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Measurements on drop size were made in cumulus clouds over Pune (inland region) during the summer monsoon seasons. In this paper, the measurements of the cloud drop spectra made in non-raining clouds at different levels and for different thickness have been studied. Also, those on the days with rain and with no rain (the rain being observed within the clouds) have been compared. The average spectra broadened with height. The concentration of drops >50 μm (NL), liquid water content (LWC), mean volume diameter (MVD) and dispersion increased with height. The concentration of drops <20 μm (NS) and total concentration (NT) decreased with height. The spectra were broader, while NS and NT are smaller and the other parameters are greater for thicker clouds as compared to those for thinner. The spectra were broader, while NS and NT are smaller and the other parameters are greater on the days with rain with respect to those on the days with no rain. The distributions were bimodal at higher levels, for thicker clouds and on the days with rain, while they were unimodal at lower levels, for thinner clouds and on the days with no rain. The variations of the cloud drop spectra, preceding rain, at initial stage of rain and following rain are discussed.  相似文献   

In November 1993 an airborne field study was performed in order to investigate the microphysical and radiative properties of cooling tower water clouds initiated by water vapour emissions and polluted by the exhaust from coal-fired power plants. The number-median diameter of the droplet size distributions of these artificial clouds was in the range of 13 μm. The concentration of smaller droplets (diameters dD < 10 μm) increased with height and horizontal distance from the cooling towers. Close to the cooling towers, bimodal spectra were found with a second mode at 19 μm. The liquid water content (LWC) ranged between 2 and 5 g/m3 and effective droplet radii (Re) between 6 and 9 μm were measured. LWC and Re decreased with altitude, whereas the droplet concentration (ND) remained approximately constant (about 2000 cm−3 ). An enrichment of interstitial aerosol particles with particle diameters (dp) smaller 0.2 μm compared to the power plant plume in the vicinity of the clouds was observed. Particle activation for dm > 0.3 μm. was evident, especially in cooling tower clouds further apart and separated from their sources. Furthermore, radiation measurements were performed, which revealed differences in the vertical profiles of downwelling solar and UV radiation flux densities inside the clouds.The effective droplet radius Re was parameterized in terms of LWC and ND using equations known from literature. The close agreement between measured and parameterized Re indicates a similar coupling of Re, LWC and ND as in natural clouds.By means of Mie calculations, volume scattering coefficients and asymmetry factors are derived for both the cloud droplets and the aerosol particles. For the cloud droplets, the optical parameters were described by parameterizations from the literature. The results show, that the link between radiative and microphysical properties of natural clouds is not changed by the extreme pollution of the artificial clouds.  相似文献   

The comparison between the precipitable water vapor w obtained by classical sounding and that obtained by high resolution measurements of spectral solar direct irradiance in the 400–1000 nm spectral range is shown. Three different water vapor absorption functions in the πστ band are used to determine the water vapor w by optical measurements. An episode of attenuation of direct solar irradiance by cirrus clouds is also shown.  相似文献   

Among anthropogenic perturbations of the Earths atmosphere, greenhouse gases and aerosols are considered to have a major impact on the energy budget through their impact on radiative fluxes. We use three ensembles of simulations with the LMDZ general circulation model to investigate the radiative impacts of five species of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC-11 and CFC-12) and sulfate aerosols for the period 1930–1989. Since our focus is on the atmospheric changes in clouds and radiation from greenhouse gases and aerosols, we prescribed sea-surface temperatures in these simulations. Besides the direct impact on radiation through the greenhouse effect and scattering of sunlight by aerosols, strong radiative impacts of both perturbations through changes in cloudiness are analysed. The increase in greenhouse gas concentration leads to a reduction of clouds at all atmospheric levels, thus decreasing the total greenhouse effect in the longwave spectrum and increasing absorption of solar radiation by reduction of cloud albedo. Increasing anthropogenic aerosol burden results in a decrease in high-level cloud cover through a cooling of the atmosphere, and an increase in the low-level cloud cover through the second aerosol indirect effect. The trend in low-level cloud lifetime due to aerosols is quantified to 0.5 min day–1 decade–1 for the simulation period. The different changes in high (decrease) and low-level (increase) cloudiness due to the response of cloud processes to aerosols impact shortwave radiation in a contrariwise manner, and the net effect is slightly positive. The total aerosol effect including the aerosol direct and first indirect effects remains strongly negative.  相似文献   

