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The Suzhou Creek Sluice is currently the largest underwater plain gate in the world, with a single span of 100 m. It is located in a tidal estuary at the junction of the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek in Shanghai, China. In this study, physical and 2D vertical mathematical models were used to investigate and distinguish the mechanism of siltation downstream of an underwater plain gate from that of other gates types. According to quantitative data obtained by site investigation and the application of the physical hydrodynamic models, it was found that the characteristics of the tidal estuary as well as the fact that the sluice span is equal to the creek width are the major reasons contributing to siltation. A possible desiltation treatment system is proposed for the underwater plain gate. The system includes selection of a suitable location that allows the determination of a reasonable top elevation of the sluice floor, reserving sufficient space under the gate to accommodate siltation, setting up a mechanical desiltation system, and flushing silt along with overflow over the top of the gate. Furthermore, on-site hydraulic silt flushing experiments and a topography survey were conducted. These results showed that the measurement system is effective, and by maintaining this scheduled operation once a month, the downstream riverbed has been maintained in a good condition.  相似文献   

江苏淤泥质海岸入海河道闸下淤积研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闵凤阳  汪亚平 《海洋科学》2008,32(12):87-91
通过建立ARIMA模型,分析了江苏淤泥质海岸四条入海河道(射阳河、新洋港、斗龙港和黄沙港)建闸后闸下河道的冲淤演变过程,预测闸下河道淤积量的变化情况。结果表明,射阳河闸下淤积量将会持续增加,到2010年预计量可达2.47×107m3,淤积量为四条河中最大;黄沙港和斗龙港有波动上升的趋势,但无射阳河明显,淤积量有小幅度增加;新洋港变化不大,已达到冲淤平衡的状态。  相似文献   

A numerical study of tidal asymmetry in Okatee Creek,South Carolina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Okatee River, South Carolina is characterized by a narrow tidal channel and an extensive area of intertidal salt marshes. Current measurements in the upstream portion Okatee Creek show that tidal flow features an asymmetric pattern: ebb current is stronger than flood current. The ebb dominance is mainly caused by deformation of the dominant astronomical tidal constituent M2. An unstructured grid, finite volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) with wet-dry point treatment method is applied to examine physical mechanisms of M4 overtide generation. Model experiments show that mean absolute amplitude and phase errors are 3.1 cm and 1.7° for M2 elevation, 2.4 cm s−1 and 0.8° for M2 current major axis, 2.1 cm and 1.8° for M4 elevation, and 2.1 cm s−1 and 24.6° for M4 current major axis. The overall pattern of tidal asymmetry is qualitatively reproduced. Various sensitivity experiments suggest that the generation of M4 overtide is a result of nonlinear interaction of tidal currents with irregular creek geometry and bottom topography. Consistent with the classical view, the large volume of intertidal water storage is the major reason for ebb dominance in the creek. However, the zero-inertia assumption (i.e., negligible advective terms) is probably not valid for the entire tidal cycle. Besides the pressure gradient force and the bottom friction force, terms related to lateral shear of the along-estuary velocity (i.e., advective inertia and horizontal eddy viscosity) may also contribute in horizontal momentum balance. Exclusion of the flooding-draining processes over the intertidal zone will severely underestimate tidal currents in the river channel and make the tidal asymmetry less prominent.  相似文献   

根据1979,1996和2009年3个时期水深地形数据,利用GIS软件分析了岱山水道西部潮滩、水下岸坡和深槽区2个时段的冲淤变化。结果显示:1979-1996年的17 a间,研究区大部分区域冲淤幅度-般在±1 m以内,只有深槽局部区域冲刷大于2 m;1996-2009年的13 a间,潮滩区冲淤变化与1979-1996年间类似,有±1 m冲淤变化,而水下岸坡和深槽区的冲刷幅度明显加大,水下岸坡平均冲刷幅度达2 m,深槽区平均冲刷幅度达3 m。据分析, 1996年以后,水下岸坡和深槽区冲刷幅度明显加大的主要原因有两个:-是岱山水道水流流速较快,粘土质的底质容易遭受冲刷;另-个是在潮滩区至水下岸坡间建设了码头和栈桥,浅水区水流部分受阻,导致深水区域流速加大,从而加剧了水下岸坡和深槽区域的冲刷幅度。  相似文献   

