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萨勒巴斯推覆体中发育一套深层次变形构造组合和倒转递增变质带,其中糜棱岩、混合岩、混合花岗岩的成因关系对研究挤压造山背景下,地壳深层次变形作用和成岩作用具有特殊的意义。研究表明:在大型滑脱推覆系统中,存在糜棱岩—混合岩—混合花岗岩成岩系列;成岩过程为:韧性变形—剪切加热—部分熔融;控制成岩过程的主导因素为构造动力条件。这一成岩过程能导致稀土元素发生分异,出现重稀土元素有规律地亏损,变质作用pTt轨迹显示造山过程中逆冲推覆作用导致的地壳叠置加厚和剪切加热的典型热演化模式,变形、变质高峰期后,高角度逆冲作用导致变形岩石经历减压、降温的退变质作用,形成由南向北的倒转递增变质带。  相似文献   

燕山造山带复杂构造变形型式的新证据及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
我们在燕山造山带若干区域的构造填图工作表明,燕山带构造变形型式十分复杂。在华北地区中元古代“标准剖面”所在的天津市蓟县常州村-团山子-杨庄地区,我们的填图工作识别出众多的逆冲构造。在北京市东部密云县丰台顶一带发现了褶皱的推覆体。在北京市西北部延庆县的河口.石槽地区填绘出强烈变形的褶皱冲断构造。但是,前人已发表的地质图并未显示这些构造形迹。根据G A Davis及其合作者的研究和我们的调查工作,我们认为前人对燕山造山带的填图工作在识别区域主要构造特征方面是不成功的,燕山带挤压变形比前人所认为的要更为强烈和复杂。  相似文献   

Melting of subducting oceanic lithosphere and associated melt-mantle interactions in convergent plate margins require specific geodynamic environment that allows the oceanic slab to be abnormally heated. Here we focus on the Early Mesozoic mafic rocks and granite porphyry, which provide insights into slab melting processes associated with final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The granite porphyry samples are calc-alkaline and distinguished by high Sr contents, strong depletion of heavy rare earth elements, resulting in high (La/Yb)N and Sr/Y ratios, and negligible Eu anomalies. Based on their high Na2O and MgO, low K2O contents, positive εHf(t) and εNd(t) and low (87Sr/86Sr)i values, we propose that the granite porphyry was likely derived from partial melting of subducting Paleo-Asian oceanic crust. The Nb-enriched mafic rocks are enriched in Rb, Th, U, Pb and K, and depleted in Nb, Ta, Ba, P and Ti, corroborating a subduction-related origin. Their heterogeneous Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopic compositions and other geochemical features suggest that they were likely derived from partial melting of peridotitic mantle wedge interacted with oceanic slab-derived adakitic melts. Trace element and isotope modeling results and elevated zircon δ18O values suggest variable subducting sediments input into the mantle wedge, dominated by terrigenous sediments. Synthesizing the widely-developed bimodal rock associations, conjugated dikes, thermal metamorphism, tectonic characteristics, paleomagnetic constraints, and paleogeographical evidence along the Solonke-Changchun suture zone, we identify a slab window triggered by slab break-off, which accounts for slab melting and formation of the Nb-enriched mafic rocks and associated adakitic granite porphyry in southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

The West Junggar orogen,located in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB),preserves an abundant record of tectonic processes associated with the evolution of the Junggar Ocean.In this study,we use detrital zircon U–Pb age data from Ordovician to Carboniferous sandstones in the southern and central West Junggar domains,complemented by literature data,to better constrain the tectonic evolution of the southwestern CAOB.The Kekeshayi,Qiargaye,and Laba formations in the southern West Junggar domain were deposited during the Darriwilian-Sandbian,Katian-Aeronian,and Homerian-Emsian,respectively.Detrital zircon provenances of these formations display a marked shift from the southern West Junggar domain to the Paleo-Kazakhstan Continent(PKC).This suggests that the southern West Junggar intra-oceanic arc might have gradually accreted to the northern margin of the PKC prior to the Emsian,which has significantly contributed to the lateral growth of the PKC.The Carboniferous strata,Xibeikulasi,Baogutu,and Tailegula formations,in the central West Junggar domain represent a coherent sequence of volcaniclastic turbidites and were deposited in a progressively shrinking remnant oceanic basin during the Visean to Moscovian.They contain unimodal detrital zircon distributions and are derived from the local and coeval magmatic rocks in the central West Junggar domain.We propose that the final closure of the Junggar Ocean likely occurred in the end of the Late Carboniferous in response to regional amalgamation events in the southwestern CAOB,which marks the final assembly of the Kazakhstan Orocline.The central and southern West Junggar domains underwent individual evolution in the Paleozoic,and were recombined by the significant intra-continental reworking along the large-scale strike-slip faults.  相似文献   


