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张泽明  丁慧霞  董昕  田作林 《岩石学报》2020,36(9):2589-2615
俯冲带是地幔对流环的下沉翼,是地球内部的重要物理与化学系统。俯冲带具有比周围地幔更低的温度,因此,一般认为俯冲板片并不会发生部分熔融,而是脱水导致上覆地幔楔发生部分熔融。但是,也有研究认为,在水化的洋壳俯冲过程中可以发生部分熔融。特别是在下列情况下,俯冲洋壳的部分熔融是俯冲带岩浆作用的重要方式。年轻的大洋岩石圈发生低角度缓慢俯冲时,洋壳物质可以发生饱和水或脱水熔融,基性岩部分熔融形成埃达克岩。太古代的俯冲带很可能具有与年轻大洋岩石圈俯冲带类似的热结构,俯冲的洋壳板片部分熔融可以形成英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩。平俯冲大洋高原中的基性岩可以发生部分熔融产生埃达克岩。扩张洋中脊俯冲可以导致板片窗边缘的洋壳部分熔融形成埃达克岩。与俯冲洋壳相比,俯冲的大陆地壳具有很低的水含量,较难发生部分熔融,但在超高压变质陆壳岩石的折返过程中可以经历广泛的脱水熔融。超高压变质岩在地幔深部熔融形成的熔体与地幔相互作用是碰撞造山带富钾岩浆岩的可能成因机制。碰撞造山带的加厚下地壳可经历长期的高温与高压变质和脱水熔融,形成S型花岗岩和埃达克质岩石。  相似文献   

Shales and graywackes were first metamorphosed at 650°C and then partially melted at 700 and 750°C at 2, 4, 6, and 8 kilobars in the presence of 0.75m NaCl−0.45m KCl and 0.225m CaCl2−0.750m NaCl solutions. In experiments with shales,KK+Na ratio in the decreases with increasing pressure at 650 and 700°C; however, at 750°C this ratio is equal to 0.5 at all pressures investigated. This suggests that melts at 700°C and at 2 to 8 kilobars pressure may be affected metasomatically whereas melts at 700°C and in the same pressure range will not. Melt composition produced in the shale-KClNaCl experiments is granite at 2, 4 and 6 kilobars pressure, whereas the melt compositions in the shale-CaCl2NaCl experiments range from quartz monzonite (2–5 kilobars) to granodiorite (above 5 kilobars). Experiments with graywacke-KClNaCl produced melts of trondhjemite composition at 2, 2.5, 4, 6, and 7.5 kilobars.

These results indicate that partial melting of crustal rocks such as metamorphosed shales and graywackes in the deeper parts of the crust can produce large volumes of granitic magmas ranging in composition from true granite to trondhjemite to quartz monzonite and granodiorite.  相似文献   

Metavolcanic rocks containing low-Ca amphiboles (gedrite, cummingtonite) and biotite can undergo substantial dehydration-melting. This is likely to be most prominent in Barrovian Facies Series (kyanite-sillimanite) and occurs at the same time as widespread metapelite dehydrationmelting. In lower pressure facies series, metavolcanics will be represented by granulites rich in orthopyroxene when dehydration occurs at much lower temperatures than melting. In higher pressure facies series it is not well known whether metavolcanic rocks dehydrate or melt at temperatures lower or similar to that of metapelites.  相似文献   

