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High levels of SO2 and particulate pollution enable the rapid development of gypsum-rich weathering crusts in Budapest. Two types of white crusts, thin and thick ones, and two forms of black crusts, laminar and framboidal ones, were studied in limestone buildings of the parliament and Citadella. The percentage of crust cover and damage categories were documented on selected walls. Petrographic, XRD, XRF and sulphur isotope analyses were performed under laboratory conditions to understand the mechanism of crust formation. White crusts found both on exposed and sheltered walls display a calcite-rich layer with gypsum, while black crusts are enriched with gypsum. The sulphur isotopic composition of white and black crusts overlaps, but the crusts are slightly enriched in heavy isotopes compared to rainwater. S content, Si/Al ratios and particulates in black crusts suggest that air pollution (SO2, dust) contributes to black crust formation. The accumulation of sulphur and Zn enrichment of white crusts were also documented indicating that under high pollution levels, even these compound can accumulate on exposed facades.  相似文献   

Accelerated weathering tests on two highly porous limestones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A major cause of weathering of building and historic monuments constructed using limestones is associated with the salt crystallization. This may typically occur at the surface (due to efflorescence) or in subsurface layers while limestones are drying. Due to this reason structural damage or material loss (granular disintegration, flaking, contour scaling) may occur. In this paper, imbibition-drying cycles are carried out with pure water and solutions of NaCl with different concentrations to simulate the weathering effect on two limestones with similar total porosity values. The imbibition kinetics of these limestones was significantly influenced by the number of applied imbibition-drying cycles. In addition, imbibition kinetics was also dependent on the concentration of salt solutions, the mineralogical composition as well as on the pore-size distribution of these two stones. The structural and textural modifications that arise in the limestones due to the influence of imbibition characteristics of drying cycles are qualitatively confirmed by scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and quantitatively with helium pycnometry measurements.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the stone superficial deterioration of some monuments in Rabat city. The rock is a calcarenite with porous texture, rich in calcium carbonates and fossils. The techniques used to study the surfaces altered by blackening or black crusts, are the SEM equipped with EDX microprobe, the X-ray diffraction, and the analysis of the soluble salts by ionic chromatography for anions and flame spectrometer for cations. They reveal significant contents of calcium sulphates, mainly gypsum, often associated with sodium chlorides. These salts known to have a destructive effect on the calcareous stones seem to be originated from the contamination by atmospheric pollutants, particularly sulfur dioxide, and by the marine sprays.  相似文献   

Recurrence characteristics of a Quaternary fault are generally investigated on the basis of field properties that are rapidly degraded by chemical weathering and erosion in warm humid climates. Here we show that in intense weathering environments, mineralogical and micromorphological investigations are valuable in paleoseismological reconstruction. A weathering profile developed in Late Quaternary marine terrace deposits along the southeastern coast of the Korean Peninsula was disturbed by tectonic movement that appears to be a simple one-time reverse faulting event based on field observations. A comparative analysis of the mineralogy, micromorphology, and chemistry of the weathering profile and fault gouge, however, reveals that both the microfissures in the deformed weathering profile and larger void spaces along the fault plane were filled with multi-stage accumulations of illuvial clay and silt minerals of detrital origin, suggesting a repetition of fissuring and subsequent sealing in the weathering profile as it underwent continuous mineralogical transformation and particle translocation. We reconstruct a sequence of multiple faulting events unrecognized in previous field surveys, which requires revision of the view that the Korean Peninsula was tectonically stable, during the Late Quaternary.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven samples of black weathering crust and host carbonates were studied from seven European countries (Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Italy and Poland) representing 11 different sites. The samples were collected for sites for which long-term air pollution records are available. The mineralogical analyses (XRD, polarizing microscopy, SEM) have shown that despite decreasing SO2 emissions crust samples are still very rich in gypsum. Further, in all host rock samples gypsum was also detected. Good correlations (R2 > 0.9) were also found between water-soluble calcium and gypsum content and between sulphate and gypsum content both for black crusts and host rocks. The black gypsum crusts are four or five times richer in sulphate than the host rock. The conductivity of dissolved crust and host rock samples also shows a positive correlation with gypsum content of the samples. LA-ICP-MS analyses allowed the detection of high Pb-levels in black crusts and a negative shift in lead concentration at the crust/host rock transition. The lead content of the host rock is 2–5 mg/kg, while that of the crust is 3–25 mg/kg in the sample collected from Germany, while in the Belgian sample these values are 2–14 mg/kg and 80–870 mg/kg for the host rock and crust, respectively. The GC–MS technique allowed to detect the PAH content of black crusts and host rocks. The former one contains 0.6–15.6 (102.5) mg/kg, while in the host rock values between 0.2 and 2.4 mg/kg were found. The present study suggests that still large amounts of air pollution-related minerals and organic pollutants are found in the black weathering crusts of European carbonate buildings despite decreasing trends in air pollution.  相似文献   

