with the nature of the strike-slip seismogenic fault for this event. The bivariate statistical analysis shows that, in descending order, the earthquake-triggered landslide impact factors are distance from surface rupture > slope angle > distance from drainages > lithology > PGA. Besides, as the detailed co-seismic landslides inventories related to strike-slip earthquakes are still few compared with that of thrusting-fault earthquakes, this case study would shed new light on the subject. For instance, the landslide spatial distribution on both sides of the strike-slip seismogenic fault is rather different from that of thrusting-fault earthquakes. It reminds us to take different strategies of measures for prevention and mitigation of landslides induced by earthquakes with different mechanisms.  相似文献   

近年来,在汶川地震等强震区常发生一种特大的高位滑坡地质灾害,它从高陡斜坡上部位置剪出并形成凌空加速坠落,具有撞击粉碎效应和动力侵蚀效应,导致滑体解体碎化,从而转化为高速远程碎屑流滑动或泥石流流动,并铲刮下部岩土体,使体积明显增加。新磨滑坡就是这种典型,它发生于2017年6月24日,滑坡后缘高程约3450m,前缘高程约2250 m,高差1200 m,水平距离2800 m,堆积体体积达1637×10~4m~3,摧毁了新磨村村庄,导致83人死亡。新磨滑坡地处叠溪较场弧形构造带前弧西翼,母岩为中三叠统中厚层变砂岩夹板岩,是1933年叠溪Ms7.5级震中区(烈度X度)和汶川Ms8.0级强震区(烈度IX度),形成震裂山体。滑源区分布多组不连续结构面,将厚层块状岩体分割成碎裂块体,在高程3150~3450 m区间形成明显的压裂鼓胀区,特别是存在2组反倾节理带,具有典型的"锁固段"失稳机理。滑坡体高位剪出滑动,连续加载并堆积于斜坡体上部,体积达390×10~4m~3,导致残坡积岩土层失稳并转化为管道型碎屑流;碎屑流高速流滑至斜坡下部老滑坡堆积体后,因前方地形开阔、坡度变缓,转化为扩散型碎屑流散落堆积,具有"高速远程"成灾模式。据此,可建立强震山区高位滑坡的早期识别方法,当陡倾山脊存在大型岩质高位滑坡时,应当考虑冲击作用带来的动力侵蚀效应和堆积加载效应,特别是沿沟谷赋存丰富的地下水时,发生高速远程滑坡的可能性将明显增加。因此,在地质灾害调查排查中,在高位岩质滑坡剪出口下方的斜坡堆积体上的聚居区等应划定为地质灾害危险区。在强震山区地质灾害研究中,不仅应采用静力学理论分析滑坡的失稳机理,而且应采用动力学方法加强运动过程的成灾模式研究。  相似文献   

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