Partial melting of metagreywacke: a calculated mineral equilibria study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Greywacke occurs in most regionally metamorphosed orogenic terranes, with depositional ages from Archean to recent. It is commonly the dominant siliciclastic rock type, many times more abundant than pelite. Using calculated pseudosections in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O system, the partial melting of metagreywacke is investigated using several natural protolith compositions that reflect the main observed compositional variations. At conditions appropriate for regional metamorphism at mid‐crustal depths (6–8 kbar), high‐T subsolidus assemblages are dominated by quartz, plagioclase and biotite with minor garnet, orthoamphibole, sillimanite, muscovite and/or K‐feldspar (±Fe–Ti oxides). Modelled solidus temperatures are dependent on bulk composition and vary from 640 to 690 °C. Assuming minimal melting at the H2O‐saturated solidus, initial prograde anatexis at temperatures up to ~800 °C is characterized by very low melt productivity. Significant melt production in commonly occurring (intermediate) metagreywacke compositions is controlled by the breakdown of biotite and production of orthopyroxene (±K‐feldspar) across multivariant fields until biotite is exhausted at 850–900 °C. Assuming some melt is retained in the source, then at temperatures beyond that of biotite stability, melt production occurs via the consumption of plagioclase, quartz and any remaining K‐feldspar as the melt becomes progressively more Ca‐rich and H2O‐undersaturated. Melt productivity with increasing temperature across the melting interval in metagreywacke is generally gradational when compared to metapelite, which is characterized by more step‐like melt production. Comparison of the calculated phase relations with experimental data shows good consistency once the latter are considered in terms of the variance of the equilibria involved. Calculations on the presumed protolith compositions of residual granulite facies metagreywacke from the Archean Ashuanipi subprovince (Quebec) show good agreement with observed phase relations. The degree of melt production and subsequent melt loss is consistent with the previously inferred petrogenesis based on geochemical mass balance. The results show that, for temperatures above 850 °C, metagreywacke is sufficiently fertile to produce large volumes of melt, the separation from source and ascent of which may result in large‐scale crustal differentiation if metagreywacke is abundant.  相似文献   

Eclogite, orthogneiss and, by association, metapelite from an island at 78°N in North‐East Greenland experienced ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism at approximately 970 °C and 3.6 GPa, at the end of the Caledonian collision, 360–350 Ma. Hydrous metapelites contain abundant leucocratic layers and lenses composed of medium‐grained, anhedral, equigranular quartz, antiperthitic plagioclase and K‐feldspar with minor small garnet and kyanite crystals. Leucosomes are generally parallel to the matrix foliation, are interlayered with residual quartz bands, anastomose around residual garnet and commonly cross‐cut micaceous segregations. Textures suggest that the leucosomes crystallized from a syntectonic melt, but crystallized at the end of local high‐grade deformation. The metapelite outcrop is < 1.5 km from kyanite eclogites with confirmed coesite, but the metapelites lack coesite and palisade textures diagnostic of coesite pseudomorphs. They do contain highly fractured garnet megacrysts with polycrystalline quartz inclusions (some surrounded by radial fractures) and Ti‐rich phengite inclusions that suggest the former presence of coesite. Polyphase inclusions in garnet contain reactants and products of the inferred dehydration melting reaction: Phe + Qtz = Ky + Kfs + Rt + melt. The reactants are thought to have been early inclusions of hydrous phases within garnet that melted and then crystallized new phases. Garnet surrounding these inclusions has patchy zoning with elevated Ca, consistent with experiments that produced similar patchy microstructures in garnet around inclusions with an unequivocal melt origin. The peak UHP metamorphic assemblage in these rocks is inferred to have been phengite, coesite, garnet, kyanite, rutile, fluid ± omphacite ± epidote. Phase diagrams indicate that dehydration melting of phengite in this assemblage would have occurred after decompression from peak pressure, but still above the coesite to quartz transition. Unusual crown‐ and moat‐like textures in garnet around some polycrystalline quartz inclusions are also consistent with the inference that melting took place at UHP conditions.  相似文献   

Materials balance calculations are presented to document the progressive bulk chemical changes in metagreywacke and metapelite with separation of increments of granite of minimum melt composition. During partial melting, enrichment of Fe relative to Mg in granite and strong absorption of water leave residual rocks with increasing proportions of such Mg-rich phases as cordierite and progressively dehydrated. Extraction of most granitic compositions from metapelites results in increasing the Al value of residua, while extraction of an alkali granite melt from metagreywacke is necessary to change the Al values in their residua (from peraluminous to sub- or metaluminous). Under essentially constant temperature conditions, complex isograds may develop locally reflecting the bulk chemical changes produced by melt removal. Natural amphibolite/granulite facies rocks from three locations in Canada are compared with the calulated trends.  相似文献   

