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Korjenkov  A. M.  Mazor  E. 《Natural Hazards》1998,18(3):193-226
The present communication addresses the potential use of damage features, observed in the ancient ruins of the Avdat archeological site (Negev Desert, Israel) as a tool to identify the seismic origin of the destruction there and roughly to determine the direction of seismic wave propagation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Loessial colluvial sediments and aeolian aprons are common deposits in the Negev Desert Highlands. In an attempt to monitor the amounts and distributional pattern of loess, monthly dust measurements were carried out during 2004 to 2006 in 10 cm diameter traps located at 18 stations along four slopes, north‐facing, south‐facing, east‐facing and west‐facing in a second‐order drainage basin near Sede Boqer, Negev Desert Highlands, Israel. Annual total dust depositions ranged between 110 g and 178 g m?2 with an average of 151·1 g m?2. The average annual dust deposition in the catchment was 23·5% higher than the average amount recorded at the hilltops (122·4 g m?2) and may be a consequence of sheltering opportunities in the hilly topography. When analysed according to season and aspect, significantly higher monthly amounts were received during the wet rainy season of December to March (17·0 g m?2), in comparison with the rest of the year (8·1 g m?2). As for the aspect, while no significant differences characterized north‐facing and south‐facing slopes, east‐facing slopes received significantly higher amounts (by 43·3%) than west‐facing slopes, pointing to preferential dust deposition at the leeward slope. Concurring with the classical model that anticipates higher dust deposition at the leeside slope, but in disagreement with some reports published in the literature, the findings of this study were also supported by a field survey that showed preferential loess accumulation at the eastern and north‐eastern aspects. These findings may shed light on distributional patterns of colluvial sediments and aeolian aprons in the Negev, on soil‐forming processes and on past cycles of dust deposition.  相似文献   

HARRISON  & YAIR 《Sedimentology》1998,45(3):507-518
The interdunal areas in the Nizzana linear sand dune field contain both sandy and silty sediments. A series of trenches was excavated across the interdunal corridor exposing stacked sequences of silty and sandy units which are locally restricted to palaeodepressions. The silty units contain fining upward sequences and are interpreted as overbank deposits from the Nahal Nizzana. Thermoluminescence dating and identification of buried palaeosols indicates that the silt and clay layers were deposited over a period of several thousands of years in the late Pleistocene. The sands between the silt layers have been fluvially reworked and are not primary aeolian deposits. The stacked sequences of fluvial deposits indicate that the palaeodepressions persisted in the landscape for a significant time attesting to long-term stability of the interdunal areas. It also suggests that the linear dunes themselves have not moved laterally during this time despite climatic changes and devegetation. Since the end of the late Pleistocene the Nahal Nizzana has downcut and overbank deposition no longer occurs within the interdunal corridors. The playa deposits today are positive relief features indicating that topographic inversion has occurred and that the interdunal areas are geomorphically active.  相似文献   

The stabilized northwestern (NW) Negev vegetated linear dunes (VLD) of Israel extend over 1300 km2 and form the eastern end of the Northern Sinai – NW Negev Erg. This study aimed at identifying primary and subsequent dune incursions and episodes of dune elongation by investigating dune geomorphology, stratigraphy and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Thirty-five dune and interdune exposed and drilled section were studied and sampled for sedimentological analyses and OSL dating, enabling spatial and temporal elucidation of the NW Negev dunefield evolution.In a global perspective the NW Negev dunefield is relatively young. Though sporadic sand deposition has occurred during the past 100 ka, dunes began to accumulate over large portions of the dunefield area only at ~23 ka. Three main chronostratigraphic units, corresponding to three (OSL) age clusters, were found throughout most of the dunefield, indicating three main dune mobilizations: late to post last glacial maximum (LGM) at 18–11.5 ka, late Holocene (2–0.8 ka), and modern (150–8 years). The post-LGM phase is the most extensive and it defined the current dunefield boundaries. It involved several episodes of dune incursions and damming of drainage systems. Dune advancement often occurred in rapid pulses and the orientation of VLD long axes indicates similar long-term wind directions. The late Holocene episode included partial incursion of new sand, reworking of Late Pleistocene dunes as well as limited redeposition. The modern sand movement only reactivated older dunes and did not lengthen VLDs.This aeolian record fits well with other regional aeolian sections. We suggest that sand supply and storage in Sinai was initiated by the Late Pleistocene exposure of the Nile Delta sands. Late Pleistocene winds, substantially stronger than those usually prevailing since the onset of the Holocene, are suggested to have transported the dune sands across Sinai and into the northwestern Negev.Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of vegetated linear dunes located along the (northern) fringe of the sub-tropical desert belt to climate change (i.e. wind) and sediment supply.  相似文献   

