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水土界面氟的迁移对高氟地下水的形成具有重要影响。以大同盆地典型氟中毒区为例,分析了不同岩性沉积物中的氟质量分数和形态分布特征,并通过室内静态实验,探究了水溶液的pH值、Ca2+、HCO-3以及H2PO-4质量浓度对水土界面氟迁移的影响。研究结果表明,沉积物中不同形态氟按含量由高到低的顺序依次为:残余态氟≥铁锰氧化态氟>水溶态氟>有机束缚态氟>离子交换态氟;各形态氟在不同岩性沉积物中含量大小均表现为:黏土>粉质黏土>粉砂;在沉积物中,黏土矿物和方解石是主要的固氟矿物成分。溶液的pH值、Ca2+、HCO-3以及H2PO-4质量浓度与氟在沉积物表面的吸附-解吸和沉淀-溶解平衡密切相关,沉积物对氟的吸附量随溶液pH值和HCO-3质量浓度增大而降低,随Ca2+和H2PO-4质量浓度增大而增大。   相似文献   

山东省高密地区高氟地下水的成因浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氟中毒是在特定的地理环境中发生的一种生物地球化学性疾病,其形成受多种因素的影响和制约。高密市地势南高北低,最高点海拔92 m,最低点海拔7.5 m;地下水主要以大气降水为补给源,水位标高由南向北逐渐降低,随着浅层地下水的大量蒸发,致使地下水中氟含量不断增高,最后形成高氟地下水。高密市氟中毒是由饮用高氟地下水引起的。高密市北部6镇地下水氟含量一般为5 mg/L,极值达到18.00 mg/L,当地居民长期饮用高氟水,致使部分人群发生氟中毒,对其身心健康造成极大伤害。  相似文献   

分析了山西东山调水工程调入区高氟地下水的区域分布规律,并对高氟水形成机制进行了深入研究,发现研究区高氟水的主要水化学特征为HCO-3和Na+浓度高、pH值高,且多为HCO3-Na型水。认为该区高氟水形成的主导性地球化学过程包括含氟矿物溶解、地下水中OH-与氟代羟基云母矿物的离子交换等。另外,排泄区的蒸发浓缩过程和含氟工业废水排放也是研究区部分地区出现高氟水的重要因素。   相似文献   

高密市北部大范围内地下水含氟量较高,为典型的高氟区,生活在区内的居民长期饮用地下水,均有不同程度地发病。该文对此进行了含氟量分区划分,研究了中-新生代不同地层中氟向水中的转化量,探讨了高氟区的形成机制和防治对策。  相似文献   

秦鹏  罗梅 《山东国土资源》2012,28(10):29-31
通过环境地质调查及水样测试,从地层、气象、地貌、水文地质等几个角度进行了系统分析,潍北平原高氟地下水的分布、形成条件受地质、气候、地貌和水文地质的控制,大气降水在入渗过程中通过水岩作用及淋滤作用将岩石和土壤中氟元素带入地下水中,在蒸发作用下浓缩,最终形成高氟地下水。  相似文献   

宋晓光  芦岩  梁仕凯  胡斌 《地质科技通报》2022,41(1):240-250+259
为了明晰张家口坝下地区高氟地下水的成因,探究其对当地居民饮用水安全的潜在影响,采集了391组潜水样品(井深≤100 m),通过水化学分析法、图解法、离子比例法、饱和指数计算法等对高氟地下水的分布与成因进行了分析,并利用美国EPA非致癌健康风险评价模型对四类受体人群进行健康风险评价。结果表明,研究区高氟地下水(ρ(F-)>1.5 mg/L)主要分布在地势低洼、高氟岩浆岩下游的山前地带、封闭式小盆地、沿河两侧的径流滞缓区等地区,其主要机制主要包括矿物风化溶解作用、碱性环境下的晶格置换作用和阳离子交换作用;盐效应会影响研究区地下水中F-富集,但不是高氟地下水的主要成因;农业活动与地下水中F-的富集无关。此外,坝下地区分布的电厂、钢铁厂等是永定河水系的潜在污染源,对高氟地下水形成的影响不容忽视。研究区婴儿、儿童、成年男性和成年女性的平均健康风险指数依次为1.20,0.74,0.69,0.56,呈现出受体年龄越小,风险越高;女性对含氟地下水的抗风险能力优于男性的特征。建议针对高风险区发展多水源联合供水模式,提升退氟改水工程效...  相似文献   

