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Predictably, in a country such as Britain, with its preponderance of consolidated, sedimentary, mainly fissure-flow aquifers, there is a very large number of springs, many of which are, or have been, used for public supply. Migratory springs are a feature of the British (Ur. Cretaceous) Chalk, the most important British aquifer. The Chalk's low specific yield and high capillary moisture retention together give rise to very considerable fluctuations (more than 33 m in some areas) of the unconfined water table. Along the gentle dip slopes of the Chalk (North and South Downs of southern and southeastern England) springs may migrate laterally for several miles, giving rise to seasonal streams locally known as bournes or lavants. However, springs such as at Duncton, West Sussex, at the base of the much steeper scarp slopes of the Chalk, form point sources, the flows from which tend to be relatively steady; such springs commonly supply and are the original reason for the existence of many of the small towns and villages which nestle along the bases of the chalk scarps of Sussex and Kent.Where the Chalk forms coastal cliffs, a number of springs break out at the base of the cliff between high and low tide levels; there are major chalk coastal springs, for instance, at St. Margaret's Bay (Kent) and at Arish Mells, east of Lulworth Cove, Dorset. Such springs are not used for direct supply (their salinity is usually too high) but are indicators of the presence of local reserves of groundwater for possible future development.  相似文献   

Springs in Egypt     
Examples of springs in Egypt deal only with examples of natural springs producing potable water. None of the natural springs producing highly mineralized thermal water for therapeutical are considered. No water from natural springs in Egypt is bottled. Egyptian standards state that the total dissolved solids in potable water should not exceed 1000 ppm, except in Siwa, where the only available source for water for human consumption is from springs that have water containing more than 2000 ppm TDS. Six natural springs in Egypt provide typical examples for the Sinai and the Western Desert: Ain Furtaga in the southern pre-Cambrian province of Sinai Peninsula; Ain El Gudeirat in the sedimentary plateau of North Sinai; and Ain El Bishmo, Ain El Bousa, and Ain El Gabal in the Western Desert Oases of Bahariya, Kharga, and Dakhla. They discharge from the Nubian Sandstone aquifer system. The sixth spring, Ain El Arayes, is a spring in Siwa Oasis.  相似文献   

Because of its copious and reliable rainfall, Ireland has an abundance of springs. Many of the larger ones issue from the Carboniferous limestone that occurs in over 40% of the country. The spring water is mainly a calcium bicarbonate type with a temperature of about 10°C. In the 18th century, warm and cold springs were developed as spas in various parts of Ireland. The popularity of these springs was short and most were in major decline by 1850. Today only one cold spa at Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare is still operating. Springs in Ireland were places of religious significance for the pre-Christian Druidic religion. In the Christian period they became holy wells, under the patronage of various saints. Cures for many different ailments were attributed to water from these wells.  相似文献   

Available literature reveals that little work has been done on the origin of springs in a basaltic terrain. Close examination of such springs in about 2,000 km2 of the upper Koyna River basin in the Deccan Trap country of the Western Ghats (hills), India, reveals that their origins are dependent on the lithologic character of different basaltic flow units and the existing physiography. Although rainfall, its seasonality and areas of recharge, play vital roles in the recharge of these springs, their yields are also controlled by lithological variations and hydraulic characteristics of their source-aquifers. Chemical concentrations of these springs are heavily dependent on the lithological compositions of the source-aquifers and the residence time of groundwater in these aquifers. Currently, basaltic springs are classified with those issuing from other terrains. However, because the emergence of groundwater in the form of springs is largely controlled by the lithology and the resulting water-bearing properties of the formations, a new classification scheme is proposed that classifies the springs on the basis of their source-aquifers. While tapping springs for drinking/irrigation purposes, it must be remembered that they also sustain thousands of other life forms vital to a balanced ecosystem. Changes in the uses of these springs may also affect other human communities downstream. Therefore, before developing spring flow, a trade-off must be made considering local needs and downstream users. Emphasizing only local human needs may lead to severe intercommunity conflict and negative environmental consequences. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