The role of clouds in photodissociation is examined by both modelling and observations. It is emphasized that the photodissociation rate is proportional to the actinic flux rather than to the irradiance. The actinic flux concerns the energy that is incident on a molecule, irrespective of the direction of incidence. The irradiance concerns the energy that is incident on a plane.As far as the modelling aspect is concerned, a multi-layer delta-Eddington model is used to calculate irradiances, actinic fluxes, and photodissociation rates of nitrogen dioxide J(NO2) as a function of height in inhomogeneous atmospheres. For the considered wavelength interval [290–420 nm], Rayleigh scattering, ozone absorption, and Mie scattering and absorption by cloud drops and aerosols should be taken into account.Further, a three-layer model is used to calculate the actinic flux above and below a cloud, relative to the incident flux, in terms of cloud albedo, zenith angle, and the albedo of the underlying and overlying atmosphere. Cloud albedo is mainly determined by cloud optical thickness. An expression for the incloud actinic flux is given as a function of in-cloud optical thickness. The three-layer model seems to be a useful model for the estimation of photodissociation rates in dispersion models.It is stressed that both models in their present form cannot handle partial cloudiness.It is shown that if no clouds are present, the actinic flux depends primarily on solar zenith angle. Further, the incident flux at the top of the atmosphere diminishes downward into the atmosphere due to the increasing effect of scattering. Therefore, the actinic flux usually increases with height, although above clouds the actinic flux sometimes decreases with height due to a large contribution of the upward scattered light.For cloudy atmospheres, another important parameter with respect to the actinic flux is added: cloud optical thickness. Cloud optical thickness determines cloud albedo. It can be shown that incloud characteristics and cloud height are less important while describing the effect of a cloud on the actinic flux (outside the cloud). The in-cloud values of the actinic flux can exceed the values outside the cloud.Finally, using the photostationary state relationship, a comparison is performed between model results and ground-based measurements as well as in-cloud air craft measurements.  相似文献   

The role of clouds in photodissociation is examined by both modeling and observations. It is emphasized that the photodissociation rate is proportional to the actinic flux rather than to the irradiance. (The actinic flux concerns the energy that is incident on a molecule, irrespective of the direction of incidence. The irradiance concerns the energy that is incident on a plane.) A 3-layer model is used to calculate the actinic flux above and below a cloud, relative to the incident flux, in terms of cloud albedo, zenith angle and the albedo of the underlying and overlying atmosphere. Cloud albedo is mainly determined by cloud optical thickness. An expression for the in-cloud actinic flux is given as a function of in-cloud optical thickness. The 3-layer model seems to be an useful model for estimation of photodissociation rates in dispersion models. Further, a multi-layer delta-Eddington model is used to calculate irradiances, actinic fluxes and photodissociation rates of nitrogen dioxide J(NO2) as a function of height in inhomogeneous atmospheres. For the considered wavelength interval [290–420 nm], Rayleigh scattering, ozone absorption and Mie scattering and absorption by cloud drops and aerosols should be taken into account. It is stressed that both models are one-dimensional and as such are unable to deal with partial cloudiness. It is shown that if no clouds are present, the actinic flux depends primarily on the solar zenith angle. The actinic flux usually increases with height. For cloudy atmospheres, another important parameter with respect to the actinic flux is added: cloud optical thickness, which determines cloud albedo. It can be shown that in-cloud characteristics and cloud height are less important in describing the effect of a cloud on the actinic flux (outside the cloud). The in-cloud values of the actinic flux can exceed the values outside the cloud. Finally, using the photostationary state relationship, good agreement is found between model results and aircraft measurements.  相似文献   

