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The source of the lunar magnetic anomaly associated with the Rima Sirsalis linear rille has been modelled using the vector field intensities due to arbitrary uniform magnetization in a rectangular prism. It is shown that in order to match the Apollo 16 subsatellite data, the lunar surface near the rille must have a vertical magnetization of 6–9 × 10−3 G if the anomaly is due to flux leakage from a gap in the crust with the dimensions of the rille. This is more than one order of magnitude larger than the magnetization of any lunar sample, but is comparable with the high magnetization recently deduced for the Reiner γ formation in Oceanus Procellarum. An alternative explanation is that Rima Sirsalis and its surroundings are the site of a vertical magnetization contrast of 10−5 – 10−4 G which is at least as wide as the rille and extends to a depth of tens of kilometers in the crust. A wider magnetic source reduces the required magnetization (or depth) proportionately, since to first order the field at high altitude is proportional to the magnetic dipole moment per unit length.  相似文献   

A summary of experiments and analyses concerning electromagnetic induction in the Moon and other extraterrestrial bodies is presented. Magnetic step-transient measurements made on the lunar dark side show the eddy current response to be the dominant induction mode of the Moon. Analysis of the poloidal field decay of the eddy currents has yielded a range of monotonic conductivity profiles for the lunar interior: the conductivity rises from 3·10?4 mho/m at a depth of 170 km to 10?2 mho/m at 1000 km depth. The static magnetization field induction has been measured and the whole-Moon relative magnetic permeability has been calculated to be μμ0 = 1.01 ± 0.06. The remanent magnetic fields, measured at Apollo landing sites, range from 3 to 327 γ. Simultaneous magnetometer and solar wind spectrometer measurements show that the 38-γ remanent field at the Apollo 12 site is compressed to 54 γ by a solar wind pressure increase of 7·10?8 dyn/cm2. The solar wind confines the induced lunar poloidal field; the field is compressed to the surface on the lunar subsolar side and extends out into a cylindrical cavity on the lunar antisolar side. This solar wind confinement is modeled in the laboratory by a magnetic dipole enclosed in a superconducting lead cylinder; results show that the induced poloidal field geometry is modified in a manner similar to that measured on the Moon. Induction concepts developed for the Moon are extended to estimate the electromagnetic response of other bodies in the solar system.  相似文献   

Properties of lunar crustal magnetization thus far deduced from Apollo subsatellite magnetometer data are reviewed using two of the most accurate presently available magnetic anomaly maps — one covering a portion of the lunar near side and the other a part of the far side.

The largest single anomaly found within the region of coverage on the near-side map correlates exactly with a conspicuous, light-colored marking in western Oceanus Procellarum called Reiner Gamma. This feature is interpreted as an unusual deposit of ejecta from secondary craters of the large nearby primary impact crater Cavalerius. An age for Cavalerius (and, by implication, for Reiner Gamma) of 3.2 ± 0.2 × 109 y is estimated. The main (30 × 60 km) Reiner Gamma deposit is nearly uniformly magnetized in a single direction, with a minimum mean magnetization intensity of 7 × 10−2 G cm3/g (assuming a density of 3 g/cm3), or about 700 times the stable magnetization component of the most magnetic returned samples. Additional medium-amplitude anomalies exist over the Fra Mauro Formation (Imbrium basin ejecta emplaced 3.9 × 109 y ago) where it has not been flooded by mare basalt flows, but are nearly absent over the maria and over the craters Copernicus, Kepler, and Reiner and their encircling ejecta mantles.

The mean altitude of the far-side anomaly gap is much higher than that of the near-side map and the surface geology is more complex, so individual anomaly sources have not yet been identified. However, it is clear that a concentration of especially strong sources exists in the vicinity of the craters Van de Graaff and Aitken. Numerical modeling of the associated fields reveals that the source locations do not correspond with the larger primary impact craters of the region and, by analogy with Reiner Gamma, may be less conspicuous secondary crater ejecta deposits. The reason for a special concentration of strong sources in the Van de Graaff-Aitken region is unknown, but may be indirectly related to the existence of strongly modified crustal terrain which also occurs in the same region. The inferred directions of magnetization for the several sources of the largest anomalies are highly inclined with respect to one another, but are generally depleted in the north-south direction. The north-south depletion of magnetization intensity appears to continue across the far-side within the region of coverage.

