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本文在分析东北亚、日本海区域经济合作前景的同时,论证了推进本区域国际合作的一些关键性问题,包括:中国图们江港口建设及自由航行出海权的行使;重点开发图们江三角洲,建设国际合作自由贸易区;图们江综合开发治理等等  相似文献   

北极东北航道作为"一带一路"重点建设海上合作的三条线路之一,通航的基本条件已经具备。图们江入海口是我国距离东北航道最近的地点,建设图们江入海港口对于我国具有重要的经济带动效应和战略意义。文章梳理了图们江入海港口开发的历史渊源与中国、俄罗斯、朝鲜3国先期合作的共识及相关法规基础,从开发与建设的两环节提出了取得图们江入海权与进行入海港口开发及投资建设的国际法依据。依据国际法提出:着眼于未来的发展,开发与建设图们江入海自由港,进一步提出采取谈判或磋商方式加强合作,争取图们江入海口出海权;按照第四代自由港的模式建设图们江自由港,加强与周边港口的互联互通;以图们江入海港口为枢纽,建立图们江港口型自由贸易区等设想与建议。  相似文献   

依托北极东北航道建设“冰上丝绸之路”是中国和俄罗斯未来合作的重中之重,同时符合亚欧大陆经济发展和多方合作的客观要求。“冰上丝绸之路”建设所代表的北极地区开发利用模式立足于现阶段的自然环境条件和世界经济形势,必然对世界政治经济格局和区域发展产生影响。文章从“冰上丝绸之路”的概念定位、建设主体和建设环境等方面梳理相关研究成果,具体涉及东北亚国家和北欧国家的战略选择、国际双边合作和多边合作的成功案例、北极航道的通航条件以及中国东北地区的对接路径等,为后续研究和实际建设提供理论铺垫。  相似文献   

开发和利用海洋,大力发展海洋经济,是缓解资源"瓶颈"、拓展发展空间的迫切需要,是促进沿海地区区域经济发展、扩大国内有效需求的重要渠道。近年来,国家和沿海省、市、自治区相继出台了一系列海洋经济规划和产业发展指导意见,海洋经济已经成为国民经济和社会发展的增长点和重要组成部分。但是,由于国家和地方、地方与地方之间缺乏统筹协调,在海洋经济总量、海洋产业的发展重点和产能规模等方面存在许多不匹配、不协调的现象,这将影响到未来我国海洋经济长期持续健康发展。  相似文献   

图们江是流经中国、朝鲜、俄罗斯3国的河流,3个国家不同的经济发展水平导致图们江口地区3国的土地利用程度也不尽相同。文章以我国国产高分辨率卫星影像GF-1和GF-2为数据源,采用目视解译方法,提取了图们江口土地利用/覆盖信息,对图们江口土地利用/覆盖现状及其中、朝、俄对比情况进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)图们江口地区的主要土地利用/覆盖类型为林地、草地、耕地、水域、沼泽等,其中林地主要分布在山地丘陵地带;草地在俄罗斯的平原、丘陵地区分布较广;耕地主要分布在中国和朝鲜地区;沼泽在俄罗斯境内分布较广。(2)中国研究区内,林地面积最大,草地、耕地、水域面积较大,集中分布在平原地带;朝鲜研究区内,林地面积最大;俄罗斯研究区内,土地结构的主体为林地、草地、水域,与中国和朝鲜相比,结构比较均匀,自然景观保护最好。(3)朝鲜区域土地开发最为剧烈;俄罗斯区域土地开发强度最低;中国区域土地开发强度适中。  相似文献   

伴随《联合国海洋法公约》生效以后,国际海洋秩序及其斗争方式和手段的深刻变革,过去相对沉寂的中国海权问题研究成为近年来中国国际战略研究领域内的一个重要课题,并出现了可喜的学术争鸣。有的学者从中国要适应经济全球化背景下国家利益和安全战略的需要出发,疾呼中国需要发展海权,并建立一支强大的海军;有的学者则从地缘政治制约性、综合国力的支撑能力与霸权国冲突的风险等角度,主张要避免进入“海权的误区”。这种思想分歧集中反映了关于中国海权战略所面临的深层次的思想困惑。  相似文献   