The extant remains of the Roman monuments of Tarragona, Spain are made of different types of Miocenic rocks from the quarries surrounding the city, which vary from calcarenite to bioclastic limestones, showing different degrees of dolomitization, depending on their diagenetic evolution. The decay of these monuments is highly dependent on the mineralogy and the fabric of the stone as well as on the environmental conditions to which the monument subjected. As a consequence, different forms of decay are observed on these monuments, namely, granular disintegration, differential erosion between sparitic and micritic areas of the rock, and development of black crust and orange patinas, some of them attributed to a sulfation process. A number of processes have been established as being responsible for the decay forms observed: sulfation on sheltered areas of the building in the urban environment; differential dilatation because of the NaCl of the marine spray that crystallizes inside the porosity; hydric and thermal expansion of the stone, both related to the amount and crystallinity of the clay minerals forming the rock matrix; and biocolonization on the stone surface. An empirical model is proposed to explain the decay forms studied in relation to these factors (rock and environment).  相似文献   

北戴河红色风化壳地球化学特征及气候环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊志方  龚一鸣 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):177-186
风化壳地球化学特征具有环境指示意义。用X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)和X射线衍射法(XRD)分别测试了秦皇岛北戴河燕山大学北侧红色风化壳(简称燕大风化壳)主量元素和粘粒粘土矿物。结果表明:除Ca外,Si、Al、Fe、Na、K的含量在风化壳上均有不同程度的波动,其中Si、Na、K波动轨迹基本一致,Al、Fe则与其相反,相关性分析显示SiO2与Al2O3、TFe、Fe2O3,Al2O3与TFe、Fe2O3,Na2O与CaO具有较好相关性;粘土矿物组合为1·4nm过渡矿物(25%~45%)+伊利石(10%~20%)+伊蒙混层矿物(20%~35%)+高岭石(15%~30%),矿物演化系列是长石、黑云母→(蛭石→1·4nm过渡矿物)→(伊利石)→高岭石。与粘土矿物以1∶1型高岭石为主的富铝化南方红色风化壳相比,燕大风化壳Si淋失度,Fe、Al富集度,矿物演化程度都较低,属硅铝化风化壳。燕大风化壳是上新世暖温带到北亚热带过渡型气候的风化产物,与现代秦皇岛暖温带半湿润型气候不同,这反映第四纪以来该区气候干旱因子增多。CIA、S/A等指示的风化强度异常表明,燕大风化壳形成后至少遭受过两次构造抬升,为剥蚀型风化壳,反映该区新构造运动间歇式上升的特点。  相似文献   

The mountains in the eastern region of southern Africa are of significant regional importance, providing for a diverse range of land use including conservation, tourism and subsistence agriculture. The higher regions are comprised of flood basalts and are immediately underlain by predominantly aeolian-origin sandstones. Our understanding of the weathering of these basalts and sandstones is reviewed here, with particular focus on the insights gained from the Lesotho Highlands Water Project and an ongoing study into the deterioration of rock art. While the chemical weathering attributes of the basalts have been substantially investigated, it is evident that the environmental surface conditions of rock moisture and temperature, as affecting weathering processes, remain largely unknown. Within the sandstones, studies pertaining to rock art deterioration present insights into the potential surface weathering processes and highlight the need for detailed field monitoring. Outside of these site-specific studies, however, little is understood of how weathering impacts on landscape development; notably absent, are detail on weathering rates, and potential effects of biological weathering. Some palaeoenvironmental inferences have also been made from weathering products, both within the basalts and the sandstones, but aspects of these remain controversial and further detailed research can still be undertaken.  相似文献   