The mechanism of magnetization and the origin of the magnetizing field remain unresolved, but the uniformity with which the Reiner Gamma deposit is apparently magnetized, and the north-south depletion of magnetization intensity across a substantial portion of the far side, seem to require the existence of an ambient field, perhaps of global or larger extent. The very different inferred directions of magnetization possessed by nearly adjacent sources of the Van de Graaff-Aitken anomalies, and the depletion in their north-south component of magnetization, do not favor an internally generated dipolar field oriented parallel to the present spin axis. A variably oriented interplanetary magnetizing field that was intrinsically strong or locally amplified by unknown surface processes is least inconsistent with the data.  相似文献   

The settling trends of 318 lunar mare craters are compared with predictions of numerical finite-element models in order to determine the creep response of the upper lunar mare crust. No settling is evident in craters smaller than 5 km in diameter. Settling rates of larger craters increase as function of crater size in a manner suggesting a non-linear lunar creep response corresponding to the power law ε? = 8.3 · 10 ?34 σ2 where έ is the strain rate and σ is the differential stress. However, the observed nonlinearity is probably an apparent nonlinearity resulting from the temperature induced viscosity decrease with depth due to a lunar crustal temperature gradient of 3° C/km and a creep activation energy of 20 kcal/mole. It is concluded that creep in the lunar medium is essentially Newtonian, and that the effective viscosity of the upper lunar mare crust is (1.6 ± 0.3) · 1025 poise.  相似文献   

By the method of electron reflection, we have identified seven well-defined magnetized regions in the equatorial belt of the lunar far side sampled by the Apollo 16 Particles and Fields subsatellite. Most of these surface magnetic fields lie within one basin radius from the rim of a ringed impact basin, where thick deposits of basin ejecta are observed or inferred. The strongest of the seven magnetic features is linear, at least 250 km long, and radial to the Freundlich-Sharonov basin. The apparent correlation with basin ejecta suggests some form of impact origin for the observed permanently magnetized regions.  相似文献   

Measurements of the magnetic fields by the electron reflection method in the neighborhood of the long structural rille Rima Sirsalis show that a magnetic field of strength ? 100 nT (100 γ) is present over a region on the order of 10 km in width and at least 300 km long. The center of the magnetized region closely parallels and is centered on the rille. The linear magnetization feature extends at least to latitude 8°S, 60 km beyond the place where the rille disappears at the edge of Oceanus Procellarum. This extension is coincident with the extrapolation of the rille based on photographs. However, the magnetization is much weaker or entirely absent at 5°S and has vanished at 0° latitude. These results suggest that the rille is indeed a structural feature and has associated with it magnetization, either in the form of intrusive, magnetized rock, or else in the form of a gap in an otherwise more or less uniformly magnetized layer of rock of large extent in two dimensions. Furthermore, the rille structure evidently is present for some distance beneath the lava flows of the Oceanus Procellarum basin.  相似文献   

Surface and satellite observations of lunar crustal magnetization and the remanent magnetization of the lunar samples returned by the Apollo missions of 1969–72 provide evidence for past magnetic fields on the Moon. During the more than twenty years in which research has been carried out there has been controversy concerning the origin of the field, with two possible processes of major interest. Dynamo generation of the field in a molten, electrically-conducting core is consistent with most of the observations, but encounters theoretical difficulties associated with the deduced magnitude of the ancient field and lack of positive evidence for a lunar core. The most likely alternative process is the generation of a transient magnetic field during meteorite impacts followed by thermoremanent or shock magnetization of debris and adjacent crust. This paper reviews the evidence and compares the observations with characteristics of lunar magnetism expected as a result of each of the two possible processes. It is concluded that the evidence very strongly favours the past existence of a dynamo-generated lunar magnetic field, with impact magnetization playing a minor role.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the magnetic field which magnetized the lunar crust was generated by the dynamo process in a small fluid iron core can now be tested. Because the Coriolis force was a dominant term in the equations of motion in this core, the mean lunar field was aligned along the ancient axis of rotation. From Hood's modelling of the magnetic anomalies in the lunar crust, mapped by the Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellites, the palaeo-directions of this field have been determined. From them, palaeopole positions have been determined and are found to be grouped with respect to age. The palaeoequators corresponding to ages 4 Ga and 3.85 Ga show close relationships with the circular maria or mascons on the near side and multi-ring basins of corresponding age on the far side. The polar displacements indicated from lunar palaeomagnetism can be explained by the changes in the moment of inertia tensor consequent on the excavation and later flooding of these circular mare. Small moons in the primeval Earth-Moon system are inferred to be the impacting bodies.  相似文献   