The processes involved in the formation and transport of partial melts above subducting plates remain poorly constrained relative to those at mid-ocean ridges. In particular, 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria, that might normally be used to constrain melting dynamics, tend to be swamped by the effects of fluid addition from the down-going plate. The 231Pa-235U system provides an exciting exception to this because the highly incompatible nature of Pa means that fractionation and in-growth during partial melting overwrite the effects of fluid U addition. We present 231Pa-235U data on 50 well-characterised lavas from seven subduction zones in order to examine partial melting processes. Measured (231Pa/235U) ratios are all >1 and 15% are >2. Overall (231Pa/235U) shows broad positive correlations with (230Th/238U) and La/Yb and negative trends against Ba/Th and (226Ra/230Th). These systematics can differ from arc to arc but suggest that (231Pa/235U) tends to be higher in sediment-rich arc lavas where the effects of fluid addition are muted and there is less of a 231Pa deficit for melting to overprint. We have explored the effects of decompression melting, frictional drag dynamic melting with and without ageing subsequent to fluid U addition to the wedge as well as flux melting models. Globally, average (231Pa/235U) appears to correlate negatively with convergence rate and so in the numerical models we use the local subduction rate for the rate of matrix flow through the melting zone. Using this assumption and reasonable values for other parameters, the melting models can simulate the overall range of (231Pa/235U) and some of the data trends. However, it is clear that local variations in some parameters, especially source composition and extent of melting, exert a major influence on 231Pa-235U disequilibria. Some data, which lie at a high angle to the modelled trends, may be explained by mixing between small degree hydrous melts formed near the slab and larger degree, decompression melts produced at shallow depth.  相似文献   

Process identification diagrams based on trace element data show that mafic lavas from Tubuai, including alkali basalts, basanites, analcitites and nephelinites, result from different degrees of partial melting of an isotopically homogeneous mantle source. Our fractionation-corrected data are consistent with a batch melting model or a dynamic melting model involving a threshold value for melt separation close to 1% and degrees of melting ranging from 5–8% (alkali basalts) to 1.5–3% (nephelinites). The relative source concentration pattern, calculated using an inverse numerical method, shows an enrichment in highly incompatible elements. We propose that the Tubuai lava suite was derived from a two-stage partial melting process. Melting first affected the plume material located within the transition zone between garnet and spinel domains, producing alkali basalts and basanites. Then, the melting zone migrated upwards to the base of the overlying spinel-bearing lithospheric mantle, producing highly silica-undersaturated lavas. The lower lithosphere had previously been enriched by intrusion of pyroxenite veins representing plume-derived melts which percolated away from the main magma conduits. Received: 11 June 1996 / Accepted: 8 January 1997  相似文献   

A large portion of the lower continental crust may be amphibolitic in composition and without a free fluid phase. As a consequence, H2O-undersaturated or fluid-absent melting of amphibolites may be responsible for the formation of some granites and migmatites produced during major orogenic events. In an attempt to determine the systematics of melting under fluid-absent conditions, a series of piston-cylinder experiments was conducted on two natural amphibolites; one, a meta-alkali basalt (ABA) with a total water content of ∼ wt% contained in hornblende, and the other, a meta-island-arc tholeiite (IAT) which has ∼1–1.3 wt% water contained in hornblende, cummingtonite and biotite. The experimentally determined melting ranges of the two amphibolites showed that the solidus temperatures, and sta temperature interval over which amphibole was stable, were controlled by the amphibolites' different bulk compositions and their resulting metamorphic assemblages. The volume % of melt produced by melting of the two amphibolites were compared with estimated amounts, based on Burnham's (1979) water-melt solubility model and the fluid-absent melting model presented by Clemens and Vielzeuf (1987). The observed melt volumes were greater than estimated. As the water content of melt largely detemines the volume % of melt produced, independent measurements of the water-content of the glass formed during partial melting in the ABA were made by thermogravimetric analyses. The water content of the ABA glass is ∼2 wt%, which is less than the assumed “melt-water” content (water content of the melt) used in previous modeling of fluidabsent anatexis in mafic lithologies. As a consequence, more melt can be expected during fluid-absent partial melting of mafic lower crust, as is observed in the experiments. A modification of the Clemens and Vielzeuf (1987) fluid-absent melting model for mafic compositions has been made using the experimental data available on melting in basaltic systems and is presented here for pressures of 5, 8 and 10 kbar. Tectonic scenarios in which the crust is thickened (i.e. by collision) then undergoes extension or where a previously thinned crust is later rethickened, provide enough heat so that amphibolite melting under fluid-absent conditions can become importan and hence responsible for some melts produced during post-collisional magmatism. The results may also have applications to melting in hydrated oceanic crust in subduction zones and in island arc terains.  相似文献   

