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Carnivore conservationists agree that addressing the socioeconomic needs of people is critical to human-carnivore conflict mitigation. We therefore welcome studies that encompass complex social and cultural factors that affect the severity of human-carnivore conflict on Namibian farmlands. However, we contend that the recent study by Rust et al. (2016 Rust, N. A., J. Tzanopoulos, T. Humle, and D. C. MacMillan. 2016. Why has human–carnivore conflict not been resolved in Namibia? Society &; Natural Resources 29 (9):107994. doi:10.1080/08941920.2016.1150544[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) was poorly designed, used inappropriate sampling methods, lacked quantitative information on their qualitative results, and ultimately produced unsupported conclusions about the role of historic apartheid and current racism in exacerbating human-carnivore conflict in Namibia. We outline our concerns regarding the methods used, and demonstrate that the conclusions drawn by Rust et al. were not supported by their data.  相似文献   

Prior, D. D. &; Eve, R. M. 1975: Coastal landslide morphology at Røsnæs, Denmark. Geografisk Tidsskrift 74: 12–20. København, Juni, 1, 1975.

Based on the field studies the coastal landslide morphology and the moss movement types in the Røsnæs area are described and classified, followed by a general discussion of the factors which promote slope instability.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):91-94
This study disentangles the relationship between income and real estate value development in Dutch urban neighborhoods. Within the literature on upgrading and downgrading, it is often assumed that neighborhood income and real estate value development are strongly linked. The results reported here—based on research in Amsterdam, The Hague, and Tilburg—indicate that income and real estate values develop simultaneously in only a relatively small number of neighborhoods, which are at the top and bottom of the housing market hierarchy. The majority reveal a more complex relationship: a number of neighborhoods show a time lag between the trends, whereas in other neighborhoods income and real estate values show partially diverging trends. Several tentative explanations are offered for the complex relationship, and stress the importance of place-specific knowledge. Three points of attention are suggested for further research: understanding the role of household dynamics, the position of neighborhoods within their urban system, and the role of the state and housing associations in neighborhood change.  相似文献   

Humlum, J., 1973: Den 22. Internationale Geografkongres i Montréal, Canada, 1972. Geografisk Tidsskrift 72, 64–67. København, September 30, 1973.

22nd International Geographical Congress. Canada 1972.  相似文献   

Olaus Magnus — et 400 års minne, så lyder titelen på det korte foredrag jeg har fått adgang til å. holde her i dag på. akademiets siste møte i inneværende kalenderår. Den 2. august i år var det nemlig 400 år siden denne merkelige, interessante og sympatiske personlighet døde i Rom. som Sveriges siste katolske erkebiskop etter 33 års land-flyktighet uten å ha fått tiltre den erkebiskopstolen i Uppsala, som pave Paulus III hadde utnevnt ham til etter hans to år eldre brors Johannes Magnus' død i 1544.  相似文献   

N口.1Recent Developments of Geography as Against Its Traditions……………………………… Chu。-f。。L。。(6)Problems In D@signingl:l,000,000 口eomorphologlc Map of China·,…………·-…·-……………’·· -…·-’……·‘’··’………”··’·”·’……………………………………………………………….Su ShiyH et al.(16)A Prellminarystudy ontheQuantltatlvclndex ofBaslCTypesofGcomoropholo鹰ICForm In China………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Li …  相似文献   

\N叭 丑P。ofessor Cllu Ko-chen CZhu Ko-chen)and Geographical Research on the Agriculture with SPec- lal Reference to North China…………………………………………………………H。a。g B。。g-w,。(8)Dr.ChuKo-chen andtbelntegratedlnvestigation of Xinjiang………………………… Cho。L。-。。。(15)Dr.Chu Ko-chen and the Department of Geography at Peking University………,…………………‘· ’…··’…·”’‘…………’………………··,……··,·,………………………,………………··L。n Chao e…  相似文献   

No.1Special ArticlesA Tribute to Prof. Huang Bing- wei for His one Year's Passing Away  ………………………………   ZHENG Du  YANG Qin- ye(1 )………………………………………………………………………The Agroecology Research Based on Water Use—— Condoling with Prof.Huang Bingwei   upon His Death of Full First Anniversary YU Hu- ning  LIU Chang- ming (1 6 )…………………Land Use and Land Cover ChangeOn the Indicating Method of Synthetic Value for Land Use Structure …  相似文献   