Mean atomic weight profiles for the lunar mantle have been calculated from velocity-density systematic relations using lunar density and seismic velocity models. Despite large variability among the models, the calculation including Poisson's ratio yields a range of mean atomic weight values between 22 and 23 g mol?1 below 150 km. A similar calculation for the Earth's mantle produces a mean atomic weight of 21.1 ±0.4 g mol?1. This suggests that the Moon cannot be derived directly from the Earth's mantle, or that it has had a differentiation history different from the Earth's. The lunar m's require an Fe mole fraction between 0.25 and 0.33 for a pure olivine mantle, or between 0.33 and 0.45 for pure pyroxene.The present profiles are 0.5–3.0 g mol?1 higher than those calculated from lunar compositional models based on lunar rock compositions and petrology and assumed lunar histories, indicating inadequacies in either the seismic or compositional models, or in both. The mean atomic weight approach provides a method of comparing the consistency of seismic and compositional models of planetary interiors.  相似文献   

The impact of aluminum projectiles onto high-alumina terrestrial basalt blocks at 13–15 km s?1 in the presence of a variable magnetic field has been studied. Low-frequency search coil data show that plasma is produced. causing local compression of the ambient field. Although field production is expected, it was not detectable with the existing apparatus. Measurements of the remanence of the shocked basalt show that magnetization was acquired in the material near the craters. The acquired remanence is predominantly soft, but also contains a component not demagnetized by 500 Oe AC field treatment. Material shocked in a 10-Oe vertical field exhibits inverse dependence of magnetization upon distance from the crater center. Examination of the shocked basalt in thin section reveals a general lack of shock metamorphism in the material surrounding the crater, except for the presence of a high-pressure melt glass which was splashed onto the crater walls. Micro-probe analyses show that the glass is a whole-rock melt of fairly uniform composition, and is contaminated with aluminum from the projectile. The mineralogical data support the view that the acquired magnetization is shock remanence, since negligible shock heating occurred in the magnetized material. These results bear on the problem of lunar magnetism, suggesting that shock effects or possibly thermoremanence in ejecta fragments may be responsible for part of the magnetization of the lunar surface.  相似文献   

In reexamining the accumulated magnetic data on lunar rocks, several common patterns of magnetic behavior are recognized. Their joint occurrence strongly suggests a new model of lunar rock magnetism, which appeals only to partial preferred textural alignment of the spontaneous moments of magnetic grains, without requiring the existence of ancient lunar magnetic fields. This magnetic fabric, mimetic to locally oriented petrofabric, gives rise to an apparent “textural remanent magnetization” (TXRM). In order to account for the observed intensity of “stable remanence” in lunar rocks, only a minute fraction (10?3 to 10?5) of the single-domain iron grains present need be preferentially aligned. Several mechanisms operating on the lunar surface, including shock and diurnal thermal cycling, appear adequate for producing the required type and degree of magnetic alignment in all lunar rock classes. The model is supported by a wide variety of direct and indirect evidence and its predictions (e.g. regarding anisotropic susceptibility and remanence acquisition) can be experimentally tested.  相似文献   

The magnetic map of Slovakia used in the paper was compiled as part of a project titled Atlas of Geophysical maps and profiles in 2001. The residual magnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates. To remove distortion of magnetic anomalies caused by the Earth’s magnetic field, reduction to pole transformation was applied to the magnetic anomalies using the magnetization angle of the induced magnetization. Anomalies reduced to the pole tend to be better correlated with tectonic structures. We applied a 3-km upward continuation to the residually compiled magnetic anomalies in order to remove effects of topography. The depth of magnetic dipoles was calculated by an azimuthally averaged power spectrum method for the entire area. Such estimates can be indicative of temperatures in the crust, since magnetic minerals lose their spontaneous magnetization according to Curie temperature of the dominant magnetic minerals in the rocks. The computed Curie point depths in the Slovakia region vary between 15.2 km and 20.9 km. Heat flow higher than 100 mWm−2 occurs at the central volcanics and eastern part of Slovakia, where the Curie point depths values are shallow. The correlation between Curie point depths, heat flow and crust depth was investigated for two E-W cross sections. Heat flow and Curie point depth values are correlated with each other however, these values could not be correlated with crust depth. The Curie point isotherm, which separates magnetic and non-magnetic parts of the crust, is represented in two cross sections.  相似文献   