The Armantai and Kalamaili oceans were both important branches of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean between the Altai microcontinent and the Junggar juvenile crust; however, their geological evolution is not completely clear. This paper reports detailed petrological, zircon geochronological, whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for a newly discovered gabbro-diorite suite (Akputo pluton) in East Junggar to constrain this issue. Quartz diorite and hornblende gabbro yield intrusion 206Pb/238U ages of ca. 444–440 Ma, which indicates that mafic-intermediate magmatism occurred in the earliest Silurian. The gabbroic-dioritic rocks have tholeiite to calc-alkaline affinities and are characterised by moderately fractionated rare earth element patterns with flat heavy rare earth elements, enrichment in Rb, Ba, K, Sr, and depletion in Nb, Ta, Ti. Low initial Sr and Pb isotopic compositions and positive εNd(t) indicate a derivation from the isotopically depleted mantle sources. The geochemical compositions and melting calculations suggest that the gabbro-diorite suite originated from partial melting of spinel-bearing mantle sources that had been metasomatised by subduction-derived fluids and sediments. The Akputo intrusions formed in an arc setting related to the southward subduction of the Armantai Ocean. Taking the regional angular unconformity between the Ordovician sediments and Silurian volcanics into account, we further suggest that the Early to Middle Silurian was a transition period of the closure of Armantai Ocean and the initial spreading of Kalamaili Ocean.  相似文献   

The Sidingheishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion is located in the eastern part of the Northern Tianshan Mountain, along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in northern Xinjiang autonomous region of China. The Sidingheishan intrusion is mainly composed of wehrlite, olivine websterite, olivine gabbro, gabbro and hornblende gabbro. At least two pulses of magma were involved in the formation of the intrusion. The first pulse of magma produced an olivine-free unit and the second pulse produced an olivine-bearing unit. The magmas intruded the Devonian granites and granodiorites.An age of 351.4±5.8 Ma(Early Carboniferous) for the Sidingheishan intrusion has been determined by U-Pb SHRIMP analysis of zircon grains separated from the olivine gabbro unit. A U-Pb age of 359.2±6.4 Ma from the gabbro unit has been obtained by LA-ICP-MS. Olivine of the Sidingheishan intrusion reaches 82.52 mole% Fo and 1414 ppm Ni. On the basis of olivine-liquid equilibria, it has been calculated that the MgO and FeO included in the parental magma of a wehrlite sample were approximately10.43 wt% and 13.14 wt%, respectively. The Sidingheishan intrusive rocks are characterized by moderate enrichments in Th and Sm, slight enrichments in light REE, and depletions in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The ε_(Nd)(t) values in the rock units vary from +6.70 to +9.64, and initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios range between 0.7035 and0.7042. Initial ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb values fall in the ranges of 17.23-17.91,15.45-15.54 and 37.54-38.09 respectively. These characteristics are collectively similar to the Heishan intrusion and the Early Carboniferous subduction related volcanic rocks in the Santanghu Basin, North Tianshan and Beishan area. The low(La/Gd)_(PM) values between 0.26 and 1.77 indicate that the magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was most likely derived from a depleted spinel-peridotite mantle.(Th/Nb)_(PM)ratios from 0.59 to 20.25 indicate contamination of the parental magma in the upper crust.Crystallization modeling methods suggest that the parental magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was generated by flush melting of the asthenosphere and subsequently there was about 10 vol%contamination from a granitic melt. This was followed by about 5 vol% assimilation of upper crustal rocks. Thus, the high-Mg basaltic parental magma of Sidingheishan intrusion is interpreted to have formed from partial melting of the asthenosphere during the break-off of a subducted slab.  相似文献   