陈盟  吴勇  高东东 《地下水》2011,(6):104-105,121
牟托村位于茂县最南端,是山间河谷阶地地貌、洪积扇地貌及泥石流侵蚀地貌综合作用而成,分布有带状泉群,通过水文地质调查工作,结合Piper图和指印图探讨分析了该泉的成因,认为该泉是一个受多向补给的下降泉.泉水的补给来源是牟托沟上游的补给和基岩裂隙水及孔隙水的侧向补给.  相似文献   

彭玉恒  苏君  季建清 《地质科学》2021,56(3):972-984
澳大利亚北领地南部具有近平行展布的线性沉积盆地及隆起的变质地层相间排列的特征。这种独特构造格局的形成与新元古代晚期到古生代中期的两次板内造山事件有关。研究区主要受第二次板内造山事件,即Alice Springs造山活动影响。对研究区进行地质调查和填图工作后得到以下认识:1)区域经历了3个期次的构造活动,前两期活动伴随着花岗伟晶岩的侵位;2)变形深度逐渐变浅,主应力轴分别为前两期的近南北向和第三期的北西—南东向;3)研究区的花岗伟晶岩主要由常见的造岩矿物构成,呈平缓的席状侵位特征,并未发育与围岩相同的剪切面理,也没有出现由结晶分异导致的分带现象,因此推测其成矿潜力较小。  相似文献   

Dolomite [Ca,Mg(CO3)2] precipitation from supersaturated ionic solutions at Earth surface temperatures is considered kinetically inhibited because of the difficulties experienced in experimentally reproducing such a process. Nevertheless, recent dolomite is observed to form in hypersaline and alkaline environments. Such recent dolomite precipitation is commonly attributed to microbial mediation because dolomite has been demonstrated to form in vitro in microbial cultures. The mechanism of microbially mediated dolomite precipitation is, however, poorly understood and it remains unclear what role microbial mediation plays in natural environments. In the study presented here, simple geochemical methods were used to assess the limitations and controls of dolomite formation in Deep Springs Lake, a highly alkaline playa lake in eastern California showing ongoing dolomite authigenesis. The sediments of Deep Springs Lake consist of unlithified, clay‐fraction dolomite ooze. Based on δ18O equilibria and textural observations, dolomite precipitates from oxygenated and agitated surface brine. The Na‐SO4‐dominated brine contains up to 500 mm dissolved inorganic carbon whereas Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations are ca 1 and 0·3 mm , respectively. Precipitation in the subsurface probably is not significant because of the lack of Ca2+ (below 0·01 mm ). Under such highly alkaline conditions, the effect of microbial metabolism on supersaturation by pH and alkalinity increase is negligible. A putative microbial effect could, however, support dolomite nucleation or support crystal growth by overcoming a kinetic barrier. An essential limitation on crystal growth rates imposed by the low Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations could favour the thermodynamically more stable carbonate phase (which is dolomite) to precipitate. This mode of unlithified dolomite ooze formation showing δ13C values near to equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 (ca 3‰) contrasts the formation of isotopically light (organically derived), hard‐lithified dolomite layers in the subsurface of some less alkaline environments. Inferred physicochemical controls on dolomite formation under highly alkaline conditions observed in Deep Springs Lake may shed light on conditions that favoured extensive dolomite formation in alkaline Precambrian oceans, as opposed to modern oceans where dolomites only form diagenetically in organic C‐rich sediments.  相似文献   