The correlation discovered by Hide and Malin between the variable parts of the Earth's gravitational field and magnetic field (suitably displaced in longitude) was tentatively and qualitatively explained by them in terms of the influence on both fields of irregularities (or “surface bumps”) at the core-mantle interface. In this paper, a quantitative analysis of this phenomenon is developed, through study of an idealised problem in which conducting fluid occupying the region z < η(x) flows over the surface z = η(x) in the presence of a magnetic field (B0,0,0), the whole system rotating with angular velocity (0,0,Ω). It is assumed that |η′(x)| « 1 so that perturbation methods are applicable. Determination of the magnetic potential in the “mantle” region z < η(x) requires solution of the full hydromagnetic problem in the fluid. It is shown that three wave modes are excited, two of which (for values of the parameters of the problem of geophysical interest) have a boundary layer character. Phase interactions between these modes lead to a shift and a distortion of the magnetic pattern relative to the gravitational pattern. The correlation between the gravitational potential and the magnetic potential (shifted by a distance x0) is determined on the plane z = d (d a? |η|) as a function of x0/d and the curves obtained are qualitatively similar to that based on the observed data; the maximum correlation obtained varies between 0.67 and 1, depending on values of the parameters of the problem, and is about 0.72 for reasonable estimates of these parameters in the geophysical context.  相似文献   

We report new high-precision laser fluorination three-isotope oxygen data for lunar materials. Terrestrial silicates with a range of δ18O values (− 0.5 to 22.9‰) were analyzed to independently determine the slope of the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL; λ = 0.5259 ± 0.0008; 95% confidence level). This new TFL determination allows direct comparison of lunar oxygen isotope systematics with those of Earth. Values of Δ17O for Apollo 12, 15, and 17 basalts and Luna 24 soil samples average 0.01‰ and are indistinguishable from the TFL. The δ18O values of high- and low-Ti lunar basalts are distinct. Average whole-rock δ18O values for low-Ti lunar basalts from the Apollo 12 (5.72 ± 0.06‰) and Apollo 15 landing sites (5.65 ± 0.12‰) are identical within error and are markedly higher than Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts (5.46 ± 0.11‰). Evolved low-Ti LaPaz mare-basalt meteorite δ18O values (5.67 ± 0.05‰) are in close agreement with more primitive low-Ti Apollo 12 and 15 mare basalts. Modeling of lunar mare-basalt source composition indicates that the high- and low-Ti mare-basalt mantle reservoirs were in oxygen isotope equilibrium and that variations in δ18O do not result from fractional crystallization. Instead, these differences are consistent with mineralogically heterogeneous mantle sources for mare basalts, and with lunar magma ocean differentiation models that result in a thick feldspathic crust, an olivine–pyroxene-rich mantle, and late-stage ilmenite-rich zones that were convectively mixed into deeper portions of the lunar mantle. Higher average δ18O (WR) values of low-Ti basalts compared to terrestrial mid ocean ridge basalts (Δ=0.18‰) suggest a possible oxygen isotopic difference between the terrestrial and lunar mantles. However, calculations of the δ18O of lunar mantle olivine in this study are only 0.05‰ higher than terrestrial mantle olivine. These observations may have important implications for understanding the formation of the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   

A crucial step in the investigation of the energetics of motions in the Earth's core and the generation of the geomagnetic field by the hydromagnetic dynamo process is the estimation of the average strength B of the magnetic field B = Bp + BT in the core. Owing to the probability that the toroidal field BT in the core, which has no radial component, is a good deal stronger than the poloidal field Bp, direct downward extrapolation of the surface field to the core-mantle interface gives no more than an extreme lower limit to B. This paper outlines the indirect methods by which B can be estimated, arguing that B is probably about 10?2 T (100 Γ) but might be as low as 10?3 T (10 Γ) or as high as 5 × 10?2 T (500 Γ).  相似文献   

