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Bankfull discharge is a comprehensive factor reflecting the channel-forming capability of water flow and the flood and sediment transport capacity of a river channel. It is based on the interaction of the flow, sediment, and river channel, of which flow and sediment conditions play crucial roles. Using data recorded since the 1950s, this paper analyses statistically, the characteristics and variations of bankfull discharge at two stations on the Inner Mongolian reaches of the upper Yellow River. Results indicate that flood season variations in bankfull discharge are nonlinear and are governed by flood peak discharge, mean discharge, and the mean incoming sediment coefficients. Variation in bankfull discharge is related not only to the flow and sediment conditions of the current year but also to those of previous years. The 10-year moving average of flow and sediment conditions can be representative of present and previous years. By considering flood season peak discharge and incoming sediment coefficients as independent impact factors, a formula is derived to determine bankfull discharge. The results can be used to predict the bankfull discharge of the Yellow River channel in Inner Mongolia under specific flow and sediment conditions and provide reference for the purpose of further study related to restoring and maintaining the basic functions of the river channel regarding flood discharge and sediments.  相似文献   

Discharge event frequency, magnitude and duration all control river channel morphology and sedimentary architecture. Uncertainty persists as to whether alluvial deposits in the rock record are a time-averaged amalgam from all discharge events, or a biased record of larger events. This paper investigates the controls on channel deposit character and subsurface stratigraphic architecture in a river with seasonal discharge and very high inter-annual variability, the Burdekin River of north-east Australia. In such rivers, most sediment movement is restricted to a few days each year and at other times little sediment moves. However, the maximum discharge magnitude does not directly correlate with the amount of morphological change and some big events do not produce large deposits. The Burdekin channel deposits consist of five main depositional elements: (i) unit bars; (ii) vegetation-generated bars; (iii) gravel sheets and lags; (iv) antidune trains; and (v) sand sheets. The proportions of each depositional element preserved in the deposits depend on the history of successive large discharge events, their duration and the rate at which they wane. Events with similar peak magnitude but different rate of decline preserve different event deposits. The high intra-annual and inter-annual discharge variability and rapid rate of stage change make it likely that small to moderate-scale bed morphology will be in disequilibrium with flow conditions most of the time. Consequently, dune and unit bar size and cross-bed set thickness are not good indicators of event or channel size. Antidunes may be more useful as indicators of flow conditions at the time they formed. Rivers with very high coefficient of variance of maximum discharge, such as the Burdekin, form distinctive channel sediment bodies. However, the component parts are such that, if they are examined in isolation, they could lead to misleading interpretation of the nature of the depositional environment if conventional interpretations are used.  相似文献   

Gravel antidunes in the tropical Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The geological record is punctuated by the deposits of extreme event phenomena, the identification and interpretation of which are hindered by a lack of data on contemporary examples. It is impossible to directly observe sedimentary bedforms and grain fabrics forming under natural particle-transporting, high-velocity currents, and therefore, their characteristics are poorly documented. The deposits of such flows are exposed however, in the dry bed of the Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia following tropical cyclone-induced floods. Long wave-length (up to 19 m) gravel antidunes develop during short (days) high-discharge flows in the upper Burdekin River (maximum recorded discharge near the study reach over 25 600 m3 s?1 in February 1927). Flood water levels fall quickly (metres in a day) and flow is diverted away from raised areas of the river bed into subchannels, exposing many of the high-stage bedforms with little reworking by falling-stage currents. Gravel bedforms were observed on the dry river bed after the moderate flows of February 1994 (max. 7700 m3 s?1) and January 1996 (max. 3200 m3 s?1). The bedforms had wave-lengths in the range 8–19 m, amplitudes of up to 1 m with steeper stoss than lee faces and crest lines generally transverse to local peak-discharge flow direction. The gravel fabric and size sorting change systematically up the stoss and down the lee faces. The antidune deposits form erosive based lenses of sandy gravel with low-angle downstream dipping lamination and generally steep upstream dipping a-b planes. The internal form and fabric of the antidune gravel lenses are distinctly different from those of dune lee gravel lenses. The erosive based lenses of low-angle cross-bedded gravel with steep upstream dipping a-b planes are relatively easy to recognize and may be diagnostic of downstream migrating antidunes. The antidune gravel lenses are associated with thick (to 1 m) high-angle cross bed sets. Ancient antidune gravel lenses may be diagnostic of episodic high-discharge conditions and particularly when they are associated with high-angle cross-bedded gravelly sand they may be useful for palaeoenvironmental interpretation.  相似文献   