This study reports on the source, evolution, reactions and environmental impacts of F-rich thermal water at Innot Hot Springs, north Queensland. Thermal water of the Innot Hot Springs has a surface temperature of 71°C, alkaline pH (8.1), low dissolved oxygen (0.61 mg/L) and low total dissolved solids (652 mg/L). The main chemical composition is Na – Cl, with F concentrations (16 mg/L) being comparatively high. Concentrations of alkali and alkali-earth metals (Cs, Li, Rb, Sr) are elevated, while those of other trace elements (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cr, Cu, Ga, Mn, Mo, U, Zn) are significantly less. Hydrochemical and stable isotope data of hot spring water show that the fluid is meteoric in origin and has undergone significant water – granite interaction. Common geothermometers suggest temperatures of water – rock interaction at depth in the 119 – 158°C range (corresponding to a depth of <3.9 – 5.2 km). Solubility modelling of the thermal fluid demonstrates that the evolution of F concentrations in spring waters at the discharge site can be accounted for by fluid – rock interaction of a H2O – NaCl solution with fluorite – calcite-bearing granite assemblages between 150 and 200°C and subsequent granite-buffered cooling. Modelling also indicates that the F concentration in the hydrothermal system is largely controlled by interactions with fluorite, with less evidence for the significant involvement of F-topaz. Speciation calculations demonstrate that F speciation in the fluid is dominated by F? (99.4%), followed by minor CaF+ (0.5%) and NaF(aq) (0.1%), and traces of other F complexes. Thus, the F-rich Innot Hot Springs result from meteoric water circulating through fluorite-bearing granitic rocks and are the surface expression of a low-temperature, non-volcanic geothermal system. Discharge of the hot spring water occurs into an ephemeral stream located in a seasonally wet – dry tropical climate. As a result, the F content of local surface waters is distinctly elevated (max. 18 mg/L) during the dry season, making them unsuitable for stock water supplies.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping and C and O stable isotopic data from sedimentary carbonate in units both above and below the paleo-erosion surface on the Bitter Springs Formation (BSF) in the northeastern Amadeus Basin, Australia, have clarified the stratigraphy of the area. Isotopic data indicate that the top of the Loves Creek Member of the Bitter Springs Formation is preserved near Corroboree Rock, and is overlain by fenestrate-carbonate-clast breccia, and dolomitic quartz sandstone and chert-pebble conglomerate of the Pioneer Sandstone. The isotopic data, as well as lithologic data, indicate the presence of a 1–2 m-thick cap carbonate preserved between Corroboree Rock and areas 10 km to the northeast. In many places the cap carbonate layer is mostly a syn-sedimentary dolomite-clast breccia, consistent with deposition and disturbance in shallow water. C and O isotopic data also indicate that thin-bedded sandstone and dolomite above the Bitter Springs Formation at Ellery Creek, and a newly discovered massive chert-bearing dolomite at Ross River could both belong to the glaciogenic Olympic Formation. Detailed mapping also provides a more detailed context for the famous black chert microfossil locality in the Bitter Springs Formation at Ross River.  相似文献   

A relict mound of Holocene barite (BaSO4) tufa underlies the Flybye Springs, a small, barium‐rich, cold sulphur spring system in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The tufa is composed of relatively pure barite with ≤0·34 wt% Ca2+ and ≤0·77 wt% Sr2+. The mound is made up of coated bubble, raft, undulatory sheet, stromatolitic, coated grain and detrital conglomerate barite tufa. Although previously unreported in barite, these lithotypes are akin to facies found in many carbonate spring deposits. Raft and ooid‐coated grain tufa was formed via ‘inorganic’ barite precipitation in spring water ponds and tributaries where rapid oxidation of sulphide to sulphate established barite supersaturation. Undulatory sheet tufa may have formed by the reaction of dissolved barium with sulphate derived from the oxidation of extracellular polysaccharide‐rich colloidal sulphur films floating in oxygenated, barite‐saturated spring water ponds. Coated bubble, oncoid‐coated grain and stromatolitic tufa with filamentous microfossils was formed in close association with sulphur‐tolerant microbes inhabiting dysoxic and oxygenated spring water tributaries and ponds. Adsorption of dissolved barium to microbial extracellular polysaccharide probably facilitated the development of these ‘biogenic’ lithotypes. Detrital conglomerate tufa was formed by barite cementation of microdetrital tufa, allochthonous lithoclasts and organic detritus, including caribou hair. Biogenic textures, organic artefacts and microfossils in the Flybye barite tufa have survived diagenetic aggradational recrystallization and precipitation of secondary cements, indicating the potential for palaeoecological information to be preserved in barite in the geological record. Similarities between the Flybye barite tufa and carbonate spring deposits demonstrate that analogous textures can develop in chemical sedimentary systems with distinct mineralogy, biology and physiochemistry.  相似文献   