We report Sr, Nd, and Sm isotopic studies of lunar basalt 12038, one of the so-called aluminous mare basalts. A precise internal Rb-Sr isochron yields a crystallization age of 3.35±0.09 AE and initial87Sr/86Sr=0.69922?2 (2σ error limits, 1AE=109 years, λ(87Rb)=0.0139AE?1). An internal Sm-Nd isochron yields an age of 3.28±0.23AE and initial143Nd/144Nd=0.50764?28. Present-day143Nd/144Nd is less than the “chondritic” value, i.e. ?(Nd, 0)=?2.3±0.4 where ?(Nd) is the deviation of143Nd/144Nd from chondritic evolution, expressed as parts in 104. At the time of crystallization ?(Nd, 3.2AE)=1.5±0.6.We have successfully modeled the evolution of the Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and the REE abundances within the framework of our earlier model for Apollo 12 olivine-pigeonite and ilmenite basalts. The isotopic and trace element features of 12038 can be modeled as produced by partial melting of a cumulate mantle source which crystallized from a lunar magma ocean with a chondrite-normalized REE pattern of constant negative slope. Chondrite-normalized La/Yb=2.2 for this hypothetical magma ocean pattern. A plot of I(Sr) versus ?(Nd) for the Apollo 12 basalts clearly shows the influence of varying proportions of olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase in the basalt source regions. A small percentage of plagioclase (~5%) in the 12038 source apparently is responsible for low I(Sr) and ?(Nd) in this basalt. Aluminous mare basalts from Mare Crisium (Luna 24) and by inference Mare Fecunditatis (Luna 16) occupy locations on the I(Sr)-?(Nd) plot similar to that of 12038, implying that some basalts from three widely separated lunar regions came from plagioclase-bearing source regions. A summary of model calculations for mare basalts shows a record of lunar mantle solidification during the period when REE abundances in the lunar magma ocean increased from ~20× chondritic to >100× chondritic. Although there is a general trend from olivine to clinopyroxene-dominated source regions with progressive magma ocean evolution, significant mineralogical heterogeneities in mantle composition apparently formed at any given stage of evolution, as evidenced in particular by the three Apollo 12 magma types.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the remanent magnetism of lunar samples suggests that it was acquired in a magnetic field on the Moon. The most likely origin of the field is a dynamo process in a molten, electricallyconducting core, but generation of a transient magnetic field during large meteorite impacts cannot be entirely ruled out. The magnetizing process may be thermoremanence, acquired when the rocks cooled through, the Curie point of the constituent iron grains which carry the remanent magnetization, or it may involve shock at the time of a meteorite impact, with or without a partial thermoremanence arising from heating.Evidence from absolute and relative determinations of the ancient field strength from the sample magnetizations strongly favours a global lunar field. This is implied by a trend which shows the field rising to a maximum value of 100 T between about 3.9–3.7 by ago and then decaying to 5–10 T until3.1 by. Such a systematic variation of field with time is not expected to be derived from magnetizations acquired in transient, impact-generated fields varying randomly in intensity.Contributory evidence for a dynamo field is provided by measurements of present lunar surface fields, the present very small dipole moment of the Moon and accumulating evidence of variation of the axis of the lunar field with time. Although there is no direct evidence for the existence of a lunar core the relevant observations are consistent with the presence of a core of up to 400 km, in radius. There are some difficulties associated with the lunar dynamo mechanism and its energy source but the evidence for a lunar dynamo is accumulating, with important implications for the structure and thermal history of the Moon.  相似文献   