No.1A New scheme for Compr。henslve Phytical Reglonali。an。。Ch。a··,……………Zhao So。g-qtao(10)Studies on the LazldformDevelopmentand on出ernaryGlaclaLlons n Nor山 P出lst811t811……………·二…·…………………………… ,…………………………………,…………………………··U Ji十。。t al.(23)climaticFluc山a【ion。d1D Effecton Food Doducti。durb压山。P。nod 140D—1949 n Gu。gd。 ng Province……··,……………………………………,……………·,…………………Zh。。g r-。ho。g(32)On the G…  相似文献   

No.1OnEstablishingTheGreatCanalRegionalEcologicalInfrastructure:StrategyandApproaches…………………………………………………………YUKongjian,LIDihua,LIWei(11)Mainengineeringmeasurementsandmechanismofblownsandhazardcontrol…………………………………………HANZhiwen,WANGTao,DONGZhibaoetal.(20)TreatmentTechnologyofWastewaterUsingConstructedWetlandandItsPresentStatusandFutureProspectsinChina…………YUShaopeng,WANGHaixia,WANZhongjuanetal.(29)ACaseStudyonCharacteristicsandCounte…  相似文献   

NO.二On the Classsflcatlon and CansCs of Formation of Different Channel Patterns……………………… ”““““““““““““”““”‘””‘’””””””“””“””““““’““”··’·’”’”··’…·’·‘…”·”·’··’…………·”””·Qia。Ni。g(Ni。g Chi。。)(10)Characteristics of the Dlstrlbutlon of Temperature Variabilltyl。China……… Su。A。-厂a。et al,(19)The Slgnlflca。ce of Aspect In Mountain Geography………………二………………··D。Chao et al·(28)Origin and…  相似文献   

N口.1EZdUtlon Of HOIOcene Sedimentary Enolronment In the HangZbou刁laxing-Huzhou Phln.,… yan Q0rha。召 etd.(15)Modelof Developmentand Rule of Evdutlon oftheLongltudlndProfues of the yalley of Three Rivers’In the Northwestern Part Of Yunnan Province………………Jia。g Zho。gx’。(26)TheoretlcalComputatlon and Model Estimation Ofsdarlrradlatlonlncldenton yertlcdwall Surfaces——With an Example Of Shanghai…………………,………,……………… Zh。Zhihtti(41)Di.Oil..IOrtSuggestions…  相似文献   

No.l℃尘糕二t$线盅二贮兰二.二.℃二二勺二::::::::::::::::::::二二二x””Z’x。Z咒咒‘℃”S澡峦戏义主藕胶迷2二二z森蔗呈类三二二土二 羹娱残滔]。。。人“二二 忑二二“二二二J二”I元:二J二二二二咒℃沈欠工’‘”。e品℃咒L“二’二二二二二二忘.二J二丁不二二流之了z二K”’。。——、。一7仙-H”d“。:盯二二’二’阶工’二二二”x二Z:咒JGZ::二 区j1SCuss1Oll Oil tile cyuldellns Ot COnstrUCt1OD for ProduCtbll Ort tb6 LO6Ss pbteaU frotu the Viewpoiflt OI me urOWtn Ot me uOOQS FrodUCt1On……………  相似文献   

Edelvang, Karen; Larsen, Michael; Pejrup, Morten: Tidal Variation in Field Settling Velocities of Suspended Sediment in a Tidal Channel. Geografisk Tidsskrift 92:116–121. Copenhagen 1992.

Particles of silt and clay may form large, low density floes when suspended in salt water. The sediment floes have settling velocities much higher than the single small particles constituting them and therefore, the flocculation process may strongly influence the transport of cohesive sediment in estuarine environments. will be described in this paper, the field settling velocities of suspended sediment were investigated in a large tidal channel with tidal current velocities up to 1.3 m/s and depths of about 10 m. The analyses of suspended sediment were made on both bottom and surface samples. For the bottom samples, equivalent median fall diameters in the range 26–98 μm were measured. For surface samples, the range was 15–40 μm. During most of the tidal period, the occurrence of much larger settling diameters near the bottom was due to the suspension of individual sand and silt particles. For the investigated periods, high-tide was the only possible time to observe flocculation influencing the vertical distribution of finegrained sediment in the water column.  相似文献   

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