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The usefulness of tracking the Rayleigh portion of a mesospheric sodium laser guide star as reference for absolute tip–tilt recovery in the frame of the auxiliary telescopes technique is shown. This approach leads to the reduction of the ground occupation needed to attain a given sky coverage by more than one order of magnitude. Speed, tracking precision, and the number of auxiliary telescopes are also reduced, making this new approach a more attractive one. The use of a low-altitude Rayleigh spot reinforces the fundamental limitations affecting this and other techniques, thus degrading significantly the quality of the recovered tip–tilt. However, it is shown that, provided adequate care is taken in the collection and treatment of data, an interesting tilt signal can still be retrieved.  相似文献   

New challenges for adaptive optics: extremely large telescopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of an adaptive optics (AO) system on a 100-m diameter ground-based telescope working in the visible range of the spectrum is computed using an analytical approach. The target Strehl ratio of 60 per cent is achieved at 0.5 μm with a limiting magnitude of the AO guide source near R   magnitude~10, at the cost of an extremely low sky coverage. To alleviate this problem, the concept of tomographic wavefront sensing in a wider field of view using either natural guide stars (NGS) or laser guide stars (LGS) is investigated. These methods use three or four reference sources and up to three deformable mirrors, which increase up to 8-fold the corrected field size (up to 60 arcsec at 0.5 μm). Operation with multiple NGS is limited to the infrared (in the J band this approach yields a sky coverage of 50 per cent with a Strehl ratio of 0.2). The option of open-loop wavefront correction in the visible using several bright NGS is discussed. The LGS approach involves the use of a faint ( R ~22) NGS for low-order correction, which results in a sky coverage of 40 per cent at the Galactic poles in the visible.  相似文献   

Fast guiding may improve the images delivered by telescopes. It may be implemented fairly cheaply and offers an upgrade path to smaller telescopes, which will make them more useful in the 8-m era. However, the detailed performance of a fast guiding system must depend on many parameters and this makes it difficult to assess its precise scientific benefits. This paper provides a comprehensive mathematical framework for calculating the performance of fast guiding systems. A range of models has been calculated that illustrates the benefits for telescopes of various sizes in various wavelength ranges. Three measures of performance have been examined: FWHM, 50 per cent encircled energy diameter and energy concentration in a 0.35-arcsec aperture. Typical gains over natural seeing are found to be in the 20 to 40 per cent range at useful levels of sky coverage. Other things being equal, small telescopes do not benefit as much as large ones from fast guiding. The sensitivity of these benefits to assumptions has also been examined, and this highlights the need to operate in the correct wavelength range for the aperture in question. The largest perturbations to ideal models are likely to be the result of telescope windshake and the outer scale of turbulence. If there is appreciable windshake, fast guiding will yield larger benefits than expected from the natural seeing. A short outer scale (a few hundred metres) will, however, lose most of the gains.  相似文献   

We would like to present a new control system for the solar telescope now in operation at the Swiss institute, Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL). The control software is multi‐client capable, and optionally uses the primary image of the sun projected on a position sensor or the axis encoder for guiding. The hardware and software consist of three completely separate levels, which communicate with each other via ASCII commands. We shall describe the general principles implemented in the course of the development. We consider it important that this text is also applicable to other astronomical device controls. Therefore we explain our specific solution next to general principles (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Paul-Baker systems with 4°flat field and 5°flat field are studied. Their light obstructions under different f/ratios of the primary mirror are analyzed. Due to the strong f/ratio of the system, a focal length extender is designed in order to match the following fiber instrumentation, and two kinds of dispersion prism correctors are designed for correcting the atmospheric dispersion. We compare the designed Paul-Baker system with LAMOST, the national major scientific project now under construction.  相似文献   