研究发现,北仑河口的泥沙主要来源于二个方面,一是北仑河及其周边小河径流挟沙;二是潮流和波浪联合作用掀沙。径流挟沙比潮流和波浪掀沙大。夏季汛期,由径流带入的泥沙大部分在航道附近落淤,形成河口大片浅滩。自20世纪80年代以来,随着城镇化建设加快,沿河用水逐年增多,河流输沙显著减少。而受潮流影响的主航道,偏向中国一侧,在上游供沙少的情况下,不断加大河底冲刷,造成河口北冲西淤的发展态势。  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of five planktonic copepods,Calanus sinicus, Acartia pacifica, Tortanus derjugini, Acartiella sinensis and Pseudodiaptomus poplesia, predominant in the Jiulong Estuary, were investigated from May 2003 to April 2004. The results showed that the distribution of these copepods was related to the tidal period but that each species had its own specific pattern. C. sinicus showed no tidal vertical migration behavior and was thought to be a non-resident species in this estuary. Among Acartia pacifica,T. derjugini,Acartiella sinensis, more individuals occurred in the surface than in the bottom waters during flood tide, and the pattern was reversed during ebb tide. The epibenthic copepod P. poplesia usually remained in the bottom waters in the upstream part of the estuary, but it displayed strong tidally-oriented vertical migration in the middle reaches of the estuary.Taking into account the hydrographic characteristics of the Jiulong Estuary,it was hypothesized that the planktonic copepods in this estuary had more or less adopted the mechanism of vertically migrating to the surface waters during flood tide in order to make use of the inflowing tide, and then sinking to the bottom during ebb tide to avoid being carried out of the estuary by net outflow.  相似文献   

This discussion identifies and presents recent data which show that suspended sediment concentrations in the macrotidal Humber–Trent–Ouse system are much higher, and extend further upstream, than originally presented. The importance of a link between tidal range, fresh water flow and recorded suspended sediment concentrations, is illustrated by reference to data collected under the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Land–Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) initiative (1992–1998). Data recorded at Burringham, on the River Trent upstream of Trent Falls show a clear link between tidal range and suspended sediment concentrations which is strongly influenced by the downstream flushing effects of high fresh water flow events. While the arguments presented in this discussion do not contradict the main findings in the original paper it is proposed that a better understanding of siltation in the Humber system may be promoted by understanding the behaviour of the turbidity maximum in this system and its related mobile sediment population. It is suggested that the rapid reduction in suspended sediment concentration brought about by sudden increases in fresh water flow is probably indicative of the highly canalised nature of the tidal reaches of the Trent and Ouse.  相似文献   

象山港潮滩坡度对潮动力影响的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
象山港属于狭长型半封闭港湾,湾内分布有大面积潮滩。多年以来象山港内实施了大量海岸工程及养殖工程,湾内潮滩坡度发生了显著变化。基于非结构网格和有限体积数值模式(FVCOM)建立象山港三维潮动力模型,研究湾内不同区域潮滩坡度变化对象山港潮动力过程的影响机理。结果表明:潮滩坡度下降将增大湾内纳潮量,进而增大M2分潮振幅和迟角,反之则反。铁港潮滩坡度的减小(增大),将改变底部耗散项,进而增大(减小)M4分潮振幅。由于M2和M4分潮的振幅在湾顶较大,所以湾顶(铁港)潮滩坡度对象山港潮动力过程的影响明显大于侧岸(西沪港)。西沪港潮滩坡度对象山港潮动力过程的影响是局部的。铁港、西沪港潮滩坡度对湾内潮汐不对称、余流及潮能影响显著。铁港潮滩坡度的改变均会减弱湾内落潮占优程度。西沪港区域潮滩坡度的减小将减弱湾内落潮占优趋势,反之则反。铁港和西沪港潮滩坡度的减小,将增大余流大小及潮能密度,进而潮能耗散增大,反之则反。研究结果对河口海岸潮滩区域的工程建设及生态修复有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