In a first attempt to assess a proposed climatic change feedback process involving cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and cloud albedo, CCN concentrations N as a function of supersaturation S were measured on a voyage from latitude 43 to 65°S in October–November 1988. The usual relationship N=CSk, with k=0.5 and C a constant was a fair apprraximation for S in the range 0.3–0.7% implying that CCN concentrations should largely determine cloud drop concentrations and hence albedo for clouds with S in that range. South of latitude 50°S and at smaller S,k was 1 or larger on average, which would lead to reduced dependence of albedo on CCN for the relevant clouds. N varied very widely for separations of the order of 100 km or 6 hours in time, particularly when the sea was partly ice-covered, suggesting strong local influences. During a large increase in N 60°S, unaccompanied by an increase in condensation nuclei (CN), cloud drops grew more rapidly than usual. In a subsidiary experiment particles were collected and examined by transmission electron microscopy. For particles less than 0.2 μm diameter, 80–90% appeared to consist of ammonium sulfate, the remainder being sea salt or an unknown substance which was more liquid and heat-resistant. Dialysis showed that the sulfate particles contained a few percent of insoluble material. Particles which formed cloud drops in vapours other water, were also studied. Comparison of these and water CCN and the rates of droplet suggested that the water insoluble portion of the particles was ethanol-soluble and surface-active. CN concentrations decreased by a factor of about 2 between 43 and 65°S, a change closely paralleled by ethanol CCN concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper aims at characterizing how different key cloud properties (cloud fraction, cloud vertical distribution, cloud reflectance, a surrogate of the cloud optical depth) vary as a function of the others over the tropical oceans. The correlations between the different cloud properties are built from 2?years of collocated A-train observations (CALIPSO-GOCCP and MODIS) at a scale close to cloud processes; it results in a characterization of the physical processes in tropical clouds, that can be used to better understand cloud behaviors, and constitute a powerful tool to develop and evaluate cloud parameterizations in climate models. First, we examine a case study of shallow cumulus cloud observed simultaneously by the two sensors (CALIPSO, MODIS), and develop a methodology that allows to build global scale statistics by keeping the separation between clear and cloudy areas at the pixel level (250, 330?m). Then we build statistical instantaneous relationships between the cloud cover, the cloud vertical distribution and the cloud reflectance. The vertical cloud distribution indicates that the optically thin clouds (optical thickness <1.5) dominate the boundary layer over the trade wind regions. Optically thick clouds (optical thickness >3.4) are composed of high and mid-level clouds associated with deep convection along the ITCZ and SPCZ and over the warm pool, and by stratocumulus low level clouds located along the East coast of tropical oceans. The cloud properties are analyzed as a function of the large scale circulation regime. Optically thick high clouds are dominant in convective regions (CF?>?80?%), while low level clouds with low optical thickness (<3.5) are present in regimes of subsidence but in convective regimes as well, associated principally to low cloud fractions (CF?<?50?%). A focus on low-level clouds allows us to quantify how the cloud optical depth increases with cloud top altitude and with cloud fraction.  相似文献   

Summary Two UV-Biometer 501A instruments were used to estimate global erythemal irradiance at two locations in southwest Sweden; the Earth Sciences Centre, University of G?teborg (57.69° N; 11.92° E) and the island of Nordkoster, 200 km to the north (58.83° N; 10.72° E). A semi-empirical radiative transfer model was used to calculate the global erythemally effective irradiance under clear skies. A ratio of the hourly measured to clear-sky modelled irradiance was then derived for zenith angles 35–70°. Subsequent comparisons were then made with routine measurements of sunshine duration at G?teborg and sunshine duration, cloud cover, type and height at Nordkoster. Cloud transmission of UV-B irradiance decreases with increasing solar zenith angle, with cloud attenuation being 8% stronger at Nordkoster Island for zenith angles >>;60°. Transmission also decreases with increasing cloud cover such that overcast cloud conditions reduce transmissions by an average of 75%. In addition, cloud type affects the amount of ground incident irradiant flux. Fractus cloud afforded the least UV-B transmission (0.16), while cirrus filaments afforded the most (0.95). The spatial and temporal distribution of clouds appears tobe non-random. Under conditions of 1 to 3 octas, sky cover, clouds appear to be concentrated in line with the sensor and Sun on more occasions than that expected given a random cloud distribution. The same cloud cover condition also resulted in many instances of ground incident irradiance above clear-sky values. The presence of cumuliform clouds appears to increase the likelihood of the latter phenomena. Received January 4, 1998  相似文献   

The chemistry of cloud multiphase systems was studied within the Kleiner Feldberg Cloud Experiment 1990. The clouds encountered during this experimental campaign could be divided into two categories according to the origin of air masses in which the clouds formed. From the chemical point of view, clouds passing the sampling site during the first period of the campaign (26 October-4 November) were characterized by lower pollutant loading and higher pH, as compared to clouds during the final period of the experimental campaign (10–13 November). The study of multiphase partitioning of the main chemical constituents of the cloud systems and of atmospheric acidity within the multiphase systems themselves (gas + interstitial aerosol + liquid droplets) are presented in this paper. A general lack of gaseous NH3 was found in these cloud systems, which caused a lack of buffer capacity toward acid addition. Evidence supports the hypothesis that the higher acidity of the cloud systems during this final period of the campaign was due to input of HNO3. Our measurements, however, could not determine whether the observed input was due to scavenging of gaseous HNO3 from the air feeding into the cloud, or to heterogeneous HNO3 formation via NO2 oxidation by O3 to NO3 and N2O5. Sulfate in cloud droplets mainly originated from aerosol SO 4 2– scavenging, since S(IV) to S(VI) liquid phase conversion was inhibited due to both lack of H2O2 and low pH of cloud droplets, which made O3 and metal catalyzed S(IV) oxidation inefficient.  相似文献   