I review the current architecture of the HTN and make three suggestions for the future. (i) We should retain the expertise split between agents which deal with the science programmes and those which deal with telescope constraints. This makes it easy to add new programmes or new telescopes. (ii) We should develop “look ahead” schedulers which attempt to schedule a whole night at once. This will give reliable calculations for the chance an observation will be carried out, and give a better chance that high priority time critical observations are successfully scheduled. (iii)We should strive to attract more science programmes to the HTN, in particular time critical observations spread over many nights, and non‐time critical work which can benefit from access to databases and the literature. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This article reviews the situation for robotization of telescopes and instruments at the Antarctic station Concordia on Dome C. A brain‐storming meeting was held in Tenerife in March 2007 from which this review emerged.We describe and summarize the challenges for night‐time operations of various astronomical experiments at conditions “between Earth and Space” and conclude that robotization is likely a prerequisite for continuous astronomical data taking during the 2000‐hour night at Dome C. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A vectorial expression of the image field deformation of LAMOST due to the differential atmospheric refraction is presented. The calculated results are compared with those from previous analyses based on the traditional spherical trigonometric formulas. It is demonstrated that different tangential displacements of star images during the observation tracking given by various authors are simply due to different reference points adopted. It is pointed out that the observational celestial pole is the center of the apparent diurnal motion, that, by referring to the observational celestial pole, the effect of the differential refraction on the image field of LAMOST during the 1.5-hour tracking period is approximately equivalent to a constant rotation of -13.65" for all declination belts. It is therefore unnecessary to design a particular tracking velocity for each observation, and this will be obviously advantageous to the observation implementation. If the maximum tracking error of the fibers is 0.2", then the fibers are required to be able to re-position during observational tracking for sky regions south of declination 20°and north of declination 60°.  相似文献   

We discuss the pointing and tracking configuration of THEMIS which may be considered as representative of those alt‐azimuthal telescopes with an optical configuration with multiple focal planes, not all locked to both the alt‐azimuthal coordinates. In the THEMIS case two focal planes are present. The primary focus F1 is locked to the alt‐azimuthal mount, while the secondary focus F2 (which is used by the instruments), is only locked to the azimuth angle. The different contributions to the final accuracy of both absolute pointing and tracking as observed at F2 are defined, and an extimation of the contribution of each component of the whole chain which affects the field position at F2 (software, mechanical and optical) is given. The experimental data are the result of a test campaign carried on at THEMIS in February and March 2002. We can say that (a) for all the used observing configurations, the tracking accuracy is coherent at any point along the trajectory with the correspondent absolute pointing accuracy, which is an indication for the quality of the telescope dynamical performances (b) the main contribution to the residual field shift which is observed at F2 arises from the opto‐mechanical alignment configuration of the optics between F1 and F2, which therefore is the crucial point for such multi‐focus configuration. More informations can be found at the official THEMIS website (http://www.themis.iac.es).  相似文献   

地基望远镜在成像过程中,由于受大气湍流、望远镜静态像差、跟踪误差、指向误差及视场变化的影响,不同视场区域的PSF (Point Spread Function)具有差异;同时,不同望远镜获取的图像PSF也存在差异.将多个望远镜获取的星象直接叠加至相同的区域后,图像质量受像质最差的望远镜限制,最终观测分辨率和灵敏度均会受到影响.通过图像复原,可以提高图像质量,进而提高叠加效果.根据该思路提出了1种基于PSF分区的迭代图像复原方法:该方法首先通过SOM (Self-organizing Maps)对PSF进行聚类分析,利用同类别PSF的平均PSF进行反卷积,再将反卷积结果按PSF聚类结果分割为不同大小的子图,最后将子图进行拼接.图像复原在提高图像质量的同时,降低了PSF不一致性对图像叠加带来的影响.将几个望远镜在同一时刻获取的图像经反卷积处理之后利用图像配准算法进行矫正并叠加,可获得高信噪比图像.对实际望远镜获取的数据处理后的结果表明:图像在进行复原和叠加过程中,星象目标信噪比不断提升,提高了成像系统对暗星的探测能力.  相似文献   

超宽带接收机面临众多技术挑战,而关键技术难点之一是超宽带低噪声放大器.采用以砷化镓材料为基底的70 nm栅长改性高电子迁移率晶体管和双电源偏置4级放大电路结构,设计了一款4–40 GHz超宽带低噪声单片微波集成放大器,完整覆盖C、X、Ku、K、Ka共5个波段.设计仿真结果表明,该放大器增益为(40±2.5) dB,常温下噪声温度平均95 K, 4–12.5 GHz噪声温度全频带低于83 K,直流功耗130.5 mW.整个频带内输入反射系数典型值-10 d B,输出反射系数典型值-15 d B,全频带范围内稳定,无自激振荡现象.该器件可做为前置放大器,应用于超宽带接收机和大规模多波束接收机中,可有效提高射电望远镜观测效率.  相似文献   