海洋经济理论的发展与我国的对策   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
海洋经济的发展对于一国经济的发展、综合实力的增强具有重要的作用。面对即将来临的海洋世纪,要想成为海洋经济强国,就有必要了解海洋经济理论(包括经济增长新空间理论、海权保护理论和海洋可持续发展理论)的发展,同时通过对我国海洋经济发展存在问题的研究,就可以找到发展海洋经济的理论支撑。  相似文献   

为推动我国振兴东北老工业基地战略,充分发挥我国东北地区面向海洋的区位优势,加快区域经济的发展和繁荣,文章从基础条件、空间布局和实施重点3个方面,分析我国东北地区海洋经济的区域协同发展战略。研究结果表明:辽宁省是海洋经济大省,而在打破传统"沿海"观念的基础上发展吉林省和黑龙江省的毗海经济和向海经济,有利于辽宁省海洋产业的转型升级和整个东北地区海洋经济的区域协同发展,俄罗斯远东发展战略与我国振兴东北老工业基地战略也为此创造了环境和机遇;我国东北地区海洋经济区域协同发展的空间布局为"一轴一带两区",其中"一轴"为大连至佳木斯的铁路通道,"一带"和"两区"分别为辽宁沿海经济带、延边州海洋经济区和绥芬河海洋经济区,各地发挥各自的区位和产业优势,科学布局海洋产业,形成集聚、辐射和带动力量;我国东北地区应大力推动海洋经济一体化、资源配置市场化、对外开放国际化和科学技术创新化,从而实现海洋经济的区域协同发展。  相似文献   

为加快我国蓝色经济发展,进一步提高我国参与全球海洋治理的能力和地位,文章在概述我国与全球海洋治理以及蓝色经济内涵的基础上,分析发展蓝色经济对我国参与全球海洋治理的意义,并提出全球海洋治理视角下我国蓝色经济的发展途径。研究结果表明:我国是全球海洋治理的重要参与者、建设者和维护者,应促进其不断创新发展;蓝色经济是以实现海洋可持续发展为目的,寻求海洋资源开发利用与海洋生态环境保护相互平衡的发展方式;发展蓝色经济对于我国参与全球海洋治理具有重要的引领和推动作用,主要表现在体现我国对全球海洋治理的思考和贡献、为我国参与全球海洋治理提供新的思路和途径、有助于我国合作性参与全球海洋治理以及加强我国对全球公共产品的供给;在全球海洋治理视角下,我国蓝色经济的发展途径主要包括加强理论和实践研究、积极参与国际议题、总结发展经验以及建立合作机制。  相似文献   

2013年我国首次向全世界提出人类命运共同体理念,在全球范围内积极倡导人类命运共同体的构建。东北亚共同体是人类命运共同体的组成部分,是中国打造周边命运共同体的重要助力,同时为辽宁海洋经济的发展带来了机遇和挑战。文章通过分析辽宁海洋经济发展现状,梳理辽宁海洋经济发展的相关法律和政策,发现辽宁海洋经济要实现高质量发展还存在海洋经济供给侧结构性改革、海洋环境综合治理、海洋经济协同发展合作等方面的法律和政策缺失,应当加强海洋经济供给侧结构性改革的立法和政策保障,加快海洋经济协同发展合作和海洋环境综合治理的区域性法律与政策的制定,促进东北亚海洋经济协同发展,共同打造东北亚命运共同体。  相似文献   