Research flights in November 1990 over the central parts of the United States, Wyoming and Colorado, were aimed to the investigation of the properties and microstructure of cirrus clouds (mainly cirrocumulus lenticularis). Among the other parameters measured on board the NCAR Saberliner were the concentration and size distribution of submicron particles and, in some cases, the particle deliquescence. For coarse insoluble particles found inside and outside of cloud elements, size distributions and morphology information were obtained by evaluating inertial impactor samples with an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the coarse particle composition was determined by x-ray energy spectrum analysis. The following conclusions from these measurements are:The large and coarse particle size distribution can be roughly simulated by a log-normal function with the modus around r=0.5 μm. Particle concentrations are very variable between several tenths and several particles per cm3. Particle volume distribution features a distinct maximum around 0.75 μm without a broad plateau which was observed in the case of sampling at lower altitude. Aerosol composition heterogeneity at cirrus cloud level is well documented by the evaluation of the fine particle sampling taken with the UMR sampling system. This heterogeneity can be partly explained by the interaction between aerosol and cloud elements, which is documented by the measured particle size distribution curves inside and outside of cloud elements. Assuming that particle deliquescence is caused by H2SO4 and/or by (NH4)2SO4, particle soluble mass fractions were found to be around 30% in the first case and about 40% in the second. The most frequently occurring elements in large and coarse particles at cirrus cloud level were Si, Cl, Ba, S, Ca and C.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of flat and bumpy top, fractional and internally inhomogeneous cloud layers on large area-averaged thermal radiative fluxes. Inhomogeneous clouds are generated by a new stochastic model: the tree-driven mass accumulation process (tdMAP). This model is able to provide stratocumulus and cumulus cloud fields with properties close to those observed in real clouds. A sensitivity study of cloud parameters is done by analyzing differences between 3D fluxes simulated by the spherical harmonic discrete ordinate method and three “standard” models likely to be used in general circulation models: plane-parallel homogeneous cloud model (PPH), PPH with fractional cloud coverage model (FCPPH) and independent pixel approximation model (IPA). We show that thermal fluxes are strong functions of fractional cloud coverage, mean optical depth, mean geometrical thickness and cloud base altitude. Fluctuations of “in-cloud” horizontal variability in optical depth and cloud-top bumps have negligible effects in the whole. We also showed that PPH, FCPPH and IPA models are not suitable to compute thermal fluxes of flat top fractional inhomogeneous cloud layer, except for completely overcast cloud. This implies that horizontal transport of photon at thermal wavelengths is important when cloudy cells are separated by optically thin regions.  相似文献   

Aqueous concentrations of ionic species observed in cloud water studies often have been in conflict with expectations from model predictions. These inconsistencies result from the size-dependent chemical composition of cloud drops during different stages in the lifetime of a cloud. To study this phenomenon, droplets of clouds need to be collected in different size ranges with high resolution in space and time. The only possibility for this kind of study is the use of an aircraft. Therefore, during the last several years, an attempt was made to develop a mobile cascade impactor, which can be installed outside an aircraft. The cloud water sampled in different size fractions can be transferred into the interior of the aircraft during the measuring flight. The collector is able to sample two size fractions. For continental clouds, the cutoffs are chosen to be >5 and >13.5 μm in diameter. For maritime clouds, the cutoff for the first stage could be shifted to 18.6 μm by lowering the nozzle speed. Prior to field application, the collector was characterized with the aid of “calibration fogs” produced in the laboratory with different drop sizes and different chemical compositions. The characterization included the examination of the cutoffs and the reliability of the sampling procedure with regard to the subsequent chemical analysis. With a collection period of 2 min, collection rates in the order of 0.1–1 cm3 min−1 can be obtained. The collector characterized in this manner was successfully used during measuring flights in clouds over northern Germany. Preliminary concentrations of NH4+, SO42− and Cl found in the two size fractions of the cloud drops are presented.  相似文献   