Interactions between catchment variables and sediment transport processes in rivers are complex, and sediment transport behaviour during high‐flow events is not well documented. This paper presents an investigation into sediment transport processes in a short‐duration, high‐discharge event in the Burdekin River, a large sand‐ and gravel‐bed river in the monsoon‐ and cyclone‐influenced, semi‐arid tropics of north Queensland. The Burdekin's discharge is highly variable and strongly seasonal, with a recorded maximum of 40 400 m3 s?1. Sediment was sampled systematically across an 800 m wide, 12 m deep and straight reach using Helley‐Smith bedload and US P‐61 suspended sediment samplers over 16 days of a 29‐day discharge event in February and March 2000 (peak 11 155 m3 s?1). About 3·7 × 106 tonnes of suspended sediment and 3 × 105 tonnes of bedload are estimated to have been transported past the sample site during the flow event. The sediment load was predominantly supply limited. Wash load included clay, silt and very fine sand. The concentration of suspended bed material (including very coarse sand) varied with bedload transport rate, discharge and height above the bed. Bedload transport rate and changes in channel shape were greatest several days after peak discharge. Comparison between these data and sparse published data from other events on this river shows that the control on sediment load varies between supply limited and hydraulically limited transport, and that antecedent weather is an important control on suspended sediment concentration. Neither the empirical relationships widely used to estimate suspended sediment concentrations and bedload (e.g. Ackers & White, 1973) nor observations of sediment transport characteristics in ephemeral streams (e.g. Reid & Frostick, 1987) are directly applicable to this river.  相似文献   

Largescale ripples in the meandering lower Wabash River of Illinois and Indiana, U.S.A., include scroll bars and three dunelike bed forms (dunes, sand waves, and transverse bars). Scroll bars are lobate crested, asymmetrical in stream-wise vertical profile, usually solitary, and oriented approximately normal to local channel strike. They form by passive flow expansion downchannel from locally emergent topographic highs, face and lie near inner banks of meander bends, enjoy a high preservation potential as leveelike ridges of ridge-and-swale topography, and migrate only during relatively low stream discharges, when water depth over bar crests is less than 0·5 m. Dunes correspond to dunes of the flow-regime classification and rarely are solitary or superimposed. Sand waves may be symmetrical or asymmetrical, are always superimposed by dunes, occur in depths greater than 4 m and in bed material coarser than 1 mm mean size, and develop at bankfull and flood flows. Transverse bars migrate in depths less than 5 m in straight reaches and near inner banks of bends, display crestal dunes, and correspond to the bars of Costello (1974) and to the sand waves of Boothroyd (1969). Hydrodynamic regimes of scroll bars and transverse bars differ from that of dunes. The omnipresence of dunes upon stoss-sides of sand waves confirms the existence of an equilibrium superimposition of dunelike largescale ripples. Depth-velocity-size diagrams appear to be a valid representation of empirical stability fields of dunelike largescale ripples in deep unsteady nonuniform aqueous flows. Stability fields of dunes and sand waves overlap greatly. Velocity profiles demonstrate an absence of leeside flow separation over dunes and an appearance (rare) over transverse bars only when the ratio of trough depth to crest depth exceeds two. Dune stratification displays (1) largescale trough cross-strata, (2) thinning of sets as bed-material size increases, and (3) an orientation within 20° of local channel strike. Transverse bars show avalanche sets up to 2 m thick, with reactivation surfaces. Scroll bars display thick avalanche sets separated by reactivation structures consisting of erratically oriented smallscale trough cross-strata. Avalanche sets of scroll bars and of transverse bars are oriented 50–150° from and within 50° of, respectively, local channel strike.  相似文献   

