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Ecosystems have been viewed both as chaotic, untamed nature, and as mechanical systems with predictable equilibrium states. A developing concept of ecosystems as “complex adaptive systems” lies between these extreme concepts, with recognizably patterned but not fully predictable behavior. Sustainability has also been redefined as humans have exploited and often depleted desirable natural resources. Fisheries management desires sustainable yield, but must rethink this concept within the ecosystem context. The most powerful union of “ecosystem” and “sustainability” acknowledges the defining characteristics of complex adaptive systems with the objective of identifying and sustaining healthy relationships within and between ecosystems, economies, and society.  相似文献   

李嘉晓 《海洋科学》2017,41(6):119-125
我国海洋渔业从业主体类型多样,数量众多。对个体经济组织、合作经济组织、公司组织和企业战略联盟这4种海洋渔业主要经济组织进行了概述,分析了每种海洋渔业经济组织的演进,进而提出了顺应演进趋势对其进行培育的对策建议。  相似文献   

传统的渔业资源评估方法对数据有一定的要求,而现有的许多渔业缺乏相关数据,造成了渔业评估和管理上的障碍。特别是自然死亡率,由于观测和计算的困难,研究中一般通过经验公式等方法进行假话,而不同来源的数据和估算方法的结果存在较大差异,可能导致在渔业资源评估和管理中很大的不确定性。本研究以蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)为例,利用MSE比较了22种基于有限数据的渔业管理规程(MP),筛选出DCAC、SPMSY、curE75、minlenLopt1 4种对于M不确定性较为稳健的的管理方法,并针对不同年代的自然死亡率以及通过不同计算方法得出的自然死亡率对这4种MP进行了管理策略评价。结果表明:M自1980s至今的不同年代间有显著降低趋势,该变化对MP管理效果产生了较强影响。随着M降低,种群B>0.5BMSY的概率显著上升,而过度捕捞可能性在不同MP间有方向性的差异。M变化对对curE75、minlenLopt1的长期产量的影响较小,而对DCAC、SPMSY的AAVY<15%的可能性变化较大,即降低产量的波动。不同M估算方法的估计值相差不大,对MP管理影响不明显。综合结果来看,Cur75受自然死亡率不确定性影响较小,对于渔业资源的开发和保护两个方面有着最好的权衡,最适用于我国蓝点马鲛渔业的管理。  相似文献   

Based on the fishing net surveying data about anguillid elver of the Yangtze estuary collected in 2006 and historical data from previous research of the region, this study was focused on analyzing the fishing effort and catch variations of the elver, revealing the effects on fishery resources caused by elver fishing activities. It was found that the elver fishing activities took place in the tidal area of the Yangtze estuary from January to April. The yearly elver catch in 2000–2006 was 3 times greater than that in the 1970s–1980s. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) (ind./net/day) of the elver had some characteristics of temporal variation. It was higher in spring tide periods than that in neap tide periods, and the CPUE in February and March was 3–4 times greater than that in January. Twenty-eight fish species, 6 shrimp species, 2 crab species and 8 other invertebrates were found in the by-catch of the eel nets. Among the fishes, shrimps and crabs, the individual proportion of fishes is the highest, and they are mostly juveniles or small-size fishes, while the shrimps and crabs also make up a certain proportion. Most of the individuals in the by-catch were juveniles and were dead when they were harvested. It was proven that the activity of elver fishing has a great negative effect on regional fishery resources, though it has brought great commercial benefit. Relevant management and conversation should be reinforced.  相似文献   

Emerging fisheries and changes in fishery practices are not always readily apparent, nor are their impacts on non-target species such as seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals. Data from several different sources led managers to discover high rates of sea turtle bycatch in an inshore large-mesh gillnet fishery in North Carolina, USA, particularly the emerging deep-water gillnet fishery. This paper reviews the history of how increased numbers of observed stranded sea turtles in 1999 led to the discovery that turtles were becoming entangled in the large-mesh gillnet fishery in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. It also demonstrates how a variety of data sets from fisheries observers, aerial surveys, and fisheries statistics programs contributed to shaping management of the large-mesh gillnet fishery in Pamlico Sound to decrease turtle bycatch and now point towards the need of additional assessment of gillnet bycatch in other parts of North Carolina. Finally, potential approaches are discussed for a more timely detection of future fishery conflicts and development of a plan to reduce otherwise inevitable bycatch and disruptions to fishing effort.  相似文献   

Despite a powerful, federal legislative framework established to protect threatened and endangered species in the United States, conservation actions can be hindered by the complexity of the full management structure. This is particularly true when state and federal agencies share the responsibility to conserve endangered species. To illustrate this point, this paper describes the management of sea turtle by-catch in commercial fisheries within the state waters of North Carolina. It reviews past and present by-catches, summarizes state and federal efforts intended to reduce sea turtle by-catch, and discusses the challenges posed by the involvement of multiple agencies with conflicting objectives. It concludes by recommending fundamental changes to this management framework and, in particular, proposes the establishment of a multilayered stakeholder group that would work to reduce sea turtle by-catch while supporting vibrant commercial fisheries in the state.  相似文献   

三维斜压陆架海模式的应用: 南海上混合层的季节变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从一个三维斜压陆架海模式的数值模拟结果来揭示南海上混合层的季节变化规律,结果表明:(1)在南海北部上混合层的厚度(即混合层的下界深度)具有明显的季节性变化,与在南海南部上混合层的变化明显不同,前者的混合强度的变化幅度远比后者的要大得多.(2)在中南半岛中部东岸外海的西边界区域内,由于经常受冷涡控制,下层冷水涌升,上层水体层化显着,使得该海区垂直混合减弱.(3)在一些气旋(反气旋)涡的边缘,混合层厚度等值线分布密集,且水平梯度较大.(4)南海上混合层的厚度分布特征与上层环流的分布格局之间存在着较好的地转调整关系.  相似文献   

Marine capture fisheries in Vietnam are small-scale, multi-species, multi-gear, and open access regime. Under numerous governmental promotion programs, Vietnamese fishing fleets have expanded at an uncontrollable rate. This research analyzes the economic performance and capacity efficiency of the Da Nang gillnet fishery. Data were obtained from 45 gillnetters in Da Nang using questionnaires, which were administered between April and July of 2011. The results showed that large-scale vessels (engine power≥90 hp) had better economic performance than small-scale vessels (engine power<90 hp) with average gross revenue flows of 1346.7 and 750.7 million VND, respectively. The large-scale vessels further actualized positive profits (15% gross revenue), while the small-scale vessels demonstrated negative results (−0.4% gross revenue). The main operating costs of fuel and labor accounted for 44% and 26%, respectively, of the total operating expenses. However, the results of the data envelopment analysis (DEA) showed that the Da Nang gillnet fishery did not operate at full capacity and that the unused capacity and the technical inefficiency rates were approximately 21.2% and 10.8%, respectively. The over-use of fuel, net sheets, and number of days at sea in the large-scale vessels were 7%, 10%, and 3%, respectively, while these ratios in the small-scale vessels were 7%, 3%, and 7%, respectively. Overcapacity may be separated into two parts, one part resulting from the optimal technical use of inputs and a second part resulting from enhancing the current policies. As such, feasible policies may include implementing the buyback of small and unprofitable vessels, and reviewing subsidy programs.  相似文献   

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