Influence of drizzle on ZM relationships in warm clouds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the sensitivity of the relationships between radar reflectivity (Z) and liquid water content (M) for liquid water clouds to microphysical drizzle parameters by means of simulated radar observation at a frequency of 3 GHz of modeled cumulus clouds. A power law relationship for non drizzling clouds with water content as high as 3 gm− 3: Zc = 0.026 Mc1.61 is numerically derived and agreed with previous empirical relationships relative to cumulus and stratocumulus. This relationship is then used to explore the influence of drizzle on the correlation between radar reflectively and water content. Due to their large diameters with respect to cloud droplets, drizzle sized drops dominate radar reflectivity but do not carry the cloud water content so that reflectivity and liquid water content are expected to be not correlated in clouds containing drizzle. It is shown that for congestus or extreme congestus cumuli, microphysical conditions for which the ZcMc relationship can be used with a tolerance of 5 and 10% are provided whereas for humilis or mediocris cumuli, the presence of drizzle breaks down the ZcMc relationship whatever the situations.  相似文献   

Millimeter-wavelength radar has proved to be an effective instrument for cloud observation and research. In this study, 8-mm-wavelength cloud radar (MMCR) with Doppler and polarization capabilities was used to investigate cloud dynamics in China for the first time. Its design, system specifications, calibration, and application in measuring clouds associated with typhoon are discussed in this article. The cloud radar measurements of radar reflectivity (Z), Doppler velocity (Vr), velocity spectrum width (Sw) and the depolar-ization ratio (LDR) at vertical incidence were used to analyze the microphysical and dynamic processes of the cloud system and precipitation associated with Typhoon Nuri, which occurred in southern China in August 2008. The results show the reflectivity observed using MMCR to be consistent with the echo height and the melting-layer location data obtained by the nearby China S-band new-generation weather radar (SA), but the Ka-band MMCR provided more detailed structural information about clouds and weak precipitation data than did the SA radar. The variation of radar reflectivity and LDR in vertical structure reveals the transformation of particle phase from ice to water. The vertical velocity and velocity spectrum width of MMCR observations indicate an updraft and strong turbulence in the stratiform cloud layer. MMCR provides a valuable new technology for meteorological research in China.  相似文献   

Broadband solar irradiance data obtained in the spectral range 400–940 nm at Kwangju, South Korea from 1999–2000 have been analyzed to investigate the effects of cloud cover and atmospheric optical depth on solar radiation components. Results from measurements indicate that the percentage of direct and diffuse horizontal components of solar irradiance depend largely on total optical depth (TOD) and cloud cover. During summer and spring, the percentages of diffuse solar irradiance relative to the global irradiance were 5.0% and 4.9% as compared to 2.2% and 3.0% during winter and autumn. The diffuse solar irradiance is higher than the direct in spring and summer by 24.2%, and 40.6%, respectively, which may largely be attributed to the attenuation (scattering) of radiation by heavy dust pollution and large cloud amount. In cloud-free conditions with cloud cover ≤2/10, the fraction of the direct and diffuse components were 66.0% and 34.0%, respectively, with a mean daily global irradiance value of 7.92±2.91 MJ m−2 day−1. However, under cloudy conditions (with cloud cover ≥8/10), the diffuse and direct fractions were 97.9% and 2.2% of the global component, respectively. The annual mean TOD under cloudless conditions (cloud cover≤2/10) yields 0.74±0.33 and increased to as much as 3.15±0.67 under cloudy conditions with cloud amount ≥8/10. An empirical formula is derived for estimating the diffuse and direct components of horizontal solar irradiance by considering the total atmospheric optical depth (TOD). Results from statistical models are shown for the estimation of solar irradiance components as a function of TOD with sufficient accuracy as indicated by low standard error for each solar zenith angle (SZA).  相似文献   

The relationship between SO2 emissions and the effective particle radius of low-level water clouds (re) over China was investigated to determine anthropogenic effects on clouds. Sulfur dioxide emission values were obtained from a statistical inventory, and re origins were retrieved by satellite remote sensing on a 0.5° grid. Comparisons between annual mean SO2 emissions and re showed generally decreasing re values, explained by the Twomey effect. The existence of the Twomey effect is supported by comparisons with simulated aerosol optical depths. Results further suggest that clouds over land show sensitivity to the Twomey effect as well as clouds over the ocean.  相似文献   