The southeast Reynolds Range, central Australia, is cut by steep northwest‐trending shear zones that are up to hundreds of metres wide and several kilometres long. Amphibolite‐facies shear zones cut metapelites, while greenschist‐facies shear zones cut metagranites. Rb–Sr and 40Ar–39Ar data suggest that both sets of shear zones formed in the 400–300 Ma Alice Springs Orogeny, with the sheared granites yielding well‐constrained 40Ar–39Ar ages of ca 334 Ma. These data imply that the shear zones represent a distinct tectonic episode in this terrain, and were not formed during cooling from the ca 1.6 Ga regional metamorphism. A general correlation between regional metamorphic grade and the grade of Alice Springs structures implies a similar distribution of heat sources for the two events. This may be most consistent with both phases of metamorphism being caused by the burial of anomalously radiogenic heat‐producing granites. The sheared rocks commonly have undergone metasomatism implying that the shear zones were conduits of fluid flow during Alice Springs times.  相似文献   

The Wono and Trego Hot Springs (THS) tephras are widespread in the Lahontan basin and have been identified in a variety of sedimentary environments at different elevations. Davis (1983) reported lake level to be at about 1256 m when the THS tephra was deposited, an interpretation questioned by Benson et al. (1997) who interpreted lake level to be ≤ 1177 m at that time. This is a significant difference in lake size with important implications for interpreting the climate that prevailed at that time. Based on new interpretations of depositional settings of the THS bed at multiple sites, the larger lake size is correct. Additional sites containing the Wono tephra indicate that it was deposited when lake level was at about 1217 m in the western subbasins and at about 1205 m in the Carson Sink. Sedimentary features associated with progressively deeper paleowater depths follow a predictable pattern that is modulated by proximity to sediment sources and local slope. Fine to coarse sands with wave-formed features are commonly associated with relatively shallow water. Silty clay or clay dominates in paleowater depths > 25 m, with thin laminae of sand and ostracods at sites located adjacent to or downslope from steep mountain fronts.  相似文献   

We describe an active right-lateral strike-slip fault zone along the southern margin of the Japan Sea, named the Southern Japan Sea Fault Zone (SJSFZ). Onshore segments of the fault zone are delineated on the basis of aerial photograph interpretations and field observations of tectonic geomorphic features, whereas the offshore parts are interpreted from single-/multichannel seismic data combined with borehole information. In an effort to evaluate late Quaternary activity along the fault zone, four active segments separated by uplifting structures are identified in this study. The east–northeast-trending SJSFZ constitutes paired arc-parallel strike-slip faults together with the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), both of which have been activated by oblique subduction of the Philippine Sea plate during the Quaternary. They act as the boundaries of three neotectonic stress domains around the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate: the near-trench Outer zone and NW–SE compressive Inner zone of southwest Japan arc, and the southern Japan Sea deformed under E–W compression from south to north.  相似文献   

Microbiological contribution to the formation of the manganese deposits in Sambe hot springs, Shimane, was investigated in combination with water chemistry, characterization of sediments and microbial community structure. Analysis of bacterial and fungal community structure based on DNA extracted from a Mn‐oxidizing enrichment culture indicated close matches with Pseudomonas putida, Phoma sp. and Plectosphaerella cucumerina, all Mn‐oxidizing microorganisms. These sediments were poorly crystalline and formed at neutral pH values, which is characteristic of biogenic precipitates. The EPMA results demonstrated a positive correlation between Mn and Ba contents in well‐crystalline Mn oxide grains. Substantial Ba contents were observed inside Mn oxide grains. These findings indicated that Ba contents in sediments are influenced by not only aqueous Ba2+ concentrations but also crystallinity of biogenic birnessite. Barium would be incorporated in birnessite during biomineralization.  相似文献   