We present in situ trace element and Nd isotopic data of apatites from metamorphosed and metasomatized (i.e., altered) and unaltered granitoids in the Songnen and Jiamusi massifs in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, with the aim of fingerprinting granitoid petrogenesis, including both the magmatic and post-magmatic evolution processes. Apatites from altered granitoids (AG) and unaltered granitoids (UG) are characterized by distinct textures and geochemical compositions. Apatites from AG have irregular rim overgrowths and complex internal textures, along with low contents of rare earth elements (REEs), suggesting the re-precipitation of apatite during epidote crystallization and/or leaching of REEs from apatite by metasomatic fluids. εNd(t) values of the these apatites are decoupled from zircon εHf(t) values for most samples, which can be attributed to the higher mobility of Nd as compared to Sm in certain fluids. Apatites from UG are of igneous origin based on their homogeneous or concentric zoned textures and coupled Nd-Hf isotopic compositions. Trace element variations in igneous apatite are controlled primarily by the geochemical composition of the parental melt, fractional crystallization of other REE-bearing minerals, and changes in partition coefficients. Sr contents and Eu/Eu* values of apatites from UG correlate with whole-rock Sr and SiO2 contents, highlighting the effects of plagioclase fractionation during magma evolution. Apatites from UG can be subdivided into four groups based on REE contents. Group 1 apatites have REE patterns similar to the host granitoids, but are slightly enriched in middle REEs, reflecting the influence of the parental melt composition and REE partitioning. Group 2 apatites exhibit strong light REE depletions, whereas Group 3 apatites are depleted in middle and heavy REEs, indicative of the crystallization of epidote-group minerals and hornblende before and/or during apatite crystallization, respectively. Group 4 apatites are depleted in heavy REEs, but enriched in Sr, which are features of adakites. Some unusual geochemical features of the apatites, including the REE patterns, Sr contents, Eu anomalies, and Nd isotopic compositions, indicate that inherited apatites are likely to retain the geochemical features of their parental magmas, and thus provide a record of small-scale crustal assimilation during magma evolution that is not evident from the whole-rock geochemistry.  相似文献   

本文报道了分布于中亚造山带南缘苏尼特右旗太古生庙地区太古生庙岩体和库伦哈达岩体的岩相学、地球化学和年代学特征,以讨论该岩体的形成时代、岩石成因及其构造环境。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,太古生庙英云闪长岩结晶年龄为442.6±2.4Ma,库伦哈达石英闪长岩结晶年龄为434.2±2.2Ma,说明太古生庙地区早古生代存在岩浆活动。其中太古生庙岩体地球化学特征类似于典型的埃达克岩,其Si O2含量56%(70.02%~70.51%),Al2O3含量≥15%(15.99%~16.37%),Mg O3%(0.56%~0.83%),Na2O3%(4.33%~4.66%),K2O/Na2O比值0.5(0.3~0.4);在微量元素特征方面,Sr400×10-6(681×10-6~783×10-6),Yb1.9×10-6(0.6×10-6~0.9×10-6),Y18×10-6(5.4×10-6~9.3×10-6),无明显的Eu异常。库伦哈达岩体与太古生庙岩体相比,Si O2含量较低(57.92%~66.78%),Al2O3为相当(14.91%~18.26%),MgO含量为1.17%~2.31%,Na2O含量为3.29%~4.36%,K2O含量为1.43%~3.09%;在微量元素判别图解中,库伦哈达岩体的岩石样品投图位于埃达克岩和典型的岛弧型火山岩的叠加区域,而太古生庙岩体样品全部落入埃达克岩区域内,太古生庙岩体可能是洋壳部分熔融的产物,而库伦哈达岩体可能是早期俯冲的洋壳部分熔融的产物混染了部分熔融的地幔楔之后形成了这种具有正常岛弧岩浆特征的岩石,其形成的环境为岛弧环境。  相似文献   