The scientific need for a standard protocol permitting the exchange of generic observing services is rapidly escalating as more observatories adopt service observing as a standard operating mode and as more remote or robotic telescopes are brought on‐line. To respond to this need, we present the results of the first interoperability workshop for Heterogeneous Telescope Networks (HTN) held in Exeter. We present a draft protocol, designed to be independent of the specific instrumentation and software that controls the remote and/or robotic telescopes, allowing these telescopes to appear to the user with a unified interface despite any underlying architectural differences. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The dominant source of error in VLBI phase-referencing is the troposphere at observing frequencies above 5 GHz. We compare the tropospheric zenith delays derived from VLBI and GPS data at VLBA stations collocated with GPS antennas. The systematic biases and standard deviations both are at the level of sub-centimeter. Based on this agreement, we suggest a new method of tropospheric correction in phase-referencing using combined VLBI and GPS data.  相似文献   

We performed extensive data simulations for the planned ultra‐wide‐field, high‐precision photometric telescope ICE‐T (International Concordia Explorer Telescope). ICE‐T consists of two 60 cm‐aperture Schmidt telescopes with a joint field of view simultaneously in two photometric bandpasses. Two CCD cameras, each with a single 10.3k × 10.3k thinned back‐illuminated device, would image a sky field of 65 square degrees. Given a location of the telescope at Dome C on the East Antarctic Plateau, we searched for the star fields that best exploit the technical capabilities of the instrument and the site. We considered the effects of diurnal air mass and refraction variations, solar and lunar interference, interstellar absorption, overexposing of bright stars and ghosts, crowding by background stars, and the ratio of dwarf to giant stars in the field. Using NOMAD, SSA, Tycho‐2 and 2MASS‐based stellar positions and BVIJH magnitudes for these fields, we simulated the effects of the telescope's point‐spread‐function, the integration, and the co‐addition times. Simulations of transit light curves are presented for the selected star fields and convolved with the expected instrumental characteristics. For the brightest stars, we showed that ICE‐T should be capable of detecting a 2 REarth Super Earth around a G2 solar‐type star, as well as an Earth around an M0‐star – if these targets were as abundant as hot Jupiters. Simultaneously, the telescope would monitor the host star's surface activity in an astrophysically interpretable manner (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

为检测微弱的射电信号,要求望远镜接收机噪声性能良好.低噪声放大器(Low Noise Amplifier, LNA)作为接收机前端关键电路,其噪声系数和增益决定了整机的噪声性能.设计了一款1.2–2.2 GHz的低噪声放大器,电路采用两级级联结构,第2级通过引入负反馈,在改善增益平坦度和拓宽带宽的同时减小噪声,级间经过后级输入阻抗优化后仅需一个隔直电容.并引入有损输出匹配网络,实现高增益、低噪声、良好回波损耗和较为平坦的宽带LNA设计.测试结果表明,在1.2–2.2 GHz频段增益30–33 dB,噪声温度平均值为47 K,输出1 d B压缩点大于11.3 dBm.测试性能良好,可用于该频段接收机系统中.  相似文献   

The Liverpool Telescope is a 2.0m fully robotic telescope based on the Canary island of LaPalma. In this paper I describe the Java(TM) implementation of a method to transport RTML (Remote Telescope Markup Language) between a Node Agent (Web Services endpoint) embedded at the telescope and a remote Agent. The advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed, along with the suitability of the protocol for HTN standardisation. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We describe the current high level interfaces used for communicating with the Robonet‐1.0 Homogeneous Telescope Network. This is a network of three telescopes, the Liverpool Telescope and the Faulkes Telescopes (North and South). We describe our use of RTML and web‐services to enable control of the network by intelligent agents. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

射电望远镜天线伺服控制系统中的非线性特性, 对系统动力学特性辨识有着显著的影响, 会提高辨识难度, 增加辨识模型的复杂程度. 系统非线性特性的测量与补偿也会增加系统辨识工作量. 针对上述问题, 提出了一种基于非线性采样数据的线性重构方法, 用于动力学特性建模. 通过提取原采样数据的相位与幅值, 对受到噪声与非线性畸变影响的系统采样数据进行线性重构, 降低待辨识模型的复杂度. 搭建了半实物实验平台, 以平台实际采样为基础, 重构线性数据, 利用奇异值法与自回归神经网络评估并辨识平台动力学模型. 实验结果表明, 建模数据奇异值拐点从100阶下降至40阶, 仅用10个神经网络节点200次训练即实现了模型辨识.  相似文献   

This article describes the architecture of the new GREGOR telescope and its instrument control system. A short summary is given on the communication structure between instruments and other devices during observation. Because of its importance to all instruments the main functions of the telescope control system are described in detail (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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