Foliated garnet-bearing amphibolites occur within the West Bore Shear Zone, cutting through granulite facies gneisses of the Strangways Metamorphic Complex. In the amphibolites, large euhedral garnet (up to 3 cm) occurs within fine-grained recrystallized leucocratic diffusion haloes of plagioclase–quartz. The garnet and their haloes include a well-developed vertical foliation, also present in the matrix. This foliation is the same as that cutting through the unconformably overlying Neoproterozoic Heavitree Quartzite. The textures indicate syn- to late kinematic growth of the amphibolite facies mineral assemblages.
All mineral assemblages record an arrested prograde reaction history. Noteworthy is the growth of garnet at the expense of hornblende and plagioclase, and the breakdown of staurolite–hornblende to give plagioclase–gedrite. These dehydration reactions indicate increasing P – T  conditions during metamorphism, and suggest heating towards the end of a period of intense deformation. Temperature estimates for the garnet–amphibolite and related staurolite–hornblende assemblages from the shear zone are about 600 °C. Pressure is estimated at about 5 kbar.
An Sm–Nd isochron gives an age of 381±7 Ma for the peak metamorphism and associated deformation. This age determination confirms that amphibolite facies conditions prevailed during shear zone development within the Strangways Metamorphic Complex during the Alice Springs Orogeny. These temperature conditions are significantly higher than those expected at this depth assuming a normal geothermal gradient. The Alice Springs Orogeny was associated with significant crustal thickening, allowing exhumation of the granulite facies, Palaeoproterozoic, lower crust. Along-strike variations of the tectonic style suggest a larger amount of crustal shortening in the eastern part of the Alice Springs Orogeny.  相似文献   

Multifractal and entropic properties of landslides in Japan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Landslide distributions in two major areas of northern Japan, Tohoku and Hokkaido, are analysed for multifractal properties. For the latter data set, also the multifractal spectrum for the spatial landslide size distribution is determined and compared to the probability distribution. It is concluded that the fields possess definite multifractal character. This finding is supported by the known multifractality of the main triggering processes, rain and earthquakes. Further support comes from a configuration entropy analysis which is found to be a useful complimentary tool to multifractal analysis. Models leading to multifractality are briefly reviewed. Careful attention is paid to the algorithms used and to the verification of the numerical results. Some general suggestions concerning numerical methods are made.  相似文献   

A variety of water supply sources are used in the rural Guatemalan Highlands. Formal municipal systems are rare, but villagers frequently form local water committees that construct spring-based supply systems. Recent work has indicated that groundwater may be a viable water supply source. The water quality from these two sources was characterized as well as water from other common sources including surface water and precipitation collection systems. Typically, all of the water sources contained unacceptable levels of coliform bacteria except for groundwater from a drilled well. Water monitoring indicated that not only did the water contain coliforms at the actual sources, but the infrastructure used to transmit the water to points of use may also be a source of coliforms. A cost comparison indicates that groundwater may be a cost-competitive, higher quality alternative to traditional spring-fed water systems.  相似文献   

Discontinuous tephra layers were discovered at Burney Spring Mountain, northern California. Stratigraphic relationships suggest that they are two distinct tephras. Binary plots and standard similarity coefficients of electron probe microanalysis data have been supplemented with principal component analysis to correlate the two tephra layers to known regional tephras. Using principal component analysis, we are furthermore able to bound our uncertainty in the correlation of the two tephra layers. After removal of outliers, within the 95% prediction interval, we can say that one tephra layer is likely the Rockland tephra, aged 565–610 ka, and the second layer is likely from Mt. Mazama, the Trego Hot Springs tephra, aged ~ 29 ka. In the case of the Rockland tephra, the new findings suggest that dispersal to the north was highly restricted. For Trego Hot Springs ash, the new findings extend the distribution to the southwest, with a rapid thinning in that direction. Coupled with considerations of regular tephra dispersal patterns, the results suggest that the primary dispersal direction for both tephras was to the south, and that occurrences in other directions are unlikely or otherwise anomalous.  相似文献   

中国东南部与日本中—新生代构造-岩浆作用对比研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
重点讨论了中国东南部和日本中、新生代火成岩的时空分布及其构造环境,总结了两者的异同性。印支期和燕山早期(190~170Ma)中国东南部和日本具有不同的岩浆活动演化史。在165~150Ma期间,中国东南部广泛分布有过铝和弱过铝的S型花岗岩,而170~130Ma则为日本岩浆活动沉寂期。燕山晚期,中国东南部和日本都发生大规模的火山-侵入活动,同是库拉-太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲-碰撞及其后伸展-裂解的产物,日本开始时代晚(130Ma),并一直持续到始新世(45Ma)。进入喜马拉雅期,在日本海打开之前(>15Ma),中国东南部和日本同处于大陆伸展构造环境,在日本海打开之后(<15Ma),中国东南部和日本进入完全不同的构造演化阶段。  相似文献   

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