中国东北地区蛇绿岩   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
我国东北地区位于中亚造山带的东段,经历了复杂的增生造山过程,其所属微陆块的基底属性及拼贴位置、洋-陆转换一直是地学界研究的热点。根据近年来的研究进展,我们将东北地区微陆块划分为额尔古纳地块、兴安增生地体、松嫩-锡林浩特地块和佳木斯地块。同时综述了东北地区蛇绿岩/蛇绿混杂岩带的时空分布、年代学及地球化学的新资料,讨论了其构造背景及俯冲-增生过程。东北地区增生造山不仅涉及古亚洲洋和古太平洋,还可能与泛大洋有关,包括早奥陶世-晚三叠世古亚洲洋主洋盆及古亚洲洋分支——新元古代-晚寒武世新林-喜桂图洋、早寒武世-晚石炭世嫩江洋、新元古代-晚志留世黑龙江洋和晚二叠世-中侏罗世牡丹江洋的演化。早石炭世末-晚石炭世初,东北地区古亚洲洋分支洋盆全部闭合,所有微陆块完成聚合形成统一的东北陆块群。晚二叠世-早三叠世时期,古亚洲洋主洋盆沿索伦-西拉木伦-长春-延吉缝合带自西向东从早到晚以剪刀式最终闭合,完成东北陆块群与华北板块的拼接。晚三叠世-早侏罗世时期古太平洋板块俯冲启动,东北地区进入古太平洋俯冲增生构造体系。  相似文献   

The gigantic fold-thrust fracture belt that ex-tends for 900 kmto the NWin the southern NorthChina plate strides across three provinces : Shaanxi ,Henan and Anhui .It is one of the most characteristicstructural deformations in the North China plate .Along this structural belt a series of i mportantcoalfields occur ( e . g. Pingdingshan, Queshan,Huainan) inthe southernmost edge of the North Chi-na coal-concentrating basin. Consequently ,this beltis not only of key value for research onthe…  相似文献   

Voluminous granitoids are widely distributed in the Langshan region, northeast of the Alxa block, and record the evolutionary processes of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Dabashan pluton was emplaced into the Paleoproterozoic Diebusige complex. Early Carboniferous zircon LA-ICP MS U-Pb ages were from 327 Ma to 346 Ma. The Dabashan pluton can be classified as monzogranite and syenogranite, and exhibits high K2O contents and K2O/Na2O ratios, which reveal a high-K calc-alkaline nature. The samples display strongly fractionated REE patterns, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) relative to high field strength elements (HFSE). The Dabashan plutons display unusually high Ba (823–2817 ppm) and Sr (166–520 ppm) contents and K/Rb ratios (315–627), but low Rb/Ba ratios (0.02–0.14), and exhibit fertile zircon Hf isotopic compositions [εHf(t)=?14 to ?20], which are comparable to those of typical high Ba–Sr granitoids. Based on the geochemical compositions of the samples, we suggest that subducted sediments and ancient crustal materials both played important roles in their generation. Basaltic melts were derived from partial melting of subcontinental lithophile mantle metasomatized by subducted sediment-related melts with residual garnet in the source, which caused partial melting of ancient lower crust. Magmas derived from underplating ascended and emplaced in the middle–upper crust at different depths. The resultant magmas experienced some degree of fractional crystallization during their ascent. Given these geochemical characteristics, together with regional tectonic, magmatic, and structure analysis data, an active continental margin environment is proposed for the generation of these rocks.  相似文献   