高氟地下水是一种典型劣质水源,长期饮用可致人体患地方性高氟病。本次研究以禹城—平原地区为研究对象,对区内地下水进行氟含量、水化学类型和氟离子的影响因子等研究。结果表明,浅层地下水氟离子含量大部分不超过1.0mg/L,其水化学类型主要有HCO3-Na和Cl·SO4-Na型,深层地下水氟离子含量大部分均超过1.0mg/L,其水化学类型为HCO3·SO4-Na和HCO3·Cl-Na型。通过对pH和地下水水化学演化因素的研究,认为碱性环境一定程度能够促使氟离子聚集,但并不是唯一决定因子,高氟水的形成机制主要是水-岩相互作用和蒸发浓缩作用。  相似文献   

在内陆干旱区,作为重要饮用水源的地下水常面临氟含量超标问题。查明内陆干旱区高氟地下水的分布规律,了解氟在地下水中的富集过程及其影响因素,既可丰富高氟地下水的研究体系,也是保证内陆干旱区饮水安全的重要基础。以新疆阿克苏地区典型山前洪积扇——依格齐艾肯河-喀拉玉尔滚河河间地带为研究区,基于水文地球化学调查结果,刻画了高氟地下水的分布区;结合氟离子含量与特征性水化学指标间的关系,揭示了高氟地下水的成因机制。结果表明:①地下水中氟含量的变化范围为0.8~6.1 mg/L,83%的水样氟含量超过《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)规定的上限(1.0 mg/L);②总体上,氟含量沿地下水流动路径逐渐增大,低氟地下水(ρ(F-)≤1.0 mg/L)分布在国道314以北的补给区,高氟地下水(ρ(F-)>1.0 mg/L)分布在国道314以南的径流区和排泄区;③高氟地下水的水化学类型以Cl·HCO3-Na型为主,而低氟地下水则以Cl·SO4-Na型为主,高氟地下水相比于低氟地下水优势阴离子偏向于HCO3-;④地下水的pH值范围为7.9~8.9(均值为8.4),表明其处于弱碱环境中。地下水中ρ(F-)与pH值呈正相关,此外构成浅层含水层的上更新统沉积物中含有黑云母、氟磷灰石等矿物,其表面存在一定数量的可交换F-,这表明水中OH-与矿物表面F-间的阴离子交换可能对氟的富集有一定贡献;⑤地下水的F-含量与Ca2+含量呈负相关,即高氟地下水中ρ(Ca2+)小于低氟地下水。考虑到氟化钙(CaF2)是自然界中的主要含氟矿物,也是地下水中氟的主要来源,ρ(F-)与ρ(Ca2+)间的这种负相关指示着高氟地下水中可能存在去Ca2+、Mg2+作用,如阳离子交替吸附或碳酸盐岩沉淀等。研究区地下水样中ρ(F-)与ρ(Mg2+)间也呈负相关关系,且和ρ(F-)与ρ(Ca2+)间的关系高度相似,也佐证了高氟地下水中去Ca2+、Mg2+作用的存在;⑥绝大部分地下水样品都位于氯碱性指数图的负值区域,且ρ(F-)与CAI-1和CAI-2均呈较好负相关,CAI-1和CAI-2都随ρ(F-)的增大而减小,这表明高氟地下水中存在Ca2+、Mg2+与Na+间更强的交换作用,对氟富集起着重要作用。地下水中ρ(F-)与SAR间呈较好正相关关系,且高氟地下水样的SAR均值(5.71)远大于低氟地下水SAR均值(1.67),这也进一步证明高氟地下水中的Ca2+、Mg2+与含水介质的Na+间存在强烈的交替作用,对氟的富集起着重要作用;⑦所有地下水样中的萤石均处于未饱和状态,且萤石的饱和指数(SI)与F-含量间呈现较好的正相关,这表明地下水对含氟矿物(主要是萤石)的持续溶解应是导致研究区地下水中氟富集的主要原因。与之相反,研究区所有地下水样中的方解石均处于过饱和状态(SI>0)。这表明CaCO3的沉淀可能促进了CaF2的溶解,导致地下水中氟离子质量浓度增高;⑧研究区低氟地下水的δ18O值介于-11.20‰~-10.67‰间,平均值为-10.94‰,而高氟地下水的δ18O值介于-11.65‰~-11.21‰间,平均值为-11.49‰,即低氟地下水较高氟地下水富集δ18O。此外,F-质量浓度较低(ρ(F-)≤3.0 mg/L)的地下水样中δ18O值与F-质量浓度呈负相关,即低氟地下水具有更正的δ18O值;F-质量浓度较高(ρ(F-)≥4.8 mg/L)的地下水样中δ18O值与F-质量浓度的相关性不显著,随F-质量浓度的增高,δ18O值基本维持不变。以上表明蒸发浓缩作用对地下水中氟的富集贡献较小;⑨研究区地下水中ρ(F-)/ρ(Cl-)比值与ρ(F-)间呈现正相关,即ρ(F-)/ρ(Cl-)比值随ρ(F-)增高呈增大趋势,这也说明地下水中氟富集的主要原因是含氟矿物的溶解,而不是蒸发浓缩作用。此外,Gibbs图也提供了证据:研究区地下水样基本处于水岩作用主导区域,表明地下水化学特征(包括氟的富集)主要受水岩作用控制,蒸发浓缩影响很小。总之,地下水中氟的富集主要由溶解作用引起,OH-与矿物表面F-间的交换也有贡献,但蒸发浓缩作用影响微弱。含氟矿物持续溶解的驱动机制是阳离子交替吸附(地下水中Ca2+与岩土颗粒表面Na+之间)及方解石沉淀所引起的地下水中Ca2+的衰减。   相似文献   