Partial melting of metagreywackes, Part II. Compositions of minerals and melts   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A series of experiments on the fluid-absent melting of a quartz-rich aluminous metagreywacke has been carried out. In this paper, we report the chemical composition of the phases present in the experimental charges as determined by electron microprobe. This analytical work includes biotite, plagioclase, orthopyroxene, garnet, cordierite, hercynite, staurolite, gedrite, oxide, and glass, over the range 100–1000 MPa, 780–1025 °C. Biotites are Na- and Mg-rich, with Ti contents increasing with temperature. The compositions of plagioclase range from An17 to An35, with a significant orthoclase component, and are always different from the starting minerals. At high temperature, plagioclase crystals correspond to ternary feldspars with Or contents in the range 11–20 mol%. Garnets are almandine pyrope grossular spessartine solid solutions, with a regular and significant increase of the grossular content with pressure. All glasses are silicic (SiO2 = 67.6–74.4 wt%), peraluminous, and leucocratic (FeO + MgO = 0.9–2.9 wt%), with a bulk composition close to that of peraluminous leucogranites, even for degrees of melting as high as 60 vol.%. With increasing pressure, SiO2 contents decrease while K2O increases. At any pressure, the melt compositions are more potassic than the water-saturated granitic minima. The H2O contents estimated by mass balance are in the range 2.5–5.6 wt%. These values are higher than those predicted by thermodynamic models. Modal compositions were estimated by mass balance calculations and by image processing of the SEM photographs. The positions of the 20 to 70% isotects (curves of equal proportion of melt) have been located in the pressure-temperature space between 100 MPa and 1000 MPa. With increasing pressure, the isotects shift toward lower temperature between 100 and 200 MPa, then bend back toward higher temperature. The melting interval increases with pressure; the difference in temperature between the 20% and the 70% isotects is 40 °C at 100 MPa, and 150 °C at 800 MPa. The position of the isotects is interpreted in terms of both the solubility of water in the melt and the nature of the reactions involved in the melting process. A comparison with other partial melting experiments suggests that pelites are the most fertile source rocks above 800 MPa. The difference in fertility between pelites and greywackes decreases with decreasing pressure. A review of the glass compositions obtained in experimental studies demonstrates that partial melting of fertile rock types in the crust (greywackes, pelites, or orthogneisses) produces only peraluminous leucogranites. More mafic granitic compositions such as the various types of calk-alkaline rocks, or mafic S-type rocks, have never been obtained during partial melting experiments. Thus, only peraluminous leucogranites may correspond to liquids directly formed by partial melting of metasediments. Other types of granites involve other components or processes, such as restite unmixing from the source region, and/or interaction with mafic mantle-derived materials. Received: 11 July 1995 / Accepted: 27 February 1997  相似文献   