The results of a 2007 survey of fishers, managers, scientists, and enforcement officials indicate that noncompliance is a significant problem in the Northeast multispecies groundfish (NEGF) fishery, as it has been for at least 20 years. The percent of total harvest taken illegally is estimated to be 12–24%, which is significantly higher than estimates of 6–14% in the 1980s. Thirty-seven percent of fishers, 61% of fishery managers and 80% of fishery enforcement staff believe that “the combined adverse impact of all violations on the health and manageability of fish resources” is significant, highly significant, or extremely significant. Many fishers believe that illegal fishing will prevent them from ever benefiting from stock rebuilding programs.  相似文献   

文章通过对东北亚区域的13个主要港口进行对比分析,包括概况对比、吞吐量对比、基于数据包络分析法的港口综合效率对比和区域内中国港口相关弹性系数对比,得出青岛港集团发展过程中的SWOT分析结果。最后,在此基础上总结了青岛港发展可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

根据海洋调查历史资料 ,对台湾东北海域冷水块的时空分布、结构、特点进行分析 ,主要结果如下 :(1 )首次利用卫星跟踪漂流浮标的轨迹 ,佐证冬季该冷水块的存在。 (2 )鉴于该冷水的重要性 ,建议对它给予称谓 ,暂定名为“彭花棉”冷水块。 (3 )该冷水块是黑潮次表层水涌升的结果 ,是黑潮对我国近海海洋环境影响的典型实例之一。 (4)该冷水块具有低温、高盐、高密、低氧、高磷、高硅和高氮等特性  相似文献   

The Northern Nordeste of Brazil has its short rainy season narrowly concentrated around March–April, when the interhemispheric southward gradient of sea surface temperature (SST) is weakest and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which is the main rainbearing system for the Nordeste, reaches its southernmost position in the course of the year. The recurrent Secas (droughts) have a severe socio-economic impact in this semi-arid region. In drought years, the pre-season (October–January) rainfall is scarce, the interhemispheric SST gradient weakened and the basin-wide southerly (northerly) wind component enhanced (reduced), all manifestations of an anomalously far northward ITCZ position. Apart from this ensemble of Atlantic indicators, the Secas also tend to be preceded by anomalously warm equatorial Pacific waters in January. During El Niño years, an upper-tropospheric wave train extends from the equatorial eastern Pacific to the northern tropical Atlantic, affecting the patterns of upper-tropospheric topography and divergence, and hence of vertical motion over the Atlantic. The altered vertical motion leads to a weaker meridional pressure gradient on the equatorward flank of the North Atlantic subtropical high, and thus weaker North Atlantic tradewinds. The concomitant reduction of evaporation and wind stirring allows for warmer surface waters in the tropical North Atlantic and thus steeper interhemispheric meridional thermal gradient. Consequently, the ITCZ stays anomalously far North and the Nordeste rainy season becomes deficient.  相似文献   

This study examines the status and exploitation level of 31 northern European stocks targeted by fisheries certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as being sustainable and well managed. In the first year of certification, 11 stocks (52% of stocks with available data) were exploited above the maximum sustainable level and four stocks (16% of stocks with available data) were outside of safe biological limits. MSC states that it certifies sub-standard stocks because they will improve once they are in their program. However, after a duration of certification of one to ten years (average four years), no significant changes in fishing pressure or stock size were detected. In the last certified year with available data, seven stocks (44% of stocks with available data) were subject to overfishing and five stocks (21% of stocks with available data) were outside of safe biological limits. Certification should guarantee that fishing quotas are set correctly and are enforced. However, in 11 stocks quotas were set 20–60% above the level that fishers were taking, whereas in three stocks landings exceeded quotas by 30–50%. The study concludes that MSC should change its rules such that overfishing or unsafe stock sizes lead to immediate suspension of certification and that no certification is issued in the first place for a stock that is already in such a situation.  相似文献   