张金良  鲁俊 《水科学进展》2021,32(2):192-200
黄河上游内蒙古冲积性河道凌汛问题突出,研究河道冲淤演变与凌情响应机制可为该河段防凌减灾提供技术支持。根据内蒙古河段凌情、河道冲淤演变资料,分析凌情变化表征指标及与之密切相关的河道冲淤演变特征指标,研究河道冲淤演变特征指标与凌情变化表征指标的响应关系。结果表明:河道冲淤演变的特征指标平滩流量与凌情表征指标冰下过流能力、槽蓄水增量关系密切,冰下过流能力为平滩流量的1/5左右,随着平滩流量减小而减小,而槽蓄水增量随着平滩流量的减小而增大,有利内蒙古河段防凌的平滩流量宜不小于2 000 m3/s,槽蓄水增量宜不超过14亿m3。本研究成果可为内蒙古河段冰凌灾害防治提供参考。  相似文献   

Willis  Bhattacharya  Gabel  & White 《Sedimentology》1999,46(4):667-688
The Frewens sandstone is composed of two elongate tide-influenced sandstone bodies that are positioned directly above and slightly landward of a more wave-influenced lobate sandstone. The 20-km-long, 3-km-wide Frewens sandstone bodies coarsen upwards and fine away from their axes, have gradational bases and margins and have eroded tops abruptly overlain by marine shales. These sandstones are superbly exposed in large cliffs on the banks of the South Fork of the Powder River in central Wyoming, USA. The deposits change upwards from thinly interbedded sandstones and mudstones to metre-thick heterolithic cross-strata and, finally, to metres-thick sandstone-dominated cross-strata. There is abundant evidence for tidal modulation of depositional flows; however, palaeocurrents were strongly ebb-dominated and nearly parallel the trend of sandstone-body elongation. Detailed mapping of stratal geometry and facies across these exposures shows a complex internal architecture. Large-scale bedding units within sandstone bodies are defined by alternations in facies, bed thickness and the abundance of shales. Such bedsets are inclined (5°–15°) in walls oriented parallel to palaeoflow and gradually decrease in dip over hundreds of metres as they extend from the sandstone-dominated deposits higher in a sandstone body to muddier deposits lower in the body. Where viewed perpendicular to palaeoflow, bedsets are 100-metre-wide lenses that shingle off the sandstone-body axis towards its margins. The sandstone bodies are interpreted as sand ridge deposits formed on the shoreface of a tide-influenced river delta. Metres-thick cross-strata in the upper parts of sandstone bodies resemble deposits of bars (sandwaves) formed where tidal currents moved across shallows and the tops of tidal ridges. Heterolithic deposits lower in sandstone bodies record fluctuating currents caused by ebb and flood tides and varying river discharge. Erosion surfaces capping sandstone bodies record tidal ravinement. The tidal ridges were abandoned following transgression and covered with marine mud as waters deepened.  相似文献   

In May 1974 a powerful flood flushed the Grand River basin, Ontario. The effects on the bedload were drastic in a narrow (30 m) and deep (40 m) rock walled and floored gorge near Elora, Ontario. Along Irvine Creek, the tributary occupying the gorge, the gravel cover was reworked in several types of bars, predominantly transverse and point bars. The bars formed very rapidly in response to essentially steady, non-uniform flow that developed during a brief period of high flood. Superimposed on major bars are several minor sedimentary features such as coarse transverse ribs, chute channels and bars, longitudinal ribs, imbrication clusters, backsets with well developed imbrication, that were formed under very high stream discharge. Structures like imbrication clusters, transverse ribs and small riffle bars require a ‘live bed’ situation to form, and they develop when stones come to a stop either because they cluster during transport, or because keystone effects occur along shallow channels. In Irvine Creek, very few sedimentary features were formed during waning and low flood stages: only some shadow deposits and a few Ostler lenses. The few fines that were available were lost downstream or filled in lower parts of gravel beds. This study confirms that in streams that experience strong seasonal fluctuations in discharge, bedforms that develop during high floods have a high probability of preservation. In gravelly deposits, foreset structures and plane beds are most commonly preserved, although they may be difficult to recognize in old deposits, which may appear massive, particularly if the gravel has been infilled with finer pebbles and sand. In the case of Irvine Creek, all deposits are organized, and lateral and vertical variations in textures, particularly imbrication and packing, are very useful in the recognition of sedimentary structures.  相似文献   