江苏海岸带盐沼潮滩在小尺度下的沉积变化过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在小尺度范围内,潮滩沉积的研究一般都是基于几个站位或断面进行短时日的调查和监测来获取数据,或多或少地存在数据的连续性不足等问题。基于此,本文在潮滩地貌典型的江苏平原海岸选取了约160 000 m2的盐沼潮滩作为研究对象,在多年的野外连续观测下,分析了人类围垦活动对盐沼潮滩沉积过程及变化的影响。结果表明:人类围垦活动(如堤坝建设等)对潮滩沉积和盐沼植被覆盖的变化有重要影响。围垦堤坝修建之前,研究区向陆一侧为盐沼植物(现为养殖池),向海一侧为光滩,岸线形态比较平直。在2006年围垦堤坝修建后,研究区变为“凹岸”型的人工岸线,沉积环境变得更有利于泥沙的淤积。根据2007-2012年对滩面高程的野外观测,在风暴潮的影响下,潮滩最大淤积率高达23 cm/a。盐沼植被在泥沙快速淤积的基础上不断发育生长,盐沼植物覆盖面积不断扩张。同时外部的沙嘴也在不断增长,潮汐风浪侵蚀携带沙嘴外部泥沙进入盐沼滩地,盐沼植物在泥沙的覆盖下,出现萎缩退化,覆盖面积减少,但是对潮滩上的泥沙而言还是不断堆积增厚。柱状样岩芯的粒度垂向剖面特征也记录了盐沼潮滩沉积环境的变化。小尺度下盐沼潮滩沉积表现出的阶段性变化规律,揭示出合理的围垦活动有利于堤坝前的潮滩淤积和盐沼植被的扩张。  相似文献   

本文基于船载及锚定ADCP、CTD观测,获得了大、小潮时的温度、盐度、浊度、潮位、流速等观测数据,研究杭州湾南部的一个主要弯曲航道——螺头水道内的潮流动力学特性。螺头水道水深超过100 m、最大潮差大于2.5 m。涨潮时,强潮流速出现在水道北岸,落潮时,强潮流速出现在水道南岸,最大流速值分别为约2 m/s和1.8 m/s。受压强梯度、密度梯度、科氏力和离心力影响,涨落潮过渡时在水道的横断面产生较为明显的环流。夏季存在较弱的层化现象,深水处受环流的影响,盐度、温度的混合较强。锚定观测数据表明,温度、盐度的变化频率与潮流的变化频率相似,但存在高于M2分潮频率的谱峰值。因此,笔者认为潮流与横向环流的相互作用,可能导致更高频率的盐度和温度变化。  相似文献   

长江口南支涨潮槽新桥水道冲淤变化的定量计算   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
根据1861~2002年100多年中的15幅海图资料,以GIS技术为支持,建立不同时期长江口水下数字高程模型(DEM),对长江河口南支涨潮槽新桥水道进行了冲淤变化的定量计算,并对比计算了多年来新桥水道0m岸线和5m等深线以及横断面的演变.计算结果显示在所研究的区域内自1861年以来新桥水道冲淤过程明显被分为三个阶段:1861~1926年的66a间新桥水道区域经过一段时间的冲刷后又重新产生淤积,总容积变化不大;1926~1958年的33a间新桥水道在不断的冲刷中总容积由2.603亿m3增长到5.076亿m3;1958年至今的45a时间里水道容积基本保持在平均5.02亿m3.1926年新桥水道10m等深线已经形成一定的格局.1947年5m等深线向上延伸,扁担沙已经不再与崇明岛相连;1958年上下扁担沙的5m等深线基本连成一体,可以认为此时新桥水道已经形成.从新桥水道的横断面变化来看,其主泓不断发生变化,主泓经历了向北移的过程,移动约为1.1~2.8km.  相似文献   