朱毓  赖绍聪  秦江锋 《地质论评》2017,63(6):1465-1478
松潘造山带内发育大量印支期花岗岩,这些花岗岩类对于该地区岩浆活动、基底性质和构造演化的研究有着重要的意义。金川地区观音桥二云母花岗岩位于松潘造山带东部,属于晚三叠世花岗岩。岩石具有高硅(SiO_2=72.08%~73.95%)、富碱(K_2O=4.44%~5.84%、Na_2O=3.29%~3.93%)的特征,其A/CNK值为1.08~1.22,属于过铝质高钾钙碱性S型花岗岩类。岩石富集大离子亲石元素,亏损部分高场强元素,具有明显的Eu负异常(δEu=0.26~0.38)。观音桥二云母花岗岩的ε_(Nd)(t)=-7.9~-10.1(平均为-8.9)不高,Nd同位素二阶段模式年龄T_(2DM)值为1.42~1.57 Ga,显示源岩应该为中元古代地壳岩石。岩石高的Rb/Sr值和低的CaO/Na_2O值、较低的Al_2O_3/TiO_2值和低的Rb/Ba值,表明其起源于泥质源岩的部分熔融。综合地球化学、同位素特征和区域地质资料,笔者等认为金川地区观音桥二云母花岗岩是在松潘造山带挤压背景下,由中—上地壳泥质源岩发生部分熔融而形成。  相似文献   

The early Mesozoic marked an important transition from collisional orogeny to post-orogenic extension at the northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC). In this study, we undertook zircon U-Pb dating and whole-rock majorand trace-element geochemical analyses of early Mesozoic granitic rocks in the Chifeng area to establish their geochronological framework, petrogenesis, and implications for the tectonic evolution of the eastern Central Asia Orogenic Belt(CAOB). Zircon U-Pb dating results show that these rocks were emplaced in three stages during the Triassic:(1) syenogranites during 250–248 Ma,(2) granodiorites during 244–243 Ma, and(3) monzogranites and granodiorites during 232–230 Ma. These Triassic granitoids belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series and are evolved I-type granites. They have high SiO_2 and low Mg O contents with enrichments in light rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Rb, Th, and U, and depletions in Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, and Eu. These geochemical data indicate that the granitoids were derived from partial melting of a lower-crustal source under relatively low-pressure conditions and subsequently underwent extensive fractional crystallization. Considering both the geochemical data and regional geological information, we propose that the 250–248 Ma syenogranites were emplaced in an extensional environment linked to slab break-off after closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO) along the Solonker-Xra Moron-Changchun suture zone. The 244–243 Ma granodiorites were formed in a compressional orogenic setting during collision between the Erguna-Xing'an-Songliao composite block and the NCC. The 232–230 Ma granodiorites and monzogranites were emplaced during the transition from compressional orogeny to post-orogenic extension. Overall, the early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Chifeng area can be divided into three main stages:(1) closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and extension related to slab break-off during the Early Triassic;(2) continuous collisional compression during the Middle Triassic after closure of the PAO; and(3) post-orogenic extension during the Late Triassic, most probably due to lithospheric delamination after amalgamation of the Erguna-Xing'an-Songliao composite block and the NCC.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2007-2028

The boundary and relation of the Tarim Craton to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) and its role in the formation history of the CAOB remain controversial. This article presents ages and Hf-in-zircon isotopic and geochemical results for gabbroic, dioritic, and granitic plutons from the northern margin of Tarim Craton (NMTC), and discusses their petrogenesis and tectonic regimes as well as the boundary between the CAOB and the Tarim Craton. These plutons yield zircon ages of 424–385 Ma. In the Quruqtagh zone south of the Xinger Fault, the gabbroic pluton shows enrichment in LREEs and LILEs, depletion in HFSEs and positive εHf(t) values (+4.0 to +11.4), suggesting that parental magmas of gabbros were likely derived by partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge previously metasomatized by slab-derived aqueous fluids. In the Hulashan Zone north of the Xinger Fault, the studied rocks include one dioritic pluton and three granitic plutons. The geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of the dioritic pluton are similar to those of the studied gabbroic with positive εHf(t) values (+3.0 to +9.4). The three granitic plutons display relative depletion in HFSEs and enrichment in LILEs. Their variable εHf(t) values range from ?2.1 to +8.9, with TDM2 ages of 858–1503 Ma, suggesting complex crustal sources with different proportions of juvenile and ancient materials. This article confirms and evidences an Andean-style active continental margin of the Tarim Craton due to southward subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean. Furthermore, our Hf isotopic data, together with regional data from the literature, show that the Hulashan zone to the north to the Xinger Fault has younger continental materials in deep than these of NMTC south of the fault, and is similar to microcontinental fragments in the CAOB. This suggests that the Xinger fault may be the boundary between the Tarim Craton and Tianshan orogen.  相似文献   