The South Saskatchewan River has a long term average discharge of 275 m3/sec, with flood peaks in the range of 1500 to 3800 m3/sec. South of Saskatoon, the four major types of geomorphological elements recognised are channels, slipface-bounded bars, sand flats and vegetated islands and floodplains. Major channels are 3-5 m deep, up to 200 m wide, and flow around sand flats which are 50-2000 m long, and around vegetated islands up to 1 km long. At areas of flow expansion, long straight-crested cross-channel bars form. During falling stage, a small part of the crest of the cross-channel bar may become emergent, and act as a nucleus for downstream and lateral growth of a new sand flat. The dominant channel bedforms are dunes, which deposit trough cross bedding. Cross-channel bars deposit large sets of planar tabular cross bedding. Sand flats that grow from a nucleus on a cross-channel bar are mostly composed of smaller planar tabular sets, with some parallel lamination, trough cross-bedding, and ripple cross-lamination. A typical facies sequence related to sand flat growth would consist of in-channel trough cross-bedding, overlain by a large (1-2 m) planar tabular set (cross-channel bar), overlain in turn by a complex association mostly of small planar tabular cross-beds, trough cross-beds and ripple cross-lamination. By contrast, a second stratigraphic sequence can be proposed, related only to channel aggradation. It would consist dominantly of trough cross-beds, decreasing in scale upward, and possible interrupted by isolated sets of planar tabular cross-bedding if a cross-channel bar formed, but failed to grow into a sand flat. During final filling of the channel, ripple cross-lamination and thin clay layers may be deposited. In the S. Saskatchewan, these sequences are a minimum of 5 m thick, and are overlain by 0.5-1 m of silty and muddy vertical accretion deposits.  相似文献   

为全面描述黄河口尾闾段的河床形态调整及过流能力变化,采用河段平均的计算方法,确定了尾闾段(利津—西河口)1990—2016年汛后断面及河段尺度的平滩特征参数,分析河段平滩河槽形态调整特点、河段平滩流量变化过程及其与累积河床冲淤量的关系。结果表明:近30年来黄河尾闾段的河床形态调整过程较为复杂,河相系数在1990—2003年呈振荡式升高,2003年以后持续减小,说明断面形态朝窄深方向发展;平滩流量变化与河段冲淤过程密切相关,淤积时平滩流量减小,反之则增大;建立这些河段平滩特征参数与利津站前4年汛期平均水流冲刷强度的幂函数关系,且相关系数均大于0.8,说明黄河口尾闾段河床形态调整及过流能力变化能较好地响应利津站水沙条件的改变。  相似文献   

The regional hydrogeological aspects of the Markanda river basin in the Himalayan foothills, NW India have been attempted. The basin has been hydro-geomorphologically analyzed as ridge, piedmont zone, alluvial plain, flood plain and palaeochannel. Groundwater prospect in the alluvial plain, flood plain and palaeochannel areas were found to be promising. Water table contour maps of the basin revealed that groundwater flows from northeast to southwest. Groundwater permeability is low in the northern part and is high towards the southern part of the basin. The areas of recharge were identified in the northern part of the basin, while the areas of discharge were identified in the central and lower parts of the basin. Hydrogeologic transects across and along the basin indicate that aquifer horizons are made up of fine sand, medium sand and gravelly sand. These aquifer layers are laterally extensive but limited in thickness. They occur as multistoried sand bodies with pinch and swell behavior. The overall study gives an understanding of the present regional hydrogeological scenario of the Markanda basin. Such detailed integrated approach would help to locate productive groundwater areas before installing a new tubewell in the region. Also, it would help in planning future groundwater management of the region.  相似文献   