An Early Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine sequence from the extremely arid southern Negev desert, Israel, indicates that climatic conditions during that period were humid enough to support the formation of a lake (Lake Zihor) there. The lacustrine sediments were deposited in a tectonic valley that developed along the Zihor tectonic line after the deposition of the Pliocene Arava Formation. They intercalate with fluvial sediments that contain several horizons of reddish calcic paleosols. The lacustrine sequence comprises three sedimentary cycles. Each starts with a dark clay layer overlain by a white limestone unit, both of which contain abundant freshwater fauna, and terminates with a green detrital limestone that contains only one type of brackish-water ostracod. The top of each green limestone unit is characterized by pedogenic features and microrelief, indicating desiccation of the lake and soil development. Isotope data support the hypothesis that the white limestone was deposited in an open, freshwater lake. The incision of the present channel of Nahal (wadi) Zihor in the lacustrine sediments is manifested by a series of rock-cut and fluvial terraces (Q1–Q4) capped by gypsic-salic soils, which reflect the onset of the present, extremely arid climate. Over 100 find-spots and larger occurrences of prehistoric artifacts assigned to the Lower Paleolithic were discovered near Lake Zihor. On the basis of techno-typological and stratigraphic considerations, these assemblages are divided into two groups, the first of which may be contemporaneous with the lake, while the second is found mainly on the younger Q1 and Q2 terraces. It is estimated that the lake existed for more than 100,000 years. The climate during this period was probably semiarid, but water budget calculations suggest that, in addition to surface runoff, seepage of groundwater along the Zihor Line contributed a considerable amount of water to the lake.  相似文献   

Dr. Y. Gxradus 《GeoJournal》1978,2(6):521-532
The rapid growth and development in modern times of Beer-Sheva, the city of the Patriarchs, and its transformation into a major centre of growth in the southern desert part of Israel has intrigued experts who deal with urban growth and development. In this paper we examine the major factors that have contributed to the city's place and function in Israel's urban system, its economic base and ecological structure — all with reference to the city's historical background.  相似文献   

We report results of experiments intended to test the validity of a model for aeolian saltation and the resulting pattern of deposition on the lee side of aeolian dunes. In steady sea-breeze conditions on a 3-m-tall dune at Point Año Nuevo, California, we measured simultaneously the near-brink wind speed and the deposition on both horizontal and lee face collector platforms. We then used the details of the deposition patterns to constrain approximate values of parameters in a numerical model of the deposition rate that incorporates the essence of the saltation process. Best fits to the data constrain a parameter that controls the probability distribution of liftoff speeds. In addition, the total vertical number flux of grains is constrained to roughly 107?108 grains m?2 s?1 at shear velocities of 0.33–0.40 m s?1. The lee side deposition pattern, which shows the expected maximum in deposition rate at a distance of several decimetres from the brink, is also well fit by the model. In addition, simultaneous collection of horizontal and lee deposition patterns, along with the numerical simulation of these patterns, strongly implies that the windfield in the lee of this particular dune is best described as a non-recirculating wake. Grainflows on the lee face are caused by failure of grainfall depositional bumps. Our results suggest that the principal effect of increased wind speed is to increase the frequency of grainflows. rather than to increase their size, implying that very large, thick grainflows require a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Yang  Xinghua  Zhou  Chenglong  Huo  Wen  Yang  Fan  Liu  Xinchun  Mamtimin  Ali 《Natural Hazards》2019,97(3):1069-1081
Natural Hazards - Soil and the atmospheric conditions are important factors that affect wind speed threshold of surface dust emissions. Based on the observed data of surface dust emissions in the...  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(1-2):223-231
Signal resetting by sunlight prior to burial is a crucial assumption in electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of sediments. This resetting process is expected to be completed to a greater extent in arid than in fluvial environments. The present paper investigates the natural and artificially irradiated signal intensity of Ti related centres in single quartz grains collected from the desert surface (Eastern Desert, Egypt) in order to test this hypothesis. The results suggest that in most grains both the Ti–Li and Ti–H signal are completely reset to zero. Additive dose curves based on the sum of both Ti centres show an anomaly in the low dose region. Possible causes for this behaviour are briefly discussed. Three fitting procedures are conducted and each of them shows a different palaeodose distribution with a rather large spread in DE values. It is concluded that similar fossil deposits would be datable by single grain ESR using Q-band measurements of the Ti–Li or Ti–H signals in quartz.  相似文献   