Subaerial exposure and oxidation of organic carbon (Corg)-rich rocks is believed to be a key mechanism for the recycling of buried C and S back to Earth's surface. Importantly, processes coupled to microbial Corg oxidation are expected to shift new biomass δ13Corg composition towards more negative values relative to source. However, there is scarcity of information directly relating rock chemistry to oxidative weathering and shifting δ13Corg at the rock-atmosphere interface. This is particularly pertinent to the sulfidic, Corg-rich alum shale units of the Baltoscandian Basin believed to constitute a strong source of metal contaminants to the natural environment, following subaerial exposure and weathering. Consistent with independent support, we show that atmospheric oxidation of the sulfidic, Corg-rich alum shale sequence of the Cambrian-Devonian Baltoscandian Basin induces intense acid rock drainage at the expense of progressive oxidation of Fe sulfides. Sulfide oxidation takes priority over microbial organic matter decomposition, enabling quantitative massive erosion of Corg without producing a δ13C shift between acid rock drainage precipitates and shale. Moreover, 13C enrichment in inorganic carbon of precipitates does not support microbial Corg oxidation as the predominant mechanism of rock weathering upon exposure. Instead, a Δ34S = δ34Sshale − δ34Sprecipitates ≈ 0, accompanied by elevated S levels and the ubiquitous deposition of acid rock drainage sulfate minerals in deposited efflorescent precipitates relative to shales, provide strong evidence for quantitative mass oxidation of shale sulfide minerals as the source of acidity for chemical weathering. Slight δ15N depletion in the new surface precipitates relative to shale, coincides with dramatic loss of N from shales. Collectively, the results point to pyrite oxidation as a major driver of alum black shale weathering at the rock-atmosphere interface, indicating that quantitative mass release of Corg, N, S, and key metals to the environment is a response to intense sulfide oxidation. Consequently, large-scale acidic weathering of the sulfide-rich alum shale units is suggested to influence the fate and redistribution of the isotopes of C, N, and S from shale to the immediate environment.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the response of an Andosol and a Cambisol to acid deposition and weathering rates was studied by using a controlled laboratory leaching experiment. Both soils where derived from mafic parent material, a Histic Andosol from Western Iceland and a Cambisol from North East Scotland. De-ionized water and water acidified with H2SO4 (pH 3) was leached through reconstructed soil columns to simulate 34 years of precipitation.Acidic input increased cation leaching and weathering rates in both soil types and reduced pH levels. The Andosol proved generally to have higher weathering rates, leaching potential, ion exchange and acid-buffering capacity as well as maintaining a relatively steady pH despite intense acidic input. This was due to differences in parent material and mineral composition. The Andosol was developed from basaltic volcanic tephra, which had higher dissolution rates due to its amorphous mineral structures. The Cambisol was developed from gabbro with more stable mineral structures.  相似文献   

At Mo Hin Khao on the western flank of Khorat Plateau, Thailand, the Phra Wihan Formation reveals litharenite and sublitharenite with some subarkose and arkose. A cuesta in the eroded sedimentary sequence exhibits spectacular rock pillars of considerable geotourist potential. The rock sequence is high in silica (SiO2 67–98 wt%) and contains quartz, mica, magnetite, chert fragments and accessory minerals such as zircon and tourmaline and amphibole species. These accessory minerals suggest felsic rocks, such as granite, granodiorite and pegmatite, were sources for the sandstones. Geochemical analyses of the sedimentary sequence suggest that source rocks may lie in the passive continental margin, before sediment transport and deposition in the Khorat Basin by rivers flowing across a large flood plain. Many depositional sequences/episodes formed thick beds of cross bedded clastic rocks. A high average maturity index (>5) indicates sedimentary reworking/recycling. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values range from 47 to 98, suggesting variable chemical weathering within the source area rocks, largely representing moderate to high degrees of weathering. The average CIA value of these sediments (78) suggests that relatively extreme alteration factors were involved.  相似文献   

Koyulhisar located in a slope of hilly region and constructed in the side of a mountain along the North Anatolian Fault Zone is frequently subject to landslides. A catastrophic landslide occurred on the morning of 17 March 2005 in the North of the Kuzulu district of Koyulhisar (Sivas, Turkey). This landslide caused widespread loss of life, and damage to buildings, and lifelines. Fifteen people were dead and five were injured, 21 houses and a minaret were covered and damaged severely. The case study presented in this paper describes and analyses the results of the detailed surveys of an interesting landslide in Kuzulu district of Koyulhisar (Sivas, Turkey), based on field and laboratory measurements and monitoring of the slide area. Landslide initiated as a collapse, and developed into debris avalanches in the valley. This phenomenon caused a disaster in the Kuzulu district. The importance of this landslide in particular has been recognized both in terms of its consequence for the people and structures and in terms of its role in allowing an understanding of process and properties of landslide triggered by a collapse in limestone karst. In view of the potential for such events to occur again in this area and environs, understanding of the failure mechanism is very crucial.  相似文献   