The sources and fluxes of sediment to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon from north‐eastern Australian rivers have been the subject of much concern and study, with the large catchments of the Burdekin and Fitzroy Rivers thought to be the key sources at present. Here, the utility of newly developed magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ methods for identifying sediment provenance, both onshore and offshore, and in association with individual large flood events, is investigated. Within the Burdekin catchment, sediments are mobilized from different subcatchments by runoff generated by intense, localized rainfall events. Magnetic measurements were made on untreated and acid‐treated samples of river channel sediments within the Burdekin River subcatchments and from the estuarine and inner shelf depocentres of Burdekin River sediments. The acid treatment removes all discrete magnetic particles and coatings, and leaves magnetic inclusions (protected within host silicate grains) as the basis of the measured magnetic signature of a sample. The magnetic properties of the acid‐treated samples display statistically distinct sediment provenance groupings. Sand samples from the Upper Burdekin River appear magnetically distinct from samples from tributaries of the Burdekin (e.g. Hann Creek, Fanning River) and also from nearby coastal rivers, including the Haughton. Suspended sand samples from a Burdekin flood event in 2000 appear to have a different source compared with those from floods in 1998 and 1999. Comparisons of the terrestrial, acid‐treated sand fractions with the same, acid‐treated, sand‐size fractions from transects taken offshore suggest that the surface sediments in Upstart Bay and Bowling Green Bay have different sources. Some of these sources are as yet unidentified but may represent the unsampled, lower‐discharge south‐western Burdekin subcatchments, and/or along‐shore drift of sand from the south, perhaps even from the Fitzroy River, over millennial timescales of cyclone pumping. The magnetic inclusion method precludes any obfuscation or confounding of sediment source, which might arise from hydraulic sorting and/or post‐depositional magnetic diagenesis or authigenesis.  相似文献   

Inclined heterolithic stratification in the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, exposed along the Steepbank River in north‐eastern Alberta, Canada, accumulated on point bars of a 30 to 40 m deep continental‐scale river in the fluvial–marine transition. This inclined heterolithic stratification consists of two alternating lithologies, sand and fine‐grained beds. Sand beds were deposited rapidly by unidirectional currents and contain little or no bioturbation. Fine‐grained beds contain rare tidal structures, and are intensely bioturbated by low‐diversity ichnofossil assemblages. The alternations between the sand and fine‐grained beds are probably caused by strong variations in fluvial discharge; that are believed to be seasonal (probably annual) in duration. The sand beds accumulated during river floods, under fluvially dominated conditions when the water was fresh, whereas the fine‐grained beds accumulated during the late stages of the river flood and deposition continued under tidally influenced brackish‐water conditions during times of low‐river flow (i.e. the interflood periods). These changes reflect the annual migration in the positions of the tidal and salinity limits within the fluvial–marine transition that result from changes in river discharge. Sand and fine‐grained beds are cyclically organized in the studied outcrops forming metre‐scale cycles. A single metre‐scale cycle is defined by a sharp base, an upward decrease in sand‐bed thickness and upward increases in the preservation of fine‐grained beds and the intensity of bioturbation. Metre‐scale cycles are interpreted to be the product of a longer term (decadal) cyclicity in fluvial discharge, probably caused by fluctuations in ocean or solar dynamics. The volumetric dominance of river‐flood deposits within the succession suggests that accumulation occurred in a relatively landward position within the fluvial–marine transition. This study shows that careful observation can reveal much about the interplay of processes within the fluvial–marine transition, which in turn provides a powerful tool for determining the palaeo‐environmental location of a deposit within the fluvial–marine transition.  相似文献   

Sand transport in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand canyons was naturally limited by the upstream supply of sand. Prior to the 1963 closure of Glen Canyon Dam, the river exhibited the following four effects of sand supply limitation: (1) hysteresis in sediment concentration, (2) hysteresis in sediment grain size coupled to the hysteresis in sediment concentration, (3) production of inversely graded flood deposits, and (4) development or modification of a lag between the time of a flood peak and the time of either maximum or minimum (depending on reach geometry) bed elevation. Construction and operation of the dam has enhanced the degree to which the first two of these four effects are evident, and has not affected the degree to which the last two effects of sand supply limitation are evident in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand canyons. The first three of the effects involve coupled changes in suspended-sand concentration and grain size that are controlled by changes in the upstream supply of sand. During tributary floods, sand on the bed of the Colorado River fines; this causes the suspended sand to fine and the suspended-sand concentration to increase, even when the discharge of water remains constant. Subsequently, the bed is winnowed of finer sand, the suspended sand coarsens, and the suspended-sand concentration decreases independently of discharge. Also associated with these changes in sand supply are changes in the fraction of the bed that is covered by sand. Thus, suspended-sand concentration in the Colorado River is likely regulated by both changes in the bed-sand grain size and changes in the bed-sand area. A physically based flow and suspended-sediment transport model is developed, tested, and applied to data from the Colorado River to evaluate the relative importance of changes in the bed-sand grain size and changes in the bed-sand area in regulating suspended-sand concentration. Although the model was developed using approximations for steady, uniform flow, and other simplifications that are not met in the Colorado River, the results nevertheless support the idea that changes in bed-sand grain size are much more important than changes in bed-sand area in regulating the concentration of suspended sand.  相似文献   