Island arcs, active and passive margins are the best tectonic settings to generate fertile reservoirs likely to be involved in subsequent granitoid genesis. In such environments, greywackes are abundant crustal rock types and thus are good candidates to generate large quantities of granitoid magmas. We performed a series of experiments, between 100 and 2000 MPa, on the fluid-absent melting of a quartz-rich aluminous metagreywacke composed of 32 wt% plagioclase (Pl) (An22), 25 wt% biotite (Bt) (X Mg45), and 41 wt% quartz (Qtz). Eighty experiments, averaging 13 days each, were carried out using a powder of minerals (5m) and a glass of the same composition. The multivariant field of the complex reaction Bt+Pl+QtzGrt/Crd/Spl+ Opx+Kfs+melt limited by the Opx-in and Bt-out curves, is located between 810–860°C at 100 MPa, 800–850°C at 200 MPa, 810–860°C at 300 MPa, 820–880°C at 500 MPa, 860–930°C at 800 MPa, 890–990°C at 1000 MPa, and at a temperature lower than 1000°C at 1500 and 1700 MPa. The melting of biotite+plagioclase+ quartz produced melt+orthopyroxene (Opx) +cordierite (Crd) or spinel (Spl) at 100, 200 and 300 MPa, and melt+orthopyroxene+garnet (Grt) from 500 to 1700 MPa (+Qtz, Pl, FeTi Oxide at all pressures). K-feldspar (Kfs) was found as a product of the reaction in some cases and we observed that the residual plagioclase was always strongly enriched in orthoclase component. The P-T surface corresponding to the multivariant field of this reaction is about 50 to 100°C wide. At temperatures below the appearance of orthopyroxene, biotite is progressively replaced by garnet with increasing P. At 850°C, we observed that (1) the modal proportion of garnet increases markedly with P; (2) the grossular content of the garnet increases regularly from about 4 mol% at 500 MPa to 15 mol% at 2000 MPa. These changes can be ascribed to the reaction Bt+Pl+Qtz Grt+Kfs+melt with biotite +plagioclase+quartz on the low-P side of the reaction. As a result, at 200 MPa, we observed the progressive disappearance of biotite without production of orthopyroxene. These experiments emphasize the importance of this reaction for the understanding of partial melting processes and evolution of the lower continental crust. Ca-poor Al-metagreywackes represent fertile rocks at commonly attainable temperatures (i.e. 800–900°C), below 700 MPa. There, 30 to 60 vol.% of melt can be produced. Above this pressure, temperatures above 900°C are required, making the production of granitoid magmas more difficult. Thin layers of gneisses composed of rothopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase, and quartz (±biotite), interbedded within sillimanite-bearing paragneisses, are quite common in granulite terrains. They may result from partial melting of metagreywackes and correspond to recrystallized mixtures of crystals (+trapped melt) left behind after removal of a major proportion of melt. Available experimental constraints indicate that extensive melting of pelites takes place at a significantly lower temperature (850°C±20) than in Al-metagreywackes (950°C±30), at 1000 MPa. The common observation that biotite is no longer stable in aluminous paragneisses while it still coexists commonly with orthopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase and quartz, provides rather tight temperature constraints for granulitic metamorphism.Abbreviations Ab albite - alm almandine component in garnet - Als aluminum silicate - An anorthite - Ap apatite - Bt biotite - Cal calcite - Crd cordierite - Crn corundum - En enstatite - Fl fluid phase - Fs ferrosilite - Ged gedrite - Gl glass - Grs Grossular - grs grossular component in garnet - Grt garnet - Hc hercynite - Hem hematite - Ilm ilmenite - Kfs K-feldspar - M melt - Mag magnetite - Ms muscovite - Opx orthopyroxene - Or orthoclase - Phl phlogopite - Pl plagioclase - Po Pyrrhotite - Prp pyrope - prp pyrope component in garnet - Otz quartz - Rt rutile - Sa sanidine - Sil sillimanite - Spl spinel - St staurolite - Ti-Mag titano-magnetite - W water  相似文献   

Spinifex-textured komatiites at Honeymoon Well, Western Australia, show evidence of partial melting and recrystallization of original igneous textures. Their textures and mineral compositions differ markedly from those typical of komatiites. Spinifex olivine plates are bent and broken, while interstitial space between spinifex and cumulus olivine is occupied by polygonal aggregates of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, minor olivine and plagioclase. Similar granular pyroxene-plagioclase aggregates occur as diffuse veins cutting spinifex zones and cumulate zones of the flows and, in places, form the matrix to a breccia containing corroded fragments of spinifex rock. Thermometry based on the two pyroxene assemblages yields temperatures of 1055° to 1141° C, just below the low-pressure komatiite solidus. Mineral compositions are different from those of typical komatiites: clinopyroxenes are Al-poor and Cr-rich, olivines are unusually iron-rich and depleted in Cr and Ca, and the low-Ca pyroxene is bronzite rather than the more typical pigeonite. We interpret these observations as the results of thermal metamorphism, partial remelting and subsequent slow crystallization of originally normal spinifex-textured komatiite flows. The rocks in question occupy a 40–70 m interval sandwiched between two olivine-rich units: an underlying 90 m-thick olivine adcumulate layer, forming part of the cumulate zone of a basal 160 m-thick flow, and an overlying 1 km-thick extrusive body composed mostly of olivine mesocumulate and adcumulate and capped in turn by spinifex-textured flows. Thermal modelling shows that a sinusoidal temperature profile of cool flow tops and hot flow centres would exist within this sequence shortly after eruption. Conductive thermal relaxation of this profile could reheat spinifex zones to the extent of inducing partial melting and textural reconstitution. Such reheating is largely dependent on the time interval between the emplacement of successive flows. Calculations suggest that at Honeymoon Well the emplacement interval must have been of the order of 10 years or less. Textural reconstitution may have contributed to the development of the thick orthocumulate sequences characteristic of komatiites in the Agnew-Wiluna belt. Present address: Geochemex Australia, P.O. Box 281, West Perth, 6005, Western Australia  相似文献   