The North Qilian Shan fold and thrust belt, located at the northern Tibetan Plateau and southern margin of the Hexi Corridor, is a key tectonic unit to decode the formation and expansion of the plateau. Previous studies emphasize the Cenozoic deformation due to the far-field response to the Indo–Asian collision, but the Mesozoic deformations are poorly constrained in this area. We conducted detailed field mapping, structural analysis, geochronology, and structural interpretation of deep seismic ...  相似文献   

The Chinese North Tianshan(CNTS) in the southern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) has undergone multistage accretion-collision processes during Paleozoic time,which remain controversial.This study addresses this issue by tracing the provenance of Late Paleozoic sedimentary successions from the Bogda Mountain in the eastern CNTS through U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of detrital zircons.New detrital zircon U-Pb ages(N=519) from seven samples range from 261±4 Ma to 2827±32 Ma.The most prominent age peak is at 313 Ma and subordinate ages vary from 441 Ma to 601 Ma,with some Precambrian detrital zircon ages(~7%) lasting from 694 Ma to 1024 Ma.The youngest age components in each sample yielded weighted mean ages ranging from 272±9 Ma to 288±5 Ma,representing the maximum depositional ages.These and literature data indicate that some previously-assumed "Carboniferous"strata in the Bogda area were deposited in the Early Permian,including the Qijiaojing,Julideneng,Shaleisaierke,Yangbulake,Shamaershayi,Liushugou,Qijiagou,and Aoertu formations.The low maturity of the sandstones,zircon morphology and provenance analyses indicate a proximal sedimentation probably sourced from the East Junggar Arc and the Harlik-Dananhu Arc in the CNTS.The minor Precambrian detrital zircons are interpreted as recycled materials from the older strata in the Harlik-Dananhu Arc.Zircon E_(Hf)(t) values have increased since ~408 Ma,probably reflecting a tectonic transition from regional compression to extension.This event might correspond to the opening of the Bogda intraarc/back arc rift basin,possibly resulting from a slab rollback during the northward subduction of the North Tianshan Ocean.A decrease of zircon ε_(Hf)(t) values at ~300 Ma was likely caused by the cessation of oceanic subduction and subsequent collision,which implies that the North Tianshan Ocean closed at the end of the Late Carboniferous.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部大青山地区推覆构造系统及与断层相关的褶皱   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对内蒙古大青山地区西部推覆构造及与断层相关的褶皱的研究表明,大青山构造系统自南向北分为根部逆冲推覆岩席带、中部斜歪倒转褶皱一逆冲断层带和前缘断层相关褶皱带,变形强度由根带向前缘带逐渐减弱,前缘带发育典型的断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱。推覆构造运动方向由SSE向NNW推覆,主要形成于中侏罗世末期,推覆距离达10~20km,其形成可能与鄂霍次克洋在燕山期的闭合有关。  相似文献   

西藏南部上三叠统郎杰学群物源分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用Dickinson三角图解、地球化学和阴极发光方法,对西藏山南琼结和贡嘎地区上三叠统深海-半深海郎杰学群砂岩和板岩进行了研究.碎屑成分和地球化学分析结果显示,物源总体来自再旋回造山带,含有大陆基块和混合区(切割弧)成分.阴极发光照射结果反映,物源区石英主要为变质成因(棕色光),次为深成/火山成因(浅紫兰色-绿色光),在一定程度上表明,母源区结晶基底可能已经抬升暴露,并且粘附在大陆块上.这些结果暗示,在拉萨地块与印度次大陆之间的新特提斯洋中可能存在一个含造山带的未名地块.  相似文献   

The Meso-Cenozoic tectonic attribute of southern China is a continental tridirectional orogenic belt formed by subsynchronous interaction among the Tethys, Northwest Pacific and Kunlun-Qinling tectonic domains. It was created by superimposition of repeated orogenies since the Late Permian. The Indosinian folds therein are gentle and localized.  相似文献   

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