针对高光谱遥感图像分类中标记样本难获取的问题,提出了一种基于同质区和迁移学习的新型半监督分类方法。首先对高光谱图像进行分割得到高纯度的同质分割斑块,获取大量扩展训练样本。并在此基础上引入迁移学习,将扩展训练样本作为源域,剩余未标记样本作为目标域,实现多次迁移,从而减少同一幅图像上各地物的分布差异,并保留其各自的内部属性。实验结果表明,该方法是一种有效的高光谱图像半监督分类方法。  相似文献   

【目的】分析湛江湾沉积物中氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的丰度与多样性。【方法】采用分子生态学方法。【结果】AOA amoA基因丰度范围为3.23×10~5~5.27×10~6 copies·g~(-1)(以干土计),AOB amoA基因丰度范围为2.99×10~4~1.06×10~7 copies·g~(-1)(以干土计),两者平均丰度差别不大;但对于潮下带,大部分站位AOA amoA基因丰度高于AOB,且与氨氮和有机碳含量显著正相关。在工厂排污口和养殖区AOA多样性高于其他站位,而AOB则相反,说明AOA对环境污染物有更强的适应能力。系统发育分析显示,88%的AOA amoA序列属于海洋簇Group I.1a,优势类群是一类喜热带气候的AOA新分支;潮下带亚硝化螺菌属AOB为优势种群,而潮间带亚硝化单胞菌属AOB为优势种群。CCA分析表明,盐度和pH显著影响湛江湾AOA与AOB的群落结构。【结论】湛江湾沉积物中氨氧化微生物的分布与氨氮、总有机碳、盐度、pH等多种环境因子密切相关。  相似文献   

unomicrroNTherearereportedstudisoninorganicsulfurcomPoundsinrnarinesedtritS(Song,l99(),Stefan,l994),butfeWonorganicsulfurcomPounds.Itwasshownthatthroughoilspthe,mnoffandatmosphdriproasses,manyanthropogedcorganicsulfurcomP0undsrnaybethenspotalintothemarineenvirorstWheretheycanbeeventuallydePositalalongwithnatamlorganicstilfUrcomPoundsinseddritSraateSetal.,l979).ResearchesonorganicstilfurcomPoundsinrnarinesedirnentSareofpotentialenvirornnentalchdricalshoilicanceforhaherunderstandingofthege…  相似文献   