Abstract Dehydration-melting reactions, in which water from a hydrous phase enters the melt, leaving an anhydrous solid assemblage, are the dominant mechanism of partial melting of high-grade rocks in the absence of externally derived vapour. Equilibria involving melt and solid phases are effective buffers of aH2,o. The element-partitioning observed in natural rocks suggests that dehydration melting occurs over a temperature interval during which, for most cases, aH2o is driven to lower values. The mass balance of dehydration melting in typical biotite gneiss and metapelite shows that the proportion of melt in the product assemblage at T± 850°C is relatively small (10–20%), and probably insufficient to mobilize a partially melted rock body. Granulite facies metapelite, biotite gneiss and metabasic gneiss in Namaqualand contain coarse-grained, discordant, unfoliated, anhydrous segregations, surrounded by a finer grained, foliated matrix that commonly includes hydrous minerals. The segregations have modes consistent with the hypothesis that they are the solid and liquid products of the dehydration-melting reactions: Bt + Sil + Qtz + PI = Grt ° Crd + Kfs + L (metapelite), Bt + Qtz + Pl = Opx + Kfs + L (biotite gneiss), and Hbl + Qtz = Opx + Cpx + Pl + L (metabasic gneiss). The size, shape, distribution and modes of segregations suggest only limited migration and extraction of melt. Growth of anhydrous poikiloblasts in matrix regions, development of anhydrous haloes around segregations and formation of dehydrated margins on metabasic layers enclosed in migmatitic metapelites all imply local gradients in water activity. Also, they suggest that individual segregations and bodies of partially melted rock acted as sinks for soluble volatiles. The preservation of anhydrous assemblages and the restricted distribution of late hydrous minerals suggest that retrograde reaction between hydrous melt and solids did not occur and that H2O in the melt was released as vapour on crystallization. This model, combined with the natural observations, suggests that it is possible to form granulite facies assemblages without participation of external fluid and without major extraction of silicate melt.  相似文献   

胶东群部分熔化实验及其对花岗岩成因的指示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
曲晓明  王鹤年  饶冰 《地球化学》2000,29(2):153-161
以胶东群组合样及胶东群的主要岩性单元黑云变粒岩和黑云斜长片麻岩为初始特,在150MPa、水过饱和条件下研究了胶东层在不同温度下(740℃,770℃,810℃,8 50℃)的熔融行为及熔体成分的演变。结果表明,不同初始物的初熔温度、溶融程度及熔体产率判别委大,明显受源岩成分(SiO2-K2O-Na2O的相对比例)控制。黑云斜长片麻岩由于SiO2:K2O:Na2O的比例(73.06:3.92:2.58)与花  相似文献   

The Thor-Odin dome region of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex, British Columbia, contains migmatitic rocks exhumed from the deep mid-crust of the Cordilleran orogen. Extensive partial melting occurred during decompression of the structurally deepest rocks, and this decompression path is particularly well recorded by mafic boudins of silica-undersaturated, aluminous rocks. These mafic boudins contain the high-temperature assemblages gedrite+cordierite+spinel+corundum+kyanite/sillimanite±sapphirine±högbomite and gedrite+cordierite+spinel+corundum+kyanite/sillimanite+garnet±staurolite (relict)±anorthite. The boudins are interlayered with migmatitic metapelitic gneiss and orthogneiss in this region.

The mineral assemblages and reaction textures in these rocks record decompression from the kyanite zone (P>8–10 kbar) to the sillimanite–cordierite zone (P<5 kbar) at T750 °C, with maximum recorded temperatures of 800 °C. Evidence for high-temperature decompression includes the partial replacement of garnet by cordierite, the partial to complete replacement of kyanite by corundum+cordierite+spinel (hercynite)±sapphirine±högbomite symplectite, and the replacement of some kyanite grains by sillimanite. Kyanite partially replaced by sillimanite, and sillimanite with coronas of cordierite±spinel are also observed in the associated metapelitic rocks.