Studies on composition and distribution of dust deposition are necessary for the risk assessment of dust to atmospheric quality. We studied the vertical distribution pattern of dust and metal (Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) deposition up to 33 m height in urban environment. Integrated geochemical, mineralogical and magnetic study of the seasonally sampled dust helped to specify our knowledge on the use of magnetic susceptibility for tracking its deposition. Harmful dust and metal deposition may occur even at great heights and at the low-traffic side of buildings. Re-suspension of local surface materials dominates the dust deposition primarily in summer and spring due to weather conditions, and it may overwrite the influence of recent anthropogenic activities on dust composition. The accepted air-flow models should be modified by taking the local conditions (weather, morphology, etc.) into account. All studied metals showed strong enrichment in the dust and could be characterized by similar vertical deposition pattern to dust. The total susceptibility was found to be much more useful proxy for tracking dust and metal deposition than mass-specific susceptibility. Using the former, potential errors arising from sampling practice of settled dust could be eliminated. The most important heavy-metal-bearing phases were iron oxides and clay minerals. Their different behavior during the dust deposition is reflected by the vertical metal distribution patterns. Clay minerals originate primarily from re-suspension and may be one of the most important sources of potentially mobile heavy metals in such materials.  相似文献   

DAVID SOUDRY 《Sedimentology》1987,34(4):641-660
Ultra-fine structures of the Negev high-grade phosphorites provide valuable clues to unravelling the genesis of these rocks, the question of their differential areal distribution, and the biosedimentary mechanisms involved in their considerable enrichment. Peculiar to these phosphorites is an intergranular phosphate matrix, for the most part constituted by a variety of phosphatic microbial tubules displaying a range of spatial micro-organizations. The phosphate particles fixed by this filamentous meshwork also consists of internally organized and non-organized packed microbial remains of different types. Analogies between the fabrics of the matrix and the corpuscles lead to conception of a two-stage depositional scheme for these phosphorites, based on rhythmical repetition of two sedimentary mini-events, in a slightly oscillating, very shallow marine system—(1) a low-energy event of microbial colonization of the Mishash bottoms, followed by early phosphatization of the organic structures mainly in marginal situations; and (2) a higher-energy event which broke up the phosphatic mats into debris, redepositing them as clastic layers in nearby basinward sites, while becoming bound by a new meshwork of filamentous microphytes. The differential phosphatization of the intergranular microbial binder, again occurring mostly in marginal localities, produced highly enriched phosphorites. Minor truncations and redepositions leading to amalgamation of the successive layers account for the massive fabric now displayed by most of these rocks. Examining the structural and textural features, the validity of the sedimentary mechanisms of Recent phosphorite formation for the Campanian Negev rocks is discussed.  相似文献   