为研究防潮闸启闭与跨水工程建设对河口地区水流泥沙运动状态的影响,以河口近闸跨水工程为背景,建立了以Godunov格式有限体积法为基础的二维浅水流动数学模型和基于固液二相流理论的二维水流泥沙数学模型,并以实测资料进行必要验证,结果较为吻合。在此基础上,建立了永定新河河口区域二维水沙数值模型,将该模型应用于滨海新区Z4线一期跨河工程段的水沙分析,并对工程建设后永定新河河口水流泥沙运动的变化趋势进行预报。结果表明永定新河河口二维全沙模型较为可靠,可为河口近闸跨水工程的相关分析提供研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

为全面剖析淤泥质潮滩变化规律及演变特征,运用修改后的输沙公式建立了淤泥质潮滩演变数值模型。经2000,2007年野外实测数据验证,表明该模型各参数设置准确,较真实地反演了滩涂剖面变化过程,可用于淤泥质潮滩的模拟计算。根据数值模型计算结果得出如下结论:1987-2010年河北省沧州市淤泥质潮滩坡度不断增大,但增长速率变化不大,为0.002×10-3。0 m等深线上部坡度逐渐变缓,年均降低0.021×10-3;下部坡度不断变陡,年均增长0.022×10-3。研究区潮滩未达平衡状态,其坡度将进一步变陡。该输沙模型及研究结论对淤泥质潮滩的保护具有重要的理论指导意义,为其科学开发管理提供实际参考依据。  相似文献   

本文根据《全国海洋能资源区划技术规定》的要求,首先对浙江及长江口区沿岸潮流流速在2.5kn以上的港湾、水道进行了潮流能资源调查研究,并在查明该区潮流能资源蕴藏量及分布的基础上,为潮流能的开发利用提供了科学依据。此外,本文对潮流能资源开发利用的现状及今后开发研究问题提出了一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

三门湾猫头深潭及附近海域底床冲淤演变及其动力机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1995年采自三门湾猫头深潭及附近海域的原状土样的沉积结构、沉积速率的计算及在历史海图地形对比、剖面重复水深测量等结果进行了分析,研究了该区底床的冲淤演变及其动力机制,结果表明:强劲的水动力条件维持了三门湾猫头深潭及附近海域底床冲淤的动态平衡,近百年来该区冲淤平衡且略有淤积,平均沉积速率为1~3cm/a。由于水体中的悬沙浓度和水动力条件存在季节性差异,使得底床存在冬、春季微淤,夏、秋季微冲的季节性循环。近30年来,围涂等频繁的人为活动使该区内湾纳潮面积和纳潮量分别减少了15%和22%,削弱了落潮优势流,造成深潭中心出现了较快的淤积,平均沉积速率超过10cm/a,且以风暴残留沉积为主。  相似文献   