Partial melt from the surrounding migmatitic gneisses has invaded the mafic boudins. Cordierite reaction rims occur where minerals in the boudins interacted with leucocratic melt. When combined with existing structural and geochronologic data from migmatites and leucogranites in the region, these petrologic constraints suggest that high-temperature decompression was coeval with partial melting in the Thor-Odin dome. These data are used to evaluate the relationship between partial melting of the mid-crust and localized exhumation of deep, hot rocks by extensional and diapiric processes.  相似文献   

Partial melting and retrogression have been recognized in high-grade metapelites of the Tatra Mountains, Western Carpathians (Slovakia) related to exhumation during Variscan orogeny. Reaction textures and phase equilibria define a clockwise P-T path. The prograde metamorphism from ca 600 °C and 9–10 kbar to >700 °C at 11–12 kbar resulted in muscovite dehydration-melting in the kyanite stability field. Further heating at decreasing pressure led to the dehydration-melting of biotite at >750 °C in the sillimanite stability field. This was followed by nearly isothermal decompression down to 4–5 kbar, producing cordierite and some additional melt. Later nearly isobaric cooling led to melt crystallization and sub-solidus retrogression. CO2-N2 fluids (5–30 mol. % N2) were generated at pressures <6 kbar by interaction between the melt-derived water and graphite at oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

柴北缘大陆深俯冲板片折返过程中的深熔作用研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
柴北缘锡铁山地区长英质(花岗)片麻岩普遍经历了不同程度的部分熔融作用,常见新生的花岗质浅色体呈层状、脉状或网络状分布于长英质片麻岩中,并显示出混合岩化的特征。岩相学观察结果显示长英质片麻岩保留了关键的深熔作用显微结构证据:(1)石榴石内部发育有钾长石、石英和斜长石组成的矿物包裹体;(2)长石颗粒边界出现由石英+钾长石±斜长石±白云母组成的楔形矿物集合体;(3)云母颗粒边界发育尖锐的、不规则的微斜长石,而且云母边界溶蚀明显,形成锯齿状不规则的边界;(4)石英、斜长石或钾长石颗粒边界发育圆珠状(stringofbeads)结构,而且颗粒边界或三联点中尖锐状微斜长石与周围矿物的形成较小的二面角。阴极发光图像和锆石U-Pb定年结果表明花岗质浅色体中的锆石具有明显的核、幔、边三层结构,而且具有明显不同的年龄结果。发光较强的继承性锆石岩浆核部的206Pb/238U年龄约为~910Ma,而且具有高的Th/U比值;弱发光的变质锆石幔的206Pb/238U年龄结果约为~450Ma。新生的锆石增生边中等程度发光,并发育震荡环带和较低的Th/U比值,与世界典型地区混合岩中深熔锆石的特征十分相似,其206Pb/238U年龄结果为432±3Ma。野外关系、显微结构特征和年代学的研究结果显示柴北缘锡铁山地区花岗质浅色体可能是其寄主岩石长英质片麻岩在折返到高压麻粒岩相条件下深熔作用的产物,而且白云母的脱水熔融是引发岩石发生深熔作用的主要机制。柴北缘地区已有的资料综合研究表明,大陆深俯冲板片在俯冲/碰撞和折返过程中可能经历了多重深熔作用。  相似文献   