通过在青海省都兰县石灰沟地区开展的1:50 000水系沉积物测量工作,运用元素的变化系数、元素富集离散特征、叠加系数对石灰沟地区水系沉积物测量的10种微量元素进行地球化学统计分析,论述了10种微量元素的成矿潜力,得出Au、Cu、Pb、Zn这4种微量元素具有较大的成矿潜力,并通过相关分析、因子分析确立了测区内元素组合特征,共划分了3组成矿元素组合(Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn,Au-As-Sb,W-Bi-Hg)。通过衬值异常法圈定组合异常显示:研究区组合异常明显,异常套合较好。最后,根据组合衬值异常套合结果,在研究区优选了3处金铜铅锌多金属找矿靶区(A,B,C)。   相似文献   

Survey on PCDDs and PCDFs in sediments and soils in Ya-Er Lake area, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONOverthepastseveralycars,considerableinteffethasbocenteIdontheenvir0nmentalbehaviouroftoxicandpersistritcomP0undssuchashalogenatalaromat-ies,inparticularthepolychiorinataldibopdioxins(PCDDe)andpolydil0rinateddi~fUtansrpCDFs).ManyofthesecomPounds,espedllythosewithahighdegere0fchiorinesubstitution,arehighlylipophiliccontawhnantSwithlowWhtersolubility,highre-sistancet0chdricaltransformationsandlowwhcrobiologhaldegradatfonpeatnnann,l988,Bromanetal.,l989,Hites,l990)whichexplain…  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which obtain energy from dissimilatory sulfate reduction, play a vital role in the carbon and sulfur cycles. The dissimilatory sulfite reductase (Dsr), catalyzing the last step in the sulfate reduction pathway, has been found in all known SRB that have been tested so far. In this study, the diversity of SRB was investigated in the surface sediments from the adjacent area of Changjiang Estuary by PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase beta subunit gene (dsrB). Based on dsrB clone libraries constructed in this study, diversified SRB were found, represented by 173 unique OTUs. Certain cloned sequences were associated with Desulfobacteraceae, Desulfobulbaceae, and a large fraction (60%) of novel sequences that have deeply branched groups in the dsrB tree, indicating that novel SRB inhabit the surface sediments. In addition, correlations of the SRB assemblages with environmental factors were analyzed by the linear model-based redundancy analysis (RDA). The result revealed that temperature, salinity and the content of TOC were most closely correlated with the SRB communities. More information on SRB community was obtained by applying the utility of UniFrac to published dsrB gene sequences from this study and other 9 different kinds of marine environments. The results demonstrated that there were highly similar SRB genotypes in the marine and estuarine sediments, and that geographic positions and environmental factors influenced the SRB community distribution.  相似文献   

Experiments on salimity tolerance of embryos and larvae of the southern bay scallopArgopecten irradians concentricus Say under controlled temperature of 28°C showed that although the eggs were fertilized and cleaved at salinity 18.1–37.4, they could further develop into normal D-shaped larvae only at salinity 23.4–36.1, while the trochophore larvae could develop into normal D—shaped larvae at salinity 22.1–39.9. For 72 hours, the larvae could tolerate salinity of 18.4–43.9, the salinity favoring growth was 19.8–42.4; the suitable range was 21–36, and the optimum at about 28. They metamorphosed at salinity 18.9–43.5, optimally at 24–32. Contribution No. 3301 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research was supported by the National Climbing Project B(PDB6-3-2).  相似文献   

The southern sea area of the Huludao City, Liaoning Province might be polluted by heavy metals because it is close to the Jinzhou Bay, one of the heaviest sea area polluted by heavy metals in China. The undisturbed modern sediment core can be used to analyze the accumulation and source of the pollutants using 137 Cs and 210 Pb ex . Thirty-five samples of surface sediment and two core sediments were collected from the southern sea area of Huludao City. The concentrations of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), chrome (Cr), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) in the surface sediments as well as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, 137 Cs and 210 Pb ex in the core sediments were determined to research the spatial distribution and accumulation characteristics, and to analyze the sources and the potential risks of heavy metals. The results show that the pollution levels of Zn and Hg are serious, and 26 stations are at moderate or heavy ecological risks. The concentrations of the heavy metals increase from east to west, as well as from open sea to offshore marine area. The concentrations of heavy metals are not high in the sediments adjacent to the Jinzhou Bay, and the influence caused by the seawater exchange with the Jinzhou Bay is little. The concentrations of the heavy metals in the core sediments show low-high-low characteristic, and it coincides with the pollution history of Huludao City. The atmospheric deposition of heavy metals from the Huludao Zinc Plant is likely to be the main source of pollution without direct discharge of wastewater. The high concentrations of heavy metals appear on the upper sediment of 20 cm. The shallow sediment with high heavy metal contents might be exposed to surface when it was disturbed by the ocean engineering and big storm surge, then cause risk to the safety of aquaculture and human healthy.  相似文献   