河道过流能力与主槽形态有关,而主槽形态又取决于上游水沙条件,分析过流能力与这两者之间的关系对研究黄河下游游荡段河床演变规律有重要意义。从典型断面和河段平均两个尺度,定量分析了黄河下游游荡段1986-2015年平滩流量与水沙条件(来沙系数和水流冲刷强度)及汛前主槽形态(河相系数)之间的响应关系。结果表明:①1986年至小浪底水库运行前,游荡段淤积严重,主槽萎缩,河道过流能力急剧下降,自小浪底水库运行后,游荡段发生强烈冲刷,其断面持续趋向窄深,过流能力逐年恢复;②建立了断面和河段平滩流量与水沙条件及河相系数的幂函数关系,二者相关系数均在0.5以上,但河段尺度相比于断面尺度的相关系数至少可提高17%;③河段平滩流量与前5年汛期平均水流冲刷强度及河相系数的相关系数接近0.94,相应计算公式能较好地反映平滩流量的变化过程,为分析其他河段平滩流量的变化提供了参考方法。  相似文献   

河道过流能力与主槽形态有关,而主槽形态又取决于上游水沙条件,分析过流能力与这两者之间的关系对研究黄河下游游荡段河床演变规律有重要意义。从典型断面和河段平均两个尺度,定量分析了黄河下游游荡段1986—2015年平滩流量与水沙条件(来沙系数和水流冲刷强度)及汛前主槽形态(河相系数)之间的响应关系。结果表明:① 1986年至小浪底水库运行前,游荡段淤积严重,主槽萎缩,河道过流能力急剧下降,自小浪底水库运行后,游荡段发生强烈冲刷,其断面持续趋向窄深,过流能力逐年恢复;②建立了断面和河段平滩流量与水沙条件及河相系数的幂函数关系,二者相关系数均在0.5以上,但河段尺度相比于断面尺度的相关系数至少可提高17%;③河段平滩流量与前5年汛期平均水流冲刷强度及河相系数的相关系数接近0.94,相应计算公式能较好地反映平滩流量的变化过程,为分析其他河段平滩流量的变化提供了参考方法。  相似文献   

All major streams draining the southwestern flank of the Edwards Plateau in south-central Texas transport large volumes of gravel and sandy muddy gravel and are developing meander lobe sequences consisting predominantly of coarse gravel. The largest of these streams, the Nueces River, has a sinuosity index of 1.3 and an average stream surface slope of 1.8 m/km in the study area. Stream discharge is variable and has ranged from no flow to more than 17,000 m3/s. Mean clast b-axis length for the ten largest clasts at thirteen sample sites ranged from 2.5 to 10.8 cm. Velocities of 2.7-4.4 m/s 1 m above the stream bed are required to transport these clasts. Stream velocities of these magnitudes occur about once in 8 years when discharge of the Nueces River exceeds 3300 m3/s. Mean grain size of Nueces River alluvium ranges from 1.2 to 3.4 cm. At a flow depth of 1 m, sediment of this size has a critical erosion velocity of 1.8-3 m/s. Velocities of this magnitude occur about once in two years when discharge exceeds 340 m3/s. Under these conditions flow is subcritical, with critical shear stresses on depositional surfaces ranging from 6.4 to 12.7 kg/m2. Gravel clasts are imbricated and channel bed forms are predominantly transverse gravel bars with slip faces ranging up to 2 m high and wavelengths in excess of 100 m. Stratification includes graded planar crossbeds and horizontal beds. Lower lateral accretion face sediments are also predominantly transverse bars; upper lateral accretion face deposits occur as longitudinal gravel ridges deposited in the lee of vegetation and, less commonly, as chute bars. Near the upper limit of meander lobes where vegetation is heavy, mud and muddy sand occur as overbank deposits; in these deposits sedimentary structures other than desiccation cracks are rare. Sedimentary sequences in gravel meander lobe systems deposited by low sinuosity streams are graded or non-graded horizontal beds and planar cross-beds overlain by mud and muddy sand interbedded with horizontally bedded gravels. Sequences may be several metres thick, but probably do not exceed 8-10 m in thickness. These deposits in turn are overlain by overbank deposits of mud and muddy sand. Similar sedimentary sequences occur in the extensive Quaternary terraces that parallel the Nueces River.  相似文献   