Based on 1-year cloud measurements with radar and microwave radiometer broadband solar radiative transfer simulations were performed to quantify the impact of different ice crystal shapes of Arctic mixed-phase clouds on their radiative properties (reflectance, transmittance and absorptance). The ice crystal shape effects were investigated as a function of microphysical cloud properties (ice volume fraction fi, ice and liquid water content IWC and LWC, mean particle diameter DmI and DmW of ice/water particle number size distributions, NSDs).The required NSDs were statistically derived from radar data. The NSD was composed of a liquid and a solid mode defined by LWC, DmW (water mode) and IWC, DmI (ice mode). It was found that the ratio of DmI and DmW determines the magnitude of the shape effect. For mixed-phase clouds with DmI ≤ 27 μm a significant shape effect was obtained. The shape effect was almost insensitive with regard to the solar zenith angle, but highly sensitive to the ice volume fraction of the mixed-phase cloud. For mixed-phase clouds containing small ice crystals (DmI ≤ 27 μm) and high ice volume fractions (fi > 0.5) crystal shape is crucial. The largest shape effects were observed assuming aggregates and columns. If the IWC was conserved the shape effect reaches values up to 0.23 in cloud reflectance and transmittance. If the ice mode NSD was kept constant only a small shape effect was quantified (≤ 0.04).  相似文献   

A spectral approach is applied to shear-induced turbulence in stratified layers. A system of spectral equations for stationary balance of turbulent energy and temperature variances was deduced in the vicinity of the local shear scale LU = (ε/UZ3)1/2. At wavenumbers between the inertial-convective (k−5/3) and wak turbulence (k−3) subranges, additional narrow spectral intervals—‘production’ subranges—may appear (E k−1, ET k−2). The upper boundary of these subranges is determined as LU, and the lower boundaries as LR (ε/UZN2)1/2(χ/TZ2). It is shown that the scale LU is a unique spectral scale that is uniform up to a constant value for every hydrophysical field. It appears that the spectral scale LU is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh for the active turbulence model. Therefore, if turbulent patches are generated in a background of permanent mean shear, a linear relation between temperature and mass diffusivities exists. In spectral terms, the fossil turbulence model corresponds to the regime of the Boldgiano-Obukhov buoyancy subrange (E k−11/5, ET k−7/5). During decay the buoyancy subrange is expanded to lower and higher wavenumbers. At lower wavenumbers the buoyancy subrange is bounded by L** = 3(χ1/2/N1/2TZ), which is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh. In such a transition regime only, when the viscous dissipation rate is removed from the set of main turbulence parameters, the Thorpe scale does not correlate with the buoyancy scale LN ε1/2/N3/2 and fossil turbulence is realized. Oceanic turbulence measurements in the equatorial Pacific near Baker Island confirm the main ideas of the active and fossil turbulence models.  相似文献   

Values of downward and upward flux densities of solar and terrestrial radiation were continuously recorded between 1 December 2001 and 30 November 2002 using a four-components radiometer at S. Pietro Capofiume (SPC) in northern Italy (44°39′N, 11°37′E, alt. 11 m a.m.s.l.), which is characterized by a weakly-reflective surface. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of clouds on surface radiation balance (SRB); the cloud fraction (N) has been retrieved through the inverted form of the parameterization proposed by Kasten and Czeplak [Solar Energy 24 (1980) 177] and cloud types estimated following the methodology of Duchon and O'Malley [J. Appl. Meteorol. 38 (1999) 132]. The cloud radiative forcing (CRF) was evaluated through the Bintanja and Van den Broeke [Int. J. Climatol. 16 (1996) 1281] formula and then associated with cloud type. Experimental results showed that during the measuring period the net shortwave (Sw) balance always decreased with increasing N, whereas the net longwave (Lw) balance increased in all seasons. The net radiation available at the surface decreased with increasing N in all seasons except in winter, where no significant dependency was detected.The analysis of the cloud radiative forcing indicates that all seasons were characterized by a net cooling of the surface except winter, where clouds seem to have no effects on the surface warming or cooling. Taking into account the dependence on solar radiation cycle, an intercomparison between the retrieved cloud types seems to indicate that the effect of stratus was a slight cooling whereas that of cumulus clouds was a stronger cooling of the surface. On the contrary, cirrus clouds seem to have slight warming effect on the surface.The annual trends of mean monthly values of shortwave and longwave radiation balances confirmed that the measurement site is characterized by a temperate climate. Moreover, in spite of the cooling effect of clouds, a monthly radiative energy surplus is available all year long for surface–atmosphere energy exchanges. The analysis is also instrumental for the detection of SRB variations.  相似文献   

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