河口地貌形态对潮汐不对称性的产生和发展有着至关重要的作用。本文根据英国Humber河口数据建立了概化模型,研究了在同一纳潮量情况下,主槽断面形态、平面形态和河口收缩率对河口潮汐不对称性的影响。结果表明,较深的主槽能使相位差峰值出现较晚且峰值更大,从而影响局部区域的涨潮流强弱,主槽越浅,最大落潮流速越小,落潮所需历时越长,河口更倾向于涨潮主导,窄潮滩倾向于涨潮主导型,宽潮滩倾向于落潮主导型;平面形态沿程收缩且长度较长的河口涨潮主导型最强,此外,河口宽度沿程缩窄会加大主槽的余流流速,减小潮滩的余流流速;随着河口平面收缩率的增强,主槽的余流流速减小,潮滩余流流速增大,潮滩更倾向于涨潮主导。本文进一步丰富了河口地形地貌变化对潮汐不对称性影响的认识,可为河口区工程建设和管理维护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为研究感潮河段温排水的扩散规律及其与地形地貌的响应关系,建立了二维温排水数学模型,模拟了不同径流量条件下小清河下游感潮河段及河口外海域温排水扩散影响,以期对滨海电厂建设和温排水扩散研究提供借鉴。研究表明,针对小清河感潮河段弯曲、河道狭窄、河口两侧潮滩宽阔的特点,采用三角形与矩形网格嵌套的方法,能够更为准确地拟合实际岸线和地形地貌特征;采用动边界处理方法能较好地反映河口潮滩潮流场和温排水扩散特征。受小清河河口地形地貌的影响,温排水主要沿河口向上游或下游扩散,水深浅于–3 m温排水扩散面积占总面积的70%以上;小清河口外海域和取水口温升与潮位和径流量之间存在一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

To explore the influences of semi-lunar spring and neap tidal changes on nitrogen cycling in intertidal sediments, a comparative study among waterlogged, desiccated and reflooded systems was carried out in August 2005 and February 2006 by analyzing nitrification, denitrification and N2O depth profiles in the intertidal flats of the Yangtze estuary. Laboratory experiments showed that alternating emersion and inundation resulted in the significant changes in nitrification and denitrification rates in the intertidal sediment systems. Due to the desiccation-related effects, lowest nitrification and denitrification rates were observed in the desiccated sediment cores. Highest nitrification and denitrification rates were however detected in the waterlogged and reflooded systems, respectively. It is hypothesized that the highest nitrification rates in the waterlogged sediments were mainly attributed to higher nitrifier numbers and NH4+ being more available, whereas the availability of NO3 might dominate denitrification in the reflooded sediments. In addition, the highest N2O concentrations were detected in the reflooded sediment cores, and the lowest found in the dried sediment cores. It was also shown that N2O in the intertidal sediments was mainly from nitrification under the desiccated condition. In contrast, N2O in the intertidal sediments was produced mainly via denitrification under the waterlogged and reflooded conditions. It is therefore concluded that the semi-lunar tidal cycle has a significant influence on nitrification, denitrification and N2O production in the intertidal sediment systems.  相似文献   

收集了近年来鳌江口附近海域多个工程不同阶段5个潮位站的3~5年潮位实测数据和部分海流实测资料,通过对鳌江口附近海域的不同年份的水位资料进行潮汐调和常数分析,鳌江近海海域主要为半日潮区,其中M2分潮的振幅在170 cm~193 cm;迟角在260°~280°之间,这些站的2007年、2010年、2011年调和常数分析结果相比,主要的半日分潮M2、S2、N2,全日分潮K1、O1及浅水分潮M4、MS4、及M6等分潮振幅、迟角的最大变化分别在1.8 cm~4.4 cm和3°~7°之间。在初步掌握了鳌江口潮汐潮流特征的基础上,采用无结构的三角形网格和有限体积法的FVCOM海洋数值模型,进行模拟结果验证,计算结果与实测数据符合良好。构建重点年份建设工程合拢产生新的岸线水深的潮汐潮流场,刻画鳌江口建设工程的叠加影响。  相似文献   

垂向二维潮流数值模型及其在长江口北槽的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用变网格有限元方法,采用任意四边形等参单元,离散横向积分的Navier—Stokes方程,建立河口潮流垂向二维数学模型。应用此模型,对长江口北槽水域两个观测站的潮流水位、流速垂线分布和整个北槽潮流流速纵向分布进行了模拟。潮流水位、流速垂线分布的模拟值分别与观测站的实测值可以较为吻合,证明了本文模型的实用有效。模拟得到的涨急、落急时刻整个北槽潮流流速纵向分布给出了定性的结果。  相似文献   

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