Origin of potassic (C-type) adakite magmas: Experimental and field constraints   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
L. Xiao  J.D. Clemens   《Lithos》2007,95(3-4):399-414
The postcollisional, Mesozoic, C-type or high-K adakitic intrusions (K-adakites) of China lack either temporal or spatial association with subduction and have K2O/Na2O around unity. Otherwise, their geochemistry is very similar to ordinary adakites. New experimental data, geological observations and theoretical considerations lead us to suggest that these K-adakites were high-T (> 1050 and probably > 1075 °C), rather hydrous magmas ( 6 wt.% H2O) produced by fluid-absent partial melting of metatonalites, meta-andesites, or possibly potassic metabasalts at pressures exceeding 2 GPa. Their peculiar chemistry is a consequence of both the elevated K2O/Na2O in the protolith and the very high pressure of partial melting. The most likely tectonic setting is one of extreme crustal thickening followed by delamination of the eclogitic keel and partial melting of this continental crustal material at mantle depths, with high mantle heat flow, during orogenic collapse.  相似文献   

The central Himalaya can be regarded as an ideal site for developing a long-term ice core dust record to reflect the environmental signals from regional to semi-hemispheric scales. Here we present a dust record from segments of a 108.83-m ice core recovered from the East Rongbuk (ER) Glacier (27°59′N, 86°55′E; 6518 m a.s.l.) on the northeast slope of Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) in the central Himalaya, covering the period AD 600-1960. Due to rapidly layer thinning and coarse sampling, we primarily discuss the changes in the dust record since AD 1500 in this paper. Results show a significant positive relationship between the dust concentration and reconstructed air temperatures during this period, suggesting a likely cold-humid and warm-dry climatic pattern in the dust source regions, namely Central Asia. This is associated with the variability in the strength of the westerlies and its corresponding precipitation.  相似文献   

An active and short-duration thermal tracer test (TTT) was conducted in a shallow sedimentary aquifer at the Lauswiesen test site, near Tübingen, Germany. By injecting 16  m3 of warm water at 22°C, a thermal anomaly was created, which propagated along the local groundwater flow direction. This was comprehensively monitored in five observation wells at a few meters distance. The purpose of this well-controlled experiment was to determine the practicability of such a TTT and its suitability to examine hydraulic characteristics of heterogeneous aquifers. The results showed that the thermal peak arrival times in the observation wells were consistent with previous observations from alternative field testing such as direct-push injection logging (DPIL). Combined analysis of depth-dependent temperatures and peak arrival times, and comparison with a numerical heat transport model, offers valuable insights into the natural flow field and spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivities. The study was able to identify vertical flow focusing and bypassing, which are attributed to preferential flow paths common in such sedimentary sand and gravel aquifers. These findings are fundamental for further development of experimental designs of active and short-duration TTTs and provide a basis for a more quantitative analysis of advective and conductive transport processes.  相似文献   

To increase the potentiality of development and land reclamation activities, the Egyptian government funds the construction of a new desert road in Upper Egypt. This road connects Upper Egypt with the Red Sea Governorate. Surrounding the road is 207,000 acres of land surface which is almost flat and suitable for reclamation. To ensure the sustainability of the proposed development surrounding the road, analyses of the morphometric parameters, infiltration test and the grain size distribution, geoelectrical and hydrogeological investigations were conducted in the area. The results indicated a possibility of flash flood hazards and poor drainage condition for land reclamation activities is expected. The hydrogeological and geoelectrical investigations revealed that the unconfined Quaternary and confined Nubian Sandstone aquifers are the main aquifers in the area. The depths to water in the two aquifers range from 18 to 36 and 80 to 300 m with an average thickness of 40 and 275 m, respectively. The aquifers are made of sands and silt with clay intercalations. The total dissolved solids of water ranges between 1,700 and 5,400 mg/L, whereas the sodium absorption ratio ranges between 7 and 30 meq/L, indicating the suitability of water for irrigating medium- to high-salt-tolerant crops with proper drainage facilities. Thus, water in this area is not suitable for domestic use. Based on hydrogeological equations, the available water for extraction from the aquifers in the area is about 17.195?×?109 m3, and this volume is not feasible to reclaim the whole proposed area for reclamation. Meanwhile, it may be possible to water small farms (not more than 60,000 acres for 50 years). Surface water source should be considered for the sustainability development of the area.  相似文献   

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