A hierarchical typology for the channels and bars within aggradational wandering gravel-bed rivers is developed from an examination of a 50 km reach of lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Unit bars, built by stacking of gravelly bedload sheets, are the key dynamic element of the sediment transfer system, linking sediment transport during individual freshets to the creation, development and remoulding of compound bar platforms that have either a lateral or medial style. Primary and secondary unit bars are identified, respectively, as those that deliver sediment to compound bars from the principal channel and those that redistribute sediment across the compound bar via seasonal anabranches and smaller channels. The record of bar accretion evident in ground-penetrating radar sequences is consistent with the long-term development of bar complexes derived from historical aerial photographs. For two compound bars, inter-annual changes associated with individual sediment transport episodes are measured using detailed topographic surveys and longer-term changes are quantified using sediment budgets derived for individual bars from periodic channel surveys. Annual sediment turnover on the bars is comparable with the bed material transfer rate along the channel, indicating that relatively little bed material bypasses the bars. Bar construction and change are accomplished mainly by lateral accretion as the river has limited capacity to raise bed load onto higher surfaces. Styles of accretion and erosion and, therefore, the major bar form morphologies on Fraser River are familiar and consistent with those in gravelly braided channels but the wandering style does exhibit some distinctive features. For example, 65-year histories reveal the potential for long sequences of uninterrupted accretion in relatively stable wandering rivers that are unlikely in braided rivers.  相似文献   

本文根据杭州湾沿海平原大量的钻井、静力触探井和分析化验等资料,研究了下切河谷(钱塘江和太湖下切河谷)充填物的沉积建造和沉积相,以及浅层生物气藏分布特征。研究表明,末次冰期以来,随着海平面变化,杭州湾地区下切河谷演化经历了深切、快速充填和埋藏三个阶段。末次冰盛期,海平面下降的幅度大,增加了河流梯度、加强了下切作用,本区形成了钱塘江和太湖下切河谷,随后在冰后期被充填和埋藏,下切河谷的两侧为暴露地表的古河间地。根据岩石学、沉积结构和沉积构造特征,本区下切河谷充填沉积物表现为向上变细的沉积层序,可以划分为4个沉积相类型,有河床滞留沉积物到部分曲流河沉积体系的边滩沉积、河漫滩-河口湾沉积、河口湾-浅海沉积和河口湾沙坝沉积。在河漫滩-河口湾相沉积期间,由于海平面上升、潮流体系、沉积物供给和可容空间条件适合一个潮流沙脊体系的发育,该相中砂质透镜体可能代表下切河谷内发育的潮流沙脊。对于河口湾-浅海沉积和河口湾沙坝沉积而言,由于沉积条件不再有利,没有形成沙脊沉积。所有的商业性生物气都存储在下切河谷内河漫滩-河口湾砂质透镜体中。  相似文献   

Palaeocompetence analysis and palaeodischarge estimation techniques are applied to a late Pleistocene–early Holocene gravel terrace in the Mahi River Basin, western India. Terrace sedimentology, comprising gravels overlain by sand lithofacies suggests a gradual change in palaeohydrological conditions marking a switch from braided to meandering fluvial styles. The discharge values for the gravel bedforms based on the clast size and the cross bed set thickness are estimated between ∼150–180 m3 s−1 comparable with the present day observed values albeit with a much higher competence. Results indicate that fluvial aggradation occurred under low discharge conditions with intermittent high discharge events depositing longitudinal gravel bars. The incision of these gravel bars and the formation of terraces can be attributed to the higher discharge regime post 9.2 ka. The study further indicates that whereas the aggradation of the gravel terrace during the early Holocene was controlled by the large sediment influx, the incision that followed was in response to the increase in the discharge and competence of the river flow.  相似文献   

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