This investigation focused on the weaker and less well understood of the two Arabian Sea monsoonal wind phases, the NE Monsoon, which persists for 3–4 months in the October to February period. Historically, this period has been characterized as a time of very low nutrient availability and low biological production. As part of the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study, 17 stations were sampled on a cruise in January 1995 (late NE Monsoon) and, 15 stations were sampled on a cruise in November 1995 (early NE Monsoon). Only the southern most stations (10° and 12°N) and one shallow coastal station were as nutrient-depleted as had been expected from the few relevant prior studies in this region. Experiments were conducted to ascertain the relative importance of different nitrogenous nutrients and the sufficiency of local regeneration processes in supplying nitrogenous nutrients utilized in primary production. Except for the southern oligotrophic stations, the euphotic zone concentrations of NO3 were typically 5–10-fold greater than those of NO2 and NH4+. There was considerable variation (20–40-fold) in nutrient concentration both within and between the two sections on each cruise. All nitrogenous nutrients were more abundant (2–4-fold) later in the NE Monsoon. Strong vertical gradients in euphotic zone NH4+ concentration, with higher concentrations at depth, were common. This was in contrast to the nearly uniform euphotic zone concentrations for both NO3 and NO2. Half-saturation constants for uptake were higher for NO3 (1.7 μmol kg−1 (s.d.=0.88, n=8)) than for NH4+ (0.47 μmol kg−1 (s.d.=0.33, n=5)). Evidence for the suppressing effect of NH4+ on NO3 uptake was widespread, although not as severe as has been noted for some other regions. Both the degree of sensitivity of NO3 uptake to NH4+ concentration and the half-saturation constant for NO3 uptake were correlated with ambient NO3 concentration. The combined effect of high affinity for low concentrations of NH4+ and the effect of NH4+ concentration on NO3 uptake resulted in similarly low f-ratios, 0.15 (s.d.=0.07, n=15) and 0.13 (s.d.=0.08, n=17), for early and late observations in the NE Monsoon, respectively. Stations with high f-ratios had the lowest euphotic zone NH4+ concentrations, and these stations were either very near shore or far from shore in the most oligotrophic waters. At several stations, particularly early in the NE Monsoon, the utilization rates for NO2 were equal to or greater than 50% the utilization rates for NO3. When converted with a Redfield C : N value of 6.7, the total N uptake rates measured in this study were commensurate with measurements of C productivity. While nutrient concentrations at some stations approached levels low enough to limit phytoplankton growth, light was shown to be very important in regulating N uptake at all stations in this study. Diel periodicity was observed for uptake of all nitrogenous nutrients at all stations. The amplitude of this periodicity was positively correlated with nutrient concentration. The strongest of these relationships occurred with NO3. Ammonium concentration strongly influenced the vertical profiles for NO3 uptake as well as for NH4+ uptake. Both NO2 and NH4+ were regenerated within the euphotic zone at rates comparable to rates of uptake of these nutrients, and thus maintenance of mixed layer concentrations did not require diffusive or advective fluxes from other sources. Observed turnover times for NH4+ were typically less than one day. Rapid turnover and the strong light regulation of NH4+ uptake allowed the development and maintenance of vertical structure in NH4+ concentration within the euphotic zone. In spite of the strong positive effect of light on NO2 uptake and its strong negative effect on NO2 production, the combined effects of much longer turnover times for this nutrient and mixed layer dynamics resulted in nearly uniform NO2 concentrations within the euphotic zone. Responses of the NE Monsoon planktonic community to light and nutrients, in conjunction with mixed layer dynamics, allowed for efficient recycling of N within the mixed layer. As the NE Monsoon evolved and the mixed layer deepened convectively, NO2 and NO3 concentrations increased correspondingly with the entrainment of deeper water. Planktonic N productivity increased 2-fold, but without a significant change the new vs. recycled N proportionality. Consequently, NO3 turnover time increased from about 1 month to greater than 3 months. This reflected the overriding importance of recycling processes in supplying nitrogenous nutrients for primary production throughout the duration of the NE Monsoon. As a result, NO3 supplied to the euphotic zone during the NE Monsoon is, for the most part, conserved for utilization during the subsequent intermonsoon period.  相似文献   

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