高雪  孟健寅 《岩石学报》2017,33(7):2161-2174
义敦地体位于三江特提斯成矿域中北段,晚三叠世和晚白垩世斑岩-矽卡岩型Mo-Cu多金属成矿作用强烈。铜厂沟Mo-Cu矿床位于义敦地体最南端,是近年来该区新探明的Mo-Cu矿床之一,已探明资源量142.5Mt。矽卡岩在铜厂沟矿区广泛出露,是该矿区最主要的赋矿岩石。根据矿物组合及共生关系,可将矽卡岩划分为石榴子石矽卡岩、透辉石矽卡岩和透闪石矽卡岩三种类型。通过详细的地质填图和钻孔岩心编录,发现铜厂沟矿区矽卡岩矿物组合受花岗闪长斑岩体与大理岩空间分布的控制:(1)由大理岩向外依次发育透辉石矽卡岩→透闪石矽卡岩→石榴子石矽卡岩;(2)由浅至深,石榴子石粒度逐渐变大;③矿化与透闪石、绿帘石等退化蚀变矿物密切相关,矿体多形成于外接触带。矽卡岩中最主要的矿物是石榴子石,多呈自形粒状或粒状集合体产出,颜色较深,均质性,以钙铝榴石为主(62.2%~78.3%),其次为钙铁榴石(16.7%~34.2%),少量锰铝榴石、铁铝榴石和镁铝榴石,属于钙铝榴石-钙铁榴石固溶体系列(Gro62-78And17-34Spe+Pyr+Alm2-6)。石榴子石Fe~(2+)/Fe~(3+)比值变化范围为0.00~0.20,平均值为0.06,指示石榴子石形成于酸性的氧化环境。石榴子石的δ~(18)OSMOW变化范围为5.2‰~9.5‰,反映矽卡岩可能直接继承斑岩体的氧同位素组成;金属硫化物具有较为均一的S-Pb同位素范围(δ~(34)S(CDT)=-0.7‰~1.4‰;~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=18.332~18.694,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb=38.454~39.088,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb=15.588~15.663),表明成矿流体和成矿物质均来源于壳源的长英质岩浆。  相似文献   

 The Bengal basin, Bangladesh, represents one of the most densely populated recent floodplains of the world. The sediment flux through the basin is one of the highest on a global scale. A significant portion of this sediment load find its sink in the basin itself because of its lower elevation and frequent flooding. The textural, mineralogical and chemical nature of the sediments thus have an important bearing on the environmental quality of the basin as well as for the Bay of Bengal. The sediment load of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river system consists exclusively of fine sand, silt and clay at their lower reaches within the Bengal basin, Bangladesh, and is deposited under uniformly fluctuating, unidirectional energy conditions. The sediments have a close simitarity in grain size with the sediments of the surrounding floodplain. The mineral assemblage is dominated by quartz and feldspars. Illite and kaolinite are the major clay minerals, and occur in almost equal proportion in bed sediments. The heavy mineral assemblage is dominated by unstable minerals which are mostly derived from high-rank metamorphic rocks. The characteristic smaller grain-size, i.e. having large surface-to-mass ratios, and the mineralogy of sediments suggests that they are susceptible to large chemical adsorptive reactions and thus could serve as a potential trap for contaminants. However, the sediments of the GBM river system in the Bengal basin, Bangladesh, shows lower concentration of Pb, Hg and As, and a marginally higher value for Cd as compared to that of standard shale. Considering population density and extensive agricultural practice in the basin, the sediments can in the long run become contaminated. Received: 9 November 1994 · Accepted: 18 June 1996  相似文献   

Weathering processes cause important changes in rock porosity. Besides porosity, distribution of pore sizes is significant for the identification of changes due to rock weathering and its effects on fabric. The formation of secondary porosity in different types of rock taken from different parts of Turkey was examined and the results are presented in this paper. The aim of this study was to observe changes in porosity due to weathering. Effective porosity, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the changes in pore geometry of the rocks. Additionally, the dry density, water absorption and uniaxial compressive strength of the rocks at different weathering stages were determined. Analysis of experimental data showed that microstructure of the rocks in relation to weathering is the main feature, which controls their physical and mechanical properties. The study revealed that fabric characteristics, particularly the pore and fracture geometry are very important characteristics for assessment of the behaviour of weathered rock.  相似文献   