Lunar seismicity and tectonics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic signals from 300–700 deep moonquakes and about four shallow moonquakes are detected by the long-period seismometers of two or more of the Apollo seismic stations annually. Deep-moonquake activity detected by the Apollo seismic network displays tidal periodicities of 0.5 and 1 month, 206 d and 6 a. Repetitive moonquakes from 60 hypocenters produce seismograms characteristic of each. At each hypocenter, moonquakes occur only within an active period of a few days during a characteristic phase of the monthly lunar tidal cycle. An episode of activity may contain up to four quakes from one hypocenter. Nearly equal numbers of hypocenters are active at opposite phases of the monthly cycle, accounting for the 0.5-month periodicity. The 0.5- and 1-month activity peaks occur near times of extreme latitudinal and longitudinal librations and earth-moon separation (EMS). The 206-d and 6-a periodicities in moonquake occurrence and energy release characteristics are associated with the phase variations between the librations and EMS. Because of the exact relationship between tidal phases and the occurrence of deep moonquakes from a particular hypocenter, it is possible to predict not only the occurrence times from month to month, often to within several hours, but also the magnitudes of the moonquakes from that hypocenter. The predicted occurrence of large A1 moonquakes in 1975, following a 3-a hiatus, confirms the correlation between A1-moonquake activity and the 6-a lunar tidal cycle and implies a similar resurgence for all of the deep moonquakes. Because no matching shallow moonquake signals have been identified to date, tidal periodicities cannot be identified for the individual sources. However, shallow moonquakes generally occur near the times of extreme librations and EMS and often near the same tidal phase as the closest deep moonquake epicenters. With several possible exceptations, the deep-moonquake foci located to date occur in three narrow belts on the nearside of the moon. The belts are 100–300 km wide, 1,000–2,500 km long and 800–1,000 km deep and define a global fracture system that intersects in central Oceanus Procellarum. A fourth active, although poorly defined, zone is indicated. The locations of 17 shallow-moonquake foci, although not as accurate as the deep foci, show fair agreement with the deep-moonquake belts. Focal depths calculated for the shallow moonquakes range from 0–200 km. Deep-moonquake magnitudes range from 0.5 to 1.3 on the Richter scale with a total energy release estimated to be about 1011 erg annually. The largest shallow moonquakes have magnitudes of 4–5 and release about 1015–1018 erg each. Tidal deformation of a rigid lunar lithosphere overlying a reduced-rigidity asthenosphere leads to stress and strain concentrations near the base of the lithosphere at the level of the deep moonquakes. Although tidal strain energy can account for the deep moonquakes in this model, it cannot account for the shallow moonquakes. The tidal stresses within the lunar lithosphere range from about 0.1 to 1 bar and are insufficient to generate moonquakes in unfractured rock, suggesting that lunar tides act as a triggering mechanism. The largest deep moonquakes of each belt usually occur near the same characteristic tidal phases corresponding to near minimum or maximum tidal stress, increasing tidal stress, and alignments of tidal shear stresses that correspond to thrust faulting along planes parallel to the moonquake belts and dipping 30–40°. With few exceptions, the shallow moonquakes occur at times of near minimum tidal stress conditions and increasing tidal stress that also suggest thrust faulting. The secular accumulation of strain energy required for the shallow moonquakes and implied by the uniform polarities of the deep moonquake signals probably results from weak convection. A convective mechanism would explain the close association between moonquake locations and the distribution of filled mare basins and thin lunar crust, the earth-side topographic bulge, and the ancient lunar magnetic field. The low level of lunar seismic activity and the occurrence of thrust faulting both at shallow and great depths implies that the moon is presently cooling and contracting at a slow rate.  相似文献   

Long-wavelength anomalies in the total magnetic field measured by Magsat over the United States and adjacent areas are inverted to an equivalent surface layer magnetization distribution. The model is based on an equal-area dipole grid at the Earth's surface. Model resolution, defined as the closest dipole spacing giving a solution having physical significance, is about 220 km for Magsat data in the elevation range 300–550 km. The magnetization contours correlate well with large-scale tectonic provinces. A higher-resolution (200 km) model based on relatively noise-free synthetic “pseudodata” is also presented. An excellent inverse correlation between apparent magnetization and heat flow in the western U.S. is demonstrated. A new regional heat flow map derived indirectly from Magsat data shows nearly all the important thermal anomalies evidenced in previous published maps. Notably, the map predicts high heat flow in Nebraska and the Dakotas, suggesting the presence of a “blind” geothermal area of regional extent.  相似文献   

The Gd isotopic composition in 19 lunar rock and soil samples from three Apollo sites is reported. The analytical techniques and the high precision mass spectrometric measurements are discussed. Enrichments in158GdO/157GdO due to neutron capture range up to 0.75%. Integrated ‘thermal’ neutron fluxes derived from the isotopic anomalies of Gd are compared with spallation Kr data from aliquot samples to construct a model which gives both average cosmic-ray irradiation depths and effective neutron exposure ages (Tn) for some rocks. In the case of rock 12053, this yields an average sample location of ∼300 g/cm2 below the lunar surface and an effective irradiation age of ∼230 my, compared to 99 my obtained by the81Kr-Kr method. Rock 14310 is the first lunar sample where Kr anomalies due to resonance neutron capture in Br are observed. A81Kr-Kr exposure age of 262 ± 7 my is calculated for this rock.  相似文献   

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