The investigation shows that the concentrations of nutrients are high in estuarine and coastal waters and low in offshore waters. The concentration of nitrate in estuaries is controlled through a physical mixing process and is also affected by biotic activity. The annual transport of total inorganic nitrogen and dissolved phosphate-phosphorus from the Huanghe River water to the sea is about 8.45 ×104 and 1.45×103 tons respectively. The distributions of inorganic nitrogen and silicate in interstitial water of surface sediments are similar to those in surface and bottom seawater. Their contents in interstitial water are 227–552 μmol/l (average375) for ammonia, 0.31–9.0 μmol/l (average 1.6) for nitrite, 0–41 μmol/l (average6.0) for nitrate, and 41–139 μmol/l (average 77) for silicate. The average concentrations of phosphate in the surveyed area are 0.64 μmol/l for seawater and 1.2 μmol/l for interstitial water. A cycle of phosphate in the estuary is also suggested in this paper. Contribution No. 1434 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

The waters offshore the Shandong Peninsula separate the North Yellow Sea from the South Yellow Sea,and receive a large amount of terrestrial material from Chinese and Korean rivers,making it an ideal area for studying land-sea interactions.However,little attention has been given to measuring sediment transportation in most previous studies.Based on an analysis in composition of major and trace elements and particle size characteristics from 62 surface sediment samples from the northeastern region off Shandong Peninsula,the type,element composition,and controlling factors of the surface sediments were inve stigated.In addition,the transportation of sediments from source to sink was described from measured thermohaline data.The results show two types of surface sediments:sandy silt and silt.The sediments were mainly terrestrial;and marine carbonate had little effect on sediment composition.Shown on a binary diagram of Rb/Sc to Co/Sc,the Huanghe(Yellow) and Changjiang(Yangtze) rivers are the main sources of surface sediments in the study area.The component mixing model showed that the relative contribution of sediment from the Huanghe River was up to 92%,followed by the Changjiang River(8%).The Yellow Sea Warm Current and the North Shandong Peninsula Coastal Current met at ~3 7.7°N in the study area,and were the main forces carrying sediment from the two main river sources.However,there was a deficit of transported material into the study area in summer.The secondary distribution of sediment from the two river sources was controlled by tidal currents and waves.  相似文献   

Investigations of natural and artificial radioisotopes including 90Sr,137Cs, gross B and U carried out in the Yellow Sea and adjacent southeast area in 1963. 1964, 1975 and 1978 showed that radioactive pollution by 90Sr and 137Cs from atmospheric fallout had gradually decreased with time due to the cessation of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in the 70s. The distributions of natural and artificial radioactive isotopes (U, Ra, Th. 40K and 137Cs) in sediments southwest of Jizhou Island were uniform. The more uniform may be related to the soluble species of U[Uo2(CO3)4] in the seawater.The high value of Th at stations 3 and 6 was related to the sandy clay sediment; the low value at station 8 was related to sandy sediment. The content of 137Cs in the eddy area being less than about half of that in the China inshore area showed that the source of Cs may be insufficient orthat the conditions for enriching " Cs in the circulation eddy area were not favorable.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Pb adsorption in seawater by surface sediments from Xiamen Bay was simulated and the effects of seawater conditions were studied . When water temperature changed from 20 to 30℃, pH from 5 to 8 and salinity from 30 to 4 . the adsorption rate increased by about 50% , one order of magnitude and 5 times, respectively . A negative exponential relation between the adsorption rate and salinity has been found . The adsorption processes can be simulated by the exchange- equilibrium kinetic model . Adsorption rate constant, apparent activation energy and equilibrium adsorptive capacity have been quantitatively determined . The adsorption of Pb by sediments is essentially a chemical action .  相似文献   

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