The Goushti iron deposit from Dehbid area located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic Belt (SSB), SW Iran is hosted by the Early Mesozoic silicified dolomite. Mineralized zones are lithostructurally controlled and oriented NW-SE parallel to the Zagros Orogenic Belt (ZOB). Magnetite, the major ore mineral, occurs as open space fillings and is accompanied by the secondary mineral phases hematite, goethite and martite. Gangue minerals mainly include quartz, dolomite and K-feldspar are associated with minor hydrosilicates. Calc-silicates such as wollastonite and diopside, minerals typical of skarns, are virtually absent from the ore zones. Fe2O3 content in the mineralized zones varies in the range of 38–75 wt%. The concentrations of Au, Cu, P, Ti, Cr and V as well as Co/Ni, Cr/V, (LREE)/(HREE), Eu/Sm and La/Lu values and Eu-Ce anomalies of the studied ores indicate that the Goushti deposit is a hydrothermal magnetite type. The subvolcanic rhyolite and basalt in this area are regarded as the source of iron and heat in the mineralizing system. The fluid inclusion data showed that magnetite deposited from the ore-bearing fluid with salinities 1–7 wt% NaCl equivalent at temperatures of 130–200 °C. A decrease in temperature and pressure, supplemented by fluid mixing, is the major controlling factor in iron oxide precipitation. The field relationships and mineralogical–geochemical characteristics of iron ores indicate that the Goushti hydrothermal deposit could not be classified as a member of the IOCG (Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold) deposits.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the role of groundwater and sea weathering on the strength of the chalk rocks exposed on the coastline of the English Channel in Normandy, NW France. We present a study of the rock strength variations of three representative chalk units (Lewes Chalk, Seaford Chalk and Newhaven Chalk) exposed at various locations on the coastal chalk cliffs. The combination of UCS tests and SEM observations have been used (1) on dry natural chalk samples, (2) on chalk samples at various moisture contents, (3) on dry chalk samples submitted to a 10-day cycle of alternating wetting and drying by distilled water and by sea water. Dry chalk samples show low UCS strength (3.46–4 MPa) indicative of very weak rocks. When chalk samples are submitted to progressive water wetting, they present a decrease of UCS strength and Young's modulus of 40% to 50%. This behaviour begins at low values of water content within the chalk, i.e., for a degree of water saturation ranging between 10% and 17%. When chalk samples are submitted to an artificial weathering cycle with distilled water, a decrease in strength is observed, whereas the Young's modulus increases. SEM observations indicate the occurrence of microcracks and particle aggregates in the sample. When chalk samples are submitted to an artificial weathering with sea water, the decrease of UCS strength and Young's modulus achieves a minimum. SEM observations indicate salt crystals within the chalk. On the coastal cliffs of NW France, weathering processes depend both on chalk lithology, which show a range of sensitivity to weathering and on the location of the chalk in the coastal area. Processes allied to the degree of weathering (e.g., salt crystallisation or fresh water disaggregation) differ in the chalk massif, on the cliff face and on the shore platform.  相似文献   

Debris flow is one of the most destructive mass movements. Sometimes regional debris flow susceptibility or hazard assessments can be more difficult than the other mass movements. Determination of debris accumulation zones and debris source areas, which is one of the most crucial stages in debris flow investigations, can be too difficult because of morphological restrictions. The main goal of the present study is to extract debris source areas by logistic regression analyses based on the data from the slopes of the Barla, Besparmak and Kapi Mountains in the SW part of the Taurids Mountain belt of Turkey, where formation of debris material are clearly evident and common. In this study, in order to achieve this goal, extensive field observations to identify the areal extent of debris source areas and debris material, air-photo studies to determine the debris source areas and also desk studies including Geographical Information System (GIS) applications and statistical assessments were performed. To justify the training data used in logistic regression analyses as representative, a random sampling procedure was applied. By using the results of the logistic regression analysis, the debris source area probability map of the region is produced. However, according to the field experiences of the authors, the produced map yielded over-predicted results. The main source of the over-prediction is structural relation between the bedding planes and slope aspects on the basis of the field observations, for the generation of debris, the dip of the bedding planes must be taken into consideration regarding the slope face. In order to eliminate this problem, in this study, an approach has been developed using probability distribution of the aspect values. With the application of structural adjustment, the final adjusted debris source area probability map is obtained for the study area. The field observations revealed that the actual debris source areas in the field coincide with the areas having high probability values on this final map.  相似文献   

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