Ultrahigh-pressure(UHP) metamorphic rocks are distinctive products of crustal deep subduction,and are mainly exposed in continental subduction-collision terranes. UHP slices of continental crust are usually involved in multistage exhumation and partial melting, which has obvious influence on the rheological features of the rocks, and thus significantly affect the dynamic behavior of subducted slices. Moreover,partial melting of UHP rocks have significant influence on element mobility and related isotope behavior within continental subduction zones, which is in turn crucial to chemical differentiation of the continental crust and to crust-mantle interaction.Partial melting can occur before, during or after the peak metamorphism of UHP rocks. Post-peak decompression melting has been better constrained by remelting experiments; however, because of multiple stages of decompression, retrogression and deformation, evidence of former melts in UHP rocks is often erased. Field evidence is among the most reliable criteria to infer partial melting. Glass and nanogranitoid inclusions are generally considered conclusive petrographic evidence. The residual assemblages after melt extraction are also significant to indicate partial melting in some cases. Besides field and petrographic evidence, bulk-rock and zircon trace-element geochemical features are also effective tools for recognizing partial melting of UHP rocks. Phase equilibrium modeling is an important petrological tool that is becoming more and more popular in P-T estimation of the evolution of metamorphic rocks; by taking into account the activity model of silicate melt, it can predict when partial melting occurred if the P-T path of a given rock is provided.UHP silicate melt is commonly leucogranitic and peraluminous in composition with high SiO_2,low MgO, FeO, MnO, TiO_2 and CaO, and variable K_2 O and Na_2 O contents. Mineralogy of nanogranites found in UHP rocks mainly consists of plagioclase + K-feldspar + quartz, plagioclase being commonly albite-rich.Trace element pattern of the melt is characterized by significant enrichment of large ion lithophile elements(LILE), depletion of heavy rare earth elements(HREE) and high field strength elements(HFSE),indicating garnet and rutile stability in the residual assemblage. In eclogites, significant Mg-isotope fractionation occurs between garnet and phengite; therefore, Mg isotopes may become an effective indicator for partial melting of eclogites.  相似文献   

Petrogenetic grids are a powerful tool for understanding metamorphic terrains and many theoretical grids have been suggested for the process of granulite formation in metapelitic rocks, via fluid-absent biotite melting reactions. However, application of these grids has been difficult due to the lack of suitable experimental constraints. We present here an experimentally determined and tightly constrained petrogenetic grid for KFMASH system metapelites which extends from 840–1000°C and 5.0–12.5 kbar. Sixty four experiments on three KFMASH, mineral-mix, bulk compositions (X Mg=0.62, 0.74, 0.86) provide phase composition and assemblage data from which a grid can be derived and constrained. Reversal experiments and consideration of the phase composition data show the experiments to be close to equilibrium. The KFMASH univariant fluid-absent biotite melting reactions occur between 850 and 870°C at 5 kbar and between 900 and 915°C at 10 kbar. These reactions are connected to equilibria beyond the stability of biotite to develop a fixed framework within which the phase assemblage evolution of metapelitic rocks can be interpreted. The effect of minor components on phase equilibria is evaluated using the experimentally determined grid as a simple-system reference. The temperature at which melting occurs in metapelites is strongly controlled by the concentrations of titanium and fluorine in biotite. Pressure-temperature pseudosections presented for each of the experimental compositions show both the univariant and divariant reactions available to a particular bulk composition, clearly illustrating the possible evolution of the phase assemblage. The pseudosections also constrain the stability limits of  相似文献   

Anatectic migmatites in medium- to low-pressure granulite facies metasediments exposed in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, contain leucosomes with abundant quartz and plagioclase and minor interstitial K-feldspar, and assemblages of garnet–cordierite–spinel–ilmenite–sillimanite. Qualitative modelling in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2, in conjunction with various PT calculations indicate that the high-grade retrograde evolution of the terrane was dominated by decompression from peak conditions of c. 7 kbar at c. 800 °C to 4–5 kbar at c. 750 °C. Extensive partial melting during decompression involved the replacement of biotite by the assemblage cordierite–garnet–spinel within the leucosomes. These leucosomes represent the site of partial melt generation, the cordierite–garnet–spinel–ilmenite assemblage representing the solid products and excess reactants from the melting reaction. The extraction and accumulation of this decompression-generated melt led to the formation of syntectonic pegmatites and extensive granitic plutons. Leucosome development and terrane decompression proceeded during crustal transpression, synchronous with upper crustal extension, during a progressive Early Palaeozoic collisional event. Subsequent retrograde evolution was characterized by cooling, as indicated by the growth of biotite replacing spinel and garnet, thin mantles of cordierite replacing spinel and quartz within metapelites, and garnet replacing orthopyroxene and hornblende within metabasites. P–T calculations on late mylonites indicate lower grade conditions of formation of c. 3.5 kbar at c. 650 °C, consistent with the development of late cooling textures.  相似文献   

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